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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by LightComposer
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Riku knew Victorie would not be so easily convinced. She kept her hands behind her back and her head low and meek to take a more humble posture. A curved smile on her lips as the princess makes herself as friendly and charming on the surface as she can manage. She wished to give an aura of being too simple minded to ever have room for deceptions.

"Oh don't let my looks fool you. I have all an exorcist would ever need." Riku pulled her cross necklace up from her neck to show it off, followed by her extending the blade end of her scythe right in front of Victorie, nearly poking her nose.

"I have the tool for redemption.." She made a gesture to her cross. "And judgement. All right here." She finished by slashing her scythe through the air. "And uh. I don't know if this is offensive to say or anything but...hallowed ladies of the undead such of yourself tend to end up attracting annoying spirits. They just love that dream of living while dead, attracted to it like flies to a corpse. Fitting metaphor right?"

Riku walked around Victorie as she sheathed her weapon, having concluded her theatrics. She ran a hair through her spiky hair and leaned against one of the chalky albaster pillars that supported the ceiling.

"I understand your concerns about me. I am eager to prove them wrong. You can keep a close eye on me the whole time, or send me away into exile if you must. I assure you though, past enemies you've sent packing to the afterlife don't just disappear. They definitely find ways to get back at you from beyond the veil." The reaper says with a knowing nod, sure she had made a solid case for herself. "That's where I come in." She stepped from the pillar and jutted her chest out proudly. It was hard for the girl to stay still.

She broke away from her attention on the mysterious vampire a moment to observe the fellows gathered in the castle lounge. "Oh howdy there! There's so many faces here. So much to keep up wi-"

Her greeting stops cold when her eyes glanced across Kanbaru, who hadn't noticed her yet. The princess has a moment of white shock, terror leaks out onto her face. She beat her chest and coughed into her fist, as if she's taken ill suddenly to play off her built up fear. The red rose was terrified that Kanbaru was here.

"Friendly faces, all around. Mmhm..." She plays it off like nothing happened, and resumes her focus on Victorie. "So, any questions?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

“Kid I barely get paid enough as is. Why would I waste more of my time helping out the brat of this manor?” It was a rhetorical question that Garou didn’t feel like repeating in any manner. Thomas could have either accepted the response or keep on walking because the wolfish guard was already doing that latter, albeit in the opposite direction; though not without a passing glare at Caprice for resembling a suspect. “Way I see it, whatever damages you make are coming out of the head brat’s paycheck in fixing anyway so I’ll be taking a nap.” As if on cue, the sound of wood splintering and a door caving in heralded Garou’s predictions with an annoyed sigh.

Whatever the case, he was going to ignore it for later. What he didn’t say, after all, was that he was conducting his own search for the thief in the opposite direction. After all, if everyone was distracted by newcomers it’d make the culprit that much more likely to slip up and reveal themselves. And no one knew the mansion better than Garou. Had he stayed a moment longer, he might have noticed the sudden disappearance of the thorned hounds meant to return to Victoire’s chambers. All of them vanished without trace or scent.

Back inside the theater room Kanbaru had accidentally discovered, the room glimmered and glinted with antiques that, although quite boring to look at despite being reflective of Victoire’s tastes, were probably worth a fortune to pawn off in the Dangeki. Riches were of no concern to the being hosted inside Kanbaru’s body however. There was a sudden sting in her ears, the force inhabiting her suddenly sparking with a new sense of excitement. There was someone in this mansion who shouldn’t belong, someone of interest. The JSTR saw more past this simple world, diving into things unseen and hidden by the shadows of time and saw…

Yes. She was here. Before the others could respond to her, Kanbaru was gone from the theater room, only to appear with Akiko and Ami in Victoire’s chamber in the shadow of their step. Although she didn’t note it yet, the JSTR inside her buzzed as soon as it picked up Riku’s presence among the vampire’s chamber. The shadows of things to come further excited it. Perhaps it was intentional too because without Kanbaru, Rose and Clair were left to deal with their own problems without the others.

As they scoped out the room for valuables of any kind, the backdrop shifted somewhat among the corner of their eyes. Movement stirred once but never enough for either girl to catch a proper look, but it was there, watching them, waiting among the low light of the room’s corners. And then, with no hiss or roar but plenty of momentum, a dark serpent, large and nearly gargantuan in length, suddenly sprung out from its hiding spot. Black as coal, it slammed itself into Clair, maw open and fangs bared to lunge for her throat.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sonnambula
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Sonnambula Stealer of Girls

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Glancing around the room, Thomas realised this was probably the part where he had to decide which group to split up with. He flinched a bit as a large crash in the direction Kanbaru and a few others had gone startled him, though the sight beyond the door which had fallen victim to the crash in question was quite alluring. He’d only ever really seen opera houses in photos, and the vision of one right before his very eyes made him feel very slightly giddy. Mind you, he thought, it’s not like he’d ever been anywhere like this before in the first place.

That being said, the cacophony that Akiko and Ami seemed to be making their way towards equally caught his interests. He’d also noticed that Caprice seemed to be hanging around him, not really going anywhere in particular, just fiddling with some cards. Was she just standing around or was she waiting for him to do something? Figuring the latter, he began to move in the direction he’d seen the other two go before, from which the sound of expletives and insults was very much audible.

He called out to Caprice behind him, just to make sure she was following if that was her intention. “Hey, it sounds like the throne room might be this way. And it doesn’t look like- oh yeah, wait. Where did they go?” The realisation of the disappearance of the thorn hounds struck Thomas almost as suddenly as they’d vanished. But, as curious an event as that was, they’d probably find out what had happened later. All that mattered was that they were gone, leaving an open path for Thomas, and Caprice if she was following, to continue towards the chambers.

Just before they reached the room in question though, Thomas abruptly spun on his heels, raising his glaive slightly his violet eyes widening. He could’ve sworn he’d heard something from behind them, in the direction that the other group had gone in, the opera house.

“Did you hear that? It sounded like something coming from that theatre room.” Thomas asked, half-whispering for no particular reason, his head turning to Caprice.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kanbaru Otoko

It was with a heavy feeling of Deja Vu that Kanbaru's view of an opulent if unappetizing theater hall was marred. A static hum drilled between her ears and television snow marred her gaze, her tenant's presence crushing her in a vice like grasp with...excitement. Yes, the feeling was more akin to a dog who'd just caught sight of a steak having fallen to the floor, sprinting headlong regardless of what all measure of reality said towards the contrary.

That Akiko and Ami relocated with her was more a surprise then finding herself in the throne room she'd originally hoped for. The host body didn't consider this her passanger's attempt to be helpful, especially as it tittered with barely restrained energy directed towards the room's occupants. Kanbaru squinted, plushied laid carelessly across her shoulder as she took in both Victoire and Riku.

"Hmm...yup, either of you seem the type to keep shirtless werewolf boy toys. I'm gonna guess the bunny on the throne, though, which either makes Little Red Riding Hood over here a thief, a guest, or the bunny's blood bag for when she wants to feel like a fresh lily and not a plowed field." Kanbaru summized bluntly, stepping confidently forward, hips swaying and eyes narrowing as she tried to hone in on her JSTR's desires. Fulfilling the desires of another, be they parasite or friend, felt like a lovely way to put a smile on Kanbaru's face. Now if only she could pick which one...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Ehh? Seems like we are on our own," Clair said as she noticed that none of the rest of the group followed Rose and her into the theater, or at least those who did back away almost as soon as they entered.

"Well, this isn't theft. We are looking for research material," Clair said to Rose as they looked around. "Anyway, this is stuff is a little too big to take right now, maybe we should look around the backstage, I guess? Waa—!" she added. However, before they could act on that idea, a huge thing lunged on them.

"What in the world?" Clair said as she recovered from the impact, after being launched halfway across the room. "Woah, where did this thing come from—" She tried to say as she dodged out of the way of the follow-up attack.

A dodge roll later, Clair was back to her feet. She twirled her blade shooting a round of star shots at the snake's eyes. "That's a good time to use any cool tricks you might have up your sleeve, Cap," she said to Rose as she tried to dance around the snake, looking for a way out.

※ ※ ※

Victoire swore she would burst a vein if she wasn't dead already. The more time passed, the more pests gathered before her. Before she could even finish dealing with Riku three others burst into her throne room. How that even made sense was beyond her since the rest of their group was less than halfway through the castle while her chambers were located on the highest possible spire.

Nevertheless, now wasn't the time to dwell on details. In fact, Victoire thought that she might as well turn this into an opportunity to get some quality entertainment.

"Well well, seems like your work has been made easier, Miss Exorcist," Victoire said as a fanged grin came to her face. "In fact, it seems like all of you are after the same thing. If that's the case, why don't you fight between yourselves and find out who's the real thief here, huh? I don't care who wins as long as I recover what rightfully belongs to me."

"Go on, don't hold yourselves back on my account," she said as she practically sicced the girls on one another, not even bothering to address the barrage of questions thrown at her just a moment ago.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Akiko's mind seemed to wander for just a few minutes as she took in just everything that happened. Almost like reality glitched for her and her brain just... turned off for a moment. For a brief second she was concerned before everything just kind of fell back into place. Probably some side effect of cards or something, maybe just a needed minute of rest from all the, simply put, bullshit that was going on. Regardless, she shook her head to clear her mind, just about the same time as Castle spoke back up.

[ Mistress, is everything alright. ] Its voice was curt, just as before. In a quick response, Akiko nodded to the ghostly cat spirit before she stepped forward more into the room with Ami, seemingly back in her old ways.

Standing in the room were a vampire countess, another being incredibly similar to the other adventurers of the Tower, Ami, herself, and Kanbaru. Weird about Kanbaru, though, since she remembered her going in seemingly another direction from Akiko and Ami earlier. Regardless, the bard bowed towards the countess, biding a pleasant arrival, before she stood back. "Good day, Countess. Garou directed us here." As she stood, she watched the room quietly and kept tabs on the - that was a weird reaction to looking at Kanbaru. Did that woman know her, too? Interesting...

"Friendly faces, all around. Mmhm..." She plays it off like nothing happened, and resumes her focus on Victorie. "So, any questions?"

"Yes, friendly faces indeed." Akiko met the statement of the new face in this Tower with her own, stepping forward calmly towards the center of the room, bearing such confidence that she wore a slight smirk on her face. Overconfidence was an insidious killer, but she was hardly overconfident. If this fight was anything similar to the others, she had faith she'd be fine.

"Well well, seems like your work has been made easier, Miss Exorcist," Victoire said as a fanged grin came to her face. "In fact, it seems like all of you are after the same thing. If that's the case, why don't you fight between yourselves and find out who's the real thief here, huh? I don't care who wins as long as I recover what rightfully belongs to me."

Oh. So that's how this was going to go?

After a soft red flash from Castle, Akiko at least managed to gather a name for the figures she was facing. "With all due respect, Lady Victoire, at least allow us to get to know each other before subjecting us to combat." Akiko smiled, turning to face Riku. "Akiko Miazaki, travelling poet and fortune teller. I believe you are Riku, the Exorcist, Royal-turned-Adventurer? If the scarf from you mother means anything, then clearly you must've had some hangups on leaving home, right?" Ok, that last part about the scarf was a bold guess, but judging from Riku's reaction she could tell if it was true in any regard or not. Besides, intros were out of the way! Huzzah!

"Looks like we got properly introduced to eachother now, correct? Well, allow me to be the one to warn you that, while I might be a pacifist in actions, you won't be getting me to leave this room if I have anything to say about it." Castle gloomily manifested behind Akiko, though only Kanbaru and any active Serei could see it (unless Victoire had the ability, as well.) "So I suggest to you that maybe you leave this situation to us, hm? Better yet, maybe we can work something out. I do happen to have an idea of what the culprits look like, after all~."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rose blinked in confusion as she looked around, Clair was definitely right. Seems like everyone had decided to go deal with that boring old mystery or whatever, leaving just Clair and Rose to rob the theatre for it's treasures!

"I mean yeah sure, I guess this is finding research material. It's like uh... archaeology! Which is just stealing from dead people!" An interesting take on the profession of learning about the past, one that Rose would be happy to enter into a dialogue about were it not for the sudden intrusion of one very long boy. Rose yelped as the duo was thrown across the room, having just barely held onto Clair's cloak in her fairy form. But the assault didn't stop there! Thankfully Clair was ready for the next strike, which gave Rose her own opportunity to recover.

The fairy pirate scrunches up her face in cute frustration as Clair attacks, this was supposed to be a fun stealing things adventure! She already had her big fight adventure last world! "Alright then, let's do this fast so we can get back to stealing- I mean archaeology!" She hops from the thief's shoulder and transforms in midair to her regular form in a burst of smoke, landing on the ground in a stylish crouch as she draws her dagger and tosses it directly at the snake's eye. It wouldn't hit, but it was all she needed to buy enough time for her next transformation! "Transform! Form of... person with a really big shield and a sword!" The smoke clears, and the hero is revealed!

"Oh man, this feels so gross! I'm made of... of maggots!" Rose groans in disgust as she raises her shield for the next attack, face scrunched up as she squirms in her skin and steps in front of Clair. "You stay on the offense and I'll defend. Need to figure out what this card can do for myself, aside from have a big sword and shield."

And with Ami and Akiko? Well, things had gotten a little chaotic in the throne room. Just a tad really. Little Red seemed scared out of her fucking mind by something, Big Blue showed up out of nowhere, and now Haughty Yellow was demanding they all start fighting to see who the real thief was. That's a full color spectrum of chaos right there! Honestly Ami was about ready to just start swinging and see who stole what, thankfully their resident bard was ready to step in and talk things out as bards are wont to do. "Yeah, my face is pretty friendly I guess. For now anyways, we'll see how I'm feeling in about five minutes after something goes tits up inevitably." Ami planted her sword into the ground and leaned against it, yawning in a bored manner as she let Akiko do her work.

And her solution was... threats of violence! "Maaaaaan, if I knew you were just gonna threaten to dismember her I would've just skipped the threats and done it myself." Ami complained in the background, eyes lilting towards Castle unconsciously as she felt... something. She wasn't looking at the apparition by any means, or at least her eyes weren't focused on it, but she could feel some kind of threat coming from that direction.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LightComposer
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Riku glanced a look over to Victorie. Her new 'boss' seemed to be giving her the signal to go and deal with the newcomers. A wave of doubt had it's way with the princess's nerves, and she maintained a firm grip on her weapon and kept it close to her chest. This was as tense as a job interview in a collapsing building. She was not sure where the die would roll with these strangers. Most concerning of all was how unsure she was if her secrets could remain secret...

Thankfully once the others have spoken, no weapons were raised yet. This situation hadn't slipped from her grasp, and moves could still be made. Akiko's words got the most reaction from her, making her pause and clutch onto her questioned scarf.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm Riku. I like that title, Royal-turned Adventurer. Now...how'd you know about the scarf?" The princess quickly gets to the defense, always a bad feeling when someone was able to read you like an open book. "Err, nevermind. We can talk about that later. Let's get to the back to the talking, and not dismembering." She glanced to Ami when she finished her sentence.

"Alright, alright. I'm sure you guys are all familiar with mystery novels, like Sherlock Holmes? Iunno if you guys get that here, honestly. Anyway! My proposal is we just give our alibies and where we were when the item was stolen, and investigate if they were true or not." The princess has noticeably moved quite away from Kanbaru as she's talking, and obviously avoids speaking to or even looking at the woman. Whatever past they shared, she was not keen on speaking on it.

"So, Akiko, Ami. Was it? Give over your stories and why you're innocent and you won't have to get exorcised. Easy peasy!" Although it was not intended as a threat, that statement could be easily misread as one.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

The words and movements of everyone else in the room were gone, dulled, deemed unnecessary and not important by the buzzing virus leaking in Kanbaru’s head. The vampire was just as proud as ever and the others held no clue. No, who was the most interesting person right now? The girl with her scythe and cloak as red as blood. Of this the JSTR made special note of in Kanbaru’s head, reminding her of the description Garou gave the party of the thief. There was no better suspect than the girl trying to smooth talk and negotiate her way out of being cornered.

And if they were wrong? It didn’t matter. From how the JSTR was buzzing, it seemed there would be more benefit than cost in taking the girl with them, be it through forceful assimilation into their merry band or something more. The JSTR flashed its thoughts and Kanbaru’s attention over to Ami. The girl, so young, so full of fire, and itching to spark a fight. It wouldn’t be difficult coercing her to strike first and, if needed, act as backup in taking Riku the suspect. The JSTR assured Akiko would follow suit, for it was more likely she would against a stranger.

The last factor was Victoire but the vampire, full of pride, would do nothing if it meant gaining an audience of bloodbath and sport. So caught up in her amusement was she that the events of the theater room were well beyond her sight. The pieces for a devising solution were there; all that needed to be taken was the first step, the gentle push in Kanbaru’s mind to act and play the card of rallying her allies against the red-cloaked suspect or attack outright. The odds were in their favor either way, just as they were for something else in the other side of the manor.

The noises heard by Thomas and Caprice became louder and more rampant as the dark serpent continued its assault on Claire and Rose. The snake let out a resounding hiss strong enough to shake bones once the foxy thief made her move with a blast from her star blade. Momentarily blinded, the snake’s eyes sheathed themselves with a dark iris layer to keep from being stunned again, swiveling and swerving away from Claire’s shots. Lined up for another attack at Clair, the snake’s movements suddenly darted to the side from the knife tossed its way.

Now it faced Rose, another predatory hiss filling the room once the pirate manifested with a shield and a slimy layer coating her body. Suparna’s Card seemed to have its uses after all, especially when Rose’s shield made sure the snake, now charging at Rose, would keep it at bay. Coiling back on the ground, the dark serpent’s scales lit up suddenly in a bristling burst of power and energy. Heat built up around its jaws and the snake opened its maw wide with dislocated muscles before firing an orb of purple right at Rose’s shield, testing how easy it was to bend and break.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kanbaru Otoko

Just a few steps closer and her partner's desires crystallized, focusing not on the vampire but the red hood beside her. The nun's words were intoxicating and she drank deep from that well, her whale plushie straightening, it's surface taught with the pressure of violently whirling water that released a low keening 'Weeeee' sound the closer she stalked. Eyes electric in their intensity honed in on Riku. It was with reluctance she acknowledged her companions, her partner's rationale tempering it's lust for conquest.

"Ami, doesn't this cloaked girl give you a serious Light Magical Girl vibe? I want to punch a frown on her face just looking at it. Give me a hand, for old times sake, will ya'?" She called back, nostalgia coloring her tone with the gleeful savagery of their past days dominating Miso City. True, they hadn't been terribly close compared to herself and Touka, but the love of bullying ignorant Light Girls was universal in its appeal. "And hey, she even matches the description of one of thieves. It's practically a public service!"

The last word was a beastly roar, a dash having Kanbaru appear behind both Victoire and Riku, her whale whirling down and up in a launcher that heralded an arc of water to rise up and drill the thief princess into the ceiling.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"I'll be perfectly honest with you, Thomas, I kinda zoned out for a minute there. I wasn't paying any attention to where they went." Caprice shrugged, not having any advice. But as he took off once again, Caprice was close behind.

Perhaps too close behind, as Thomas abruptly spun while raising his glaive. Caprice bent backwards while falling to one knee, sliding forward like a figure skater finishing a performance, with a side of deadly limbo as she passed under the glaive.

"Mmm, there was noise certainly. I think it's likely someone found yet another of the tasteless monsters in this place. That boy with terrible work ethic has been the closest to match the castle's aesthetics so far." Caprice slowly rose back straight, as though she had been enjoying a big yawn rather than a close shave with death. "It's enough to make me almost wish for the animate gravestones. Ah, but I digress, if you wish to rush to the rescue of whoever has roused this latest beast, I shall accompany you."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Archeology, huh? I guess I can get along with that idea," Clair said as she jumped aside once more. She heard all about adventurer archeologists in the past, but the idea of claiming that title for herself wasn't bad at all. Like, no one could complain when you raid a tomb to bring some unspeakable artifacts back to a museum where they belong, right?

Be that as it may, it seemed like they would have to deal with this snake before doing anything else.

"Not bad at all, boss. I'm fine with that agreement," Clair said as Rose stepped in front of her. She didn't think too much about the maggots comment, perhaps to protect her own sanity, instead of focusing on the snake's movements. It protected itself against Clair's blinding attack before darting forward to snag the blonde, however, she jumped backward right in time to avoid it by the skin of her teeth.

"That was a close one. I'm sorry I had to give you the cold shoulder but I'm not into being eaten, y'know," Clair joked as she used her free hand to summon a gust of moist wind, splashing the snake. She followed up with an icy arrow that should freeze the thing dead on its tracks.

At least it did until the monster summoned up all of its energy and power to blast Rose with a ball concentrated energy, threatening to blow Clair away in the process too. "Woah, that was dangerous. How about you try a little of your own poison for once?" Clair said as she threw her weapon at the snake, spinning like a boomerang. Her intention wasn't to hurt it so much but rather hit the creature's jaw, trying to either throw its aim away or make it eat its own energy ball, whatever came first.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by LightComposer
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The room was tense. Kanbaru herself was here, a fact that shocked Riku to her core. She was doing her best to keep her composure, and for a moment it really seemed to be working. As long as she could keep things limited to the speaking realm, and prevent things from getting physical the estranged princess would have a chance. After all they had no reason to doubt her so far right?

Very quickly, Riku was proven to be wrong. She was soon being pummeled and thrown in the air by a watery whip that shot her upward, nearly having her back slam against the cobblestone ceiling. Acting on her reflex alone, the princess deflected the torrent of water with a sharp swipe of her scythe to relieve the pressure. Though now she fell onto the ground from her newly elevated height, hitting the floor with a hard slam. A grunt of sharp pain can be heard as she staggered back up onto her feet, a heavy grimace of pain and discomfort on her face.

"Now wait a second!" Again, Riku attempted to buy herself time, wielding her weapon defensively and backing up from the beastial whale. "I'm no thief! I just arrived here! I sincerely wished to offer my services to get some coin!" She spoke in an exasperated panic, her smoothtalking charm had been blasted away with water, which now dripped from her wet and spiky hair.

"I can even assist in finding this thief too! I'm just a mercenary looking for good work!" The princess continued. Though genuinely she hoped her words would work, she is readying something behind her cloaked back, in case Kanbaru moves to fight again.

"I really don't want to fight you again, Kanbaru. I'd never steal from anywhere if I knew you were connected to it." Her gray eyes match her attacker's, a final attempt to talk instead of fight.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Sonnambula
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Sonnambula Stealer of Girls

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Thomas gave Caprice a confused look as she rose up from next to him, completely unaware of his careless handling of the deadly weapon he held. That look was quickly gone though, a concerned but ready expression taking over his face as Caprice confirmed his suspicions. Well, that and a few more, much louder, noises echoing through the halls and stairways they had made their way through previously.

“Alright, let’s get going then.” No sooner had he given Caprice an affirming nod, Thomas was off again. He figured at this point that any speed he ran at would probably be fairly simple for those in his group to keep up with so he didn’t stop to look back, hopping down steps and creasing carpets in his wake.

As he ran he began to get a better idea of what was up ahead, aggressive hisses amidst the ever-loudening bangs and crashes setting up his expectations. It was for that reason that he wasn’t really surprised to see what he saw when he finally reached the scene, chunks of the splintered door about his shoes. Not too surprised at least.

At a glance, the boy noticed a distinct lack of Kanbaru in the room with Clair and... was that Rose? Plus, he’d expected a large snake, that was a given, but he definitely hadn’t expected one that could shoot energy balls. Nonetheless, he didn’t give himself time be be deterred or discourage himself from entering the fray. The snake hadn’t noticed him, at least not yet, and it seemed pretty distracted anyway.

Once again, Thomas didn’t even turn to Caprice, not wanting to wait too long to give his cover away. He didn’t even know if she was still with him, but he hoped his body language would be enough of an indicator.

He sprinted into the theatre just as Clair threw her weapon at the serpent, hopping up onto one of the chairs and using it as a stepping stone to leap into the air as he got close to it. He raised his glaive high above his head before slashing downwards towards the snake’s coiled, scaled body. He didn’t doubt the naivety and risk of his stunt for a second but, that being said, he probably didn’t quite have the finesse yet to try anything smarter yet anyway.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Infrared isn't exactly something that one can explain. You don't just begin seeing things in shades of red depending on how hot or cold they are, that was just how human's processed the data when looking at things through infrared sensors. No, an insect like species like Suparna didn't even "see" infrared at all. It was an sense entirely separate from the usual five humans used to experience the world, you didn't see, smell, touch, hear, or taste heat. You simply felt it. And in this moment, Rose could feel an immense heat building up in this creature's maw, and she could feel that it was going to come at her in a matter of moments. She could feel the path it would take, almost like she was seeing just a second into the future to see where it was aiming. Or maybe that was just the instincts of the finely trained warrior who was currently occupying her. Or was it the other way around?

Clair's knife clips the creature's jaw and it falters, the energy is just slightly destabilized, slightly weaker than it should have been. A sphere of purple luster shoots directly at the pirate paladin, but somehow Rose just knows that she'll be fine. This shield has stood up to far worse in the past, so something as simple as this was like throwing a tennis ball at a brick wall. Rose's arm swings out in the direction of the projectile and she can feel her muscle memory screaming at her to bat it away into the wall, but something else is telling her otherwise. The energy is just slightly destabilized, slightly weaker. This opens up the opportunity for more damage. She adjusts her angle of impact accordingly, the ball of dark light slams into the shield with the force of a sledgehammer yet Rose's arm doesn't even tremble. It only continues forwards and out, the energy ball distends and warps for a brief moment before rocketing right back at this dumb snake's face to send it crashing through the wall.

"Hey! Who the hell said you could attack me huh!? Get out of here before I go grab Victoire and have her make you into a steak!" Wait what? Rose touches her lips with her free hand as she wonders just what the hell she's talking about, for a moment she's totally off guard as her shield lowers a tad out of sheer confusion. She didn't even notice Thomas charging in to join the fray, a welcome addition to be sure but... who was just talking right now?

Ami rolled her eyes at Riku's question, everyone knew who Sherlock Holmes was. And while she didn't read any of those long ass boring books, she would always skip to the end to find out who the killer was, she could definitely say she enjoyed that one Sherlock Holmes movie where his answer to every situation was to just beat the shit out of everyone. Hehe. Discombobulate. "Yeaaaaaaaah, I don't really feel like answering your stupid questions. You give your alibi first, how about that." Riku's first mistake was assuming she was dealing with a rational and polite human being who would be more than happy to cooperate in an attempt to find the true thief. Ami was none of these things, she was just here to kill her way up this Tower and get stronger.

Now Kanbaru-chan, she definitely had the right idea of things. "Yep, I like that plan." A beastly smirk adorned her features as she cracked her knuckles and stared right at Riku, before vanishing from sight nearly in sync with Kanbaru. The two former magical girls knew exactly how the other thought after fighting together for so long, even if they were never a part of an official duo. A moment later she would reappear behind Riku as she backed away from Kanbaru defensively, fist cocked back and wreathed in dark flames. "Yeah yeah, tell it to the judge!" Her tone communicated boredom, but the look on her face was anything but. It was with great joy that Ami donkey punched Riku directly in the back of the head, a smooth knockout if it landed cleanly. Her first mistake was assuming Rose was rational and wanted to talk things out. Her second was assuming Kanbaru would be the same. Her last was taking her eyes off of the Demon Knight for even a second.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Yeah, you're right. I'm Riku. I like that title, Royal-turned Adventurer. Now...how'd you know about the scarf?"

Ah, so she was right. Scarf from the mother, no doubt a queen of some far-away land, and she had come here for a life of adventure and to possibly leave all of that behind. Akiko understood, and she was in a similar boat. Maybe not exactly, but she was still looking for her own goals in a 'world' beyond hers. So far, she'd been succeeding.

"Maaaaaan, if I knew you were just gonna threaten to dismember her I would've just skipped the threats and done it myself."

"Hardly a threat, Murota. I'd think of it... promise isn't right... as a vow that I, frankly, won't have to follow up on if she chooses to play nice." Akiko spoke, almost in such a cold way to make her cheery exterior feel... disturbing. Almost like she was entirely confident that, if Riku came close, she would absolutely perish. Almost like she was fully prepared for anything.

"So, Akiko, Ami. Was it? Give over your stories and why you're innocent and you won't have to get exorcised. Easy peasy!"

Akiko offered a smirk, her left hand folding behind her back and her right hand placed across her chest. "Why, I've already told you who I am. Akiko Miazaki, travelling poet and fortune teller, blessed with the ability to see into your future and pick apart your past. Of course, those are not my only abilities, though I certainly would prefer to not let you see the hand I'm working with." She offered a soft giggle. "After all, what's the fun without a little bit of the unknown to keep you dancing on your toes?"

"Ami, doesn't this cloaked girl give you a serious Light Magical Girl vibe? I want to punch a frown on her face just looking at it. Give me a hand, for old times sake, will ya'? And hey, she even matches the description of one of thieves. It's practically a public service!"

"Yep, I like that plan."

"Now wait a second! I'm no thief! I just arrived here! I sincerely wished to offer my services to get some coin! I can even assist in finding this thief too! I'm just a mercenary looking for good work! I really don't want to fight you again, Kanbaru. I'd never steal from anywhere if I knew you were connected to it."
Kanbaru, Riku, and Ami

Now that was... interesting. Not only did it seem Kanbaru and Ami had some long past from knowing each other outside of this Tower, but Riku happened to already know who Kanbaru is. That would absolutely explain her skittish nature on Riku's end upon seeing Kanbaru, but the only question that lasted became just why the two fought? She wasn't sure, but something in her mind told her that this Kanbaru wasn't the same one who entered this Tower with Rose and herself. This Kanbaru was much different, indeed.

"Ah, those two. Always resorting to violence." Akiko teased as she folded her arms behind her back, tails swishing behind her as she walked to Victoire's throne and stood beside it. "Ah, girls will be girls, I suppose. And who would've guessed that they have history! Such a surprise, indeed!" Her eyes danced along the blasts of water and the onslaught of carnal rage. Ami, Kanbaru, and Riku, all squaring off for the enjoyment of a vampire queen. She couldn't help but be enticed by this idea.

"If I might be so bold to say, Lady Bordeaux, this is quite the situation unfolding. I sincerely hope you don't mind if I stay out of it." Akiko turned to face the vampire for a moment, a smirk across her face and an ear flicking towards the fight. "I prefer to keep my hands clean of such trivialities."

As she turned back, to any who could see it, Castle would remain manifested next to Akiko, but its eyes were not even close to facing the battlefield. Instead, its eyes trailed on Victoire herself. As if Akiko would let her guard down for the vampire to take advantage of her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kanbaru Otoko

Kanbaru was not deaf to Riku's pleas, but she was indifferent to them. If anything hearing the fear and familiarity in her tone had excited the killer edge in her, knuckles taut upon the tail of her whale plushie as she took in the spectacle of Riku's fall. It would have been even better to see her soaked to the bone and battered from her water echo, but blunting the force of her attack still ensured she was a sopping mess when she came ungainly down upon the ground.

Before she could consider how to really make this girl who excited her partner so intensely squirm before them, Ami stepped in like a proper Detention Club member should with a helping hand. That said hand was wreathed in flame and slammed into the back of Riku's head was exactly the sort of help she'd come to appreciate from such a trust worthy acquaintance.

Moving with viscious intent her free hand shot forward, snatching the airborne Riku by the throat to arrest all the momentum of Ami's punch with a sudden stop against a hand that burned like dry ice. The spray of water across her skin and clothes flash froze in a wave emanating from the fingers clenched like iron upon her delicate airway. "I can't say I recall you off the top of my head, but I have a hunch a little interrogation will jog those memories, and the truth of your crimes as well. Unless, that is, you feel like confessing to the thefts before the mistress of the castle. You seem to fear her a lot less~"

Kanbaru looked back over her shoulder, her smile broad and joyous as she favored Victoire and Akiko with her captive Princess dangling like the catch of the day. She carried the sincere hope Riku would continue to deny her crimes, all the better for Kanbaru to force the truth from her lips with a more personal touch.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Caprice held to the rear of the battle for now, hiding behind the doorframe rather than busting into the room. There were enough people throwing attacks and such around that she didn't want to get in the way and cause trouble. In the heat of battle, who knew where the flour would end up if she started baking up a storm? However, perhaps there was a tool she could use a little more precisely. One she had not yet tried to use in battle. She for the first time, called upon her soul weapon to aid her in conflict.

Of course, summoning cards was of limited direct attacking potential, as she had not yet infused them with the ability to create deadly papercuts, but perhaps they could still be a distraction. She summoned her cards directly around the snake's eyes. Of course, if it thrashed about, it would easily send them flying, but with nothing better to do, Caprice could easily just focus on unsummoning and resummoning them over and over to bother the snake as it moved.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

The scene that Caprice and Thomas walked into in the theater room could be described simply as chaos. Since the appearance of the snake, the surroundings had either been smashed or outright destroyed by the efforts of the fight happening. Indeed, it seemed no matter which way the dark serpent moved, its crushing weight bent and sent debris flying with the stalwart force of gravity by its mass. Clair’s efforts only further annoyed the reptile, the water and icy gusts dissipating like dissolved mist in the presence and heat of the snake’s charging attack.

Its scales, where once black and dark as coal, lit up with a vibrant purple hue as the orb gathered crushing energy in its maw. However, it didn’t expect Clair’s strike to fully commit and soon, the spinning blade was hurled before it could react. Catching the snake by its chin, the orb was fired prematurely at the two girls. The air itself bent and twisted as the orb flew in the air before crashing into Rose’s newfound shield. Indeed, the power of Suparna’s card was more than enough to not only deadlock the projectile, but send it barreling right back at the serpent as well. The snake hissed as its own energy was sent towards its face and the entire room rippled harshly.

Items suddenly flew up and outwards before being violently ripped backwards to their original position as gravity distorted momentarily. The snake was sent crashing backwards in a flopped daze of a bundle. No sooner could it recover did cards suddenly manifest around the snake’s eyes, blinding it by merit of Caprice’s magic. Perhaps it was choice or chance, but the three of them, now made four, had successfully coordinated and executed an attack of their joint efforts, concluding with the snake’s hisses cutting sharply short by Thomas’ blade.

The boy fell the great beast with his strike, his attack cutting clean through the serpent. But where a creature of Victoire’s making may have fallen by now, the snake did not do so kindly. The serpent near-exploded in streaks of shadow that slithered in piles along the floor, racing at breakneck speeds. Some were slowly growing back to full size, launching themselves at the team of four to coil and wind around, scaled muscles working to crush bone, organs, and armor. While the majority of snakes slithered out the door, the one holding Clair with its body bared its fangs before snapping its maw around her throat, piercing through.

Back in Victoire’s chamber, the tide of battle swiftly fell back on Riku. While Akiko bided her time in smooth talking the mistress of the manor, Kanbaru and Ami took it upon themselves to take the princess by force of reason. Perhaps it too then was choice or chance, enacted at the same time but in rooms apart; no one could say for sure. But as Kanbaru lifted Riku up high to claim her prize, freezing the princess where she was dangled, Akiko and her Castle would notice the slight gleam in the air that dashed quicker than the human eye could perceive.

Trailing off its streak was hesitation and only on closer inspection could anyone realize it was a bullet. It headed right for Kanbaru’s arm, only to be knocked out the air by her own invisible protection. But where one came down, more rained as well, and this time they lacked the instinct of doubt Akiko could sense. This time they aimed for Riku. Instead of piercing her body directly, they embedded themselves precisely in the thin-iced layer around her clothing, sending cracks spindling and chinks forming enough for her to break free of her own.

Because the one firing off each round was certainly not going to approach on her own merit. No, she was quite fine with staying high up in her peeking position, perched somewhere in Victoire’s rafters. “Aww, hell, now don’t tell me I just gave away my position for some gawking girl. Hey you, with the cloak. Start moving cause I don’t save people for squat or for free~” said the huntress with confidence.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kanbaru Otoko

She'd blame her carelessness upon the JSTR's influence, her parasitic partner instilling such a single minded focus she has lost all sense of situational awareness. Easier to blame the nun then admit she had been entirely caught flat footed by the marksmen trying to steal her prize. While her spectral companion deflected the projectiles meant for her, she hadn't acted to spare Riku the same barrage and Kanbaru had to flinch back as the icy prison shattered, freeing Riku from her hold.

That Riku wasn't perforated like some exceptional chunk of swiss cheese spoke to some unseen ability of the distant sharpshooter, as even Kanbaru in her magical girl days couldn't claim to have that degree of control over her ice bullets. Then again, she hadn't even seen the need, but who prepares to to shoot someone with live ammo and still only have the force of a paint ball?

"Wow, she really is like a Light Girl. Chickening out and running the second they're under pressure. Great thing we've got experience hunting cowards like that, aye, Ami~?" Kanbaru swiped her hand downwards, palming and absorbing the Corpse Collector card to conjure forth her flowing coat and the arsenal it held. Taking the sharpshooter's presence as a provocation to be answered, a revolver appeared in her dominant hand while the other hovered over the hammer. Squaring her shoulders she unloaded upon the marksmen, eager to see her rafter hiding place blasted to splinters and send her tumbling down for Ami to flambe.
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