Hidden 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Oh my friends...My good friends...I'm so sorry.

The Supreme Kai of Time looked at the piles of ash that littered the heavily damaged Conton City from the barely functioning Time Nest. Once those piles of ash had been Time Patrollers, defenders of history.

But now they were all gone. They had given their all to save what remained of Conton City and to protect the Supreme Kai of time. Once Conton City had been one of the most impressive sights in Universe 7. But that was no longer the case. The City looked as though it had been hit with explosives powerful enough to level a normal city. The Supreme Kai of Time sighed heavily as tears briefly appeared in her eyes. Their efforts to use massive amounts of energy to move the city through various points in time to escape whoever had been striking at the city had failed. No matter where they had gone, the attacks had continued.

It was her closest friend and best Time Patroller who had come up with the idea to use what was left of the power in the city to move the City outside Universe 7 entirely, outside the normal universe in fact. But the energy contained within the city wasn't nearly enough to complete the escape.

They had given everything they had. All of them. They had given so much energy that their bodies had turned to ashes but in the end they had succeeded. Conton City, or rather what remained of it was now outside of the normal universe.

My Time Patrol...My beloved Time Patrollers. She stopped for a moment as she looked down at a pile of ash with a heavily damaged and nearly charred black sword next to it. She forced herself to push down the well of emotions that rose to the surface and looked at at the seven heavily damaged Dragon Balls on the ground next to her. She knew what was going to happen next wouldn't be pleasant for either her or Shenron.

"Eternal Dragon, by your name, I summon you forth: Shenron!" She called out in a voice that was tinged with resignation.

The Dragon Balls flickered faintly and a moment later a blaze of light shot forth into the sky and the Eternal Dragon appeared but the Dragon appeared nearly translucent and his eyes flickered faintly as though he was fighting to keep himself together.

"Supreme Kai of Time..." The dragon roared in a voice filled with pain. "I do not have much time left. The Dragon Balls are damaged nearly beyond use."

"I know...And I know you are aware of what is happening across the Multiverse right now. Entire realities are being wiped out one by one. Untold numbers of people are dying every day. I know you don't have the power to bring back my Time Patrollers and I will accept that for the time being. But you and I both know that there are survivors. Versions of those who are being hunted who's universes have somewhat managed to survive albeit briefly. My wish, Shenron, is for those who's universes are about to be destroyed to be brought to safety here in Conton City."

The dragon simply nodded and his eyes began to glow as an anguished roar filled the empty city as Shenron put his last remaining bit of strength in the wish. "N-Nine...I can only save Nine." The dragon gasped in pain as all around Conton City, nine flashes of light appeared all around the city. With a final anguished roar of pain the dragon vanished in a flash of light and the Dragon balls went completely dark.

"It's time I meet the new arrivals." The Kai whispered to herself as she limped towards the entrance of the Time Nest.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Conton City Ruins ~ Mushroom District

"Ugh... where... where is this?" the bright-blue-skinned figure muttered, rubbing his aching head as he painfully pushed himself to his feet. His name was Ovaan, and he found himself in some sort of desert terrain. But rather than trees or cactus as one might expect to see in a desert, this one was dotted with mushrooms, large and tall as trees. Nearby was a drop, a cliffside of some kind that even had a few of the large mushrooms growing from its walls. It was all unfamiliar, nothing he had ever encountered before. His hand felt the scouter still attached to his face. A good sign, maybe the Scouter would tell him where this was?

Ovaan pushed a button on the Scouter's earpiece. Numbers and symbols began to blink on and off the blue-screened visor, much of it looked jumbled, a result of loose circuits and other bits of the damage the Scouter may have sustained, possibly due to the battle. That thought gave immediate pause as well as alarm, "The battle!" he said aloud, almost shouting the words out. That's right, the last thing he recalled was the battle against the Freeza Force. But, but that had happened on an entirely different planet! How did he end up here? Ovaan closed his eyes and recalled the events of the battle in his mind.

Planet Freeza #79 ~ formerly Kanassa

The fleet of bulbous ships were spread around the Planet's atmospheric space, forming a blockade that would prevent entry into the system as well as exit from it. But although they were in position and the troops deployed around them, they remained in their designated posts. They were under orders to stand guard but not to engage, per the instructions of Lord Freeza himself. The flagship hovered in a position slightly outside the ranks of the others, signifying its status. Emerging from it was a seemingly diminutive figure seated in what looked like a similarly bulbous hovercraft. He was flanked by two soldiers, one with light green skin and a fair complexion, while the other appeared rounder and with rougher skin, pink in color.

The seated figure, Lord Freeza, casually pointed a finger above his head. Instantly, a sphere of yellowish-orange energy formed and then rapidly grew in size. Freeza stared with intent at the planet below. It had once been under his control, but he had received word that his occupational forces lost control of the territory to a so-called enemy army. The details of the loss were unknown to the Emperor, and frankly didn't matter to him anyway. He'd heard the reports of a supposed Resistance growing within his territories, but he delegated their erasure to his subordinates, specifically to the green-skinned Zarbon floating just to his right. But it seemed this little resistance had managed to gain traction, and to make matters worse, they were reportedly led by one of Freeza's own race. That simply would not do at all. And so it was time he stamped out these rebels personally. A lesson needed to be taught, and an example needed to be made. Those who dare defied his rule, would be met with nothing less than the death penalty, not just of themselves but of their entire planet with them.

"Pay attention, Zarbon." Freeza said in a cold, nearly feminine tone of voice, "Because those rebels down there, and this planet... it will be the fate that awaits you should you ever fail me, again." this made Zarbon recoil a bit in fear, while his counterpart Dodoria appeared instead to be enjoying the show. The two them detested each other, and so any opportunity to see the other humiliated was a good day for them.

And just like that, Freeza gently changed the angle of where he pointed his finger in order to aim down at the Planet. The large sphere of destructive energy slowly and ominously hurled itself in the direction of its chosen victim, that being the Planet itself.

Meanwhile, on the Planet's surface, Ovaan scanned for the blockade using his Scouter. The Scouters he and his forces used were all modified, their communications with the Empire's scouters were largely severed, save for a few exceptions that were used to listen in on Imperial frequencies to learn valuable intel or leak false information to their enemy. It wasn't hard to zero in on Freeza, his battle power was hundreds of times larger than anyone else in the whole fleet. It was when the battle power spiked that Ovaan's suspicions had been confirmed.

"He's charging an attack. He means to destroy the whole planet just to kill us." this outcome wasn't unforeseen, after all Freeza was nothing if not consistent in his cruel methods. But that didn't mean hope was entirely lost. Ovaan himself was nothing if not prepared for any eventually he could be faced with, this very much included. He pushed the communication button on his scouter, "Supernova incoming, switch to Plan Delta." he said, broadcasting the message to all those in his forces on that frequency. They would know what that entailed. As for Ovaan himself, he powered up his battle power and took to the sky. He needed to position himself to carry out Plan Delta, and that required him to put himself directly in the incoming blast's trajectory.

"Man, oh man, Captain." one Ovaan's men said over the communications, "Guess you were right. The price of freedom really is pretty steep, eh?"

"It's either you or us, Freeza." Ovaan muttered to himself when he arrived at his position. He held up his arms, and a crackling sphere of energy charged in front of him, the Nova Bomber, Ovaan's most powerful attack he could muster. He steeled his gaze as Freeza's energy ball came into view, "Here goes everything. Nova Bomber, launch!" with a shoving gesture, Ovaan's attack shot upward on a collision course with Freeza's blast. When the two spheres met, they pushed against each other, generating sparks of energy from their clash.

Freeza's eyebrows raised with intrigue when he saw his attack appear to slow down and even halt. He hit a button on his own Scouter and it detected a considerably high battle power appearing to be halting the attack. Or at least it was trying to. Freeza smiled a narcissistic smile. He was inevitable, and would not be stopped by some pathetic show of heroics. He raised a hand and simply exerted more pressure and power into his attack. This made his sphere grow in size again, and it was no longer halted.

"Come on, hurry... I can't stall this for very much longer." Ovaan said into his communications, urging his crew to pick up the pace. He received a few audible responses, but Ovaan couldn't exactly take the time to process any of them lest he lose his focus and be overwhelmed by Freeza's sphere. It had already picked up it's movement again, meaning Freeza was now exerting a larger battle power than Ovaan was. Time was running out. And yet, still Ovaan held held his ground, refusing to let up even if he knew the Supernova threatened to reach his position and kill him.

Zarbon and Dodoria's Scouters suddenly spiked as high battle powers were detected somewhere below the ship. They moved to investigate but were too late to stop what happened next. Energy beams lanced upward from a few different angles, all of them piercing the hull of the flagship and targeting specific sections of it such as the engines and the fuel. Freeza's flagship exploded with a bright flash that briefly enveloped Zarbon, Dodoria, and even Freeza himself. While Freeza remained unscathed, Zarbon had to transform just to save himself while Dodoria was simply killed outright. This of course left Freeza distracted.

"Now!" Ovaan suddenly said to himself as he called upon whatever energy he had and put it into his Nova Bomber. This combined with Freeza's being distracted was enough to launched the Supernova back upwards and past Freeza where it disappeared into the vastness of space. Ovaan found himself flying forward, straight in Freeza's direction. Now that the immediate threat had been neutralized it was time to fight back in earnest, "You want us, Freeza? Then it looks like you'll have to try a little harder!"

Freeza, now floating of his own power due to his hover chair being destroyed in the explosion, was dumbfounded when a fist suddenly collided with his gut. His eyes glared at the attacker, who was indeed one of his own kind as the reports had claimed. Freeza acted fast, and shot a Death Beam at his attacker who had to quickly whirl himself around to avoid the shot. And then a blade of pinkish energy ignited from the attacker's fist and sliced into Freeza's armor, forcing him to fly backwards to avoid serious damage. He tried to power up, transform in order to exert more of his power but found himself unable to do so. This attacker just wouldn't let up.

"Did you think I would just sit there and let you transform?" taunted Ovaan as he and Freeza traded blows at blinding speeds. Thankfully, much of the training Ovaan had put himself through appeared to be paying off and then some. He never would have believed he would be going blow for blow against Freeza of all people had someone told him of this several years ago.

Zarbon tried to intervene but found himself facing down a squad of fighters, the very same ones who destroyed the ship and killed Dodoria. Even with his transformation, there was little he could but defend against his opponents and be unable to come to Freeza's aid.

The battle continued, and as Freeza and Ovaan continued their seemingly even-matched bout, Ovaan's crew were able to overcome and defeat Zarbon, putting at end to both of Freeza's generals. Now they were in a position to join in on the attack against Freeza, but wouldn't be able to. Their Scouters detected the arrival of the Ginyu Force, opponents would prove much more dangerous than Zarbon and Dodoria. And unfortunately for Ovaan, Ginyu himself was able to provide back up for Freeza.

Of course, Ovaan had little trouble in defeating Ginyu. But that wasn't the purpose of Ginyu's intervention. He'd stalled Ovaan and given Freeza just enough time to transform. And now Ovaan found himself staring at Freeza's natural born form. Ovaan acted fast and powered up, revealing to Freeza his transformation, his hidden Fifth Form.

"What is this?" demanded Freeza, utterly surprised at the existence of an extra transformation beyond his people's natural born forms, "How is this possible?"

"Simple, Freeza... I trained myself." was Ovaan's only answer. It was well known that Freeza never bothered with training, viewing it as useless since he was already so powerful. But apparently training could produce result like the form that now stood in opposition to Freeza. Ovaan lunged to attacked, but found himself enveloped by a sudden flash of light.

Conton City Ruins ~ Mushroom District

Ovaan's scouter had lost its communication functions, but it could still barely detect 8 battle powers scattered in the distance. The exact measurements was impossible to read due to the damage, but he at least was able to get an approximate coordinates for each one. This at least gave him a place to start. He rose into the air and scanned his immediate surroundings.

"I need to find out what happened, and whoever these battle powers are, they're probably the only chance I have to get some answers." he locked onto the direction of the nearest coordinates and began to fly in that direction.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Titanius's eyes snapped open and quickly started to take in as much data as possible through all his senses. He was laying face down on the ground, his armor intact which suggested that he had been in combat before shutting down...but what had happened and where was he? His mind was foggy and it took surprisingly quite a bit of effort to scramble up on his feet. For the moment he stood still as he turned his head to get as much information as possible.

He was not sure where he was or how he had got there. The last memory he could remember of him being captured by Dr. Muyuu and a few of his machine mutants. Going by that memory, he should have been reactivated back at the doctor's lab but instead he found himself in the middle of nowhere, his body reactivated automatically as a defensive mechanism due to extreme circumstances. His best bet was to look into whatever memory logs had been made after his forced shut down.

In his mind a record of events started to unfold.

"Humph, I suppose it was to be expected of my creation to elude me for so long. I knew M-3 would prove to be the next step in machine mutant evolution. I suppose I'll need to put in additional safeguards to prevent a repeat occurrence."

In his mind he could see Dr. Muyuu standing in from of him with a pleased expression on his face. While he had been shut down by the doctor's commands it was not a complete shut down, but all independent functions had been suspended. With a simple command the machine mutants released their hold on Titanius and the doctor forced him to follow along behind him.

As the group traveled they were suddenly beset by a large group of giant apes that jumped out from the rocks. Their attacks were swift and coordinated, their large blasts knocking the machine mutants into a state of confusion. Dr. Muyuu lay crumpled on the ground, the first slavo having taken out one of his legs.

"Accursed beasts! How dare you interfere in the next stage of universal evolution! No matter, I won't let you destroy M-3!" Rage and desperation in his eyes, the doctor sent a set of instructions to Titanius as two of his machine mutant guards quickly picked him up and tried to escape to safety. "Once I'm done with these monkeys I'll pick you up so I can complete what I started!"

His programming engaged, Titanius watched as his body raced from the scene, smashing everything in its path. Within minutes he had located a Saiyan pod, took over its systems and escaped from the planet. After that...nothing happened, no additional signals, no commands, Titanius's body merely drifting in space. To prevent any potential death by natural causes, his body went into stasis mode and everything went black.

Conton City Ruins - Business District

Checking his internal clock it showed it had been 11 years, 6 months and 14 days since his body had gone into stasis. Seeing such a great deal of time had transpired, Titianus came to the conclusion that Dr. Muyuu had met his end on that planet while he had been drifting in space ever since. However, if that was true, how had he arrived on this new world? By all accounts he should have woken up in the Saiyan pod when it had entered the atmosphere, his preservation programming forcibly waking him up to ensure his survival. Instead he had woken up on the middle of the ground, with no sign of the pod, or even other inhabitants.

A quick self-diagnostic and he noticed his systems had rebooted because of a [SUDDEN COORDINATE CHANGE], this meant that someone or something had forcibly moved him from the pod while he was in stasis, triggering his self-preservation protocols. Unfortunately he had been deactivated for so long he was suffering from a cold systems reboot, it would take some time for everything to get back to normal working conditions.

For now, it would be in his best interests to figure out exactly where he was and what his current situation would be. The city appeared completely raised to the ground, probably caught up in the ongoing war between machine mutants and the rest of the galaxy, at least that was his best guess; the problem with that assessment was there was no evidence to back it up, and neither side had a habit of cleaning up after themselves.

The events were not lining up properly, more observation would be required to ascertain exactly what exactly had transpired. Titanius started to sift through the debris of the city for clues as to what exactly was going on.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 8 days ago


Her eyes snapped open couple with a sharp, gasping inhale of breath. She felt... something soft beneath her. Softer than the rocky, barren ground she'd grown accustomed to over the years. Despite this, the air still felt dry, with a faint, smoky taste to it. She extended her key around her, a hazy map of her surroundings forming in her mind, but even then it was all entirely foreign.

If anything, she felt even more lost than before. In her bewilderment, she pulled off her blindfold, squinting as the light assaulted her uncovered eyes. She was at the base of a cliff, with a dirt path too far from her. There was also a small, shallow pond only a few feet to her left. Beneath her was grass, but it was no peaceful grotto.

There were craters blasted into the ground, and she sat on one of the few surviving patches of grass, where much of the rest had been scorched or otherwise obliterated. She pushed herself up and strode over to the water to find it murky and barely able to show her reflection. It seemed like everything here had been destroyed.

A sudden, sickening wave of dread and anxiety rolled over her and she nearly lost her footing. Where was she? If she was here, then... what had happened to her? It came back to her in flashes. Was this it then? Were they all gone? Everything and everyone she'd clung to in an attempt to rebuild her life, just gone and stripped away once more.

She'd rather have just died with them.

Clenched so tightly in her hand, her blindfold would have turned to dust had it been made of a less yielding material. She staggered back to the cliffside, and sank down to a sitting position, pulling her knees up against her chest. Her face grew wet with tears as she fought to hold back the deluge of memories that kept forcing their way back into her head.

All she could think of were those last, frightful moments as a burning light had slowly forced its way down toward them all. He'd fought alone, with her too weak to do a thing to help. Always too weak. In the end, she'd just been tossed aside.

The minutes passed with her just curled up pitifully in that spot, but finally she took a deep breath. Deeply ingrained training began to slowly take over as her breathing steadied. The memories didn't fade, but she regained control of the feelings raging in her; enough so at least to remain functional.

Just in time, it seemed, as she noticed something approaching her. She tilted her head skyward to see a being distinctly alien to her. There were hints of familiarity that struck her, but only in the vaguest sense, as if she'd once come across someone similar. That long tail in particular. She took a deep breath and wrapped her blind fold around her head once more. She was too fragile right now, she didn't trust herself if she left her eyes uncovered.

"You there!" She called out, placing a hand against the cliffside to steady herself as she rose once more. "I don't suppose you're more familiar with this place then I am?" Either they were just as lost as she was... or they were responsible for all the destruction. Either way she'd either have someone to relate to or she'd get some answers.

Well she supposed they could also just kill her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 5 days ago

Majin Eve

World of the Kais


Eve exclaimed as she raced towards the power hungry mage, flying towards him with a fist pulled back ready to be swung. The magician smirked before raising their hands, palms up. Lava exploded from the ground in a massive wall of glowing red, halting the Majin's advance.


"Hahaha! Yet another Kai falls, only one left!"

It hurt to hear those words, deep inside it hurt, which only fueled her resolve to try and stop the villain before her, before it was too late.

"You!... You stay away from them!"

Eve exclaimed before her pink aura surrounded her, she flew forward, crashing through the super heated molten rock, receiving burns but ignoring them to charge at the amused mage waiting for her. Moro was far stronger, far more powerful than she thought he'd be, stronger than the Kais thought he'd be. They tried to ready themselves, but nothing could have prepared them for what Moro became.

The blue goat like man smirked as he batted away Eve's attacks with little effort.

"Someone like you could have made a perfect henchman, too bad you wanted to play hero. Now you'll rot in an empty universe all Alone!"

Moro put emphasis on his last word as he fired a kick into Eve's gut, following it with a round house kick to her head which sent her crashing into the ground below. Her head was spinning, she tried to shake off the dizziness and ringing in her ears and after a few seconds managed to do so, but Moro was no where in sight. Her heart sank before she used the Kai Kai to teleport to the last Supreme Kai just to find them at Moro's mercy.


Eve said with a trembling voice, fear and fury mixed in her tone. The mad mage looked over his shoulder and grinned, just past him was the last supreme kai, looking beaten and bloodied. Eve didn't know how long she was recovering, but it was long enough for this to have happened.

"Your resistance is amusing, but utterly futile. Now watch as I extinguish the final spark of life this universe will know!"

Eve's eyes widened as her heart pounded in her chest, she watched as Moro prepared his killing blow, the look of anger and terror on the downed kais face one Eve would never forget. She couldn't stand by and watch, she wouldn't, Eve would fight till the kais last breath and her own.


Power flooded into her, her strength and speed shooting through the roof as she charged at Moro and appeared at his side, surprising him. Before he could even get a word in Eve slammed a kick into his face that sent him crashing into the ground, gouging out a trench in the land. Eve stood before the injured supreme kai, flaming crimson aura burning around her as she glared as Moro's recovering form.

The goat man leered at the Majin with contempt, the supreme kai got to their feet and stood by Eve, they shared a grime look before they faced off with Moro one last time.

A day must have passed by before Eve woke to find the last kai nearby, unmoving, with Moro nowhere to be found. Eve slowly recovered from her injuries as she gathered the fallen kais, and laid them to rest. Only after the dirt had been packed down and she sat on her knees did she begin to weep.

She had failed, she failed the kais, her friends. She failed the universe the kais had woken her to protect, and now she was alone.

So distraught with her loss, the Majin didn't notice the change of scenery as she was whisked away from her lifeless universe. Unbenounced to her she was now in the middle of a bamboo forest, her sobs softly echoing down the dirt paths. She was still sitting on her knees, her hands propping herself up as she leaned forward while tears dropped from her closed eyes.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PPQ Purple
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PPQ Purple Purple Space Box

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Death, destruction, pain and than darkness. These were the ingredients chosen to ruin a young girls perfect day. But than an extra ingredient was added to the concoction, space magic. And so it was that instead of falling into a crack in the ground to her doom, burning up into a crisp, having her lungs detonate, her face melt off, her skin boil, her eyes explode or meeting some similar and equally displeasing and yet altogether expected fate Mia found her self in the unusual position of lifting up her eyes in hell.

Or had she? As her eyes adjusted to a sky that wasn't black and burning she couldn't but help think it didn't look like any hell she imagined. For one thing the sky wasn't burning. Although it certainly smelled like it. And she always pictured hell as having more gothic spires and lava pits and less ruins. Than again it didn't look like heaven either. Not that she knew what the two looked like. Mia newer was very religious. A week ago if someone had told her about an afterlife she'd have laughed at it. But now she wasn't so sure. After all one does not just survive the destruction of a planet least of all while having her feet planted on it. Still she simply couldn't imagine either of the big ones would let their domain go this badly. So where had she gone?

Mia carefully considered her options. She wasn't evil. So hell was probably out of the question. After all she wasn't that sinful. A smirk involuntarily passed her face as she recalled her, now sadly canceled, plans for the evening. Alright, maybe just a bit. But still, her life of fighting and fun were hardly a reason to... well, what ever. Living or dead, hell or heaven might as well make the best of it.

Thus she got up, dusted her self off and decided to go find some other undead to chat up and see what answers this new world had to offer.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"It has been an honor fighting alongside you, Supreme Kai Shin"

"Likewise Yaksh...no, Prince Dimsum, I believe?"

"Heh. I believe the odds aren't that bad. Majin Frieza and Majin Buu. Two of us remaining in this scorched planet."

"I admire your optimism, human."

"Defiant to the end, that's how we are. Here they come - ORYAAAA!"

Yaksha's mind still throbbed, after being bereaved from probably his death in combat. A unknown yet familiar landscape appeared before him, as he tried to get his bearings to where he had ended up. Unfortunately for him, he was in freefall and as he pondered he fell in the fountain of Conton City, making one hell of a splash. The shock seemed to make him regain his senses, before he hapzardly climbed out, and eyed the wreckage of the city and its ethereal surroundings.

He wanted desperatedly to go back to the battle, and try and do the impossible. Save Earth from Majin Buu. Odds were appalling, but he wasn't gonna wait it out to die. He had to stand up for those that were gone or could not. But the reality kicked in. This was in all likelyhood, Conton City, according to Shin's tales and Kami's guidance.

Or whatever was left of it, anyway. Well, no use in dwelling on it, he guessed, as he snapped his fingers, revealing a quick change of clothes with Magic Materialization. He was now wearing a dry, fresh suit of a Supreme Kai's attendant. He wore it better than Kibito, that was for sure. Only one person could make sense out of tails, and he knew better than to look haggard in front of such a respectable presence. He honed his senses, and remembered the vague, distinct feeling of divine Ki. It was hard to sense, and most mortals, even those of Kami's race would forever be denied the ability to sense it, but he knew. He could. Alongside, there were other ki senses he picked, but they were mostly in disarray, it seemed...although not hostile.

"Kai Kai!" He energetically said, as he vanished in an instant...

...Only to appear before the Supreme Kai of Time, inside the Time Nest, offering an elegant bow. "So it was wished, so it shall be. This one called Yaksha greets the Supreme Kai of Time. How may I be of service?" Yaksha said solemny.

And you had better have a good reason from plucking me out of my timeline in the moment I was most needed.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Conton City Ruins
Ruins of the Academy

Inside of her pod, Tabaga dreamed of a time long since passed. A time when she had been a warrior and a symbol of both hope and power to her people. A time before darkness had fallen over the entire universe. A time when she still had hope in the future.

Planet Vegeta
A long time ago

"Hold the line!" Tabaga shouted to a number of the few remaining Saiyans in the atmosphere of Planet Vegeta as more and more of the silent and mysterious black armored troopers flew straight towards them. She looked towards the youngest of the group and tried to smile reassuringly. "It's going to be alright, Okora. We just need to keep them busy until the device is ready." The younger Saiyan tried to return the smile but failed as she looked at the few thousand remaining Saiyans doing their best to try and fight off the invaders. They were falling one by one every minute, being overwhelmed with sheer numbers.

Just need to buy a little bit more time. It'll all be worth it if we buy the King enough time.

There was a time Tabaga would have punished anyone for their lack of confidence but she was in no position to talk. The Saiyans had managed to create an Empire that had lasted barely ten years before whoever the hell these people were had destroyed it. Planet after Planet had fallen, thousands of her people had been slaughtered in nearly every engagement. She had lost so many friends and family in the war. Everyone had.

"Here they come!" Okora's shout managed to snap her out of her memories and she focused on the battle at hand. "Let's show them what we can do! Squad five, CHARGE!" Tabaga shouted as she launched herself towards the silent enemy troops.

After a few minutes of fighting, Tabaga already knew how this was going to end. Nearly all the members of her squad were barely standing and still more and more invading troops were flying towards Planet Vegeta. No matter how many of them were killed, more simply flew towards them and continued beating them down.

Tabaga's rage was boiling to the surface as she watched the invaders begin targeting the weaker and injured members of the few remaining Saiyans. She was soon back to back with Okora with only around thirty of Planet Vegeta's warriors remaining in orbit and that number was rapidly diminishing.

"Squad five! This is King Vegeta. The device is ready. Can anyone get to it?"

The battle-worn Saiyan looked at Okora who was barely able to stay conscious at this point. It was down to just the two of them in orbit at this point and more and more of the silent warriors were approaching. "Negative, my King. It's just me and Okora left up here." She spotted a massive number of the invaders beginning to break off the attack against them and begin moving towards the planet.

"I'm sorry...but it looks like they're going after the planet themselves now, my king."

There was a pause. "No. I'm sorry." Tabaga and Okora both looked up in surprise at that. The King had never apologized. Never to any of his subjects. "It's just the three of us warriors left right now. I failed as King and I failed my subjects." There was another pause. "It looks like they're trying to storm the palace." The King said in a calmer voice then Tabaga expected in the face of certain death. Okora and Tabaga both looked at the silent warriors surrounding them. "We still have a few hundred up here. We'll try and take as many of them with us as we can. Die well, King Vegeta."

"Die well, Tabaga. Die well, Okora." The King replied as over the scouter she heard the sound of the doors to the palace shattered and the sound of energy blasts.

"Is this it?" Okora asked in a sad and quiet voice. Tabaga simply nodded. "I think it is. I'm sorry. I told you it would be alright. I was wrong."

"It's okay. You've been a wonderful friend, Tabaga. Maybe we'll meet again in the next life."

Tabaga simply chuckled at that. "Knowing my luck, I'll most likely find myself in hell. You on the other hand, I think your going somewhere else."

"I hope s-" Okora's voice cut off in mid sentence and Tabaga slowly turned around and saw a hole blown in Okora's chest. She looked at Tabaga with the saddest expression on her fact that Tabaga had ever seen on someone. She raised a shaking hand and gently patted Tabaga's face as the light left her eyes.

"Y-You..." She stared at the surrounding invaders with hatred in her eyes. That hatred turned to horror as flames began to wash across the surface of Planet Vegeta. "Why...WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" She screamed. "WHAT DID WE DO TO YOU TO DESERVE THIS?!"

The invaders surrounding her made no reply as they began to channel their energy into a final strike against the last survivor of Planet Vegeta's warrior race.

"You killed my friends. You killed my family. You killed my king." Okora growled as small flashes of lighting began to appear around her. The invaders began to back away as Tabaga's eyes began to flash and the lightning began to flash brighter and brighter.

"You killed my squad. You destroyed my planet." Tabaga's hair began to flash a greenish gold color as a blazing aura began to surround her. She was barely aware of the majority of the rest of the Invading army leaving Planet Vegeta and flying towards her at high speed.

"YOU KILLED OKORA!" She screamed in complete and utter rage and hatred as a moment later the blazing yellowish green aura that had enveloped her erupted from her in a massive explosion that disintegrated those enemy invaders closest to her. She slowly turned towards the approaching army of enemy solders and smiled a vicious, bloodthirsty smile.

"I may not have been able to save my Planet. But mark my words...I will AVENGE IT!" She screamed as she grabbed Okora's body and launched herself towards the approaching army.


Conton City Ruins
Ruins of the Academy

"Pod damage critical. Pod Power levels critical. Hibernation sequence offline."

For the first time in many years, Tabaga's eyes opened as the pod's computer voice woke her from her sleep. No...sleep wasn't the correct word. For many years she had a been a prisoner of her own mind.

With a single low power energy blast, she blew the door off of the damaged pod and rose to her feet. All around her was a ruined city. Piles of ash littered the entire city. "This place..." She muttered. "Where am I?"

Ruins of Conton City

"So it was wished, so it shall be. This one called Yaksha greets the Supreme Kai of Time. How may I be of service?"

The Supreme Kai of Time looked at the new arrival who called himself Yaksha and smiled a very sad smile. "Hello Yaksha." She spoke in a very sad voice. "I'm very sorry to tell you this but I didn't bring you here to to be of service. I brought you and the others here to rescue you."

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yaksha's face shone briefly with confusion... then barely restrained anger. He clenched his fists, before managing to cover it all with a courtesy smile. "I am sorry. I cannot begin to fathom why would you pluck me from such a critical moment in my timeline unless there was a dire need. Your wisdom eludes my understanding at this moment." The apparent young man said.

I didn't want to be rescued. What about Shin? What about Earth? How could I get back to them? Even if it means death, it's a battle I have to fight. The man gazed at the Supreme Kai for a tense moment, before saying a parting word.

"Please do excuse me, m'lady. I need... to get my bearings about this matter." He added as he then flew off without waiting for further input.

Why!? Rescue me!? WHY! I'm not some creature worth of pity! I'm a battle tested warrior who has seen centuries of strife. Not some baby you need to coddle or a flower plucked at whim! There's a limit to your conceitedness, Supreme Kai! He thought in barely contained anger as he zipped past the nest into other parts of the city. It looked certainly that it had seen better times, and an odd familiar realization hit. It seemed like Earth on past conflicts. But what kind of being could breach time and space and inflict such punishment on a Kai's abode?

Few things could come to mind, and only one stood out over the rest.

Is it some kind of souped up Super Majin Buu? It seems my lack of luck still plagues me. He added. Still, there were the others so he wasn't alone. One signature stood above the rest.


Majin Buu was here. Nesting inside that forest of bamboo. It seemed to be in grief... also apparently had taken the shape of a female. Yaksha could never figure the creature out, as it was not unlike a child with way too much power and too little restraint.

"So you're here too... you bastard." He said, as he began to hover around Eve. "Stay still." He whispered to himself. "It'll be quick..." He added, while powering up for a killing blow.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

Member Seen 5 days ago

Majin Eve

After a few minutes of letting her tears flow Eve had finally opened her eyes, rubbing them dry. Then confusion set in as she stared at the ground she kneeled on. She reached a hand out, scooping up a handful of dirt and letting it fall through her fingers, which didn't make much sense, she was just sitting on a field of grass. The next thing she noticed was the air, it smelled different, her brows furrowed before she looked around her, her eyes widening at the surprise change of location.

How had she got here? And where was here? She swallowed as she got to her feet, she seen what looked like civilization down one of the paths, a city in the distance. Unsure of what had happened she began to walk towards the city, somewhere inside hope had begun to sprout, she didn't know what she hoped to find, her universe was void of life, wasn't it?... Was there even any point in calling out? Seeing if anyone was there.

Unaware of Yaksha's presence above, she walked like a lost child would.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 27 min ago


Deep Trenches of Space

It had been a while since Maize and her squad left King Vegeta's Empire. She sometimes wondered just how big his ego had grown since he established himself as leader of Frieza and Cold's entire empire. Maybe she'd visit one day. She was in a desperate need of a good fight and hoped that he had achieved Super Saiyan by now. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden jolt of of turbulence. She sighed before opening her eyes. "Peech, did you fly us through an asteroid field again?"

Peech was the pilot of their crew. Sometimes he got a bit overzealous at the controls. "Not this time, boss. We've got enemy incoming. It looks to be a pirating vessel."

"Oh? They want to board our ship, do they? Let's evade and lead them to the nearest planet. I've been itching for a good fight."

Peech nodded and maneuvered in a way to get out of the pirates' range. The others on the ship started to get ready for a battle. They were partly nervous. They were capable fighters, but they weren't Saiyans and stood nowhere near a Super Saiyan. But Maize was confident in each and every one of them. They weren't slackers like the rest of the empire. They saw her power and refused to be hindrances to her and her growth.

"I'd like to thank all of you for sticking with me. I know I wasn't the best leader when we started out, but you all helped me change for the better and I couldn't have asked for a better team."

A rather muscular human-esque alien named Gourdon chuckled a bit before speaking up. "You're acting like we're all about to die. You don't have to thank us. You freed us all from the tyrant. We'd follow you anywhere."

Maize hid her concern with a smile. She had sensed the energies in the pursuing ship. There were about five signatures in all so they were even in that regard, but she could tell they weren't weaklings either. One in particular had a power similar to her own and the others weren't too far behind. This wasn't going to be easy. Before she knew it they were on the planet, but inside the ship they were sitting ducks. They quickly exited and waited for their pursuers to land.

They did so in the empty field across from them. The pirates exited their ship to reveal five bluish aliens with orange hair. The largest and the clear leader of the group stepped forward and spoke aloud to her. "Word around the galaxy is that you're the monkey that axed the lizard king. I have to say. I'm not all that impressed. Zangya."

In an instant the only woman of the group charged forward and appeared directly in front of Maize. She pulled her arm back to punch her but Maize stepped back and easily caught the fist. "Wow, you're pretty. But those ears... I thought space elves were just a myth." This pissed Zangya off and she sent a flurry of punches and kicks at Maize the next with more fury than the last. Maize dodged her attacks due to how easy they were to read. She was broadcasting her thoughts and emotions. When she grew tired of dodging the onslaught she sent a powerful kick-flip directly to Zangya's face. She was a pirate. She didn't need to be too pretty.

The cord of battle had finally been struck. Both sides charged at each other while Bojack and Maize remained behind watching both their people and each other. Her squad was holding their own for a while, but the tides shifted when the Galaxy Soldiers ensnared them in their trap of threads. She could feel the energy in her friends being drained and was no longer comfortable with standing on the sidelines. She created a clone of herself who immediately went into Wrath Form to help the others. The clone targeted Zangya first distracting her enough to release Gourdon from bondage. He then went on to help Peech and the others while Maize's Wrath Clone stayed to finish off Zangya.

At the rate things were going Maize was sure they'd get overwhelmed soon. Especially with her splitting her power like this. She turned her attention back to Bojack. "You want to know how this monkey defeated Frieza? I'll give you a personal lesson." She exhaled softly and closed her eyes. She could feel the familiar tingling sensation connected to her own transformation and burst with power and a swirl of yellow energy before her Super Saiyan form was revealed. All Bojack could do was smirk and all she wanted to do was wipe it off his face. She pulled the bases of her hands together in front of her abdomen. An orb of yellow energy formed in her palms. She clenched harder compressing it slightly.

"You're gonna attack me from all the way over there? Good luck with that." Bojack mused.

Maize tried to ignore him, but couldn't help but smirk as well. When the orb finished charging she disappeared in an instant, but it was clear that she hadn't made any movements to run. Where did she go? Did she turn invisible? Bojack couldn't sense her energy until it was too late. She popped up about two feet in front of him. She thrust out her arms releasing the loud and powerful beam. "Instant Transmission Thunder Cannon!" She didn't care how strong he was. There was no way he was going to survive this attack at that range. But she was wrong.

Bojack was able to transform into his full-power form at the last second saving him from the beam. When the smoke from the explosion cleared he revealed his form in all of its glory. His skin was now completely green, his hair was now red, and he was RIPPED. This was just like the Super Saiyan transformation, but still different. She didn't know there were other races out there with similar transformations. "Oh, that's the look that I like. Your hopelessness. Show me more." He stepped forward and punched her directly in the gut. Her hair flickered black for just a second before returning to yellow. Maize hunched over his fist spitting out at the same time. She's never been hit this hard before. Bojack grabbed her entire face with the palm of his right hand and lifted her off his other arm and held her in the air. "I hope that's not all the fight you have in you. It's been a while since I've had to use this form. Give me more." He charged a blast in his left hand and blasted her in the same spot he punched her while releasing her face from his grip. She was sent flying and crashed across the field. She struggled to her feet. She couldn't fight him with her power halved like this. Her clone had did its job in helping out her team. They had managed to at least take out the pipsqueak and Zangya. She willed her clone to dissipate and felt the return of her power. It wasn't all completely there though. Both she and her clone used up more power than they wanted to.

She formed two Warrior Blood Moon's in her hands and charged forward. Bojack charged his Grand Smasher and dashed towards her, ready to clash.

Let's Do the Time Warp

Conton City Ruins
Ruins of the World Martial Arts Tournament Arena

Maize awakened groggily in the ruins of what appeared to be some kind of stadium. The last thing she could remember was fighting some blue-skinned pirates with her squad. Her squad! Where were they? She hoped they were okay, but she couldn't worry about them right now. She had to figure out where the Hell she was. She noticed that she was no longer in Super Saiyan but she still looked a bit battle-worn. Her armor was completely gone now and all she had on was her body suit.

She sensed around for anyone else hoping that her friends would be around. No such luck. She couldn't feel their ki signatures. Were they dead or just somewhere else? But she did sense about seven others. One was charging up an attack and she could feel the killing intent in the attack. She wasn't sure who they were or who they were attacking, but instinctually she felt the need to jump in and stop them. At least until she could figure out what was going on around here.

Maize stood up and placed two fingers to her forehead. In an instant she disappeared hovering behind and slightly above the young attacker before sending a quick axe kick down onto his shoulder. "Wait, is that a kid?" She thought to herself, but it was too late. She was already following through with the kick.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@King Kindred

The Supreme Kai of Time was about to inform Yaksha of the situation that had befallen his universe when he flew off without giving her time to explain. A moment after he did, a small bracelet on her wrist softly chimed in a somewhat urgent tone. "Show me." She said quietly. The chiming stopped after a moment and what appeared to be a small holographic display screen appeared above the bracelet. It showed two figures with Majin symbols on their foreheads screaming in utter terror as the skies around them turned a violent red color before vanishing entirely in a violent burst of white light. A moment later, there was nothing. No Majin, No stars, no planet. Just a void where once an entire universe had once existed.

"Yaksha...I'm sorry." She said quietly. A moment later she felt Yaksha's energy signature moved towards the Bamboo forest and beginning to power up for a killing blow towards...Was that Majin Buu? No, the energy signature was different somehow. One of the survivors!

Although she had very little energy left after what had happened to Conton City she placed her hands on her forehead and appeared behind Yaksha and placed a hand on his shoulder to try and let him know the fate that had befallen his home universe and that this was not the same creature that had attacked his world when a kick slammed into her and sent her flying away. She slammed into a nearby bamboo three and looked up in shock and saw a young Saiyan woman.

"That was uncalled for!" She shouted angrily as some of her old personality began to power through her grief. "Yaksha! Enough! That isn't the one that destroyed your universe! She's as much a victim of whatever is doing this as much as the rest of you are!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Darbin's Universe - Before The End

The universe was a dangerous, and decadent place...its worlds full of war, and violence as those of the Hera Clan struggled to gain dominance over an entire galaxy. World after world subjugated some harder than others...all of which fought back in some manner. Some to keep their heritage surrendered under threat of extermination and chaffed under the yoke of the rule of the strong. Other races fought onwards to protect their way of life, exterminated to the last man. Pathetic individuals, strong ones....did it really matter in the end? What more could they do? As Darbin sat in his battle gear, damaged, and dusty he couldn't help but breath in deeply, and try to calm himself. He looked to his allies to the right, and then to the left. They were less then what they started in. An ambush had killed the weaker members of his team. The captain killed by a trick shot, and the others wounds were severe if not treated would kill them but they didn't have a medic. Darbin's wounds were less serious thankfully the enemy had targeted his allies instead of him allowing him to mop up their stragglers when they were done. But this cave...with the wind howling around outside just meant one thing: They were probably going to die here.

"Can't say I didn't give it my all at least..." Darbin bemoaned as he coughed. He wondered how many were left? He had lost contact with command...that didn't mean for good things. Was Hera finally done? Did it over extend enough for even the higher ups to lose faith in the ground soldiers? Or did the whole chain fall apart? Still...it didn't matter much did it? As Darbin tried to sense more of his allies...he just found the hallow empty feeling in his gut that told him most of them were dead...a pity.

Perhaps it would be best for him to just close his eyes....it would all end. Darkness would take him...after all those years in the slums....perhaps it was for the best. Lost, and forgotten he would just be another mark in a book at best....As Darbin closed his eyes hoping that what few wounds he had would take him, though he knew they wouldn't for a while he suddenly felt a surge of energy run through his body and then....all was light.


Conton City Ruins
Mushroom District

As Darbin opened his eyes after the strange surge of energy...he was keenly aware something felt...wrong? As he looked around him he saw the remains of what appeared to be shops judging by the display signs they were for clothes, and strange capsules....long since abandoned? Or had they been destroyed recently. He frowned and reached out feeling for other life forms, and in the end he found it. Some strange peculiar energy was nearby. It would seem that something beyond his own understanding had taken him away from his death. As he looks down to his chest, and legs at the wounds he had all he could do was sign, and hope they wouldn't get in the way. He tried to stand up again, and though his energy was weak he could still move it would seem. His legs responded as he walked forward. "What happened? Is this the work of the enemy? Or did the geniuses finally make a way for them to return the dead back to life? No that is impossible this city is a ruin and there's no one near by....it was probably the work of some third party...otherwise I'd be dead even gangs know better than to leave an enemy alive, and this energy is not that of my targets. Well...at the very least I should make my way somewhere..." Darbin thought aloud he hoped that these people weren't hostile at the least a fight would make him waste the last bit of energy he had left...and besides what fighter worth his salt thought of fighting a clearly injured soldier? Hoping for answers Darbin moved forward towards where he felt the most energy concentrated some ways off.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


@PPQ Purple

Conton City Ruins ~ Mushroom District

After only a few minutes, Ovaan had slowed to a mere hover. Supposedly the battle power was nearby, but the damage to the Scouter prevented it from giving him a more accurate location. So Ovaan turned himself around, having no choice but to look around the old fashioned way. Whoever this battle power belonged to, they couldn't be far. But spotting a single individual in a desert with sand constantly blowing about the wind was not exactly a simple task.

"You there!" She called out, placing a hand against the cliffside to steady herself as she rose once more. "I don't suppose you're more familiar with this place then I am?"

Luckily, it didn't end up being that difficult after all. Hearing the shout, Ovaan found the stranger whom he also presumed was the source of the battle power. Unfortunately, it sounded like she was just as in the dark about this planet as he was. He landed on the ground nearby so they wouldn't have to shout at each other, "I'm afraid I'm not." he said in reply, also offering a brief courteous bow, not that she would see it through her blindfold. Ovaan had yet to notice she was wearing one and simply assumed she could see him, "Truth be told I was hoping you would be the one to tell me what planet this is. But alas, it seems we're both equally lost." despite sharing some physical similarities with Freeza in appearance, Ovaan's voice had more of an actual baritone to it unlike Freeza's more borderline feminine voice.

Ovaan pushed the button for his Scouter once again and noted the next-nearest battle power to them, "Fortunately we're not alone on this planet. Assuming my Scouter is accurate there are about 7 others apart from the two of us. One of them is relatively close I think." he lifted back up into the air before giving a brief pause, "You're welcome to join me if you'd like. I can't imagine either of us has anything better to do right now, anyway. I'm Ovaan, by the way. A pleasure to meet you." he started to fly after that, but kept the conversation going should the lass had chosen to follow him.

"Bah..." he muttered, appearing to fiddle with the Scouter as he flew, "...damn thing is damaged. If communications were functional I could call for a rescue, but as it stands it can barely detect battle powers much less anything else." he still hadn't actually noticed the blindfold and thus was still assuming lady could see him. Eventually he was fortunate enough to spot the presumed source of the next battle power. Another young woman, with pink hair and... horns? It was difficult to tell from this distance.

"Hail, stranger!" he called down to the woman in question while also descending to the ground, "Are you native to this planet, by chance? We seem to be lost and would appreciate knowing where we are." like before, he offered a short, courteous bow. His species were nothing if sticklers for etiquette.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 8 days ago

@Double@PPQ Purple

Velona remained quiet as he spoke, dipping her head in response to his bow. She couldn't see him in the traditional sense at the moment, but her mannerisms gave no indication that her vision was hampered. The reason for her silence came with the second thing he said.

A scouter?

Only the Freeza force had scouters. Her heartrate picked as fear clawed at her, but he claimed to be just as lost as she was. Technically... she'd been part of the Freeza force herself in the past, so for now she just had to play along. Just having a scouter didn't prove anything, though it was definitely a major concern.

"I... am Velona," she spoke hesitantly as she made to follow him. It was probably best she stay on his good side for now, and it seemed this was her best bet at finding answers. "Likewise."

The mystery only grew as they found another person. What was this place? Why were they all here? She descended as well, landing behind Ovaan, content to let him do the talking for now. It would give her a chance to feel him out. Though, she had to wonder... if she didn't like what she discovered, could she even do anything about it?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Titanius was glad he had at least been deactivated while in his combat armor, as it was taking quite a long time for his systems to fully boot up after such a long time of inactivity. Most of his external sensors had recovered by this point which was useful for gathering information as he scrounged through the wreckage. Most things had been burned to ash but there was still plenty of items that spoke to him about the residents of this planet.

The truth was it was a hodge-podge of many things. Whatever people had been here they had come from a vast variety of backgrounds. Remnants of various races could be found all over the place if they knew what to look for. Bits of Namekian artifacts, scraps from a training gi with human lettering, shards of various weaponry crafted by different hands, even a strange coin with the face of a human man sporting a large afro, this location had been a mixture of many different races coming together. This was not something that happened naturally, as far as he knew from his previous experiences.

Conton City Ruins - Academy Area

Having pieced together this strange truth, he found himself walking toward the remains of a large building on the outskirts of the city. He stopped when something caught his eye, his enhanced vision zoomed in on the object in question and he set his jaw firm with worry. He quickly took cover behind some debris as he thought about his next move.

He had seen a Saiyan pod along with a Saiyan female near it, had he been followed by one of the Saiyan warriors? While a single Saiyan was nothing to worry about normally, Titanius himself wasn't exactly in top-top shape himself. It would probably still take another hour for all his systems to fully initialize and allow him access to his full power. Titanius did a thorough scan of the surrounding area for more enemies but found none at present. As long as there was only the one, a gamble for more information would be easy enough, even if he was attacked the probability of him being killed was quite low.

Taking a deep breathe behind his helmet, Titanius broke from his cover walked in a slow, methodical way toward the Saiyan. As long as he approached carefully there was a chance he could talk without combat, which would be the most efficient way to gather data.

"Greetings Saiyan. If you have come to hunt me down I will oblige you with combat; however, as we have both just recently awoken I would prefer we exchange information rather than fight."

Titanius's advanced sensors detected a slower heartbeat than was normal, compounded with the fact the pod had just recently been blown open it was easy to guess she had just woke up from a hibernation cycle.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Conton City Ruins
Ruins of the Academy

"Greetings Saiyan. If you have come to hunt me down I will oblige you with combat; however, as we have both just recently awoken I would prefer we exchange information rather than fight."

Tabaga turned around and her eyes locked onto a figure she had never seen before. It seemed like it was a machine of some sort. "I'm sorry whatever you are, I don't know who you are and I don't really want to fight you." Thoughts of her friends and the destruction of Planet Vegeta surged to the front of her mind and she sighed heavily. "In fact, I don't really want to do anything right now. I wish I had died with the rest of my race." She said quietly.

She looked around the destroyed city and looked back at the machine man. "I don't suppose you brought us here or you know where the hell we are? The last thing I remember...there was a figure. A really tall figure with a cloak around him. I didn't recognize him. He put me in the pod and told me I would be alright. Next thing I knew, the pod deactivated and I was here."

"What about you?"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PPQ Purple
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PPQ Purple Purple Space Box

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


As the two drew closer they could, finally, get a good look at the figure before them. She was young, in her mid 20's it appeared and quite athletic. The sort of build that comes not from body building or careful shaping of ones flesh through recreation and sport but from many years of hard merciless training.

Her height was slightly larger than the average woman, not enough to be considered abnormally tall but rather just sufficiently enough to trigger the thought. In terms of apparel she was dressed simply, wearing from the bottom up a pair of white shoes, tight pink trackpanths each leg of whom bore two thin white stripes on their outer side traveling the long slender path to her abdomen where they gave way seamlessly to a simple white shirt with short sleeves and a neck cut just large enough to imply but not reveal her well developed chest. Her arms were bare bellow the shoulder where they met her long, strait pink hair through which just above her ears protruded two short, upwardly curved horns polished to perfection and sharpened to a point.

There was however something else. For although she seemed happy enough or maybe because of there was something strange about this girl just walking through the ruins. Indeed, maybe it was the fact she seemed happy enough to be here. What with the overall demeanor of a tourist more than a refugee and a soft smile that just casually sat on her face as she looked around somewhat disinterested at the burned out husks of what once were houses. Or maybe it was the fact that she didn't give them a second thought even as they flew toward and landed in front of her. In fact that was probably it.

And for her part she really didn't. Mia could sense the two coming from a mile away which was in truth the reason she had taken this path. But that choice had been motivated not by the usual mix of emotions one experiences when detecting two very powerful individuals but by curiosity. After all, she figured, they were no danger. What were they going to do? Kill her again? Still, as they landed and spoke to her she had to admit that after getting one planet blown away from under her politeness was a nice change of pace. And so Mia did what she did best and replied with a smile.
"Nope." She said shaking her head. "I'm as lost as you are."
"Name is Mia, by the way. Nice to meet you."
"So, how did you two die?"

She said all of this within a single, fluid whole newer skipping a beat or loosing her smile even as she plainly inquired about the circumstances of their deaths. And yet she did so not in jest but with all sincerity made apparent by her friendly but utterly serious tone. So serious in fact that it might make one wonder if she was on to something with this death thing after all.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Titanius digested the information quietly while observing the rather defeated looking Saiyan. It was certainly not what he was expecting, usually Saiyans would at least put up a front when confronted with a potential enemy but this woman appeared to have no fight left in her. It was actually quite disturbing.

"I am afraid I was brought as well so I am not privy to any information about our current predicament or location. Perhaps if I could map the stars I could chart our present location but as I know not how the day and night cycles work on this planet I cannot say when that could occur."

Titanius mused as he found a sizable piece of rubble to use as a chair and sat down.

"Something you have said intrigues me however. You claim you wished to have died with the rest of your race? From my memory I do not recall Planet Vegeta being in any great peril from the machine mutant forces, if anything the machine mutants were slightly losing overall as I recall."

Titanius crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head a bit in thought, his organic side showing through.

"Even if Dr. Muyuu had retrieved my schematics I doubt the war would have shifted that dramatically in a mere ten years. Also you did not seem particularly perturbed by my appearance, which would set most pure organics on edge. Were your foes Machine Mutants and how long have you been at war?"

Depending on the answer and time frame perhaps he could fill some of the gaps in his memory.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"Something you have said intrigues me however. You claim you wished to have died with the rest of your race? From my memory I do not recall Planet Vegeta being in any great peril from the machine mutant forces, if anything the machine mutants were slightly losing overall as I recall."

Tabaga let out a short laugh as she stared at the ground and absently kicked at a few loose pieces of rubble. "I hate to be the one to tell you this, tin-man but I've never heard of a "Machine-mutant" and Planet Vegeta isn't in peril. It's gone. They burned it." Images of the flames washing across Planet Vegeta's surface made her flinch slightly.

"Even if Dr. Muyuu had retrieved my schematics I doubt the war would have shifted that dramatically in a mere ten years. Also you did not seem particularly perturbed by my appearance, which would set most pure organics on edge. Were your foes Machine Mutants and how long have you been at war?"

Tabaga finally turned to look at the Machine man and sighed. "You, my machine friend aren't the weirdest looking alien I've encountered over the years. And to answer your question, no. The people who wiped out pretty much everything weren't "Machine-mutants" whoever they are." Tabaga looked up at the sky and shook her head. "We never learned their real name but after they wiped out a few thousand of us over the first few months of fighting, we began calling them "The Scourge." We Saiyans had created an Empire that lasted only ten years before these crazy, black armored invaders started attacking the planets under our protection. They didn't take the planets by the way, they just wiped out all life and moved onto the next one. Eventually, they beat us back to Planet Vegeta and wiped the planet clean by burning it's surface. As far as I know, I was the last survivor." She shuddered at the feeling and memories of the odd golden power that had surged through her and allowed her to take her revenge on those who had destroyed her world.

She sighed after a moment. "We may not have been paragons of virtue but at least we tried to be fair to the people in the Empire. Everyone was equal. Everyone was treated fairly and no one was above or below each other. Even we Saiyans were subjected to the same laws as those under our protection. I don't know what we did to make them hate us enough to wipe us out to the last man but it must have been something pretty damn bad."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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@Chev@King Kindred@NacNak

"WHat-" Yaksha's look of grim resolution changed to surprise when in the span of seconds a rather large opponent signature had teleported to his back... He had been outwitted and could not even react to the sudden attack, so he resigned to receiving the impact. Only for the Kai of Time touch him, chastise him... and be kicked like a football into the thicket. The earthling grimaced at the scene, still making sense of the vision.

"So, Not Evil Majin Buus and Freeza's pet monkeys... We're truly scraping the barrel here, aren't we, Supreme Kai?" He said, his eyes shooting both stares at the Majin and the Saiyan. "What will be next, a Freeza who has renounced violence, pulled out from the oblivion of the Candy Aliens?" He bitterly grumbled."For all what's worth... I offer my apology. I did not think your ladyship was in such dire circumstances, Supreme Kai."

His eyes then locked on the Saiyan that had the gal to butt in. A girl, huh. All definition of grace was even lost on the females of this brutish race too.

"Nevertheless, you've commited a truly grave sin. You have attempted harm upon one of the pillars of existence of this universe, the Supreme Kai of Time." He glared at the female Saiyan as he floated upwards. "Apologize. Now."
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