Character you have created: Milliard S. Leigher
Alias: Verge
Speech Color: GoldCharacter Alignment: Villain
Identity: Milliard Silvio Leigher (prounounce: Mill-I-ard Sil-vio-Lay-err)
Character Personality: Milliard views himself as the liberator of the world, the rightful protector and the only one fitting to guide the world forwards to it's future. He despises humankind but holds animals in a general higher regard, especially dogs. Milliard is a very determined and steadfast person, he is also very reserved in his person and doesn't like people touching him. He will likely not shake hands with you or even stand very close to you unless he has to or is in a fight. He is cunning, manipulative and relentless in his pursuits to make progress, while at times he may present himself as kind, merciful and just. Whereof that is true or not depends fully on who you are, or maybe what you are. He does not approve of sadistic people, neither is he amused by sarcasm or sassy behaviour. He does however greatly appreciate irony and thinking of the natural world, plantlife aswell as animals of various kinds.
He doesn't feel bad for killing humans in battle as he considers it to be showing them mercy, he highly dislike seeing suffering and generally does what he can to prevent it. Even if the one suffering is a human, he has compassion but it is for the earth and the natural world mainly, which he considers humankind does not belong to. When faced with religious people he keeps up the belief that he is in fact 'the chosen one', and that their god(s) are false and has been unable to save the earth. When it comes to those of superhuman abilities, Milliard bears not the same hostility towards them as with those who are human or display very minor superhuman skills. The young man considers them to be in a sense just like him. Thus it would not be a surprise if he may spare a fellow superhuman from death or serious injury if the person has not been irredeemable in his eyes. He notices in general good people, but often he does not agree with their ways at all, prefering to take action rather than diplomacy. Ultimately he does not believe humans can co-exist with those that have superhuman powers, neither should humans exist at all according to him.
Uniform/costume: Tan colored suit, black tie, white shirt and black shoes (All eco friendly). When in costume he wears a tight longsleeved black shirt, tight black pants, black boots and black gloves (Again all eco friendly). Usually he also wears an armor made of diamond outside of it and a sword made out of diamond aswell, formed by his own powers.
Origin Info/Details: Milliard never knew his parents, he was left as an infant at an orphanage in Los Angeles, to which he ran away from when he had gotten older. Living on the streets was tough, and he generally saw the darker kinds of humankind. Especially during the nights, whereof he kept himself out of harms way, he early began to despise humanity. Whereof it had to do what his parents did to him, or the evil he saw during the nights when he was homeless. The youngling made his living by 'borrowing' things belonging to shopkeepers, usually these things involved food, drinks or other necessary things. Things finally looked up for him as he was affected by the dome of energy created by Doctor Diplodoc, the scientist who created the serum to make humans into something else. Milliard didn't know how long he had been exposed to it until he was awakened by a group of thugs causing a ruckus, whereof they noticed him and grapped him. One of the thugs brandished a knife and threatened to carve him up if he told anyone what he may have seen or heard, out of a mix of anger and pure reflex he raised his hands on seeing the blade of the knife glimmering. What soon followed was a blast of raw energy and light, which knocked the thugs back to the ground and Milliard landed on his back, getting slowly to his feet he looked at his hands brimming with glowing light and at the look of the faces of those having seen it, the thugs were certainly surprised and one of them yelled out that they should get out of there, that the boy was one of those 'freaks'. What was this power? He didn't know at the time, but time would indeed reveal many things for him.
The leader of the thugs saw this as an opportunity, perhaps one where he could sell him at highest bidder to some underground boss. The leader drew a gun out of the back of his pants, hidden under his jacket and pointed it at the young man, while he approached to place a hand on the young man's shoulder. The man had told him that he should come with them, that he had someone to introduce him to. Milliard wanted nothing to do with this, and if there was something he hated it was when someone was placing their hand on him. The young man had quickly reached out to grab the wrist of the gunwielding thug, who looked abit surprised at this.
"Get your hands off me!" Milliard had screamed out, what soon followed was a large flash of light. When the light finally faded, the thug was gone, it was as if he had been disintigrated at the spot. The remaining thugs fled soon after with their panic ridden faces. As for the young man, he dwelled on what had just happened, realizing he had indeed killed that man. He knew that he was no longer powerless, he had been given a gift and to not use a gift when one had it was indeed to spit fortune in the face. The young man soon realized just what manner of powers he had been given, and with this power came also deeper conviction and belief that he had been selected. To right all that was wrong with the world, the thug which had grabbed him were just the first. Even if he had dwelled on what had happened to him, and coming to the realization that the thug had been killed by his power alone. There was no turning back. There never was.
A young man without a past, a present which was rotten... the future was the only thing remaining. It would have to do, and he would make certain to use this newfound power to make the future how it should be. How it must be. The young man found himself able to create crystals and other things, not only the pure light that was engulfing him. The ability to create diamond and other valuable things came to use for him, he sold them locally is small amounts to not attract too much attention. Some were sold to jewelers, and some were sold to thugs who wanted to make an easy coin. Given the money needed, the young man saw to outfit himself better, getting an attire to make him appear as if he came from a rich family. Looks could get you far in the world, far enough that some would turn a blind eye when doing minor illegal things. As time passed his customers became more and he increased his wealth, but to attain money had never been in his interest. It was just a stepping stone to get where he needed to be. And after time he was able to procure himself a home, bribing a man to pose as his father. How far one could go by using peoples greed, it was a thing he would never forget. It was a thing he couldn't forget. If there was anything he knew, it was that people were greedy and selfish things. He had no love for any of them. They were all disgusting and shallow.
Having procured himself a home, a mansion to be precise was indeed going to aid in his plans for the future, his hired 'father' figure was soon relieved of his duty and all service personell were dismissed. He wanted as little as possible to do with them. They were so unlike him, at first it was only in behaviour he thought but now it was even more apparent. There were two different kinds of mankind. Whereof he had been selected as one of the new. It didn't take him long to get underway in creating an underground vault under his home, using his newly given earth powers he moved rocks, stones and dirt as he desired. The very earth bending and shaping under his will. He also knew that there was being out there who was watching him, who had bestowed a part of his power to him. He knew not much of it, nor did he think it was as important as cleansing the world.
The vault underneath the mansion soon came to be a vast and hollow place, it's walls reinforced by all manner of stone, crystal and gems. Like massive square like cave, this would be the perfect place to test and master his powers. The power to reshape not only the earth... but everything. Though he couldn't be underground all the time, nor within the mansion which was offputting to him. But it was a means to remain undisturbed by neighbours and other people. Other people which he hated so very much. Nature was another matter. He had learnt to use his powers to quickly locate himself outside of the city, to where there was more wildlife and the air was different. Soon it would all be just like it...
Season 1/2 Summary: Having bought himself a mansion using diamonds and gold created by his powers, Millard spent his time training his powers in a specially made chamber in his home.
Hero Type: Energy/Psychic
Power Level: City level -> World level (If left to his devices)
Powers:Attributes (Select one at each category):- Light creation and manipulation: Assortment of beams, orbs and cone shaped attacks of light for devastating results. He may also imbue objects with light energy or channel his powers through them like his armor and sword that he normally would be equipped with. His light powers can easily penetrate concrete and tank armor, providing he has not been completely exhausted, weakened or somehow nullified. Often he creates orbs of light which follow him around like small (tennisball size) floating wisps. Sometimes he may create a blinding light aswell using these powers, while it does not cause any damage it may be difficult for others to see through it with normal eyesight.
- Light absorption (Active defense): Milliard may chose to activate a defense which allows him to absorb various sources of light energy. This remains active until he choses to deactivate it.
- Photoportation: Milliard may teleport himself to a place he has a clear recollection of or to a place within his vision. The former is more taxing than the latter. The latter he uses in battle, the former very seldomly so. Only if he really needs to get out of his position. This power does not work in areas of complete darkness unless there's a source of light.
- Light empowerment (Activation, then passive for one hour or until renewed): Milliard's strength, durability, endurance and speed is increased when empowered by light for up to an hour unless renewed. Which he may have administered to himself or gotten through Light absorption. The empowerment manifests itself as shining wings of golden light. This empowerment does not blind others from seeing him.
- Ageless: Does not physically age, but may still be affected by damage, virus, poisons or illness.
- Light healing: An out of battle kind of healing which allows him to mend his wounds, scratches and fleshwounds get healed quickly while deeper wounds take longer time. When it comes to broken bones they are the trickiest to restore as that takes days and much effort to heal.
- Earth creation and manipulation: He may crease rocks, dirt, crystals and various minerals and also manipulate to his desire in shape and purpose. Such as being able to use rocks and dirt to create a hill or a plataeu. He usually uses crystals as prisms for his light powers. Milliard may also manipulate pre-existing earthly materials like dirt, rocks, crystals etc.
- Seismic sense (Active ability): May sense movement in the ground if he reaches out to 'connect' with it. Other earth manipulators may however hinder this from working properly. He also cannot use it while flying or hovering.
- Earthquake: A channel ability which is very taxing on him both mentally and physically, but given enough time he could potentially level an entire city if left alone for too long. It would first be a slight tremble in the earth, then gradually shake more and more until things would start to fall in on itself.
- Indomitable mind: If the determination of the young man were not enough on their own, that he also has access to psychic abilities further reinforces his mind against attacks of it's kind.
- Photo-Telekinesis: While he normally can shoot beams and orbs of light with his light creation and manipulation, photo-telekinesis allows him to bend his own beams when he wishes to, with abit of an effort ofcourse. It isn't as effortless as shooting his regular beams of light into his crystals but it gives him a tool to use to catch foes possibly unawares after a possible evade.
- Photokinetic flight: Bestows the ability to fly or hover, his body slightly glows abit when he does, not enough to blind or anything.
- Geokinesis: Milliard generally uses geokinesis to move the things he has created via earth manipulation, these can be both rocks or various types of crystals. Which Milliard uses for both defense and offense. The crystals serve as relays for his beams and orbs of light, causing them to bounce inbetween them and around corners to strike from various angles. Rocks serve more use as a physical type of attack or to block enemy attacks. While he may be able to create and manipulate sand with his earth manipulation, he generally will not do it as it does not synergize well with his light manipulation. Crystals and rocks manipulated by geokinesis may hover around him if he desires.
- Geo-shockwave: When standing on the ground he may manipulate the earth to shoot out of the ground in a wave-like manner at quite the force.
Height: 168cm
Weight: 55kg
Strength: Normal human (12 tons when empowered)
Endurance: Normal human (x20 times normal endurance when empowered)
Durability: Normal human (Able to resist tank shells and gunfire when empowered )
Mobility: Up to supersonic (Beyond supersonic when empowered)
Intelligence: Shrewd
Fighting Skill: Self-trained style
High (Precious mineral creation buisness)
Weaknesses:- Regular human weakness of having to eat, drink, sleep, breathe and so forth.
- Powerful sonic attacks may shatter his crystals, sword and armor (if he wears it).
- When not empowered by his light powers he is aside from his speed comparable to a normal human.
- Milliard is overambitious and overconfident at times.
- Overly kind and persistant people (Since they may disrupt his view on the world and humankind as a whole and possibly make him doubt his action.)
- May be beaten badly in hand to hand combat or swordsplay by someone whose trained (Martial artists, kendo users, fencers etc)
Supporting Characters: None currently
Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: Yep!
Sample Post:The basement was dark, water dripped down along the pipes that were going along the ceiling, bringing water to the apartments above. The journalist had found herself in more trouble than she would have thought, searching for the next scoop. She was now bound by a wooden chair in a dark room and before her stood a young man dressed in a suit and some small hovering orbs of light circulating around him as if he was the sun and they were the planets. Had she gotten knocked uncouncious when she snuck into the suspicious building? She couldn't remember, but all she knew now was that she was stuck and couldn't reply. All she could do now was to hear what the young man was going to tell her.
"Oh what's that? You wanted to know who I am? I shall grant you this honor as a last wish before you die... My name is Milliard Silvio Leigher, also known as Verge. I was born in the city of angels as the humans call it, seventeen years ago, to parents unknown. An orphan if you wish, they did not want me, and now that I've become old enough, I've realized I didn't need them neither. I suppose it is human nature which causes them to discard things which are inconvienient, troublesome or unwanted. One of those things be guilt, oh they try so hard to avoid feeling that. Even if they have to harm eachother to satisfy their own view of themselves. At some point in the past, I was feeling guilt just like so many of them, was it my fault I was discarded? Unwanted? It wasn't I who abandoned humankind, it is humankind which abandoned me, just like they've abandoned this world.
How long have they killed each other, hunted things for sport, exploited the land, defiled the seas, harvested the forests and made several kind of beings extinct. Yet they think themselves so good and rightious, that they are without any blame, thinking they are the exception to the rule of nature that eventually everything ends. That nothing is eternal. That their own extinction is at the horizon, they seem to discard that as many other things. The only thing which needs to be discarded now is humankind, so that the earth can be restored to how it should be. Just like how mankind was once drowned, as it said in the bible. We of the supreme power are the chosen ones for the Ark, the ones to guide the world forwards. But every Ark needs a Noah. You are looking at him but you are also looking at god... they've become one and the same you see, Noah and he. I shall enlighten these mortals of their wicked ways with purifying light and the wrath of the very earth they've been plaguing for so long. They will join the dinosaurs in the annals of time.
Innocent people? There is no such thing, their hands are tainted with blood and divine judgement is at hand, and I will be the one delivering it. Soon there will be a day of reckoning for everyone, blissful light at the end of their dark tunnel. Isn't that the kindest path to go? Why wait for them to curse and destroy each other and spread unnecessary suffering across the world, and inflict more violations to the earth. The earth must be protected, even if the enemy is humankind. Don't you agree? Hahah... ofcourse not. You would never understand because you are one of them, someone who haven't been given the gift could never hope to understand the meaning behind it. You see... I was given this power not only to be protect and guide this world, there will be evolution through an earthly and shining revolution! Oh what's with that look? Ahh.. you understand the beauty of it now? Whereof you do or not is of no importance.
What is of importance however is that the world is liberated and brought into the gentle light that I will bestow upon it. Oh do you happen to have a dog? Worry not, I shall do my outmost to make certain it will survive what you will not. Dogs are loyal and happy to just be living, whereof you humans are never truly happy. You always strive higher and further up, and it is because of this that I came into contact with the gift. Ironic don't you think? That it is humankind's own hand that is stabbing it in the heart? I find the irony simply glorious. What better way is there for there epitaph, to be destroyed by their own greed and endless desire...
Ahh, but enough of this... I have some work that needs to be done, I shall have elevate a city to a shining new horizon."The young man shot the orbs towards the woman setting her free from her restraints as the ropes where swiftly cut off by the light energy.
"Enjoy your last moments however you wish... soon will come the final goodnight kiss."Personal theme: