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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 24 min ago

Anylia smiled as she heard the change in Penalopy's voice as she sang. She fully relaxed and closed her eyes as she continued to sing, waving her hand gently as she sang.
Brock bowed a thank you to James as he moved to help him, their legendaries were siblings; which meant that Brock counted James as his brother as well. He looked up as he saw the Jirachi and grinned happily. "Hail!" He said happily, "It's good to see you!"

Footsteps echoed behind the rugged male, a slim figure stepped out of the trees and moved to tie up their long, fluffy purple-blue hair into a pony tail. The female hummed happily, she wore a smart looking suit, a soft crystalline blue colour with white ribbon trimming.
"Good afternoon brother~" The woman almost cooed, smiling to her brother before she looked to the sky. "As usual he's late."
"Not late." A voice echoed from a tree, a figure lay across the branch slowly, "Just waiting for you two to show up." They said with a toothy smirk.

"It's nice to see you too Cloud." The Suicune said with a smile as the Humanoid Raikou slipped down from the tree.
Cloud ran his white fingerless gloved hands through his hair, before moving one of his hands through his spiky slightly blue moustache. "Tanter, Derasin." Cloud said with a grin and a bow of his head. Unlike his sister and more like his brother, Cloud had chosen something comfortable to wear. He wore yellow shorts and a white tank top, showing off the markings down his arms and legs. Over top of his tank top was a light looking cape that was a soft purple colouration.

Frosiien frowned at Andy as he spoke before her attention was drawn to Gavin as she heard the name of an old friend.
"Saveri!" She called out happily, "Andy look, it's Celebi!" She grinned before she looked back to see him talking to his Pokemon.
She gave a happy sigh as she watched him, Mitch giving a sneer before he looked to Frosiien and saw the genuine happiness in her eyes.
He hesitated and looked at the ground momentarily before he slowly walked over to Andy.

Niccia looked over at Gavin grabbed the Celebi, she let out a happy squeak and tugged at Michael to move him with her.
"It's Saveri! Michael this is Celebi!" She said excitedly.
Saveri looked between Frosiien and Niccia, before looking to Mindy and seemed to quiver slightly in fear before he wriggled out of Gavins grip and moved to sit on Mindy's head.
"Greetings friends!" Saveri started, "Many of the others are already within the rift. Some are still arriving, please remember to let go of any grudges as you enter! Fighting will not be tolerated!"

The Talonflame lowered itself closer to Merlin, "Greetings fellow avian friend! I am Artioron, but please call me Art!" He said to the Noctowl, "You are in for a gorgeous treat!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 14 hrs ago

A Metagross silently joined the scene and landed the smaller Pokémon four hands.
Jirachi waved to Brock, but remained seated on the shrine and listened to the music. Then he noticed the three Johto beasts in human form and floated to them, recognizing them almost instinctively. "Why do you look human?" he asked them.

Tanter stroke his moustache as Chifferi approached them. "Niccia is forced in a human shape and she's bringing a human with her. We thought it would be a nice gesture to be that way too."
"Oh...Would she mind... if I wouldn't... I'm not sure I want to spend the few awake days I have as a human..."

James had overheard the conversation. "Miss Penalopy said she would remain in her Pokémon form regardless of how many of the others would come in their human form. She likes being, and I quote 'small and floaty'. And I'm sure miss Niccia would never ask of anyone to take a shape they aren't comfortable with."

"Yeah, I, I don't know yet. Maybe I'll change too. But, not yet." Chifferi said.

"Art," Merlin repeated with a nod of his head. "I'm called Merlin. The man with the Butterfree on his shoulder is my trainer."
From the sky he could see the shrine and some adult-looking humans who were probably legendary Pokéon in disguise.

Andy looked in Celebi's direction when Frosiien mentioned him. It was almost odd to see a legendary Pokémon in their original form, as most had introduced themselves in their human form. He noticed the Delibird walk towards him. He waited to see what Mitch wanted from him.

Michael walked with Niccia after being tugged and joined Mindy and Gavin when the Celebi decided Mindy's head was a good place to sit. An amused smile appeared when he saw how awkward Mindy felt because of that, and he translated the words for her.

Mindy stood still, not sure how to respond to a legendary Pokémon sitting on her head. Somehow she gotten used to the idea of meeting a whole bunch of legendary Pokémon, but to have one sitting on her, that had not been in any of her ideas about how this day might progress.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 24 min ago

Dera smiled to Chifferi and bowed her head, "I'm sure she will not mind whatsoever." She said gently, "She's a rather understanding sweetheart after all." She said with a bigger smile. Cloud rolled his eyes and looked to the guardians creating the runes to open the entrance. "Do you need any more help?" She asked towards James and Brock, giving a gentle smile to Steven as he floated down. "It's a pleasure to see you all again."

A gentle chuckle came from the trees as a tall female walked out of the shadows, giving a gentle bow of her head towards everyone.
"Good morning everyone." She said gracefully, her white dress shirt glistening in the light through the trees.
"Nygari." Cloud mumbled under his breath before he looked to the sky instinctively. "If you are here... Is father also on his... way?"
A Swoobat landed gently on the Metagross and gave him a big kiss with her nose before she fluttered over to the smaller creatures, "Hello my lovelies!" She said gently as she fluttered just above the ground as to not damage the ruins hanging around.

Niccia looked to the Celebi gently and moved away from Michael over to Mindy. "Here let me help." She said as she lifted her arms and gently took the small Pokemon from off her human female friends head and held him in her arms gently.
"It's good to see you friend." She said to Saveri, "It's been a while and I know you're excited, I would like you to not to just land on peoples head without asking."

Art looked down to Andy and the others and gave a happy click of his beak before he flew forward and moed to land on a branch near the other guardians.
"The others are coming!" He spoke loudly, lifting his wing up as he tucked one of them away. "Liven up everyone~"

Mitch hesitated as he walked beside Andy before he breathed in, lifting one of his wings up to Andy.
"I would... Like to apologize about my rudeness and standoff nature towards you lately." He started, it wasn't forced, but he didn't sound like he really wanted to say it. "I've always wanted to keep Frosiien safe from harm, from anyone ever. But Ive never seen her as happy as she currently is with you."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 14 hrs ago

"We're good," James assured him. By the looks of it they were almost done, especially with the Metagross helping them. He listened to his Legendary sing as he finished the last runes on his side and looked up to see if the others were done as well.

Jirachi stretched his body and almost tumbled from the shrine, but managed to stay up. It was nice to be up again, without the comet this time. And it would be nice to see everyone. Maybe some new faces too, that happened every time.
He thought he heard some voices, but it wasn't easy to hear anything from the forest with the song of the Meloetta's so close to him.

Merlin ignored the comment to liven up - he was as enthusiastic as he could be - and instead circled back to Andy to let Benny know he would go ahead and then he flew to the shrine.
He noticed the Pokémon and humans who were already there and settled on a tree branch as he watched the final runes being made.

Andy turned to Mitch as he talked to him. "Don't worry, I had taken exactly zero offence to your glares and words. You're a Guardian, you're supposed to look after her, so we're good, okay? And you were nowhere near the rudeness of Michelle's father." He turned to Benny. "Remember that?"
"Over my dead body will I let my daughter go out with a lazy, good-for-nothing, egocentric know-it-all like you," Benny said in his best attempt of a low and angry voice, followed by a chuckle. "He did not like you."

Mindy smiled a thank you to Niccia and followed everyone as they made their way to the forest. The song was getting louder and louder and se thought she heard some other voices too. Other guests who had already arrived? It sounded like it came from ahead.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 24 min ago

Cloud gave a gentle nod before he looked towards the group of the Humans entered his view.
"Look alive, More are here." He said to Tanter and Dera, Dera straightening up as the others entered. At the sight of Niccia, Dera darted over towards Niccia and Michael and gently grabbed Niccia's hand gently and pressed her head against hers happily.
Niccia blinked at the Suicunes sudden affection before she smiled happily.

"I missed you." Dera said happily, as she pulled away from Niccia before she turned towards Michael with a bow of her head, "A pleasure to meet you, my name is Derasin; but please call me Dera."
Niccia smiled happily at Dera before she looked to Michael and Mindy, "Mindy, this is Suicune." She introduced Dera before she looked to Andy and Frosiien.
Mitch listened to Andy and Benny as a smile crept across his beak, "I'm glad to learn I'm not the only one who doesn't think too highly of you." He laughed before he looked over towards the rest of the Guardians with a bit of a sigh.

Saveri wriggled out of Niccia's grip before he floated over to the Meolettas and Jirachi as he floated aorund them happily. "Friends hello~"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 14 hrs ago

"You should have a word with Merlin," Benny giggled. "You two can bond over not thinking highly about him."
"No," Andy said. "Get in line. I want to know how low he thinks of me first. Dibs! I call dibs."

He noticed the other humans - probably Human-looking Pokémon if he saw it right - and he walked towards the two gentlemen that hadn't rushed in to greet Niccia. "If that is Suicune, I'm going to guess Entei and Raikou." He noticed the tall woman with the glistening white dress shirt. What Pokémon would she be? She kind of reminded him off... Frosiien.

Tater nodded. "Well observed, human," he said with a bow of his head, but he looked at Michael. "Excuse me though."
He followed his sister to Niccia and Michael, but unlike his sister he turned to the boy. "Will you free our children for today?"
"Of course, yes," Michael said and he quickly took his Pokéballs to let out Saruya, Missy and Anthony.

When Merlin noticed the Fletchling was let out he flew down. "There is a Talonflame here," he informed him. "I'll introduce you."
Anthony looked at Michael, who nodded at him, and then flew up to join Merlin so he could greet the Talonflame.

Jirachi smiled broadly when Saveri joined them. "Hello! It's good to see you again. It's been a while, hasn't it?"
Truth to be told, he wasn't entirely sure how long he had slept. It was a thousand years because the comet wasn't here, but he had no clue how long it had been.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 24 min ago

Mitch only gave a grin at Andy's words, maybe the human wasn't too bad after all. He glanced to Frosiien as she glanced towards the taller woman in the dress shirt, the same one that Andy was looking at. "Fro..." Mitch said as he looked back to his legendary, who hesitated and moved over to the taller woman.
Nygari looked down to Frosiien with an expressionless face, watching her child hesitate in speaking before she moved to pull her into a hug and buried her head into Frosiiens' hair.
"It has been years." Nygari spoke gently to the Articuno. "I am so glad to see you."
Frosiien hugged her mother back and held back the small amount of happy tears before she pulled away, "I have someone for you to meet." She said as she glanced back to Andy, she motioned for him to head over to her.

Cloud bowed his head without a word towards Andy as he followed behind Tanter, listening to him as he talked to Niccia and Michael.
Niccia nodded and quickly released Harry, who stood proudly from his Pokeball before he let out a loud sneeze and shook his entire body. As he shuddered from the sneeze, powdered snow suddenly flittered in the area around him. He opened his eyes and looked up towards the Legendaries in front of him, stepping back in shock.
"T...The beasts." Harry uttered out loud as he stared at them, feeling Niccia move to run her hand through his fur to calm him down.

As soon as Missy was allowed out of her Pokeball, she moved to zip around before she felt a sudden wave of energy from the area and looked up to Cloud with widened eyes.
"Dad!" She barked happily as she ran up to him, the Raikou moving to pick her up as she got to his feet.
"Hello little one." He said calmly as he held her carefully.
Art looked over towards Merlin and Anthony as they flew over, moving to step aside to allow the smaller birds to sit on his branch.
"Hello again Merlin, who's the little fighter?" He asked with a tilt of his head, "It's nice to see a Fletchling."
Saveri grinned and spun around Jirachi as he asked how long it had been. "It's been a good... 700 or so years?" He said with a bit of a shrug, "I don't know. Time is weird~"

Sparky moved towards Mindy and Gavin as everything else was going on, she body was going crazy with all the legendaries around but she managed to hold herself together. Sparky moved to sit on Mindy's foot and stared at the group with another yawn.
Footsteps echoed from behind Gavin and Mindy, Gavin turned around protectively and stared towards the tall Decidueye that stared at him carefully.
"Oh. Robin." Gavin said as he relaxed, before he realized if she was here then... He looked around quickly and stared towards the darkness as he stepped towards Mindy. "Where is she?"
Robin tilted her head gently before she looked down to Sparky and looked towards Mindy, offering her wings to pick her up.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 14 hrs ago

Andy strolled to the two women, contemplating how he would introduce himself. Holding back to give a good impression or let her know who he was with the risk of her instantly disliking him. He rose his hand as a greeting. "Good day, my name is Andy. Trainer, researcher, handsome specimen of the humankind." He ignored Benny's chuckle. "I assume, based on how your human form and clothes look and the way you two greeted each other, that you are Lugia. Am I correct?"

Saruya gave Harry a little lick before walking to Tanter to greet him. "It's weird to think I'm related to someone who currently looks human."
Tanter chuckled and nodded. "I imagine so, yes. But beneath this I'm still Entei, this is just a disguise." He nodded to Niccia and Michael. "To blend in. We have human guests after all." He examined her. "You look healthy. I'm glad for that." He turned to Michael. "Thank you."

"Oh, my pleasure," Michael quickly replied. "She's an amazing Pokémon and I love having her in my team." He quickly looked around to see where everyone had gone to: Missy was with Raikou - no surprise there - and Anthony was with Merlin. Also not really a surprise.

"My name is Anthony," the Fletchling introduced himself. "I'm with that human over there," he added as he pointed his beak in the direction of Michael. "Merlin has trained with me a few times to help me get stronger."

Mindy looked at the Decidueye and noticed Michael had let out all of his Pokémon. Should she do the same thing? Wouldn't it get too crowded. But she also had a Decidueye and Timothy might like to meet another of his kind.
She decided to let her Charizard Blaze and Decidueye Timothy out, and keep her Lapras and Onix in their Pokéballs until they reached the place where Star Fall would take place, hoping there would be more room there than in this clearing around the shrine.
The Charizard looked around and talked briefly with Mabel to learn what has happened so far. Timothy scanned the surroundings to see there were no threats before he curiously looked at his own kind.

Jirachi nodded. "Another 300 years before the comet comes then." He floated up so he could give a quick hug to Celebi. "It's really nice to see you again."
He looked at the ground and noticed the Pokémon were done with the markings. And the last notes of the song echoed around for a while longer.

Penalopy flew up and landed with one foot on the shire, making a pirouette. "This is so amazing! Who is ready for Star Fall?"

"I am," a male voice sounded as he emerged from the forest. His hair was blue hair with white sideburns and his eyes red. Ilios looked around with a Delphox standing next to him. "Isn't Ilias here yet?" he asked. "We agreed to meet here."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 24 min ago

Frosiien only grinned at Andys words, Nygari tilted her head as he talked to her before she looked to Frosiien with a raised eyebrow before she turned her attention back to the human male. She moved to gently take his hand and stared into his eyes carefully before a small smile stretched across her face.
"It's nice to meet you Andy." She said carefully, "My name is Nygari, and you are correct. I am Lugia, mother of both duos of Legendary birds." She glanced to Frosiien, grinning to her daughter before she looked to Mitch. "I am surprised you have managed to win over her guardian, he's often a bit of a grump."
Her guardian Woobat fluttered over to perch quietly on Nygari's shoulder and looked towards Benny and Andy before she bowed her head happily.

Harry's face deepened in red when Saruya gave him a kiss before he turned to Dera. Dera grinned as she knelt in front of her descendant and reached out her hand to him, running it gently across his blue fur.
"I'm so proud of you." Dera said to Harry, moving to gently cup his face in her hands as they stared towards each other. "You've grown so big, you're so strong." She looked to Niccia as she moved to stand up with a bigger smile. "Thank you little one, thank you so much for looking after him."

Niccia blinked to Deras words and smiled happily, "That's a massive compliment coming from you Dera." She said as she bowed her head slightly, "I appreciate it, Harry has been a very special Pokemon to me." She looked around to see everyone else letting all their pokemon out and gave a small sigh. She looked immediately towards the males voice as it echoed through the area.
"Ilios!" She called out with a gasp and a smile.

Robin looked towards Gavin as she lifted up Sparky from Mindy's feet, holding her gently in her wings with a gentle smile.
"Do not fret, mother is here." She cooed quietly to Sparky as she gently stroked her hair before she looked up to Gavin, hoping he heard her words.
Gavin tensed up and stared towards Robin with a serious look on his face, if Robin was here then- His thoughts were cut off when he heard another voice, looking over towards the new male.

Saveri hugged Jirachi back tightly, "I'm so glad I get to see you~" He said with a bigger grin as he span himself and the other mythical around, "I'm sorry I had to wake you up early."

A small chuckle echoed from behind the new male, Ilios, as the wind around him shifted before a Medicham moved from the bushes and looked up to the Latios with a grin.
A pair of arms gently wrapped around Ilios' shoulders as a figure appeared behind him and gave him a gentle kiss on his cheek.
"Surprise~" She said happily, "I was following you since you got in the forest~"
The Medicham moved quickly to meet the rest of the guardians and looked at the markings. "We are ready yes?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 14 hrs ago

"Between you and me," Andy said as he glanced at Mitch. "I think he just gave up."
"That's not what he said," Benny reminded him.
"That's true," Andy said with a sideways glance to his Butterfree, "but that conversation was between us and I will keep it there." He looked from Frosiien to Nygari. "And Mitch isn't that much of a grump, he just takes his job seriously and I'm honestly grateful he does." He put an arm around Frosiien. "Because I love her."

"That's okay," Chifferi said. "I wouldn't want to miss Star Fall. It's nice to be up again and see everyone." He grinned when Penalopy almost shouted out her enthusiasm and slowly more people were gathering here. Slowly but surely everyone would arrive.
Most of them in human form, but that was okay. They were still themselves beneath that disguise.

Ilios waved at Niccia when he felt arms wrap around him and a kiss on his cheek. He turned around. "Ilias," he greeted his sister. "Did you come straight from Alto Mare?"
He had left earlier because a Corsola had requested aid and he had expected she would have arrived before him. Maybe he had travelled faster than he had thought.

"We are ready!" Penalopy replied to the Medicham, in human speech so all humans could understand her too. She wasn't aware it was only Mindy at this point who couldn't understand Pokémon speech. She floated to Gavin and Mindy. "You look almost as gorgeous as Niccia in that dress." She took her hand and pulled on it as she floated back. "And now I will introduce you to my sister. Anylia! Come meet my human friend!"

"Another human friend?" Tater chuckled. "You have a new human friend every time I see you."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 24 min ago

Frosiien gave a big grin as Andy mentioned he loved her, moving to give him a gentle kiss on the cheek before Nygari gave a small chuckle. Frosiien looked over towards her mother with a puzzled look. "What's with the laugh?" She asked with a frown.
"It's nice to see you finally happy." Nygari said with a tilt of her head, "After Stewart-"
"Please don't talk about him." Frosiien cut her mother off before she looked towards the shrine. "Come on, the gates almost open."

Saveri grinned to Chifferi, "I'm just so happy you're here!" He said as he spun quickly, fluttering around his entire shrine before he quickly flew past everyone.
Anylia looked up slowly towards Penalopy as she lead Mindy over. "It's nice to meet you." She said gently, "My name is Anylia. Brock is my Guardian." She used her psychic abilities to lift the small Bonsly up from the ground to Mindy gently.

"I got a bit distracted." She said with a grin as she stepped aside to show off her new red and white ruffled dress. She gave a small spin, "I had to visit an old friend of mine." She said before she looked over to see Niccia and darted over to her, lifting her up into a hug.
Niccia squeaked with a grin and let herself be spun around with Ilias. "Ili, this is Michael. My boyfriend."
Ilias stopped and stared towards Michael with widened eyes. "Oh my gosh!" She said as she moved and gripped his hands happily. "You're so lucky!"

The shadows around Gavin seemed to twist as a figure slipped out of them and wrapped her arms tightly around the Mewtwo.
"Good morning Gavvie~" The Giratina cooed as she leaned against him, Robin gave a laugh-like Hoot as she placed Sparky on her legendarys' shoulder and walked towards Timothy carefully.
"It's a pleasure to meet one of my own kind." She said with a bow of her head, "I hope you are okay?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 14 hrs ago

"Maybe we can talk about him after Star Fall," Andy suggested as he walked with Frosiien to the gates. He wanted to know about her life, including the parts of it that weren't happy. Just not just before a party.
He looked back to see if Michael was still with them. Maybe he didn't need to as his nephew was old enough to look after himself, but old habits died hard.

Michael stood by himself as Niccia was being greeted, but soon Illia gripped his hands. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he said to her. "I heard Penalopy say we're ready, so I guess it's time for Star Fall now? Where do we go?"

Mindy smiled at Anylia and then at the Bonsley that was being lifted. "It's nice to meet you both." She glanced only briefly at the Decidueye that approached hers and the woman who was now hugging Gavin. She tried not to laugh when she saw the look in his eyes.
Timothy nodded to the other Decidueye. "I am, thank you." He noticed Mabel joined them. "This Dragonite is a friend of mine," he told her. "This is Mabel and I am Timothy. We are with the human Mindy." He nodded to their trainer when he said her name.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 24 min ago

Frosiien gave a small smile towards Andy before she looked towards the shrine and the runes before she stepped forward, linking her arm with Andy's as she walked forward.
"Come, it should be ready." She said gently, tilting her head towards Andy gently.

Saveri perked up as he heard everyone talk about being ready. "Oh of course!" He called out for the humans, moving to sit on top of the shrine and slowly spun in place. Each of the runes slowly started to glow before they started to properly shine, the ground that the runes that were carved into seemed to crack, the grass flattening itself as a crack appeared on the shrine; it started to split in two, revealing the small portal that everyone would have to travel through.

Saveri grinned once he was finished and stopped his spinning, "Come, come!"
Frosiien gently pulled Andy along, "The portal won't hurt, you may feel a bit shaky." She started as she looked around, "The others are either already there, or they'll be coming later."
Cloud and Dera glanced towards the portal, Cloud walking over and gently placing Missy in Michaels' arms; making sure to push his arms over her to keep her close before he and his sister headed through the portal.

Illia let Michael go before she looked towards the shrine. She was about to speak before Saveri did what he needed to do.
"Now it seems~" She grinned as Cloud moved to give Missy back to Michael before she floated over to her brother to enter the portal by his side.
Gavin pulled away from the Giratina and sneered at her before he stepped over to Mindy with a small smile. "Right." He said sternly, "Shall we Mindy?" He asked her as he gave a small nod to the small sisters.

Robin looked to Mabel and bowed her head. "A pleasure, I am Robin. I am Giratina's Guardian." She said as the human Giratina stepped over to her guardian and took Sparky from her wings gently.
Sparky's tail was wagging happily when Robin had her, but it wagged even faster when Giratina had her.
"Mindy is with Gavin?" Robin asked the humans Pokemon with a tilt of her head.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 14 hrs ago

Andy walked with Frosiien, watching the portal as they neared it. This would be an once-in-a-lifetime experience. Or maybe twice if they would go back the same way. Two went before them and it seemed easy enough: just walk into it.
He stepped through and it didn't hurt, just like Frosiien had said, but it was disorienting. When they got through he needed a moment to take in his new surroundings.

Michael held Missy in his arms, as Cloud had put here there, and walked towards the portal. "Are you looking forward to the party?" he asked her.
Lytse followed him, but made sure to stay close to Soul for this one; the portal was something he didn't know and he didn't know what would be behind it and it made him nervous.

Tater also moved to the portal and Saruya walked somewhere between Michael and Tater.

Mindy nodded and Penalopy said "Yes!". She floated with Mindy and Gavin, going in circles around them, as they walked towards the portal.
Mabel and Blaze walked with her, but Timothy lingered behind a bit as he talked with the Guardian.
"She was invited by Gavin to join him, yes," he explained as he stepped in the direction of the portal.

Illios smiled at his sister and offered his arm so they could step through the portal together. He was looking forward to seeing everyone again; most of the time it was just him and his sister. Would the others be there already or arrive after them? Remembering last years, everyone would arrive within an hour or so, some before the portal was made, some after.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 24 min ago

As the two entered the portal, a blinding light shone before as the light slowly faded out; as sight returned to those who entered through the portal, they were greeted with a gorgeous, large meadow area. A tree line just on the edge, almost unseeable to the human, or even Legendary, eye.
A beautiful clear sky was above them, a large amount of stars and a few twisted milky ways. All the stars twinkled beautifully, seeming as if they were blinking in and out to a rhythm of an inaudible song.

Just off to the side of the portal entrance, a large table sat. The table was made out of a brilliant marble, and the chairs seemed to float without legs.
At the head of the table, a large marble and rich mahogany throne-like chair sat. A tall figure sat in the Throne, leaning off to the side as they looked off into the treeline as if waiting for something. A Bouffant turned towards the others as they entered, he bowed at the sight of Frosiien and motioned to the two figures sitting at the table.

Both Prezzleflame and Thunderk looked over as Frosiien entered and they both moved to stand and walk to her and Andy.
"Sister!" Prez said happily before he pulled his sister into a hug before he turned to Andy and moved to do the same. "And you must be the Andy that she's been telling us about. It's glad to finally meet you, she hasn't stopped wondering about you since the mountain!"
Thunderk looked towards Andy and tilted his head; his hair prickled with electricity and he gave small grin.
"Prez don't embarrass the poor man." He said as he looked towards the portal as the Beasts, Niccia and Michael entered. Thunderk gave a gentle sigh, his shoulders relaxing before he looked back to Andy. "Come, there is a seat for you."

Niccia looked to Michael as they entered before she looked towards the end of the table and grinned happily. "DAD!" Niccia called out before she let go of Michaels' hand and ran towards the throne. The figure on the throne suddenly perked up as soon as Niccia entered before he stepped off the throne and moved to pick up Niccia as she ran to hug him.
The figure, when sitting down, didn't seem any taller than 6 feet in height, but standing up on the floor it was revealed that he was almost 8 feet in height. The figure was dressed in an off-white suit with golden furnishings.
"My little one." He said gently, moving to brush a bit of hair from her face as he looked down to her. "My precious daughter. It's a pleasure to see you again, I've missed you."

Cloud and Dera walked through the portal as well, stepping out of the way quickly before they both moved towards their seats. They stayed quiet as they walked, before sitting at their seats before they looked towards Lugia as she sat two seats away from them.
Lugia glanced back and gave a small smile. "You know your father. He's a bit of a late bloomer." She said with a laugh before she looked over to the figure and Niccia slowly.

Gavin followed after Mindy, hoping she didn't trip going through the portal. As soon as he got to the other side he moved to grab her just in case Mindy had slipped.
Robin gave a small nod to Timothy as she moved to follow, The Human Giratina following with Sparky in her arms. She coddled the small creature with a soft hum and moved to gently run her hands over Sparky's skin.
She had been away from her baby for so long, she had worried that she would have gotten injured or worse; Darkrai had gotten her.

Illias linked her arm with her brothers and spun him around a bit before she stepped towards the Portal.
"I'm so excited." She said happily, her small ears flicking slightly. "It's been forever since we've seen everyone together."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 14 hrs ago

Andy turned to the siblings of Frosiien. "It takes more than that to embarrass me," he stated and he followed them to his seat. But after two steps he paused and let out Kim and Bear, the only two of his Pokémon who were still inside their Pokéballs.
"It's time for Star Fall," he told them as he gestured to the place. "Feel free to mingle with everyone, I'm sure there will be lots of interesting Pokémon here."

Kim moved a bit closer to the Primeape; she decided to stay close to Bear for now.
Lytse also walked to Bear; he knew the Primeape was strong and it felt safe with him.

Andy put his hand on Bear's head. "Remember we're among friends here; if someone says something you don't like take a deep breath. And remember that Lytse needs you."
This was a safe place of course, but giving Bear someone to be responsible for would hopefully help him control his temper. For now the Primeape seemed to understand, because he saluted.
"You can count on me!" he said.
"I know I can," Andy said, giving him a pat on the back.
Bear nodded proudly, but paused. "Waaaaaiiiit," he spoke, drawing the word out as he examined Andy, who did his best not to grin.
"Something wrong?"
"For a moment it sounded like...
"Sounded like what?"
Bear gasped.
Benny flew a few circles around them. "They kissed!" he stated. "I wish I would have seen it. He can do what Michael can."
"Awesome," Bear said. "Awe-some.
Kim had a smile on her snout. "Don't keep her waiting too long," she said.
Andy nodded to her and joined Frosiien and her siblings again.

Michael looked around after stepping through the portal and he gently let Missy go so she could run around. All his Pokémon were out of their Pokéballs already; he just did a quick check of where everyone was. Merlin and Anthony flew in through the portal after them; he saw them fly over his head and land near Bear and Kim, where Lytse had also gone to. Saruya walked around to inspect the area and also did a check of where the small Pokémon of his team were.
He watched Niccia run off to her father and smiled when he saw how happy she was.
When he looked behind him he noticed Mindy and Gavin had come through as well; and Gavin being a gentleman held her.

"Thanks," Mindy said to Gavin. "I'm okay. That was... quite a journey." She stepped away from the portal to let out her Lapras and Onix. The large Pokémon had room here, but would most likely stay in their corner, as her Lapras had a hard time moving on land.
Mabel and Blaze joined the two, but Timothy stayed with Robin as it was nice to be with someone of his own kind again. And Marie stayed with Mindy.

Penalopy floated through the area, making a looping, followed by a pirouette in the air. "Soon everyone will be here!" she shouted.
Chifferi also floated into the area, smiling broadly. Star Fall was great and he looked forward to it. He couldn't look around for long, because Penalopy grabbed his hand and pulled him along to Mindy. "She said you are her favourite legendary Pokémon!" Penalopy exclaimed. "So you have to meet her."
He got a final push from Penalopy and bumped into the back of Mindy's head.

Tater joined his siblings at the table, also noticing their father wasn't here yet. But most legendaries weren't; the portal had just opened after all. He nodded to the cousins as he passed them, at least their mother was already there.
His guardian joined the guardians of his siblings; they were relieved of duty here. This was a safe place after all.

"True," Illios said. They stepped through the portal and on the other side he walked towards the table, taking in greeted who and who mingled with who so far.

A gust of wind blew over the area when the Forces of Nature came in, all three in their Incarnate Forme. They hovered above the grass for a moment, on their clouds and with their arms crossed, when suddenly the got engulfed in the cloud and landed on the grass moments later in their Human forms.
They were similar in appearance, with white hair shaped much like their hair in their Pokémon form, and white mustaches. Their clothes were brown, blue and green with purple spots.
"I see we have humans with us," Moralar said.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 24 min ago

Frosiien smiled to Andy as he spoke about being embarrassed, before she looked to his Pokemon and gave Kim a gentle wave before she turned her attention to Bear.
"Mitch." She said as she looked to her guardian, "Please keep watch of Bear for me?" She asked, Mitch hesitated as he looked to the Primeape before nodding once and walked over to Andy's other two Pokemon with a bow.
"Good afternoon, and welcome to StarFall." He said with a gentle tone, looking towards Bear before looking to Kim with a small smile.

Frosiien looked back to Andy as he returned to her side as she moved to sit him down between her and Thunderk.
Thunderk grinned to Andy and gave him a small pat on the back, "It's good that you can join us!" He said happily, "I think Frosiien is one of the ones who hasn't brought along any humans." He laughed, Prez stifling a laugh as he took a sip of his drink.

Gavin gave a small smile before he turned his head towards Niccia as she called out and his eyes narrowed carefully.
"Wait here." He said, almost an order to Mindy before Fez moved to stand beside her. Gavin walked over to Niccia and their father with a serious look on his face.
The figure lowered Niccia to the ground and looked to Gavin, closing his eyes with a gentle smile. "Gavin, My son." He said as Niccia stepped aside for him to step to Gavin.
Gavin stepped back as his father stepped towards him, narrowing his eyes with a serious frown on his face. "I... Understand." The white haired male said slowly, moving to run his left hand through his hair. "There is someone I wish for you two to meet." He straightened up and lifted his hand to point over towards the table. Niccia looked over with Gavin watching with a bit of a glare.

At the table, a light purple haired female leaned against the table as she moved to push a couple plates back with one hand while she held an egg in the other. The figure perked up as she felt eyes on her, she turned to face the group and walked over to Niccia and Gavin.
"Who are these two father?" The woman asked gently, the male smiled.
"Hyia, These are your older siblings. Niccia is the first Mew and Gavin is the first Mewtwo." The Arceus male said, moving to put his arm on Hyia's shoulder as he turned to the 'older' figures, "This is your new sister, Hyia. She's the new Mewtwo. The egg she carries is the new Mew."
Both Gavin and Niccia's face suddenly paled as the words started to sink in.

Art and the Emolga flew through the portal as well, Art holding Brock while the Emolga held James carefully.
Robin smiled at Timothy as they continued to talk, looking over towards Mindy with a small giggle. "It seems like your trainer is getting well equated with all the legendary." She said gently, looking towards the portal again as she watched her Legendary walk through with Sparky in her hands. "Ah, the little one is going to love this." She said with a hoot-like chuckle.

Yalgai set Sparky on the ground after kissing her forehead. "Go on little one, Go mental." She said with a chuckle, straightening up as she looked around for her brothers. Of course they wouldn't be here yet, which meant she had some time to cause some mischief.
She slunk along before she saw the Forces of Nature, stepping over to them with a big grin.
"Good afternoon boys!" She grinned as she held her hands out with a bit of a wink, "How're things going for you?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 14 hrs ago

"And when she finally does," Andy added, "she brings in a fine specimen of the humankind. I don't know if there is any competition going, but if there is, I'm sure Frosiien won now."
As he talked to Thundurk he kept an eye on Niccia and Gavin, and the two unknown human-shaped legendary Pokémon. Something was happening there, after a seemingly joyful reunion between Niccia and the old man, and a stiff one between Gavin and the old man, both seemed to be taken aback by something. He glanced to where his nephew was and he noticed Michael keeping an eye on it too.

Bear gave Mitch a pat on the back, although he didn't hold back much of his strength. "We're practically team-mates now!" he stated and then he turned to see where Merlin was. "Hey, Featherball!" he shouted. "Have you heard?"
Andy burst out in laughter when he heard the name Bear had for Merlin.
Merlin joined the group. "Heard what?"
"He can understand us now, like Michael."
Merlin nodded sagely. "If that is the case, then I have a thing or two to say to him."
"Maybe after the party," Benny said with a chuckle.

Timothy looked at his trainer as Penalopy almost threw Chifferi at Mindy and chuckled. "It doesn't look she's getting much of a choice." he said.
James likewise saw it happen and sighed; he let his master out his sight for a couple of minutes and she was already forcing acquaintances.

"Ouch," Mindy said when she felt something bump onto her head and she turned around, watching the floating Jirachi in front of her.
Penalopy joined them, floating alongside him. "This is my good friend Chifferi," she introduced him, to which Chifferi waved at Mindy.

Stormiar took Yalgai's hand and shook it. "Good afternoon to you too," he greeted her. "We're doing fine, thank you. You too I hope."
"I may have caused a tornade on our way here though..." Halkio added. "It was an accident."
With his brothers talking, Moralar took a moment to see what was happening so far. It looked like Arceus was talking with his favourites - no surprise there - and that mental little pet of Yalgai was here too.

The three guardians of the Forces of Nature joined in as well, first the Eelektross crawled in, followed by a Staraptor and a Mudsdale. When Lytse noticed the Staraptor he squeaked and hid behind Bear, who immediately took on a defensive stance.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 24 min ago

Prez and Thundurk only gave a laugh at Andy's words, they both looked to Frosiien with a grin and both gave her a thumbs up.
Frosiien moved to hide a smile under her hand before she looked towards Andy happily. "I think you're an amazing human." She said as she pulled him into a small kiss.
She glanced over towards Niccia and Gavin as they approached the older male, and judging by their expression... It wasn't good.

Mitch barely flinched when Bear hit him, grinning happily at his words before he looked to Merlin and back to Bear.
"I've never been in a proper team before." He said with a genuine smile. "This is nice." He added as he gave a small sigh.
Mitch looked towards Merlin as he mentioned about having a few words with Andy, "I would love to watch that." He commented with a laugh.

"You've already came up with our replacements?!" Gavin almost yelled, Niccia flinching at his words. She was thinking it too, but she didn't want to say it out loud.
"No no, I've been planning this for a while." The male said with a small bow of his head, he looked at the floor. "After making Niccia leave and take human form I have been... thinking, and with you stepping up yourself to keep a watch on her, I needed to have someone there to make sure the humans don't get too... suspicious."
Niccia looked to Hyia, she was ignoring her fathers words before she stepped towards her new younger sister. She stopped in front of her before she pulled her into a hug, tucking her head happily under the womans chin as she was still taller than her.

Anylia moved over to Mindy quickly, making sure she was okay.
"Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" She looked to Penny, "Please don't throw things at humans! I've told you this before sister." She said gently to her sister before she flew to Penalopy and gently gripped her hands.
Robin laughed at Timothy's words, she gave a small sigh before looking over to Yalgai and furrowed her brow. "She better not be thinking of doing anything dangerous." She uttered quietly.

Yalgai grinned at Stormiar and Halkio's words, "A little tornado isn't going to be too much of a problem." She said with a wave of her hand. She looked as the guardians' appeared before she returned her gaze to the forces of nature again. "Travel was easy, the distortion world makes it a quick and easy trip. I would invite you but I'm not sure if you boys could handle it." She said with a cheeky grin.
She knew she could get away with a lot while her brothers weren't here, so half-taunting the nature boys would be interesting for a little bit.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 14 hrs ago

"Thank you," Andy said after the kiss, his eyes shining with the smile that was only vagelue on his lips. The look in his eyes turned more serious when he noticed what Frosiien was looking at.
"I saw it too," he said in a hushed voice. "It doesn't look like they are enjoying themselves over there. I thought the goal of this event was for everyone to have a good time?"

"You're welcome to," Merlin stated as he looked at Mitch. He had to admit the Primeape had a point; if both trainers would continue seeing each other, they would see a lot of each other. Which meant the Guardian would resemble a team-member.
"We should remind him of that time he tried to catch you," Benny chuckled.

After a moment of hesitation, Michael walked towards Niccia and the old man. He had to introduce himself as her boyfriend anyway. He kept a respectful distance as he watched Niccia hug the smaller woman with light purple hair. How many legendaries were purple? Michael tried to name them all and remember their image from the book he had read. As he thought, his eyes settled on Gavin and the old man. While he didn't know what had happened, Gavin didn't seem to be happy.

"Things..." Chifferi huffed, rubbing his own forehead.
"I'm fine," Mindy assured Anylia, before turning to Jirachi and smiling broadly. "It's so nice to meet you. I read a lot about you."

"I'm sorry," Penalopy said to Anylia, but then she heard what Mindy said to Chifferi. "She has a plush of you!" she exclaimed.

Mindy felt her cheeks heat up and fiddled nervously with her hair. "I...do. I always thought you are... really cute."
Now Chifferi blushed as well, but he grinned broadly. "Waking up for Star Fall is great," he said as he turned to the musical sister. He blinked when he realised something and he floated to the ground. "But when I sleep again... I won't see the humans I meet again. Maybe this will be the last time I see some of the legendary Pokémon too..."
Mindy watched the Jirachi go from happy to sad in a heartbeat. "W-what happened?" she asked as she too looked at the musical sisters. "Anylia, Penalopy, what did he say?"

"You think we can't take it?" Halkio asked. "I'm sure we can. But I like wind. Do you have wind there?"
"Who cared about wind," Stormiar interjected. "Lightning is better."
Moralar, who knew them best, decided to step up. "We're at Star Fall," he reminded him. "Let's not have a competition about who is best."

A thickset man with spiky brown hair, some orange or white, accompanied by a Pyroar entered through the gate and looked around. He decided to greet Illios and Illias first; there would be a lot of greeting to be done and he'd rather get it over with.

Tater looked up when he noticed someone coming through the gate, but he was disappointed when he noticed it wasn't his father. He walked to his siblings.
"Did you hear anything?" he asked them.
Just like them, their father didn't have to come from far and it was odd he was this late when he lived in this region.

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