This thread is a list of characters and locations with important information for a specific story I have had in mind. Most of these would not be fitting for any other setting other than a low fantasy one. I've had these characters for quite a while now, so they're fleshed out and with lot to offer.
In case you did not come here from the thread where I have left a detailed advert for the story and might be interested in an advanced-level roleplay, here's the link you can check out: roleplayerguild.com/topics/183736-feu…
Main character
Princess Regina (of the Embers) Elbritt

The second oldest child and the first daughter, Regina stood out from the rest of the family like a sore thumb, even more now with Medea, her mother dead. When a child is born with a striking red hair and golden eyes, it's been said by the people of the Harmodias Empire that the child was gifted the blood of the true royals, that being the ancient dragons that have been extinct for a time beyond counting or so the local legend says. And the mother of the child needs to look at the nearby source of fire and give the title of the newborn based on what she had seen. Regina was born as the fire in the room has died, but despite the coldness in the northern lands, the embers were very hot and they glowed in the dark corner like fiery eyes. And Medea knew that it was the correct name for her daughter.
After her mother's death, Regina's fire was killed by the verbal abuse of her father, King Hemmet, who was putting her down, restricting her rights and even at times locking her away. Nobody knew what got into the King and why he had such sudden anger towards his daughter, but many have accepted the possibility of Regina's rebellious behavior as the correct reason and the frustration the King has went through after his wife's death. Regina is severely unhappy in this cold, colorless land made of stone, deeply desiring to leave this place and go to Harmodias, her mother's kingdom and Regina's rightful home where she was promised to be the Queen, but Hemmet would strictly forbid it. And to this day, Regina mourns heavily after the Queen, being so out of her element and feeling homeless, Medea was the only source of love and warmth. And with nowhere else to find it, Regina's fire had died, but there the embers sat, they were too hot to touch and they glowed brightly... Should one be careless and poke the embers, a fire can be set. And Regina hated. Hated as she fed on her anger.
By personality, the best way to describe Regina, compared to her siblings who were mostly influenced by their father, is less reserved and quiet. Like the true royalty of southern kingdom of Harmodias, Regina is passionate, feisty, outspoken and charismatic, one would argue that she's manipulative and perceptive, very argumentative and would not back down from a fight that she cannot win. Regina has a way with words and body language, she always preferred to use her intuition and wit rather than learned discipline and silent calculation - table manners are present, but it's no secret that Regina can drink quite a bit. She has a lot of willpower and energy within her, but she's extremely stubborn and frustratingly so. Nobody can change her mind even if she's wrong and nobody can make her stay. And with the situation that she's currently in, the lifestyle that was forced upon Regina, it is severely damaging to her. And the more she's being pushed to a corner, the angrier she gets. Thirst for vengeance against her father is only growing stronger.
Side characters
Queen Medea (of the Wildfire) Pyristephes - Deceased

Beloved by the people, in the north it is not often that women get such recognition to the point where they're viewed separately from their male counterparts, but with the striking charm of the Harmodias manners and radiance, Medea easily won over the people of the Winthrope kingdom, just as she had won her husband's heart. Not only being seen as an exotic individual due to the nature of her royal bloodline, Hemmet was attracted to Medea due to how different she was to the people of the cold. But the truth was, it was simply how Medea was - she had a way to touch people's hearts with a warm smile and strong word. She was never a timid woman and that shows on Regina, too. Fire is bright and beautiful, but Medea was born during the wartime and wildfires, and people who have been present in such times show their thick skin and intelligence that they've acquired during the hard times. Medea was meant to be the light that attracted attention, but that made her just as dangerous. Winthrope was still a severely conservative country and to have a woman to sometimes overshadow her own husband started riots in the kingdom. Winthrope has went through hard times, and due to those violent protests, the resources fell flat to the point where even the royal family was at a disadvantage. And during those dark, yet short times, Medea has gotten ill.
She lived long enough to give birth to five beautiful children, shortly after giving birth to the last child, Medea passed away due to the difficult nature of her sickness and the pregnancy that has completely worn her off. It was a difficult time for both Winthrope and Harmodias, as they have made a large festival in the Queen's honor and burnt her body on a massive pyre that burned miraculously for an entire week or so, even in such a cold and cruel place. However, nothing was the same after Medea's death. Only then have things started to really change.
Medea had the most closeness with Regina out of all children, but she also was the one who raised their oldest child, Nicholas, more than Hemmet ever has.
King Hemmet Elbritt

One of the most respected Kings of Winthrope to date, Hemmet was a force to be reckoned with even in his teens. He was the youngest son among the three, practically left behind by his parents as they focused on the crown prince, Hemmet could not swallow the fact that he will be nothing more than just a delivery boy or a scout to his older brothers, and a lot of internalized anger built up within him. With the cold discipline of the north and burning desire to be the best, to challenge his brothers, Hemmet has relentlessly trained and studied - he was ridiculously intelligent for his own age and showed impressive physical strength and fortitude, he was still disregarded by the elders as the focus on training the crown prince for what is to come was what completely taken the attention away from young Hemmet.
In the Winthrope country, there were often raids on the villages outside of the kingdom, having been present when the scout spoke to one of the soldiers before even speaking to the King, Hemmet ran away from the castle and went to the armory where he stolen the armor and the sword and ran to the stables. The boy has left the comfort of the castle and went into the battlefield before his time, especially because this was more than just a raid - the barbarians have struck the hardest they ever had, making an alarmingly perfect ambush and trapping the soldiers. The present sergeant recognized the boy in the midst of bloodshed and in panic protecting him with his life. But Hemmet saw this as an opportunity now that he's recognized to order the men in hopes to boost their morale. It was an unexpectedly hard battle, soldiers always underestimating the barbarians being the biggest reason, hence why they came ill prepared, even if Hemmet didn't know what he was doing, the bravery in the youngest present soldier was recognized and praised loudly.
This is what made Hemmet want to challenge his older brothers. To his luck, the second brother, who has been ill since birth, has failed to survive the long, cold winter, which pleased Hemmet, having no love for his siblings whatsoever. And once he had gotten older and had the arranged engagement with beautiful Medea, he challenged his brother, who was just a mere week away from being crowned, to a duel at a large feast with the noble circles present. The man never turned down a fight, both intoxicated and hating one another, they had a public duel for everyone to see. But due to the intoxicated state and deep seeded anger, Hemmet failed to control himself when his brother injured him and Hemmet didn't see anything anymore. He decapitated his brother before everyone. If Hemmet wasn't the only remaining son of the royal blood, he would've been publicly executed for this act. This stained his relationship with his parents indefinitely, but that mattered little, if at all, to Hemmet. He was feared and he showed his power. And with age, he turned that fear into respect, making him a powerful authoritarian figure.
After his wife's death, however, Hemmet stopped feeling like himself. He loved that woman more than he had loved life. She was beyond his pride. Beyond his ego. She was more than he could ever be, yet he saw her as an extension of himself, a part of him, his true other half. And with that, he lost a part of himself, which made the man look older than he truly is. Everyone now felt like a threat to him, potential traitors and bastards who would stick a knife into his back. But seeing Regina, being the spitting image of his woman, would bring out the indescribable rage within Hemmet. She was an impostor. She cannot be Medea. How dare she?
Hemmet firmly believes that she needs to be put back in her place. And everyone else. Using the reputation and power he holds, Hemmet has turned tyrannical and it was not among his people - he did this to both the nearby kingdoms and even allies in the subtlest of ways. Something within the man snapped and no one can tell what it was. Hemmet is unpredictable, yet calculating and plotting, his blue eyes seeing everything and more. He can snap at someone for no reason in the deaf stillness, scaring the daylights out of people. Hemmet was feared before for his skill and smarts, but now that he has snapped, he's more dangerous than ever.
Prince Nicholas Elbritt

The oldest of the five and the Crown Prince, Nicholas has picked up the looks of Hemmet's father, with dark hair and facial features, while still having the icy cold blue eyes of Hemmet. Nicholas is seen as a prime example among the younger generations of Winthrope, his reputation goes far and wide - he's an honorable and loyal knight, skilled and handsome. Boys and men look up to him, while women yearn for him, Nicholas is, ironically, the golden child of the Elbritt lineage. He is loyal to a fault, brave, yet quiet. Most Princes and Knights his age are known to be quite confident and cocky, but Nicholas hasn't been comfortable in his own skin after Medea has died, not after watching his father lose his grip on reality and seeing his little sister suffer for it. He is extremely protective over Regina, countless times has he stood in between Hemmet and her to prevent the woman from getting hurt any more. He has formed a bond after Medea's death with Regina that can only be severed by death itself and the two would be ready to give their lives for each other.
Nicholas has shown his intelligence when strategizing with the experienced generals, in fighting he's even more efficient and the more people watched him, the more he seemed like young Hemmet, but without the bloodthirst and violence his father had. Nicholas has a strong sense of justice and honor, seeing the innocent harmed pained his heart. And because of the way that Nicholas is, he has hard time fighting for his father, but he would never in his life break his word.
The only person he truly looks up to is Medea, having lived longer than all of his siblings, he got to remember and know more for the woman that she was, and no story can truly do her justice. Part of Nicholas hopes that Regina, once she gets her own justice that she deserves, will become more like Medea and not bloodthirsty and mad like their mad father.
Prince Benedict Elbritt

A year younger than Regina, Benedict has always been in a strange position where he had all the attention he wanted, but is also severely underestimated when he stood next to Nicholas. History seemed to repeat itself - the parent only paid attention to the oldest child of the family due to their position. Out of all children and looking at the personality, Benedict was most like his father - crass, confident, egotistical, daring, but very damn good at what he does. Public appearance was always the same, showing the cold stature and discipline, but by nature, he's everything his father was. While Nicholas is that distant dream for women, no matter how much they want his attention, Nicholas looked elsewhere, Benedict took full pleasure in taking those women to "convert" them from Nicholas onto himself. He took great pleasure in putting Nicholas down whenever he could, and having arguments with Regina whenever she's in a bad mood was his favorite hobby. It was like Nicholas and Regina were two different people - Benedict took the other three siblings under his wing, whispering and turning them away from the two older siblings.
Benedict enjoys being in the center of attention and he can be quite theatrical when he no longer needs to keep up the appearance. Hemmet sees him as young as reckless as he was in his young age, but sees him unfitting, even though Benedict is a skilled fighter, nobody compared to Nicholas. Regina, on the other hand, absolutely hates Benedict, because he's always been the one to add salt to her wounds, even going to speak ill of their mother, just to provoke a reaction out of her. Nicholas had his fair share of fights with Benedict, both in training and ones out of anger and frustration, but he never hated Benedict. Such indifference drove the golden-haired man, which only makes him want to dig at Nicholas further.
Benedict suffers from the lack of parental attention, hence why he's acting so recklessly. He never saw Medea as his mother. She always held Regina and Nicholas, but him? He always came later. And Benedict didn't want to forget that. He still wants to be a King and not just a general in the army, even though he gets morbidly excited at the thought of battlefields and bloodshed.
Prince Tavros Elbritt

Out of all the siblings, Tavros is the most stand-offish because of his personality. He's representing everything that the Winthrope stands for - reserved nature, cold intelligence and strict discipline. But he was unlucky enough to be born with the same disease as Hemmet's older brother. His condition left Tavros frail and with bad immunity to colds and sicknesses, but he's been standing tall. Unlike the other two brothers, Tavros cannot fight. Instead, he's armed himself with knowledge and logic, his condition has made him severely apathetic and detached from emotions. Hemmet values the intelligence that Tavros has, and despite being in his teens, the young son has been an invaluable asset, if nothing but a hard critic against any plans made by Hemmet and the others.
Despite Benedict's efforts to turn him against Nicholas and Regina, Tavros is severely disinterested in any form of emotional commitment or thought process. He's seen often with Benedict because he is dragging Tavros around and using his smarts, otherwise being so quiet and disinterested in other people, Tavros doesn't form any relationships whatsoever. Just as much as he could be a valuable asset to any situation, Tavros is incredibly unreliable, because of his apathetic nature and having no sense of loyalty whatsoever. If he sees fit to push someone off the cliff, he would do that, be that a family member or an enemy, people don't understand Tavros' thought process and he's the unknown that unnerves them.
Princess Lorelai Elbritt

The youngest out of all children and below 15, Lorelai has yet to understand the complex nature of her family, let alone the world. The blonde-haired girl is pretty like a doll, innocent and playful, she is being raised by nana to be the timid lady that Regina failed to be. With such features, she is meant to be Winthrope's classic Princess to inspire other women of the kingdom on how to think and behave, Lorelai on the other hand yearns for spring and just wants to play.
Even though everyone behaves in her presence, Lorelai has seen bad things a couple of times, that mostly being Nicholas and Benedict fighting, Hemmet yelling Regina and Regina breaking into tears behind closed doors which nobody else got to see, this has slowly been staining the innocence of the young girl.
She's being spoiled by Benedict who is very protective over her and Hemmet showing more gentle nature towards the youngest, Lorelai feels the most love for Regina, being the only true feminine hand of warmth and familial love. While Regina doesn't show it openly, seeing the acts of gentleness as weakness, whenever she spends time with her sister, Regina is warm and affectionate, giving her the love Medea should be giving her daughter. Lorelai has the same spot in Regina's heart as Nicholas, although she is extremely worried what will happen when this young and innocent child grows up.