Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
Dungeon Map

The Warren

Room Appendix

Central Bath Works Ruins:

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

It is said that the Warrens held great significance in the civil war that took place two century's ago on this day at this time when the sun reached it's zenith in the sky. The sky was on fire and the dead piled as the waters ran red with the blood of soldiers and peasants alike, the place in year to come had been abandoned and the thorp above was deserted as the dead attracted the attention of all kinds of horrors...

You are either new to this ruin of old or you are as old as the stone itself, maybe you scavenge the old thorp above or pick at the dead of old searching for lost trinkets hidden amongst the dead. You are all making a living, often misunderstood as squatters occupying musty caverns and labelled as vile creatures.

The masses believe your kind needs to be herded and slaughtered like livestock, but you will not be herded and you won't stand such a fate.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Irt didn't know or care about the civil war. All that mattered to him was power, and to get that power he needed help robbing from any adventurers that entered the dungeon. That was why he was so deep in the dungeon, normally he stayed closer to the entrance but he had built up a reputation there and it had gotten harder and harder to find "allies".

Unfortunately for him it seemed news traveled far cause even here his suggestions to work together resulted in him laughed off at best and attacked on sight at worst. He was lucky that so far he managed to escape any fight with at worst a few bruises and the loss of a cheap wooden spear, not that he felt that way of course. He knew at least one kobold who would have been interested in the spear and who might have been able to get him in touch with a bugbear in charge of quite a number of other Goblins.

At this rate Irt feared his reputation would make it impossible to get any decent power and he even considered stealing the Merchants Grimoire. an idea he quickly rejected the thing was to well known to just sell or trade and if the Merchant saw him at any point before he could get his hands on the book he would go in debt to the skeleton and he didn't even want to think about about what would happen if he got caught with the book in his possession.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A drow ran through caverns as if his life had depended on it because at this moment it did. The lone drow was originally in a party of 4, his role was the spellcaster, a sorcerer to be specific. The plan was simple wait around the ruins and wait for a monster that looked worth it to appear. What the party has seen was a very large man in old but magical looking armor, it was steak on a mousetrap, opportunity too good to pass up. It carried a strange almost revolting looking staff, at first he wondered if the skull at the end of it was real now is he ran for his life, it was more worried that his skull was going to replace it. It wasn't fair, how the hell were they supposed to know that the merchant was on the move.

A 8 foot figure in black took one step after the other toward his target. From an outsider's perspective it almost has looked as if the figure was taking a stroll. There was no need to hurry after the drow, for what living thing could outrun death? The party's was inevitable at the moment they had decided to attack him, he made quick work of the other three, however this one was special. He stopped moving and stood absolutely motionless waiting, a struggle could be heard farther up as two low ranked undead under his control brought him his prize.

Knull bent downward to study his quarry, the drow had a look of fear that almost made it's naturally dark complexion pale. It began to plead to Knull even offering all it's equipment, but this request fell on deaf ears. This drow was a sorcerer, and a sorcerer's magic was tied to their blood, further study would be required. Knull grabbed the drow by it's neck, it's struggled and attempted to beat its way free but only did more harm to itself. Black arcane energy spread from Knull's hands to the drow and within seconds all like disappeared from the drows eyes, only a husk remained. He order his undead to bring it back to the ruins for more research. After that Knull continued to walk forward looking for whatever life he managed to come across one
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Root - The Hidden

Cold dark and damp a few words to describe the existence of living in the warren. These few words combined with the sounds of crumbling stones, the occasional scream or howl echoing through the haunting hallways and the ever present drip of moisture dropping from the cavernous ceiling above. The dark and dreary landscape although not very fitting for most civilized people was a haunting paradise for those creatures that called it home. At least that was how the small Lizardfolk cloaked in the darkness with bow in hand felt.

Root had been standing perfectly still on the water’s edge for the last 15 minutes. His bow was drawn and the special barbed fishing arrows was sitting there waiting to fly and impale the next fish that swam by. 3 more already lay still on the rocks behind him the blood dripping into the water and drawing in smaller fish. His quarry finally showed itself after it thought it was safe, a large green and black carp swam by just close enough for Root to shift slightly and relies his arrow.

With a furry of movement the fish tried to swim away but found itself drawn out of the water by the rope attached to the end of the arrow, the barbs keeping the projectile lodged in the flesh of the fish. Root had already eaten his fish for the day and this fish meant there was food for his friend as well as giving the rest to the tribe. He didn’t entirely like how they hunted and preferred this method, fish don’t scream.

Root had pulled the other fish along behind him on a stick when he finally got back to the old tubs. The other lizards said that it was a place for humans to clean themselves. He wasn’t sure why they would want to but at least the tubs that were left held enough water to be comfortable. The small reptile quietly passed by a few other members of his tribe and left two fish in their food pile taking the other two to his friend.

Karn was a massive Lizardfolk, they were called black scale and like himself were not too common in this part of the world. The mighty warrior seemed to enjoy his time relaxing in the large tubs of water. Although the both of them yearned to be mighty in their own way sometimes it felt like a slow grind. At least it was fun. Root set the two carp next to his friend and sat down starting to change out his fishing arrows for his normal ones, “Got food Kull, more fish. These ones big fish for big friend.”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Moonshadow
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Moonshadow Not Dead Yet

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lilry perched on one of the large rocks that made up the boarder of her nest, the gathering of foliage and torn lengths of cloth scavaged off fallen adventurers providing the lizardfolk a modicum of comfort in the dark and damp surroundings. The darkness was all she had ever know, born and raised among the twisting tunnels of the Warrens. Not long ago there were others of her tribe to spend her time among and travel alongside, now they had all been scattered apart or outright killed by the surface races.

She had traveled deep into the caverns, or as deep as she had ever traveled before. It was difficult to know for sure just how far she had gone since the last encounter. Seeing the last two of her own travelling companions taken down a group of four pale skinned explorers, Lilry had darted away from her own impending doom. Knowledge of her route and her innate ability to mold the earthern walls around her had kept the lizardfolk from being tracked down.

With a huff of breath, she looked over what little stores she had for food. Mushrooms, cavern plants, and the last few scraps of rat-meat. She would have to go hunting again soon or travel down the two paths to the West that lead to the underground lake. Considering her options, she munched away at the remainder of her food to quiet the grumbling hunger in her gut.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

A low rumbling sound echoed around the lizard-folk camp, a methodical sound of something huge snoozing away. An utterly massive dark shape was lounging in an ancient stone tub that could have fit four to five average sized humans. The massive form of Karn filled that space up easily with that incredible bulk of his.

Despite sleeping so soundly his ears swiveled when sounds were unfamiliar. The pitter patter of weighted feed made one of his eyes snap open and his head to turn. That reptilian eye landed on Root, a tiny lizardman who relied of poisons. His nostrils flared, taking in the scent of fresh and raw fish. It had been dead maybe a few minutes. Leaning up one great mitt emerged from the tub and grabbed one of the carps. "It's not Kull, it's Karn." He rumbled out before opening his maw and swallowing the carp whole.

It slipped down easily enough and rested in his stomach while he started to move out of the tub. What little water was in the basic sloughed off his scales and dribbled from his hides. "What's the tribes plan for today? He questioned, he was one of the few from his own tribe who had purposefully learned to speak clearly in common. Draconic all lizard-folk were fluent in. His feet on the floor he sat on the edge of the basin while his other one picked up that titanic cleaver of his. His free hand scooped up the second carp and it followed its fellow spawn into his gullet.

He wasn't one for fishing, he could hunt but only big game. Like other humanoids or the beasts outside of the dungeon he sometimes went for. Was there hunting needed? Or was the tribe going to try and expand further outward? More space never hurt and the enclosed nature of the dungeon made it so they had more defensible points.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Knull could not find anything of worth on the rest of his "stroll", alive or dead. Due to his presence life was beginning to dwindle around the Tombed Archives that he had made his lair. The archives were once where bandits and thieves of all kinds made camps to ambush anyone who was interested in the treasures the archives held, now he had barely even managed to find a goblin.

Perhaps he should he should begin his searches further from the archives, whatever choice for the future aside he had more important matters to attend to. There was a drow in his possession and although he would have preferred to keep it and study it live, dead was more than enough. It was rare for him to feel excitement, if he had skin he may have even been smiling.

The giant skeleton lumbered towards the archives making his way through a hallway that led directly to the archives inside a lone skeleton in rusted armor marched back and forth, almost like a loyal sentry guarding it's post. This undead intrigued Knull and he took a moment to watch it, and as he did he turned his head to the end of the hallway where he had sensed life.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A dutiful sentry was a rather pleasant, and accurate way to describe Brog's march back and forth through the corridor. Save for the fact that nowadays he no longer slashed any creature that passed through a door. Sensing that it was an undead there this time (and that those are less likely to attack), he stopped his march and looked over at the giant skeleton.

Such event didn't last long, as soon enough Brog turned his body towards the other end of the hallway where maybe more visitors would come into his hallway. Hopefully, not the hostile kind as carcasses made the hallway more difficult to thread through. Usually, he would try to move it out of the hallway so he would be able to patrol in peace.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As frustrated as Irt was over his lack of lackeys biology brought up more immediate concerns. His growling stomach reminded him that if was a while since he had eaten. Luckily he knew there were fish in the nearby lake, less lucky were the rumors that some unusually large Lizardfolk had claimed the area. Despite the risk Irt decided to test his luck and try to get his hands on some fish, though if he managed to spot a distracted Lizardfolk on its own he would get enough meat to feed himself but keep enough left-over to potentially make a deal with someone with.

With a new plan made the small Goblin made his way to the lake, only to find that his path ended because of a river that probably was an ofshoot. While he wasn't sure he doubted that the Lizardfolk territory would expand that far given that the lake was the largest source of water in the cave. He hadn't given up on trying to get his hands on a Lizard but decided that getting some fish took priority. He headed into the water looking for anything edible.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Moonshadow
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Moonshadow Not Dead Yet

Member Seen 1 day ago

The lizardfolk shaman dropped down from the boulder she had been perched upon to eat, taking up her staff and contemplating which route to pursue for her hunt. To the West was a tunnel leading to the underground lake, a great opportunity for some fresh fish while equally risky should there be other, larger, creatures about. She could go North to the more established ruins of the dungeon with a higher probability for catching some rats and bats, maybe even a few larger rodents.

Scaled lips curved in consideration as her yellow eyes looked to the Southern tunnel which wound deeper into the dungeon. She had yet to traverse that route very long, it twisted and turned and forked. While she trusted she could manage to find her way back home she did not trust that the undiscovered routes would be safe since she was now separated from her tribe.

Deciding to take the route most familiar to her the 7-foot lizard woman made her way West down the tunnel than slightly South when the path divided. Lilry slung her staff over her shoulders to keep her limbs free and make her way down the rocks to the edge of the water. Her yellow eyes scanned the area for any larger predator before settling down and wrapping a length of thinly wound plant thread to the crooked end of her stave. After tying a dead insect to the end with a length of metal she had bent into a hook she tossed the line into the water and waited.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Event: Where The Dead Creep

@Zillanilla, and @Darked13

The echo of footfalls throughout the halls sound loud, if one listened hard enough it would be easy to surmise that a band of Kobolds were rushing towards the area where they knew a sentry was, a single sentry would stand little chance against their assault party and their chieftain wanted the territory for himself.

Be careful they have strength in numbers...
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Event: From the Depths

Root's catch is quite delectable as the fish of the flooded bath works swim in from the ocean outside the caves, but it seems their dinner is about to be interrupted by an uninvited guest. A lone goblin who goes by Irt slinks into the area slipping quietly into the water.

Will they welcome the goblin? Or will Irt become their supper?

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zillanilla


Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Knull stared into the seemingly endless hallway. The was hardly any natural light so there was plenty cover of darkness to use, and to the eyes of the living it may have been hard to tell whether or not something was actually hiding, however Knull was undead, and not just any undead. All undead shared the ability to sense the living, so no matter how dark the environment was Knull could see the creature as clear as day. There was more one soul hiding in the darkness.
They were reptilian in nature, not large enough to be lizard folk ah they were kobolds. Come I think of it there was a den near here wasn't there? These creatures come from there... What was one of them holding? Was that a scroll from the archives? HIS ARCHIVES?!
"Thieves...Fear." Knull casted his spell to every soul in the passageway he was their worst fear incarnate. He often wondered what others saw when used this magic. Perhaps he a new experiment is in order.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Darked13
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Darked13 Just Archene / Really Just Archene

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


It seemed that the living one this time as a kobold, and given how it isn't making a run through the hallway or just walking past, it must be the sort of living that is planning on taking hostile actions. The only solution to that is death. Or at least, slashing at them enough for them to not return.

That said, Brog moved towards the living target and slashed at it.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ReusableSword
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ReusableSword The (not so) Mighty.

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Root - The Hidden

“Root do not know.” A long tongue flicked from the lizards lips licking its own eye for a moment. “We could go look at lake shore for fun things that washed up?” The small lizard like all of them enjoyed the water and always found it a good escape route if nothing else was available. The only problem was the bigger fish you see further out. The night the goblins tried to sail a small boat they made down the water was interesting. Especially when the big fish came out, they didn’t last long after that.

Root crept over to the side of their area and began to tend to some cave ferns he had been taking care of. These plants were important to him because they could be transplanted and attached to the shoulders of the bigger lizards. This allowed him to camouflage himself in with his changing scales to the ferns and allowed him to make ranged attacks from stealth. He cared for them by putting some of the fish guts in with the soil. Luckily there was always plenty around.

With the last of the few plants tended for, six being fern plants and four being medicinal herbs that help with healing and skin problems with lizards. Root picked up his bow and arrows walking back toward the lake slightly. “Come come we go scout while others think about where to go.”

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Irt decided to stay relatively close to the shore as he looked for something to eat, he had no intention of becoming food for a big fish after all. Not having any experience with catching fish this way he had no luck as his wild movements scared off his prey before he could get it. Moving along the shore he got closer and closer to the lizardfolk territory without realizing and eventually when he was about to give up smelled dead fish.

Following his nose Irt found some plants with fishguts buried underneath them, most of them were too rotten to eat going by the stench but there might be some fresh ones. He debated if she dig the fish up slowly and leave the plants mostly undisturbed or go fast and no doubt harm or even uproot the plants. Both ways had their downside but since he didn't expect to come back he went for the faster one and got ready to start digging.

@ReusableSword @Kazemitsu@Dark Cloud
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Moonshadow
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Moonshadow Not Dead Yet

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lilry's fishing had been successful on the far side of the lake. While stringing up the four small fish she had been able to acquire, a movement across the way caught her gaze. Head tilted as she crouched down into the rocks and watched. A goblin this far out, and alone?

She should have left it alone, but it wandered into the old bath halls. She'd always been told not to go there, the lizardmen tribe there was large and aggressive. Still, curiosity always got the better of her. She skittered along the rocks with skillful ease to acquire a better vantage point. The lake was too dangerous to swim across, no one really knew what sort of creatures the dark water hid.

The goblin disappeared from sight and into one of the short tunnels towards the bath house, whatever that meant. She frowned, dropping back to sit on a rock with her clawed feet dangling off the side of her spot. She wondered what the goblin would encounter in there. Was the other Lizardfolk tribe really so much larger than her own had once been? To have survived so long as a tribe they surely had to be stronger.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Karn snorted quietly at the suggestion of finding 'fun things' at the shore-line. Sometimes barrels and crates washed in but it was never anything really worthwhile. The good stuff was mostly heavy so those probably sank wherever a ship went down. He had seen very few of these strange water vessels in his time, but deep water did not belong to the land dwellers. It belonged to nature and the mysterious, yet deadly, creatures that lurked in the dark depths.

"Fine, it'll also let us check for intruders." He rumbled out as he pushed himself up to his feet. Compared to Root Karn was a monstrous titan of scale and muscle. His cleaver was flicked up and resting on his shoulder as the pair moved to the shore. The lingering lizard tribe eyed him warily, scooting away from the behemoth as he walked with muffled steps. He was still new to the area, he hadn't really earned their trust yet and that was fine with him. They hadn't earned his respect yet so things were fairly mutual.

Root made a pit-stop though to take care of some plants, which got him to eye the tiny reptilian being. Farming was a completely foreign idea to Karn and it wasn't particularly interesting. He was a warrior through and through. There was a splashing though, something small and quick. His head jerked in that direction, his finned ears flaring out to catch the sounds of tiny footsteps. A low growl came from him before his neck changed colors to a deep crimson. A hissing sound, his chest visibly expanded briefly, before a low thoom rumbled from his body. A reptilian bellow warning intruders to leave, and informing other lizard-folk he was bigger and badder than them. It was mostly used during mating season but he used the bellow as a 'fuck off' or 'gather around' call.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Introduction: Warrior Gobliness


|| Here stands our testament, ||
|| We stood our ground, ||
|| To protect against beas- ||

These are the words written upon a plaque before you, yet the words are defaced by what appears to be the work of someone but who? You don't care and what interests you more are the endless possibilities that lie within the gaping maw that serves as the main entrance into the dungeon you searched for, the Warren.

Enter and see where possibility takes you.
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