It was a warm night when the Cervid star shower lit up the dark. Bright, heavenly bodies moved swiftly across the sky and signaled the passing of spring into summer for the people of Sedaia. For many, from the highest of noblemen to the most humble of peasants, summer was a pleasant and peaceful season. With the transition from winter well over and the year's crops planted, Sedians from all walks of life used the time to perfect their craft, enjoy themselves, or go traveling. The capital of Haydrin's Seat was a particularly popular destination as the country prepared for it's annual Celebration of Kings.
And you too are about to undertake your own journey...
...but it may not be pleasant or peaceful.
And you too are about to undertake your own journey...
...but it may not be pleasant or peaceful.

How the RP Works
The drive of the RP will be in seeing through each individual character's story. Set in the fictional, fantasy world of Sedaia, characters will undertake a journey - meeting and bonding with other player characters along the way, each chasing their own goals. The path each character takes will cross, wind, and run parallel to other character's in unexpected ways.
When a player creates a character, they should be sure to give their character a concrete driving force for their adventure. Do you want to play a bounty hunter chasing her most valuable target yet? A father on the road to find his missing daughter? A merchant out to find the thing that will put his rival out of business for good? A courier tasked with delivering a message of grave importance? There are many possibilities, the most important thing is to create a character you will have fun playing, and whose story you can get invested in.
So how will each character's story play out? Every player in the RP has a say in how each character's story goes. This will be accomplished through gratuitous use of Discord channels. Let's take Player A as an example:
Player A's character is Grunhilda, a young woman looking forward to her marriage in a few week's time. She'd only know her fiance for a short time, but they both seemed to spark an instant connection. Her groom was very specific about the details of the wedding: including that both man and future-wife make their way separately to the base of Mt. Baben for the ceremony. This is where Grunhilda's story begins, on the road to said mountain.
Now, the rest of the RP's participants come in. In a separate Discord channel designed for each character (that excludes said character's player), everyone will pitch ideas about the future of Grunhilda's story.
So let's see. Player A mentioned in Grunhilda's backstory that she and her fiance haven't known each other for that long. Someone suggests maybe she doesn't know him as well as she thinks, and the fiance is a bad dude. Another suggests that when Grunhilda arrives, no one is there at all but there are signs of a struggle. The group together decides they want to go with the "fiance was secretly a bad guy" route. So, why was he a bad guy? One person suggest he belongs to a cult and they plan to sacrifice her. Yet another wonders if we could bring the plot back to Grunhilda herself, maybe she has some secret lineage the fiance wants to cash in on. Checking Grunhilda's CS again, Player A actually mentions that they don't want anything TOO dark for their character. So, tied up to be a ritual sacrifice for an evil cult is ruled out.
Now that we have a rough idea for Grunhilda's story, I will implement it into the RP as the GM. Grunhilda makes it to the meeting point. Her fiance is there, with his gang of bandits. Turns out Grunhilda is part of a once missing branch of an ancient king's family, and there's a reward for anyone that turns members of this family over to the current royal family.
Player A's character is Grunhilda, a young woman looking forward to her marriage in a few week's time. She'd only know her fiance for a short time, but they both seemed to spark an instant connection. Her groom was very specific about the details of the wedding: including that both man and future-wife make their way separately to the base of Mt. Baben for the ceremony. This is where Grunhilda's story begins, on the road to said mountain.
Now, the rest of the RP's participants come in. In a separate Discord channel designed for each character (that excludes said character's player), everyone will pitch ideas about the future of Grunhilda's story.
So let's see. Player A mentioned in Grunhilda's backstory that she and her fiance haven't known each other for that long. Someone suggests maybe she doesn't know him as well as she thinks, and the fiance is a bad dude. Another suggests that when Grunhilda arrives, no one is there at all but there are signs of a struggle. The group together decides they want to go with the "fiance was secretly a bad guy" route. So, why was he a bad guy? One person suggest he belongs to a cult and they plan to sacrifice her. Yet another wonders if we could bring the plot back to Grunhilda herself, maybe she has some secret lineage the fiance wants to cash in on. Checking Grunhilda's CS again, Player A actually mentions that they don't want anything TOO dark for their character. So, tied up to be a ritual sacrifice for an evil cult is ruled out.
Now that we have a rough idea for Grunhilda's story, I will implement it into the RP as the GM. Grunhilda makes it to the meeting point. Her fiance is there, with his gang of bandits. Turns out Grunhilda is part of a once missing branch of an ancient king's family, and there's a reward for anyone that turns members of this family over to the current royal family.
With the story given a skeleton, the RP continues on as normal. Where does it go from there? If she has already met up with other player characters, will they help her escape or will they turn her in themselves? Once she escapes, what will she do with this new information? And most importantly, how does this story connect to others'? Perhaps Player B was actually playing a secret member of this family, seeking their long lost sister. Perhaps Player C's character is looking to start a country-wide coup, and has now found someone they can put on the throne in place of the current monarch. Only time will tell!
The Setting: Sedaia

Besides the basic regions of the country, most of the setting is purposefully left vague. This is so the whole group can world build together, and so we can fit as many player ideas as possible into the setting. It is my firm belief that the setting is secondary to the character's struggles in a story, so basically it's not that important. The groundwork is laid down, and below I've included basic info blurbs about reach region so that people can get a feel for them. Everyone is encouraged to add bits and pieces to the world, either in a character sheet or as we go such as when a character mentions an area in passing, but it's not mandatory - if you prefer not to wing it, no worries. There are a few things that are concrete from the beginning though:
Ruling Family
Sedaia is a kingdom. In ancient times it was founded by Haydrin the Godking, and it's purported that the royal family is descended from Haydrin himself. There are no appointed governors, the king oversees all areas of the country from the capital of Haydrin's Seat. Although many feel that the royal family is out of touch with the areas beyond the Midlands, the country has been relatively peaceful and prosperous for generations.
For many in Sedaia, religion plays a major part in their lives - but for just as many, it doesn’t. The ancient belief that Tazia, The Sun, and Palir, The Moon, celestial deities, created this world together and continue to peacefully watch over it to this day is the most common belief system in the country. These mysterious Gods have no physical presence in the world if they even exist at all, so the threat of divine retribution is low. Even so, some still pray to these Gods for acceptance and guidance in their lives. Whether one believes in Gods or not, nearly all Sedians believe in the existence of the Afterrealm beyond the stars, where souls go when they die.
Tazia: The Sun
In the daylight hours the power of Tazia is strongest. She is associated with pain and healing, war and peace, liberty and obligation. She is called on for all things needing the sun's blessing: good crop yields, fair skies, safe travels. She is most commonly depicted as a dark skinned woman, sometimes with hair the color of fire.
Palir: The Moon
In the moonlight hours Palir watches over the world. He is associated with truth and falsehoods, danger and safety, hesitation and faith. He is called on for all things needing the moon’s blessing: fertility, strong friendships, delaying bad news. He is most commonly depicted as a pale skinned man, sometimes with glowing white eyes.
Mati & Vesi: Dusk & Dawn
Twin deities that peek into the world when neither Tazia nor Palir is watching. Mati is the masculine spirit of dawn, associated with life. Vesi is the feminine spirit of dusk, associated with death. Together they take departed souls to the Afterrealm. They are usually depicted as a young brother and sister pair, dressed in vibrant colors.
The Afterrealm
When a living thing dies, it’s spirit is released into the air to freely roam the world until sunrise or sunset, depending on when they died. At that time, Mati, of Dawn, or Vesi, of Dusk, sweeps all ghosts up and into the Afterrealm. The Afterrealm is a separate world for spirits located somewhere among the stars, and these stars serve as markers or road maps for Mati and Vesi as they travel to and from it. The Afterrealm is neither a reward nor a punishment, it is merely the dwelling place for departed souls.
Haydrin, the God-king
Scholars disagree on whether Haydrin was a God turned man, or a man turned God. Either way, while Tazia and Palir are responsible for the creation of the physical world, Haydrin is responsible for creating the nation of Sedaia. He is the most celebrated deity in the country, with an annual festival held on the purported day of his birth. The city from where he allegedly ruled his country still stands to this day. Unlike the other Gods, he is called on for any occasion and general blessings.
In the daylight hours the power of Tazia is strongest. She is associated with pain and healing, war and peace, liberty and obligation. She is called on for all things needing the sun's blessing: good crop yields, fair skies, safe travels. She is most commonly depicted as a dark skinned woman, sometimes with hair the color of fire.
Palir: The Moon
In the moonlight hours Palir watches over the world. He is associated with truth and falsehoods, danger and safety, hesitation and faith. He is called on for all things needing the moon’s blessing: fertility, strong friendships, delaying bad news. He is most commonly depicted as a pale skinned man, sometimes with glowing white eyes.
Mati & Vesi: Dusk & Dawn
Twin deities that peek into the world when neither Tazia nor Palir is watching. Mati is the masculine spirit of dawn, associated with life. Vesi is the feminine spirit of dusk, associated with death. Together they take departed souls to the Afterrealm. They are usually depicted as a young brother and sister pair, dressed in vibrant colors.
The Afterrealm
When a living thing dies, it’s spirit is released into the air to freely roam the world until sunrise or sunset, depending on when they died. At that time, Mati, of Dawn, or Vesi, of Dusk, sweeps all ghosts up and into the Afterrealm. The Afterrealm is a separate world for spirits located somewhere among the stars, and these stars serve as markers or road maps for Mati and Vesi as they travel to and from it. The Afterrealm is neither a reward nor a punishment, it is merely the dwelling place for departed souls.
Haydrin, the God-king
Scholars disagree on whether Haydrin was a God turned man, or a man turned God. Either way, while Tazia and Palir are responsible for the creation of the physical world, Haydrin is responsible for creating the nation of Sedaia. He is the most celebrated deity in the country, with an annual festival held on the purported day of his birth. The city from where he allegedly ruled his country still stands to this day. Unlike the other Gods, he is called on for any occasion and general blessings.
The Highlands | Running across the North of Sedaia, the Highlands protect the rest of the country from the worst of the bitter cold winds of the Snowlands. The area is characterized by its many hillsides and rolling mountain ranges, but it is by no means unlivable. Deposits of various minerals and ore make for lucrative business - but for those less inclined to spend their time toiling in mines, many kinds of livestock thrive on the grassy knolls. The largest settlement in the Highlands is Hillside, tucked in the area between the Tide and Scrublands, and it is where the majority of trade between the Highlands and the other regions happens. General climate: Harsh winters, cool summers. Strong winds at high altitude. Seldom rains.Major trades: mining, hunting, ranching, iron and jewel artisanry. Major landmarks: Mt. Baben Example town names: Hillside, Windbreak, Stonecover, Crystal Bluff |
The Midlands | Sitting at the heart of Sedaia and nestled between the Lowlands and the Scrublands, the Midlands enjoy moderate temperatures and beautiful landscapes. The Midlands are home to the country’s capital of Haydrin’s Seat, a vast castle town. Owning property in the Midlands is an expensive prospect, but for those living in the area there is no finer place to make a homestead in the whole of Sedaia. Every summer the region comes alive with the Celebration of Kings, a country-wide holiday. General climate: Mild winters and summers. Temperate. Sees rain, snow, and sun when in season.Major trades: Merchant and peddler, farming and ranching, servant, artisanry of all kinds. Major landmarks: Haydrin's Seat, The God-King's Cathedral Example town names: Riverburg, Sun Flat, Plainstead, Livirbury |
The Lowlands | Where frost from the Snowlands melts into fresh water and runs down towards the Eastern coast, that is where one can find Sedaia's Lowlands. Although the Northern area of the Lowlands bordering the Indiga Great Swamp are generally considered uninhabitable due to the difficulty in developing, further South the floodplains give way to warmer diverse forests, growing thicker the further South one goes. Naturally the Lowlands are the wettest areas in Sedaia, with heavy rainfall not uncommon. A dense thicket separates the Midlands from the Croplands, but attempts to clear the area have been unsuccessful. General climate: Cold winters, mild summers. Heavy rainfall, high humidity. Major trades: Logging and lumber, hunting, fishing, wood artisanry, seafaring Major landmarks: Indiga Great Swamp Example town names: North Sog, Hoofsink, Wetrock, Coldshore |
The Scrublands | A warm area that cuts straight through the country's middle. Many merchants and vagrants stake their claim in the Scrublands; it's position and the mostly flat, easily traversed land of the region makes it Sedaia's central traveling hub. People and goods move through the area throughout the year, carving well worn paths. Heavily populated, it brings in all types of citizenry - including unscrupulous bandits, although bands such as these see much less success these days thanks to the effort of honest folk. There are several major communities where the Scrublands connect with the other regions, all named similarly: Highland Pass, Tideland Pass, etc. General climate: In the North, cold winters and mild summers. In the South, mild winters and hot summers.Major trades: Merchant and peddler, travel and transportation service, ranching, protection service Major landmarks: ??? Example town names: Midland Pass, High Wind Crossing, Grasstred, Brookstop |
The Croplands | Rich soil, plenty of sun, and fertile rivers make the Croplands the perfect area for raising ranches and farms. Naturally, food and livestock are the region's main exports. Although there are rural living areas, the majority of the area's land is devoted to food production. From small independent ranches to sprawling serfdom estates, one can always find work on the farms in the Croplands. The Southern border of the region is heavily guarded by both career and volunteer soldiers, preventing trespass from monsters and outsiders alike. General climate: Warm winters, hot summers. Low winds, average rainfall.Major trades: Farming and ranching, logging and lumber, transportation service, protection service Major landmarks: ??? Example town names: Lakeview, Cape Trellis, Tideham, Vegewick |
The Snowlands | Although the lower areas of the Snowlands do experience mild springs, it's Northern edges are almost constantly covered in a layer of ice. The high altitude and cold climate make it hard for people to grow their own food, but most get by with the native flora and fauna of the region that can't be found anywhere else in Sedaia. Heavy animals with thick, warm coats provide food, clothing and trade goods. Plants well adapted to the freezing temperatures and low light make for tasty dishes and rare ingredients. The major city of Frostwatch sits in the area's Eastern side, ready to warn the rest of Sedaia when the winter comes. General climate: Extreme winters, cool summers. Wind and ice abound, rarely ever rains.Major trades: Furs and hunting, masonry, alchemy, Major landmarks: Palir's Icelake Example town names: Frostwatch, Galehome, East Snowdrift, Eaglenest |
The Scorchlands | Similar to the Croplands, the Scorchlands are home to nutrient rich soil and sands fed by the Western Sea. A lack of regular rainfall makes the area suitable for much different vegetation than it's neighbor though. Hot desert dunes make up most of the Southern portion, leading up to dry savanna in the North. Long days give the citizens ample time to produce exquisite goods, rare gems found in the earth and unique animals whose hair is woven into clothes and blankets. Long nights give the citizenry time to reflect and grow close to nature, developing new medicines and magics. If one can get past the high temperature and unstable topography, the Scorchlands are said to be a wonderful place to live. General climate: Warm winters, extreme summers. Mostly dry with warm humid winds blowing in from the West.Major trades: Textile, gem and jewel artisanry, merchant, herding and farming, alchemy Major landmarks: ??? Example town names: Oasis, Sandfall, Duneshade, Dusty Spring |
The Tidelands | The quintessential oceanic region, the Tidelands and its people are intrinsically to the Western Sea. The region is cracked in half by the ocean's waters, making for two distinct areas: a warmer South and more temperate North. Despite the division, citizens of the Tidelands frequently travel its coasts and rivers making for a community with common interests and economy. Much of its population is centered around its water sources, and the seafaring folk take great pride in their coastal culture. General climate: mild winters, hot summers. Cool and warm breezes sometimes create magnificent storms.Major trades: Merchant and peddler, fishing, seafaring, aquaculture, transportation service Major landmarks: ??? Example town names: Diana's Rest, Sandhill, Westshine, Seacrest |
Magic and Monsters
You know what mana is. It is an invisible, colorless, odorless, tasteless, soundless essence that exists in the world in the same way that many other elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, etc. exist in the world. Every creature in Sedaia has a sixth sense in addition to their other five senses: commonly called "mana sense." It is useful for gauging how much mana remains inside one’s own body, and sensing very mana dense areas in nature. Mana can be used by the body, again in the same way that natural elements can be broken down and used by it. Mana can be expended to cast magic, and it replenishes naturally over time, although one can become fatigued by using too much at once.
Every living thing has the ability to utilize mana, from the most regal of human beings to the lowliest weed in a swamp. Magic is a common part of people's everyday lives, although of course some are better at using it than others. Those who dedicate their lives to the study and development of magic can become powerful mages, but others such as simple farmers or laborers may only use their own magic for small things like lighting a lantern. Plants that excel at using mana have unique properties to them, and can be used as food or medicine in the same vein that non magical plants can, bestowing unique effects. Animals that excel at using mana can quickly become dangerous beasts, and entire species that have high magical aptitude are commonly referred to as "monsters."
While other creatures become monsters, when humans have high magic potential they become mages. To date, there are three disciplines of magic. Elemental magic, Arcane magic, and Blood magic.
Elemental Magic
The most common of magic in Sedaia. Humans can find it difficult to work with something they can only vaguely sense, so in order to better use mana they use it only as a catalyst to manipulate the more familiar. Like it's name suggests, elemental magic involves the summoning and control of classical elements: fire, wind, water, and lightning. This is achieved by actively transforming mana into these elements. Most common folk in Sedaia are attuned to only one single element, but it is not impossible to learn and master more. Although most only use their magic to supplement their daily lives, dedicated mages can find work in various occupations. A mage may endeavor to discover new types of mana control at a college, work as a magic tutor to those less gifted in using mana, or may even be employed in more physically demanding jobs - for example, a wealthy ship's captain might hire a trio of wind, water, and lightning mages to keep his vessel as safe as possible while at sea.
Arcane Magic
This discipline of magic is the most difficult to learn, and there are extremely few masters of the arcane. Where elemental magic turns mana into elements, arcane magic alters the mana itself to grant properties to it without changing it from it's original state. It requires precision and in-depth knowledge and understanding of mana to pull off. When common mages visualize mana as fire, and thus transform it directly into fire, an arcane mage may be able to heat up the mana itself, making a hot spot. It can give mana a physical presence, either by making it visible or otherwise known to the other senses besides mana sense, without transforming it into another state of matter. Other uses include imbuing mana with energy, such as consecrating a specific area with "holy" attributes. The lost art of imbuing mana into objects, giving it attributes and shape and forcing into a vessel in order to be used later, is called enchantment - and it is considered the ultimate use of arcane magic. Scholars strive to recover this lost art. Mana stones, precious gems or minerals imbued with magic, are remnants of an age where enchantment was common, and the few left unspent in the world fetch exorbitant prices.
Blood Magic
Blood magic is the easiest form of magic to learn – but also the most dangerous. Because of this devastating combo, blood magic in all its forms is forbidden by law in Sedaia. Like elemental magic, it involves using mana as a mere catalyst. Because mana courses through the blood of all living things, using blood as a physical vessel for mana makes casting magic using a blood catalyst relatively simple. Through this method blood can be transformed into elements, a once common and harmless practice, but blood magic can also be used for much more. Curses and hexes, dangerous spells now more or less lost to time, originated in this discipline. It can twist the flesh of living beings, altering their body to both positive and negative effects. Blood magic can leave permanent, lasting damage on individuals and sometimes entire bloodlines. This kind of magic can also be used in heinous rituals to raise the dead, resulting in shambling corpses. Although most that secretly practice blood magic will never even think to use it for dark purposes, the threat exists - and so it is unlikely it will ever be legal to practice again.
Plants and animals that have the ability to use magic become creatures known as monsters. Monsters can be individuals, like a local dog that awakened to it's potential and transformed into a deadly frost wielding hound. They can also be entire species, such as devastating plant-like abominations that can be found deep in several forests throughout Sedaia. It's safe to say that many classic fantasy monsters can be found in the setting, for example: cockatrices, chimeras, manticores, dragons and wyverns, gryphons, basilisks, phoenixes, leviathans, and more.
Magical illness, though uncommon, also exists in Sedaia. From plagues that affect one's ability to manipulate mana to diseases that physically alter the body such as lycanthrophy, contracting any magical illness is grave news. No one quite knows how such sickness came to be, though the prevailing theory are curses so strong they take a life of their own.
● Follow RPG rules
● Follow the character guidelines (below)
● Please PM or post your sheet in the OOC to be approved before moving to the Characters tab
● The bulk of the setting is collaborative but ask first to make sure your idea jives.
● I may decline someone's participation in the RP if I sense they will make trouble.
● More rules will be added as needed
● Follow the character guidelines (below)
● Please PM or post your sheet in the OOC to be approved before moving to the Characters tab
● The bulk of the setting is collaborative but ask first to make sure your idea jives.
● I may decline someone's participation in the RP if I sense they will make trouble.
● More rules will be added as needed
Character Guidelines
These will be reposted in the character tab for quick reference, along with a character sheet. There are a few rules and guidelines I'd like everyone to follow when they create their character. Make sure you read over this section and the character sheet before working on a concept.
First, characters can be from any social standing, any profession, and any skill level. I only ask that characters be at minimum sixteen years old, no younger than that. So long as your character has a solid reason for both traveling and doing so in a group then they will be welcome.
Second, please do not make a bigoted character. When I say bigoted I mean racist, homophobic, etc. People deal with that enough in real life. There are no fantasy races in this setting, so your character will be human. Humans are flawed creatures and they can have their prejudices, I only ask that they aren't based on another character's skin color, gender identity or sexual preference.
Third, you can play around with the character sheet, add colors and make it fancier if you want, but please... please please please do not embed an image larger than 500x500. For reference the image placeholder in the CS is this exact size. Feel free to link a larger image in the "appearance" section, but otherwise keep the image at the top of your CS to 500x500 or smaller. Thank you.
First, characters can be from any social standing, any profession, and any skill level. I only ask that characters be at minimum sixteen years old, no younger than that. So long as your character has a solid reason for both traveling and doing so in a group then they will be welcome.
Second, please do not make a bigoted character. When I say bigoted I mean racist, homophobic, etc. People deal with that enough in real life. There are no fantasy races in this setting, so your character will be human. Humans are flawed creatures and they can have their prejudices, I only ask that they aren't based on another character's skin color, gender identity or sexual preference.
Third, you can play around with the character sheet, add colors and make it fancier if you want, but please... please please please do not embed an image larger than 500x500. For reference the image placeholder in the CS is this exact size. Feel free to link a larger image in the "appearance" section, but otherwise keep the image at the top of your CS to 500x500 or smaller. Thank you.
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