Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 34 min ago

Delay could not be permitted.

Not with what was at stake. It was strange, seeing all of this from the other side now. Fully understanding why Yuyuko-sama, even if it was another Yuyuko-sama, had to be stopped.

Nevertheless, that was the task ahead of her. In a way, even though it was acting against another possibility's Yuyuko-sama, it was acting in service of her.

To prevent her from making a terrible, costly mistake.

Youmu didn't speak. Her hand found Roukanken's hilt as she began to move forward without another word. She knew exactly what she needed to do, and that was quite simply to defeat the Prismriver sisters as swiftly as possible.

Lyrica was nearest, and so, drawing her blade and moving at the same time, Youmu made to strike her down as swiftly as possible, to remove her as an obstacle without the slightest delay. The faster that each of the poltergeist musicians was knocked out, the faster that she could move on!

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

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Human Village (Alt)

Koishi's cry out to whoever was laughing was only met with silence, as if mocking her attempts to reach out to them; given the circumstances and what they were doing, though, that much was probably to be expected. Doing something similar within the Human Village itself would elicit a different reaction; though there was a brief silence as there had been earlier, calling for the owner of the now-abandoned fruit stand would be responded to with a knife flying past Koishi's face and into the mist. It had not grazed her, of course, but it was clear that the intent behind it was not particularly kind in nature.

"...Oh, another youkai?" came a voice from the fog as a silver-haired maid stepped forward towards the satori, her eyes sharp as she glanced around for a moment before focusing on her. "I'm in the middle of something, so if you'll excuse me..."

Of course, the knives in her hand and the way she was glaring at the person in her way said more than her mask of politeness did.

@Fractured@Raineh Daze@RolePlayerRoxas

The Netherworld (Alt)

Lyrica was, obviously, caught completely off guard as Youmu slashed out at her, and though she managed to just barely block the attack with her keyboard, being launched into the gate of the Netherworld with such force caused her to slam into it and begin to fall to the earth. The other two sisters, clearly surprised by the sudden appearance of their benefactor's servant lashing out at them, looked at each other for a moment in complete shock before angrily shouting at the half-ghost gardener.

"What's the big idea?!" Merlin shouted, waving her arms at Youmu as Lunasa flew down to catch the falling Lyrica. "You call us out here to perform, and after making us wait here for days, you attack us out of the blue?!"

Before she could continue her rant, though, Tenshi (with a wide smile on her face) flew in and brought her sword down from above onto Merlin's head, only to be blocked in turn by Lunasa's violin.

"Oh? That was rather fast," the celestial said, smiling as she pushed off of the instrument as she moved to Youmu's side. "I'll handle the one in white, okay?"

And without waiting for a response, Tenshi flew forward again, her sword clashing with Merlin's trumpet as Lunasa was left carrying Lyrica in her arms.

"You know, I'm not just going to let this go unanswered," the last Prismriver sister said, her violin drawn to her side as she stared at Youmu. "If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you'll get!"

With that, the violinist began to fly around, shooting danmaku bullets at Youmu as she and her violin darted around the cloud-covered sky.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Fractured
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Fractured Delta Jingo - Merge

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Koishi's eyes followed path of the knife as it whizzed by her face, almost too close for comfort. Was that aimed at her? Dizzied by the close call, Koishi stumbled to her right and tried to regain her step.

Ah! Do—... Are you, is everything okay?? Whatever's going on, I think it could use less of the sharp and more words instead.

Koishi took a handful of ginger steps toward the seemingly-human maid. Her white outfit and frilly accessories made her look almost like an albino lioness, armed to the teeth with her pointy daggers. Mist-world or not, those looked like they'd hurt as much as the thorn bushes in the Palace, something Koishi was personally familiar with and did not want to experience again. But still, that wasn't the fault of the thorn bushes, and the close-call couldn't have been the fault of the dagger. In both cases, it was up to her to make sure she didn't get hurt.

Ghostly green vines brimmed with thorns dug into the ground around Koishi. Not enough to seriously threaten the knife-human standing a distance away, but plenty to make Koishi feel a bit more comfortable about the standoff. At the same time, what if she wasn't the only threat in the mist? What if there were others that might launch faster, pointer knives, and actually aim to hit her? Koishi bouncer her head in each direction as paranoia started to set in.

All of you stay back! I don't wanna have to hurt you!
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