The United Nations
The United Nations acts as the representative assembling body of all nations on Earth, and through its General Assembly, the nations of the world all convene on issues which affect all of the world.
Of particular note is the United Nations Security Council (Short: UNSC), through which the global members of the world's premiere superpowers discuss pressing security concerns. The five permanent members of the UNSC are: The USSR, the UK, France, the USA, and China
Although the UN does not claim any official territory, the headquarters of the United Nations currently resides in New York City.
- Pre-Visitation: Formed as the successor to the failed League of Nations, the United Nations was codified and formed in 1945 as a means to preserve global cooperation in the era to follow, and with it, to preserve a lasting peace. Prior to The Visitation of 1961, the United Nations had mostly a guiding role in global affairs, with treaties being ratified through intermediary conventions, such as the conventions enacted during the Korean War and the Malayan Wars.
- The Visitation: When the Visitation forever changed the world as we once knew it, the United Nations had the monumental task of keeping the international community together in spite of the trying times. Through flares and coolings in the global political climate, the UN was always there to attempt to coordinate international relief efforts for the most afflicted nations around the globe. More often than not, the UNSC had been called upon to prevent global catastrophe from breaking out, as was the case in the United States' intervention in Canada and Latin America. Although the balance of alliances throughout the globe had forever been changed by the visitation, peace between the major powers of the world had - to the UN's credit - by in large been kept.
- Recent History: Like the world's nations it is comprised of, the United Nations has, perhaps against the odds, weathered the storm of the Visitation. In spite of the tumult of most - if not all - of its member states, the UN has done its duty of preventing a global war between the major powers.
Pressing Issues:
The issues of the globe are the issues of the United Nations, and likewise, the concerns of the world's welfare in the face of the ever-changing world are at the forefront of the UN's issues. True to its name, the UN primarily provides extensive welfare, development, and security missions in the most conflict-afflicted regions throughout the world.
Of particular note, international terrorist organizations have been at the forefront of the UN's peacekeeping efforts, and the United Nation's Mission For Peace is an international cooperative mission to attempt to curb the influence of these such institutions.

The Republic of China - Government in Exile
Overtly, the Republic of China prior to their capitulation was a multi-party constitutional republic, whose origins traced to the Xinhai Revolution of 1911. However, during their control of Taiwan, foreign observers often criticized that the internal politics of the Republic were almost under the complete control of the Chinese Nationalist Party, or Kuomintang (KMT). Ever since their previous bastion in Taiwan was overrun by the People's Republic of China in 1982, many KMT members were reintegrated into the PRC, or have gone into hiding alongside many "hardline" Kuomintang party members.
Officially, the Kuomintang claims that it is the sole legitimate government of China, as part of the long-ongoing Chinese Civil War. However, with their current position, the KMT has been forced to reside in exile outside of Chinese soil, oftentimes going anywhere which will harbor them. Currently, the KMT is officially headquartered in San Francisco, although the KMT is well-known to have entrenched itself into various Southeast Asian paramilitaries in Burma, Thailand, and Laos.
- Pre-Visitation: Firmly on their back foot throughout the continuation of the Chinese Civil War, the Kuomintang eventually was forced to flee to Taiwan, where both the lack of naval capability in the PRC as well as the backing of the United States had prevented a total communist victory. Following a cessation of hostilities in 1949, internal politics in Taiwan found themselves in crisis, sourced from within and without. The KMT's leadership had caused a plethora of bitter rivalries inside the Nationalist leadership, and Chiang Kai-Shek's international unpopularity had forced Taiwan into a position where the world at large considered them allies of circumstance at best. While the internal politics would eventually settle down on Taiwan, the Republic of China would both keep their membership in the United Nations as the "legitimate" government of China.
- The Visitation: Come 1961, the Visitation would, mercifully enough, prove to be rather forgiving towards Taiwan directly. Only a sole few Anomalous Zones - each one no greater than a few dozen square meters in size - emerged on the island, and Taiwan found the challenges issued directly by the Visitation's effects would be comparatively mild to handle. The same, however, could hardly be said for the RoC's greatest allies; With the Visitation almost completely rendering the entire continental United States into a hazardous Anomalous Zone, Taiwan massively struggled with maintaining its economic and military capacity. With so many resources of their greatest supporters now dedicated inward, Taiwan steadily declined. Though mercifully it had escaped the complete economic meltdown of the neighboring Japan, following Korean Reunification and Sino-Soviet Rapproachment, the Republic of China was once again left as a rather insignificant island, surrounded by enemies, possessing few allies, and hosting a plethora of internal issues.
- Recent History: Following the KMT's defeat in the Taiwanese War, the Republic of China had officially capitulated to the People's Republic of China, and has since nominally accepted their reintegration into the PRC. However, with many fringe organizations located in Southeast Asia as well as in the Mainland United States' West Coast, the most ardent of the Kuomintang hold on by a thread, and has since turned towards criminal (some might say terroristic) endeavors in order to accomplish their goals. They may only have a shattered industry of whatever underground labs and workshops they might concoct, but the KMT maintains an extensive network of contacts around the world.
Pressing Issues:
Since they lost the battle for the Chinese mainland in 1949, the Kuomintang has struggled more and more to maintain legitimacy, both inside of China as well as on the international scene. Come the invasion of Taiwan and their official capitulation to the CPC, the KMT is viewed more increasingly as a fringe terrorist organization than a legitimate government which has been exiled from their home country. With its leadership entirely focused on bolstering resistance against the CPC in Taiwan, their original goal of retaking all of Mainland China seems to be a lofty one. Yet, any who have made contact with the KMT Post-'82 can recite the quote full and well:
"A fanatic is one who redoubles his efforts when he has lost his aim."
The budget of the KMT-IE is practically nonexistent. Almost all of the funding the KMT has to work with either comes from private donations, or from the group's engagement in illegal activities. Their most notable avenues of income as of late have been in narcotics, counterfeit operations, and artifact stalking. Most interestingly, the KMT-IE still has a number of informants all around the world, and appear to be very open to information exchange in return for assistance...

Ejército Aztlánteca de Liberación Nacional - EALN
Currently, the EALN maintains little in terms of a centralized, federal civilian government, although they maintain a fairly straightforward military hierarchy similar in nature to those found in paramilitaries throughout the Middle East and East Africa.
Although their ideology is classified by many contemporary political scientists as being socialist in nature, the EALN has repeatedly refuted any political classification. A key element of the EALN's political ideology is in their approach towards what they refer to as a "bottom up" approach of participatory governance. Believed to have surged in popularity as a result of the United States' actions in the 80s, their beliefs stand in vitriolic opposition to neocolonialism and imperialism, and as such have stood against the United States, OTAN, and the Warsaw Pact.
In spite of this, the EALN is also famously divided in much of its leadership, and its fragmented nature has made it both difficult to dislodge more than temporarily, and has resulted in a conflict of interests: Some of its more prominent leadership have showcased a willingness to - at the very least - cooperate with OTAN or the Warsaw Pact if it serves to advance their current goals.
Contained in guerilla pockets, the EALN is stretched far and wide throughout Indigenous and Hispanic America. EALN cells have been reported to operate as far north as the Yukon and as far south as Panama. Their strongest bases of operations as of 1991 are believed to reside in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Veracruz, as well as in the former Navajo Nation within the United States.
- Pre-Visitation: WIP
- The Visitation: WIP
- Recent History: WIP
Pressing Issues:

The Commission
The Commission acts less as a unified body of governance and more as an intermediary between criminal spheres of influence. Plenty of mafias, terror cells, revolutionary bodies, and other criminal elements all find themselves partaking in The Commission - willingly or otherwise - and it serves as an intermediary hub between bodies, similar to how the United Nations serves as a collective council for sovereign nations.
The Commission operates on a global scale, and it is difficult to find a population where its influence is not felt to some degree.
With its origins in the original Commission of New York City, the outbreak of the Post-Visitation world soon after proved to be one of the most lucrative opportunities that the criminal underworld had ever seen. With a slowing of the international legal market to a standstill, there came a natural incentive for increased demand of regular imported goods - in addition to the newfound exotic artifact trade - the many criminal mafiosas of the world eagerly stepped up to slake their thirsts. What started as a cartel that bridged legal trade with smuggling soon emerged into a criminal collective anything unlike the world had seen prior.
In the modern age, the Commission possesses a nearly global presence, and until there are serious changes between organizations and operations between nations, their illegal activities will always be in demand. After all, their illicit nature and dubious service has lent them very well towards being deniable assets for nations in cold wars...
Pressing Issues:
Power struggles between the varied factions inside The Commission are nothing new. However, in recent times, there have been serious threats from within between the American Mafia and the Yakuza, who day by day begin to escalate their cold war into a hot one.
As it is an intermediary organization, it is difficult - if not outright impossible - to track the actual budget of the Commission proper. Compounding this issue is the fact that the Commission's sheer verisimilitude of legal, quasi-legal, and illegal activities actively obfuscate the prioritization and profit of any and all activity within. However, it is speculated that The Commission at least has heavy influences in Entertainment and Hospitality industries, owing to the influence of the Italian Mafia and the Yakuza within The Commission.
The Commission
The Commission acts less as a unified body of governance and more as an intermediary between criminal spheres of influence. Plenty of mafias, terror cells, revolutionary bodies, and other criminal elements all find themselves partaking in The Commission - willingly or otherwise - and it serves as an intermediary hub between bodies, similar to how the United Nations serves as a collective council for sovereign nations.
The Commission operates on a global scale, and it is difficult to find a population where its influence is not felt to some degree.
With its origins in the original Commission of New York City, the outbreak of the Post-Visitation world soon after proved to be one of the most lucrative opportunities that the criminal underworld had ever seen. With a slowing of the international legal market to a standstill, there came a natural incentive for increased demand of regular imported goods - in addition to the newfound exotic artifact trade - the many criminal mafiosas of the world eagerly stepped up to slake their thirsts. What started as a cartel that bridged legal trade with smuggling soon emerged into a criminal collective anything unlike the world had seen prior.
In the modern age, the Commission possesses a nearly global presence, and until there are serious changes between organizations and operations between nations, their illegal activities will always be in demand. After all, their illicit nature and dubious service has lent them very well towards being deniable assets for nations in cold wars...
Pressing Issues:
Power struggles between the varied factions inside The Commission are nothing new. However, in recent times, there have been serious threats from within between the American Mafia and the Yakuza, who day by day begin to escalate their cold war into a hot one.
As it is an intermediary organization, it is difficult - if not outright impossible - to track the actual budget of the Commission proper. Compounding this issue is the fact that the Commission's sheer verisimilitude of legal, quasi-legal, and illegal activities actively obfuscate the prioritization and profit of any and all activity within. However, it is speculated that The Commission at least has heavy influences in Entertainment and Hospitality industries, owing to the influence of the Italian Mafia and the Yakuza within The Commission.

The United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland
The United Kingdom (commonly abbreviated as "The UK")
The UK controls the East British Isles, as well as the northern portion of Ireland. In addition, the United Kingdom maintains several enclaves on islands and several ports, some of the most notable of which include the Falkland Islands, the Faeroe Islands, Malta, and the city of Hong Kong.
- Pre-Visitation: After the devastation of the Second World War, the globe-spanning British Empire immediately found itself beset by turmoil. Its country forever scarred, scores of young men killed, and the Empire in bankruptcy, the end of the war heralded the end of the Empire. In spite of its best efforts to keep its federation afloat, crisis after crisis accelerated its untimely end. India gained its promised independence in 1947, the Malayan Emergency ripped away its possessions in Southeast Asia, the crisis in Egypt becoming a simply embarrassing defeat for the British and French alike, and African states all vied for sovereignty. By 1960, the United Kingdom was a thoroughly diminished world power.
- The Visitation: WIP
- Recent History: While the effects of The Visitation by in large came under heel by the early '80s, the residual consequences that it would have would never soon diminish. Unlike its close ally France, the United Kingdom has long been plagued with the residual breakup of its Commonwealth; India asserts herself on the world stage free of European concerns, Canada remains an American puppet, and Australia and New Zealand remain a world away from global events. For many, the repeated embarrassments of the once-great Britain are soon proving too much to handle. Labour has held a vicegrip on elections since the 70s, but their influence on British politics hardly goes uncontested: The Tories gather popularity by the day, and insist on taking Britain back from subservience and onto the world stage. And with recent tensions between Iraq, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia escalating, this may provide the perfect opportunity for the UK to bring itself into prominence...
Pressing Issues:
A far cry from the indomitable, globe-spanning superpower it was decades ago, the United Kingdom treads in a strange new world, still seeking out its place in a post-colonial world. With the split of NATO between the American and European blocs, their longstanding ally France has certainly picked up the slack with the loss of America as an ally...much to the chagrin of the Britons. Many lament that they have simply exchanged an American-dominated coalition for a French-dominated one. Renaults replace Centurions in Armoured Corps, the French helmets and goggles supersede their British equivalents, and Aérospatiale helicopters form the bulk of air assault units. Britain may certainly not be the juggernaut it once was, but the old British Bulldog still retains its sharp teeth. Even so, the Brits are a notoriously stubborn ilk, and it remains to be seen how long it will take for political opponents to...assert the UK's position within OTAN.
And, of course, there is always the issue of Hong Kong. When the island territory was first signified some 250 years ago, the most important clause stating that the control over the port city was but temporary. The UK's lease on the Jewel of the East is quickly coming to a close, and China anticipates the city's handover in 1995. With the UK's tumultuous political climate, the idea of further ceding the last vestige of the old British Empire to a communist state is far from appealing, but terms are terms, and the British may not have the negotiating power that they once wielded all those centuries ago. Thus, maintaining British control of Hong Kong will require quite some political finesse...

Republic of Japan
Japan is currently ruled as a constitutional parliamentary monarchy, but as per the 1947 constitution, the powers of the Emperor remain extremely limited. The Liberal Democratic Party has held its vicegrip on Japanese elections since their postwar origins, but their decades-old hold on politics are slowly slipping to its main rivals: The Japanese Socialist Party and the National Liberal Party.
Japan controls most of the islands of Japan proper, in addition to the control of the islands of Okinawa as well as a few of the Kuril Islands.
- Pre-Visitation: In the aftermath of the Allied occupation of Japan, she would be forced to near-completely restructure every bit of her being. The Emperor's role would be reduced to a far more ceremonial position, the military disbanded and re-established, its titanic zaibatsus broken up and reforged. Following crackdowns on various left-wing elements with McArthur's reign, the conservative Liberal Democratic Party would find itself in a tumultuous - if slightly enviable - position. Conservatives in Japan largely faced little in the way of opposition, and with generous aid from the United States, soonafter paved the way for the transformation of the Japanese economy. Made in 1959 and announced in 1960, the Income Doubling Plan crafted by prime minister Hayato Ikda in response to the colossal Anpo protests intended to turn Japan from a recovering state into an economic and political superpower. His grand plans would have seen Japan's economy grow at instrumental strides, cementing Japan's place in East Asia as its Tiger.
- The Visitation: Japan - thankful as it was - was little affected by contamination of anomalous zones, and with a notable exception in Nagasaki, was able to evade the most immediate effects of The Visitation. The aftershocks, however, would prove to be Japan's greatest threat: With a constricting global market and a decline in . The Yen massively inflated and devalued over the course of a ten year period, leading to a strong sense of monetary untrustworthiness that would only find itself exacerbated by the . Enormous swathes of finance centers in Japan would be wiped out virtually overnight, property values - which had long been used to back bank loans - likewise plumetted, resulting in the loss of hundreds of industries. Quality of life in Japan spiraled downwards from the 60s and 70s, as kereitsu conglomerates often packed up to greener pastures and stiffed what little competition remained. Mean wages in Japan dropped some 23% from 1960 to 1970, while unemployment and emigration began to soar, coining the trend as, "The Lost Decades".
- Recent History: The "lost decades" of the 70s and 80s have destabilized Japan, perhaps to the point of no return. Her economy lies in shambles, protests rock the streets monthly, and she seems to forever live in the shadow of '61. Unsurprisingly, many are dissatisfied with the state of Japanese affairs, and have opted to voice their support for more...radical alternatives. Like in the 1920s, a wave of nationalism rises over Japan - one which many fear will crash down upon her again, like 1945 had done for her not long ago.
Pressing Issues:
One quick look at Japan and she will shamefully turn to you with a downtrodden head to say that her position is, well...horrid, to say the least. Her economy, even some 30 years after the Crash of '61, has remained incredibly lethargic, owing to a lack of financial confidence in Japan and the overwhelming influence of kereitsu cartels in Japanese society. Decades of economic turmoil in Japan have taken drastic tolls in all walks of her life. Petty crimes have reached levels not seen for some hundred years, while alcoholism and drug abuse rattles Japan at alarming rates. Promising young men and women who enroll in her universities emigrate at record pace, seeking stability and opportunity abroad in Australia or Brazil.
The loss of Japan's greatest reliable ally in the United States have caused no end of discord in national defense policy. With their largest economic, political, and military supplier turning firmly inward and taking NATO with it, the recent occupation of Taiwan by China has - to say the least - made Japan rather uneasy. OTAN remains powerful, but France is a world away and Australia can hardly hope to provide practical aid against the Chinese Dragon or the Russian Bear. Some politicians, however, remain hopeful that the USSR might mediate any tensions between the two - but few are willing to bow before the bear that has tormented them for some two centuries. Nevertheless, rearmament of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces and the ammendment of the Japanese Constitution are heavily supported by the public, but the lack of funding for an adequate rearmament program to truly deter China, Russia - or even the United States, should they grow desperate enough - coupled with the apprehension at giving the military additional political influence has killed this issue right in its tracks.
On paper, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces remain as one of the world's largest military forces per capita. Any serious military analyst will be quick to point out that the JSDF is more apropos a scarecrow than sentinel. Certain analysts (whose names are desperately desired by the federal government) have estimated that some 36% of JGSDF equipment is acquired via the black market. With scarce federal funding and a culture of fear widespread within both Japan and the army, many JSDF officers have taken to "requisitioning" the supplies and finance they need. JSDF units which are intended for basic training are instead "rationed out" by local commanders as cheap labor, often used for construction, landscaping, or other menial labor. Regional JSDF commanders preside like kings over their districts, and with each passing day, make Japan into a modern shogunate which make the likes of Ethiopia seem like Sweden.
These cascading issues have bubbled beneath Japan's surface, in turn creating a fiercely deadlocked political system, fearful of making reforms that Japan drastically needs out of fear it will further accelerate her descent into chaos. But, Japan has found herself in dire straits before, and many remain convinced that all they need to do is weather the storm before the sun rises over her once more. Yet, just as many in her upper echelons fear that Japan's sun has set many, many decades ago, and now she is destined to wander forever in eternal night...