Character Quote:âFortune Favors the Bold and the Prepared.â
Name: Astrid Merkel
Aliases: Aaron (Dead name her and you will die at her hand.)
Age: 17
Birthday: December 22nd, 2002
Ethnicity: American
Birth Place: Boston, MA
Godly Patron: Odin and Freya
How Many Years At Hotel Valhalla: Sheâs been in and out of the hotel for about 4 years.
Gender: Trans Female
Languages: English, Old Norse
Height: 5â9â
Weight: 145
Body Type: Slender but muscled
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Skin Tone: Pale
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: She has a scar along her right shoulder. She also wears an eyepatch over her right eye, as it is missing. She also has
this symbol tattooed on her left shoulder.
Personal Style: When sheâs not in Valhalla, she likes dressing very girly. She loves dresses and skirts, and wearing her hair in braids and curls. When she is in Valhalla, she will dress more like the traditional Valkyrie with some exceptions, making sure to be armored when she needs to be in it.
Loyal * Wrathful * Strong * Stubborn * Kind * Secretive
Sexuality: Possibly Ace (Not sure, being a part time Valkyrie doesnât leave time for dating.)
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Astrid is a mix of personalities, as a result of her upbringing. She can be the kindest and most loyal person on the planet if she considers you a true friend or family, as well as someone she wishes to protect you. However if you cross on her bad side, she can show you what a valkyrie can be capable of, and take down even the strongest of monsters. She usually keeps a mask up to keep mortals from getting too close to her, as she does have her secret side job to worry about, and she will keep a smile on her face no matter what.
Fatal Flaw: Vengeful: If someone has wronged Astrid, she has no qualms in hunting them down and serving up justice as she sees it. Mostly it results in her teaching them a lesson, but sometimes it has led to other things. (Thankfully not often.)
Habits: As much as she likes being girly, she does pick at her nails and nail polish when she gets her nails done. She will twirl her hair around her fingers when sheâs thinking. When reading books she will roll the top corner of a page between her fingers.
Hobbies: Reading, baking, practicing martial arts, making bracelets.
Fears:- Being misgendered in death
- Being kicked out of the Valkyries
- Helheim
Likes:- Tea
- Cats
- Baking
- Dancing
- Fantasy novels
- Iris flowers
Dislikes:- TERFS
- Bigots
- Slasher horror movies
- Upside down roller coasters
- Shrimp
Blessing Abilities:
- Death sense - Can sense when someone is about to die honorable and can head that way to do her duties.
- Superhuman strength
General Skills:
- Basic first aids
- Rope/ knot tying
- Baking
- Sprinting
- Negotiation
- Reading
Combat Skills: (Must fit what your character knows)
- Archery
- Spear fighting
- Shield
- Battle Axe
Magic Item: - Magic Horn: Astrid can use this horn to summon VeĂ°rriddari, her winged horse mount, to wherever she is.
What Do They Carry On Them:This includes your clothing, jewelry, your wallet, your id, your keys; cash (denote which country), a picture, lighter, cigarettes, weapons you may carry, shoes, purse, bag, pistol and so forth. If it is not listed you are not carrying it. Again, keep it grounded in the real world. Limited to spots provided.
- Clothing - In the mortal realm, she wears dresses, or skirts with nice tops, with sandals or boots with low heels. She wears a necklace with a wing pendant on it, as well as one ring on her right hand with her birthstone (turquoise) in it. When she is in Hotel Valhalla or on a mission she wears her more traditional armor.
- Purse/Wallet - She has a pretty ita purse that she wears that usually has her wallet with her medical card, her ID, around $200 American dollars, some coins of the nine realms, some gold coins, and a credit card. In the purse itself there is a weekâs worth of medication and shots, tissues, a small dagger, breath mints, her cell phone and her home keys.
- Swanâs Cloak: Herâs is usually in cloak form, and on missions she has it fastened around her neck. It allows her to shapeshift into a swan when needed.
- Shield
- Bow
- Quiver of Arrows
- A bottle of water
- Her med kit with extra shots
- Pair of flats just in case
- Zip up hoodie sweater if needed
Biography From as early as she could remember, Astrid didnât seem to fit in with the other kids her age. While she was expected to be more rough and tumble, and more into sports, she kept being drawn to things that were considered more âgirly'.â Her father seemed to take issue with this, as he had always wanted a son and it seemed the one he had gotten wasnât the one he had wanted. Especially when she started to reject the clothing she was forced to wear and started showing preference for the dresses her mother would wear.
One day when she was around twelve she found a magic door that changed her life. (See Below.) When she returned from this life changing tea party, she announced to her parents that she was a woman, and not the boy they had thought she was. It took a while for them to get use to the idea, but soon she was starting medication and transitioning. Her father is still odd around her, as he had lost his âsonâ as he put it, but her mother seemed to accept her.
Shortly after that fated tea party she started her new life as part time Valkyrie, under the guidance of Odin and Freya, but she only guides souls part time, and sometimes goes on missions to help out. However, it seems that the closer it might get to Ragnarok, the more she might have to decide her fate, to keep being part time or to become a full time Valkyrie, which is something she thinks about all the time.
How Did You Get To Hotel Valhalla: One day when Astrid around twelve, she was wandering the streets of Boston when she noticed a strange door to what looked like a fancy hotel in front of her. Curious as well as feeling a strange urge she walked over to the door and tugged it open before realizing she had stumbled into someplace she was not supposed to be, and was about to leave when an elderly gentleman bid her enter.
Astridâs mysterious friend bid her to join him for tea, as well as introduced her to another woman⊠and they turned out to be Odin and Freya. They invited her to become a Valkyrie, as they had sensed that she wanted to do more than just be the person she was born as. Astrid accepted their invitation and from that day on became a part time Valkyrie.
Theme Song: Valkyries-Blind GuardianExtra Information:See previous Character for sample
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