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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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"May I pet him? Can he speak to me?" The young goblin looked the wolf directly in the eyes. "Well, can you talk?" Breden felt a little silly speaking to a wild animal. It seemed funny to think that Greslarch could reply with words, but stranger things had happened. There was no reason to assume anything one way or another where magic was involved.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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'It wishes to pet me?' yawning Greslarch stretched his haunches 'Small but brave I like this one!' lowly the wolf bayed. Glancing between his wolf and the young goblin Twig shrugged "Greslarch said you are brave" the druid flippantly waved his hand motioning the wolf to approach Breden who seemed tiny to the wolf and he sniffed the young goblin, his snout a few inches away.

"Only I can communicate with him and all other wolves," he got a distant look in his eyes and smiled softly "I haven't been able to talk on friendly terms with a dire wolf but it is a dream of mine" he looked to Vox standing silently and waved him to come closer to the wolf "As my apprentice and successor you will need to become aquainted with the creatures of the woods without harming them unless they harm you do you understand Vox?" he narrowed his eyes sternly to the hunter.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


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Vox stood silently, listening to his teachers words. He stood his distance not because he was afraid of the wolf, but because he knew the wolf would be able to smell it off him. No matter what way it could be looked at, Vox was a hunter, he could not shake off the scent of death that clinged to him. Vox walked closer to the wolf, trying not make himself seem less of a threat as possible. "I do not fully understand Mas-Teacher" he had stopped himself "I am a hunter. There are certain duties in this village only I know to do. I do not fully understand...but I want too...if your will to teach me..." Vox turned his head toward Greslarch and held his hand out. "I am...a friend."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Stepping away from Greslarch and Breden, his wolf happily obliging to let the young goblin pet him. Twig listened to Vox quietly without blinking as he watched the hunter explain his importance as hunter before the druid nodded then he spoke up "I do not doubt you are important to the tribe due to your duties as hunter," Twig paused to glance at his wolf panting happily.

'Behind the ears, behind the ears!' Greslarch sniffed then shook his head rapidly as if sneezing "Just try to treat the hunt as a test for survival and not as a sport," he said sagely to his apprentice "Killing too much of the same animal will create an imbalance and soon your tribe will starve because of that," drawing his sickle from his hip Twig examined the blades ornate craftsmanship before extending his hand towards Vox "But there will be more time later to talk of the hunt," Twig said quickly "First a pact must be made with the earth our mother and the wind that carries thy words," he pricked his finger with the sickle and let a droplet of blood drip to the ground then he looked at Vox seriously "You my apprentice may do the same or do you doubt the path ahead it is your choice" Twig told Vox offering the tip of his sickle.

"If you choose this path do as I just did," Twig studied the hunters expression "Your path is your choice" Twig reassuringly said waiting for the other goblin to make his choice.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vox stared at the scythe then at Twig. Seeing the druid brought up an old memory. A time where Vox ventured a bit too far from his usual hunting spots. He forgot where exactly he was, but he remembered it being really high. High enough to see the entire forest from the top. He would never forget what he saw. Like giant river of greens. It was then Vox began to truly love the forest in he was born in. Vox took the handle of the sickle and pricked his finger.
"Your teachings will not got to waste."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The hammer fell...Blang!

It struck the metal upon the anvil...brang!

A practiced hand lifted the loop of cherry red metal up off the anvil and into the fire once more. A pull of the billows. The woosh and flare of the flames.

Koglan looked into the fire watching the metal. He has to keep it hot while he works at the loop, if he doesn't it could cool in the wrong position. He pulled the billows again, sending another wave of heat through the forge. It had to be just right.

he pulls the loop from the fire and sets it to the anvil again. His hammer falls again. This loop one of many in a set he's making. He had promised Siwa something some time ago. Chimes, or bells, but here he is making rings of cast off iron, which he intends to make into dancing rings, to ring pleasantly while the young goblin dances.

He's a fool to say he may love her. No he's too old for that and too wise and wily. No, but he does care for the young female surely. He raises his hammer again and brings it down with a crash. And because he cares he will do something fine for her here now.

He takes a moment to rub his brow, sweat from the fire smeared across his brow. And in that moment looking over to the paw he claimed, claws, fur and bones having been separated from the tough meat within. That meat drying now near the forge in the heat. Yes it's all part of his next master work, though humans would likely call it little more then a trinket, Koglan found this idea, truly masterful. Those claws and the fur, are all part of the idea. And the bones will surely be put to work as well.

He looks back to his work, raising hammer again. He hums, "More, eight is only barely enough, she must ring like a goblin goddess when she dances." He brings his hammer down again, lifting the cooling ring, "Good good. Now...more." He grabs another piece of iron scrap, and begins to file off the burrs, his well practiced hand making quick work of it.

Soon there is another woosh. Causing the interested young goblins outside come to watch the smith work to gasp in awe as the flames jump and the heat grows. Powerful arms work as the old goblin performs his art.

Soon again the hammer raises, then comes down...vang!

Yet more work to do, weapons and armor can wait abit, even in the face of possible war, weapons and armor can wait for a little bit of art.

And the hammer falls again...spang!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


"It is done then Vox your path is now the druidic path," Twig cleaned the tip of his sickle then returned it to his hip as he glaced at Vox "For now let's meet your smith," he peered at Greslarch and Breden momentarily "We need to get a move on night will fall soon and I'm eager to see the rest of the village" Twig walked over to his wolf whom happily panted as he was pet by the young goblin Breden.


'Just a while longer' the wolf growled in annoyance but his master just frowned at him so Greslarch sat himself near Twig so the druid could mount the wolf. His green eyes gazed down at the two other goblins and cleared his throat "Alright," he pat Greslarch on the head lightly "Shall we go find your friend Breden?" Twig asked Breden from atop his wolf "The uh father of Siwa's litter?" he added clearing up who he was talking about.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Aristocles
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It didn't take long for Breden to lead Twig and Vox to Koglan's forge. He could hear the clatter of hammer against metal as they approached. He could also smell the distinctive aroma of the blacksmith's shop. For goblins, the ability to work with iron was considered the most advanced craft in their repertoire. It might as well have been magic to them.

"Watch your step in there, guys. Koglan is the best at what he does, but he doesn't usually have anyone inside the forge but himself. It may be a bit dangerous in there. Now, from what I know, certain types of iron can hurt fae and other spirits of the wild. Not sure why, but I get the idea that blacksmithing and nature magic don't mix very well. Still, Kog wouldn't harm nature, unless all this smoke coming from his forge counts."

Breden knocked on the outside of Koglan's hut. "Kog! It's me! I've brought a couple of friends over! May we come in?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Dismounting the wolf Twig landed on the ground with a shick as his feet touched the ground. Greslarch curled up nearby the entrance but not in the way.

'Rest you go!' Greslarch stretched and let out a yawn then closed his eyes but Twig knew when his companion slept this was him just resting. Twig followed Breden inside the hut with Vox in tow, it was hot even by the entrace way and he had to remove his mantle so he wouldn't overheat.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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Griz would have properly greeted Breden and the two new goblins that followed him...but he was a little too busy gawking at the resting wolf to do so.

He knew that there existed goblins that rode upon wild beasts like how other goblins would have with a goat or perhaps a boar. But he'd never, in all his years of being alive, had seen a wolf this close without at least one of them trying to kill the other. Even less, one that didn't want to make a meal of the hunter.

The green-eyed goblin seemed to have control over the wolf, but it did not comfort the rest of the goblin fighters and hunters present at Koglan's hut. They would have encountered a wolf at one point in their lives, and the experience was rarely a pleasant one. They gave the wolf a wide berth. Even Rom, one of the bravest goblins Griz knew, decided to take a handful of paces away from the resting predator.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Vox began to open his coat, as usual the forge was almost sweltering, he never understood how Gritz was able to stand this heat, but then again the same could be said about him. As a fellow craftsman Vox often felt there was a type of unspoken kinship with the goblin smith with the only real difference between the two of them were the materials they worked with.

Vox was aware of the atmosphere as Twigs companion slept almost unaware of it all. He knew that if this tension continued they may not get very far on what they came to do. Vox had decided to sit near Greslarch hoping the others took it as a sign that the wolf was friendly and not a threat.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


As the goblins arrived they are greeted by the roar of a the forge. And the sound of the hammer striking metal. The old smith Koglan Ironweaver working away. But unlike sometime ago where he was frenetically banging away making iron rings he's working on something a little more practical. A axe head billet in the fires, and twenty four rings of iron setting on a counter, of varying widths true but enough to fit around an ankle or wrist.

But now it's an axe. He pulls it from the fire and sets it to his anvil. As the first strike falls he hears the call from without. He lifts his hammer again and before he lets it fall calls out, "Enter or stay out, either way works. If you've come for a weapon well..." He briefly gestures at the wall of weapons he has set up for those who need it. Axes, sabers, scimitars, spears, knifes and hammers line the wall opposite Koglan. His inventory had been ordered open when the worry of war had arisen. All his surplus of weapons ready to be used.

His hammer falls again, he turns the axe head and it falls a third time as he works at the axe. He hums then looks over at the goblins, "What brings you all to my forge? Come to trade? To speak? Come say your piece." And then he drops it, Griz, Brendan and anyone else familiar with him likely feel it coming, but those who aren't may not be prepared as he finishes with, "I have spoken on this."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vox had used the opportunity to take a look around the forge. Winter was coming,and if what the chief had said was true, he would have to preserve as much as he could before it comes. Which means more foraging, and bigger prey. He will need to change to overcome this personal challenge, but he somehow had a feeling the forest would not mind that. He an idea what to do next. But it would require a new tool, but he was not sure what. He was soon lost in thought
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Before the druid had stepped into the forge his wolf snorted 'Fear and tension...I sense it everywhere brother' Greslarch's head rose and regarded Vox as he sat beside him 'If they attack brother...' the thought trailed.

Hesitantly Twig stopped and turned standing at the entrance to the smiths sweltering hut. Shaking his head Twig addressed the goblins passing by knowing that they were afraid of the large predator. "Just a moment," he told his friends and the smith "Make sure nobody touches the wolf Vox alright?" Twig told his apprentice.

With that he stepped inside where apparently the news had just been delivered, Twig eyed the goblin smith. The old smith appeared to look strong even at his stage in life and had the telltale marks on his body of an experienced smith. As a druid he didn't care all that much about metalwork but he did appreciate the intricacy that goes into well crafted metalwork as an art.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

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There was an unspoken agreement among those goblins from the scouting party that they wouldn't dare touch the wolf, as it would likely be the last thing they do. The vast majority of the goblins still took caution with every step in the presence of the predator, even if Vox had displayed that the wolf controlled by the green-eyed one was rather...amicable to them for lack of better term.

Regardless, they entered the forge to give the old goblin smith their iron weapons and armor for repairs or sharpening as requested by him earlier. Likely to see if the brutal fight with the owlbear had done enough damage to compromise the durability of the metal. Griz's dagger needed some sharpening, Rom's club wasn't worse for wear but some of the iron studs were getting loose, but Gurs' breastplate was the most damaged as it took a direct hit from the owlbear's claws. The rest of the items were relatively fine, they were long due some maintenance and they didn't want to get on the bad side of their only smith for not listening to him.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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As he entered the smiths hut which was loud with the roars of the forge and the clang of steel against steel, Twig saw a goblin clad in dark attire hanging by the entrance inside Koglan's hut. Greeting the stranger with a simple nod before approaching Koglan the smith whom apparently just learnt from Breden the news of Siwa or was extremely good at acting unsurprised but more likely the old smith had already known.

"I am not versed in the way of metalwork," Twig said breaking the tense and awkward silence in the hut "But I see from your handiwork you put effort into your work" the druid said studying the piece Koglan had been shaping.

"I may be a druid but I still respect the intricacy that goes into crafting things," Twig told Koglan as he stepped back from the forge and leant against the wall. Staring deep into the orange-yellow flames of the forge, the druid watched the fire as it danced its chaotic jig as it was an entrancing dance that told a silent story that only the eye could perceive.

Fire was a dangerous and chaotic element, but beautiful a sense as it provided warmth and light. Fire was a beautiful yet destructive element that only fools and madmen try to tame. Druids never seek fire unless it is necessary because foolish druids have perished trying to control the wild element. The elements were never meant to be controlled nor tamed and so the practition of elemental channelling was abolished a century ago amongst the druids of the woods.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vox had lost his train of thought upon hearing the words of his teacher "Ah y-yes teacher" and made his way back to his teachers lupine companion. He continued to think as he sat next to the wolf. A couple of things came to mind. "Mmmm...maybe pickling..would need jars..." he muttered to himself
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Koglan hums lifting the axe head with his tongs, looking it over before placing it back into the flames to heat again. He then turned, nodding slowly, "Ah good your gear from the patrol." He waves those hunters and warriors forward. clearing a section of one of his work benches for the items, "Place them here. I will look at them."

He looks up and narrows his eyes, looking Twig over, "Huh a new face." He starts to look the gear, weapons and armor over. Picking up Gurs' breastplate. He looks at Gurs then at the breastplate, "This, will not do." He hefts it and with deft and strong tugs rips the leather straps from the armor that would hold it together. He then looks at Gurs, "We may not see eye to eye young warrior. But I am not a mean goblin." He turns and points to the wall adorned with weapons, "One weapon, and..." He points next to the wall where there are several pieces of armor on display, heart plates, goblin chainmail, iron half plate, and a few choice pieces of full breast plate, "One piece of armor. Take one Gurs."

He then turns back to look at Twig, "I have spent many long years practicing this trade." He sniffs looking the new goblin over, "No warrior are you, or hunter no." He sniffs again, "I smell...canine...I smell..." He sniffs again, "Water, and air, and earth and nature." He nods, "Hmmm I know not your trade. or your disposition, but if you are welcome in the camp, then welcome." He waves again, "If you need a weapon or armor, I am the one to come too. For now..." For just a moment the old Goblin looks as old as he really should be, and as tired as he should be after so long, "If you need repairs I shall do them." He nods, "Those of you who have come for repairs, I shall have them done within the week." He looks at Brendan, Griz, Vox and the rest, "Now tell me, when did this new face, who's name I have not yet learned, come to our camp? Tell me, introduce me." And again that big bomb, "I have spoken on this."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


It was Vox that had had decided to introduce his teacher to Kolgan
"Teacher is called Twig...His companion is called Greslarch..he is a Druid..and my new teacher..." Vox had did his best to explain. He he stuttered a bit here and there but he managed to explain that Twig had come from outside the village and was allowed to stay by the Shamans and Chris permission. He was also displayed a rare face of excitement when he called Twig his teacher.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


As Vox introduced him the druid couldn't help but smile, his apprentice was rather simple which in a way reminded Twig of when he was younger and at a time when he was just learning the basic principles of druidism. He had been naive about the ways of the world unaware of the perils he was to face in the future.

For a single moment he saw himself in the young hunter, a goblin who had yet to face the same hardships that his master had experienced. Vox was not a fool as far as Twig could tell and the hunter took his new role quite seriously which Twig found quite humorous.

After his apprentice finished speaking his master Twig chuckled audibly as Vox sounded excited to call him his 'teacher' and as Twig approached his apprentice he placed his hand on the other goblins shoulder. "You have so much to learn Vox" Twig momentarily sqeezed the hunters shoulder then walked back over to Koglan to address the smith properly.

"I am Twig and as I have stated before the last of my tribe," Twig explained taking a seat somewhere nearby Koglan "But I never fully told you how this came to be," the druid once again drew the sickle from his hip and examined it for a moment before peering at the smith "I don't wish to waste your time if you are busy Koglan," he took a moment as if making an important decision before what he was about to say.

"Look at my sickle you will notice something no doubt," Twig handed his weapon to the smith, he knew that the smith would never have seen it's craftsmanship before because the blade wasn't normal yet it wasn't magical either. The sickle was formed from the iron deep in the belly of the earth and its hilt carved from the holy tree of the Green-Eye grove, a tree dead but still alive within the hilt of his blade. The wood almost white carved and sanded into a hilt with no imperfections nor corking of wood. Just perfectly smooth and flawless "As you should know every weapon has a story in its design?" Twig told the smith.
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