The Vanburen Estate
"Thanks, by the way. I just wish that we had met in better circumstances... you seem to be a nice guy."
For a second Justin was floored by the compliment. Only because he didn't expect such things from some rich kids that were used to everyone being at their beck and call. Maybe Mr. Magnanimous taught them some manners. That demeanor of a hardened "professional" faded as Justin ran a hand through his hair as he looked at Alexander. Especially with how shitty the circumstances were, that really brightened his day.
"I try my best," Justin stated... and realized how douchy and hypocritical he sounded. "I mean, thank you. I know things sound kinda shitty right now - but I'm going to do everything in my power to help you all break the curse and let you get back to your lives."
However, the chubby rich gal with a nasty attitude opened a portal and placed various books on the table. With one glance he realized it was the books on the Apparitions that James mentioned specifically. He crossed his arms as he looked at them.
"If Shane and the rest are handling it, then leave them be. He didn't seem sloshed when they left and if he was a half decent cop, then he'll know how to investigate. I'll text him to call you, Jus-tin...?"
"Justin Liao."
Justin introduced himself officially to the girl. He spoke flatly as he looked at Georgie for a moment. Building up the gall to tell her that she was wrong, "I mean..."
“You have Oscar’s number, don’t you, Justin? Surely it would be easier for you to just call him, rather than waiting for him to call you? I doubt that Oscar’s phone is working, considering that we all got soaked earlier. Mine isn’t. I think it would be best for us to follow your lead, Justin.”
Yeah. Exactly.
Tuyen took the words out of Justin's mouth... He wasn't even sure if his own phone was working. His abstraction protected him and his clothes from fire damage but he wasn't sure if the fire completely vaporized all water in his phone. Well, one way to find out, I guess. Justin said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and pressed the power bottom... and it activated. He almost jumped up and down out of excitement for not having to have yet another awkward conversation with his mother about getting a new phone (Coming to this city in the middle of nowhere was already a conversation he didn't enjoy in and of itself).
He tried to call Oscar but... no response.
"His phone's busted, of course," Justin shrugged. "I mean, they ran out of here in a rush. So maybe they got a lead of their own?" Justin looked over towards Alexander for a second before he went back to Georgie.
He would have been worried about them going in without backup, but Justin was confident with that straggly looking one with them. He seemed like he could pull some weight. He was confident that they could handle themselves at the very least and not require him to jump and save them.
"All of these are what James mentioned. We should go through each book, find each artifact, and then divide them into Apparitions that weren't stolen and Apparitions that were or entities and people we should worry about. Once we have stock of everything accounted for and those that weren't, we should divide and conquer. Those of us without combat magic can figure out where to put the artifacts we do have and those of us that do have combat magic should read about all the ones we don't have. I suggest we hide the most dangerous ones in the Garden. Is it possible they knew to come here because they sensed the magic throughout the mansion? If that's the case wouldn't it be beneficial to hide artifacts in a pocket dimension not in this plane with only one entrance and exit?"
"The Garden..." Justin spoke to himself, about to ask some details about this Garden but he figured that it spoke for itself? A part of Justin wanted to ask but from what he could gather it was her own little pocket dimension that she could travel to at will and summon plants from. Pretty cool, but Justin preferred his own abstraction. However, that solves the problem of just where they can hide a bunch of mythical and powerful artifacts in a place where nobody can get at them. Just toss them in an alternate dimension!
"Yeah, that was likely how they found them. Putting them in your little world would stop anyone from coming in here and snatching one while you're all asleep... if they can even find this place!" Justin started, "My only thing is..."
Justin trailed off as he didn't want to say it out loud in fear of souring the mood.
... How many other people know about James' collection, though? We can hide them all we want, but if someone knows what they're doing... they're gonna get them. Or hurt one of you.
"... Are you the only person that can get in there? Or better yet, are you sure you are?" Justin kept it to himself as he merely gestured for Tuyen to come along as he walked towards the door.
"We're gonna get a move on... but before we go, Tuyen can we have a word?"

East Araminta - The Strange Street Pub.
Shane went one way, and Sabrina figured that she should let him go off. Mr. Police Officer should be more than capable of handling himself, and if he isn't he'll still be in earshot. Instead, Sabrina went along with Oscar... she knew that he needed someone to temper out his rambunctious behavior! Also, she was not comfortable being out here alone so it'd be better if she went with someone. Of course, Oscar choose the most run-down and decrepit place to go first... when they stepped in Sabrina felt a little bit less comfortable with the whole thing now. She awkwardly coughed as the two walked in, fortunately, around this hour there was not really a whole lot of people in there. Other than the alcoholics and other degenerates with nothing better than spend all their money at a bar. The place reeked of cigarettes, dried up vomit, and depression - kind of like the dressing room at a fashion show!
The place was kind of dark and run down... the floor was hard concrete which didn't give off the vibe that the owners gave a shit, people were gonna get drunk here anyway. The room was dim and the bar counter was a dark-brown color and behind it was a short white woman with nice hair. Sabrina thought that she looked kinda pretty, too pretty to be working in a dump like this. She was cleaning the glasses with a rag... one that Sabrina thought looked kinda dirty.
She made a note not to drink anything out of here.
Oscar asked her a question without even a pleasantry... and the lady just continued cleaning as if she didn't even hear anything. Even humming along to the song, and Sabrina figured that was her politely telling them to fuck off.
"... What?" She suddenly said, not even making eye contact or stopping what she was doing, "You're just gonna barge in here and start asking questions and not even say hello."
She stopped as she kept looking at the counter and continued. "Sorry hun, I don't care who you are, but that's not how we do things here on Strange Street. Now, I don't know who you are, but I take it that you have no fuckin' clue where the hell you are. Nobody takes kindly to a bunch of well-dressed assholes barging in asking questions. I would think that you're the mob, but you all look too fucking stupid to pull that off. Now, I think I heard the name Morgana somewhere...."
With the rag still in hand, she pushed an empty coffee cup with
scratched into it towards them."... I just don't know where I heard that before, it's like it's on the tip of my tongue."