The Crimson Demon Hunter Akai Mazoku

"I'll continue to fight just to survive...Fighting is all I've ever known."
Username: xX_edgelord4life_Xx
Player Profession: College Student
Character Role: Solo Melee/DPS
Alignment: +300
Race/Racial Levels: Human
Job Classes:Basic:
-Cleric (15)
-Demon Hunter (15)
-Craftsman (10)
-Demon Slayer (10)
-Avenger (10)
-Paladin (10)
-Exorcist (10)
-Cursed One (10)
-Monsterous Being (5) Only available to the Demon Hunters that max out base job and their Cursed One job trees. They must also kill 1 of every demon race to gather their blood and make the
Monstrous Shift Potion item. Once drunk, they can finally put levels into this class.
-Demon Bane (5) Only available to Demon Hunters that have slain over 100,000 Demonic beings and maxed out the entire skill and job tree.
Abilities:-Demon Hunter: Access to abilities used against Demons, devils, fiends, and other such demonic beings. This is including but not limited to: wards to repel demonic creatures from entering certain areas, wards to weaken or even seal portions of demonic creatures powers that enter their area of effect, talismans to seal, banish or weaken when placed upon their target and various rituals for similar effects. Also, gain access to the ability to craft their own cursed gear/weapons/armour.
-Cleric: Access to faith-based magic and abilities, increasing healing capacities as well as divine infused strikes.
-Craftsman: An added bonus to crafting various items and the ability to craft higher level gear, as well as lessened maintenance costs
-Avenger: A darker path of the Paladin that revolves around punishing wrongdoers by any means necessary. Sacrificing her health and wellbeing for more damage allows Akai to deliver faster, more decisive combos against her foes, the combos becoming more brutal the longer she is allowed to chain them together. It also gives access to fear-based spells and abilities and extra damage against one pre-designated evil being(s). In Akai's case, the Demon race.
-Paladin: Holy warriors that fight for justice, Akai gains the ability to convert MP into powerful divine based strikes into her blows to deal serious damage against those of the more evil-aligned nature, some faith-based magic and other such abilities.
-Demon Slayer: An upgrade from the Demon Hunter class, it gives upgrades onto the pre-existing skills as well as the ability to craft/enchant weapons specifically designed to overpower and slay/banish/seal away demons.
-Exorcist: Branching off from the cleric, the exorcist branches into the Demon Hunters territory, however, more centers on evil-aligned creatures. They also specialize in the removal of demons and other such entities from their hosts, removal/addition of curses and other more advanced faith-based abilities.
-Cursed One: A branch off of demon hunter in which the hunter becomes which they wish to destroy most, giving Akai the ability to enter a demonic state. Once activated, Akai becomes frenzied and confused by hatred, simply wishing the destruction of her designated targets in the most brutal of fashions. She becomes more demonic and her attacks are more devastating, resulting in more damage dealt and also heightens her martial abilities, though she loses access to the majority of her divine/faith-based magic and skills in this state.
-Demon Bane: The pinnacle of the Demon Hunter Class, this allows one access to the most advanced and powerful forms of all the Demon Hunters skills and abilities, as well as a massive boon to damage against Demons. It also gives access to the exclusive skills
Cripping Strike (which targets a weak point on a demon to deal max damage and cripple them for 10 seconds) and
Demonic Life Steal (wherein upon slaying a demon, the user regains health equal to 30% of the slain demon's health)
-Monstrous Being: When a Demon Hunter has finally given into temptation and truly embraced that which they wish to destroy, giving them the ability to enter a
True Demonic State (which temporarily gives them maxed out Basic demon race levels and skills accordingly) for five minutes a day. They can also feast on the remains of demons to increase their damage, regain health or even decrease the cool-down on their
True Demonic State ability if the slain demon was a boss.
Equipment:-Twin Demonic Blades (Divine Class)-A pair of modified longswords that are not only Akai's signature weapon that she always carries, but also one of her most treasured possessions having received it as a gift from her former teammates. She can wield this in her frenzied state as well as it having the ability to drain her life force (HP/MP) for bigger more grand attacks as well as carrying a bonus damage to Angelic and demonic creatures alike. She also claims that she constantly fights against the swords dark urges to destroy everything, though this is more for flavour than anything else.
-Various Magic Rings that increase her damage output, HP regen and defense against attacks common to demons (i.e. darkness and fire based attacks)
-Various little trinkets, including but limited to holy water grenades, vials of holy water, lots of unmarked and marked paper talismans that either contain her abilities or the potential to and smoke bombs.
-Holy Literature (Relic): A rare item from an event. It increases the power of Holy based attacks, and raises resistance against Holy or demonic based skills depending on the user preferences (can only be changed once a day)
-Cloak of Magical Shielding (Relic): It increases the user's resistance to all types of magic which target the wearer as well as the overall defensive abilities
-Demon Slayers Attire (Legendary): A set of gear that makes up her attire. While each set increases her Demon hunter, and branched off classes, abilities as well as raise her resistance to demons attacks, owning the entire set also gives access to an additional minute of Akai's frenzied demonic state.
-Holy Charms (Relic): She has a total of 3, each one boosting her damage and abilities. Each one can also nullify one debuff or effect aimed at Akai a day and can help to avoid scrying based abilities. Said to help ward evil spirits.
-Various cursed gear crafted by Akai (i.e. a cursed sword that greatly increases attack but at the cost of greatly decreasing their def)
In-game Backstory:Akai started out as a simple wish-fulfillment for the stressed-out high school student, a stoic fantasy bad-ass trope to vent some stress with little thought given as to exact details of how Akai came to be. It wasn't until the mid-game funk that would inevitably hit that Akai truly became what she is today. Deciding to join a guild for the first time, edgelord would soon befriend a number of hardcore roleplayers who roped her into allowing Akai to fulfill the missing puzzle piece of their story; the lone survivor of a clan designed to kill demons wiped out by demons. Akai herself was 'part' demon despite all this, her mother had fallen for an unnamed demons charms and fallen pregnant with the girl before being killed during the massacre. Akai would be saved by one of her friend's characters' father and taken in as his surrogate daughter, as well as his disciple. For years Akai and Aoi, her friend's character, would train under the tutelage of Aoi's father before his sudden passing, which would be the catalyst of them going out into the world and eventually joining an adventurers guild and forming their team. There were seven members of their team, Akai Mazoku, Aoi Tenshi, Midori Andeddo, Shiro Murasaki, Kiiro Kuro, Misaki Orenji, Aizome Fubuki.
Though the group's storyline would go on to become unfulfilled as slowly and surely members dropped out due to various IRL reasons, till eventually, it was only Akai left. How had she become the last woman standing? Well, for some simple reasons. She needn't have concerns with work or adult life, for she was still in high school. But also because Akai was just too much fun for her to give up and return to being a stressful honor student. She would continue Akai's storyline without the others, becoming the lone wolf archetype that had lost her friends to another demon attack to further fuel Akai's desire to kill all demons. She soon began to hunt down any demons she could find, whether they are spawned in NPC enemies or other players, slaughtering any and all of them, even taking an interest to take her time and toying with some if they were too weak to entertain her otherwise.
Eventually, she became something of an infamous rumor amongst the players; of a player purely focused on killing demon characters, some stories even warping it to be viewed as if she took statistical pleasure from slowly killing her foes and other such slanderous half-truths. She would go on to leave her guild and form her own 'guild', which consisted solely of herself and a few NPC's. The
guild-hall just being a glorified storage space for her various rewards and the such.
Cohorts:M3GUMIW11 aka Megumin: A automation girl (lvl59) that looks to be in her late teens, early twenties. She specializes in absorbing and reducing damage, playing the role of a tank. She like all automation are incapable of emotional output, though she is shown to have some rather eccentric habits which amuse and endears her to her creator, edgelord. Giving the typical kuudere personality.
Crimson Wolf: A 21-year-old werewolf girl (lvl 60) that Akai picked up during her travels, Crimson is another NPC designed by edgelord. Fiercely loyal to Akai for not only saving her but also taking her in, Crimson's main function is as a scout/assassin type. Crimson is similar in persona to her master Akai, though a lot colder and doesn't hesitate in killing those she deems a threat to her master, though once she warms up a person she becomes almost like a puppy. A combination of the dandere/yandere archetypes.
Dawn Ketsueki: A NPC originally designed by Aoi, who later transferred ownership over to Akai. Dawn is a 1000-year-old vampire girl (lvl 65) who is the no-nonsense healer type, not afraid to scold even her master Akai for disobeying orders of rest or not taking proper medical aid seriously. She serves as Akai's main source of healing, specializing in such magic as well as the brewing of various potions. She's rather sociable, unlike her current master, and seems to be fascinated by humans, especially that of the romance of the more homoerotic kind. (Aka a BL fangirl) A combination of sadodere and tsundere archetypes.
Final Notes:edgelord spent her final moments in the game simply brooding in her base of operations, pondering over various items and the such that her teammates and she had gathered over the years, as well as reminiscing the time spent together. She had also arranged a bit of a party for her and the NPCs, she had invited her friends but unfortunately, they were she had left the NPCs to their own devices for the most part while she simply brooded away by herself, waiting for the game to finally come to an end. Ah, what a waste....