Menzai Isanami

Menzai's reaction might of been seen as a bit overreacting to other mage users, but one that he felt necessary due to unknown risk of her mysterious magic too high for his comfort. If there was even the smallest inkling of a chance something could bring danger to his tribe then he would take defensive action to be at the ready to deal with whatever said threat may be. And while Alina's magic was not enough to call for use of his magic; creating a distance felt to be the best case until he gleaned the information to assure him enough that there was no danger.
And so the wolfkin remained crouched low to the ground, his once tense body lessening upon seeing the burly male supposedly to be Alina have their body droop down a bit akin to one feeling hurt or sad. His sharp gaze remained fixed on the transformed guild member as he was unable to answer the question asked for he had no answer, considering he knew too little of the woman to properly gauge what kind of person Alina was. Yet, from the way she had carried herself, spoke and treated others in particular the previous travelers they had encountered earlier that day. As while Menzai was indifferent and was hardly one to show emotion, he still offered a respectful proper greeting whereas hers felt..cold and calculating.
As he remained crouch, listening to the turned Alina tell of the hostile and harsh manner in how others often took in witnessing her magic. But, it was not that he found her magic terrifying or horrible; far from it as he found it most fascinating and even more so after learning what exactly her magic was. His reaction and worries were solely to the possibility that she could gain the copied's memories and as she demonstrated by changing back to her original form. A process while grotesque was also interesting to see as he showed no movement to look away for even a second as the method of this imitation or copy magic needed to be properly described and detailed for even their records had little on such magic.
No longer seeing or sensing any sign of danger that he chose to stand up where he found himself looking once more at the redhaired female albeit wearing overly baggy clothes that she had to hold up herself. A comical sight that might of made most others chuckle, but he simply observed Ms. Bloomfield with a straight face, head tilting a bit in a curious manner causing the hood which had thankfully remained over his head to shift a bit in doing so.
Her explanation left him intrigued and curious; strings of questions purely about the magic filled his mind though he knew this to not be the time to discuss them. At least for now, his suspicions were satisfied, albeit not completely.
Simply being told that her magic didn't gain her the person's memories was not enough as he could not afford to take everything a person told him to be at face value. But, on the part that it did not harm the one copied he was content on as he saw nothing that showed otherwise and the fact that were she to lie on this especially would not do to look good for the woman at all.
It did seem strange to him how humans could give such reactions to become volatile and hostile when the knowledge of magic and human mages seeming to be a common one. Then again, he figured few could stand to watch such an unappealing way of transforming as well as he would.
Whatever the case, he was satisfied enough to no longer see Alina to be a threat though of the humans he has since met, she was one he felt the need to be wary of especially. Nothing she said or did indicated such wariness, but her mannerism and approach just
And hearing the extra bit she added on after having transformed back into the burly individual helped to put him back to his usual partially guarded state. If it indeed also required some form of compatibility then this would make sense as the makeup of his body and dna were not entirely human though this also left him with a bit of a doubt for he lacked the intel on the extent of what she can and cannot copy.
The last bit that Ms. Bloomfield stated in understanding if he no longer wished to talk with her or wanted anything to do with the woman was a strange thing to hear. With a flick of his arms to brush the bits of grass from the long sleeves, Menzai quietly strode his way along the cart, where he took a moment to double check the tarp to make sure none had come undone before continuing on to step up to the bar next to the transformed, taller Alina male to begin pushing at the cart." I assure you that I meant no offense nor do I have any intention or desire to prevent any future interactions with you, Ms. Bloomfield. My reaction were not out of hate or malice, but for the self preservation and protection of my tribe. The lack of understanding the ways of your magic simply had too many unknown variables for me to risk any chance of having the secrets I carry to be taken." Peering over at the person besides him, taking in the way the muscles of limbs moved or how the scent of this male persisted without any hint of Alina's presence.
" For now I am satisfied that there is no risk and you do not seem to be the type to misuse these copies though I hope you understand that I still prefer in taking no attempts of copying me." A nod of his head to show there was an understanding between the two of them as he turned his attention forward." And to refer to your magic as cheap imitation lessens the wondrous fascination and capabilities for it is by no means an easy feat to not only change one's appearance and voice..but their scent especially. Having said such, I most look forward to discussing these topics with you when everything has been finished." Having said everything he planned to, he resumed pushing on the bar, giving a low grunt in doing so.
And with the combined efforts of Menzai with his seemingly endless stamina and Alina's gained strength of the burly individual that their travels with the cart improved greatly.