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In Primality 6 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
This is a check-in post.

The roleplay is still active and alive, of course. But we've had some clear drops/ghosts and some people whose status is ambiguous in regards to this roleplay. So, if you're still here, please reply to this message below. I want to see if I need/want to bring more people into the fold to make up the numbers since I'll be working the inactives into NPCs if they don't show up and I don't want the roleplay to stall for posts if a chunk of the cast becomes NPCs.

I'm more than happy to make a collab post with anyone if that would make it easier for other characters to interact with Ruby 😁

Ruby was anything but comfortable. She had tried to find some shadows to hide in, but no matter where she went there were watching eyes and glaring blue fluorescent light on her that made her stand out like the pale scar of the underworld. Much like such a scar, all she wanted to do was fade away and be forgotten about.

Despite all her misgivings, she stood there, pulling at the sleeves of her oversized black hoodie as she watched the fancily dressed and sometimes even costumed people in the area. She had only one simple reason she was here, despite the unnerving invitation and the room filled with people, there was some truth to this Dragon guy being trouble. She had heard whispers running around the Mystique. Rumours about foreigners with interesting tattoos, some odd criminal jobs, drugs flooding Ironclad and even something about a meta boss trying to take over the city.

None of that really seemed to bother Ruby though, what had gotten under her skin was one of the younger women turned up with dark bruises around her neck the other week. She had tried to play it down, saying it was just a customer with unusual tastes but the more the other girls had prodded, the more details had come out. Specifically, this newcomer had decided he was hot shit, and when Linda hadn’t reacted with awe, he had decided to prove his strength. This was just going to be the start if such men were going to be running this town, and Ruby was going to have none of it.

Which left the pale woman hiding in much too big black clothes, looking from person to person with bright sanguine red eyes, as she hesitantly reached for a samosa. She wasn’t about to start being picky when free food was available.
Thankeyz! Could someone please PM me the discord link?

Anti-hero | 23 | 5'2

Please excuse any typos or the like, wrote this while on a road trip 😅
Tempted to readapt an old character. She's a banshee, do you think that would work?
Are you still accepting?
Are you still accepting?
In Primality 29 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Walking down the old-fashioned brick path, Paige was lazily making her way toward the rest of the larger buildings. She had completely ignored the loudly announced 10-minute warning that had everyone else around her quickly getting their asses into gear.

I mean what were they going to do if she was a few minutes late? Put her in a prison school for freaks? Oh wait, they already did that.

Scoffing, she let her boots do the walking as she boredly watched her surroundings and the hurrying people past her.

As she passed the older brick dorm hall, she finally saw someone else who did not seem to be in a rush to the ceremony. Maybe it was her wanting to see how far she could push her luck by being even later, or maybe it was her curiosity about why someone else wasn't running on orders. Either way, she meandered over to where the broken and burnt man was hiding from view.

Hitting the wall with a soft thud, she leaned up with her wall against the cold brick as she stared down at the smoking student. Looking through the lavender purple hair that threatened to get in her way of studying the man, she asked, "And here was me thinking that was against the rules."

Her words might have been harsh, but a teasing smile played on her lips as she tried to provoke the stranger. Who may or may not have noticed that the smoke from his cigarette was softly flowing away from her direction.
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