Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Jill nodded before Derek took off. The trip back was over before she knew it. It most definitely was quicker than the hike on foot.
"Thanks," she said. Jill gave a slight nod to Derek and to Althea before heading inside to make the preparation to take off as soon as possible. Once they were up and away she would check on Ash. Jill was worried about her dear friend. She drummed with her fingers on the pilot console, thinking. With a slight hesitation, she entered some coordinations with the control panel.

Althea nodded at Alice before she returned a nod to Jill and nodded to Derek in greeting. She looked at Derek and she looked at a screen nearby when he asked how many were still out. "Three are.." Althea started but then Ricki passed her. "Two are still outside, Alan and Gnol. Alan summoned his hoverboard though so they'll be here shortly." The tall, feathered woman turned her attention back to Derek. "I'm waiting here just in case but I don't expect any trouble."

Alan and Gnol went outside again. Alan shuddered slightly as he felt the effects of the dying planet. His Elf side weeped inside for the loss of nature's energy. Gnol was solemnly silent for a bit before he nudged Alan. "Let's go. I hope you know how to operate that thing."
Alan grinned. "Only one way to find out, right?" Gnol rolled his eyes. Alan glanced at Gnol. "Or we could call one of the winged crew members to fetch you and get flown to the ship if you prefer not to join me on my hoverboard."
Gnol muttered under his breath. "Let's just go, Pointy-Ears." he grumbled.
Alan's hand started to get up to his perfectly round ears but before he reached it he dropped his hand again and shrugged. He started the hoverboard and he and Gnol stepped on it. After adjusting to the weight Alan fired up the hoverboard and they quickly went back to the ship. Once there they jumped off and quickly got on board.
Althea closed the hatch door and looked at Alan. "I'll be in my co-pilot seat."
Alan nodded. "Yes Ma'am," he said mockingly.
Althea tilted her head and blinked a couple of times before turning and walking away.
Alan sighed and shrugged. "Guess I'll be in my pilot seat too."
Gnol chuckled. "So it seems lad." Gnol brought their stuff to the common room.

Jill left the cockpit after she sent a quick message to Althea. She walked towards Ash their quarters. At least she hoped this Fer'a brought Ash to their room. After a slight hesitation, she pressed the chime next to the door. Jill hoped Ash was alright and not gotten worse.

Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Derek nodded towards Althea before he moved to gently lean against the door. He waited until Alan and Gnol were back in before he headed towards his room.
He needed to get out of these clothes, he needed a shower. He felt... disgusting, all of that magic, everything between Ash and Traff....

Derek shuddered as he closed his door, moving to pull off his top and head towards his shower. He knew it probably wasn't the smartest idea to do so when the ship was to take off, but he didn't care anymore.

The sound of skittering legs echoed from behind the door, before it slowly came to a halt.
"Come in." Avia's voice came in from the room, "I haven't really left. I was waiting for you." She looked to Fer'a again. "He should have contacted me."
"He wished not to bother you." "It wasn't going to be bothering!" "He worried it would. He wanted to make it himself. He was afraid." "I would have been worried too."
Avia finally stopped before shaking her head with a sigh, "How is he?"
"Recuperating." Fer'a spoke softly, "He is mending. He will heal. Ash cares for you all, as well as Jill. He cares a lot for Jill."
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Jill entered the room. "How is Ash?" she asked looking at Avia, she glanced at Fer'a not sure how to address it. She needed to clear her head and place all the recent event but she couldn't relax until she as sure Ash was alright or at least going to be alright. Magic was weird and incomprehensive to her, and a magic beast like apparition was not exactly helping. she was worried for Ash, very worried but only a fraction of that was showing.

Alan and Althea took their seats and noticed the laid in coordinations. Alan glanced to Althea. "I guess we are going there," he said as he shrugged. "Any idea what's there?"
Althea shook her head. "Not yet, give me a second to check the route." She pulled out a map on her screen, a few taps later she plotted the ideal route. "This is the safest route that isn't too much of a detour," Althea asked for a quick confirmation from the captain and when that came through Alan took off. Althea was investigating their destination as Alan gently broke through the atmosphere. Once they were surrounded by stars Alan set the ship on course and engaged the big engines.

Treghor was in his workstation and carefully placed his samples. He let some camera's make a few shots as the departed and then started to write a report. When the report was finished, he went to his console and send a message to a couple of institutions that monitored planets and were in charge of classifications. He sent them his report and pictures and turned off the screen when it was done. He looked out of his window and stared into the vast darkness of outer space while contemplating on the motives of this Traff person and the stuff he had been harvesting.

Gnol made a round in the engine room after he put his stuff away in his room. The engine was humming as it should and nothing was out of the ordinary. He took his time to read the readout of all the systems on board and he was glad to see no irregularities were showing.
Gnol decided to go to the common room to see if anyone was available or if the were all bus with their jobs.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Recuperating." Avia started with a small sigh, "He's-"
"Stable." Fer'a interrupted, looking towards Avia before looking back to Jill. "He will be awake by the next starrise." Fer'a stated with a bit of a nod, moving to coiled up slightly.

Avia sighed and moved to step out of the room, "I'm heading to the kitchen." She stated as she hesitated, she looked to Jill for a moment before moving off again.

Valour sat quietly in the common room with Aero lying on top of his head and over his horns. The two seemed to be chittering to each other before Gnol walked in. Valour gave a nod towards the Dwarf with a smile, "Welcome back." Valour started with a bit of a stretch. "I believe Mr. Prince and little one are in his room."

Seb stood quietly, Ricki waiting patiently behind him as he did so.
"She'll... Be okay." He said, glancing back with a grin. "The pups are healthy." He glanced down to the two Flarewolves, the female partially curled up with five, wiggling pups feeding off her.

"Thank you." The male Flarewolf said as he was lying beside his mate.
Ricki gave a happy grin. "I'm glad you're both safe." She said before she looked to Seb, "You go relax, I'll stay with them."
Seb nodded softly before he left his room, he moved towards the common room with a bit of a stretch.

Ash finally felt the weight of the goo he was in against his body. They rolled over slightly and heard the squelch sound echo around.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Recuperating and stable sounded alright, for now anyway. Jill nodded towards Avia. "Yes, I'll be there soon too," she said distractedly. Her eyes darted back to Fer'a and Ash. She was worried, more then she wanted to admit. What she really wanted was to pull up a chair and sit right there, waiting, for Ash to wake up. But she couldn't, she couldn't stay away from her duties and responsibilities. She had a whole crew to look after, not just one person. And others in her crew were better for this task than she was.
"Thank you Fer'a." she said. This creature was weird and more alien to her then most other species she had encountered. Although technically it wasn't alien, it was magical which was even hard to grasp. Jill was thankful that Ash seemed safe but she wasn't sure and the uncertainty was at least as bad as the worry. "I hope you don't mind if I contact our doctor to take a look as well?" she asked as she sent a message to Seb to come to check up on Ash and give an opinion if he was able.

"Valour." Gnol greeted him with a nod. "I reckon we're not going to see much of the little one with a wolf in labour or puppies to take care off." Gnol walked over to a refrigerating unit to grab a fresh, non-alcoholic drink. He planned to do some more work later after the next meal so he needed his head clear. He sauntered to panel and checked some data from the systems briefly. Since there were no errors logged he went to sit down again.

Althea looked at Alan. "So we are heading to the Floau system, our destination is a third-grade planet called Ty'rop. less than ideal conditions for most humanoids but not deadly with proper equipment. The charts show a clear path, if you want you can go eat first while I'll take the first watch. Alan nodded, puzzled why the Captain wanted to go to Ty'rop. "Why do you think we are going there?" he asked. Althea tilted her head. "It is not our place to question our captain's motives. There is no immediate threat to the ship or the crew so we are to trust her judgement. I'm positive Jillian has a perfectly good reason to want to go there and she will inform us in good time until then you just follow your orders." Alan shrugged and left, he didn't like it. He wasn't used to blindly follow orders and he thought that their captain wasn't too rigid in crew hierarchy. A bit sulky he started going towards the common room.

Treghor felt down by the destruction of the planet life he had witnessed earlier. It wasn't something that could b explained through science nd it bugged him on top of feeling down for the loss of life on that planet. "But perfect study material." he mused. Perhaps he could ask Ash later about how it works, if there was a scientific explanation to the magic factor.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Fer'a gave a small nod, "If you wish so, then yes. You may. I am sure Ash won't mind." They stated with a glance towards his segment where Ash was contained. The beast lowered its' head and settled properly on the ground with a small mumble.
They could feel Ash's consciousness was slowly awakening, his body was able to heal, but his mind was the thing that Fer'a was worried about.

Ash could feel his body start to move, he flexed his hands as he started to wake up. He moved to gently press his hand against Fer'a exoskeleton, the bug-beast unfazed as he could feel everything Ash was.

Valour gave a gentle nod at the Dwarfs' words. Moving to lie down on the ground.
"Aye, I'm not surprised." He stated with a small sigh and he drooped his ears back slightly.
He wasn't very happy with Ricki being away, but at the same time he knew it was very important.

Seb got the message as he finished his part of the help with the Flarewolves and nodded to Ricki before he left.
Ricki darted around to sit in front of female Flarewolf. She swayed her tail as she gently put her hand on the Flarewolfs' head, moving to gently press her lips against their cheek, watching her tail sway softly.

Seb hopped up the stairs towards Ash's room and knocked as he stepped in.
"Apologies, I was just wrapping up." He said with a soft smile as he looked to Fer'a and Jill. "How is he?"
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Jill smiled briefly when she heard Seb. "Seb," she said gratefully. "All I know is 'recuperating and stable' I was hoping you would be able to tell me how he is. I only know some first aid but this," she gestured towards Ash and Fer'a, "is way out of my league, especially with magic involved. I don't know anything about magic let alone injuries caused by magic one way or another."
Jill looked again and noticed Ash's hand resting against Fer'a. "He moved his hand! That's a good sign right?"

Gnol kept an eye on the door, hoping to see Avia soon. When the door opened he almost jumped up but when Alan entered he slumped back.
He didn't feel like conversing with Alan but there wasn't anyone else to talk too, besides Valour, but striking up a conversation with a dog was still a bit weird. "So, where are we heading?" he asked the pilot.
Alan took a glass of water and sat down with Gnol. "the Floau system, Ty'rop."
Gnol looked surprised. "Ty'rop? What are we going to do there?"
Alan shrugged, "Beats me but Althea said to just follow the direction unquestioned. I hope the captain will tell us later. Do you know anything about Ty'rop?"
Gnol sat back. "Not much, not many expeditions go there. No humanoid life has ever formed there. Hostile place although not overly dangerous. In one of the asteroid mines, I worked in there were some workers joking about how Ty'rops rocks tasted better than the stew they served us and how they were easier to chew as well."
Alan chuckled, "good to know that if we get stranded there we won't starve at least."

Treghor looked through the logs and noticed the destination, he tilted his head and started searching for anything he could find about the system and the planet, intrigued as he hadn't heard of the planet before.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Seb smiled happily towards Jill as she smiled to him, he listened as he looked over to Fer'a. "Honestly with this sort of magic I have very little experience with as well." He said with a small laugh, he walked to the centipede as Ash's hand moved away from the inner part of the carapaces. "May I?" He asked the Centipede, he seemed to wait for a moment before he lifted his hands up to press down on the cold hard bug underneath him.

Seb closed his eyes and focused, runes echoed up his arms and the air suddenly grew cold and still around him.

Alice popped her head up from behind her hiding spot behind Gnol. "Why'd we eat rocks?" The smaller Naganara would ask with a tilt of her head and a bigger grin. "But what's Tie.. rope?" She asked with a tilt of her head, "Never heard of a place like that, although I don't know a lot of places in general honestly."

Avia had stopped at her room before heading to the kitchen, she had changed clothes and popped stuff in the wash to clean it up.
She wore slightly different clothing now, a large silver sash which draped across what would essentially be her waist. Over her torso she didn't wear too much, she wore a slightly loose fitting sports bra as it allowed her scales to breathe.
Her outfit allowed her body to air out as she was suddenly feeling hot and stuffy in her normally tight clothing. Her outfit also showed off different well healed scars, which showed themselves as discolouring over her sides and a couple of deeper scars were a darker purple marks over her scales.

She stepped into the common room after checking some stuff in the kitchen, watching the floor as she did so, not noticing the boys at first.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Jill watched in amazement as Seb's runes lit up. At least he knew more about magic than her. Someone knowing at least a little magic was better suited to figure this out, in the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king after all. She wasn't sure if she could speak or had to remain silent to not disturb his concentration. It frustrated her that she didn't know what to do. After everything she had seen and witnessed in the universe, magic was the most alien thing off all.

"And?" she asked softly hen she couldn't bear the silence anymore.

Gnol laughed. "I sure hope we won't have to eat rocks. I'm sure the rocks on that planet are as inedible and hard as anywhere else." He glanced at Alan if he wanted to tell Alic but the Half-Elf leaned back and waved his hand lazily to indicate that Gnol could go on.
"Ty'rop is a planet, relatively small in size with no known valuable resources. The climate is...interesting. There are no settlements, starports or any sign of humanoid life. Some small animalistic life and bugs survive the harsh environment but that's all. The asteroid mines I mentioned are the closest humanoid settlement you will find."

His eyes drifted to Avia as she entered his eyes widened a bit as he saw her in her outfit. He was also impressed by the scars, it told him she was a fighter, a survivor. Clearing his throat he tried to pick up on the train of thought and continue the conversation.
"But if that is our destination then so be it. The Captain will inform us when she deems it the right time, if at all, and explain why we are going there and what we are supposed to do. Until then, listen to Althea's wise words and follow your orders."

Alan frowned as Gnol seemed to have jumped subjects a bit but the stealthy looks the dwarf threw in Avia's direction was probably the reason why.
"Avia! Great timing!" Alan said jovially. "We were just discussing the delicacy of Ty'ropian rocks," he said chuckling.

Gnol tried to kick Alan's shins but the pilot agile moved his legs out of harm's way in time.
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Seb slowly opened his eyes as Jill spoke to him, he lifted his hand away from Fer'a's carapaces as he looked towards Jill with a small smile. "He is easily stable." Seb chuckled before he moved to tuck his hands in his pockets. "His heart is still beating, his brain functions are at optimal levels. He should be up within an hour or two." He glanced to Fer'a with a bit of a smirk, "Although, I don't trust Ash to not surprise us earlier." He laughed.

He turned to face Jill again with his hands lazily in his pockets, "Didja need anything else?" He asked with a grin, "I don't know how much longer I can trust Ricki with the Pups, too much longer then she'll be begging us to keep them all." He chuckled.

Alice listened to Gnol with wide eyes as he spoke, "BUGS ARE COOL THOUGH." Alice suddenly yelled, which caused Avia to flinch and look upwards towards the group.
"Alice darling," She started before she walked over towards the boys to move to pick up Alice gently from the ground. She smiled towards Gnol and Alan. "Eating Rocks?" She laughed as she moved Alice off to the side with one of her hands on her head.

"I don't believe any of us are Tunnellers so I don't think we'd eat rocks." Avia said with a gentle nod, a gentle smile on her face before she continued. "Isn't Ty'rop essentially useless? Unless there is something that the Captain needs from there. I'm sure Treghor will be excited, maybe even Ricki and Seb."
Her wings flexed slightly as she looked towards Alice as she flailed towards her hands to get off her grip. "And of course Alice would probably want a a few for herself to pin."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Jill released the breath she hadn't realised she was holding. "good, thank you," she said as she looked at Fer's and Ash with a slight frown, thinking about the strange situation she found herself in.
When Seb asked if she needed anything else she shook her head. "Not for now," she said. "I'll contact you if I need something or something happens."

The captain was still hesitant to leave Ash their side but she couldn't sit by his bedside and neglect everything else. This was one of the moments that made her realise the downsides of hiring a friend as part of her crew. Even now she had to stand above their friendship.
With a sigh she turned to the door. "Wake up fast Ash," she said with her hand at the panel to open the door. She really needed to make an appearence to the rest of the crew.

Gnol let out a half swallowed-curse when Alice yelled. Alan chuckled and was amused by the enthusiasm about bugs.

Gnol smiled when Avia spoke. "I'm sure you could make rocks edible and tasty." he said to Avia.

Alan rolled his eyes at Gnol's remark and nodded to Avia's question. "Essentially useless indeed."
He agreed to Treghor being excited and perhaps Ricki too, if she wasn't too preoccupied with the litter about to be born. Although he couldn't imagine why anyone would get excited over rocks and bugs.
Reluctantly he let go of the subjuect to try and find a reason why the captain would want to go to a useless piece of rock. With bugs. As none of the others seem to want to discuss or question it.

The Dwarf made himself comfortable. "How long till we get there?" he asked.

Alan checked the ComNav. "About twelve hours. Plenty of time to eat, sleep and prepare."

Gnol nodded. "Wonderful, speaking of eating say Avia, what exquisiete meal did you have in mind for us peasants?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Seb grinned as he was told he wasn't needed, and he suddenly disappeared.
Fer'a watched Jill quietly, tilting their head slowly as she spoke to Ash and bowed their head slowly as she left the room.

Seb reappeared beside Ricki as she sat next to the now snoozing mother Flarewolf with her 4 pups.
"All of them okay?" He asked with a tilt of his head. Ricki looked over to him sleepily and nodded once, looking back towards the Flarewolves again before she gave a small yawn.
Seb grinned and helped her up before he handed her a bit of candy, "You go socialize." Seb started, "I'll stay here with them. I need to run some tests anyway."

The male Flarewolf lifted his head and drooped his ears, Seb looked over to him with a small smile. "Nothing painful." He reassured the Male, watching as he dropped his head back down near his Mates.

Ricki left the planes room and headed over towards the food area as she chomped on her candy. Her tail swayed slightly as she passed the few doorways. She looked up to Jill as they crossed paths.
"Captain." She said with a weak smile. "The pups are born, all of them are healthy." She said with a tilt of her head. Ricki moved quickly to gently take Jills' hand.

"How are you?" She asked, fully serious, "And please don't lie to me. I won't judge if you need to talk."

Avia's cheek scales flushed slightly, looking away from him towards Alan for a moment before she perked up at the question about food.
"Oh!" She started, "I was thinking a nice spread, we've all earned the food." She smiled as she pulled out a small note book and started to scribble stuff down as she spoke; "I was thinking maybe a large hog roast, a roast chicken or turkey? Some steamed Salmon for Treghor, possibly some fried shark if we still have some remaining in the chiller." She pondered for a bit, "Of course veggies. A simple salad and maybe some coleslaw."

Alice watched everything wide-eyed.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Jill, at first, didn't realise what Ricki was talking about as the for her more urgent matter of Ash had replaced any thoughts about Flarewolfs. When it dawned she smiled briefly. "Good, I'm glad."

She looked surprised down to her hand when Ricki grabbed it before she looked into the serious eyes of the girl.
Lost at words she stared for a few seconds before she looked away. She opened her mouth a couple of times, doubting wether or not she should open up to Ricki, wether or not she would allow the confidentially and familiarity with a crewmate or keep the distance and keep a strong image of a confident Captain that was on top of everything and could deal with everything thrown at her without any help.
With a sigh she glanced at Ricki. "I'll be fine, I promise. One day I'll manage something like this" she said, knowing she said as much as 'I'm not fine right now. She continued, "Magic is just so strange to me, I feel utterly useless confronted with it. Give me a horde of monsters or to the teeth armed advesaries and I'll lead everyone to victory. Let me up against something as strange as magic and I'm at loss. I don't know how to respond to that."

She would need to learn how to deal with it, she would at least have the knowledge so she could make the right decisions when presented with tough situations. One of the reasons she wanted Ash as her second in command was that they would know what to do but know they succumed to some weird magic themselves she was painfully aware of a void that needed to be dealt with.

Alans mouth dropped further and further as the list of food continued. "You are going to feed which army?" he asked, "How are we supposed to eat all of that?"

Gnol's grin widened with the increasing list. "Sounds absolutely delicious. I'll be round as a barrel if you cook like that every day," he said with a laugh. "I better start working out every day with you in the kitchen.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ricki watched Jill carefully as she spoke, she closed her eyes with a small nod before she gripped her captains hand gently.
"Seb can help if you need to learn about Magic." She said, "I wish I could help but everything I learnt I learnt from him." She tilted her head gently before she gave a gentle sigh.

"Please remember I am here for you." She repeated, "Please don't hesitate to come see me for anything. I may be a biologist of this ship, but I am also a good listener." Ricki continued before she flicked her ears at the sound of a chattering insect noise.
Fer'as' voice echoed through the air towards Jill and Ricki.
"Captain I require an audience."

Avia gave a smile at Alan mentioning which army she's feeding.
"I've been studying everyones metabolism." She started softly, Alice looking to her mother expectantly. "Seb can easily eat a lot, I'm unsure how much Ricki can eat and if Ash is awaken by then he'll need as much food as he needs to be ready."

"And leftovers will be okay!" Alice added, "We can feed the pups being born and use the other stuff for breakfast!"
Avia nodded once at her daughters words, moving one of her lower arms over onto Alice's head gently.
Avia looked to Gnol as he talked about working out, "Surely you'll be able to keep your shape with the work needed in this ship." She said with an almost cheeky smirk. The plant that Alice brought on board was starting to effect her more, much to Alice's excitement.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Jill smiled briefly at Ricki, she appreciated the girl wanting to be there for her. "Thank you Ricki," she said. She didn't make any promises she would see Seb about magic as she wasn't even sure if she was ready to learn more about it. She would have to decide that soon, but not now. She was still too shaken.

She froze when she heard Fer'a, "I guess I have an audience waiting for me." Jillian straightened her shoulders and went back to Fre'a and Ash.
A small hesitation at the door showed her reluctance to meet the strange magic creature thing.
She entered the door. "Yes?" she asked and she felt worry creep up, "Is something wrong with Ash?" "Stay strong, keep it together girl, you can handle it" she reprimanded herself.

Gnol chuckled, "I'm sure you'll come running after me with a frying pan if I sit here lazily all day."

Alan looked from Gnol to Avia and back. If he didn't know any better he would think some weird flirting might be going back and forward. He discarded the thought but Avia did seem a bit more with her guard let down. He personally couldn't see what was so interesting in Gnol anyway, Avia could do so much better than a grumpy dwarf in his opinion.

"I don't eat that much, mostly, I can wolf down food occasionally." Alan said as he stretched with a yawn. "Come on Gnol, let's test that practice room, so you don't distract Avia from cooking. Let's see if you can hit a moving object old one."

Gnol huffed as he stood up. "I'll have you know that you don't stand a chance against me, boy."

"Oh please, I'll dance around you in circles," Alan said as he jumped up and walked to the door to the practice room.

Gnol looked at Avia and Alice, "ladies, I'll be right back. Going to work up an appetite and show mr. Pointy Ears a thing or two. Alice, perhaps you can go find Treghor and tell him Avia is going to cook a meal and he better not be caught up in whatever he is doing and forget to come eat when it's ready.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ricki nodded towards Jill as she said her thanks, her tail swayed softly as she looked as Jill walked off.
She shook herself and headed off towards one of the other rooms, wriggling herself through the halls as she bounded through on all fours.

As Jill opened and entered Ash's room, Ash looked up groggily from the seat he was sat in.
"Master Ash is awake." Fer'a clicked, looking to the slightly Dazed Mystic. "He is very sore still, but he's made an exceptional recovery."

Ash gave a sloppy smile as he saw Jill.
"Heeeeey Captain." He said, his voice cracking and weak. "Howsssssss everyone else? Iii'mmmmm feellllling.." He paused as he zoned out slightly, his eyes unfocusing.
"Ash thinks he feels fine, but I do not believe that to be the truth." Fer'a replied, watching Ash quietly. "He should rest a bit more, he was suppose to sleep through the night but something has woken him up more."
"Iiii wassss worried about my Jilll." Ash slurred his words tiredly, almost falling off his chair as Fer'a caught him with an annoyed sigh.

Avia listened to the males bicker, smiling softly as she watched Gnol. Alice grinned and nodded at Gnols words, "Okay!" She said as she headed off towards Treghors room.
She hesitated before she knocked on the door, "Treghor, sir. May I come in?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Ricki barged into the dining room area and perked her ears up.
"That's where the smell is coming from!" She declared before she darted up to Avia and sniffed around her; causing the large snake lady to blush.
"May I help you darling?" Avia asked before Ricki darted towards the room where Alice was staying. Avia followed after her slowly. "Ricki, are you oka-" She paused before she saw the plant within the room and hesitated.

"This plant." Ricki started, circling it slightly, "I've seen it before. Relaxing properties in the scent to specific organisms, mainly reptilians." She rattled off as she stopped to sit down by it, much like a search dog. "Often found offland in some marshy planets; not poisonous or dangerous if ingested or inhaled; only the scent properties."
"Yeah I know this plant." Avia said as she walked towards it slowly, "We know it as the Terrifor Emotion Plant, or Tep." She continued as she crossed both pairs of arms and closed her eyes. "Of course Alice would find it and buy it if she could."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Jillian felt a weight being dropped off her shoulders when she saw Ash awake, so relieved she almost giggled as she heard Ash talking like a drunk. That was so unlike Ash, she didn't believe she ever saw him drunk, but she could contain herself suppress her amusement to focus on the severity of the situation, Ash was still recovering and not drunk, even though it seemingly looked like it. She knew fatigue could look the same.

"Thank you Fer'a," she said before she walked to Ash and knelt down. "Ash, I'm glad you're awake but you should rest a bit more. You're no good to anyone if you don't take your time to heal. Captains orders are to rest, eat and get well before assuming any of your duties. And if you don't listen to me I'll have Seb give likewise doctor's orders." she said kindly but firm.

she glanced at Fer'a, "Good luck letting him rest."

Gnol and Alan went to the practice room and grabbed some protective clothes and took some blunted weapons. Circling each other, makes some fake moves and testing each other they practised with a few weapons

Treghor fell off his chair, startled, as he heard the unexpected knock on the door. He opened the door and saw Alice. "Y-yes?" he asked "C-come i-in" he added politely. He hurried back to his desk and tried to quickly organise the mess of papers, pads and equipment lying scattered around. "Eh, let me grab you a chair." he brushed off some books from the nearest chair and pulled it back a bit.
"W-w-what can I d-do for you?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"If I need to I will coil around him to the bed." Fer'a said with a click of their mandables, watching as Jill approached Ash.
Ash looked at Jill as she stepped forward, a strange feeling of soberness flooded over their body as Jill started to speak to them.
"I'll be fine captain." They started, their voice croaking, "Did... We win?" They asked as they looked to Fer'a then to Jill.

"They will rest." Fer'a said in almost an ordered tone, "I don't even want you to try and stand Ash."
Ash lowered their head slightly, giving a small smile towards Fer'a before they looked back towards Jill once more. "Can I... get a hug before you go?" They asked, almost embarrassed.

Alice slithered in to Treghor's room, looking around slowly with a soft smile.
"Mamma wanted me to tell you she's making a feast." She started, "And Mr. Gnol wanted me to tell you not to get too engrossed in your work, he wants to you come down and eat." Alice smiled happily, "So what are you working on in here?" She asked as she looked around, she didn't even notice the chair he pulled out as she scanned his room.

"Would you like me to get rid of it?" Ricki asked, Avia shook her head slightly.
"No no, I understand what my daughter is trying." She said as she moved to grab the plant and moved to carry it into the kitchen. "It is a pretty plant and it won't cause anything to her, and it... Doesn't really effect me."
"You do seem more relaxed." Ricki started as she followed, moving to be on two legs as she leaned against the counter as she looked over Avia. "Your heartbeat is relaxed and you're not showing any signs of your species heat traits, so I would say you're fine."

The mention of her potentially being in heat caused Avia's cheek scales to flare in colour as she looked at Ricki. "Let's... Not talk about that please." She said, getting a small nod from the beast-girl. "But if anything... in my Biology does change, please tell me."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Salenea
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Salenea Gatewatcher

Member Seen 14 days ago

Jill grinned when Fer'a said to coil around Ash to keep them to the bed. She started to like the weird magic-creature thing.

"We won, it only cost all the life on the planet." Jill said with a short humourless chuckle.
At least Ash was starting to sound more like themself.

She wasn't prepared for Ash asking for a hug. She wasn't sure if she should, if she could. Could she cross the professional border and could she keep professional distance if she would.
Jill was too reliefed that Ash was fine to not give a hug. She leaned in to give a hug. "I'm glad you are alright Ash, don't scare me like that again," she whispered before she straightend again.

It was time she'd check on the rest of the crew.

Treghor looked genuinly confused when Alice spoke about eating. Slowly the alien concept of 'eating' made form in his head and he realised he should indeed eat soon. He was starting to get hungry and regular meals were improtant.

But when Alice asked about what he was doing he shoved it back to a corner of his mind again and looked around. He didn't know what to show first and he walked from pile to pile. "W-well, eh," he stopped shortly by the data from the rpobe he send into the solar wind wave. Than he started reaching for a specimen he took from the planet they just left, but he recalled the information about the planet they were heading too and walked over there instead. "Well, I-I've been looking up eh information about our next destination. Y-you know, the m-moons there are much more interesting than the planet." He started to get enthusiast and began a disquisition about mineral depostis and geological formations, not stammering once while he was talking about the subjects he loves.

Althea stretched her wings as far as she could before she got up and walked up and down for a bit. While the auto-pilot was working she knew Jillian preffered someone being close to the console just incase an emergency would emerge.

She opened a Comlink with the kitchen,. "Avia are you there?"

Alan was too swift on his feet for Gnol to be able to land many blows but Gnol on the other hand often could easily duck and roll away. His blows were a lot harder than Alan's, resulting in Alan being pushed back significantly when they hit.
Neither of them was willing to give in slowly their training started to get more serious.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Ash gave a bit of a frown before they gave a nod. "Of course." They said softly, "At least we won." They nodded again before Jill hugged them. Ash gave a sigh as they felt her weight against him for a moment, their worry that she was safe washing away before she pulled away and whispered for them to get some rest.
"I will." Ash started as she headed to the door, "Thank you captain. For everything."

Fer'a moved to grab Ash, pulling them down against the comfort of the resting block. It wasn't as comfortable as their bed, but Fer'a couldn't allow Ash to move at the moment.

Alice's ears perked up as she listened to him speak, she tilted her head a little. She didn't understand everything he was saying, but he was excited about it and she knew it was polite to listen.
She didn't ask many questions either, she listened to him ramble, allowing himself to say as much as he wanted to.
"That sounds very interesting." She started as there was a pause in his rambles, "Do we know why we are heading there?"

Avia glanced to her Comlink and smiled. "I'm here hun, what do you need?" She asked, looking to Ricki as she looked over the plant, taking notes on a small touch screen tablet. She was taking leaves off and putting them into little pottles and moved to make a small cut on the plant to gain some sap for better research.
Ricki looked to Avia and smiled, darting off quickly as Avia turned her attention back to the Comlink.
"Is there anything you would especially like for dinner? Are you needing a snack?" Her motherly side was slowly slipping out, she was unsure about the age of everyone else on the ship, but she believed she was one of the oldest- apart from Seb or Ash.
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