Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Elise Hydaelyn, the princess of Eorzia and youngest daughter to King Regis was about to take on a new adventure and head into unknown land. One thing she kept telling herself was that this was all for peace and that it did not matter what happened to her. It was to stop a war that had been raging for quite the century. It had been agreed that to broker a peace a union would happen, a marriage between to Kingdoms that had been at war for as long as people could remember. Eorzia was sustaining itself, just. They had vast amounts of land and plenty of crops enough to feed their Kingdom for a few years. Soldiers and magic, however, weren’t as easy to come by. Sure, the Kingdom had enough men to protect its defences, but to keep a war going they needed fresh new soldiers who could wield magic which had become all the more difficult with their missing artifact, stolen at some point during the many years of war. It was becoming much harder to keep the magic alive throughout their lands and it was beginning to show.

A plan had been made, the King had hoped it would call the other Kingdoms bluff at first, create a break in the defence for him to get the upper hand but it had done the opposite and now was offering his daughter to them in a marriage pact. The King hoped that offering a peace treaty through marriage meant they would decline, him declining could have meant people potentially rebelling over this Kingdom not accepting a peaceful way to resolve this. It was meant to be quite the bold move on his part and work, but that had not been the case, there was no decline, in fact there was a counteroffer and King Regis was left with no choice but to accept as he didn’t want to be the one declining peace and showing weakness. There was also the plus side of ending this long-drawn-out war that had to have taken its toll on both the Kingdoms.

As word spread about the peace between Kingdoms it was hard to back down, Regis had arranged for his daughter through many ambassadors to visit the other Kingdom ahead of any preparations so they could meet one another before they would sign the treaty at the wedding. It felt right that to him that they got to know each other before any sort of union.

"Stupid father, what an absolute idiot. How could he do this to me?" Grumbling to herself quietly as she looked out the window of her carriage, she had been sent with an escort into what was once enemy territory to have her first meeting with him. Her father would join a day later for two reasons, one in case it was a trap and two he still had a few loose ends to tie up as a country didn’t run itself. Thinking back to when she was told she had remembered her anger about the idea of the marriage, the fury and then tears. Her hand curled into a fist as she remembered that day.


“My dearest daughter Elise.” A gruff voice come from the doorway of her room, smiling up at her father she gestured him inside as she turned from the seat at her table wondering what had brought him here.

“Father, to what do I owe this visit?”

“I have managed to find a way of peace which would be beneficial to both Kingdoms. A way to stop this long-drawn-out war.” Hesitating with his words as he stepped further inside the room pacing towards the window, he glanced at his daughter wondering how to approach the subject. “I have arranged something, to keep the peace I have… promised your hand to them.”

Snapping her head around to her father, the King, she frowned anger rising. “You did what!? Why couldn’t you marry of my brother? Surely the heir to the throne is far more important than me!” Slamming her book down against the table she was outraged, arranged marriages were common but it didn’t mean she had to like it. The idea of it was just not something that sat right with her and she had kind of hoped that she did not have to go through with something like that. Of course, she was wrong, but she had been working on putting the idea into their heads in hopes it meant she could avoid such a fate.

“It’s the only way. You will be leaving in a couple of days to go meet with him. There is no fighting against this.”

“YOU COWARD! NO WONDER YOU COULDN’T WIN THE WAR!” Shouting her outrage as her father left quite quickly after breaking the news, she had thrown the book just as the door had shut behind him, narrowly missing him in the process. Clearly he had not wanted to stay much longer knowing it would only cause a fight.


Sighing to herself as she shook her head from the memory, she did not want to think on it anymore as she felt the carriage come to a stop, glancing back out the window the scenery was vastly different to Eorzia and she felt a pang of guilt for not saying goodbye to her father before she travelled, but she pushed it aside quickly reminding herself this was his fault. Looking at the carriage door as it opened, she was helped out of the carriage by a few soldiers that had accompanied her on the long ride. It had taken a couple of days to get here but the journey had been quite smooth, there had been no attacks throughout the whole journey which she found quite surprising and a little disheartening that she’d have to go through with this.

As she stretched her legs, it felt good to be out of the carriage, but the pit in her stomach began to rise as she realised who she was about to meet. Though she knew she had to stay strong and not show weakness. Brushing out the creases of her dress she knew that there was no escaping this, she was about to meet her soon to be husband. Not liking that phrase at all. Maybe if I just run? Go into hiding? Perhaps under the cover of darkness. Getting lost in her thoughts as she approached her impending doom the Princess began to think on ways she could potentially escape this fate her father had sealed for her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 22 days ago

At first glance one wouldn’t be able to tell that the kingdom of Helilin had been in the middle of a war for years. It clearly was on the winning side of the conflict. The buildings, though having been destroyed time and time again showed no signs of damage. The fields thriving as were the magics that kept the kingdom well defended and gave their soldiers their strength. Of course it did help that not only did King Sebastian have his own magical artifact, but the artifact of Eorzia kept tightly under lock and key as well. However, as they say, first glances are often the most deceiving. The king was considered more of a tyrant, often running his kingdom and family as if it was losing the war they were clearly winning. His citizens were already beginning to rebel before the enemy kingdom sent the offer of marriage for peace, to refuse the offer would be a death sentence.

Though perhaps the death sentence of his father would be better than unknowing being thrown into a possible marriage agreement with the enemy. Perhaps it was wrong for Liam to think such things, maybe even more wrong for him to say such things to his father's face. He was sporting a rather nice size gash under his eye for it. Though finding out that his new wife was coming to meet him only a day before her arrival was very frustrating. His mind went back to the night before as his light blue eyes watched the carriage as it entered the city gates from the small balcony off his room.

Liam had been in the courtyard most of the day, he often sent his days here. If not in training then simply to be outside.Though at the moment he was in combat training. Though Liam was gifted with magic, he insisted on knowing his way around a sword. There was never telling when an attack was going to come. His father thought it was useless and never joined him, yet another plus. So it was a surprise when his father interrupted the training, taking up a sword and shooing the trainer. “This is a surprise.” Liam said, smiling a touch as he raised his sword and got into his stance.

“I don’t find many opportunities to speak with you without your mother stepping in.” His father answered.

Liam raised a brow at this, but soon they were fencing. He would be lying if he were to say that even now he was having trouble keeping up with his father. “What is so important for her to not be here?”

“I found a way to stop the rebellion and the wars.” He let Liam get a hit on him and they stopped for a moment before getting back into stance. “You’re going to marry the princess of Eorzia.”

Liam dropped stance immediately. “I’m WHAT?! I am not marrying some weak little princess for your idea of peace and attempt to save yourself, you coward!” He yelled at his father. It was outrageous. Before he even had a choice to realize it, his father swiped the sword cutting under Liam's eye with the hilt of the sword. Though it wouldn’t leave a scar it hurt like hell and left a nice little gash.
“I am no coward, and you will take no such tone with me. You’ll understand when you are older. She will be here tomorrow and you will be there.” With that, he left Liam.


The sound of the carriage coming to a stop drew his attention back to the present, his eyes narrowing slightly as he watched the guards that were with her carriage open the door. The blonde princess stepped out and smoothed her dress. He hated to admit that she looked quite beautiful from where he was standing. Watching her for a moment as she seemed to be debating on running or not. Part of him hoped that she would, sure she would probably be brought back before she got far, but there was still some hope.

As she started towards the doors he sighed making his way down to the entry. His room wasn’t very far and by the time he had got there she had only been there for a few moments. He could tell from the fact his mother was still in her curtsy. His mother no doubt was the light in their castle. Liam couldn’t help but look his new wife over as his mother prattled on with a mixture of disinterest and curiosity.

“My aren’t you just a beauty. I had heard rumors that Regis had a pretty daughter. It must have been such a long journey. After we are all done, I’ll have Liam show you where you can rest for a while dear.”

“You’re late.” His father said annoyingly as Liam came to stand beside him. Liam frowned a little and mumbled that it was only for a moment. Which got him an angrier look before Sebastian looked back at the princess. “Arabell, Arabell!” The queen frowned and stopped talking looking at him. “I have things to do princess, so you will excuse me. Welcome to our home.” He said matter factly before pushing Liam forward a bit and leaving the three of them. Liam’s mother grabbed his arm pulling him forward more happily to the princess.

“Of course, Liam is very happy to meet you my dear. Isn’t that right? If you’ll excuse me though, I simply must talk to my husband.” The queen said before leaving the two of them alone and angrily going after her husband.

Liam frowned slightly for a moment before giving a small bow to her. “Welcome princess. I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name when I found out about this yesterday.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

This is where I will die, I can feel it. I sense it. Elise couldn’t help but think that with each step she took approaching the castle that housed the other royals they had been at war with for quite some time. Arthur her elder brother had expressed his opinions on this matter of marriage, but her father hadn’t listened to him and thus her fate had been sealed by coming here. In all honesty she was certain her brother didn’t really fight hard for it, the marriage would mean he wouldn’t have to deal with any sort of war whilst running the Kingdom he was due to inherit from father and they all knew it was an easy way out just at her expense. Though there wasn’t much she could do about it now, not until at least nightfall where she could consider hatching a plan of escape though she would have to be very careful about it and not give them any indication that she was looking to do as such.

Knowing that she would have to play it smart, take in her surroundings and start to understand the layout she bowed her head politely with a bright smile upon her face as she met with the King and Queen. Inside she was scared, feeling worried for the fact she didn’t know anything about these people and what they could do to her but so far it didn’t appear like any sort of trap though she wouldn’t let her guard down. “Oh my, thank you for such a compliment. Though you should see my elder sister Madeline, she turns quite a few heads herself.” It was true, her elder sister was stunning, but already married. Another alliance her father had set up in hopes to bring more soldiers to their side of the war and though it brought them soldiers and some more income it just wasn’t enough to gain the upper hand.

“That would be nice, it was quite the journey to get here though we didn’t encounter any issues on the ride, but I thank you for welcoming me into your home.” Elise stated politely keeping the smile on her face as if she was happy with this deal, glancing over to Liam who had just arrived slipping in behind his father. Though before she could make any sort of opinion the King spoke once more excusing himself as he had things to do and it was then she started to feel just a little bit more awkward which was something she had been trying to avoid.

“Oh, right of course.” Elise watched as the Queen began to leave after her husband and she couldn’t help but hold her tongue at that comment Liam was very happy to meet her. For some reason she didn’t quite think that was the entire truth, personally she wasn’t all too happy at meeting him but then who knew? Maybe he was thrilled to end the war, marry some foreigner Princess and just go about life. The problem was that she didn’t know how he felt on the matter, only how she did, and it was quite negative to the whole idea.

Holding back a sigh she looked back at Liam catching the frown before the bow and she followed suit bowing in return her smile faltering ever so slightly. It’s going to be tiresome keeping up an act isn’t it. Or maybe that's the long journey talking. Thinking bitterly to herself as she found her fingers fiddling with the hem of her sleeve trying to give herself something to focus and not make a fool of herself in front of him. “Ah, thank you. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” Lies, absolute lies that left her mouth so smoothly, but then she was certain that anyone would feel like this in the same situation.

“Oh, It’s Elise. Elise Hydaelyn. It was Liam, right? I think that was what your mother said before leaving after the King.” Glancing back at the carriage she had arrived in she could see the few soldiers and men that had escorted her were packing it away, leading it to where she could only assume they kept the horses and carriages and such. Taking in a quick look at the grounds she found herself thinking on ways she could sneak out under nightfall, but quickly stopped herself to not make it so obvious.

“Sorry, it’s quite different your home compared to mine. It’s interesting to see. I have never ventured out of my own kingdom before so to come quite this far is new to me.” Using that as an excuse to cover up any hint of her looking for ways to escape. “I don’t suppose you would show me around sometime?” Who better than him to show her around, he would know where everything was and she could try to remember it for later on when she would risk it all in hopes to make an escape.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Love Dove
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Love Dove Queen Of Your Heart

Member Seen 22 days ago

Liam couldn't help but raise his brow when she said it was nice to finally meet him. Was it? He had been foolishly under the impression that she was under the same circumstances as he was. That this was a deal struck against both of their wills. Perhaps he was wrong though. Perhaps she had wanted to actually meet him, he wouldn't be lying if he said the thought of meeting his enemies hadn't crossed his mind. Though it wasn't, quite in this way. Then again maybe this was a power grab for her too. She wasn't going to get her own kingdom after all. "Is it?" He asked, the question had a slight playfully cocky undertone. It was quickly gone though. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you as well."

"Yes, Liam Snyder." It was nice to finally get a name behind the face. Smiling slightly he nodded. "My father isn't much of a talkative person, I'm sure he is getting an earful." When he looked back at her, she was looking towards the horses and carriage that was being put away. He used the sober moment of quiet to take her in without his fathers angry grumbles in his ear. She definitely was pretty, though perhaps a bit timid. He wasn't sure how long she would survive in this family this way. Hopefully she had some back bone hidden in that pretty dress somewhere.

His eyes moved towards where she was still staring as she looked back at him and spoke. For a moment he thought maybe she was worried about whatever belongings she had brought with her. Though it seemed it was more the fact that their kingdoms were so different. Liam had never actually been in her kingdom before, the few battles he had been in were the attacks on his own. It wasn't something he had thought about much until now. "I'm sure that I can find some time later if you wish. Just the castle grounds though. The city is a whole headache you wouldn't want so soon." He said, tone slightly softer than it had been. The city had been fairly calm as she came in, it was a mixture of the news of a peace marriage and force.

Liam offered Elise his arm. "Come Elise, I'll show you where you'll be staying. I'm sure the servants have your belongings there already." Once she took his arm, he led the way that he had come and up the long stairway until stopping at the first door of a short hallway. "If you for some reason need me, I'm at the last door to the left. Mother insisted on us staying close." He said, with a soft huff as he opened the door for her.

The room itself was almost a complete contrast of the castle itself. The walls were a soft orange cream color, the only thing which matched the castle were the dark brown wooden floors that ran through the rest of the castle. A small step down at the door made it possible for the ceiling to be just a touch higher than the hallways. Against the middle of the wall sat a large red canopy bed, though even with its size, it did not even take up half of the large room. A small red matching couch across from the bed with a small bookcase next to it. There were two doors, one at either end of the room. One led to a small washroom of her own. The second, which stood open at the moment, with one of the two servant girls hanging up Elise's dresses. Was a large closet. The two girls stopped what they were doing as she entered the room, faces eager and nosey to see the soon to be queen. Though their smiles flattered slightly as Liam cleared his throat. "Privacy." Both girls bowed to Elise before heading out of the room.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by sukikyoufu
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sukikyoufu Endwalker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The cocky undertone didn’t go unnoticed and she wondered if he had meant to voice that out loud, questioning her on if it was an actual pleasure to meet him. It had soon been followed with the standard response on how he was pleased to finally meet her, “Well I was just being polite if you want honesty.” Stating simple as she shrugged it off to her just being polite and well mannered, without her father here there was no one to reprimand her but she knew she still had to act the part after all as word would spread if she was not acting as a lady should.

Listening as he spoke about his father not being talkative and how he would show her around the castle it all seemed pretty mundane talk, but what else could she really talk about when she didn’t know him. The only saving grace she had was the fact she had not mentioned the weather. It was interesting to hear about the city being a headache, she could only assume there was some sort of unrest and she wasn’t surprised. It had been the same back home; a lot of people were against the arranged marriage whereas some wanted the peace. You couldn’t make everyone happy no matter what route was taken when it came to the war.

“Thank you.” Hesitating for a moment before she took his arm, at least he was being polite in return, so she had hope he wasn’t going to be some horrid person. It was common when it came to arranged marriages in her own country, men look at woman like property not that she would let herself be looked at in any such a way, but it would be interesting to find out what kind of person she was going to marry. “That’s… considerate of your mother, but I am sure I will not need to impose on you.” Trying not to sound displease in any sort of way, but knowing he was close didn’t make her feel comfortable. Not when she had plans on conveniently disappearing as it would be hard enough with the guards around, let alone him as well.

Moving inside the room she could see it was beautiful, it was clear it was kitted out with the best and even though the colours might not have been something she personally would have chosen it still looked lovely. It was quite the contrast to her own room back home, though she was certain she could call it her room anymore as this was going to be her home forever more. The colours however had been deep greens with silver embellishments something she quite enjoyed. The red would take some getting used too, but she knew she would. Glancing towards the two doors she could see one of them was her wardrobe for all her dresses so it meant the other had to be a washroom, she doubted they would give her a room without one.

Letting go of Liam she folded her arms over her chest as she moved into the centre of it just taking it all in before she finally turned to face him eyes narrowed slightly as he called for privacy. “What is it you wish to say to me that you don’t want overheard?” Elise didn’t beat around the bush if his own home was anything like hers then it only meant that people were likely to talk. Gossip was a big thing in court, and she knew from personal experience how quickly words could get misinterpreted and how quickly they could spread. At times it was often quicker than a wildfire.

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