God Name: Poseidon
Mortal Name: David
Origin/God of: Greek God of the sea, storms, earthquakes, horses
Apperance: David is a little bit older, but handsome. He gives off a sense of power and authority just be looking at him. His hair and beard is thick and jet black, with speckles of gray near the temples and edges of the chin. His eyes are a deep sea green, a faint scar going across his cheekbone. His skin was tanned by the sun, and looked weathered by wind, and the sea.
God history: Poseidon
Personality: Poseidon's personality changes greatly. he can be calm, level headed, and merciful, but the next second he can be quite angry and violent. In his mortal form he is mostly the calmer, but if someone endangers him or his allies, he will not hold back. Although he's known for his anger, he more merciful than his brother Zeus, and compassionate.
Weapon(s) : Poseidon's signature Trident (Although at the start of the RP it is a rusty fishing harpoon)
Relationships/friendships: N/A for now
Other: Always seems to smell like the sea air
Mortal Name: David
Origin/God of: Greek God of the sea, storms, earthquakes, horses
Apperance: David is a little bit older, but handsome. He gives off a sense of power and authority just be looking at him. His hair and beard is thick and jet black, with speckles of gray near the temples and edges of the chin. His eyes are a deep sea green, a faint scar going across his cheekbone. His skin was tanned by the sun, and looked weathered by wind, and the sea.
God history: Poseidon
Personality: Poseidon's personality changes greatly. he can be calm, level headed, and merciful, but the next second he can be quite angry and violent. In his mortal form he is mostly the calmer, but if someone endangers him or his allies, he will not hold back. Although he's known for his anger, he more merciful than his brother Zeus, and compassionate.
Weapon(s) : Poseidon's signature Trident (Although at the start of the RP it is a rusty fishing harpoon)
Relationships/friendships: N/A for now
Other: Always seems to smell like the sea air
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