As Duskwing and Moosepaw arrived back at camp she watched him stumble off towards the freshkill pile, no doubt exhausted from a full day of hunting and training. She'd have to remind him to get a good night's sleep. They needed everyone in top shape while Fernstar was gone. She settled herself in front of Highstump, tail curled around her paws to protect them from the cold of the night, and held back a purr of amusement at the excited exclamation from Honeykit. She felt warm despite the cold winds as the young she-cat was given her apprentice name and Spidernose as a mentor. She knew the cream colored cat would make a good match for the newest member of their clan. As Fernstar leapt down from Highstump she stood and padded towards their leader. "Congratulations Honeypaw," she meowed warmly as she passed by the two, "You too Spidernose. You'll make an excellent mentor, but if you need any help just ask." Her eyes briefly caught on an unfamiliar young tom sitting next to Spidernose, but she pushed past the confusion to catch up with Fernstar, she could worry about that later.
She caught the tail end of what Fernstar was saying to the other three warriors and frowned in concern. Maplestream was missing? She had seen the other she-cat during the scrap with the fox. She hadn't seemed badly injured so nothing should have prevented her from getting back to camp. Hopefully those three would be able to find her before she froze or got injured. "Fernstar?" she caught up to her as she most likely went to meet up with Blackpelt, "I know you have a lot to be worried about right now so I figured some good news would do some good. I think Moosepaw is more than ready for his assessment and warrior name; I don't think there's much else I can teach him."

Stormheart nodded in confirmation as Fernstar ordered him and Sunfur to leave the next morning. He felt concern prickling across his pelt at the prospect of waiting that long, but he knew that they didn't have much of a choice. There was no way that they could find her in the dark and despite his thicker pelt he really didn't want to spend a night tracking in the forest. He let his worries slip away a bit as the small black and orange shape of Honeykit stumbled up to Fernstar to receive her name and mentor. He briefly hoped to get Honeypaw as his own apprentice, but he didn't think he was quite ready for that kind of responsibility. "Congratulations you two!" he called across the camp as Fernstar hopped down from Highstump and walked over towards him and Sunfur.
"We won't come back until she's found or we're dead on our paws Fernstar. You can count on us. Right, Sunfur?" He put on a mask of confidence even though he didn't really feel it. He was determined to find their missing clanmate, but he couldn't stop the what ifs from running circles around his head. If Fernstar wanted them to check around the ravine that means she could've fallen into the rushing rapids below, and no cat could survive that fall. All of the different beasts that lurk around the territory, the weather, a falling tree, anything could've prevented Maplestream from coming back. He just hoped that it wasn't any of those things and there was a perfectly reasonable explanation for why she didn't come back.