Real Name:
Lukas Serrano
Cis Male
Lukas stands at 5’9’’ with a slim but muscular build. He has tanned skin that is blemished by several scars from past battle. He has dark, shoulder length hair that is complimented by deep, dark brown eyes. He tends to wear colourful clothing, with many shirts with various designs, and a wide array of pants types and shoes. When dressed as Garnet, Lukas wears red and black body armour, with a crimson domino mask concealing his identity.
Lukas was initially a loner, preferring his own thoughts to talking with others. However that has changed in recent years as Lukas gained his mutant powers, greatly increasing his confidence. Lukas can be quite idealistic, truly believing in heroics and mutant rights. He is willing to fight completely for his beliefs, and would have a hard time being changed from them. Around others Lukas is friendly, seemingly a nice guy with no major flaws. But while in his Garnet persona, Lukas is fierce, with a cruel wit as he mocks his opponents.
Lukas has the mutant power of gemstone generation. By focusing Lukas is able to secrete a liquid that quickly transforms into a red gemstone. Lukas has two main uses of this power, first he can coat his body in gemstones to act as a set of armour, or two, fire the stones as projectiles. Once created the gemstones will exist for roughly ten minutes before disintegrating. Lukas can also manually reabsorb the gemstones, which helps alleviate some of the fatigue he gets from creating the gemstones. While durable, the gemstones are not invulnerable, with super-strength, blasts, or other powerful forces being able to shatter it.
While in school Lukas excelled at biology, finding it the best way to learn about his mutation. From that he has also learnt first aid. Years of being a hero has resulted in him being a pretty good brawler, and practise with his powers has made him a sharpshooter with his gemstones.
Avengers Sponsor:
Lukas was born in Toronto, Canada, the third child of the Serrano family. Growing up, Lukas was mostly raised by his twin older sisters Julie and Jane, as his parents both worked very busy jobs. For most of his younger years, Lukas mostly hung out with his siblings, having trouble making friends with others. But as his sisters got older and had more of a social life, Lukas was forced to hang out with other people. For a while Lukas was quite lonely, that was until he met Alex. Like Lukas, Alex was a bit of a loner, preferring stories to real interactions. Lukas and Alex quickly became close, sharing a love for the superheroes who had began to appear.
The two quickly became fans of Alpha Flight, Canada’s premier hero team. This also was the dawn of Lukas’s sexuality as he became enamoured with team member Northstar. For over a year, Lukas dreamt of being a hero, until one day when his mutant powers awakened when a red gemstone formed in his hand. Initially keeping it a secret, Lukas decided to confide in Alex. They confided at the same time that they too were a mutant. Discovering that Alex had similar gemstone generation powers, they decided to become heroes together.
Taking the names Garnet and Opal, after their birthstones, Lukas and Alex began patrolling the streets. For a few months they managed to fight some crime, making a small presence online. However this new found attention attracted the gaze of the Purifiers, an anti-mutant hate group. They managed to track down Alex, attacking them when their powers weren’t active. The attack left Alex in a coma, and Lukas full of rage.
Lukas hunted down the Purifiers, tracking them to their headquarters. He then attacked them, only for another group of mutants to appear. They were revealed to be Magneto and his Brotherhood, and they beat the Purifiers severely. Following the fight Magneto offered Lukas a place on his team. Lukas agreed, taking the mutant name Shard. Lukas then left Toronto, travelling the world with Magneto.
For about a year Lukas worked as a mutant terrorist under Magneto, believing in his cause. However, that came to an end when Magneto disappeared, control of the Brotherhood going to Mastermind. Lukas immediately didn’t like the new leadership, so he left the Brotherhood and returned to Toronto, going back to a normal life. It was then that he discovered that Alex had died.
Initially distraught, Lukas decided to honour his friend’s memory by becoming Garnet again. Once again patrolling Toronto, Lukas tried to join Alpha Flight, only to learn that they had disbanded. So Lukas continued defending his hometown, that was until he was attacked by mercenaries targeting former Brotherhood members. He was rescued by Quicksilver, another former member of the Brotherhood, and together the two fought off the mercenaries. After the fight Quicksilver expressed his respect for what Lukas does. To that end, Quicksilver would end up sponsoring Lukas to join the Avengers as part of the NEO Initiative.
- Roland Serrano (Father, 55, Benefits Manager)
- Violet Serrano (Mother, 56, Newspaper Editor)
- Julie Serrano (Sister, 26, Biochemist)
- Jane Serrano (Sister, 26, Architect)
- Violet Serrano (Mother, 56, Newspaper Editor)
- Julie Serrano (Sister, 26, Biochemist)
- Jane Serrano (Sister, 26, Architect)
Theme Song: