The Ruler
Name: Argant de Bleizbane, Duke of Rougemont and Lord of the Cerulean Vein
Race: Gray Dwarves
Description: The stoneskin dwarves of Rougemont have always been an insular folk and their Duke is no exception. Measured from toe to bald head, His Grace stands at 5 feet though his long white beard might easily match this length were it not braided. Argant is largely uninterested in the wider politics of the realms except for one issue. For you see, the mountain home of the Gray Dwarves has a single river that sources its water from their icy ridges and flows to the wider ocean. This waterway that their people have dubbed the Cerulean Vein is the single most important economic vehicle for exporting the goods and raw materials down their mountains.
However, feuds have always erupted over this river. Whether it’s a toll, downstream pollution, or even a naval embargo, the duchy of Rougemont is always at odds with its neighbors. This time, the Duke has had enough – he now claims all settlements by the Cerulean Vein’s banks are rightfully his lest they face the wrath of the fiery mountain and its inhabitants.
Charm= 1
Lore= 2+1
Might= 3
Skill= 1
Focus: Lore of Geomagnetism. A specialized form of runic magic that focuses on making rocks float and being able to latch on to said rocks as they float. This is the main method of traversing the mountainous terrain of his lands though it is also a very potent form of offense.
Foible: Hydrophobia. This may explain his irrationality towards matters regarding the Cerulean Vein.

The Realm
Name: Duchy of Rougemont and Her Surrounding Dependencies
Description: It is no secret among dwarves that the underworld holds many treasures. An ancient expedition of the hardiest stout folk had settled the ducal mountains with the King of Paigeturne's blessing from time immemorial in order to bring that untold fortune to the surface. As they explored the murky depths leading underground, they had found the fortune of a new home rich with gold. Even today, countless gemstones and valuable ore are extracted from the mines of the mountains while they also source geothermal energy from a nearby volcano – the eponymous Rougemont Volcano. The price, however, was the pigment of their body as it all turned to gray and ash. Gone was their desire to bask in the sun for the glitter of gold had provided its shine. For warmth, they had decided to worship the fiery landmark as a deity with their priests advocating for monthly tributes in the form of the wealth they had extracted. While no recorded eruption has ever hit the mountains, terror still stalks the Gray Dwarves of this hold.
Inside their mines lay giant insects in the form of arachnids that nest within the rocks and soil. Agitated by the mining and their general activity, these giant spiders are the monsters of legend that their heroes vanquish to earn their reputation. But of course, one cannot simply truly call themselves masters of their domain until they tame the beasts of their land. Certain breeds of these spiders became domesticated as cavalry by their ancestors. Today, most noble houses will have at least one spidermaster in their employ as well as a ranch housing them.
As mentioned before, Gray Dwarves mostly keep to themselves but are not above violence to protect their home. When push comes to shove, their enemies better hope that they do not stand against the mountain’s edge.
Fertility: 2
Industry: 3
Nobility: 1
Prosperity: 1
Realm Traits:
Ancient Armory: The Ruler begins the game with a powerful magical weapon or piece of armor (Such as a Flaming Sword, or a Coat of Dragon Scales). One of your starting Heroes receives an Enchanted Weapon (Such as a Sword or Bow) or Enchanted Armor (Such as a Helm or Shield). Additionally, you may craft Armaments for 2 less Crafts (This does not stack if selected twice).
The Secret Art: The Realm's Heroes and its Ruler receive +1 Lore. Your common folk are somewhat more familiar with and resistant to magic.

Name: Rorec Shadowseer
Class: Hunter
Description: Deputy of the Emerald Ash Field, the only pastoral lands under the duchy's control. Said to see perfectly even when blindfolded.
Attributes: Charm 0, Lore 1+1, Might 2, Skill 3
Name: Alain Of Webs
Class: Knight
Description: Lord banneret of the ducal spider cavalry.
Attributes: Charm 2, Lore 0+1, Might 3, Skill 1
Name: Archdruid Brède
Class: Magician specializing in Battle Magic
Description: A high-ranking member of their clergy known for his fervor. Primarily uses the lores of fires and geomagnetism.
Attributes: Charm 2, Lore 3+1, Might 0, Skill 1
Inventory: Fury of The Summit - an enchanted staff encrusted with fine rubies inherited from the first druids.
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