Name: Klein Benedict Harris; The Angel of Death
Age: 19
Physical Description: 
Klein is quite tall at 6'2". He has a lanky frame, fair skin, and brown eyes.
Important items: Laminated picture of his late squad
Cane (pretends to have a bad leg)
Glasses (for simple aesthetic)
Light Body Armor
Necklace with a cross
Weapons: Avtonat Kalashnikova 89 - A fully automatic assault rifle that fires bolts of plasma. It could be charged with any source of heat; as such, its battery could be replenished by something as simple as a bonfire.
Revolving Blade Swords: A pair of short chainswords with teeth augmented with extreme heat. Effective against armor.
Spell List:Shadowspawn Conjuration (Underworld/Mind): Klein has the ability to summon up to six monstrous creatures out of the fears of non-magical folk within 20 meters. These can vary from simple feared animals such as spiders and dogs to seemingly incomprehensible monstrosities; whatever it is that these non-magic individuals see in their nightmares. They all seem to have little to no durability, as they are easy to dispatch with conventional weaponry; they are, however, quickly replaced if people stay within range. They never seem to get bigger than seven feet tall, and almost always try to assume a humanoid form.
Umbrakinesis (Underworld): Klein is able to gather shadows in order to darken out his surroundings in a radius of five meters, or create a blind spot around himself that absorbs all light. Non-magical light sources are unable to penetrate darkness created by his umbrakinesis.
Necro-Memorial (Underworld/Mind): Klein is capable of drawing out the memories of a corpse, as long as it has sufficient brain matter left.
Shadowform (Underworld/Change): Klein is able to transform into a living shadow, allowing him to meld into the shadows, be immune against non-magical weaponry, and fly at a speed of 40 km/h. This state lasts for up to 5 seconds at a time.
Memory Manipulation (Mind): Klein is able to manipulate the memory of someone he is in physical contact with, most usually by putting his hand on their forehead for at least six seconds.
Mirage (Mind): A favoured tactic, Klein has the ability to create illusions in a radius of ten feet around himself. He could disguise himself as a tree, or hide other people around him. Mirage can still be countered by thermal vision and High magic sense.
Character Traits: Telepathic Immunity: Being highly proficient in Mind Magic, Klein's mind is like a fortress. It is extremely difficult for telepaths to read his mind; as such, his secrets are safe. Having spent much of his training being assailed by Mind Magic has very much strengthened the mental barriers he has to the point that attempting to read his mind could cause pain if the telepath insists on breaking in.
Short Bio: Klein Harris comes from a colony etched into the innards of Ceres, one of the largest asteroids in the asteroid belt of the Solar System. He was born into a rather poor mining family in the asteroid colony, the youngest of five children. They lived in the deepest parts of the massive rock that they were born in, and toiled day and night in the mining operations all over the asteroid belt as crewmen or pilots of the mining ships that sailed amongst the sea of rocks, extracting precious metals that only made the Ascendancy rich while they, the poor masses, remained small and weak. They have a terrible existence right unto this day.
Klein, however, was not destined to live in such terrible conditions; at the very least, he wasn't supposed to. He was quite intelligent academically, and when one of the more well off friends of his mother came in for a little visit all the way from Mars, she looked upon how the youngest child of these desperate asteroid miners got the highest grades in his class. At age 15, Klein was slated to be sent to Mars to attend a private school… and hopefully help get his family out of their terrible existence and end the undying cycle of poverty.
These dreams, however, would be shattered when men in masks and black grabbed him off the streets of Cerespont. He awoke strapped to a table, alien dust and other impossible substances being pumped into his body along with hundreds of other kids.
He was now a Star Marine, gifted with terrible powers of darkness and death. The Ascendancy then shoved him and his fellow young warriors into the fray of war against the alien coalition, breaking them for all time. Klein and his newfound allies would commit terrible atrocities and crimes of war; all under the orders of the institution that had no care for their welfare. They were just tools; tools to be used and discarded once they had no more worth.
The throes of battle would continue until the final confrontation in Proxima, where most of the Star Marines were captured. In the hour right before the battle, Klein fled, deserting the army in a desperate and foolhardy attempt to find his way back home.
Instead, what he would find was Crowley, and the vicious Squad 0. Some of them wished to kill him then and there, but Crowley overruled them, stating that his set of magic and skills would be very useful in being a mole. Under the threat of death, Klein Harris would be an unwitting pawn of Crowley, forced to do whatever the sadistic boy wishes in exchange for a safe passage back to the Asteroid Belt…
Theme Song: Vögel Im Käfig