Veronica made careful note to keep track of all the relevant people. She had to admit she was surprised there were maybe only a handful she wouldn't bother giving the time of day; a majority of the students were from relevant families within their nations. It would definitely make the school year easier, even if she was sure that the faculty could use some culling. The blond professor in particular was laughable, making a claim to knighthood when no one in their right mind would believe that for a second. Still, the rest weren't nearly as impressive, and she wasn't thrilled about the idea of essentially being used as a guinea pig.
All the other students had finally finished introducing themselves, including the coward prince and the less-than-pertinent Eagles. Oh well, she was used to having to be the bigger person and make sure she was properly presentable. If she had to drag this idiotic trio across the finish line, so be it.
Standing tall with her chin held high, Veronica's expression made her disdain for the entire ordeal crystal clear. Still, she would at least try to be civil. For now, anyway. "I am Veronica Berenike von Gerth, future princess consort of Adrestia," She stated clearly and concisely. "My likes include horse riding and art. My dislikes include ignorance, indecisiveness, and those who would run from confrontation like cowards." She pointedly threw a glare at the back of the prince's head, taking her seat promptly and crossing her arms.
Each professor was equally pleased at everyone's participation, from Kaira's gratefulness for Auberon's piety, Michail thrilled to have his art recognized, and Euphemia unable to prevent herself from bringing a hand to her forehead. Once it was clear that all the introductions were finished, there was a quiet murmur among the professors before Michail would clap his hands. "Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful," He was all too giddy at this point but kept himself relatively under control, but it was hard to deny that he was definitely enthused by Valerian's challenge. So much so, in fact, that he added, "I'll be at the arena after this. If you'd like to put that to the test, I'm more than happy to oblige."
"I agree with Professor Michail on the...first part," Lysander cleared his throat. "Once again, we thank you for your understanding and patience and look forward to our year together. I suppose with all that out of the way, we'll dismiss you once again. Feel free to get comfortable with your dorms--I believe the assignments are on the bulletin board outside--and lunch will be served soon. Lord Ioannis is just about to begin the midday sermon as well, and while optional, I highly encourage everyone to attend! Most of the other Knights will also attend, I believe Captain Kalliope will be there, and--"
"All those looking for a show can come on over to the arena," Michail winked at the class.
"--if there are any questions or concerns, our doors are always open," Lysander sighed, shaking his head. "Dismissed."
That was all the permission Michail needed, giving his fellow professors a bow before striding between the desks, whistling at Valerian. "Come on, Little Aegir, let's see if that bark has any bite to it," The blond beckoned for Valerian to follow, throwing open both doors and hiking it to the arena.
Tomai seemed wholly disinterested, albeit he did immediately go towards the nearest empty seat and open up his book, choosing to read. By how he made himself comfortable, it was obvious he had no intention of moving for some time. The remaining trio lingered for a moment before deciding to go to the church together.
All the other students had finally finished introducing themselves, including the coward prince and the less-than-pertinent Eagles. Oh well, she was used to having to be the bigger person and make sure she was properly presentable. If she had to drag this idiotic trio across the finish line, so be it.
Standing tall with her chin held high, Veronica's expression made her disdain for the entire ordeal crystal clear. Still, she would at least try to be civil. For now, anyway. "I am Veronica Berenike von Gerth, future princess consort of Adrestia," She stated clearly and concisely. "My likes include horse riding and art. My dislikes include ignorance, indecisiveness, and those who would run from confrontation like cowards." She pointedly threw a glare at the back of the prince's head, taking her seat promptly and crossing her arms.
Each professor was equally pleased at everyone's participation, from Kaira's gratefulness for Auberon's piety, Michail thrilled to have his art recognized, and Euphemia unable to prevent herself from bringing a hand to her forehead. Once it was clear that all the introductions were finished, there was a quiet murmur among the professors before Michail would clap his hands. "Wonderful. Absolutely wonderful," He was all too giddy at this point but kept himself relatively under control, but it was hard to deny that he was definitely enthused by Valerian's challenge. So much so, in fact, that he added, "I'll be at the arena after this. If you'd like to put that to the test, I'm more than happy to oblige."
"I agree with Professor Michail on the...first part," Lysander cleared his throat. "Once again, we thank you for your understanding and patience and look forward to our year together. I suppose with all that out of the way, we'll dismiss you once again. Feel free to get comfortable with your dorms--I believe the assignments are on the bulletin board outside--and lunch will be served soon. Lord Ioannis is just about to begin the midday sermon as well, and while optional, I highly encourage everyone to attend! Most of the other Knights will also attend, I believe Captain Kalliope will be there, and--"
"All those looking for a show can come on over to the arena," Michail winked at the class.
"--if there are any questions or concerns, our doors are always open," Lysander sighed, shaking his head. "Dismissed."
That was all the permission Michail needed, giving his fellow professors a bow before striding between the desks, whistling at Valerian. "Come on, Little Aegir, let's see if that bark has any bite to it," The blond beckoned for Valerian to follow, throwing open both doors and hiking it to the arena.
Tomai seemed wholly disinterested, albeit he did immediately go towards the nearest empty seat and open up his book, choosing to read. By how he made himself comfortable, it was obvious he had no intention of moving for some time. The remaining trio lingered for a moment before deciding to go to the church together.
A variety of student and commoner gathered in the resplendent cathedral, quietly offering prayers before taking their seats. Some would offer up charity to the statue of the goddess before leaving, and a few of the clergy spoke in low voices as they lit up candles along the benches. Archbishop Ioannis was primed and ready to begin, offering a wave to the passerby and responding in kind. The same man stood near him, patting his shoulder before walking away a few paces to speak with a woman. Unlike a majority of people, she commanded respect with every movement, her blank expression betraying her true nature. After a brief interaction, she offered the man a bow, taking a seat towards the front.
"Calamity Kalliope attending a midday sermon? It must be a slow day for the Knights of Seiros," A man in the crowd muttered to himself.
"There's quite a few of them around," The one next to him spoke, gesturing to the same bench Kalliope sat at. At a second glance, it looked like he was right as there were an assortment of knights seated patiently and either conversing among one another or just waiting for the sermon to begin.
Once it looked like everyone was settled, the Archbishop read from one of the scriptures. The enthusiasm he had was somewhat infectious, lifting the spirits of those who attended. The gentle sound of the church's organ rang through, encapsulating the holy spirit. As the image of the goddess smiled down at all from the glass pane, the sermon concluded. The cathedral was shortly filled with the buzz of quiet conversation, and the Knights scattered to different areas of the church.
Sirius returned to Ioannis' side, his expression hardening a touch as Kalliope joined them. Despite the momentary tension, it dissipated as quickly at Lysander's arrival. "Forgive the intrusion, but I thought I'd let you know things went well," Lysander spoke slowly, looking between the two. "...am I interrupting?"
"Not at all, Professor," Sirius replied, giving Kalliope a weary look.
"It's best we leave our discussion for another time," She seemed to agree before giving Lysander her full attention. "Although I will say that I'll be a lot more common around here."
Lysander frowned, a little confused by her statement. "For lack of activity or for safety purposes?" He asked.
"Insightful as ever," Ioannis giggled. "I think I'll take advantage of the presence of so many knights and roam the cathedral." He gave the trio a nod and a smile, deciding to mingle among the people.
Chionne made her exit rather quickly, deciding to head back to the stables, though she nearly bumped into a less-than-pleased Euphemia. "Sorry Ginger, needed to get out before Theo sees me," She apologized. "I swear, every time I look over my shoulder, he's just there, looming."
"Probably because you keep sneaking out at night and scare the heavens out of the night guard," Euphemia rolled her eyes, having no sympathy. "Have some tact, Chionne."
"What, you mean with those rumors?" Now it was Chionne's turn to roll her eyes. "The night attacks have happened on the ground, and I have been in the sky. I'll be fine."
"That isn't what I meant," She shook her head. "Whatever the case may be, caution should be exercised. Or at least anything that lets me sleep better, I'm going to have my hands full with my students and Michail this year. Could you kindly explain to me why you couldn't teach the Golden Deer again?"
"I wasn't going to get suckered into teaching a bunch of spoiled brats. Michail kindly fell on his sword for the rest of us, and for that, I appreciate him. Hang in there, Ginger," Chionne patted Euphemia's shoulder, resuming her walk to the stables.
"Calamity Kalliope attending a midday sermon? It must be a slow day for the Knights of Seiros," A man in the crowd muttered to himself.
"There's quite a few of them around," The one next to him spoke, gesturing to the same bench Kalliope sat at. At a second glance, it looked like he was right as there were an assortment of knights seated patiently and either conversing among one another or just waiting for the sermon to begin.
Once it looked like everyone was settled, the Archbishop read from one of the scriptures. The enthusiasm he had was somewhat infectious, lifting the spirits of those who attended. The gentle sound of the church's organ rang through, encapsulating the holy spirit. As the image of the goddess smiled down at all from the glass pane, the sermon concluded. The cathedral was shortly filled with the buzz of quiet conversation, and the Knights scattered to different areas of the church.
Sirius returned to Ioannis' side, his expression hardening a touch as Kalliope joined them. Despite the momentary tension, it dissipated as quickly at Lysander's arrival. "Forgive the intrusion, but I thought I'd let you know things went well," Lysander spoke slowly, looking between the two. "...am I interrupting?"
"Not at all, Professor," Sirius replied, giving Kalliope a weary look.
"It's best we leave our discussion for another time," She seemed to agree before giving Lysander her full attention. "Although I will say that I'll be a lot more common around here."
Lysander frowned, a little confused by her statement. "For lack of activity or for safety purposes?" He asked.
"Insightful as ever," Ioannis giggled. "I think I'll take advantage of the presence of so many knights and roam the cathedral." He gave the trio a nod and a smile, deciding to mingle among the people.
Chionne made her exit rather quickly, deciding to head back to the stables, though she nearly bumped into a less-than-pleased Euphemia. "Sorry Ginger, needed to get out before Theo sees me," She apologized. "I swear, every time I look over my shoulder, he's just there, looming."
"Probably because you keep sneaking out at night and scare the heavens out of the night guard," Euphemia rolled her eyes, having no sympathy. "Have some tact, Chionne."
"What, you mean with those rumors?" Now it was Chionne's turn to roll her eyes. "The night attacks have happened on the ground, and I have been in the sky. I'll be fine."
"That isn't what I meant," She shook her head. "Whatever the case may be, caution should be exercised. Or at least anything that lets me sleep better, I'm going to have my hands full with my students and Michail this year. Could you kindly explain to me why you couldn't teach the Golden Deer again?"
"I wasn't going to get suckered into teaching a bunch of spoiled brats. Michail kindly fell on his sword for the rest of us, and for that, I appreciate him. Hang in there, Ginger," Chionne patted Euphemia's shoulder, resuming her walk to the stables.