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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hazelrah
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Hazelrah unhindered grandma

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Stonefall: WillowClan Camp

Interacting with:@The Elvenqueen & @PrankFox

Something definitely wasn’t right here.

These strangers were claiming that raccoons had chased them, but none of the patrols had noticed any signs of raccoons over the last few days, and Stonefall would have made a note of that type of sighting.

Spidernose, thankfully, had stepped up beside him and Stonefall was working very hard to keep his tail from lashing in agitation, trying not to betray any emotion to the stranger cats, grateful that Spidernose mentioned that she hadn’t scented raccoons.

Which didn’t mean there weren’t any.

But...he hadn’t scented any either, and he’d just been out on patrol earlier today to make sure Fernstar’s path was safe. And so when Spidernose offered to wake Duskwing, he was about to accept her offer when the other warrior appeared, much to Stonefall’s relief.

He listened to Duskwing, light green eyes bright and alert, ears perked up for any possible sounds of raccoons beyond the camp.

”I’m sorry to hear that you’ve come across trouble,” he meowed to the stranger cat, concerned and still unsure what to believe. ”My name is Stonefall, and I am the Deputy here. I want to help you...where were the raccoons? Do you remember where you lost them?” he finished carefully, trying to see if there were any distinct landmarks that would help him see if the camp was in any immediate danger, or if the stranger cats had successfully lost the raccoons.

If there were any raccoons at all, he couldn’t help but think to himself, because something about both him and Spidernose not having scented any, and none of the early patrols having encountered any, just didn’t sit quite right with him.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: @Shadow Dragon

As Fernstar padded with Blackpelt further down the shrouded, dark path her fur stood on end as her medicine cat spoke of his troubled sightings. Even though her mother had spoken to her about numerous cats from the original four Clans, Fernstar had never heard of this cat named "Goosefeather." But given the way Blackpelt spoke of him, she could tell whatever information he knew about this long lost cat was weighing on him. She also wondered why he would be seeing this specific cat, among all the other legendary Clan cats he knew of and spoke about. Keeping her voice soft and compassionate, Fernstar inched closer to Blackpelt and asked, "Goosefeather? I'm not sure who that cat is. Is this troubling you?" As she waited for Blackpelt's response, she looked up at the sky and saw the moon, sharply cut out from the blackness of the night sky. Her paws again pricked with anxiousness and she wondered if this Goosefeather would be a cat who would grant her one of her nine lives.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago


WillowClan Camp

interacting with: @Hazelrah’s Stonefall, @savannahssu for The Strangers *spooky finger wiggles* XD, @PrankFox’s Duskwing

Spidernose, too, strained her ears once more to try and hear anything that sounded vaguely like rushing pawsteps, or twigs snapping in the underbrush, something that would indicate to them that there was danger barrelling towards their very camp. In agitation and a little bit of worry, the cream-and-brown she-cat lashed her tail, unsheathing her claws and sinking them into the earth beneath them. Great StarClan, these raccoons have to be SOMEWHERE nearby, look at the state of these cats! she thought to herself, unable to see a way that they could have run that far with their level of injuries.

As Duskwing joined them, thus eliminating the need for Spidernose to go and fetch her herself, she looked towards the other warrior and dipped her chin at their guests as she explained the commotion. “Thank goodness, sorry to disturb you like that Duskwing, but this is important. These strangers just came pelting in here like rabid badgers were on their tails? They say they’ve been attacked by raccoons but I can’t smell or hear any.” she admitted, echoing Stonefall’s worries, although the she-cat herself still believed that the newcomers were telling the truth - and to her that was even more concerning.

She looked back at the deputy, rising to stand once more and asked, her mew somewhat tense. “I don’t like this, Stonefall. I could...slip out quickly and try to get a look around?” she offered. “I’m fast, if there are raccoons about they won’t catch me; I won’t try to fight them, I’ll come right back.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 7 days ago

"That's alright Spidernose. This definitely seems to be more important." Raccoons, huh? She scented the air once again trying to pick up any indication that that's what these cats had been running from. She couldn't pick up anything, but depending on how long they'd been running it could be the scent got covered up by the forest or the blood that was leaking out of the scratches on their pelts. "Moosepaw and I were out all across the territory today for hunting and training. I didn't see or scent any signs of raccoons nearby. The largest threat was that fox that came around and attacked the border patrol."

She nodded towards Stonefall, "I"m inclined to ask the same questions. We'd like to know if there's any immediate danger to our camp before we decide what we're going to do here." she hoped that these strangers had some answers. She didn't like the idea of there being creatures out and about that could potentially follow the scent of these cats all the way to camp, so knowing when and where would be important for them deciding what they should do. Unfortunately two of their strongest were out of camp along with their medicine cat and leader. This was probably the least ideal time for them to have to deal with something like this.

Her fur prickled with nerves as Spidernose suggested leaving. They were already down to the bare minimum to keep the camp running and it didn't seem like a good idea. "I don't know if it's the best idea to go out by yourself, but I would like to know at least what direction they came from if they can't remember." Ultimately it was the deputy's decision, but she didn't like the idea of Spidernose being out by herself or having even less cats in camp if these strangers decided to try something.

Mentions: @savannahssu

Stormheart frowned at Sunfur's assessment of why Maplestream might've run off. "That doesn't seem very wise, but I guess she probably knows that and just doesn't want to bother anyone." He could understand not wanting to burden anyone unnecessarily but they were all in a clan together now and, from the way that Fernstar had explained it, that meant looking out for each other and being willing to help when someone needed it. That was one of the big reasons why he actually joined in the first place rather than just staying in the barn or as a loner. Even if Sunfur seemed to think that nothing bad had happened he couldn't help but feel concerned, he'd feel the same way about any of his clanmates.

He had to squint his eyes as they approached the edge of their territory so that the freezing water didn't blind him. It was an effort to keep from flattening his ears against his head to try and dampen the sound of rushing water that came from the nearby rapids. He was thankful that his large paws were effective at keeping him from breaking through the thin layer of ice that covered the thicker snow underneath, but that was about the only positive thing he could think of as more snow began to fall and stick to his already white pelt. He stayed at the base of the rock as Sunfur bounded to the top to get a better look, keeping his eyes peeled for anything that might try to leap from the tree line and attack.

At Sunfur's call he turned his head and followed where the orange tom's tail was pointing. "Alright." He followed after, watching his feet to make sure he didn't slip or cut his paws on the stone, that was the last thing they needed out here. He looked around the bare patch under the trees, picking up Maplestream's scent for sure, but the others were unfamiliar. "I don't recognize the other scents here," he began to scan around the area, avoiding stepping to close as to not muddle what was there, "What reason could she possibly have to come this far out of the territory? Just to meet with some strange cats?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Blackpelt: Wilderness (beyond the borders)



He's quiet for a bit, then says, "Goosefeather was a old Shadowclan medicine cat. He could see and speak to dead cats, seeing them walking among the living." He looks up at the sky. "I've seen ancient cats walking with the living, like Skystar, or Lionheart. There's so many of them, the only way I can tell them apart is that they look like they walked right out of the night sky." He sighs. "It worried me. I've also seen various cats futures, like injuries or sickness, which is why I always have the right herbs for their cuts and bites."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hazelrah
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Hazelrah unhindered grandma

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Stonefall: WillowClan Camp

Stonefall felt anxiety coursing through him, because these cats weren’t answering his questions and it was really starting to stress him out. And while Spidernose’s plan made sense, he also didn’t want anyone leaving right now.

They were stronger together.

Besides, at the thought of Spidernose going out on her own, of Spidernose being alone where there was potential danger did...something to his insides he didn’t have time to think about. Something twisty and panicky.

”No, we’re all going to stay here,” he meowed softly to Spidernose, gently touching her side with his tail-tip, trying to reassure her in this small way. And he kenw Duskwing was trying to help, and he hadn’t been deputy for very long, but her advice and thoughts made him feel a little inadequate -- which was something he’d been struggling with for awhile anyhow -- and he tried hard not to visibly bristle.

She was just trying to help.

”No WillowClan Warriors are leaving until these strangers start answering my questions,” he called out a little louder, bracing his paws a little wider, standing up to his tallest height. He was strong, and his pale green eyes were fierce and protective right now, unwilling to let his Clan suffer.

Fernstar had trusted him.

He wouldn’t let her down.

”So I need you to start answering my questions,” he meowed to the stranger cats, his voice a little darker, a little more savage. ”Where did you come from? Where were the raccoons? If we know that, we can make a plan,” he finished, his body unmoving, his eyes focused.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago


WillowClan Camp

interacting with: @Hazelrah’s Stonefall, @savannahssufor The Strangers *spooky finger wiggles* XD, @PrankFox’s Duskwing

The she-cat couldn’t help but startle slightly as Stonefall raised his voice to speak to the strangers, though she couldn’t really blame him for it. He was trying to appear assertive and strong, and if he felt that was necessary she was willing to trust his judgement. Stonefall was the deputy after all, and he was given that rank by Fernstar for a reason.

Having been ordered to stay put, she did so, though she didn’t sit back down again and instead moved to stand between the deputy and Duskwing, her hackles prickling as she leaned over to whisper to the other warrior in a quiet tone that she hoped only she and Stonefall could hear, and not their strange new guests.
“Do...you think they’re lying, too?”
Spidernose desperately wanted to believe the best, that they were just scared and maybe a little confused, but telling the truth. But with both of her Clanmates so suspicious, it was starting to rub off on her a little, too...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 7 days ago

Duskwing frowned at the continued silence of these cats. They seemed nervous and somewhat shifty, but she couldn't tell if it was because they were still shaken up from what they experienced or if they didn't have any explanation at all. They weren't difficult questions that were being asked of them.

She could tell Stonefall was getting irritated by the lack of response, but he still gave a definitive decision for Spidernose to stay with them. She gave a nod of agreement, but she really had nothing further to say to these cats until they gave an explanation. She was already fairly far outside her comfort zone with these strangers and it made her pelt prickle uncomfortably. She resisted the urge to lash her tail or dig her claws into the ground. That would only show them that she was uncomfortable and she couldn't have that.

A bit of surprise flashed through her as Stonefall's voice dropped into a dangerous tone. He'd only ever been soft-spoken and kind with everyone in camp, but these were unfamiliar cats who had slammed into their camp while two-thirds of their leadership was gone. She couldn't blame him for it and maybe the harsher tone would compel them to speak.

She tilted her head slightly towards Spidernose as she whispered to her, and responded in just as quiet of a tone, "I'm not sure, but their story doesn't add up. None of us have scented any raccoons on the territory and if they can't tell us where or when then we can't confirm it." She scrutinized each of the strangers, trying to pick up anything unusual past the scratches and wide eyes. "How did they know where the camp is? It doesn't seem likely that they just stumbled into it while running away, it's like they knew we were here." She hadn't scented any unusual scents while on patrol, but the camp wasn't exactly right out in the open. Odd.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The skinny black tom folded his ears back against his head and crouched low to the ground to lick one of his paws which was bleeding slightly. He tried to force the spooked look out of his eyes, even though it wasn't genuine. This tom Stonefall was clearly the only authority figure present in camp right now, and if he wanted to put the other two Warrior she-cats at ease, he needed to be submissive, and instruct the rest of his patrol to do the same. Angling his head back towards his companions he hissed, "Show some respect would you?! These cats are trying to help us and we're in their camp!" The other two battered cats crouched down for a couple heartbeats to show submission, slowly rose to their paws then sat and began to lick their wounds. The black tom rose to his paws and sat down a few tail lengths away from Stonefall. "I'm sorry for the slow reply. We're all still on high alert obviously." He dipped his head politely then swung it in the direction of the other two cats. "This is Heather and Otis. They're close friends of mine and have been for a while." Then turning back towards the Warriors, he said casually, "My name is Felix. We came from the Twoleg village way past your territory. We didn't know we had trespassed into any cat's territory, and to be honest, we didn't think any cat could survive out here!" Widening his gaze to include the other two Warriors he deepened his tone and in a more serious voice began to elaborate about the "racoons." "We encountered the racoons outside your territory I assume. That would explain why you never scented them and why you never would have encountered them. They could be anywhere now though." Letting his head drop slightly he muttered dejectedly, "We're sorry we led them into your territory unknowingly. Of course if they come anywhere near your camp we will help you fight them off. I think out of the three of us Otis took most of the damage."

Otis spoke up, "There weren't that many but they were big. I don't think I've ever seen racoons that big, or up close at that. I saw them running away from Twoleg's dens sometimes looking for scraps but I'd never fought one before now." He huffed and laid down seeming to want to give his paws a rest. Heather was sat back on her haunches tilting and tipping her head watching the other two she-cat Warriors with a curious glint in her eyes. Felix couldn't help but notice how soft her fur looked, even scraped up and ruffled. He allowed his gaze to soften as he glanced in her direction. After a heartbeat he addressed Stonefall again. "Are you three the only cats here? This seems like more space than three cats need." He needed to know how many others there were here. Where was their medicine cat? And that calico she-cat he had seen earlier? Were there any other Warriors? Stonefall said he needed answers, well so did he.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hazelrah
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Hazelrah unhindered grandma

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Stonefall: WillowClan Camp

Finally, one of the stranger cats spoke, the skinny black tom lowering himself in a submissive stance as he did so. Stonefall relaxed a little bit as he spoke. Clearly, the three cats had faced a terrible time and had stumbled upon WillowClan’s camp in their hasty attempt to survive, which was something that Stonefall could understand.

At one point, all of the Clan cats had once been out on their own, in some form or another. So it stood to reason that these three were as well.

”I’m sorry to hear that you’ve faced such a tough time with those raccoons,” he meowed, his voice softening a little. He wasn’t ready to tell them about how few they were right now, though, because even though he trusted them, that was Clan business.

Not theirs.

”We can empty out a den for you to rest in. You can stay in our Nursery, and rest for the night, and we’ll keep guard of the camp to be sure no raccoons follow you. Duskwing, take guard at the camp entrance, please. I’ll watch over the Nursery so that our guests can rest safely,” he finished, gesturing towards the Nursery for the stranger cats, so that they would know that’s where they could go.

And he padded over to Spidernose, leaning into meow quietly in her ear, rubbing his side against her a little, ”I need them to think we’re together so I can talk to you in private,” he meowed softly, giving her a little lick on her neck, wishing that he was doing this for real, hoping that maybe in the future he could. ”I want you to guard the Warrior’s den tonight, but from the inside entrance. Honeypaw and Moosepaw are in there and I want them to feel safe. Okay?” and he pulled back, touching his nose to her flank once more.

”You ready to go to the Nursery?” he asked the stranger cats, directing his question to Felix, who seemed to be the primary speaker for the group.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 7 days ago

As the cats finally spoke, and Stonefall relaxed, Duskwing let some of the built up tension leak out of her muscles. She wasn't about to lower her guard, not until Fernstar and the other warriors came back. There story seemed to make sense, at least to her. Raccoons would be more likely to spend time near the two-legs during leaf-bare so that they could scavenge, but that didn't mean she was happy about these cats showing up and potentially leading them here. She could appreciate their willingness to help, but with how scratched up they were she didn't know how much help they would really be in the event of a fight.

She appreciated how deftly Stonefall avoided answering their question about their numbers. She didn't want them to get any ideas. If it came down to it though, as injured and tired as these cats seemed to be, they hopefully wouldn't have too much trouble fighting them off. The three of them, and Moosepaw, were all well trained warriors so if they had come from the two-leg dens they probably have little experience in a true fight. She'd rather it didn't come to a fight though.

"Of course Stonefall." She dipped her head to him and padded past the three strangers, sharp green eyes scanning over the three of them for any sort of twitch or tell that they might be hiding something, before she settled at the entrance nearby where Spidernose had been sitting previously. She kept one eye on the three as they prepared to walk to the nursery while keeping her ears pricked for anything that might be coming near camp.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: @Shadow Dragon

Fernstar's ears pricked at the medicine cat's explanation. Her mother had told her stories of Clan cats she had known during her time in SkyClan, but Goosefeather was never a name she had heard. Maybe it was simply because he was a ShadowClan medicine cat and from what Fernstar's mother had told her, the other Clans were wary and guarded towards ShadowClan cats, given their history of violent leaders and traitorous warriors. Their reputation was mended however when Tigerstar and his mate Dovewing returned from their journey and assumed leadership of the broken Clan.

Hesitation in her voice, Fernstar glanced sideways and asked,"If you can see the futures of our Clanmates, why couldn't you have warned us about the fox attack? Or Sunfur's injury? I'm not angry of course, just curious. I know that just because you can see future events doesn't mean you can prevent them from happening. But I am your leader and these events seem important to share with me." She hoped Blackpelt wouldn't take offense towards her, but she wondered why her medicine cat wouldn't have shared this important information with her before now. Was he waiting to get her alone somehow? Was he afraid of what she would say? She couldn't say, but she hoped Blackpelt would tell her his reasons for holding it from her.

While she waited for his response, Fernstar scanned the moonlit forest around them, admiring the territory she had come to love so much. She could feel the weight of responsibility she had to her Clan getting heavier on her heart as the time for her nine lives ceremony drew nearer. Mixed in with her heavy sense of duty was excitement, her pelt prickling with anticipation for her chance to participate in such a legendary ceremony. There was also uncertainty, somewhere deep down she questioned whether she was the cat WillowClan needed to lead them and make their name known. She hoped that the StarClan cats of legend would find her worthy of this very important task.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: @PrankFox

Sunfur lashed his tail in confusion while surveying the land around them, picking up scents anywhere he could and scanning the terrain for any signs of battle or other danger. "I can't tell you what in the name of StarClan she was doing out here, or who these strange cats are. I've certainly never smelled their scent before, and I've never encountered any other cats in this forest." Not being able to decide what they should do next, he turned to Stormheart and asked, "What should we do? Fernstar told us not to come back to camp until sunrise, or when we found Maplestream. But the scent of strange cats so close to our territory is a possible threat to the Clan." He hoped Stormheart would have a suggestion of what they should do. Spontaneous strategic planning had never been one of Sunfur's strengths, and he tended to rely on his Clanmates to make decisions in important times. It wasn't that he was incompetent, just unsure of himself and if he would make the best choice for the Clan if the decision fell in his paws. Suddenly he noticed that a section of bushes just a few tail lengths away looked like it had been pushed down, most likely by cats walking through it multiple times. He carefully began padding towards it, his fur standing on end. When his head emerged into the center of the bush, he found a patch of wet, cold mud and a large pile of leaves. They were also flattened, like some cat had made a nest with them. He pulled his head out of the bush and called over his shoulder to Stormheart, "Stormheart come over here, you have to see this." While his Clanmate padded towards him, Sunfur tried to put his paws in the position of whoever these strange cats were. Maybe they were loners making their way through the forest and had stopped to rest here? Or they could possibly be kittypets from the nearby twoleg village looking for adventure in the depths of the wild. Maybe he was being to softhearted. Either way, these cats were unknown and to nearby the WillowClan camp for his comfort. The Clan was vulnerable right now with no leader or medicine cat in the middle of leafbare. This situation needed to be sorted out.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Blackpelt: Wilderness (beyond the borders)



He sighs, and shakes his thin pelt, his tail lashing about nervously. "I.....I was scared to. I didn't want you to treat me differently, because I have this....curse, I guess. I just.....wanted to be treated like any other clanmate. I should have told you, I'm sorry....I just didn't know how or when to bring it up." He looks down at his paws. "Imagine if I just randomly walked into your den and said, 'Oh, by the way, I see dead cats, and the future of others. Also, I need more herbs.' Can't you see how crazy I would seem? Anyone else would probably think that I'd been helping myself to most of the herbs in my stock, and was losing my mind." He grimaces. "I wanted to wait until we were alone, so no one else would find out and tell the rest of the clan. But I know I should have told you earlier, I was just to nervous about what you'd think of me." He looks at her with sadness in his eyes. "When I see injuries, I only see what they are, not where they come from. I can make a guess, based on when I see them, and where the cat is going, but aside from that, I'm powerless to do anything about it. I'm not sure why I have this gift, or curse, however you want to look at it, but you could ask Starclan when we get to the pool." He looks over her shoulder and smiles softly. "We're being escorted by Graystripe, Silverstream, and Millie. Greystripe is leading the way, and Silverstream and Millie are right behind us."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 7 days ago

Mentions: @savannahssu

Stormheart sighed slightly, why couldn't Maplestream just stay in camp rather than wandering to the unknown reaches of their territory and ending up with these strange cats. He followed Sunfur's lead, for a short time, but in other directions. He stuck within shouting range, but wandered a bit away with jaws parted to see if he could follow the scents of either the strange cats or Maplestream. It was difficult to follow anything at all with the spray of water coming from the rapids and diluting the scents.

He looped back around and joined back with Sunfur, frowning at the conundrum they'd found themselves in. The ginger tom was right, Fernstar had told them to keep looking until their paws were about to fall off and he didn't want to disobey that, but he couldn't go any further with the knowledge that the whole camp might be in danger. "Maplestream's scent is with these cats. Maybe they caught her off guard and dragged her back to camp as a way of getting something from Fernstar?" He stared down at his paws, warring with his sense of duty to Fernstar or to the clan. Would she be mad at them for going back to camp if they thought it was in danger? For potentially leaving Maplestream injured or worse somewhere in the territory? He had no idea and he hated not knowing, it made him anxious and that was the last thing they needed out here.

He hadn't noticed Sunfur wander away, as lost in thought as he was, but he turned to see his clanmate's head sticking out of a bush. "What did you find?" he padded over quickly and looked at the flattened and disturbed bushes in confusion. "This is a terrible place to try and rest. This close to the rapids you can't hear anything coming and all the scents are muddled." He parted his jaws again, definitely picking up the scents of those strange cats that had been over by the rapids, and followed it deeper into the woods. Away from the rapids and towards their camp.

His fur immediately prickled with nerves and his breath caught in his throat. "The scent is headed towards camp Sunfur. I know Fernstar said to stay out until we found Maplestream or the sun rose, but there aren't enough cats in camp to defend it. We have to go back, and maybe if we're lucky Maplestream will be with them." Fernstar would understand right?
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Interacting with: @Hazelrah

Moosepaw stirred, not quite awake and not quite asleep, his mind traversing the threshold between dream and reality. Slivers of strange scents and sights seamlessly stitched together with even stranger dreams. Tense words across the camp at an uneven volume finally cut through the larger cat’s daze, caused him to slowly raise his head. Honeypaw was tucked in the corner where Duskwing had been when Moosepaw had fallen asleep—In the warrior’s den? The soon-to-be-warrior’s memories returned as he rose to his paws. Moosepaw had briefly been woken up and moved to the warrior’s den at the apprentice's suggestion. At first he tried to be quiet and not wake up Honeypaw, but he soon changed his mind. Part of him wanted to let the new apprentice sleep through the night, after all she was exhausted from her vigil, but Moosepaw was hearing strange voices he didn’t recognize.

The bulky tom walked over to the sleeping she-cat with all the grace he could muster and slowly prodded her awake. My turn to wake you up, Honeypaw. We have a situation it seems, so try your best to follow my lead." With that Moosepaw slowly approached the exit of the warriors den and peaked out into the well lit clearing. Moonlight easily passed through what passed for a canopy, leafless as it was. Moosepaw could see clearly across the still snow covered clearing, and he carefully examined the entrance to the nursery and the apprentice den. No cat moved around the outside of either, and so he slowly peeked out further until he could see the strangers he had heard before.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 4 days ago


WillowClan Camp ---> WillowClan Warrior's Den

interacting with: @Hazelrah’s Stonefall & Honeypaw, @PrankFox’s Duskwing (briefly), @solokolos‘ Moosepaw

As Stonefall and Duskwing relaxed, so too did their Clanmate, the cream-and-brown she-cat finally sheathing her claws as she concluded the strangers were simply haggard from their manic flight away from the vicious raccoons and tired as well. They likely wouldn’t be much of a threat to them and it was pointless to expect a fight now, she thought. When the grey tom padded closer and pressed his fur against hers more substantially, for half a heartbeat or so, she felt as if her own heart nearly stopped. He was so warm and comfortable, and without really thinking about it, even as Spidernose nodded in understanding - and fought down the pang of disappointment as she realised this wasn’t real and was just a cover in front of the strangers - she found herself leaning into the contact.

His tongue rasped across her neck and the she-cat felt her fur tingle a little, but she forced herself to focus and breathe back, just as quietly, as if she were mumbling some sort of reassurance to a mate before they parted for the night, and pressed her chin to the top of his head so she could lean closer to his ear so only Stonefall would hear. “I understand. I’ll keep them safe, and make sure they don’t wander off.” her eyes flicked to the strangers once more as the tom stepped back, and before he was too far out of earshot, Spidernose added, her mew laced with genuine concern. “You be careful, too, don’t let them drag you into something dangerous Stonefall, please.”

The cream-and-brown she-cat dipped her chin to Duskwing as she passed her, flashing the other warrior a silent look that confirmed, If anything suspicious happens, yowl and I’ll come running. before she slunk away to join the two apprentices in the warrior’s den, she noted they were both awake.
Or at least Moosepaw was awake, and Honeypaw was looking groggy as her denmate attempted to rouse her from sleep. Spidernose hunkered down beside them, still half sitting up in case she needed to leave the den on the drop of a whisker.
“Easy, Moosepaw, Honeypaw. We’re staying in here.” she mewed softly, trying to keep as calm and reassuring as she could. “Stay close to me, I’ll keep watch from in here. Nothing’s going to happen to you. Fernstar and the others will be back soon and everything’s going to be fine, you’ll see.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: @PrankFox

Sunfur furrowed his brow in thought and shook his head at Stormheart's suggestion about using Maplestream as leverage against their leader. "That wouldn't make any sense. These strangers have never been in our territory before, let alone near our camp. We obviously would have scented them or seen them. So how could they know Fernstar, or that WillowClan exists at all? These cats are clearly new to this area and are probably lost not aggressive." Turning back to Stormheart, he padded forward back towards the spot where they had first smelled the scent. He bent his head towards the ground, looking closely for tufts of fur or anything that would indicate a struggle between their Clanmate and these strangers. Like he suspected, he found nothing. He had a hunch. "Let's head back to camp. We've been gone long enough and having strangers in our territory with so few Warriors at camp makes my fur stand on end. We can only hope Maplestream knows her way back, and if she isn't back at camp soon, then we'll take Moosepaw and Duskwing out for a second patrol at sunrise to find her. Let's go." Nudging his Clanmate with his broad shoulder muscle, he began to trot apprehensively back in the direction of camp. He wondered how far Fernstar and Blackpelt had gotten in their journey to the Moonpool. They would need to be back soon.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: @Shadow Dragon

Fernstar's fur stood on end at Blackpelt's words, not out of fear but out of awe. Her mother had never mentioned any cats named Graystripe or Silverstream, but she knew they must be important if they were escorting her to her nine lives ceremony. Maybe she would meet them when she spoke with StarClan. . . Redirecting her thoughts back to Blackpelt, she tried to understand what it must feel like to live with such a thing. She didn't know if it was a blessing or a curse but she knew of course that it affected him. But he was her medicine cat and aside from herself, the most important member of the Clan. She quickened her pace to catch up to the small lithe tom and flicked his shoulder with the tip of her tail, demanding he listen. "I understand you being wary of telling any cat something of this magnitude Blackpelt. But I'm your leader and everything my Clanmates have to say can and should be said. I'm not saying you have to meow to every cat in the Clan about the dead Warriors you see, but you have huge potential to serve your Clan in very important ways because of what StarClan has given you." She padded in front of him, blocking his path forward and locked her eyes on him, trying to convey an air of authority but not leaving out her compassion. "Please; from now on if you receive any messages from the Warriors who walk among StarClan, come directly to me. As leader of this Clan, I need to be prepared for anything, and you're the only cat who can help me do that." She got to her paws once again and began trotting in the same direction they had been traveling. She wasn't sure exactly how far they had gone, but she knew looking up at the sky that the moon was almost fully risen, and they needed to be there soon. With a sense of urgency, she raised her voice and asked, "How much further is it? The moon is almost completely risen; I'm worried we won't get there in time!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Blackpelt: Wilderness (beyond the borders)



He nods, and looks up at the rising moon. "We're almost there, don't worry. We'll get there before the moon fully rises." He speaks with complete confidence, sure that they'll get there well before the moon finished rising. After all, they were being led by Starclan. They wouldn't let them be late to such an important meeting, so they had to hurry. "Just a little further. It's in that cave up there." He points at a dark crack in the stone of a mountain with his tail, and starts hopping up the rocks towards the cave.
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