Have you heard the legends of the Clans in the valley?
Countless seasons ago, four cats and their followers arrived in the valley territories. Their names were Thorn, Birch, Mist, and Dusk, and under the guidance of StarClan, they were brought to the valley with the purpose of forging Clans. Thorn and his cats took to the cliff-sides, Birch and his own kind remained in the greenwood forests, Mist's cats roamed south, to the wetlands, and Dusk and his cats chose to reside in a labyrinth of interwoven tunnels that opened up to grassy plains. Thus, ThornClan, BirchClan, MistClan, and DuskClan were formed.
Though again, this was seasons ago-- more seasons than the elders and even the elders' elders could even count. Now is a different story. This tale begins on a precarious precipice. Clan cats are suddenly showing up dead, and no one knows who is to blame. When StarClan remains silent, tensions rise and cats start to blame others. In the midst of chaos, one question stands stark against the looming night... who can be trusted?

The valley is divided into four territories, one for each of the four Clans. There is a large lake in the middle, giving accessibility to each Clan. Here, leaf-bares can be rather harsh, and Clan cats must sometimes deal with threats larger than foxes and badgers. Nevertheless, the four Clans have been able to thrive for seasons, having been staunch in the face of adversity and severe weather patterns.

1.) THIS IS A WARRIOR CATS RP IN AN ORIGINAL SETTING. Thus, there will be no mentions of cats like Firestar, Mapleshade, Tigerstar, Hawkfrost, and so forth. This is a world where you make up your own legends and stories.
2.) THOUGH THERE ARE FOUR CLANS, ONLY ONE WILL BE THE MAIN FOCUS FOR NOW. I'm not sure which one we'll use yet. I might leave it up to the popular vote. The rest of the Clans will be filled with NPCs, which anyone will be able to create and use on the sidelines. At times, we will switch between the Clan POVs, so these NPCs will become your main characters from time to time. For now, our main Clan is MISTCLAN.
3.) PLEASE DO NOT GHOST. If you proclaim interest, please stick with it. If you really need to step away from the roleplay, please let me know.
4.) WE WILL BE USING DISCORD. Discord is the easiest way to communicate and banter, in my opinion. I want to have fun, talk about ships, etc. with my fellow RPers.
6.) PLEASE HAVE A DECENT UNDERSTANDING OF WRITING/CHARACTER CREATION. No one wants to struggle with reading your posts. No one wants to constantly roll their eyes at your mary-sue. I get we're writing talking cats, but please take your time with your creations.
7.) FORBIDDEN LOVE? BETRAYAL? YASSSSSSS! Bring it on, baby! Even though we have an overarching plot, there's room for each character's own side plots. Want to make me wring my hands when I find out that the medicine cat is in love with the leader? Want me to flinch when I see a character plotting something dastardly? I'm all for it!