Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Baze Malbus sat praying in one of the lower areas of the temple. Chirrut was on the wall, watching the troopers try and break through their defences but instead he kept himself deep in the temple. He had been tasked with keeping the vault secure, the Jedi feared that there were still Clone forces within the shield and that they make a move on the temple. There was obviously something that they wanted in the temple, otherwise, they could have easily broken through the shield with an orbital bombardment by this point in time. Instead, they insisted on trying to slowly break through the shield with artillery, and even then they weren't giving a constant bombardment like they were fully able too.

He twitched slightly as there was an explosion, dust moved throughout the room and he heard the scuff of footsteps coming down the hall. A Young Padawan, she couldn't have been older than fifteen came running into the room. "They've broken the shield. We need to go."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Saix
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nar Shaddaa - Nima Tarkona

Nima sat with her body turned slightly towards the human male that was sitting next to her. As Master Khulbe’s guest, he was mostly engaged in the deal he was trying to strike with the Hutt but occasionally his hazel eyes would wander towards the young female, absorbing her features. She wore a low cut backless top, it’s fabric straps hung delicately from her slender shoulders to provide just enough material to cover her breasts, exposing her cleavage as the plunging neckline reached the base of her sternum. It was gold in color, matching not only her eye color but also the metal accessories that she had worn for the occasion. Her midriff was bare as the hem of her blouse hugged just underneath her last two ribs and was partnered with tight fitting low rise bottoms that were pitch black in color.

While the human sat to her left, to her right was Master Khulbe. He was smaller than your typical Hutt but still had considerable bulk. Passing a green, three-fingered hand across his protruding chin, Khulbe addressed the man sitting next to Nima. He spoke strictly Huttese, so a silver plated protocol droid was present to translate the Hutt’s speech.

“In addition to your typical smuggle runs, I have a particularly lucrative venture for you Kamen, should you choose to take the job I have in mind.”

“Lucrative maybe, but probably more dangerous. What is it you have in that sharp mind of yours?” Kamen was no stranger to dealing with the Hutts and often did business with Khulbe, so Nima was as familiar with the human as he was with them. He had invested interest in the slave women that Khulbe managed, particularly the more exotic species, and had often earned a night with them. She knew she was there to help persuade the human male to take on the job Khulbe had wanted. A kind of unspoken added bonus, if you will, as very few ever had the pleasure of the lethan twi’lek’s company.

“Dangerous, sure, but definitely easier now that the Separatists are decisively on the losing end of this war.” Khulbe admitted slyly, alluding to the task he had in mind for the smuggler.

“And what do you want from that lot?” Kamen asked, his voice just barely giving away to the concern he felt about the answer ahead. He tried to hide his emotions behind the glass of namana liquor that he held in his pale hands and brought it up to his lips to enjoy a taste.

“Nothing that I didn’t think you could manage Kamen, I just wanted you and your crew to collect some battle droids for me. Anything better than a B1 that you could get your hands on.”

Nima watched out of the corner of her eye as Kamen tried not to choke on his drink as Master Khulbe finally voiced his wishes. As they spoke she had busied herself with refilling their snack plates and drinks, satisfying her role in this scenario. Before the smuggler could answer, one of the guards ran over, a Falleen woman, and whispered quickly into Khulbe’s ear. Without a word, he turned on the holo projector that was seated in the middle of their wooden table from a control panel in his personal floating chair.

The projection showed a hooded stranger who spoke of the Republic, the Jedi, betrayal, genocide, and finally Imperial order. As the man spoke, Nima had an increasing sense of foreboding and a deep void grew in her chest. She didn’t want to hear his words anymore. Khulbe flexed a digit to change to another broadcast of a temple on what appeared to be an ecumenopolis.

"That's the Jedi Temple on Coruscant…?" whispered Kamen and Khulbe simply grunted in response, waving for him to be silent with eyes glued hungrily to the projection. What she would see next would be the worst thing she has ever witnessed, even having lived under a hutt’s roof for as long as she had. White armoured troops descended upon the temple and it was not long before they opened fire on the building and it's occupants. The wave of despair and anguish that she felt was overwhelming. The twi'lek couldn't understand why she felt so deeply as she watched the high resolution projection filled with countless robbed figures, from very young to very old being gunned down mercilessly by clone troops. Was it the children? Helpless and unable to defend themselves? Or the adults who had tried everything in their power to defend the younglings who had turned to them for protection? Perhaps it was both, as she understood all too well the victims of this tragedy

The twi'lek rose silently from her seat and headed towards the nearby catering table with a serving plate in hand as an excuse to escape from having to watch more of the holo projection. She was on the verge of breaking her calm demeanor and needed to recollect herself. She couldn't afford to allow anyone to see how she truly felt, especially not Master Khulbe.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Kosara Sal Valas

Deep Space->Orbit around Jedha

Kosara's journey in hyperspace wasn't the most pleasant one. The same doubts and waking nightmares that plagued her earlier returned while in transit. She didn't have much to do while waiting to arrive at the destination. Luckily she wasn't too far, given she had picked up the signal as faint as it was. Still, it made her depressed and with her irritated mental state, she found it difficult to start calming down, lacking the guidence of her long time partner." What was the mantra again...?" She tried to remember, giving herself an anchor in the chaotic sea of her mind and thoughts. After a bit of thinking, closing her eyes and refocusing just enough to find her answer, she took a very deep breath before speaking out.

"There's no emotion, there's peace..." She spoke to herself in slow, but stable voice and breathed in and out. It didn't quite help, sure they can proclaim that you should detach yourself from emotions, but if you did, what did that left you with? What was a man without emotion? Should she forget her grief and the origin of those emotions?" There is no ignorance, there is knowledge..." Still with eyes closed, she cursed out silently. Knowledge... where was the knowledge about what was to happen? She regretted everything, the what ifs returned as a flood, flashes of her partner's face rushign through her mind. She cared for her more than she had ever admitted and sadly will not get a chance to admit." There is no passion, there is serenity..." She tried dammit, she very well darn tried, but serenity was the last thing she could achieve right now.

"There is no harmony,..." The galaxy was set into a silent inferno with it's protectors being killed off like dogs. With Vala dying just because she saved her when she was being silly and not paying attention!!! No there was no harmony it seemed." There is only c..." She froze, eyes snapping open. What was she doing? She asked herself in shock and confusion. This was not what Vala would have wanted, not what Kosara herself wanted! She let herself wallow in self pity and regrets. Into her own anger because of her own weakness. A shiver ran down her spine as she realized what nearly happened in a single slip of the mind. She was not a trained jedi or a padwan, but that didn't mean the darker side of the Force didn't affect her just as much. The force was in her just as well. Vala had told her that she was sensitive and she'd sneak her some training after the war... Did she... just nearly let in to the dark side because of her own regrets and anger?" NO!" She stated firmly as it was as if a veil lifted." There is no chaos. Only Harmony. There is no death, there is the Force" She fixed her statement. Vala was gone in body, but the force was eternal. She tripled her efforts. There was a planet to visit and likely fight to save jedi to die in!

Much later, after she stopped counting the minutes and track time, she allowed herself to almost fall into a trance like state, repeating the mantra over and over again. Feeling distinctly better, Vala was gone physically, but she'd never be trully gone. The force was in everything and everyone. As the fighter finally exited Hyperspace, she had set the exit coordinates to be behind planet NaJedha. She was certain the clones likely had a good deal of forces above and on Jedha itself. So the plan was to appear behidn the planet and use the planet to hide initially before slipping into the atmosphere to provide some measure of scanner protection and hten approaching the moon." Alright buddy, I know Vala gave you the know how on how to run this bird silent. If we are lucky, they will be too preoccupied to notice us approaching from the planet. If not... well.... I'd be a fun ride." With that said, she put the helment back on, turned off her transponders, leaving the droid to monitor the communications for anything relevant, she turned down the heating some, feeling her body chill right away. Finally she lowered the power levels on the engines. Kosara wanted to run this as low profile as possible. If she wore proper protection suit, she might have even shut down life support, but as it stood, she needed the life support systems, so she hoped the lowered power signatures from the fighter wouldn't be detected right away and with the help of the planet's atompshere and mass, maybe, just maybe, she'd get a chance to scout this properly before having to make a mad dash for the moon's surface.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The torrential monsoon which had swept over the Correlian city had begun to subside as the undercover Jedi reached his apartment complex. Darkened clouds shifted away as the Coreli sun broke through them, casting its rays upon the bustling metropolis. Another wave of nervousness ripped through Siolo, agitating his typically calmed composure. The twi'lek felt as if the eyes of every single being in the city were upon him even though none knew of his true identity. Meditation upon the force was desperately needed but the more pressing matter was to secure his own safety. Until that was accomplished he could not allow himself to rest. As he ascended the stairs in front of his apartment building he passed by a trio of Ishi Tib, all three of whom ignored his presence. Though his trained ears did pick up the words they spoke, concern evident in the voice of one in particular.

"You hear there's a cruiser over the planet? They said clones are landing at the spaceport. I don't like it." One of them muttered, likely a criminal of some variety judging by the gang tattoos on his arms.

"Why do you care? You're shaking like a rat, got nothing to worry about. You ain't no Jedi." Another one replied as he leaned against the railing of the stairwell, an illegally modified blaster pistol hanging from his belt.

Siolo shifted past them without a word, instead blinking apprehensively as he continued towards the complex. As he reached the top more denizens of Coronet City were before him, many simply hanging out around the building as the storm cleared. A food merchant had wheeled out a cart nearby, the Sullustan behind it grilling some strange meat with glee. It actually smelt appetizing but the troubled twi'lek was in no frame of being to eat. As he continued towards the main elevator he paced past a tough looking group of denizens around a bench, one loudly playing some heavy isotope music. He practically felt the pulsating bassline beating at his chest as Siolo stepped into the elevator. Few paid him any mind as he slipped inside, a few other civilians crowded in beside him silently. A young boy looked at him curiously as he a friendly smile, which the young one returned.

The slow moving elevator felt as if it'd take eons to reach his level. He let out a deep breath in order to compose himself then slipped through the bystanders as the doors came open on the third floor. Siolo's eyes danced down the run down hallway, devoid of any other people besides two human men chatting it up. The complex was in a less "pleasant" part of the city, matching his undercover alias. He doubted any police had come through here, at least in uniform and judging by the tidbit he'd heard from the Ishi Tib the clones hadn't come by either. Still he was uneasy as he reached his apartment, the seventh door on the right. The hall corridor had seemed to exaggerate tenfold as he walked down it. For a second he just leaned against the door then pulled his keycard from his pocket and undid the lock. Though his heart began to race inside of his chest as he noticed it was already unlocked.

Siolo stepped back, glanced briefly around him for sight of any suspicious figures then pulled his lightsaber from the satchel on his side. He kept it tucked in front of him, unlit but at the ready in case he should face some danger inside his own apartment. The twi'lek then gently pushed open the door, his hand tensing as it slid open with a light squeak. His sparse apartment didn't lend much in the way of room. A door lead to a small bathroom while a sliding one lead to his bedroom. As Siolo entered he noted the bedroom door was wide open, sensing one figure in there unaware of his entrance. As his head swiveled he caught sight of another figure chatting on an in ear communicator, his back turned as he looked mindlessly out the window in the living room.

"There's no trace of him. Apartment is pretty empty, think he got word of the broadcast." The man stated into the communicator as he leaned one hand against the window, staring at some of the speeders passing by. He was clad in plain clothes, though a blaster was tucked into a holster on his left leg. Siolo slowly approached him from behind, having caught a break of luck on a terrible day.

"If you scream I end you. Tell me who sent you, why are you here?" The twi'lek whispered into the man's ear, putting on an intimidating show. As he wrapped his arms around the man, one limb slipped into a neck hold while the other pressed over the bearded human's mouth. The man twisted momentarily under the Jedi's superior grip but then yielded as he spoke quietly.

"The police. We got word from way above us, said a Jedi lived here. Guessing its you. You're very highly wanted, Siolo." The human stated with a mean grin, having shifted his hand to the top of the man's head.

"All of that is a lie, what the 'Emperor' said. The Jedi are heroes of the Republic, we died in hundreds to fight the separatists," Siolo whispered as his eyes shifted towards his bedroom where the other man was still unaware of the Jedi's entrance. "What is happening next? What of the clones?"

"Clones are arriving here and they'll find you, no doubt about that. Just give up, its hopeless." The undercover officer muttered, uncomfortable under the light choke by the Jedi. Instead the trained twi'lek applied increased pressure until the man's vision began to darken and breathing became far more difficult.

"I'm no monster." He mumbled into the man's ear as he knocked him out cold, holding the human's body until he felt it go limp then gingerly laid the man down on the tiled floor. Siolo inhaled gently as he started towards the doorway to his bedroom, creeping along silently until he could lean against the wall and peek through the open door.

Another police man, dressed much like the one that the Jedi had knocked out was rustling through Siolo's things. Apparently searching for any clue of his whereabouts, at the moment he was digging through some old holopads. All those contained was information on previous targets, wanted criminals on Corellia. Siolo was no fool, he left no journals or logs. That was a recipe for disaster if one of the wanted individuals he was trying to bring to justice found where he lived. As a modified speeder raced by loudly the undercover Jedi made his approach. He did the same maneuver as before, a well trained chokehold. This human put up more resistance as he clawed and hollered against Siolo's grip. The twi'lek kick the man's legs in, then dropped him to the floor as he applied more pressure until the struggling stopped.

Once he was confident this other man was out cold he rose back to his feet and wiped his brow. Siolo's next step was to run his hands across both of the unconscious police to find anything used to communicate to others. Then he forcefully stomped on the commlink and communications devices he found, until they were but shards of crushed metal. It would buy him a brief window of safety once the men woke back up. Then with intent he found his own desktop console, similarly smashing it until it was devoid of any usage including crushing the hard drive. It was a precaution as he still had his communicator on him but they'd be unable to patch into him other than that. With a grunt he retrieved his jedi robes, then bundled them into a pack along with another pair of clothes. He planned to travel very light, most of the essentials he already carried on him. There would practically be no trace of his presence here when he was done rifting through his apartment.

Once his deeds here were concluded he threw the jacket over him, then raised the hood above his head. Another piece of clothing to further mask him, he'd look like just another traveling twi'lek, a common sight on the bustling Core World. As he slipped his lightsaber back into his satchel he moved towards the door. Sadness filled him as he gave one last look at his apartment, compact and plain but it was where'd he spent his nights after doing fine work on the streets of Coronet City. Moments of relaxation he would be without for some time, as a now top fugitive in a galaxy out to get his kind. Siolo locked the door behind him, then walked back the same way he'd came. A few more faces were in the hallway though like before none paid any attention to the unremarkable looking twi'lek. Instead of taking the crowded elevator he opted for the stairs, intent on getting as far from the complex as quickly as possible, especially now that the police were trailing him. He didn't just have to look out for clones but the officers who he until this day had worked alongside to clean up the mean streets of the metropolis.

"My blue friend are you still alive? Ya' there?" A voice posed into his in-ear communicator, surprising the emotionally frantic fugitive. He briefly considered not answering but the Iktotchi may actually be of aid to him. He did after all break the news that shook his life to pieces earlier, something the merchant had no real responsibility to do.

"I am Wolron, but in a rough spot." Siolo muttered, pain evident in his tone as he paced down the stairs. A hulking devaronian giving him a mean glance as he nearly bumped into the brute.

"I'm sure you are my friend. But I can help you, not gonna leave you out to die like some schutta." The merchant replied from his location a ways from the apartment complex.

"Wolron, you'll put yourself in danger. They'll kill you too if they find out you helped someone like me." The blue skinned man muttered back, more akin to a whisper as he avoided saying 'Jedi'. The merchant was someone he did recognize as a friend, when considering how long he'd been his informant. As the twi'lek reached ground level he descended the same stairs he'd recently gone up to make his final trek to his apartment.

"You've made me a lot of money, Sio. You didn't have to do that, all those bounties you turned in and split with me. You did all the work tracking down those scum. Let me help you this last time, come to me, I can get you off this junkheap." As the words left the Iktotchi's mouth Siolo tried not to get his hopes up, but Wolron was a well connected man. The Jedi had suspicions the merchant sometimes made deals which weren't 'entirely clean', but it was not enough to investigate particularly considering how much Wolron aided him with information.

"Fine. I guess I can't stay here, I have the whole damn police force after me, plus any clones. I can't take my starfighter either, they either impounded it or have it on watch. I'll be there by tonight." The incognito force user replied, out of other options. He supposed he could've gone deeper and deeper into the roughest parts of the city then hide out. But if word got out that he was a Jedi then the gangs in the area would want to turn him in for the inevitable bounty.

"Excellent. Trust me Sio, the police and clones digging through Coronet isn't good for my business either. If I can help a friend in the process of getting heat off then all the better. I'll be waiting at my shop." Wolron said, smiling over the communicator as he ended the call leaving Siolo with the comfort of the noise of the bustling streets.

As the cloaked Jedi reached the bottom of the staircase he took a sharp turn then walked into the moving crowds filling the streets. He couldn't risk taking a cab, in case word had gotten out that a hunt was on for a blue skinned twi'lek. Master Sinube had taught him, a Jedi must often become one with their surroundings in order to succeed in investigations. As he paced behind a small group of duros he thought of his old teacher. He only hoped the wise old force user had escaped hunting, like Siolo desperately hoped Jedi across the galaxy would survive.
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