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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Varidol smiled to Andy as he mentioned about Benny and Bear, "That is good." He said with a gentle nod before he looked to the Noctowl. "Do you know any Psychic moves?" He asked in their native language, watching the bird pokemon carefully, "I have heard your kind can learn things of Zen Headbutt and Psychic."

Niccia grinned towards Michael as he saw her, moving to happily grab him into a big hug.
"It's great isn't it?" She asked with a bigger grin, "Mindy helped me pick it out! I thought you'd like it~" She gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Gavin jumped as he was spoken to, he looked back to Mindy with a small smile before he looked to the sky.
"Vari, how long?" He asked, the Marshadow smiled softly before he bowed his head towards Mindy.
"Not too long now; when the sun reaches its middle peak, the spirit of the forest shall open the door. Allowing those under the Lord, and those chosen by the special ones, to enter." He said in a story-tellers way.
Dausiin climbed onto Varidol playfully, "Basically dummy here is saying that when noon hits, Celebi is gonna open this shit up and we're all going to see Arceus!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"I know psychic, yes," Merlin said, "but that is not particular effective against a Pokémon like Darkrai."
He tilted his head a bit as he listened to Varidol explain how long it would be and he glanced at the sky to estimate how long that would be. It would still be a while, but they also had to walk to the place they had to gather - he assumed a portal wouldn't be opened in the middle of a human city.

Michael locked eyes with Mindy when Niccia told him she had helped her pick this dress out and he smiled at her. Mindy winked in return and she turned to Varidol to listen to him.

"So the party will start right around lunch-time then," Andy stated, nodding to show his approval. "Nice. At least I hope there will be good food." He poked his nephew. "We should collect our stuff and wake up that guardian of Frosiien. If you're done gazing at Niccia's new dress."

"I'll have plenty of time to look at it today," Michael replied and he turned to Niccia. "I'll go get my backpack. Shall I get your stuff too? Then you can stay here with your legendary friends. It's probably been a while since you were alone with them."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Psychic would be helpful anyway." Varidol replied to Merlin with a smile, before he looked towards Michael as he heard him speak to Niccia about staying outside with them. "It barely happens that three Mythicals can be around together." He stated, rather matter-of-factly.

Niccia looked over to Michael and then to Varidol before back to Michael and gave a small smile.
"That would be lovely." She said with a small smile, "All my stuff is packed up, Soul should still be inside, and I think Sparky should be somewhere inside as well." She moved to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek before she stepped towards Varidol.
Varidol stepped towards her as well, both of them staying still before Niccia darted over and was pulled into a hug by the Human-Marshadow.
"It has been eons." Varidol said with a tilt of his head, a smile on his face as he looked down to Niccia.

Niccia gave a bigger grin to him, "I know, I'm sorry." She said before she looked to Dausiin, who skipped over to them and quickly joined in the hug as well.
"You guys are gonna love the guy I'm bringing along!" He said, Varidol only laughed.
"The one who caught you that one time?" The Marshadow asked, Dausiins' face deepened in red.
"That was once." He growled, getting a laugh from Varidol.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Michael and Andy went inside to gather their belongings and Pokémon. Lytse walked over to the sleeping guardian and gently poked him with his front paw.
"Mitch, everyone seems to be getting ready to leave," he said with a hushed voice so he wouldn't startle him.
Then he looked around to see where Sparky was.

Andy went to pick up Varina when he found her. "I hope you're looking forward to the party!" he said to her. "Soul! We left Niccia outside, she's catching up with her fellow mythicals."
With that he went to the room he had stayed in to grab his backpack. This would be the last day he'd be here; there was no reason to stay longer. The last few days as Michael and Niccia had explored this city, he had borrowed Mindy's Dragonite to go to the ruins of Alph to see how the search was going, but there he had basically been told there was nothing he could do to help. Which was annoying, but it was how it was.
At least he was with Frosiien again and he looked forward to that the most. Although meeting that stuck-up Galarian Moltres again could be fun.

Michael grabbed the two backpacks and checked the room to see if they really hadn't forgotten anything. Goldenrod was a great city and he was glad to have stayed here. Beating the gym, meeting the people in the daycare. Listening to the stories of his uncle when he had stayed with the parents of the current daycare owner when he had travelled through this region. With both backpacks he went back into the main area to see if all the Pokémon had gone outside as well.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Mitch mumbled as he moved a wing to rub his face. He opened his eyes as he focused in on Lytse.
"Whaddya want?" He grumbled before he shook his head as he focused a bit more. "Oh, Lytse. My apologies. Are we ready?" He moved to stand up slowly.
Sparky was still on top of Soul, who still stayed still as a statue as he allowed the smaller creature to snooze on top of him. He looked over to Lytse as he walked back in, moving quickly to use Psychic to lift Sparky off him without properly moving her before he leapt onto the ground.

The Absol moved Sparky back onto his back and rested her head into his collar-like mane before he silently walked over to the Cyndaquil.
"Everyone is ready?" He asked with a tilt of the head, "Once we're outside, Sparky should wake up at the smell of all the legendaries around." He said with a bit of a chuckle as Mitch looked to the smaller creature in what could only be seen as distain.

"You understand why I never visited though, right?" Niccia asked with a tilt of her head, Varidol nodded his head.
"Yes of course, I would never force you to endanger yourself." Varidol said before he smiled softly, "Although Penalopy seemed to be happy to see you."
Niccia laughed with a small nod, "Yeah of course... Hey, where are your Guardians?" She asked, Dausiin grinned happily.
"They're here, just hiding. We can take care of ourselves." He said with a wink. "You'll see them again at StarFall." He turned to Varidol, "Come with me, I need to show you some amazing human street food." He grabbed the Marshadows hands and pulled him away from Niccia, who grinned and gave a bit of a wave.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Yes, we're almost ready." Lytse answered Mitch and then he walked over to Soul, where he gave the same answer to Soul's question.
He noticed the expression of Mitch and he wondered why the guardian looked like that, but he didn't think long about it because Michael joined them and he hurried over to his big friend.

It didn't take long before Andy was there too, with a backpack over his shoulder and Varina's keystone under his arm.
"Mitch, let's go find Frosiien!" he said as he walked through the Pokémon center, blew a kiss to nurse joy as he thanked her for her excellent care and walked outside.

Michael followed his uncle outside with Lytse right behind him. Once outside he quickly joined Niccia and handed her her bag. "We have to go to the forest, right?" he said.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Soul smiled to Lytse and followed after him as he went to Michael. "We're ready to go too." He said with a smile, before he looked to Andy as he spoke to Mitch.
Mitch flinched at Andy's words and furrowed his brow, he mumbled to himself before he shivered and followed after the Older male human in order to find his guardian.

Soul moved to lift Lyste up onto his back as well with Psychic, "Give your feet a rest." He said with a small smile as he followed after Michael. He glanced around when they got outside and paused as he felt Sparky started to wake up from the lingering scent of Legendaries around her.

Niccia looked to Michael with a small smile and took her bag, she gave a nod. "Yeah." She said softly, "We need to go to the strine." She looked to Andy as she noticed he was looking for Frosiien. "She should be back-" She started before her eyes moved to a figure walking their way.

Frosiien looked over towards Niccia as she walked along, she had changed her clothes. She was in something more like a catsuit, snowflake prints speckled over it as a large, dark blue cloak drooped over her shoulders as she had her hair up in a large plait.
"Good afternoon beauties~" She said before she stopped at Andy and grinned. "Afternoon Handsome~" She said with a slow blink.
Mitch stared at Frosiien angrily, "What do you call this! Why are you dressed like this! What would Lugia say!!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Andy examined Frosiien's new outfit as she joined well. "Now that looks good on you," he said and he offered his arm, moving the keystone under his other arm. "And I put on a clean t-shirt today, so I'm practically dressed up for the occasion."
The orange t-shirt had a Roggenrola on it, with a dark-blue YOU above it and ROCK underneath it.
He could hear Mitch was upset about something, based on the tone of his voice and the angry stare, but that wasn't really his concern.

Benny and Merlin looked at the exchange from on top of the building and looked at each other.
"I don't think he will care much about what Lugia will say," Merlin sighed.
"By the looks of it, Frosiien doesn't care either. I'm sure that if she did she wouldn't have dressed up like that."
"But really, he's going to an exclusive event and that is what he decided to wear?"
Benny made an amused sound. "He won't pretend to be someone he isn't. What you see is what you get."

Michael his uncle have only attention for Frosiien now, but he couldn't blame him. His attention was mostly on Niccia after all. He quickly checked where his Cyndaquil was and then he spotted him on the back of Soul. Good. He turned to Mindy, who was just finishing up tying a ribbon around Marie's neck and call for Mable, who swiftly joined them. It looked like everyone was ready.

"Shall we go?" Andy asked as he started walking. "It's been a few years since I was here, but the forest is this way and I somewhat remember the path the shrine. Roughly. I have no idea."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Frosiien gave a grin as she looked Andy over, "You look gorgeous." She said, ignoring Mitch before she moved to gently take the keystone from Andy and holding it down to Mitch to carry. Mitch reluctantly took it and stared angrily at his Legendary.
She linked her arm with his and moved to kiss him on the cheek before she looked to the others with a grin. "I know the way, it's not too far." Frosiien said as Andy mentioned he had no idea where to go. She moved to pull him forward gently, ready to lead the group off to their destination.

Gavin nodded as Andy mentioned they should go, he looked to Mindy and then to Mable with a small smile. She looked gorgeous, but was it a smart idea he was getting feelings from a... human female? He thought to himself before he started to follow Frosiien and Andy as the Articuno lead the way.

Niccia gripped Michaels hand tightly and gave it a squeeze as she had a big grin on her face. She was ready for Star Fall, it had been so long since she had seen the others.
Soul followed suit with Lytse and Sparky on his back, looking over to Mitch as he held the Keystone, Soul moved over to gently grab the keystone from the Delibirds wings and moved to pop Varina up on his head with the others. "I'll babysit these ones." He said with a grin before he looked over towards Marie. "If you get tired, please do not hesitate to let me know and I'll carry you." He offered with a smile.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Andy happily let Frosiien take the lead and walked alongside her. "You know," he said as he leaned a bit towards her, "I suspect your feathered friend is a little bit unhappy." He glanced over his shoulder and then quickly to Soul who had the keystone, before returning his attention to Frosiien. "If glaring daggers was a real ability we would be dead by now."

"Thank you for the offer," Marie said as she crawled to Mindy. "I'll be fine."
As she said that she got picked up by Mindy and got placed on her shoulder.
Mabel followed her trainer, who stepped up a bit to join Gavin.
"Hey, has it happened before humans attend Star Fall?" she asked him.

Michael gently squeezed back and winked to her, then he took a moment to see if his Cyndaqyuil was okay, and by the looks of it he enjoyed riding on Soul's back. The other Pokémon were in his Pokéballs; he'd let them out once they got to Star Fall.

Above them Benny and Merlin flew with them, but they soon got ahead. Merlin had lived in the woods and knew where the shrine was. Unlike Andy he still remembered how to get there.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Frosiien gave a laugh at Andys words, looking down towards Mitch before she moved down and lifted him up with her spare arm and gently gave him a kiss on the head.
"He's just over protective." She said with a laugh, before she put him back on the ground before she leaned over and kissed Andy's cheek. "You don't need to worry about him. He wouldn't harm you even if he'd want to." She mused before she continued to walk along.

Gavin looked to Mindy with a small smile, "It's happened a couple of times before." He said with a bit of a nod, "Dausiin likes to bring random humans he finds, Celebi occasionally will bring someone. Very rarely Jirachi will end up dragging a wisher along with them to join us." He pondered before he gave a small smile, "It's rare, but it's also something that does happen." He looked to her with a smile, "Don't worry if you're worried about standing out. Everyone will likely be in their humanoid form anyway."

Soul bowed his head to Marie before he turned his head towards Mabel and bowed his head once before he walked a bit faster to catch up to Niccia and Michael.
"You know," Soul started with a small smile, "I may be enjoying becoming a ferry for smaller Pokemon." He laughed as he glanced up towards the trainers. Niccia only grinned at his response.
"It's very kind of you to even offer to carry people." She said towards her guardian, moving to pick the slowly waking up Sparky off his back.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"I'm sure in time he'll see what an awesome guy I am," Andy said, knowing very well people generally still didn't like him after getting to know him better. But then again, he wasn't here to be liked by everyone. Honestly, that would be boring. "Merlin still doesn't like me either," he told her. "I don't know how he puts up with me."

Mindy had an excited grin on her face and nodded, this would be so awesome. And she would do this with friends, and her former professor.
"Do you still teach ethics?" she asked.
"Of course. I still need professor Maple to approve of my new hands-on teaching method that I want to implement. There's nothing like exploring the train-dilemma by tying up students to a track and let one of them drive a train, am I right?"
"You're joking, right?"
"Of course I am! I'd drive the train myself, why would I let a student have all the fun?"
Mindy groaned, feeling sorry for professor Maple, and Michael laughed.

"He is joking," Michael said, in case some of the legendary Pokémon or their companions thought otherwise.
It was nice walking like this. They had left the city behind and had entered the forest. He didn't mind how long the walk would be, it was a nice day and he was in good company. He glanced to Niccia. Very good company.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Frosiien laughed as she glanced up to Merlin as he glided over head. "He'll have his reasons." She said gently, "He's a good Pokemon, he can probably see the good in your heart." She said as she listened to everyone talk after a moment.
"If you'd like, I can ask him how he does." She offered as sheleaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, missing and accidentally hitting his lips with hers.
She didn't pull away immediately, but when she did she just gave a small smile. "My apologies, I hope my lips weren't cold."

Niccia wasn't really listening to what Andy was saying, she was with Michael. This was nice.
Her eyes widened as she watched Frosiien with a blink, "Oh my god!" She gasped, her tail fluffing up slightly with a bigger grin. "Frosiien!"
Mitch stared angrily at his legendary.
"Are you mad?!" He growled towards her, "That could be dangerous, you could have just given him the ability to understand us! You're compromising our safety!"
"Oh shut up Mitch." Soul spoke as he walked up to the other guardian, "Andy's a good kid. He wouldn't endanger you or Frosiien. This entire group is safe. Don't be so up tight."

Gavin was paying attention to what Andy said, his eyes narrowed at the mention of a train and running over people.
He leaned down to Mindy for a second, "Whats... a train?" He asked quietly.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

When Andy turned to look at Frosiien her lips collided with his. He blinked and he returned the smile when she smiled at him. "Cold? I don't know yet." He gently took her by the shoulders and kissed her again.
He heard some voices behind them, but he didn't really listen to it.
"Yep, they are cold," he said once he stepped back again and he winked. "As a scientist, I can't conclude anything unless the first result is replicated in a second test."

Michael watched it happen and then looked at the angry Mitch. His uncle was either ignoring him, or didn't understand him. He shook his head at his uncle's explanation for the second kiss.

Mindy turned to Gavin and paused. "A train is a vehicle used for transportation. It runs on tracks and usually big cities have stations where it can stop and people can get on and off." She figured he probably didn't know about the train-dilemma either. "You see, in ethics they have a dilemma: a train approaches a switch in the tracks and you can't stop the train, going to the right there is one person tied on the track who will die if the train runs over him, on the right track are five people tied up. So you have to decide which track you will go on: will you kill one person or the group of five? We debated that for an hour in professor Bansing's class."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Mitch let out a loud yell and a string of aggression before Soul moved one of his paws over his beak and pushed him down to shut him up.
"Calm down Mitch." Soul said with a raised eyebrow.
Frosiien's cheeks flooded with colour as Andy pulled her in for another kiss. She could only grin at his words before she moved to press her forehead against his as she let out a small chuckle and a hum.
"I like that." She said with a laugh, glancing down towards Mitch and Soul before she looked back to Andy. "I like you, you're easily my favourite human~"

Niccia only giggled at Frosiien and Andy, before she stepped closer towards Michael as they walked. She looked to the sky and breathed in.
"We're close." She said as she looked around the trees, "I can feel it."

Gavin paused and nodded once.
"Interesting." He said with a small smile before he looked down to Mindy. "And there's no thought of just untying either of the humans with the help of a Pokemon?" Gavin tilted his head as he thought. "Humans are... Definitely weird."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Lytse had watched it all from Soul's back and he thought about it. Michael had been able to understand Niccia after they had kissed and Mitch had been afraid that the accidental kiss was already enough to pass the gift. That meant a second kiss they both meant could easily have done it. There was one way to test that.
"Andy?" he squeaked.

Andy held Frosiien as she pressed her forehead against his. Just holding her felt great, but that kiss had been something too.
"Yes?" he said when he heard his name and he looked at the Cyndaquil. Then he blinked. He was certain he had heard the Cyndaquil speak like it always had, but for some reason he had also known he had said his name, like understanding a foreign language: hearing the words they use and knowing what it means.

"Do we need to repeat that to make the observation scientifically valid?" Michael asked with a grin when he saw the confusion on his uncle's face. The moment he could actually tease his uncle were rare and he thoroughly enjoyed the moment. Even more so when his uncle sighed and wasn't able to come up with a witty comeback on the spot.

Andy moved to take Frosiiens hands so they could continue walking to the shrine. "Did you do that?" he asked her. He knew the story how Michael had gotten his ability, so it made sense, but he wanted to make sure.
"But you heard me, right?" Lytse asked.
"Yes Lytse, I heard you," Andy replied, looking back at the Cyndaquil and then glanced at Mitch. "And I can't wait to hear what you have to say to me."

Mindy laughed a bit. "You know, it's a thought experiment in which we assume the people can't be freed: you are in the train and can only decide which track to go to, no-one is around to save them. There would be no ethical dilemma is the people could be freed easily."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Oh I'll tell you what I have to say to you!" Mitch growled loudly before he turned to Frosiien, "I will tell Arceus about this! You can't stop me from doing so." He yelled at his legendary, who just grinned at his words before she moved to scoop him up under one of her arms.
"I did do that indeed~" She replied to him with a bigger smirk. "Of course I was waiting for a more romantic time," She mused with a small hum before she looked up at the trees as they got to the forest.

Niccia giggled at Frosiien and Andy, before she looked towards Mitch. Mitch stayed silent in Frosiiens arm angrily, mumbling angrily to himself. She leaned against Michael happily as he teased Andy; "We're close." She said happily, looking to the small glistens of light that sparkled around them as they entered the forest.
"We'll probably hear the Meoletta's song soon." She said with a happy sigh. "I'm so happy that you're here to witness this."

Gavin furrowed his brow at Mindy's words, he wasn't paying attention to Andy and Frosiien, he seemed more perplexed about the situation.
"Okay, If we can't use psychic abilities so save them... Do we know who the peoples are?" He asked, "Do we know their professions, their alignment?" He looked to Fez as he thought, "What do you think?"
"I donno, saving three and losing one doesn't sound horrible, but if that one person is incredibly important to the world then..." Fez slowly trailed off as he started to think as well.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Penalopy sat on top of the shrine, swaying gently from left to right as she sang. It was going to be a great day and what better way to start that by singing?

Andy was utterly unimpressed by Mitch's growl. "You can tell Arceus and I will listen to everything you have to say to me," Andy promised him. "But the only opinion I really care about is Frosiien's."
Would he stand up against Arceus if he had to? It probably was futile to do so, but he would.
He noticed his two flying Pokémon returning to him, probably to see what was taking them so long.
"It's really pretty in the forest," Benny said. "And tranquil, as if the world is at peace. The world is probably listening to Meloetta now."

"I think I do," Michael said as he turned his head slightly to listen more closely; he could definitely hear a melody in the wind. As he looked around he noticed the light. This was exciting; very few humans had ever seen this.
He also kept an eye on what was happening with his uncle and Mitch; the guardian was angry about what had happened.

Mindy fiddled a bit with her hair. "That's why it's a subject for an ethical debate. There is no one right answer, as our answers change depending on the variables." She gestured to Andy. "He loves those debates and will add variables to challenge a previously formed consensus. When we in class agreed that killing one was more ethical than three, he would suggest the one person is someone we know and that changed how we felt about it."
She stopped with her explanation as she looked around. "It's so pretty here. The forest wasn't always like this, was it?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Anylia sat against the shrine under Penalopy, she started to chime into the song slowly. She enjoyed spending time with her sister, but she absolutely adored being around the other legendaries.
Her tone was slightly different to Penalopy's, which she knew, but she also knew that they would start to compliment each other as the song carried on.
Beside Anylia, a Bonsly sat as he watched the trees as the wind blew through them. He sighed slightly before he hopped up onto his feet and started to trace a circle in the grass around the strine.
Brock wasn't a biggest fan of making the summon circle, but since they were one of the first there, he decided to do it. As he dragged his feet to dig into the ground before he stepped back and focused.

Frosiien only grinned at Andy's words, "I warn you, this Delibird has a bit of foul mouth." She said with a laugh, "He could be a Dark Type with the way he speaks." She laughed as she moved to put him down in the grass. "Arceus will love you, you'll be fine." She continued with a soft sigh, "If he didn't want us to do it, he wouldn't have given us the ability to do so."
Mitch rumbled angrily, "He gave you the power so you can use it when needed, not just give it away to humans willy nilly!" He huffed as he walked alongside Frosiien, trying to dart between Andy and his Legendary; "It's not willy nilly Mitch. I've been thinking about it since I first met Andy back on the mountains."

As Benny and Merlin flew overhead, they started to feel as if they were being watched.
After a crackle of thunder echoed through the area, a familiar Emolga suddenly shot underneath them, spinning as they looked up at the other two flying pokemon as they waved.
"Hello friends!" Fitaain called out happily before he was overlapped by a larger flying beast. The beast was a deep orange-red falcon Pokemon. The large bird fanned its wings out before it slowly glided down towards the humans on the ground.
"Good afternoon Guardians!" The Talonflame called out, "The weather is looking fine today, by the sounds and sights of things, StarFall will be one of the best ones yet!"

Niccia's ears pricked up as a second voice started singing, her body shivered as she was suddenly filled with energy as she grinned.
"Anylia is here!" She said excitedly, before she looked up towards the Emolga and the Talonflame. "Zapdos, Moltres." She started with a bigger smile. "Who's next!?"

Gavin gave a small nod at Mindy's words about the debate before he looked around.
"No, normally it's a lot quieter." He said with a bigger smile, "Well, usually there are a lot more people walking around, but since it's StarFall, we've past the small crag-line which means we're in the territory of Celebi." He straightened up slightly as he narrowed his eyes, focusing on everything around him. "Saveri is here." He said as he stepped aside and moved out his arm to grab something from in front of Mindy.
A squeak echoed as a sudden glisten of green revealed the Celebi that was floating inches away from Mindy's face.
"Gavin!" He squeaked as he glared at the Mewtwo.

A figure watched from the shadows with narrowed eyes, they stepped back and glanced towards the three figures behind them. They gave a small nod and two of them departed. The first figure looked back to the tall cloaked figure behind them.
"The little one is with them?" They asked, the cloaked one nodded once.
"Yes, she knows this as well. I am excited to see them interact once more." They said with a small smile on their beak.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Penalopy's voice sounded happier when her sister joined in and they sang the song together. Soon they would see lots of their friends again.
As Penalopy sang, James helped Brock to create the summoning circle; he didn't have anything else to do so he might as well. This was one instance he could rely on Penalopy to stay where she was and he didn't need to watch her as closely.

A yawning star-shaped Pokémon floated down until he sat alongside Penalopy on the shrine. His slumber had been cut short, but the music of the two sisters started to fill him with energy and the Jirachi smiled as he watched them sing.

A man also approached the shrine; his hair brown with streaks of yellow and red in it and he wore a brown sweater and pants. He stopped as he watched the shrine, grooming his white moustache with thwo fingers. With his red eyes he glanced around; he had agreed with his siblings they would meet here. This region being their home and the travel short, there was no need for them to meet up before heading here.

"What a cold day that was," Andy mentioned. "I almost died that day." The cheerful tone in his voice was completely misplaced, but it was an adventure filled with mostly good memories and even if it had been a dangerous one, he remembered it fondly. "I still don't regret going up there."

Merlin flew with the Talonflame and kept an eye on all the humans below. It wasn't dangerous here, he didn't need to guard them, but it was a habit to keep an eye on Andy to make sure he wasn't getting himself in a dangerous situation.

Benny happily returned the greeting and as he flew he danced a bit to the music.
"You are in a good mood," Andy said to him.
"Of course! Don't you feel it? It's a happy day today."
"But you're happy with every day."
"True!" Benny replied, followed by a happy sound and he flew down and grabbed Andy's shoulder to hang on it. "You kissed her, didn't you!"
"I can demonstrate what we did if you need a visual recounting of the story."
Benny chuckled. "You're just looking for an excuse to kiss her again."
Andy laughed and praised Benny's intelligence.

Michael grinned too, but not because he was happy about seeing the guardians; he was happy because Niccia was. To see her excited about everyone she saw and everyone she would see today, that was fantastic. And Benny was right, this forest felt different with the Meloetta's singing. It felt mystical.

"Whoa," Mindy stepped back when there something green close to her and then she recognized it as Celebi. "You startled me," she sighed. "This is your part of the forest, isn't it?" she asked.
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