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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Dia looked to Benjamin and nodded slightly, "Yeah definitely." She said to the idea of getting someone who knew the medication. "But who? Sara doesn't get told anything, Marc doesn't like us... And there is no one we can really talk to."
She looked over towards Ray as Benjamin spoke again, "That's definitely something to think about."

She glanced to Ray and offered a hand to her with a small smile. "We're friends." She said gently, "I promise."
Ray hesitated before she moved her hand to gently touch Dia's. "You promise you're not here to hurt me?"

Sara looked up to Marc as he offered her book back. She blinked before she stood with a small smile. "Thank you." She said, holding back tears as she smiled to him, "Thank you so much." She nodded gently at his idea to take a walk before going to a restaurant.
"That sounds lovely." She said with a small smile, "I'd love to do that."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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"Did someone hurt you?" Benjamin asked. He tried to understand why Rai would be afraid to get hurt. Had something happened in this room before they got here? Was she reliving memories of the past?
They had to get her back to her body, but how? They couldn't do anything until Ari was released from the infirmary again. He hoped Ari was doing well.

Marc invited Sara to walk with him with a gesture of his arm and he went to the door. He walked through the door first and held it open long enough for Sara to take it over.
He looked left and right; there wasn't much to see here, but it wasn't an ugly neighbourhood so it would work well for a walk.

His mind went between being glad that Sara was with him to all the serious things they had discussed so far. He thought back to the other day when Benjamin asked about where Simon was. Now that he thought about it, it was odd that Simon had gone home so suddenly. Surely there had to be a process before, evaluations. Surely staff would have to be in on the fact a patient would soon go home. He hadn't questioned it before, but now he started to.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ray looked to Benjamin and gave a weak nod. "Y...Yes."
Dia frowned slightly she gave a small shudder, looking towards the door as she narrowed her eyes. She hoped Ari was okay, but her current.. physical, form didn't allow for walking through walls. She looked back to Benjamin with a small sigh, leaning back slightly before she fell onto her back on the floor.
"God damn it." She uttered quietly before she let out a sigh. "Why doesn't anything go smoothly for us?"

Sara smiled and tucked her new book under her arm and followed after Marc without a word. As he held the door open, she followed to push it open slightly for herself as she uttered a light 'Thank you'. She looked around as she finally properly exited, looking up to the sky, watching the stars with widened eyes.
She hadn't seen the stars like this for a while, this was amazing to see them like this in the clear sky.

Sara almost forgot about being out for a walk before she linked and looked to Marc as he was a few steps away from her. "Sorry." She saod as she moved to follow after him with a small chuckle. "Sorry, I got bewildered by the stars! I haven't seen them like this in ages!"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Do you remember who hurt you?" Benjamin asked Ray. He still wasn't sure whether she was reliving old memories or if this was about what got Ari and her into this state.

He glanced at Dia as she fell back. "You three are an unusual case," he said. "Nothing about your existence is normal, so it seems logical more abnormal things will happen to you."

On top of being here, there was the unusual past of Ray, Dia and Ari that made everything more complicated, but at least it was never boring around them. And having them to keep him occupied, this place was something he could deal with.

Marc noticed Sara had stopped and smiled when he noticed she gazed at the stars. He waited patiently for her to finish. "It's okay," he said. "If you'd rather just go to a bench and sit that's fine too." It was sad to hear she hadn't seem them for so long. That couldn't be right. How could patients get better if they got outside less than prisoners? Didn't places like this have vacations for the patients to go home for a few days? He promised himself he'd look into it.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dia grumbled into her hands at Benjamin's words.
"Yes, I know." She said with a bit of an aggravated sigh, "Life was so much easier when I was alive. Sure the warring countries didn't help but I wasn't tied to someone like I am with Ray."
Ray waiting and listened to Dia and Benjamin before she spoke again, "M...My family." She replied quietly.

Sara looked to Marc and shook her head, "No no, we should continue!" She said with a bigger smile, "Walking is fun, I just forgot how pretty the night sky is on clear nights." She walked to him and sighed, her hand instinctively moving to brush against his, as if asking if she could hold his.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin nodded to Dia, then he turned his attention back on Rai. Her family. That probably meant she was somewhere before this institution with her mind.
"They can't harm you here," he told her. "I wish I could say you'll be safe here, but..." he made a helpless gesture with his arms and sighed. That was one promise he couldn't make.

He turned back to Dia. "Do you suppose we should try to get her back into her body?" he asked her. "I don't think the infirmary is a locked place, if one of us feigns an injury then the other can come along for support and we get Ray with her body." He examined Dia. "Or... we dress you up as a nurse. They don't know you, so you could walk around as a nurse, at least for a little while, without people getting suspicious. And I know where the clean laundry is kept."

Marc felt the brush of the hand and his heart rate spiked. Was it an accidental brush? Would she like her hand to be held? Was it too soon for holding her hand? He wanted to, but what if he took it and it really had been an accidental brush? He held his hand open and awkwardly touched one of her fingers. He had no objections to holding her hand, but he couldn't stop overthinking it.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ray seemed to calm at the thought of her family not being able to harm her here. She watched Dia and Benjamin speak amongst themselves as she listened, she had no real clue what was going on, but these two seemed like they were nice people to her. They didn't yell at her, or show any real meaning to harm her.

Dia nodded at the idea of getting Ray back to her own body, "That sounds like a good idea." She spoke before she blinked towards him as he mentioned about dressing up as a nurse.
"That could work!" She said with a bigger smile, "Maybe you sprain your ankle? Or something like that?"

Sara felt Marc's fingers brush against hers. Her entire body gave a small, invisible tremble at the touch. The Beast inside her mind let out an angered yell, obviously wounded by her sudden excitement and happiness.
She decided to take the leap and slowly slid her fingers through the gaps of his, her face deepened in red colour as she told herself she was holding hands.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Right. Let's go look for a nurses outfit." In another time and place, that could be fun, but now it was necessary. They would have to go quick and take advantage of the others not knowing Dia yet.
Benjamin looked at Ray, at least she wouldn't be noticed by anyone. "Ray, are you coming with us? We'll show you this place and go to a good friend of ours."

Marc gently held Sara's hand when he felt her fingers. This was pleasant, but he was unsure what to talk about, so he just kept on walking with her hand in his.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dia nodded and stood up, instinctively offering her hand to Ray as she stood. Ray looked at her hand before weakly smiling and moving to stand herself.
"I don't think I can touch you." Ray uttered before she looked towards Benjamin, "I...I'll come with you guys."
Dia looked towards Benjamin with a gentle smile, "Right, Nurses outfit." She said with a bit of a smirk.

Sara enjoyed the contact between her and Marc, this was new to her... All of it.
"What else is in the city?" She asked as she stared at the sky and the lights around them. "I don't think I've ever been out here. Is there anything else fun?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"This way," Benjamin said, stepping outside. "They have their own laundry room and they have staff who are responsible for washing and drying everything. The janitor was talking about it, how the nursing staff and kitchen staff and the maintenance staff work alongside each other and don't really interact much." He glanced at Dia. "He also mentioned that there are only two places they don't have to clean: the kitchen and the basement. He could understand the kitchen, the kitchen staff is responsible for cleaning that. But he found it odd they don't have to do any cleaning or maintenance in the basement, which supposedly holds medical supplies."

"Like an arcade?" Marc asked. "There are several bars and restaurants open, but they aren't really fun. Well, a karaoke bar can be fun I suppose, but I'm not a big fan of karaoke..." He rubbed his neck with his free hand as he said that. While he knew people who enjoyed it, he didn't feel like singing in front of a crowd.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dia listened with Ray following after them both in silence.
"What if we run into any of the staff on the way?" Dia asked slowly, tilting her head. She looked around as they moved along, she didn't like the feeling of not knowing where they were heading.

As they walked along, Dia couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching them both. She looked around and caught a glimpse of what she thought was a person but when she turned to check there was no one there.
As they got closer and closer to where they were going, Dia was suddenly pulled off to the side into a dark hallway.

Sara blinked as she listened to Marc speak, "Whats..." She started, "Whats an arcade?" She continued embarrassed as she tilted her head.
"I have no idea what karaoke is like..." She continued with a small shrug, "Sorry, I don't tend to get out much."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"We'll improvise," Benjamin said. He didn't have it all planned out, but with a bit of luck they would get to the laundry room before running into any nurses.
When Dia suddenly got pulled away, Benjamin stopped, looked at the hallway and then rushed in to see who had grabbed Dia and for what reason.

Marc blinked when Sara asked the questions. "I... didn't realise you had been sheltered that much," he said. "An arcade is a place with electronical games. Karaoke is a bar where people can sing songs. It's where people often go to for amusement in the evening, after dinner or a drink. Or they go to the movies." He paused as he thought about other things people did for fun after dinner. "Some like to go on indoor roller skating or bowling, but I can't roller skate. Bowling can be fun, but not with two. You need a bigger group for that."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ray flinched when Dia was pulled away, she floated over towards Benjamin and poked her head out of the space behind him. "A...Are we in danger?" She squeaked in fear.
Dia turned to face Josh as he stared her down; there was a serious look in his eyes, he looked her up and down and gave a bit of a huff and let her go back out of the shadows, stepping forward as well.

"What are you two planning?" Josh asked in a low, hushed voice, looking towards Benjamin.

Sara kind of slunk into herself at the mention of being sheltered. "S..Sorry." She started, she had listened to what Marc said about things, but her mood didn't seem to change back to anything positive.
She kept her hand around Marcs', but the grip was looser now; she glanced up to him with a small frown.

"I'm... Sorry I was sheltered." She said simply, before looking back down towards the ground.
He hates you.
Shut up.
You're a sheltered fuck up.
I know, shut up.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"I don't know yet, but we'll see," Benjamin whispered to Ray as he followed Dia but he stopped when he noticed the male nurse. "What makes you think we're planning anything?" he asked.
He wasn't quite sure what the best way to respond was, but unless he knew more about the direction this conversation was going, he wouldn't admit to anything that could get him into trouble.

"You really don't have to be sorry you were sheltered," Marc said. "It's the people who did the sheltering who were wrong for doing that."
He gave a gentle and reassuring squeeze in her hand. "On the bright side, you have a lot more fun things to try for a first time now. That's an upside, isn't it?"

The mood swings was something he had to keep in mind; that had happened a few times now and he now knew to be careful with his words. It kinda proved for him there was a reason why she was in the asylum, but it wasn't anything proper medication couldn't handle. Still, he wouldn't bring that up. He didn't want it to backfire like it had the first time.

"So, are there any thing you heard about and think will be fun, but never tried before?" he asked her.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Dia looked towards Benjamin with a look of worry as she slowly stepped towards Benjamin, away from Josh.
Josh gave a bit of a sneer, "Well, you have her with you." He notioned to Dia with a narrow of his eyes, "So you must be up to something, especially since the Artist one isn't in her body." He spoke knowingly, narrowing his eyes towards Benjamin.

Ray blinked at Josh's words, moving behind Benjamin even more. She was afraid of this sudden person, how did he know these things? DId he know Dia?

Sara blinked at Marcs' words, when he squeezed her hand she looked up at him with widened eyes.
"R...Really?" She asked with a small squeak, before she thought about what she wanted to do.

"The arcade sounds interesting." Sara said with a small smile, "I wouldn't mind going to see a movie but we've already ruled that out..." SHe continued, thinking before she gave a small shrug. "I think I'd like whatever you choose to be honest." Sara smiled softly, tilting her head towards Marc with a bit of a smile.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin stepped towards Josh. "And what makes you think it's your business to know? I could be looking for a quiet place where the staff won't interrupt us when we make out." He moved his hand to take Dia's. "The real question is why you pulled Dia away. What do you want from her?"

"Movies will take too long, but we can hang out at an arcade for a bit," Marc said. "There is one not too far from here and there is a restaurant nearby. Not the one I initially wanted to go to, but it's not a bad place to eat." He looked at Sara to see how she felt about it.
It was a change of plans, but he was flexible. In his job he had sudden changes in his shifts or extra shifts, which sometimes meant he had to cancel other plans. It was part of life.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Josh stared at Benjamin, his eyes glinting purple as what seemed to be purple aura trickled off of his eyes.
"That's interesting," He started as he looked towards Dia, "I thought you were smitten for the spirit behind you." He gestured to Ray almost calmly, as if he had known for a while. "Not the Fallen Princess."
He breathed in slowly, hiding his annoyed reaction from Benjamin. Why were humans so hard to work with?

"As for why I pulled Dia away..." He stepped forward, so there wasn't much of a distance between the two of them, "Dia is dead," He continued, his mouth in a frown, "But yet, here she is. As tangible as you and I."
Dia moved to step in between Benjamin and Josh with a sneer, "He has nothing to do with that." She said, "Look, we're trying to help others here, just let us do what we need to do."
Josh straightened himself up with a grumble and a huff, "You're going to need a lot more than just you two idiots to manage it." He said, crossing his arms Dia let out a low growl before Josh rolled his eyes. "Of course, my apologies my liege."

Sara gave a small smile and a nod as Marc spoke.
"If you think it would be nice, I would be happy with it!" She said happily, before she looked back to the sky and watched the stars again.
"Are... Arcades loud?" She asked out loud, looking towards Marc again with a bit of questioning look. "I can deal with some noise, but too much makes... Them come out too quickly." She sighed softly.

"I think being around you helps." She spoke with a quiet voice, "I wish you don't ever meet her, she's not nice like you. She's malicious and murderous; She's never managed to actually hurt someone but the things she thinks of are... scary."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin rolled his eyes when Josh shared his assumption. "What, guys can't have girls as friends?" he muttered under his breath. But he frowned when he called Dia the Fallen Princess; somehow he knew her history. The 'my liege' was equally intriguing.
"I don't know how she got tangable either. I didn't do it. I can only see spirits, which you should have known if you read my file. But as Dia said, we idiots really do have something to do. If you feel like helping you can always help us get into the infirmary."

"They can be loud," Marc said; he wasn't sure how to respond to her other side being malicious or that being around him helped. "We can give it a try and if it's too loud for you we'll go elsewhere." He turned into a street and led the way through this part of the city towards the arcade.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"I read your file." Josh said with a bit of a sneer, he didn't look to Benjamin, he kept his eyes on Dia. Dia watched Josh closely as she moved to grip Benjamins' arm.
"He's gong to help us." She said out loud, narrowing her eyes as she watched Josh step forward, stepping towards them, before he walked past with a wave of his hand without another word.

Dia waited for a moment before following Josh with Benjamin, looking towards her friend with a small frown. She leaned towards him to whisper as they walked along. "Josh isn't... Human." She started, "I think he's the reason I'm tangible."

Sara smiled as Marc as he talked about leaving if it gets too noisey for her. No one had ever done that for her.
She looked ahead with a large grin on her face as they walked along, she held her body straight and high for once. She found herself tightening her grip happily around Marcs' hand.
"Thank you." She said without looking at him, "Thank you for taking me at face value. For not judging me, at least not out loud."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Benjamin looked at Josh's back when Dia whispered to him. He nodded to show he had heard her. He had a hard time reading this man, or whatever he was, but he didn't like his attitude. Josh was a puzzle, but at least one that was on their side. He hoped.
"Josh, why did you come to work here?" he asked him.

Marc looked at Sara, he enjoyed to see her confidence high again, and to see her smile. Sadly it could swing to depressed again, but for now he'd happy that she was happy. "My pleasure," he said to her.
He looked at the people around them. Some teens who were probably going to the same place they were; a man who seemed nervous and looked around a lot, possible a drug dealer but while it wasn't unheard of in this part of the city he didn't want to jump to conclusions. And a couple going in the opposite direction. This wasn't a busy street, most went to the arcade through the shopping street on the other side, but he preferred the small streets of this part of the city.
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