Long ago, people lived in peace, bathed in the warmth of light. Everyone loved the light. Then people began to fight over it. They wanted to keep it for themselves. And darkness was born in their hearts. The darkness spread, swallowing the light and many people's hearts. It covered everything, and the world disappeared. But small fragments of light survived... in the hearts of children. With these fragments of light, children rebuilt the lost world. It's the world we live in now. But the true light sleeps deep within the darkness. That's why the worlds are still scattered, divided from each other. But someday, a door to the innermost darkness will open. And the true light will return. So listen, child. Even in the deepest darkness, there will always be a light to guide you. Believe in the light, and the darkness will never defeat you. Your heart will shine with its power and push the darkness away.
In the seemingly idyllic community of Twilight Town, the year is reaching its end and a new one fast approaches. With the Christmas holiday over, there still yet remains a week of festivities and celebration. It is called the New Dawn Festival, founded to celebrate the New Year that over the years had had other festivities attached to it. Much is planned for this final week of the Winter Break, the Carnival itself features rides and games at the pier. Many stores have special sales going on. On the day before New Year's Eve, a special Winter Cup of the Struggle Tournament is planned to be held at the beloved Sandlot. On the night of New Year's Eve, the New Dawn Festival itself is held, where fun and games can be had going all the way to midnight. In short, there's much fun to be had and plenty of places and ways to do it. In all the excitement, the students may find it easy to forget that the second half of the school year will begin the day after New Year's Day, and like in the Summer there is a homework assignment due. For this occasion the assignment involves a paper to be written about the history of the New Dawn Festival, and the important names and dates associated with it.
It is here where our story begins, following the week-long activities and exploits of a certain group of classmates. As they laugh, play, compete in the struggle, or work on their school project. There is so much to look forward to, so much laughter and happiness through out the community. There seems to be nothing that could ruin this week for anyone.
This role play is for those who miss the similar times, when Kingdom Hearts was just a coming of age story about a kid fighting cartoonish villains with his giant key. As such, don't expect a lot of the complexities and elements introduced by the later games of the series. Maybe some of that can come at a later time if the story gets far enough to warrant it. Otherwise, this is for all intents and purposes a "retelling" of Kingdom Hearts 1. The only difference will be the main protagonists being entirely original, and also us taking advantage of ~20 years of retcons and hindsight in order to tell what will hopefully be a more streamlined and (maybe) less convoluted version of the story. Well, we can try at least!
1. The GM (and in any Co-GM in the event I assign one) has the final say.
2. You will of course be required to follow the rules of the site. No brainer, I suppose.
3. You won't need a Master's Degree in KH Lore (though it will probably help you a lot) but I do at least ask you have played at least one game in the series.
4. Since we're retelling the first game, Characters will have to be in that general age range that Sora was. 14-16 range.
5. Everyone starts in Twilight Town, and no one is allowed to have come from any other world or have knowledge of other worlds. I know that sounds restrictive, and I apologize, but I will not be making exceptions to this rule. So, please don't ask me to.
6. I'll be controlling all the NPCs and Villains. But the random Heartless encounters I'll be less strict about and give you some amount of control of the monsters in question. This should allow you to make fairly thorough posts when in battles against the Heartless.
7. Speaking of battle, I don't plan on following any strict stats system or the like. Characters will just naturally become more skilled and acrobatic and the like as the story progresses. There are a few obvious caveats, though. For instance, Glide and other such story-related abilities will be awarded to you by me when the plot dictates it.
8. Let's all just have some fun and try to get along, yeah?
Character Sheet
[b]Weapon:[/b] (Everyone will be able to become a Keyblade Wielder when the plot gets rolling. So go ahead and leave this blank until then.)
[b]Spells:[/b] (Similar to the Keyblade. You'll be learning these after the plot picks up, so feel free to leave this blank for now.)
[b]Abilities:[/b] (Attacks like Strike Raid or Sonic Blade can go in here, in addition to more passive abilities. But like with spells, leave it blank for now.)