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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien looked towards Andy with a soft smile as he asked bow she slept. "I slept okay," She started softly, "I didn't sleep until the moon started to drop, the stars were glistening brightly before I felt sleepiness tug on my mind. Mitch was luckily there to keep look over me so I managed to get a bit of sleep."
She looked down to his chest as she spoke of how she slept, before she looked up towards his face after she spoke. "I dreamt." She spoke, "For the first time for a while. I dreamt of you."

Niccia still had tear stains down her cheeks as she watched Sparky and Rorsh together, before her eyes slowly moved to watch Frosiien and Andy. She felt movement off to the side and she glanced to see Michael looking at her. Her ears pricked up before drooping, and she moved to gently press her head against his happily.
"I'm okay." She whispered to him quietly, "Thank you."

Rorsh moved to gently hold out her hands towards Sparky, as Sparky stepped towards her quietly before she stopped within reach and allowed the Galarian Zapdos to gently stroke into her fur.
Gavin seemed to relax while Dialla left, his shoulders dropped and his jaw flexed before he instinctively looked towards Mindy's room.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Andy looked at Frosiien when she talked about her dream. He didn't reply, but smiled and put an arm around her shoulders so he could pull her against him. Hearing her talk about a dream about him just made him happy, but admittedly, it also scared him a little.
"Must have been a stunning dream," he eventually stated with a grin. "Because, you know," he added, using his sandwich to point at himself.
Maybe she found it funny, maybe it killed the mood, but joking was a coping mechanism and as much as he liked Frosiien it was hard to react in a serious way to her confession.

A Mime Jr. entered the Pokémon Center, staying near the door for a moment before coming in further. He quickly made his way to Soul and the others.
"Good morning," he greeted them.
"Morning!" an invisible Penalopy chimed, before floating towards Gavin. "Don't you worry, she'll come when she's ready." Then she floated to Niccia to wrap her small arms around her neck to hug her.

Michael put his arm around Niccia and just stayed with her. With Dialla gone and Rosh's positivity in the place, it felt better again. It felt they were among friends again. He looked up when he heard the melodic voice of the Meloetta.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien gave a happy laugh at Andy's words, her face deepened in red as she buried her head into his shoulder and neck to hide her embarrassment and her blush.
She held in a laugh as she slowly lifted her head away and looked around as she saw James come into the building and headed over to them. She heard Penalopy's voice and she let out a gentle sigh, things were returning to normal, everyone was starting to relax slightly.

Soul lifted his head towards James as he bowed his head. "Good morning little one." He said before he heard Penalopy's voice and looked towards Niccia as she wrapped her arms around his trainers neck. Niccia flinched at the sudden touch before she realized who it was, moving to gently lean into the hug slightly.
"Good morning Pen." She said softly, a tone of sadness ebbing into her words. "Are you ready for StarFall? Any word of anyone else being there this year?"

"The Creation Trio will be there!" Rorsh interrupted happily, getting Sparky slightly more excited and she started to vibrate with a happy buzzing-purr. "I'm not sure if Kyogre and Groudon will be there, but Storm will be there easily." She rattled on happily.
Gavin watched the group slowly before he perked up at the mention of Penalopy's words, his face flushed red a bit and his eyes brightened. Fez only gave a laugh as he watched his trainer perk up at the idea of a woman being on her way.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Andy bit from the sandwich as he watched the others come in. He knew he would be meeting a lot of people this day and he was looking forward to it. Luckily he didn't need to understand the Pokémon language to know what the legendary Pokémon were saying, if they would talk in the human language.
"I'm going to see if Merlin is back from his night out," he said. "He usually sits on the roof of the building I sleep.

"Why, why do you not sound happy?" Penalopy chimed, although she remained hidden as she was still in her Pokémon form. "It's StarFall! I haven't talked with anyone yet, but I think almost everyone will be here. It's StarFall after all, who would want to miss that?"
"Is Darkrai still welcome at this gathering?" Michael asked, suddenly nervous about the idea of coming face to face with him again. Would he try to come? Was he allowed to?
"We do tend to set aside our differences for this," Penalopy said. "Some legendary Pokémon have feuds, but not during StarFall. Did Darkrai break any rules that would ban him from our ranks?" she asked as she turned to Niccia."

James waved at Fez and then looked at the sleeping Mitch. "We were at the shrine last night," he told Soul. "Miss Penalopy and Celebi played together and sang songs for most of the night. Celebi decorated the shrine with flowers, it looks really pretty."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Frosiien nodded to Andy as he mentioned he was going to see Merlin. "You have fun." She said with a bit of a grin, "I'll stay in here, I'll wait for you to come back." The Articuno said with a wink towards her human friend before she moved towards Niccia and Michael as Penalopy asked about Darkrai and breaking rules.

"My apologies for butting in," Frosiien started, Rorsh suddenly jumping up to hug her cousin with a grin, Frosiien moving to pick the smaller bird up happily with a kiss on Rorsh's cheek. "But I feel like you're forgetting everything that he has done in the past Pen."
Niccia looked up to Frosiien as she spoke, waiting for her turn to reply to Penalopy's question of why she was unhappy.
"Not only did he rile the Ultra Beasts against the Legendaries, try and harm or eliminate many of the Legendaries on multiple occasions, possessing and corrupting legendaries on a regular basis, and most importantly trying to harm Arceus himself on several instances." Frosiien listed off, in a soft, gentle almost motherly tone.

"And don't forget he's just a massive downer." Duusian's voice echoed through the air, the Hoopa appearing on top of Souls' back. "He's just boring to be around, 'rah rah I'll take over this, rah rah darkness edginess rah rah.'"
Soul nodded at James' words, "That sounds amazing. I'm sure Celebi will be more than happy to see us all." He said with a bigger grin, Fez gave a gentle nod in agreement.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

As Andy walked outside, Penalopy made herself visible but she kept low to keep herself hidden from human eyes. "Well, yes, he hasn't been good, but was he officially banned from our ranks by Arceus? Because if Arceus didn't Darkai can still enter StarFall. And Arceus can only ban Pokémon if there is evidence his rules were broken. Darkrai is cunning, he'll know how to cover the tracks that lead to him, so while we suspect he is behind a lot, there are things we can't prove, can we? And torturing a human, as sad as it is, is for several of our family not really important, that doesn't break any rules, because humans torture Pokémon too, according to them."

Michael listened to Frosiien and Penalopy. He had felt better when Frosiien listed all the reasons why Darkrai wouldn't be welcome, but that feeling soon dissolved when Penalopy countered with her question and remarks. He hoped Darkrai was banned, but if the others still saw him as a legendary Pokémon too, he might not be.

Mindy entered the common room and noticed the large group of humans and Pokémon, recognising most of them. She walked over, quickly waved at Gavin and went to where Niccia and Michael were.
"This probably isn't the best location to be gathering," she said. "Soon we'll see more trainers entering and leaving this place and a group this big draws attention to itself."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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"It's up to Arceus if he wishes for Darkrai to truly be banned or not." Frosiien gave a sigh towards Penalopy's words, glancing towards Michael for a moment before she looked down to Niccia, who watched the Articuno hesitantly. "But I think we shouldn't talk about such a dark pressence on a good day like today, For Niccia and Michaels sake." She said firmly, staring directly at Penalopy.

Niccia looked to Mindy as she walked over to them, she looked towards where Andy went before she looked over to Mindy. "We can head out back if everyone is ready to." She said with a weak smile, "If everyone is ready, if not I can take the others who are ready out and whoever isn't ready can stay inside?"

Gavin waved back to Mindy, grinning almost like an idiot before he caught himself and silently cleared his throat and turned away to cross his arms to hide his blush. He closed his eyes momentarily before he reopened them as he saw Duusian floating in front of him.
"Hey buddy!" He said with a grin, moving to touch Gavins' cheeks. "You might get to meet my human today! He's really cool!" He chattered happily.
Gavin moved quickly, grabbing Duusian in his arms before he tucked the Legendary under his arm and started to walk outside without another word.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Okay, fine," Penalopy replied. "The problem won't go away because no-one wants to brings it up though~" she added cheerfully. "I'll see you outside again!"
She floated to James and together they went outside.

Michael greeted Mindy when she joined them, and sat in silence because Mindy sat down next to Niccia to talk with her. It was good to see them get along; Mindy was a friend after all. He picked up his Cyndaquil, who seemed really nervous about it all and tickled him a bit.
"Will you be in your true form during StarFall?" he asked Frosiien, not paying much attention to the girls next to him.

"I'm going to get breakfast first and then..." she moved a little closer to Niccia. "Change into the dress I bought for this occasion," she whispered. "Then I'll be ready for today. Maybe we can both go to our rooms after I ate and let the boys wait outside for us."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Frosiien watched her leave before she turned to face Michael with a soft smile.
"I haven't though about it honestly." She said with a bit of a sigh, "I know Dialla prefers the Pokemon forms, but I'm more comfortable in the Humanoid form, I like being able to talk properly to humans, whichever ones will be around." She continued as she closed her eyes slightly, "This StarFall may be the first time where all of us are Humanoid, for Niccia."

Niccia looked over to Mindy as she spoke, she gave a small nod at her words. She moved to give a thumbs up to her words before she looked down to Sparky as Rorsh moved to stand up.
"I'm gonna go out with Penalopy. I'll be out there if you need me~" Rorsh set down Sparky before heading off towards the outside door, she glanced back and grinned slightly before she stepped out back with Penalopy and James.
"Hey Pen," She started as she stepped towards the two Pokemon, "Can I... speak to you?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Okay, time for breakfast!" Mindy said and she got up to buy a sandwich and some coffee.

Michael nodded; it was a nice thought the legendaries would be in their human form for Niccia. That meant they still cared about her. He watched Mindy leave to get some breakfast; being the first one up he had had an early breakfast. He didn't mind he had to wait for everyone though.

Andy stood outside, looking at the humans who were already up and going to school or work. How many legendary Pokémon walked among them? And where had Dialla gone?
"Yo, Merlin," he said.
A sound came from the roof and Andy looked up. "Did you sleep enough?"
Merlin nodded and Benny flew up to join him and told him what had happened in the center.
"Of course he threatened a Legendary Pokémon," Merlin sighed. "We better keep an eye on him then."

Penalopy turned to Rorsh. "I can't make myself visible here," she said, "let's go to the back of the Pokémon Center and I can talk properly with you.
James led the way when he heard where Penalopy wanted to go.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Niccia waved to her as she moved to go, before she looked towards Michael, "I need to change into cleaner clothes before we go." She said with a gentle smile towards him, before she looked towards Frosiien as she mentioned about the others being in their human forms for her.
"They know they don't need to be, right?" She asked softly.
Frosiien gave a small smile, nodding towards Niccia, "They know." She started before she looked towards the doors as Penalopy, James and Rorsh came into the Pokemon center again.

Rorsh followed Penalope quickly, before she grabbed James in her hand before pulling Penalopy to the side to talk to her, out of the vision of anyone around and gave a small sigh.
"Look, brining up Darkrai around those two is.. Not a good idea." She started quietly, "I'm not sure what happened to the human male, but we all know what Darkrai did to Niccia." She continued with a dark look in her eyes.
"The betrayal, the controlling, the attempted assassination of Arceus himself. He made Niccia do all of that while under his control, to ensure he was easily able to talk himself out of it."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Penalopy sighed and floated around James; when she was behind him she wrapped her arms around him and leaned her head on his shoulder. "James, why does everyone think not talking about it is the best thing for Niccia?" she complained.
"Well, miss Penalopy, you see," James began, but she didn't give him the opportunity to finish.
Penalopy floated back to Rorsh. "I didn't want her to be unprepared for a possible face-to-face with Darkrai, imagine how much that would hurt~" She had a sad look on her face. "I know all that happened, but I didn't know if Arceus banned Darkrai or not. He should have, Darkrai was bad, but what will happen if he shows up unannounced?" She landed on the floor and stood next to her guardian. "Staying silent about it is not going to solve anything. Starfall is about us being together, to be happy, and I know that. But isn't it also to make peace when we had a fight with each other, to heal old wounds and burry old rivalries, to be supportive of each other? I'd rather have Niccia deal with it in a safe space while we are all there to comfort her, then to just not talk about what had happened. Healing comes from letting it out, not by locking it in."

Michael nodded to Niccia when she said she'd change into something else. He too had put on some new, clean clothes. "Shall we check on uncle?" he asked his Cyndaquil, who nodded to him. He got up and turned to Niccia. "I'll see you outside," he told her, showing a gentle smile.
"Do we bring him coffee?" Lytse asked.
"Maybe not a bad idea, he had one cup and a sandwich, but he always drinks two cups in the morning."

Andy finished the sandwich he had gotten from Benny and threw away the package. He watched the area around him. From what he learned so far it would be easy to spot the Legendary Pokémon; they all looked human, but had certain characteristics normal humans didn't have. Hair that mimicked their appearance for instance, and a way of walking that was just different - the gait of someone not walking on two legs often, a certain air of superiority, or a hint of awkwardness. He wondered if his nephew had picked up on that, but he decided Michael was probably too busy swooning over Niccia to really look at other people, and Michae; wasn't used to observing as he was. Observing Pokémon had been his job for years after all.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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"We will make sure she won't be unprepared." Rorsh said in a serious tone towards Penalopy, "And I understand you are trying to help. Which is amazing, I'm glad that you're wanting to help her. I want to help her too." She looked towards James, "Please, continue what you were trying to say. I wish to hear what you believe as well." Rorsh said as she smiled towards James and sat on the floor with Penalopy and James.
"I'm not wanting to put down what you are saying at all Pen, please don't think that." Rorsh started with a bit of a sigh, moving to run her hands through her hair as she closed her eyes to focus. "If he shows up unannounced, we can only hope that Cressilla is strong enough to push him out while Arceus closes the portal. Or even if he isn't banned, Arceus will make sure of it. Especially since Niccia will be there."

Rorsh didn't notice as Sparky slowly sniffed the two of them out, walking over towards Rorsh and moved to press her nose against the Galarian Zapdos. "Friend." Sparky said with a small smile and a tail wag, "Legendary friend!"
"Oh." Rorsh looked back to Sparky and went to grab her as the small Pokemon climbed into her lap quietly. "Hello friend." Rorsh replied softly.

Niccia grinned as she walked over towards her room. She moved to close the door slowly to pull out the dress and started to undress herself.
She made sure to fold up her clothes and slipped them into her bag before she started to put the dress on, making sure to hide her ears and tail the best she could.

Niccia spun on the spot momentarily and watched herself in the mirror. She moved to pull out her hairbrush before she started to brush her hair. It wasn't long enough to properly plait it or anything, but she could at least move it into a cuter way. She looked in the mirror as she managed to fix it up in a way that was neater then what it looked like.

A shadowed figure watched Andy carefully, moving to step into the shadows before standing higher up in the tree.
Marshadow watched where they stood, narrowing their eyes slowly. He still wasn't sure about Varina being around Andy, nor was he sure he wanted Andy towards Frosiien.
Marshadow disappeared from the tree and appeared not too far from Andy, hidden slightly from view before he breathed in and focused.

He twisted his form slightly, becoming human again.
His short, pointy black hair glistening in the sunlight. He wore black dojo clothes, with a dark green belt.
He hesitated, trying to stop himself from freaking out as he breathed and headed over towards Andy quickly.
"Hail, human." Marshadow said carefully, his voice slightly low as he watched Andy's reaction.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"I wanted to say," James said, "that it's up to none of us to decide what Niccia can deal with or when we should talk about it. While I agree that a blissful ignorance won't serve a purpose in the long run, making her worried during Starfall about something that may not happen is perhaps not needed. If Darkrai will show up, we can help Niccia. If he doesn't, she doesn't need to worry about hi,"

Penalopy hugged James. "You always have good things to say~ That's why you are my guardian!"

As Michael bought a coffee from the vending machine, Mindy went into her room to change into the dress she had bought. It was nice to dress up for once; travelling around she didn't have many opportunities to do so, unless she entered a contest.
After putting on the dress, she brushed her hair and put a ribbon in it. With all that done she called her Dunsparce with her.
"What do you think?" she asked as she turned around.
"Dunsparce!" The Dunsparce replied, nodding.

Andy turned to the person who had greeted him. Definitely a legendary Pokémon in human disguise. "You are not making it difficult for me. Humans don't greet each other with 'human'. I guess you're here for Starfall too, right?"

Merlin watched the man below. He tilted his head to the left, then to the right. This one looked familiar. The colours, the hairstyle. Could this... be the one he had talked with on that day Andy had met Frosiien? The one who had knocked Varina out of his hands with a shadow ball.

At this moment Michael emerged from the Pokémon center to give his uncle some coffee.
"Coffee! You are my favourite nephew, you know that?"
"I'm your only nephew," Michael reminded him.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Rorsh smiled at James words, giving a small nod in agreement to his words.
"I'm glad one of us is good with words." She said with a laugh, giving a small sigh as she ran her hands through Sparky's fur. "But we just need to make Starfall amazing for both Niccia and Michael." The Zapdos continued with a small grin, "And of course we need to make it spectacular for Andy too, we need to wow him!" She chuckled before she looked to Sparky as she yawned slowly.

Niccia finished getting changed and spun herself around a bit more.
"Perfect!" She started to herself before she grabbed a sidebag and swung it over her shoulder. She had to be sure she was ready before she slowly made her way towards the door.

She pushed it open and stepped out, Soul standing beside the doorway before he looked up to her.
"You look nice." Soul spoke gently, Niccia moved to rub his head as a thank you as she headed back over towards Gavin.
"I'm back!" She called out to the Mewtwo, who turned slowly and froze at the sight of Niccia.
"You look... Gorgeous!" He stammered, Niccia grinned happily.
"Don't let Michael or Mindy hear you say that~" She teased before she moved to look around for Sparky. "Where'd she get off to?" She glanced to Soul as he pointed towards where Rorsh and Penny was. "Right."

The Marshadow nodded once at Andy's words, about to speak before Michael appeared. He started to freak slightly and looked for somewhere to hide. Varidol wanted to run and hide, but the younger male human probably already saw him.
"A...Aye," Varidol started, "I am here for StarFall. I see you're getting close to F...Frosiien." He continued, starting to straighten up before he looked Andy over.

"And the Ex-Guardian? Where is she?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"It will be fun," Penalopy said. "I'm going back to Celebi, I'll see you at StarFall!" She turned invisible to float away, James quickly moved to follow her, quickly waving to Rorsh as he left.

Mindy looked at her dress a final time and nodded. "Let's show the others," she said to her Dunsparce, who nodded enthusiastically. She left the room and went back to the common area of the Pokémon Center, where she noticed Niccia was already changed. She walked over to the Mew-girl. "You look fantastic in that dress," she told her. "Has Michael seen it already?"
A quick look around learned her Michael wasn't here.

"Varina is still inside, last I saw her she was with Soul." Andy didn't comment on the remark he was getting close to Frosiien. That was exactly what he wanted to be.
He noticed the door open and a Mime Jr ran past them. Alone? Or was that Legendary Pokémon he needed to guard invisible again?
After a sip from the coffee, Andy turned to Varidol again. "Are you worried about Frosiien or Varina?" he asked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Rorsh nodded as they both left, before she slowly stood up as she held Sparky in her arms.
"I have to head off little one." She whispered to Sparky, placing her on the ground before she walked out the back entrance.
She looked around and quickly moved to shift back into her Pokemon form and sprinted off into the forest and disappeared.

Niccia looked over to Mindy as she spoke to her, grinning happily.
"Thank you! You look absolutely gorgeous!" She spoke before she looked to Gavin.
Gavin stared at Mindy as she approached, his eyes was on her as his mouth opened.

"By... The stars." Gavin started slowly, "You look..." He shook himself as he looked away for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck slowly. "You both look amazing!" He managed to spatter out, he looked to the ground with an embarrassed smile.
Why was this so awkward for him? He though he had feelings for Mindy, maybe he didn't? She looked Gorgeous but maybe he.. He shook his head slightly.

Varidol straightened up as he watched the Mime Jr run past, before he looked back to Andy.
"Not worried about Frosiien." He started, "She is easily the smartest of the Kanto birds." He said before he looked to Michael before back to Andy. "It's not that I am worried for Varina, but I am worried for you."

He paused slightly before he started again, "Varina is his old guardian. Everyone is saying he won't come back for her but I'm worried that if-"
"He won't." A familiar voice echoed in the air... But just in english. Varidol looked over to the shorter, scruffier male walking up to them in what looked to be standard 'genie' clothing.
"Dauusin." Varidol started with a bit of a nod, getting a nod from the male, his ring-like jewelry clinging quietly.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Mindy beamed when Gavin complimented her dress. This day was already perfect. "Shall we see where Michael is?" she asked Niccia, hooking her arm in hers. "I bet he won't know what to say!"

Andy listened to Varidol and nodded, then turned to Dausin. "You know, you are not the only one who knows for sure Darkrai won't be back for her, but I'm on his side," he gestured to Varidol, "and I'm keeping in mind he could show up any moment to either get her back or get revenge for taking her. And if he does I'll be ready for him and give him a piece of my mind for abducting my nephew. And if he doesn't come back for her, I will give him a piece of my mind about that when I do get to meet him."

"He will give Darkrai a piece of his mind while we're fighting," Merlin sighed.
"Well, you can't expect him to fight," Benny replied, "Humans are weak."

Michael hoped Dausin would be right, and the others who had claimed Darkrai wouldn't come for her. He really was the last Legendary Pokémin he wanted to see.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gavin waited for the girls to walk past him to slowly follow them outside.
Niccia grinned to Mindy as she linked arms with her, she let out a giggle as she was gently pulled along outside. "I hope he likes it!" She said.

Dausiin nodded at Andy's words, "That is understandable." He said with a bit of a smirk, looking to the human Marshadow. "It looks like you have someone that actually listens to you." He said with a wink, before he looked towards Andy with a small nod. He glanced to Michael and frowned, stepping over to him and gently gripped one of his hands. "We will keep you safe." He said with a bow of his head.

Varidol looked from Dausiin over to Andy and nodded once at his words, looking to his pokemon companions before he returned his attention to the other human male. "You have a good amount of Pokemon," He said towards Andy, "I hope most of them know effective attacks against dark types."

Niccia, Mindy and then eventually Gavin walked out the Pokecenter, Niccia's eyes widening at the sight of Varidol and Dausiin.
"Vari! Daus!" She called out happily, Gavin looked over the two girls and locked eyes with Varidol and they both shared a stare before Gavin nodded once.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Benny and Bear should be able to do something against the Dark-Type," Andy said. "They know some good bug-type and fighting-type attacks."
He turned to the doors when he heard them open and saw the two girls coming out in lovely dresses, and then looked at his nephew to see his response.

Michael stared at Niccia, taking in every detail of how she looked in that dress. "You..." he began. "Y-you look fantastic in that dress..." He then realised he couldn't comment on one girl and ignore the other. "You too, Mindy. That dress looks good on you."

Mindy giggled, it sounded like he just barely remembered she was there too and it was cute to see him smitten by Niccia.
"When exactly is it going to start?" she asked, turning to Gavin.

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