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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 1 day ago


Herman began to play with Emily and scratched her as she purred into him. Emily started to knead a nice place in Herman's lap as she started to nap there as he continued to pet her. As Fredrick himself came over Herman began to listen with great care as Fredrick seemed a little out of it. As Herman lets his smile rest on his face as he looks towards Fredrick to let him know he is there.

Fredrick began talking about his first class. Herman knew of this class for being filled with interesting characters and colorful personalities. Yet Herman never thought any of them being such trouble makers to start 2 fights! In a single class? Absolutely no discipline, especially with someone like Fredrick. As even now, Herman watches on as he sees Fredrick cares deeply, if he didn't he would not be worrying about it to the point of losing sleep.

Herman stops petting Emily and pats Fredrick on the back as he says, "You are a wonderful soul. You worry so much for them. I understand people can be restless. Yet that is as, they say, what comes with teenaged hormones." As Herman continues to rub Fredrick's back, "You are doing well, there was no fight, no? That means you did good!" As Herman lightly throws his hands in the air in celebration, as Sherly shifts with the hand-raising as she raises her wings as well, making it seem like she is also mini celebrating with Herman.

Herman smiles as he continues, "You do a wonderful job with the students. They respect you, and you respect and care for them. That makes you a good teacha', and you should be proud to be such a wonderful teacha'." As Herman gives Fredrick a smile and sets his hand back behind Fredrick and resting on his upper back. Herman continues into his supportive talk of Fredrick, "For without you they would be going to a school filled with them only training and fighting, but you.." as Herman is holding Fredrick's back with his one hand and with his other he taps onto Fredrick's chest as Sherly floats to sit on Fredrick's shoulder and nest there as Herman continues, "You give them something many in this life can never get. Normality."

Herman gestures emptily to the room as if gesturing to the entire school, "Many of these children will never know what Normality is. Truly. Yet you came to this school to give them that. You give them something to make them feel as if their worth is not determined by the power of their Arms. That they are human too and someone is there who is there to help them, and not nurture their Arm alone. But their being and their person. And that is something you can be happy about.

As Herman smiles and slaps Fredrick's chest a little, So there will be ups and downs, but like a father, be patient. Yet never let them go too far. And remember…". As Herman leans in and says one more thing as he holds up his free hand making a symbol for one as it seems to get a little serious as his smile fades away, "Make sure you have fun with them!" As Herman's smile comes back even bigger this time as he slaps Fredricks' chest again. As he laughs slightly as he hugs Fredrick and says, "Please, cheer up! If you smiled more Emily would always come running!" as Herman hopes he helped even a little with Fredrick's worry for the moment.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Nikolay Ivushkin

With the hands now switched towards Retribution, the two Fists were now in a defensive mode, projecting an aura of sickly green energy around themselves, forming a rather visible outline of magical energy. The auras traced the shape of the hands, forming a perfect match to them in form if not in size.

Either way, Nikolay was now back at his game, a rather simple ploy of static defense and firepower that was something of a compulsion to his protection oriented mind. Henry would find his Gauntlets colliding with the two Imperial Fists before being stopped to a complete standstill; by the looks of it, the flying marble hands had absorbed the kinetic energy that was imbued in his attack. And now, Nikolay's eyes were a stark white, indicating that it was indeed that kind of energy that they had taken for themselves.

With a simple motion, the Fists fired a concussive wave of kinetic energy forward; a strike that would be equal to the power that Henry had put behind his attack. If knocked back a significant distance, the Fists would retreat and switch again to Monotone to fire a withering barrage of magic bullets.

Nathaniel Gregorio

"Uh, yeah. This is my… first time sparring.", Nath answered as electricity began to coalesce on both of his palms. "First time for everything, I guess."

With a solid expression of unnerving calm, Nath thrust his hands forward and fired a pair of electromagnetic blasts, aiming squarely at Oscar's location. His mind was a little lost, though, as he was thinking of many different ways on how to get Hailey to like him a little more. Maybe some chocolates or a pizza might do. After all, the best way to a woman's heart is through her stomach...

@Th3King0fChaos @dragonpiece
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 1 day ago


"Well I hope I can give you some good training" Oscar says as he smiles at Nathaniel as he notices light glowing in his hands. Oscar quickly immediately slammed his feet into the ground and tenses every muscle in his legs realizing something was about to be fired at him as Nathaniel speaks out again and seems to be trying something he never has used. Oscar took in what was happening, as Nathaniel was forming energy in his hands, Oscar took a bet as he shifted his body to dive away from where he was and off to the side of Nathaniel and closing the distance.

Once Oscar had tensed his leg muscles to launch himself as fast as he can towards Nathaniel. This was a cultivated speed made from boxing and wrestling, so he is more than fast, this was a speed the superseded his natural sprint speed as it was firing off his well-cultivated muscles for a quick burst of energy very few can even match naturally. With this, he moved fast enough to get away from the area he was originally at. Even if Nathaniel tries to shift his aim, he would find Oscar is too fast for him to shift where his hands are as they fire off their beams of energy at an empty space. As Oscar had moved forward he had now found himself extremely close to Nathaniel.

From this, Oscar realized he needed to use this momentum to his advantage in this fight. As he slid into a low stance while on both of his feet. He shifted his body during this slide to face his body to Nathaniel and swing his blade out towards Nathaniel. This was in hopes to have the blade hit Nathaniel straight in the midsection with his blade. Oscar knew that Nathaniel would have very little time to react, as Nathaniel hadn't sparred enough to know the proper way to dodge, and even if he did, he definitely needed to put it into practice.

In any case, even if this attack hits or misses, Oscar will immediately go back onto the defensive and start bounding away from Nathaniel and back at a safe distance. Still following Oli's instructions of move and strike.

@The Man Emperor
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Surprisingly, the white hands came down quickly to meet Henry's Gauntlets in a clash, or that was what Henry thought would happen. His entire attack was neutralized in that action. Henry was taken aback at what happened. There was no recoil from the hit so it's not like he just slammed into an immovable object. Before thinking anymore, He gripped onto the stones. It was an instinct from his grappling training.

However, there was no time to process what was going on with Nikolay's Noble Arm as Nikolay immediately counterattacked. The blast ran directly through Jahreszeiten Wechseln, then to his arms, and finally to his head and body. He could feel his arms were getting that tingly, numb feeling like when he would throw too many punches into the tree outside his house. The attack rattled his brain a good bit, leaving him nauseous and his vision blurry. He felt momentarily weak. From some other power, Henry had held onto Nikolay's weapon.

Henry had never in his life been had his conscious shaken before. Not in the years of training he had, not in any spars. Henry usually could be called reserved in the way he fought. Not that he was afraid he would get hurt, that he would hurt someone badly on accident. A tendency to stay docile that was instilled in him through all aspects of his life. Never start a fight. Never hurt others. Always be peaceful. These basic ideas had help defined who Henry was. As the literal bigger man resorting to violence is a sign of weakness of the mind.

However, something stirred in Henry when he had lost consciousness for a moment. A warrior's blood that has resided in him, dormant under the many factors of modern life. So with no hesitation, Henry's body moved on instinct. He threw his legs underneath himself, using the hands as leverage, and loaded himself like a spring aimed at Nikolay's chest. He tightened his core and legs as close as he could. Once aimed, he exploded out straightening his body, launching both feet into Nikolay. He could easily shatter Nikolay's sternum, ribs, and back with this hit. Hopefully, this is some good padding the school has

@The Man Emperor
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Nikolai Ivushkin | The Imperial Fist

"Oh hell no."

Nikolay had been watching as Henry momentarily lost consciousness due to the impact of the outburst of kinetic energy that came out of the Imperial Fists, a little concerned if he had gone too far in their spar. He was such of a single mind, that he took things literally and to their face value, that he forgets other things quite a bit... like holding back on the emission of drawn out attacks.

Just like Henry, he never had his consciousness shaken like this before. There was no time to react, and not enough hands to block the impending strike. Ah, how he wished to have more of those floatey spooky hands to block more attacks! But no, at the moment, he only had two, and those two did not suffice as Henry used to launch himself towards Nikolay in a fearful two feet kick.

They impacted, knocking Nikolay back a few good yards. However, he wasn't particularly hurt, just dazed, as the padding was quite good, and was probably designed for situations like this. There was still a rather loud thud as he landed on his back, and his Noble Arms withdrew back into their pocket dimension as he had lost all of the focus needed to control. Now, he was laughing to himself.

"Ahahahaha, that was, uh, hectic.", he said as he stood back up, huffing whilst putting his hands on his knees. "You disarmed me, so, ah, I guess you won, Herr Henry."

Oh, right. He was having the Russian accent now, as he was quite banged up and didn't bother switching to the Anglo accents anymore. "Did I, mmm, hammer you too much with that kinetic wave? I think you lost consciousness for a moment there..."

Nathaniel Gregorio | The Blitzkrieg

"First timer's badluck!..."

The blade struck its mark on the protective gear. Nathan didn't bother checking what kind of damage it did, as he wasn't hurt in any way, as this was just a friendly spar, after all. With Oscar rebounding towards a different position, Nath spread his legs to shoulder width, to better ensure balance while firing his ranged attacks. He possessed no melee weapon or magic to parry an actual attack, so he would need to ensure that his blasts or bullets have a maximum chance of hitting their mark while avoiding the mistake of just taking the hit. Ah well.

As soon as Oscar had gone to a different position, Nath fired another beam of electromagnetic energy, but it was at half strength, as he was using only one hand to shoot. In this turn, he was keeping the other hand in reserve, ready to fire a blast with enough power to knock back most assailants should his friendly spar partner close in too much for comfort.

Right now, though, he found his mind constantly wandering. Again!

@Th3King0fChaos @dragonpiece
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hailey was continuing to watch Henry and Nikolay who were sparring still. She had a smile on her face, it is a very interesting thing to watch. The fact of the manner was Nikolay’s eyes did glow a different color, which looked interesting. She let out a gasp when it looked as if Henry lost consciousness. It worried her but Henry outright won in the end, which gave her to let out a sigh of relief. As such, she was grateful Henry did win. ”Thank goodness… Henry won! Even though Nikolai's eyes were glowing. Wait… a minute is he speaking in a Russian Accent now?” She thought to herself with a questioned look on her face. It was odd to say the least, but his fighting style was unique she supposed.

As such, she felt like a massive shiver down her spine and looked for the reason for it. It was the other spar was getting a bit more intense, specifically Nathaniel fired off a beam of light. She was a bit panicky but the beam stopped a few inches away from her. It gave her the fright of her life, since she was basically white as a ghost again but the shiver down her spine was the dread again. As if, it was reacting to something in her surroundings. Her mind, the dread’s reaction wasn’t helping at all, it scared her. She couldn’t help but feel a bit terrified yet again. ”C-Can you guys be more careful! I-I don’t want it to appear, please? It reacted again..." She spoke specifically towards Nathaniel and Oscar. The last part of what she said was specifically because the Dread reacted in a big way, if the beam didn’t stop where it did something bad would’ve definitely happened. The Scythe specifically wouldn’t hold back anything, if it ever did appear. As such, she was definitely holding her hands much closer to her body trying to warm herself up. It was obvious what she was trying to do, keep herself warm. She felt as if, the dread was up to something or even the Scythe itself.

A few seconds pass, which the Dread slowly returns back to normal. Even though a strange phenomenon started to form around, Hailey. It was a slow low rolling fog of pitch blackness, which felt as it was protecting Hailey. This fog wasn’t normal at all, it only stayed on the floor where Hailey’s feet were but it dissipated quicker than the Dread went back to normal. She was freaked out by the Dark Fog, it had a specific evil presence tied to it. ”W-What… the… F-Fucking Christ… P-Please don’t come, I beg of you.” She thought with her face as pale as three ghosts in one. Her heart skipped a beat when that happened, hopefully they would definitely make sure they don’t shoot their beams directly at her again. She closed her eyes and reentered her mind space, only to see a big red eye staring back at her within a pyramid.

Within the new mind space, an evil laughter was within it all. It was also speaking evilly towards her as she looked like a child within it. ”...Hailey… Why are you so scared? It isn’t like I am going to do anything with this low of steaks… Boredom… I will protect you. You should just watch your friends spar. If it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have none, but that wouldn’t be fun… for my game.” It spoke with an echo behind it. However, it speaks with a truth of pity on the poor girl losing everything previously only to remake a name for herself. She felt definitely afraid but she opened her eyes to continue to watch the other students to spar. It was definitely obvious, she had a fearful introduction to something so evil. As such, it was pretty obvious in her body language she was going to not have a good dream but a nightmare. ”P-Please, everyone help me…” She thought to herself, with a terrified look on her face.

@The Man Emperor@Th3King0fChaos@dragonpiece
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by dragonpiece
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Fredrick Jones

With Fredrick's little dramatic display of sorrow and defeat over, Herman had seemed to go into his motivational speaker persona. Well, it was less of a persona for Herman and more his natural state of being from what Fredrick could gather. Honestly, it was so routine this little charade they had that he would have been surprised and worried if Herman hadn't. He more or less sent a slight smile Herman's way as he continued trying to cheer Fredrick up.

Herman's kind and encouraging words always hit their mark as by the end of his little speak Fredrick was feeling like he was renewed somehow. He sat up From his slump and rubbed his eyes, letting out laughs, barely getting "I get it, Herman, I really do. And thanks as always for picking me up like usual" out before taking a deep breath. He holds it in for a few seconds before releasing it, displaying his newly restored vigor. Fredrick quietly says "Alright" as his eyes dashes back to his backpack, pulling out the same papers as before. He crossed his legs once more as started grading leaning back in a relaxed manner.

Working with a small smile on his face, he speaks to Herman "So I was thinking that tomorrow I would give them a group project, something more interesting than my usual long-winded lectures. Thinking of having them discuss an event in history that resonated with them and have them discuss it within their group. Maybe hostility will at least lessen if they can see each other as more then one dimensional. Well, at least I hope. Who knows I might spark something on accident but I can't just tread around them like they are bombs. They're people, and I have to give them enough respect to assume they will see each other as people as well." The though is now fully playing out what if they disagree with one another and start fighting. The worry sets in Fredrick's mind as he just thinks well this project might go badly. He releases reservations about the possibilities, simply believing that if they come to fruition then he would just have to deal with it there. To almost crack a joke about the whole thing he pulls out his phone and makes Herman's 5 on speed dial.

After finishing the grading Fredrick stretches himself out, cracking his knuckles in the process. Then giving Emily some more affection. "Sorry for ignoring you" he cues at her. More or less sitting there for awhile trying to decide what to eat tonight.



Vaulting off of the hands, Henry tried to land normally but his balance had seemed to still be shot from earlier. The tumble acted like a splash of cold water, shocking his system and bringing him back from that foggy existence. He took a look around to see Nikolay knocked far back, hands gone from what he can tell. Henry knew he hit him but to how and to what extent was a mystery at the moment. Henry put up a guard to keep himself safe in case of retaliation.

But instead, Nikolay started to laugh. Henry lowered his guard thinking the fight might be over now. Hectic is a word to describe the encounter but Henry would describe it more as dangerous. Still, Henry nodded his head in agreeance. Hearing that he won was a bit shocking to him as he just couldn't make out all the details after he had his brain shaken. But he would accept the win as he really didn't feel like arguing against himself at the moment. He came over to Nikolay shake his hand, disarming himself as well, as he clasped Nikolay's hand "Good fight."

Henry was thrown off by a Russian accent now but he was too foggy to care. As Nikolay showed concern for Henry about the hit he did Henry could only smile at him as he said "No, I'm fine. The shock wave reverberated in my upper body for a bit, I think. It more or less shook me a bit." He took a look at Nikolay, inspecting him for injury. He seemed to be hurt but nothing worse than expected out of a spar. Henry let out a sigh of relief as he placed a hand on Nikolay's shoulder "Well, I need to sit down for a bit. That hit is still taking my balance away as we speak. You did good Nikolay" Henry started to walk past him, not trying to show that his balance was still gone. He was headed to the benches

During the walk, he could still feel his heart pounding like he was still fighting. No, like it still wanted to fight. The energy he felt in his arms and legs confirmed this. Henry's body had been itching for a fight earlier, he knew that but for the first time, his body wanted to keep fighting. Like it hasn't had its fill of danger. Not being able to understand this fully, he simply pinned this on that Hailey's father had angered him more than he thought.

He carefully kneeled to pick up his jacket he had tossed off before all this exercise. He slowly rose from his crouched position to be sure of his balance. He set his jacket over his shoulder and headed over to the benches, seeing Hailey there. He smiled as he started to head over. As he was making his way over he sees the black mist materialized from under her. His vision was too blurry to make out any more detail about the mist or Hailey's expression but Henry had a gut feeling that she wasn't okay. He made his way over quickly, almost stumbling a few times. Once he got close he could see the terrified look she had on her face. Henry tried to sit down softly but his legs didn't listen to him as he sat down hard, shaking the bench a bit. He took his jacket and covered her with, trying to comfort her. Henry preceded to place an arm around Hailey and pull her in. At this point any issues Henry had seemed to cease in his mind as his attention was dedicated to making sure she was alright. "Hey Hailey, it's alright now" in a very calm but strong voice. Henry watched, hoping he could help her through this tumultuous time.

@Landaus Five-One
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 1 day ago


Brody's Bad Boy Entrance

Once Brody found himself inside the reception office the man who brought him in had disappeared as he is left to fend for himself, as he walked aimlessly through the halls, he finally found the receptionist there and ready to help him figure out what he is to do as it comes to his apparent realization that he had missed a good bit of school already as he is supposed to find a teacher by the name of Fredrick Jones. As he will be the one to help Brody around the school and find his class. As when Brody leaves the reception office, he finds that he has no clue where to go, maybe this campus is more intuitive than he thinks it is.

He was wrong, as he aimlessly traveled and found many people running around when classes should be in session. As he was traveling he saw people heading to many different places, yet some seem to have this strange air about them. As he watched people talking, some seemed to have met this genuinely handsome man with a strange air of confidence and superiority about him as he talked to people. He seemed to talk and guide them as they entered a large building called the Training Hall.

Brody had no clue where to find Mr. Jones, so he was looking around for some clue, yet as he was searching he found people gathering as they seemed to grab people. They talked to them as a few tried to leave quickly, by scanning their card and entering the Training Hall. Leaving the people who were about to harass them outside and unable to enter, while others were caught. They acted friendly with them and were talking and being chummy as they would normally enter the Training Hall with the people with cards and access. Yet soon after they enter a pained yell can be heard. Leaving Brody some questions, is this what the school is actually like? Brody is unsure yet one thing is for certain staying here might make it where those people might come out to do the same thing to him.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 1 day ago


When the blade hit Oscar was actually happy to feel that there was an impact. He had been practicing on hitting the pads rather than the person, as many would give up as the pain hurt too much for them to really want to spar. So he breathed out a sigh of relief as he continued in his slide as he shifts his body forward again and begins his running one more time.

Or he would if he didn't feel this cold shiver run down his spine as Hailey yelled out to both Nathaniel and himself. Yet Oscar still needed to focus, as he noticed Nathaniel fire off another energy shot, as Oscar mustered his strength again and fired off his legs and jumped away from the area he was in again. Oscar was concerned about what Hailey was yelling to them, but what caught his attention more was her shivering and fearful face. He started to quickly take off his helmet as he noticed Hailey had this dark fog around her. Once he got the helmet off, he yelled to Nathaniel, "Nate, Stop! Somethings up with Hailey!"

Oscar is ready for Nathaniel to not respond and fire again, as he did notice Nathaniel was slightly out of it. Not sure why though, might be that he is hyper-focused to make sure he puts everything he learned to the test. But Oscar doesn't want to get hit, so if Nathaniel fires a shot, Oscar will throw his helmet at Nathaniel in an attempt to get him to get out of his head and listen.

However, if Nathaniel listened, Oscar would head over to check on Hailey to make sure she is alright and comfort her with Henry. Who seemed to have taken a quick response to her episode as well.

@Landaus Five-One@The Man Emperor@dragonpiece
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Nikolay Ivushkin | The Imperial Fist

"Yeah...", Nikolay answered Henry. When Henry began to walk past, he put one arm around the giant, and gave him a short comradely hug before a girl's shriek was heard reverberating through the air. As the bigger man went towards Hailey. She was having one of those episodes again, and the Russian only looked on as he figured that having too many people go to her could only make her anxiety worse.

Nikolay shook his head. "Bloody hell. She is going to have a hard time staying in here if that keeps on happening." Something similar had occurred earlier. That was the second time this day.

Nathaniel Gregorio | The Blitzkrieg

Nath paused his relentless blasts of electromagnetic energy as soon as Oscar told him that something was up with Hailey. Squinting his eyes, he looked on at Hailey to see Henry with her (again). It looked like that a dark mist was gathering under her. He didn't completely understand what was occurring, but that was a secondary concern. Right now, Hailey was as pale as a sheet of paper, looking completely petrified. "What the heck-"

Then it hit him. It was probably his fault, given that he was shooting those electromagnetic beams earlier while having a shattered focus. Overridden with guilt, he got down and covered his eyes. Was he crying? There was only one way to tell.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Landaus Five-One
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Landaus Five-One The Sadist Insaneous One

Member Seen 3 days ago

The terrified look on Hailey’s face was there still since she couldn’t help but hope to feel safe with that evil thing being her Noble Arm. However, what jolted her from her thoughts was the reason of someone shaking the bench, like they couldn’t stand. It caused her to do two things. The first one felt like her heart skipped a beat as it had done. However, the second thing was to calm down and smile when she saw Henry by looking at him. She was grateful when he did put his jacket on her, trying to comfort her. It helped somewhat, but her pale white ghost look was still there since the terrifying thing that happened was indeed terrifying. She felt his arm pull her in and couldn’t help but shakily be afraid of what happened in her mind space and what happened earlier before Henry came to her aid. It took her a bit before she spoke up since she was utterly afraid and couldn’t really figure out what she wanted. ”...I’m scared H-Henry… it… it… activated… in a different way from its usual way. T-The Scythe…” She spoke with a definite fear in her voice. Obviously, she was afraid of her noble arm, but she completely stopped speaking about the Scythe in question since she doesn’t want to say its name.

Hailey looked towards Oscar and Nathaniel, which did stop their spar for her safety. She smiled gently towards them, but it didn’t help that her face was still pale as can be. This entire ordeal shook her to her core, but she couldn’t blame them for what they didn’t foresee. Not everyone could foresee an evil Noble Arm, with the ability to cause a girl to utterly shutter just at the sight of black fog. ” T-Thank you… Oscar and Nathaniel. I-I don’t blame you for what happened… please don’t cry… Nath.” She spoke loudly enough to get through to Oscar and Nathaniel. It was mostly because she did notice Nathaniel got down and covered his eyes. Since Hailey had a feeling, he would be crying probably.

However, a strange and oddity thing occurred; it was that Hailey’s Dread completely vanished yet again. It was like a declaration of what the scythe wanted her to do. In the case, she tried to close her eyes and sensed the evil around her in her mind space, but it had a slight difference. There was laughter, but it was faded, and all that left was the Scythe’s word. ” How sweet… your delicate fear is always what I wanted from you, Hailey Leena Strassen. However, I have always watched and waited. I am watching your actions through your eyes, your mind, your feelings, and every notion that makes you, you. My Sweet Marionette, may we soon dance the sweet dance of death. However, you may have your peace for now. The Dread, which I control won’t return for until I deem it so. Therefore you can feel like yourself as you were before I chose you. I hope you give me a good show since you’ll need it.” The voice echoed evilly as it did within her mind space. Hailey’s eyes were crying in the mind space, and when she came to open her eyes, she was crying even more. It felt like nothing could be worse than what’s going on with her. Her tears were wholesome and sweet, but the one primary thing that scared her is that probably one of her ancestors used to wield the Scythe. ”...I’m afraid… T-The Scythe… spoke to me… in m-my mind space a-again… It c-called me… M-My Sweet Marionette… W-What does that mean?” She questioned with a feeling of sadness, confusion, and unable to grasp what the Scythe means fully. It did make her better, which that the Scythe deactivated the dread, so she could feel a bit better, like before she gained it as a Noble Arm. However, the Scythe could always reactivate it, to make her feel more normal with the dread than without. She didn’t really know what to think. Her thoughts were plagued by not wanting to close her eyes again to see that terrifying big-eyed pyramid or hear its words again.

@dragonpiece@Th3King0fChaos@The Man Emperor
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Th3King0fChaos
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Th3King0fChaos The Weird

Member Seen 1 day ago


Once Oscar noticed Nathaniel didn't fire a shot at him, Oscar began to head over to Hailey to see if she was okay, yet the moment he was about to turn, he felt that Nathaniel was slightly off. As he turned really quick to see if it was just his imagination, he was greeted with Nathaniel curled up and seemed to be upset. Oscar looked back and noticed Hailey is more than fine being in the care of henry, so Oscar decided to check on Nathaniel really quick, maybe he hurt himself somewhere and was now feeling it.

Oscar made his way over, hoping for the best as he said, "Hey Nathaniel are you okay?" Oscar inspects Nathaniel taking in his mannerisms to maybe get an understanding of what is going on with him. Oscar takes in what Hailey said as well, that was when Oscar realized Nathaniel might be like this now because he thinks he has been the cause of her flare-ups ever since before class. Oscar felt bad, yet knew that he couldn't help too much, all he could do is hope Nathaniel is actually alright and not too much in his own head about all of this. All the while he takes glances back to Henry, Nikolay, and Hailey hoping she is alright in their care.

@The Man Emperor
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by El Gato Naranja
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El Gato Naranja Europa Undivided/Cattra the Impurrishable

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Nathaniel Gregorio | The Blitzkrieg

Oscar would hear a bit of sobbing from the other boy as he went over. Nathaniel was still covering his eyes and face, but his words were as clear as water in a mountain spring. "This is my fault, this is my fault..." However, feeling Oscar's presence made him look up from his position, though not before wiping the tears away with his hoodie's sleeves. It was clear that he was feeling very guilty and sorrowful about causing Hailey to suffer from the effects of the Dread twice in the same day because of his own incompetence when it came to managing his Noble's Arm's abilities, if that sad face was of any indication.

Seeing that Hailey was already being attended to by Henry and to a lesser extent, Nikolay, Nath just sighed as he stood and looked up at Oscar, still with a sad look on that face of his. "It's my fault..." With nothing for him to do, Nath just hugged him, sniffling as he wasn't really done weeping yet. "I need to go..."
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