Nathaniel stands at 5'3" and weighs 58 kilograms.
Name: Nathaniel Gregorio
Age: 18
Nationality: Filipino
Noble Arm Name & Appearance: Noble Arm Rank: B
Noble Arm Type, Element, and Range: Ranged/Electromagnetism/Line of Sight
Noble Arm Abilities: Electric Tri-shot: Nathaniel loads three bullets into each of the Shock Bolters, each one being charged with electric energy. Their velocity is amplified, making their penetration values being twice that of a Desert Eagle pistol. Each Shock Bolter generates 50 bullets everyday, and they do not stack. As such, he only has a fixed amount to go with per day.
Electromagnetic Blast: The Shock Bolters are an eternal reservoir of electromagnetic energy which Nathaniel can unleash as blasts against targets within line of sight. They are capable of stunning or knocking back humans, and will only be fatal if Nathaniel willingly amplifies them. However, they become extremely energy costly when elevated to deadly levels.
Electrical Control: Nathaniel is able to siphon electricity from external sources within line of sight, amplifying his Noble Arm's offensive capabilities. He is also able to channel electricity into machines in order to power/short circuit them, and on metallic objects to either shock those in physical contact with said objects or to accelerate their heat. He can also form shapes (especially letters) out of electromagnetic energy.
Electro-Form: Nathaniel is able to transform his entire body into a purely electrical form, allowing him to travel through metallic objects, conductors, and the power grid itself. He can exit this form whenever he wishes.
Misc Abilities:Coding Shenanigans: His IT specialist father taught him basic hacking, such as getting the password of a neighbour's WiFi and denying others access to certain sites.
Barber: He can do you a basic haircut for a dollar.
Stroker: Nath could be a professional cuddlist if he wanted to.
Personality: Nathaniel is a boy of few words, giving the impression that he is an edgy, brooding character. He is a sleepyhead and often dozes off in the wrong moments, though he still manages to do well in class despite this. He is also rather generous, as he spares no expense in his gifts. Just like his electromagnetic powers, he is volatile and easily angered by perceived slights, though he doesn't bear grudges longer than a day.
Nathaniel is quite affectionate to friends and family, and is sometimes seen looping his arm around someone else's before using their shoulder as a lean-on as he sleeps. His friends sometimes know him as Spine Cracker because… he hugs really hard for someone of his size. He also likes to eat. It is a miracle of how he is able to stay in shape.
*Likes: Cute, fluffy animals, girls smaller than himself, lasagna, baguettes, explosions, and seeing more subscribers to his YouTube channel.
*Dislikes: Reptiles, anti-vaxxers, flat earthers, Hawaiian pizza, broccoli, and ampalaya.
Fears: Heartbreak, memories, and heights.
Bio: Nathaniel Gregorio was born as the second of three children in a middle income family from Makati City, the financial center of the Philippines. His father, Gordon, was an IT specialist, whilst his mother, Melinda, was a neurosurgeon. His family were all Protestants, having been born and raised in the faith by their parents and grandparents before them.
Overall, he had what one could say was a 'typical life' for a person of his generation; he was a compliant kid when he was younger, had rebellious phases in his teen years, and sometimes has these bad influences, like… smoking (too much). He presented himself as this inviolable boy of the church that beat the drums and sometimes spoke to the youth, but he had this darker side that he kept secret in the shadows. Perhaps it was shame, or the gnawing of conscience simply didn't come through until recently, but he lived a dual life of light and darkness from the time he was 16 until the time his Noble Arm manifested.
It was a dark night at the time, and he and his less than reputable friends have been wandering the streets for no good reason other than for the sake of it. It was when Nathaniel was on the way home alone that his path was blocked by a pair of drunken men; two very big, and definitely unfriendly men. Nathan is unsure about the details, as he chooses not to remember, but he does recall being punched quite a few times. Were they the ones who were agitated by their noise? Maybe, but it was at this moment of great stress that the Noble Arm of his own manifested itself. A pair of revolvers that writhed with electricity arose unto his hands, which he then used to disable his attackers by shocking them with taser-like blasts.
It was at this time that he realized his folly of living a dual life of secret decadence and pretenseful holiness. This incidence was, according to him, a message from the Almighty that he needs to take a better path. And a good path was it, then, when a letter from Trinidad University came in. He'll be a good addition, they said...
*Current Goal: Make up for his past mistakes by being the very best.
Student Rank: 58