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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

@Double@PPQ Purple@NacNak@King Kindred@KillamriX88

And just like that, the situation instead of getting better, it got much worse. The idiotic female Buu started to go on a rampage fueled for whatever knows what reason. Flying people appearing, and getting kicked out. The saiyan girl who held the Kai going golden. Was that the legendary state that monkey prince full of crap was always bragging about? It seemed a nice transformation. The Freeza guy, panicking but oddly polite demanding answering.

And some girl that remembered him of Yemma's followers spouting things about the sacred status of the Kaioken. He never knew that quirky South Kai could appear so holy in that regard. All he liked were stupid jokes, anyway. Half raising an eyebrow at the chaos, he then shook his head and then looked at the polite Freeza and the new alien girl. At least they were asking and not punching people.

We're gonna die terrible deaths, and the entire existance will be gone with us for being morons, that's what happening. He thought to himself, before raising a finger telling the Freeza lookalike to wait for a second.

"Give me a second." He said to Ovaan, once again snapping his fingers with the Magic Materialization and creating a latest model microphone with an amplifier who would not look outside of a rock concert.

"If you people would be so kind to turn your attention here...I'll explain what I know. First of all, meet the Supreme Kai of Time, who is currently undisposed due to the stress of her job being the deity who governs time. In a last ditch effort, she plucked us out of our timelines to fight a yet-as unknown menace and placed us in this wreck I believe it's called Conton City. Wish I knew more, but until she wakes up we won't know." He paused.

"I'd like to mention I hate saiyans, I hate Freeza, I hate Majin Buu, and I hate being plucked out of the fight of my life, but hopping around like a demented grasshopper and using the amplifying technique known as Kai-o-ken won't achieve anything but waste time." He continued. "We need to heal the Kai back into shape and round up the remaining stragglers for this briefing. We should get moving to do both things. As I've said, each waste of breath is a reality being erased." He continued.

"Lastly, my name is Yaksha, and I look forward to work with you... and see that we don't die horribly in the process." He added, before switching the microphone off, and looking at Ovaan.

"Now, I must beg you pardon, Lord Freeza, but I do not think we can have tea and crumpets here and discuss the situation much in depth, I trust this much information will satisfy you." He added, in a more personal statement. "And you, miss. If you have any wounds, I'll see that they are treated as I heal the Kai." He added before turning to face the depleted body of the Supreme Kai to start his healing.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by PPQ Purple
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PPQ Purple Purple Space Box

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Shortly following this, the worlds most disgruntled PA announcement rustling could be heard from the patch of giant bamboo down from where the fight had taken place. Rustling and than giggling as a slightly scuffed up Mia emerged with bits of bamboo in her hair, her right hand scratching the back of her head and a smile on her face you could use to advertize tooth paste.

Having managed to get her laughter under control by the time she entered view Mia nonchalantly walked through the entire scene, her horns glowing a weak pale white being the only indication she cared about the fact that she just became a small part in the clash between a supersayan and something almost as powerful.

Her eyes passed across the field as she went. Velona was fine. But that was to be expected. Any girl with enough crazy to go into battle blindfolded could be relied on to take care of her self. Ovaan had stayed out of the fight, it would seem. And the yellow headed superpowered ape girl was still shimmering in the background. Mia made a note to investigate that. For now though she had other concerns.

As she approached her up until a few minutes opponent she felt her ki in the air. It was drained, weakened. Like a cellphone battery running on its last legs. She knew this state all too well. She'd been there a couple times her self during training. But to be left like that in a fight... This is why she was always taught to only use it when all other options fade. Was this girl really that desperate to attack those children? And why? It made no sense. Curiosity therefore took over from rage.

Knowing that no threat was forthcoming she walked calmly until right about half a meter from her foe and had a good look before sticking out her hand and poking the pink haired girl in the forehead asking:
"Are you ok?"

She half expected her to wake up and half to just fall over backward like a cut down log. So much so that she was ready to catch her if she did. The rest of her attention however refocused on the odd man with a microphone and the second of her two questions for the day:
"Excuse me but I didn't quite catch all that. Could you say it again?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by NacNak
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NacNak The Warrior

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Majin Eve

True to what the Oni expected, the lightest touch slowly sent the unconscious Majin falling backwards, into Mia's arms as she was ready to catch her if she fell. The Majin's eyes were partly opened, but there was no light in them, she wasn't breathing either. Luckily Majin's didn't need to breath, but not all knew that. The only indication she was alive was the faint flicker of her energy remaining, dormant, still, resting.

@PPQ Purple
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 5 days ago

@Iceheart @Chev

"I sense some energy signatures flaring up in other parts of the city either meaning there's more fighting, or more people trying to signal each other for something. I don't know who's able to sense energy here but I can myself. Part of the training. I don't know what the machine, nor yourself is capable but if we approach someone else protocol dictates we do so assuming that we could get into a fight." Darbin comments as he looks up, and around. He takes a sigh and wonders just exactly the reason they were brought here. This couldn't have been accidental if there are energy signatures out there like that. It was out of his paygrade to think about it though he had to act, and he had to make sure that something didn't go wrong. "I don't know if you two are even my 'allies' but for the moment I will assume so in good faith. Consider it paying forward. I don't usually turn my back on people I just met but this place...was clearly meant to be evicersated. Whatever it once was, must've been important. A capital? A HQ? I don't know just led the way I'll follow."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Maize couldn't stop herself from being pushed back when she made contact with tentacle haired girl. She still held firm preventing herself from falling over in the process. She noticed as the girl with a horn was sent flying past them when they came to a rough halt. That forest of bamboo was really starting to become some sort of crash landing pad. She hoped that she was okay, but she couldn't exactly check on her at the moment. Her focus returned to the one in front of her who was still putting up a fight, but it was clear at this point it was her delusional inspired will driving her. This Moro she mentioned must have been someone that she had been fighting before she was transported here like everyone else. Her moment of lucidity left just as quickly as it came as she was once again convinced that they were a danger to the Kai.

Maize could feel the intensity from her crimson aura rising. She was planning something and Maize remained alert. When the aura of the Kaio-Ken exploded Maize removed her hand from her head before she was sent backwards. Maize forced herself into the air to metaphorically regain her ground and glanced back down towards the Majin girl. To her relief that last ditch effort of an attack seemed to be the end of it. The girl was motionless stopping in her tracks as if she were a tin man who had finally rusted over. Maize decided to stay in her "Super" form just in case the gears started running in a confused direction once again.

She made her descent just as the one that resembled Frieza spoke up essentially asking what everyone had been thinking since they were teleported here. She tried not to judge him based on who he reminded her of. She couldn't sense any sort of malice in his ki. He certainly wasn't anything like that mutated freak of a ruler. It wasn't going to be easy, his face just screamed evil. She listened as the boy summarized the what was happening and where they were to the best of his abilities. He revealed his name to be Yaksha. At least now she could stop referring to him as the Child in her head.

While Yaksha started to heal the Kai the horned girl returned an announced that she missed the entire announcement. "We've all been brought here from different timelines by the unconscious girl on the bed there. It seems that the multiverse is in danger from those who seek nothing but complete and utter annihilation. But for a more in-depth explanation we'll have to wait for her to wake up. There's others somewhere near here, hopefully they noticed the flare I sent up. Also, thank you for jumping in earlier. Sorry for the bamboo. I'm glad you didn't end up getting shocked as well."

That reminded her. There was someone else that had helped her. The blindfolded girl from earlier who immediately sprung into action. She walked over to her and the frost demon. She noticed how small and almost frail she appeared, but she knew not to underestimate someone based on appearances. She was able to avoid that blast from earlier. "I'd like to thank you as well. Your interception gave me the time I needed and since we're starting introductions, I'm Maize."

@AtomicNut@PPQ Purple@NacNak@KillamriX88@Double@Chev
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@vancexentan @IceHeart @Double @KillamriX88 @PPQ Purple @AtomicNut @NacNak @King Kindred

"I don't know if you two are even my 'allies' but for the moment I will assume so in good faith. Consider it paying forward. I don't usually turn my back on people I just met but this place...was clearly meant to be eviscerated. Whatever it once was, must've been important. A capital? A HQ? I don't know just led the way I'll follow."

Tabaga looked around the city and seemingly locked in on the energy signatures after concentrating hard after a few moments. "Not going to lie, my energy sensing skills are still really rusty after the war. That particular skill really went to hell after my first seven near death experiences." She looked back at the other two and smirked slightly. "I'm only half-joking by the way. It was four near death experiences. I focused more on combat techniques after we lost the first few planets." She turned to look back at Darbin. "Tell you what big guy, if I end up betraying you you are more than welcome to blast me full power in the back of the head. Sound fair?" She said with a faint smile.

After trying to get a feel for the power levels near them and failing miserably to determine exactly how strong they were, Tabaga simply shrugged her shoulders and headed in the general direction with her two allies. "So...anyone else end up going into a rage fueled berserk rampage recently?" She asked trying to inject some humor into their current situation. As the group continued along towards the other energy signatures she tried to get a feel for the other power levels but she just couldn't seem to get her energy sensing back into whack. Eventually she gave up on it and just resolved to beat anyone who may try to attack her into submission.

"Well...I wasn't expecting this." She said in slight surprise as she saw a large gathering of people of various different races. She recognized one of them as another Saiyan and smiled and waved in greeting. She had no idea who the others were.

"Hi there!" She greeted the members of the other group cheerfully. "So...I take it whatever your planets your from were burned as well?"

Tabaga's mind still wasn't fully processing the full scope of the horrors she had seen back in her own universe. A wall had been formed over a number of the emotions relating to those particular memories.

As Tabaga looked over the group she had encountered the Supreme Kai of Time began to stir slightly as Yaksha's healing magic finally began to have an effect. She tried to sit up but although she was awake she was still incredibly weak.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@Double@PPQ Purple@King Kindred@Chev

Not just a Kai but some sort of... supreme deity? Of all of time? If Velona's head hadn't been spinning already...

That wasn't even the worst of it. Rather, that part wasn't bad at all, so much as it was just difficult to comprehend. No, what really got to her was when the Saiyan woman mentioned "complete and utter annihilation." What exactly had become of her home, then?! Why her?! Why was she of all people brought here?!

A trembling began in her body as her mind began to drift off, but just in time she was once more pulled back to reality. Aforementioned woman was now speaking to her. Velona remained silent for a moment, refocusing her senses and honing them in on Maize specifically. While this power of hers was indeed on another level that Velona had never experienced before, she no longer had any doubts.

"Maize..." Velona repeated and then gave a small nod. "So, you really are a saiyan. I recognize that kind of name. Though, I must say, you are much more polite than the saiyans I'm used to. I appreciate that, considering I get the impression we may all be stuck with each other for quite some time. I am Velona, and my impromptu companion here is Ovaan, as well as... Err..." She looked over to the horned girl. "Actually, I never got her n-"

It was at that point that others joined them. Maize had mentioned as much, that others were in the area, so after a moment of surprise she was able to remain calm. Extending her senses out fully to encompass everyone, she was astonished to find that another one of them also appeared to be a saiyan. A saiyan who spoke in a rather cheerful tone, at that.

It was too soon to say for certain, even with regard to Maize, but... they were just so... different.

Yaksha had mentioned "timelines." Plural. Were these saiyans from some completely separate reality? Was that even a thing? Where she'd come from, the small group of saiyans she'd lived with had been effectively the only ones left as far as she knew, with the rest being destroyed along with their entire planet.

Hopefully this Kai would give them answers soon...

"Erm, something... like that, I suppose," she spoke to the newcomer, her voice just loud enough for her to hear. She was still doing her best not to think about it. She was barely holding it together as it was.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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A temporary truce formed, the group went toward a somewhat large group of energy signatures, at least the largest group they had yet to see on the ash filled planet. As they walked the Saiyan girl attempted to make some small talk.

"So...anyone else end up going into a rage fueled berserk rampage recently?" Titanius turned to look at the girl as they traveled.

"According to my internal chronometer I had been in a state of stasis for 11 years 6 months and 14 days so it would have been impossible for me to go on any rampage recently." Of course he completed missed the point of her attempt to make a little humor and merely answered the question directly. No other attempts at communication were made for the rest of the short trip.

In was indeed quite the variety of species that had congregated together. There were also indications of a short battle, with a good chuck of the nearby bamboo forest having been knocked down as a result. While interesting, they did not appear to be in battle anymore so he only made the briefest notes in his head, he was much more interested in the species he had never encountered or seen in his databanks before. There was another Saiyan, one Human, an Acrosian[Freiza Race], and then there were four others which he had never encountered before.

One was a very white individual, he was unsure if this was the norm for the species or if she was an albino variant. White hair, white skin, it was as if her body was carved from the creamiest of soaps, though what stood out the most was her blindfold. There could be several reasons for such a thing, perhaps her species were very light sensitive, or perhaps it was a way to sharpen her other senses with the loss of her sight. There was the possibility she was just blind as well.

The second was a humanoid, like the first but certainly a lot more colorful than the white one. This female sported vibrant pink hair and two short horns. She appeared to smile a lot which could be her true stat or merely a mask, it would be hard to tell without further observation.

The third was the Supreme Kai of Time, who looked rather like a child and appeared to be waking from a nap. Her clothing appeared rather, ceremonial, and from his database could tell her description was that of a Kai. He had never seen a Kai himself so he was quite interested in what powers a Kai actually possessed.

The last one...was certainly different from all the others. It was also humanoid but from what he could see the creature appeared to be quite malleable and pink all over, skin as well as hair. The hair appeared to something like tentacles but also did not appear to be made of a different substance from the rest of its body. Frankly it appeared to made of pink gum, quite the unusual species to be sure.

"I would love the chance to observ-" Thankfully before he could finish his sentence his inner systems sent him a message.


While his body had not fully reactivated yet, his combat systems were back to normal which meant he could now take full control of one of the most important functions of his body. This was quite a relief as while his defenses were quite high with his combat mode activated, it was not the most inviting of appearances to organic lifeforms. In his past experiences he had much better time getting to know people while in his less-robotic form.

"Excuse me for just a moment while I purge my armor." Warning given, Titanius took a step back as his helmet and armor plates suddenly turned into a metallic liquid, making him look like a shimmering human blob. The liquid flowed over his body and then seemed to seep into his skin revealing the person underneath. Glossy skin with a hint of a green glow, short yet rather thick hair that looked as if it was and opaque emerald and a very soft countenance. His eyes were quite unique however as two lines, a vertical and horizontal went through the middle of his eyes like a kind of crosshair, neatly splitting his eyes into four quadrants. As for clothing, he wore a simple, black bodysuit, specially designed to allow for his metallic transformations.

"Now I hope we can soon learn what exactly has transpired here." Titanius had to restrain himself from examining the unknown aliens right away, after all it would be extremely rude to ignore everyone else. For some reason he had the greatest urge to poke the pink rubbery one to see if his fingers sunk in or not, as it was certainly the most unique of all the species there. Thankfully logic won against impulse...for now.

@KillamriX88@Double@vancexentan@PPQ Purple@vancexentan@AtomicNut@NacNak@Chev@King Kindred
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by PPQ Purple
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PPQ Purple Purple Space Box

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

So they weren't all dead and this wasn't hell. It was just a burned out place that smelled of fire and brimstone found outside of normal space and time and ruled over by a godlike entity that they had been transported to after experiences they couldn't have survived. *sigh* "What's in a definition?" she thought to her self as her eyes wondered back to the unconscious alien still in her arms.

She was definitively a girl. And kind of cute one too. For an alien that is. What with her vibrant pink color and flowing tentacle hair and her flesh which, now that it wasn't trying to eject her into space felt comfortably soft. How many more of those were there. She had to wonder... No, now was not the time for such thoughts. Maybe later. For more of these strange new creatures had arrived.

Mia wasn't really used to dealing with outsiders. Back on her homeworld they knew others existed but actually seeing one in the flesh was something that rarely ever happened. Aliens were not welcome on her world, so they rarely ever came. And when they did they usually remained far away from the general public. You may see them in the news or the odd internet article but definitively not in your local mall.

She closed her eyes and focused on sensing ki, her horns giving a slight tingle as she measured up the group. In no particular order they had her, a hot young warrior from a now dead race. Looking surprisingly good all things considered, if she dared say so her self.

Than there was Velona, the girl with her eyes bound. Mia wasn't sure what was up with that. Or her hair, or skin... Monochrome white seemed to be the order of the day there and she didn't know what to make of that. Still, the girl could fight. And she appeared to be no nonsense. And that was worth noting. The rest was nothing that couldn't be solved with a makeup kit and some care.

Next came the two Sayans, the one with gold shimmering hair and the new one without. They seemed normal enough except for their ki levels and their tails. Where did that come from? Were they some sort of primate that actually evolved intelligence? Mia almost laughed at the idea. Her old biology teacher would have had a conniption if she had been alive to see those two.

Than there was Ovaan. Ovaan... what to make of that one. If the Sayans were some sort of primate Mia didn't even know how to categorize this one. A tadpole perhaps? No, too big and too blue. Still, that was the closest thing she came up with. Did that mean he was going to turn into a frog at some point? That would be too bad if that did happen as he was kind of good looking in his own way. Plus he got flustered so easily at the thought of them all being dead and that was just cute.

And when it came to the rest things just got even more messed up. There was a child that people seemed to think was the devil running this place. And they called her a Kai. An actual Kai. If that was true that would certainly be something.

Than there was the other kid whose ki level as well as dress and demeanor were definitively out of place for someone his age. Than again was it even a kid at this point? Or was it just a species that looked like cute little chibi people for their whole lives? She found the thought to be incredibly amusing. Back on her homeworld there were these little figures to collect that were in that style and the thought of a whole planet like that made her giddy.

As for the others well... there was the other blue guy that just arrived. He wasn't as interesting looking as Ovaan. Although he seemed to be more normal, for how much that was worth. He also didn't seem to be as strong although she knew that could be concealed. Overall not terribly remarkable.

And than there was the walking suit of armored that began transforming just as she closed her eyes. Something about that one was just... odd. More so than the rest. A feeling that was explained quite adequately by the fact that when she opened them just a short moment later she found her self staring not at the modern rendition of a medieval knight but at a real life slime boy.

Pause there for a moment.

Her eyes glanced back at the pink girl she held. Was that the male of their species? Could be. Than again she wasn't transparent like he was. Nor as glossy. He looked to be equally soft though, at least she hoped. This really wasn't the time for thoughts like this. Than again it's not like they could land her in hell twice.

All in all, she would take time to adjust to this new diversity. And something deep down told her that in a universe of infinite possibilities things would only get weirder from here.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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Ah, at last, some actual answers! Kind of. Honestly, the explanation offered made very little sense in all honesty. A city outside of space time, ran by what was described as a deity who governs time? All this talk of timelines and multiple realities sounded like it belonged in a fantasy novel or a science fiction show. Well, even if it the answer was confusing, there at least was something Ovaan could take away from all this. He was not dead, and from the sounds of it... Freeza was.

Hmm... then it's done. If he's dead, then that means my mission is complete. The thought was a heavy one, and frankly heavier than it would have been for anyone else. The implication of course was that the rest of the universe had died along with Freeza, leaving himself as the only survivor. Great... so he's dead, but so is the whole blasted universe? Why can't it ever be simple? As much as he would like to declare that his work was over... well clearly it wasn't. Something had to be done about whatever was supposedly destroying timelines, and frankly if such a thing were possible then most likely it was just as possible to restore what's been lost. Something in the back of his head told him exactly why he was spared from death.

She's going to ask for my help, isn't she? He thought to himself with a silent glance over at the girl identified as the Kai. Straight from one campaign and into another one. No rest for the wicked, indeed. And beyond all that, there was the notion that whoever the mysterious destroyer was... they were apparently after him in particular. Well, all of the people gathered here, but that was beside the point. Who in the entire universe could Ovaan have pissed off that much, exactly? He'd made a score of enemies among the Freeza Force, and of Freeza himself but... but this?

That was when Ovaan decided to take his mind off of comprehending the answer he was given. He instead started assessing the others who gathered here, in addition to the latest arrivals.

Velona and Mia... they were the first he had met. And he only just now noticed the blindfold on Velona. Had she been scarred over her eyes at some point? She seemed like any other human otherwise. Not that Ovaan had had much experience in dealing with humans. Most of them had been enslaved and/or wiped out by the Freeza Force for as long as he could recall, and none from that particular species had ever been assigned to his crew save for one: Garron, his Lieutenant and Second-in-Command. As for Mia, Ovaan had no idea what she could be. Human... sort of? But obviously not, thanks to those horns and such. And wasn't she also the one who thought they were all dead?

Well, anyway, there were at least 3 present appeared human as well. The boy, who was clearly not as he appeared and one - now two - with brown and hairy tails. Wait, tails? Since when do humans have tails? They never had them as far as Ovaan knew. And of course he never would have asked such a thing of Garron. Quite curious, Ovaan made a note to himself to inquire about these apparently tailed humans later.

Of the newer arrivals, there was also a rough, bluish skinned man among them. Hera Clan? Was that their name? Ovaan couldn't remember exactly, but he'd heard stories of a race of space pirates of a sort that matched this description to a T. Was that man the same way or...? Asking would probably be rude, so Ovaan kept it to himself for the time being.

The armored one though, that was just plain weird. That kind of look, design, was nothing he had ever seen or heard about. And when he appeared to remove the suit and revealed himself to be some kind of humanoid slime well... that didn't exactly help him much on the weird crap-o-meter, did it? Again, it was absolutely nothing Ovaan had ever seen before or even heard about. Quite the oddity, indeed.

There was also the pink one, whom upon a closer look appeared to have skin that was far to soft and smooth for her to be one of Dodoria's species. Of course, that then left the question of just what in the world she even was. And what was that power she used? Kaio... Kaio-whatever? And more importantly... could anyone learn that power? Ovaan made another note to himself to look into that possibility, as it never hurt to have an extra ace in the hole when times were rough.

And finally there was the Kai herself. She looked... almost human. Save for the skin and ears, anyway. Also she looked pretty young, far too young to be this ancient god of time she was described as. Then again, gods had a habit being immortal, didn't they? Not to mention all-powerful. Final note to self: stay on this person's good side... at all times.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


So it seemed that no matter what universe you were in a Saiyan was a Saiyan. In a way Maize kind of felt that comforting. Even if she had mostly grown past her barbaric and ruthless nature she still respected her roots. Her people were proud warriors. If only they had been able to save themselves from Frieza. But there wasn't much use in dwelling on the past. There were other universes out there that needed saving and it seemed like it was their job to do so. Great. Absolutely no pressure.

Velona was getting through the introductions when the remaining stragglers arrived. She was happy to see another Saiyan. She wondered if she also could turn Super Saiyan. She didn't seem exactly surprised to see her in the transformed state. Maize waved back to her and looked to see who was with her. Wait. Was that a robot? The one accompanying was from a race she was sure she wouldn't forget. The pirates of the Hera Clan. The memories of her and her team's struggle against them played in her mind. The feelings of battle flowed through her as well as the frustration she felt for being unable to save her friends. It didn't feel right that she was the only one left alive.

She was snapped back to reality by the robot announcing he was purging his armor. Purging his what? Maize watched as his armor turned into some kind of metallic liquid before seeping further into his skin. So he wasn't a robot. There was a being underneath, but for some reason she still couldn't sense any ki coming from him. It was strange, but she decided to forget about it. She looked around and noticed that the Supreme Kai was starting to sit up, but she still was very clearly weak. She decided not to bother her immediately, knowing that someone else eventually would. Instead Maize returned her attention to Velona.

"Let's consider ourselves lucky you didn't meet the old me. It took... a lot for me to get to how I am now. I can probably guess what the Saiyans you're used to were like, but I think even the worst of us is capable of growth. I saw it in a normally very stubborn prince."

@AtomicNut@PPQ Purple@NacNak@KillamriX88@Double@Chev@IceHeart@vancexentan
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@vancexentan @IceHeart @Double @KillamriX88 @PPQ Purple @AtomicNut @NacNak @King Kindred

The Supreme Kai of Time managed to sit up as the device on her wrist began to beep rapidly as Tabaga approached the group. As the Saiyan woman looked at the Supreme Kai of Time, the device flashed red once and stayed red. The Kai looked down at her device and back at Tabaga and narrowed her eyes. It senses an odd energy around her...it matches the energy that was hitting Conton City!

The Supreme Kai of Time slowly rose to her feet and looked at the Saiyan woman who looked back at her with a very curious expression. She had no idea who this woman was but she apparently had an issue with her. "Hi there," Tabaga said rather bluntly. "Uh...any chance you can tell me why you're staring at me like that?"

"The Dimensional Scanner. The energy it's picking up from you matches the energy that was hitting Conton City. That seems oddly suspicious."

"Uh...is Conton City where we are right now? Now trying to be rude lady but this place has seen better days."

The Supreme Kai of Time slapped her own forehead in exasperation. It seemed no matter what dimension they were from, the majority of Saiyans were the same.

The device flashed purple as an image appeared above the group. An image of Tabaga and another Saiyan woman fighting back to back against a number of black armored troopers that numbered in the thousands fighting above Planet Vegeta. Tabaga looked at the image with a blank expression that rapidly turned to an enraged expression as the woman fighting next to her was killed. Moments later, flames engulfed that version of Planet Vegeta and a golden green light engulfed the screen before it went blank.

"Get out of my head." Tabaga hissed at the device and raised her hand and a glowing ball of energy and pointed it at the device. "If you say a word about her I swear this place will have another pile of ashes added to it." She said to the Supreme Kai of Time in a very soft and threatening voice.

The Supreme Kai of Time looked at her with an expression that was equal parts pity and sadness. "She was your friend...wasn't she? I'm sorry, But what happened to her isn't the only tragedy that has occurred, You can't let your grief affect you and I need to know why the energy around you matches those who attacked Conton City. In the long term I'm sorry to say this, but your universe was one among many that was destroyed. Those black armored troopers, I think I've seen them before somewhere."

Tabaga's eyes twitched rapidly for a moment and a golden green aura began to surround her as her rage began to get the better of her at the Supreme Kai of Time's seeming dismissal of her friend's death. "Don't you dare say that." She hissed. "Okora wasn't just my comrade...she was more than that."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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Healing required a somewhat important amount of concentration, so Yaksha did his best to blot out the confused voices around him. It did make little sense, that much he knew. But it's what he knew too, until the Kai could elaborate further. At least some of his words had stuck on the rest of the group, so repetitive explanations would not be as grave as he had hoped.

His eyes darted to new arrivals, including one that made raise his eyebrows. A clump... of matter with no ki whatsoever. Shaped like an actual being. Android huh? So Ol' Gero isn't the only machine genius in the universe. At least it's better than the psychopathic pink goo, the Freeza lookalike, the ogre alien who doesn't know I can't be bothered while I'm healing and the saiyan. Well, no Saiyans.

He let an audible sigh after the Kai stood up, which quickly turned in a tired expression when a second standoffish saiyan female had the gall to speak to the Supreme Kai. Gladly, Yaksha would teach that impertinent hamfisted monkey girl the gravity of the sins commited, but the Kai's instructions were clear.

There simply wasn't enough time nor effort to spare to start scuffles with other people, no matter how stupid they were. Taking a stance, he stood between the now ticked off Saiyan and the Supreme Kai of time, his eyes level with the snarling barbarian warrior.

"Oh yeah, it's a great idea. Turn the only one person who can actually do something about being stuck in this pocket dimension to ash. That'll do the trick. A magical dragon will appear from seven balls, grant you a wish, and resurrect your squeeze. Oh wait, no. THOSE ARE BROKE. No resurrection, no refunds, nada. For anyone of us either. " Yaksha said. "So cheer up, buttercup. You're hardly the one who saw everything they love be returned to oblivion for no apparent reason."

He then snapped his fingers, and handed Tabaga a handkerchief materialized with the little magic he had. "Here's a handkerchief. You can cry your disgraces to it, and when you're set, we'll get to do some actual investigation of what's going on, really."

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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Velona felt a tiny smile tug at the corners of her mouth, "I see, well, yes... they... weren't all bad. I lived with-" But unfortunately her conversation with the saiyan woman would have to wait. The Supreme Kai had awoken and quickly she'd become at odds with the other saiyan who'd arrived. Rather than getting answers, it seemed they would first need to keep source of said answers from being obliterated.

Yaksha tried his hand first.

Velona really, really wished he hadn't. Her jaw dropped at his words. She was quickly getting the sense that he was someone with a short temper, or who at least was not taking their current situation terribly well. That was fine and all, she could relate, but this really wasn't the time for him to vent his frustrations!

"Um, you're very strong, yes? Um, if you don't mind..." She shot a pleading look at Maize, as well as tapping Ovaan's shoulder before hurriedly thrusting herself in the middle of the increasingly volatile situation. No one else wanted to keep their cool, so she would. For all of them.

Whether or not it worked remained to be seen, but Ovaan and Maize were hopefully on her side. She really didn't want her face to get melted off after all.

"Enough! Back off!" He furrowed her brow at Yaksha and even the Supreme Kai herself. It wasn't so much that they were in the wrong, but, especially up close, she could feel how dangerously close to perhaps literally exploding this woman was and if it took taking her side to prevent that, well, she would do it. She couldn't hope to challenge her, but maybe she could stop that from being an issue in the first place. She turned back to the angry saiyan, what was visible of her expression softening. "Please, there's been enough fighting already. I... I-I know what it's like to watch someone special to you disappear before your eyes... I know how much it hurts, but please don't take it out on them. I hate to say it, but... Yaksha here is right in a way. We've all... lost everything."

She tentatively held a hand out toward her, "You can... talk to me, if you'd like. Or we can put it all aside for now and just figure out why we're here. Just... please, no fighting." On the outside, she appeared remarkably calm, but it was taking everything she had not to tremble. Not from fear, but from the turmoil deep within as the act of empathizing with the saiyan threatened to bring to the forefront the memories she was trying to keep buried. "Perhaps you could tell me your name? I'm Velona."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

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"Here's a handkerchief. You can cry your disgraces to it, and when you're set, we'll get to do some actual investigation of what's going on, really."

Tabaga looked down at the handkerchief and then back at Yaksha with an oddly neutral expression before taking it and wiping her face with it after a moment of quiet contemplation. She handed it back to Yaksha and smiled for a brief moment. "I'm going to break your neck now." She said simply as her hand shot forward and grabbed Yaksha's neck in an ironclad grasp and immediately began to squeeze his neck with quite a bit of force behind the squeeze. She could hear the Supreme Kai of Time screaming at her but for some reason it sounded somewhat muffled. She cocked her head to the side as she stared down at Yaksha with a faint somewhat empty smile as she began to pour Ki into the squeeze to further enhance the strength behind it.

Is this really what you want to do? Kill a kid?

Okay, first of all, you are dead and second of all, he's really pissing me off.

Doesn't make it right and you know it. Is this how you want me to remember you?

You can't remember me, As I said before, your dead.

I may be dead and I may only be a voice in your head, but I can still guilt the hell out of you and you know it.

Tabaga continued looking down at Yaksha before sighing and releasing his grip and pushing him backwards away from her. "I'd really prefer you keep your annoying voice to a lower volume, little boy."

"You can... talk to me, if you'd like. Or we can put it all aside for now and just figure out why we're here. Just... please, no fighting."

Tabaga looked over at the other woman and smiled cheerfully. "Sorry about that. Not going to lie, I'm a little stressed out at the moment but I suppose we all are after seeing everything and everyone we know burned down to a cinder." She laughed a little bit to herself as she saw the expressions of the others. "Pretty sure you all think I'm crazy. Honestly, I think I might be a little bit crazy myself right now." She said with a laugh.

She looked over at the group and rubbed her hands together as the woman who called herself Velona asked her what he name was.

"Pleasure to meet you all, my name is Tabaga." She said in the same cheerful voice.

The Supreme Kai of Time stared at Tabaga with an expression that was a mix of horror, rage and shock. "Uh...Yaksha. Once we're done speaking with everyone here may I have a word with you?" She asked quietly and carefully so Tabaga couldn't hear.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

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"...I think even the worst of us is capable of growth."

Those words stood out to him the most, though not necessarily because Ovaan agreed. He'd seen far too many atrocities in his time - and in fact had actually been the one committing said atrocities in many cases - to bring himself to agree with such a sentiment. It was a nice sentiment, to be sure. But still just a sentiment. Reality tended to be much harsher than that, and true to reality, some people were just simply beyond saving. And sure, it might be easy for him to think of only Freeza but... the whole truth of it was much harder than that.

Ah, but now it seemed there was some squabbling to be silenced. Thankfully, though, it seemed as though Ovaan didn't have to do much apart from simply having Velona's back in the event that things went south. They, however, did not. That boy sure did prove himself to be quite the loudmouth though, didn't he? He may have provided the initial answers that Ovaan had sought after so much, but beyond that he was not proving himself to be a very likable fellow. Quite a feat, when he was in the company of a man who helped enslave entire planets in the name of Freeza.

But all of this wasn't what concerned Ovaan. He needed some clarification, and now that the Kai was up and about it seemed like a good time to ask, "Excuse me... Supreme Kai, was it?" he asked, unable to recall what her full title was. He offered a short bow regardless, for the sake of etiquette of course, "If I'm understanding things correctly, then I believe I am also correct in assuming that you brought us here to aid you in some way? That much is clear to me, but what is not clear to me is how much help any of us could possibly be against a foe who reportedly destroys entire universes seemingly on a whim. Might I inquire for further clarification on this matter?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Titanius was making sure to keep his eyes and ears open to everything that was being said and shown to them. The first real good piece of information came from the Kai. She mentioned a 'Dimensional Scanner' that told her Tabaga had the same energy signature as that which had struck Conton City, which had to be the name for their current location. She then showed them a recording of a past event in Tabaga's life where she was fighting some black armored troopers with a fellow Saiyan. From the Kai's response it seemed a good guess that those troopers were the source of said energy signature.

Unfortunately Tabaga was not in the best state of mind as she started to turn her anger on the Kai. The human decided to step in a rather, rude manner but before he got himself in trouble he did manage to pick up on him mentioning them being stuck in a pocket dimension. Now this was serious news, if true it meant they were stuck here, with the only person able to potentially get them out being the Kai before them.

The blindfolded one quickly intervened however though not before Tabaga grabbed the young boy by the neck and nearly killed him, thankfully the other woman's words managed to get through and the Saiyan got herself under control. It was almost as if her inner Oozaru had tried to leak out in a rage, despite there being no moon to trigger it. She manged to calm down and even introduced herself to the group, things perhaps could actually progress now.

The Acrosian[Freiza Race] quickly got to the heart of the matter, about why they had been plucked from their universes and what could be done about a universe destroying threat. Now if the force truly had the power to just destroy Universe's on a whim, then frankly there was nothing that could be done, but there had to be a mechanism at work that was being exploited. No matter how strong something was there was very little chance for it to have the power to actually wipe out an entire universe, maybe destroy all matter but not to destroy the fabric of reality itself. The question was how were they or it, destroying entire universes?

While he was sure to keep his audio processors open to hear the Kai's answer Titanius now had a golden opportunity to meet a species he had never encounter before or access data of. Seeing the danger had passed, he stepped up beside Tabaga and faced the blindfolded one, Velona. She truly was quite a unique individual and now his curiosity was overflowing.

"Thank you for your calm intervention Velona that helped diffuse the situation. It is quite encouraging to see someone making rational decision. My designation is M-3 but I have taken on the name Titanius." He had no way to know what kind of greeting ritual her species employed so he opted for a slight bow rather than something as forward as a handshake.

"So are you blind or is there some other reason that you are wearing a blindfold." Tossing aside any potential ice breakers or small talk, he quickly went straight to the foremost question on his mind to try and sate his own inquisitive tendencies. He still had a lot to learn about natural organics, especially in the social department.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

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"At the end of the day the only thing that matters is our purpose here. I don't know anything about you saiyans, and other creatures but I certainly doubt that a Supreme Kai of all people would be present if not for a serious event. Though I've never met one in person until now I have heard tales from my higher ups of them intervening in particularly dangerous situations. Rare as they were." Darbin said unperturbed by the others talk, and mannerisms. He held his hands folded across his chest He took a deep breath and considered the situation all this talk of dimensions, and other nonsense was above his head. He wasn't the type to consider anything about timelines, or whatever that was at stake but a galaxy wide threat? That was at least something tangible he could grasp. "If there is a threat in hand I have no problem working with the others to stop it. Simply put if something must die then I will do my best to kill it. At the end of the day I am a soldier getting my hands a bit dirty never bothered me quite one bit." Darbin commented as he cracked his neck. "If I'm called upon to use my talents to save instead of destroy it is just another day for me. Die, or find victory are two sides of a coin I'm firmly aware of though I doubt this enemy will be thrown at us directly...no commander ever fights their own battles." Darbin stated rather plainly as he couldn't help but wonder...there were species here like the pink thing, the android, and 'Frost Demon', if that's what they even were called being exceedingly rare rulers of particular worlds in his 'timeline'. Were these species exclusive to certain sectors? Or were they being lied too?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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Yaksha wasn't terribly surprised when the Saiyan woman further exploded into violence. Whatever, he really needed to get it out of his system. And here he was, being strangled. It made his neck a bit sore, actually. Maybe he should have turned into an eel to escape, though? Though it wasn't as much as life threatening as it would look like.

He had faced this level of power, and this kind of situation before. He had prevailed before them. A newborn super-saiyan these days wasn't enough to put down the iron-hearted protector of Earth, keeper of Kami's throne down in the slightlest. If anything her vacant smile of despair and cockyness met a raised eyebrow and a cold stare, a sort of expression of pity with disappointment.

Tch, Saiyans. Love to always solve their problems with their fists. He sighed, as he hardened enough with his Ki so even the tightest squeeze of the mad Saiyan would not even be much of a consequence. It was done in a careful, minute manner. There was no need to flare up his power and go gung ho over this stupid scuffle, more than he did though. It was no secret he'd been venting out his frustration, ever since the Kai had told about his universe's fate.

He stood up after the seemingly near-lethal ordeal, and flexed his neck, testing the range of movements. "Whatever." He dismissively said to Tabaga. Fools did not deserve a further answer. His ears perked up to the Supreme Kai's plea as he made a slight nod. "As you command." He whispered back.

When all was said and done, he had to wait. The Freeza guy had asked what kind of help this rag tag team could bring. "I do have the distinct feeling we are all what she could find in time." He commented before the Kai, leaning against some debris, his eyes closed and arms folded.

Fuck, when was the last time I had some tea or food? I really miss Gine these days. She was a real sunshine, unlike these other saiyan beast women here. Only saiyan I ever liked. Pity that Dabura killed her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

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"If I'm understanding things correctly, then I believe I am also correct in assuming that you brought us here to aid you in some way? That much is clear to me, but what is not clear to me is how much help any of us could possibly be against a foe who reportedly destroys entire universes seemingly on a whim. Might I inquire for further clarification on this matter?"

"I do have the distinct feeling we are all what she could find in time."

The Supreme Kai of Time shook her head at Ovaan's question. "I'm sorry to break this to you, but I didn't bring any of you here for aid. I brought you here to save you before your universes were annihilated. The organization I led did everything they could, we searched through time and we couldn't find any rhyme or reason to the attacks except one: You are all the factor. Every universe that was annihilated had a version of one or more of you. Those that didn't have a version of any of you were passed over for some reason. That's really the only similarity we could find. I just...I just couldn't stand by and watch without doing something to try and save someone."

"Hold up."

Tabaga shot a dirty look at Yaksha before speaking up again. "You said you saw those black armored troopers before. If it's possible they're connected to whatever energy was attacking this place and if that energy is connected to the armored troopers who attacked the Planet Vegeta I was native to...why didn't they just wipe out the universe I'm from?"

That stopped the Supreme Kai of Time in her tracks and she looked over at Yaksha and then back at Tabaga. "That...wait...they didn't destroy your universe?" Tabaga simply shook her head. "They pretty much wiped out whatever form of life they could find but from what I saw they left the planets intact if possible. They just razed it and moved onto the next one." The Supreme Kai of Time stared Tabaga straight in the eyes.

"What exactly do you remember happening after the battle? I need to know everything.

Tabaga was somewhat uncomfortable with the look the Kai was giving her. "Uh...Well, there was this greenish yellow light that surrounded me and I remember attacking the troopers but that's kind of fuzzy...there was this really bright flash...like something really big had exploded and the next thing I knew this really tall guy in a cloak was putting me in an attack ball. I don't remember exactly where I was but I remember I could barely move because of all of the energy I'd used up."

"What did he look like? Did you manage to get a look at his face or any part of him?"

Tabaga wracked her brain. The figure had been covered almost entirely from head to foot. "I think I got a look at part of his face. All I can tell you is that it was a light shade of green. I didn't see any identifying features."

"Did he say anything to you? Anything at all?"

"He said that everything would be fine and that he was activating the hibernation sequence. Next thing I knew I was in my attack ball and I was stuck in the academy over there. I met up with the big guy and the Tin man over there."

The Kai shook her head in confusion. "I don't know how...but it looks like someone else may be involved in this." She reached for Tabaga's arm and the Saiyan woman flinched and pulled back. The Kai smiled and motioned at the dimensional scanner. "I want to try something...please, I just need scan you for a second. I promise it won't hurt."

Just do it. You've had nearly all your bones broken a few times. Stop being a chicken.

You be quiet.

Make me.

Tabaga hesitantly stepped forward and a moment later she was batched in a violet light as the device chimed and a soft female voice spoke up.

"Subject: Saiyan."
"Origin: Reality 193."
"Power Level: Medium."

"Hey!" Tabaga shouted in indignation at the last statement made by the device but she reluctantly stayed still as the light flashed between red and green for a few moments.

"Activating Dimensional scanner...Assessing status of reality 193...Reality 193 is intact." the device stated as the device flashed green and stayed green.

The Supreme Kai of Time looked at the group and then back at Tabaga. "Something about the world your from is different...for some reason it's intact yet." A plan was beginning to form in the Kai's mind as she turned and addressed the group.

"Listen...I know you've all had a horrible time. The worlds you know are gone and you were all brought here right before the end with no warning and I'm sorry for that, I honestly am. When I made the wish on the Eternal Dragon, I wasn't sure who he would bring and I honestly just wanted to save someone after failing to save so many. I didn't have any hope when I first brought you all here...but now I think there is reason to hope. For some reason, a universe wasn't simply destroyed outright with no survivors."

She stood up straight and looked over the group and smiled despite the intense fatigue she was feeling due to the strain of using the device.

"I want you all to get some rest. I think I might have a mission for you all tomorrow." She pointed at a somewhat intact building near the down the hill from the Bamboo forest. What remains of our supplies is located in that building. You are welcome to whatever you want from it."

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