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Falling Skies
It is year 2903. Humanity has long since conquered the stars around them. The resources and riches from their conquests had brought the human race into an Golden Age of technological advancement. Powerful self sustaining AI's were developed to aid humans and their machines, and cyborg parts allowed cripples and the weak to continue working for society. With the advent of AI, biotech and cybertechnology several centuries prior, the advancement of humanity has grown exponentially. Starships of massive proportions were built, floating worlds in space were created, massive Utopia cities on lush green planets were erected. Worlds beyond even what humanity thought were possible were discovered. Wars weren't fought, the human race was too busy expanding at a breakneck pace. Life was perfect. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
And then it did. By the year 2480, Humanity had overextended itself; the great sprawling empire it had forged had become too large for it to support itself. The empire collapsed onto itself. In the course of 20 years, the mighty empire humanity had established splintered into thousands of factions. The fall of the Empire resulted in a massive power vacuum and the Galaxy erupted into a large feudal war. Some factions grew power by warring with other factions, taking them over; others stayed secluded for as long as they could. Many were taken back by the earth empire, and just as many were lost in deep space. Some of the greatest advancements of humanity were lost to the void, leaving the remains of those pieces of technology as treasured relics.
Some time around the mid 26th century- 2542, most of the numerous factions had consolidated into a few major powers: The original Earth Empire, retaining much of their old powerbase, was made up of most of the core empire planets; The Coalition, a group of loosely allied separatists strictly opposed to the Earth Empire, spanning across most of colonial space; and the Krellian Republic, a reclusive, bizarre group focused mainly along the outskirts of known space. Alongside these three powers, smaller stellar kingdoms and fiefdoms also sprung into existence. Some were quickly absorbed into one of the major powers, others remained ardently independent. The Earth Empire and the Coalition fought bitterly, the Empire seeking to reclaim their lost territory, and the Coalition fighting for a new order in the galaxy. The rest of the galaxy did their best to avoid being drawn into the conflict themselves, building up their own power bases where possible.
By the turn of the 27th century, the Earth Empire and the Coalition had suffered dreadful casualties on both sides, and just as many worlds lost in the splintering had been razed by both sides. The two superpowers agreed to an uneasy truce. That marked the start of an intergalactic cold war, as the two superpowers begin a buildup of military strength and engage in proxy wars with smaller nations and colonies.
As the end of the 27th century drew near, a series of failed operations by the Earth Empire at an attempt at securing a rumored Coalition Superweapon has sparked up and reignited the flames of war. After almost a century of peace, war between the Coalition and the Empire had renewed in earnest. Millions of people from both sides are drafted as fleets of starships and planets are thrown into vicious war. Well coordinated Coalition forces take advantage of the Empire’s overextended lines and sluggish reaction time to take victory after victory by utilizing a new type of fighting machine: Mobile Armor Suits, a humanoid fighting machine much more maneuverable and durable than conventional aircraft and ground units, and effective in most environmental situations.
In an attempt to counter the new threat and reorganize their military efforts, the Empire enters an arms race against the Coalition. Reverse-engineering their own Mobile Armor Suits from captured and destroyed Coalition designs, assembles their own mobile units of Imperial design to counter the Coalition Suits. War escalates as The Empire adopts Mobile Armor Suits into their armed forces, both sides rapidly producing newer and more advanced models of mobile armor in order to maintain an edge against the other.
As the years of dogged fighting turn to decades, with no major headway gained by anyone, the UEE and Coalition have fought one another yet again to a stalemate. Forged by the blood of countless millions of lives lost, movements within both the Empire and Coalition have begun petitioning for peace, and both sides have begun scaling down their offensives in preparation for peace talks. However, peace isn't a universal want, and more than one enterprising group have vested interests in keeping the war going for as long as possible.
In the middle of all of this, are a small detachment of men and women from the 101st Mobile Armor Legion. Returning home after a long campaign, the 101st takes a rest at the frontier planet of Cerol, where they will resupply and prepare for the long journey back home to friendly space. Unfortunately for them, the men and women of the 101st will find themselves thrust yet again into extraordinary circumstances. Only time will tell how well they fare.
And then it did. By the year 2480, Humanity had overextended itself; the great sprawling empire it had forged had become too large for it to support itself. The empire collapsed onto itself. In the course of 20 years, the mighty empire humanity had established splintered into thousands of factions. The fall of the Empire resulted in a massive power vacuum and the Galaxy erupted into a large feudal war. Some factions grew power by warring with other factions, taking them over; others stayed secluded for as long as they could. Many were taken back by the earth empire, and just as many were lost in deep space. Some of the greatest advancements of humanity were lost to the void, leaving the remains of those pieces of technology as treasured relics.
Some time around the mid 26th century- 2542, most of the numerous factions had consolidated into a few major powers: The original Earth Empire, retaining much of their old powerbase, was made up of most of the core empire planets; The Coalition, a group of loosely allied separatists strictly opposed to the Earth Empire, spanning across most of colonial space; and the Krellian Republic, a reclusive, bizarre group focused mainly along the outskirts of known space. Alongside these three powers, smaller stellar kingdoms and fiefdoms also sprung into existence. Some were quickly absorbed into one of the major powers, others remained ardently independent. The Earth Empire and the Coalition fought bitterly, the Empire seeking to reclaim their lost territory, and the Coalition fighting for a new order in the galaxy. The rest of the galaxy did their best to avoid being drawn into the conflict themselves, building up their own power bases where possible.
By the turn of the 27th century, the Earth Empire and the Coalition had suffered dreadful casualties on both sides, and just as many worlds lost in the splintering had been razed by both sides. The two superpowers agreed to an uneasy truce. That marked the start of an intergalactic cold war, as the two superpowers begin a buildup of military strength and engage in proxy wars with smaller nations and colonies.
As the end of the 27th century drew near, a series of failed operations by the Earth Empire at an attempt at securing a rumored Coalition Superweapon has sparked up and reignited the flames of war. After almost a century of peace, war between the Coalition and the Empire had renewed in earnest. Millions of people from both sides are drafted as fleets of starships and planets are thrown into vicious war. Well coordinated Coalition forces take advantage of the Empire’s overextended lines and sluggish reaction time to take victory after victory by utilizing a new type of fighting machine: Mobile Armor Suits, a humanoid fighting machine much more maneuverable and durable than conventional aircraft and ground units, and effective in most environmental situations.
In an attempt to counter the new threat and reorganize their military efforts, the Empire enters an arms race against the Coalition. Reverse-engineering their own Mobile Armor Suits from captured and destroyed Coalition designs, assembles their own mobile units of Imperial design to counter the Coalition Suits. War escalates as The Empire adopts Mobile Armor Suits into their armed forces, both sides rapidly producing newer and more advanced models of mobile armor in order to maintain an edge against the other.
As the years of dogged fighting turn to decades, with no major headway gained by anyone, the UEE and Coalition have fought one another yet again to a stalemate. Forged by the blood of countless millions of lives lost, movements within both the Empire and Coalition have begun petitioning for peace, and both sides have begun scaling down their offensives in preparation for peace talks. However, peace isn't a universal want, and more than one enterprising group have vested interests in keeping the war going for as long as possible.
In the middle of all of this, are a small detachment of men and women from the 101st Mobile Armor Legion. Returning home after a long campaign, the 101st takes a rest at the frontier planet of Cerol, where they will resupply and prepare for the long journey back home to friendly space. Unfortunately for them, the men and women of the 101st will find themselves thrust yet again into extraordinary circumstances. Only time will tell how well they fare.
Plot and Premise:
Hello everyone! Welcome to the interest check for Falling Skies! This is a reboot of a particularly old series- the original being written about 6 years ago, and the last iteration being about 3 years ago. This Space-Opera-with-mechs RP follows the adventures of a group of men and women from the Empire's 101st Legion. I will be accepting a relatively small number of players- thinking between 3 and 5 including any co-gms, so this is not first come first served. This is a Mech RP, reminiscent of Gundam, Robotech, Front Mission and Super Robot Wars.
While nothing about giant mechs really fit the premise of 'hard sci fi', this RP will be aiming to fit something along the lines of 'hardish' sci fi- grounded in reality where possible, with some rule bending of realism where needed. Something sorta like classic Halo in terms of gritty military fiction vs space fantasy.
We the players will play the role of the 7th MAS (Mobile Armor Suit) Squadron, a unit from the United Earth Empire's 101st Mobile Armor Legion, as they return to friendly space from a long and grueling campaign and prepare to go home. Par for the course, absolutely everything goes wrong and they find themselves struggling for survival in increasingly hostile space. This RP aims to blend the melodrama of a space opera with the cold and harsh realities of war, and of course with giant robots.
Terminology and Technology:
The United Earth Empire:
The United Earth Empire was the originator of the galaxy’s space colonies. Formally known as the United Nations, the United Nations of Earth was formed after humans had first colonized Mars. Originally developed to unite humanity against possible hostile extraterrestrials, humanity encountered few alien species, even fewer of which were intelligent. With no need to worry about possible alien attacks, the UNE was free to focus on rapid expansionism, and slowly restructured into and subsequently renamed itself the United Earth Empire, as international differences became less and less important when compared to planetary and systemwide differences. After the Great War, the shattered remains of the UEE were quick to regroup and reclaimed the majority of the former empire's core worlds with little difficulty. Now the largest power in the galaxy, the UEE is known for its patriotism and powerful infrastructure, despite the presence of an unusually large number of corrupt officials and rather sluggish bureaucracy.
The Coalition for a Free Galaxy:
The Coalition for a Free Galaxy, better known as just 'The Coalition', was formed shortly after the Great War as a group of colonies' desire to stay separate from the UEE. A loosely tied confederacy of worlds, the Coalition's movement has picked up a large number of worlds and systems to rally against the imperialism, rigidness and oppression of the UEE. Due to the fact that they are allied purely to combat against the UEE, competition and rivalries are common between the Coalition Nations, and infighting and power struggles is not unheard of. Despite this, their armed forces are able to remain standardized and advanced thanks to the large number of powerful companies and manufacturers seeking the free economy of the Coalition and as a result is well equipped to combat the UEE. Well known for their individualism and support commercialism and the free market, the Coalition is constantly trying to dismantle the UEE once and for all.
The Krellian Republic:
Very little is known about the Krellian Republic. They are a reclusive group of fringe world colonies, and were paid little attention to by both the UEE and Coalition. With their proximity to the edge of discovered space, it is believed there is a possibility for them to be in contact with intelligent extraterrestrials, though this notion is widely dismissed as untrue by both the Coalition and UEE. With the Krellian Republic being so far removed from contested space, the galaxy has yet to see the Krellian Military, and many wonder if the Krellians even possess a standing armed force.
The Free-Enterprise Zone:
The Free-Enterprise Zone is a narrow(relatively speaking) region of contested space caught between the main battle lines of the Coalition and UEE forces. Squalor and poverty are high in this region, as occupying powers regularly take resources from these planets to help refuel and resupply their forces. Furthermore, the high corruption and crime rates in these zones typically consolidates most of the remaining power and wealth in the hands of political puppets and petty governors and magistrates. As a result, the FEZ has become a hotspot for piracy and mercenary groups. However, their are a rare few systems that are safe harbors and 'neutral' zones with their own standing- albeit small and technologically inferior- militaries, and in these places, men and women of Coalition and UEE backgrounds often rub shoulders, and can even be cordial with one another.
Neutral States:
The catch-all term for smaller nations and powers not aligned with any of the major powers. Most of these neutral states are fairly small- usually a few planets, at most a few systems in size. This is typically by design, as at their largest they're not big enough to warrant a major threat to any of the major powers and don't face retaliation or potential war, but at the same time are strong enough that annexing them would be more trouble than its worth. As a result, most citizens from neutral states are indifferent to outright hostile of foreign powers, generally refusing communications and aid to anyone that enters their borders except for the purposes of trade. This porcupine like neutrality is typically seen as their way of keeping either major power from perceiving them as helping the enemy. That being said, due to the nature of the Coalition, many believe that most of the neutral states at least tacitly support the Coalition.
The Imperial Navy:
The United Earth Empire's Imperial Navy is the largest spacefaring force in the galaxy, a massive war machine with hundreds of thousands of vessels and millions of soldiers. Though numerous, the Imperial Navy often finds itself stretched fairly thin, defending multiple areas of space from the more advanced Coalition forces at any one time. Imperial Navy Ship technology is generally considered equal to their Coalition counterparts, and its combat doctrine relies primarily on carrier groups backed by escort ships, using strike craft to extend its reach. Unlike their Coalition counterparts, the Imperial Navy still uses a large number of aerospace fighter craft in their carrier fleets, often putting them at a disadvantage against Coalition space forces. However, the Empire's superior numbers and infrastructure has allowed them to force the conflict to a standstill. In response to the Coalition's Mobile Armor units, the Empire has introduced its own units into the theater of battle, and have been slowly integrating Mobile Armor Suits into the rest of its military units. 101st Mobile Armor Force:
Only recently initiated but very successful, the 101st is the UEE's premier mobile armor fighting force, one of a few elite units within the newly formed Mobile Armor Corps. With heavily specialized training that focuses on not only efficient piloting, but also highly competent infantry tactics, the members of the 101st Legion are capable in a variety of combat situations, from air, land, to space. Compared to other military units, the members of the 101st are notably more individualistic than their standard issue counterparts, operating in small teams. 101st Mobile Armor Suit pilots tend to have a rather fierce camaraderie, often viewing themselves as a separate from other non-elite units. Members of the 101st are permitted to customize and personalize their Mobile Armor Suits, its quality and handling tailored to their personal preferences.The Coalition Spacy:
Much like the Coalition itself, the Coalition Spacy is a conglomerate of militaries working in tandem to fulfill their overall goals. Despite differing backgrounds, Coalition ships and materials are standardized to allow for more efficient production. Like the UEE, most of the Spacy's combat doctrine revolves around the use of mobile units deployed by carriers and supported by escort vessels. The majority of Spacy vessels feature at least a small hangar. While the Coalition still makes use of support craft like infantry transports and IFVs, the Coalition have replaced a majority of armored vehicles and aerospace craft with Mobile Armor Suits. Coalition Mobile Armor Division:
The Coalition’s Mobile Armor Division is the most dangerous and numerous mobile armor force in the galaxy. Well trained and organized their pilots are as a rule of thumb more experienced than their UEE Counterparts- with the UEE's elite units being the only exceptions. While markedly superior to the Imperial Navy's aerospace craft, C-MAD pilots are often overconfident and as a result surprised with the effectiveness of newer UEE Mobile Armor Suits.
Mobile Armor Suits are the newest development in mechanized armor, capable of besting space-craft as well as ground armor. Mobile Armor Suits, while generally not as fast as air and spacecraft, are considerably more maneuverable, more heavily armored, and can make sharp turns and reacquire targets to out maneuver and defeat aircraft. They are also more resilient than conventional ground armor, and are even able to take out warships when properly equipped.
Typically standing around 40 feet tall, Mobile Armor Suits are large humanoid mechs, versatile and able to be equipped with a variety of weapons and armor. Mobile Armor Suits designs vary wildly, from general purpose machines to specialized and fine tuned mechs for specific roles.
Mobile Armor Suits are widespread amongst the Coalition forces, who have all but stopped using Aerospace fighters in combat- Though coalition gunships, and IFVs are still present in their military forces. UEE forces have only recently begun producing Mobile Armor Suits, and have begun equipping units with them. However a large portion of the UEE still relies on Aerospace fighters and traditional ground armor to conduct combat.
Mobile Armor Suit Builder:
Since this RP revolves around Mobile Armor Suits, you need to know how to build one. Not actually physically DIY build it in your backyard, but learn the ins and outs of what your MAS needs to be in order to be a MAS. The items listed below serve as a general guideline. Exceptions to the rules will be allowed- just run them by me- and equipment that you come up with that I haven't listed is welcome, however I will make ultimate judgement calls on what is allowed or not. Feel free to raise questions through either PM or OOC to discuss exceptions you are making.
This system has been overhauled drastically since the last iteration, with the goal being making it easier and more streamlined to use. Weapons and systems will be using a 'slot' system, I'll go into more detail in a bit.

Chassis, one of the main determining factors of your MAS and its abilities. The Chassis refers to the size and class of your MAS. Chassis are divided into several categories:
Light MAS's are typically viewed as the smallest "True" class of MAS. Standing at anywhere between 20 and 30 feet in height, these MAS's typically use a lighter weapon systems due to their lower tonnage. With their relatively thin armor, Light MAS's typically avoid direct combat and are often used in scout and sniper roles, as well as interception and rapid response roles. Light MAS's are the only types capable of sustained flight, and some faster ones can even rival supersonic aerospace fighters in speed.
Medium MAS's are the mainstay and standard class for MAS units, and stand in at at about from 40 feet in height. Combining powerful armor with mobility, Medium MAS's are the versatile standard for frontline units, and can be used in a variety of roles. While capable of limited flight and boosted movement, Medium MAS's are typically incapable of sustained flight without specialized equipment.
Heavy MAS's are similar to their Medium counterparts, but with considerably more powerful weapons and armor- though are typically not much taller than Medium MAS. With their heavy armor, Heavy MAS's are incapable of flight, but are essentially walking artillery platforms, most typically fielded for medium and long range situations. Heavy MAS are well protected, and heavily armed, but lacking in mobility.
Ultra-Heavy class MAS's are in a class all their own. Usually requiring their own special ship to transport them, these unique experimental machines stand in at 50-60 feet in height, and are heavily custom tailored to meet the needs of their pilot. With powerful defenses and weapons, Ultra-Heavy class MAS's are developed for specific roles. Ultra-Heavy class MAS's are not mass produced or readily available to most frontline units, finding their homes in the hangars of experimental science units.
Ultra-light MAS's are less Mobile Armor Suit, and more powered Exoskeleton. Typically stand in at 7-10 feet tall. Ultra Light MAS's often act as direct infantry support, similar to an armored car or scout vehicle, and can be found in ship hangars to help move materials. They are typically a liability in MAS vs MAS combat. Ultra Lights are capable of limited flight and many can reach ground speeds of 60 Mph.
This system has been overhauled drastically since the last iteration, with the goal being making it easier and more streamlined to use. Weapons and systems will be using a 'slot' system, I'll go into more detail in a bit.

Chassis, one of the main determining factors of your MAS and its abilities. The Chassis refers to the size and class of your MAS. Chassis are divided into several categories:
Light MAS's are typically viewed as the smallest "True" class of MAS. Standing at anywhere between 20 and 30 feet in height, these MAS's typically use a lighter weapon systems due to their lower tonnage. With their relatively thin armor, Light MAS's typically avoid direct combat and are often used in scout and sniper roles, as well as interception and rapid response roles. Light MAS's are the only types capable of sustained flight, and some faster ones can even rival supersonic aerospace fighters in speed.
- Primary Mount
- Primary Mount
- Secondary Mount
- Secondary Mount
- 1 Utility Systems
Medium MAS's are the mainstay and standard class for MAS units, and stand in at at about from 40 feet in height. Combining powerful armor with mobility, Medium MAS's are the versatile standard for frontline units, and can be used in a variety of roles. While capable of limited flight and boosted movement, Medium MAS's are typically incapable of sustained flight without specialized equipment.
- Heavy Mount
- Primary Mount
- Primary Mount
- Secondary Mount
- Secondary Mount
- 2 Utility Systems
Heavy MAS's are similar to their Medium counterparts, but with considerably more powerful weapons and armor- though are typically not much taller than Medium MAS. With their heavy armor, Heavy MAS's are incapable of flight, but are essentially walking artillery platforms, most typically fielded for medium and long range situations. Heavy MAS are well protected, and heavily armed, but lacking in mobility.
- Superheavy Mount
- Primary Mount
- Primary Mount
- Secondary Mount
- Secondary Mount
- 2 Utility Systems
Ultra-Heavy class MAS's are in a class all their own. Usually requiring their own special ship to transport them, these unique experimental machines stand in at 50-60 feet in height, and are heavily custom tailored to meet the needs of their pilot. With powerful defenses and weapons, Ultra-Heavy class MAS's are developed for specific roles. Ultra-Heavy class MAS's are not mass produced or readily available to most frontline units, finding their homes in the hangars of experimental science units.
Ultra-light MAS's are less Mobile Armor Suit, and more powered Exoskeleton. Typically stand in at 7-10 feet tall. Ultra Light MAS's often act as direct infantry support, similar to an armored car or scout vehicle, and can be found in ship hangars to help move materials. They are typically a liability in MAS vs MAS combat. Ultra Lights are capable of limited flight and many can reach ground speeds of 60 Mph.
The original Falling Skies mech builder used a rather convoluted system of weight and power distribution that I myself personally loved, but upon some review may have been making things more complex than they needed to be. So I've devised a new system based off of some TTRPGs I've played in the years since. This RP will not be played out as a TTRPG by any means, and these mount rules are more guidelines than anything. Whatever you're cooking up, we can try to make it work without resulting in something incredibly OP.
Anyway, onto mounts. Each mech weight class has a different distribution of weapon mounts. Typically, heavier mechs get access to bigger and heavier weapon systems. Mounts are broken down into the following:
Anyway, onto mounts. Each mech weight class has a different distribution of weapon mounts. Typically, heavier mechs get access to bigger and heavier weapon systems. Mounts are broken down into the following:
- Primary Mounts - The bread and butter of mech weapon mounts. Consisting of Machine guns, rifles, melee weapons, and other 2-handed weapons or particularly powerful 1-handed weapons. Primary mounts can also be converted into two secondary mounts.
- Secondary Mounts - These weapons typically consist of sidearms, mech sized combat knives and point defense weapons. Generally rated for lightly armored and infantry targets, these weapons can be used against MAS in a pinch, but are generally not suited for general combat. However, some potent weapons such as underslung grenade launchers or scatterguns. Handheld shields are also considered secondary weapons.
- Heavy Mounts - These weapons are devastating to most MAS, and can even give a warship pause. These weapons typically consist of plasma weapons, heavy cannons/machineguns, sniper rifles, back mounted artillery, or particularly large two handed weapons. Heavy mounts can also be converted into a primary and secondary mount.
- Superheavy Mount - Borderline overkill for MAS vs MAS combat- to the point that targeting faster MAS may be difficult, these weapons are generally rated as dangerous as warship based weapons platforms, and are primarily targeted towards large vessels or installations. These include anti-ship missiles, heavy artillery cannons, anti-ship plasma casters, and the like. Superheavy mounts can also be converted into a heavy mount and a secondary mount, or into two primary mounts.
Obviously a machine of war needs weapons and armor. Weapons are typically kinetic, though laser weapons are fairly common as well. Plasma weapons are powerful, but expensive, heavy and unwieldy, and their larger power draw prevents them from being fielded by most regular units, though you can still find them in the hands of special purpose mechs. Hybrid plasma-kinetic weapons (HPK weapons) are also a relatively new development in weapons technology that combine the strengths of kinetic and plasma weapons. They are easier to field, but are still generally expensive and not commonly found on frontline units.
- Ballistic Weapons: Assault cannons, hand held machine guns, and the like. Ballistic weaponry makes up the bulk of most military weapons technology and has been the mainstay of humanity since before they reached the stars. Heavy, loud, rugged and reliable, both the UEE and the Coalition make extensive use of ballistic weapons. For caliber reference, standard UEE autocannons tend to use 30mm and 50mm shells, while heavier long range rifle-cannons tend to use 80mm or 120mm shells, and lighter weapons use 20mm shells.
- Laser Weapons: Laser cannons, hand held laser weapons, and the like. At first rather ineffective and prohibitively expensive, humanity quickly discovered that laser weapons were much cheaper in the long run than typical conventional weapons. Laser weapons are considerably more accurate, lightweight, and lack the need for any sort of ammunition but lack kinetic punch and are ineffective against shields and armor. They are capable of interfering with and destroying subsystems mounted on the outside of MAS though, such as optical cameras and even some weapons. Though generally used for point defense weapons, there are a few examples of laser being used as primary weapons.
- Plasma Weapons: A relatively new concept in modern weapons technology, plasma weapons are powerful and destructive, but are both heavy and power hungry. Fired as concentrated bolts of energy or as beams, plasma launching weapons are extremely devastating, and many are capable of destroying or heavily damaging Light or Medium MAS's in a single hit. Projectors make plasma melee weapons possible as well. Prohibitively expensive, most ranged plasma weapons see deployments on specialist units only, and are limited from general use, though plasma beam sabers or melee weapons with plasma edges have soared in popularity amongst UEE and Coalition pilots alike.
- Hybrid/HPK Weapons: Combining Plasma weaponry with ballistics, Hybrid weapons- also known as H.P.K.(Hybrid Plasma-Kinetic) weapons combine the best of both worlds. Taking the reliability and ease of use of ballistic weaponry, and giving it the enhanced power of plasma weapons. While lacking the raw, devastating power of plasma weapons, HPK weapons are quite powerful in their own right, with small shells capable of punching at levels considerably higher than their size would expect. HPK technology is relatively new, making it almost as expensive as plasma weaponry, and sees only limited deployment to specialty units.
Extra systems to give your MAS an edge in combat. Each system will typically take up one system slot unless otherwise mentioned. These are also just examples, if there's another unique system you'd like to put into your mech, just let me know!
- Reflex Energy Shield: - A MAS energy shield is a thin barrier of energy that coats the exterior of the MAS. Easily dissipating laser weapons, shields offer varying levels or protection against the more common ballistic and plasma weapons. Shield generators possess quick recharging abilities, however this requires a pilot to power down some systems to shunt power to the shields. Typically pilots will power down weapons during a pause in battle to recharge shields, though since all flight suits come with a small supply of oxygen, some particularly ballsy pilots will power down their life support in the middle of a fight to speed up shield regeneration. A reflex shield will typically stop a few hits from an autocannon or withstand the blast of a missile, but is generally not strong enough to protect a MAS from more than a glancing blow from plasma weapons.
- Uparmor: - Additional armor plating bolted on top of the MAS. Effectively raises your MAS armor by half a weight class. Reduces mobility.
- Stripped Armor: - Reduced armor plating from non-essential parts of the MAS. Effectively reduces your MAS armor by half a weight class. Improves mobility.
- Tesla Drive: - A MAS flight booster, Light and Ultralight MAS's can fly faster, Medium MAS's can sustain in-atmospheric flight, and Heavy MAS's are able to give themselves limited flight capacity. Tesla drives provide high lateral thrust, but minimal forward thrust. Note that all MAS's can "fly" in space, Tesla Drives are only necessary for in-atmospheric flight for Medium/Heavy MAS.
- Flight Boosters: - by equipping a MAS with a large boosters- typically on its back, Light and Ultralight MAS's can fly faster, Medium MAS's can sustain flight, and Heavy MAS's are able to give themselves limited flight capacity. A flight Booster provides balanced lateral and forward thrust. Note that all MAS's can "fly" in space, boosters are only necessary for in-atmospheric flight for Medium/Heavy MAS.
- Solid-Fuel Afterburners: - by equipping a MAS with a high performance booster and propellant- typically on its back, Light and Ultralight MAS's can fly faster, Medium MAS's can sustain flight, and Heavy MAS's are able to give themselves limited flight capacity. An afterburner provides high forward thrust but minimal lateral thrust. Note that all MAS's can "fly" in space, boosters are only necessary for in-atmospheric flight for Medium/Heavy MAS.
- Weapons Package: - Additional weapon mounts and the engine upgrades necessary to support them, provides an additional Heavy mount. Reduces mobility.
- Countermeasure System: - Countermeasure systems are often used by lighter MAS's to avoid missiles instead of using body mounted machine guns to intercept them. Using chaff and flares, countermeasure systems have limited number of uses before needing to rearm. Countermeasures do not take up a utility system slot.
- Enhanced Radar Suite: - effectively doubles the MAS's radar range, Enhanced Radar Suites, are often built into the MAS, but can also be attached as an upgrade.
- Upgraded Targeting Suite: - Increasing the effective range and accuracy of the MAS's weapon system, Upgraded Targeting Suites has a Smart AI that quickly and more accurately determines range as well as any other environmental factors faster than MAS's the onboard computer, and projects the predicted weapon path on the user's HUD.
- Sonar Stakes: - Special stakes are attached to the MAS's legs, and when deployed, drive themselves into the ground, both locking the MAS to the ground, and providing a detection distance 5 times that of the standard MAS. Note that it cannot be used in Space, and can only detect targets on the ground.
- Smart-Target AI: - By improving or replacing the standard MAS computer with a Smart Targeting AI, MAS's can now rapidly acquire multiple targets simultaneously, making 'blind firing' more accurate and providing an edge in close ranged combat.
- Stealth Drive: - Stealth Drives allow a MAS to remain hidden from most scanning and targeting modules, and removes most of the MAS's emissions at the cost of a small amount of maximum thrust. It does not however protect the MAS from visual recognition.
- Active Camouflage: - A camouflage generator attached to the back of a MAS, it projects a field of particles over the MAS, effectively making it invisible to the human eye, as well as optical scanners, and tracking modules. The generator does not however shield the user from all scanners, and the generator unit itself dumps large amounts of heat upon deactivating. Camouflage generators are also notorious for consuming large amounts of energy, and the standard Active Camouflage generator can only continuously produce particles for a single hour before beginning to massively drain the power reserves of the MAS.
Tech Room:
Aerospace Craft

Designation: FF-210 Naginata
Role: Aerospace Superiority Fighter
The mainstay of the Imperial Aerospace Corps, the Naginata Superiority Fighter is a multi-role combat strike craft designed for interception as well as assault roles. Fast, cheap, and well armed for its size, this venerable craft has served in the Imperial Navy for decades, and is still seen in mass numbers in UEE space, patrolling space to keep the populace safe from pirates and Coalition forces alike. While faster than most MAS, it lacks the durability and maneuverability to make a major impact on the modern battlefield, and the attrition rate for Naginata pilots have skyrocketed since the war began. Current analytics put 3 Naginatas as a match for a single Coalition Fenrir.
M70 20mm Rotary Cannon - The primary armament for the Naginata Aerospace Fighter is a chin mounted 20mm rotary cannon. Newer variants of the Naginata feature a gimbal mounted cannon to aid pilots in targeting the more maneuverable MAS units. Fast firing and moderately powerful for its size.
Variable Missile System - Underneath the wings and fuselage of a Naginata are hardpoint slots for 6 missiles. The Naginata utilizes a variety of missiles, from close range lock-on missiles, to long range anti-bomber missiles and air-to-ground missiles.General Production MAS
Designation: FTX-003 Sparrow MkIII M (Mass Produced)
Role: Rapid Response
Chassis: Light
Favored by scouts and acrobats for its maneuverability, the Sparrow series of MAS are the UEE's first Mobile armor suit to have sustained flight. The main body is reminiscent of various fighter planes and when folded into flight mode, can reach maximum cruising speeds of 1200 mph. Though poorly armored when compared to the other MAS designs, it is fast, and relatively cheap to manufacture. The Sparrow is designed for a variety of purposes, primarily long range reconnaissance, interception and rapid reaction, and has a impressive operational window- twice that of the standard Naginata fighter. The Sparrow is also the preferred unit for many newer pilots, due to its similarity in performance to aerospace fighters.
M90C 30mm Autocannon Carbine (Primary) - A cut down version of the standard M90 autocannon. the M90C fires 30mm armor piercing incendiary shells from a 100 round box magazine. The M90C has semi-automatic, 5-round burst, and fully automatic firing modes, and has a fire rate of 900 RPM. Up to 4 additional box magazines are stored in within compartments in the Sparrow's thighs.
Claymore Missiles (Primary)- Mounted underneath each of the Sparrow's wings are a trio of Claymore missiles. These small missiles pack a large punch, capable of downing most Light and Medium class MAS's with 1 or 2 missiles.
X95 Underslung Micro Missile Launcher (Secondary) - Mounted underneath the Sparrow's M90C Autocannon is a small micro missile launchers with 4 missiles. Micro Missiles are projectiles that split into four missiles in mid-air, and have a potent payload for their size. While ineffective against most larger MAS, Micro Missiles have varying degrees of effect on soft targets such as light vehicles, light MAS, and infantry.
M15 Combat Knife (Secondary) - A small combat knife used by the Sparrow in close quarters.
Countermeasure System (Utility) - The Sparrow relies on a combination of speed, maneuverability, and countermeasures to avoid missiles.
Solid-Fuel Afterburners (Utility) - Powerful afterburners give the Sparrow large boosts of speed, allowing it to get in and out of trouble quickly.
Designation: PTX-051 Sentry MkII M (Mass Produced)
Role: General Purpose Combat
Chassis: Medium
The successor to the original Sentry MAS, the Sentry MkII has replaced the MkI as a general workhorse unit for the UEE. Similar in build quality to the Coalition Fenrir, the Sentry MkII is a versatile fighting unit, with no real weaknesses or strengths. Despite this, the Sentry MkII is generally considered inferior to the Coalition Fenrir, though this is generally attributed to the difference in experience in pilots. Lacking the ability to fly, the MkII serves as the standard ground and space unit for UEE MAS teams. While the Sentry can fit a variety of loadouts, but defaults to a typical 'rifleman' loadout.
M90 30mm Assault Autocannon (Primary) - A general purpose machine gun in use by the UEE, the M90 fires 30mm armor piercing incendiary shells from a 100 round box magazine. The M90 has a semi-automatic and a 5-round burst mode, and has a fire rate of 600 RPM. Up to 4 additional magazines are stored on the Sentry's legs.
Claymore Missile Launcher (Primary)- A missile launcher system mounted on the Sentry's shoulder. Launching up to 4 Claymore missiles, these small missiles pack a large punch, capable of downing most Light and Medium class MAS's with 1 or 2 missiles.
EB-1 Combat Warhawk (Primary) - A combat axe used by the Sentry in close quarters. Its handle can be extended to allow it to function as a one or two handed weapon. A heat edge projector provides it with additional cutting power.
S10 Combat Shield (Secondary) - The standard S10 combat shield is a basic lightweight combat shield utilized by UEE forces. It provides limited directional defense from ballistic weapons, and an anti-beam coating allows the shield to absorb a single hit from plasma weapons. It is commonly mounted on the shoulder or arm, and specialized clamps allow it to swap positions as necessary.
X95 Underslung Micro Missile Launcher (Secondary) - Mounted underneath the Sentry's M90 Autocannon is a small micro missile launchers with 4 missiles. Micro Missiles are projectiles that split into four missiles in mid-air, and have a potent payload for their size. While ineffective against most larger MAS, Micro Missiles have varying degrees of effect on soft targets such as light vehicles, light MAS, and infantry.
M15 Combat Knife (Secondary) - A small combat knife used by the Sentry in close quarters.
Class 2 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility)- The Sentry comes armed with a basic Class 2 reflex shield on top of its standard armor for defense.
Designation: PTX-088 Centurion MkI M (Mass Produced)
Role: Fire Support
Chassis: Heavy
Originating as a variant of the Sentry, the need for a heavy weapons platform soon saw the Centurion as its own unique model, redesigned with a heavier chassis to allow it to focus more on firepower, at the cost of some mobility. A heavy and somewhat sluggish machine, the Centurion compensates by providing potent firepower over a wide operational range.
Warhammer Artillery System (Superheavy) - Built into the back of the Centurion is a long range artillery system designed to provide accurate direct and indirect fire over a long range. Firing explosive armor piercing shells from twin linked cannons, the Warhammer artillery system loads 150mm shell magazines of 20x2 shells, for a maximum load of 40. An extending barrels can be re-angled to acquire targets in space as well as in atmosphere.
M250 50mm Heavy Autocannon (Primary) - The M290 Heavy Autocannon is a battle rifle styled autocannon that fires 50mm shells from a 120 round magazine. The M290 has semi-automatic, and 3 round burst, and the system has a fire rate of 90 rounds per minute. This weapon is designed to lay down accurate fire at mid to long ranges, and while lacking in rate of fire, makes up for it with a powerful punch. 2 Additional box magazines are stored on either of the Centurion's legs
Claymore Missile Launchers (Primary) - A medium missile launcher system mounted in each shoulder of the Centurion. Each missile pod holds 3 Claymore missiles. These small missiles pack a large punch, capable of downing most Light and Medium class MAS's with 1 or 2 missiles.
S30 'Pavise' Tower Shield (Secondary) - The S30 is a hefty tower shield utilized by the Centurion. It provides directional defense from ballistic weapons, and an anti-beam coating allows the shield to absorb a few hits from plasma weapons. The shield is mounted on the Centurion's forearm. A swiveling mount allows the shield to be rotated 360 degrees, and features an additional grip for a hand if necessary. The shield can also be planted on a surface, a cutout on the shield providing a resting place for a MAS rifle to be braced.
M16 Heat Machete (Secondary) - A hefty blade used by the Centuriou in close quarters. Large mass and a heating edge, combined with the mass of the Centurion allows it to cleave through even the toughest armor.
Advanced Targeting Suite (Utility) - The Centurion comes standard with an advanced internal targeting suite and computer, allowing the pilot to effectively and accurately lay down fire from long ranges.
Class 2 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility) - The Centurion mounts a basic Class 2 reflex shield on top of its already considerable armor plating, giving it additional staying power.Limited Production MAS
Designation: PTX-071 Sentinel MkI L (Limited Production)
Role: Assault
Chassis: Medium
Designed as an upgrade to the standard Sentry, the Sentinel is built for assault and extended combat situations. With its thicker armor, and more refined control system, the Sentinel maintains the versatility of the Sentry, with an added focus on staying power. Slowly phasing out the standard Sentry, more and more frontline units are beginning to use a mixture of Sentinels and Sentries, typically in use by special forces and squadron leaders. Like the Sentry, it is incapable of full flight, but can use its boosters to both jump large heights, hover over the ground, and boost forward.
M90C 30mm Autocannon Carbine (Primary) - A cut down version of the standard M90 autocannon. the M90C fires 30mm armor piercing incendiary shells from a 100 round box magazine. The M90C has semi-automatic, 5-round burst, and fully automatic firing modes, and has a fire rate of 900 RPM. Up to 4 additional box magazines are stored in within compartments in the Sentinel's thighs.
S22 Independent Combat Shield (Primary) - The S22 Independent Combat Shield is an advanced, automatic protection system utilized by the UEE Sentinel. It provides directional defense from ballistic weapons, and an anti-beam coating allows the shield to absorb a single hit from plasma weapons. Mounted on an independent arm attached to the shoulder of the Sentinel, its targeting AI automatically re-orients the shield to protect the Sentinel from incoming threats. The shield also houses 4 Claymore Missiles.
EB-21 Beam Saber (Primary) - A plasma beam saber used by the Sentinel in close combat. The blade length can be adjusted, and its high energy output allows it to be a deadly close ranged weapon.
Head Mounted .50 Caliber Machine Gun (Secondary) - A .50 caliber machine gun mounted on the Sentinel's head, this light weapon provides the Sentinel with anti personnel and small missile defense. It has a 500 round magazine.
T10 Tactical Munitions Launcher (Secondary) - Mounted on the hips of the Sentinel are two racks of munitions launchers. Capable of launching a variety of tactical munitions, including sensor interfering 'flashbangs', smoke and signal interfering chaff, system scrambling EMPs, and the like.
X95 Underslung Micro Missile Launcher (Secondary) - Mounted underneath the Sparrow's M90C Autocannon is a small micro missile launchers with 4 missiles. Micro Missiles are projectiles that split into four missiles in mid-air, and have a potent payload for their size. While ineffective against most larger MAS, Micro Missiles have varying degrees of effect on soft targets such as light vehicles, light MAS, and infantry.
Class 3 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility) - With a more powerful shield generator to compliment its tougher armor, the Sentinel vastly outmatches the Sentry in defensive power.
Smart-Targeting AI (Utility) - Originally meant to allow the Sentinel's shield to protect the MAS automatically, its Smart Targeting AI also provides the Sentinel with an edge in close ranged combat.Capitol Ship
Name of Ship: The INS Roanoke
Type: Carrier
Class: Ares-Class Light Carrier
Developed by Boeing Aerospace Industries, the Ares-Class light carrier is a small but fast and maneuverable carrier. The Ares-Class is a lightweight next-generation warship designed from the ground up to facilitate MAS combat. Unlike older vessels, which are designed to deliver high intensity firepower from relatively stationary positions, the Ares-class is designed to skirt through smaller engagements and project power where needed, and is often suited to smaller task forces rather than line combat duty. The Ares possesses both an oversized reactor and thrusters for its size, and its comparatively stripped down armor makes it a capable quick reaction vessel.
Its lighter armor does not however mean it is a fragile ship. Featuring dozens of redundancies and functionally independent systems, the Ares is a difficult ship to kill, capable of sustaining major damage and limping back to base with as little as a single engine pod and 25% structural integrity. As a result, this ship is favored by special operations units and small task forces for its small profile and robust nature.

Cramped and uncomfortable, the Ares-class is often simultaneously loved and hated by its crew. Its hallways are narrow and filled with systems and terminals, and aside from a small canteen it does not by design offer any shared living spaces. As a result, crews onboard Ares-class carriers often end up converting parts of the ship into their own personal spaces. The ship itself provides small amenities for its officers, affording most officers small-but private quarters, and a small lounge for recreation.
The heart of the Ares-Class is its Phobos Fusion Reactor. With deuterium tankage for eight months, tied to an efficient mag-grav sweep system, the Phobos can sustain The Ares-class for up to fifteen months of minimal activity before fuel reserves will run low. Aft of the reactor section and the tankage is the ships battery of Impellor drives, rated for 3.5G of continuous acceleration. The drive section can also deploy solar panels to provide additional power when in range of a star.
Nestled between the Impellor drive and the Reactor is the ship's Kearnsky-Fuchida Warp drive. By bridging two points in space the drive can rapidly move the Ares-class up to 100 light years, cutting the travel time to a few hours. While this typically requires significant charging, the Ares-class features a jump delay of 36 hours- much faster than the fleet norm, which is currently 42 for most cruisers and battleships. The Ares also features a 'Rapid-Jump' ability, allowing it to make up to 3 shorter 30 LY jumps repeatedly, with as little as an hour between jumps. Using this ability is typically reserved for tactical or emergency situations, as it risks damaging both the drive and reactor.
The largest space on the Ares-class carrier is easily its central hangar. Built primarily for MAS, but capable of supporting VTOL style aerospace craft, the Ares flight decks open up via wide ventral hangar doors along the spine of the ship, allowing multiple craft to take off at once. Specialized energy shields prevent atmosphere from venting out of the ship whenever the hangar doors open.
Sitting ahead of the engine and reactor, and off-centered is the bridge and CIC, a tall structure, reinforced with armor and support struts. The CIC itself is multilevel, and has metal blast shields lowered over the glass during combat.
In order to fulfill its requisition order, the Ares-Class, while designed to work as a QRF unit to support fleet actions, the Ares-class is only moderately armed. The most important aspect of the Ares-class is its ability to quickly project power in the form of strike craft.
Mounted along the dorsal line the ship and powered by its own reactor and capacitor system, the Ares-class mounts a 'Ship-Buster' 350mm Rail Cannon System. This rail cannon fires 3 high velocity projectiles in quick succession. The first two projectiles fired are solid depleted uranium slugs, and is typically followed by a nuclear warhead cased in a tungsten shell. The initial slugs are capable of punching clean through the shield (and often times the hull) of most cruiser sized ships in known space, allowing for the nuclear warhead to impact on the softened, unshielded hull of the opposing ship. Its relative limited ammunition, and the requirement of draining almost all non-combat essential systems means that the 'Ship-Buster' must be used judiciously, or risk the destruction of the ship at an inopportune time.
Instead, the primary armament for the Ares-class is a pair of twin-barreled Plasma Pulse Cannons mounted near the aft above and below the ship engines. These plasma cannons make short work of most smaller vessels, overload shields, and ward off close range attackers, but can also be a threat to larger capital ships. Unlike traditional Mass-driver cannons, the Ares' plasma cannons are considerably more accurate and powerful, but draw more heavily on the ship's power capacitors.
Supplementing the main guns, the Ares also mounts 16 120mm Mass Driver turrets mirrored above and below the ship for close in defense against smaller ships as well as point defense against enemy MAS and munitions, though the sheer number of shells can also pose a threat to larger cruiser type ships as well. Working as a point defense system as well as an anti-ship system, these turrets can switch out ammunition types even mid combat, from armor melting superheated iridium flak, to even ship piercing hybrid-plasma-kinetic shells.
Two front mounted Rapier Missile Tubes carry 20 anti capital missiles each, with a secondary magazine located in the hold holding another 60. These missiles are remote piloted by operators in the CiC, but can revert to on-board guiding if they are jammed. Configurable for a variety of targets, these missiles are also the primary means of attacking a surface target the Ares-class has. The Ares also features 16 smaller missile systems, installed on each of the aforementioned Mass driver turrets- these missile launchers are 12-racked launcher systems that can deploy a variety of smaller missiles, such as the popular Claymore or Longsword missiles, for anti-fighter/MAS purposes.
Along with the aforementioned rail cannons, the ship mounts about a quarter meter of Durralex Nano-plasteel armour plate, reinforced with Cobblestone Reaction ceramic ablative plate. ECW defence includes several dedicated ECM defence nodes, located on top of the bridge and observation deck. Finally, a powerful reflex shield generators allows the ship to deflect conventional and plasma attacks.
Like all ships of her size and construction, the greatest threats come from bigger, meaner capital ships, concentrated attack by destroyers or close range 'skin dancing' attacks by Strike craft. An Ares separated from its MAS support is a commander's worst nightmare, and the best defense for the carrier is its speed and its own strike craft complement.

Small and cramped compared to most carrier type ships, every square inch onboard the Ares-class is valuable. The Ares-class carrier sports the storage bays for a single squadron of 12 MAS, along with additional space for a single transport shuttle, a pair of augmented Naginata scout fighters, and 3 SRR (Search-Rescue-Repair) craft. Even with this capacity, space is often limited, and it isn't uncommon to for craft and MAS to mount themselves to one of the 4 'ready' decks on the underside of the Ares when security is relaxed to afford its crew more space.
With many of the ship's systems automated, the ships company runs to a small 250 across all ranks and specializations, including a dedicated security detachment. Attached to each Ares-class carrier a MAS squadron. The combined airwing has a compliment of about 80 crew, including pilots, support pilots, and maintenance crews, and the attached marine platoon numbers 40.
The ships computer systems are managed by Eva, a gestalt LV 3 Virtual intelligence. Not true AI, she instead is an exceptionable personable interface program designed to ease crew interactions with the ships systems, function as a organizer and statistician, and provide ready advice and information for the command crew. Capable of independent management of many of the ships defensive systems and day-to-day management of the ships immediate Battlespace, she is designed to both take, interpret and redistribute orders.
Length: 250m
Mass: 30,000 metric tons
Crew Complement: 2
Jump Range: 100 light years
Jump delay: 36 hours
Endurance: 8 months

Designation: FF-210 Naginata
Role: Aerospace Superiority Fighter
The mainstay of the Imperial Aerospace Corps, the Naginata Superiority Fighter is a multi-role combat strike craft designed for interception as well as assault roles. Fast, cheap, and well armed for its size, this venerable craft has served in the Imperial Navy for decades, and is still seen in mass numbers in UEE space, patrolling space to keep the populace safe from pirates and Coalition forces alike. While faster than most MAS, it lacks the durability and maneuverability to make a major impact on the modern battlefield, and the attrition rate for Naginata pilots have skyrocketed since the war began. Current analytics put 3 Naginatas as a match for a single Coalition Fenrir.
M70 20mm Rotary Cannon - The primary armament for the Naginata Aerospace Fighter is a chin mounted 20mm rotary cannon. Newer variants of the Naginata feature a gimbal mounted cannon to aid pilots in targeting the more maneuverable MAS units. Fast firing and moderately powerful for its size.
Variable Missile System - Underneath the wings and fuselage of a Naginata are hardpoint slots for 6 missiles. The Naginata utilizes a variety of missiles, from close range lock-on missiles, to long range anti-bomber missiles and air-to-ground missiles.

Designation: FTX-003 Sparrow MkIII M (Mass Produced)
Role: Rapid Response
Chassis: Light
Favored by scouts and acrobats for its maneuverability, the Sparrow series of MAS are the UEE's first Mobile armor suit to have sustained flight. The main body is reminiscent of various fighter planes and when folded into flight mode, can reach maximum cruising speeds of 1200 mph. Though poorly armored when compared to the other MAS designs, it is fast, and relatively cheap to manufacture. The Sparrow is designed for a variety of purposes, primarily long range reconnaissance, interception and rapid reaction, and has a impressive operational window- twice that of the standard Naginata fighter. The Sparrow is also the preferred unit for many newer pilots, due to its similarity in performance to aerospace fighters.
M90C 30mm Autocannon Carbine (Primary) - A cut down version of the standard M90 autocannon. the M90C fires 30mm armor piercing incendiary shells from a 100 round box magazine. The M90C has semi-automatic, 5-round burst, and fully automatic firing modes, and has a fire rate of 900 RPM. Up to 4 additional box magazines are stored in within compartments in the Sparrow's thighs.
Claymore Missiles (Primary)- Mounted underneath each of the Sparrow's wings are a trio of Claymore missiles. These small missiles pack a large punch, capable of downing most Light and Medium class MAS's with 1 or 2 missiles.
X95 Underslung Micro Missile Launcher (Secondary) - Mounted underneath the Sparrow's M90C Autocannon is a small micro missile launchers with 4 missiles. Micro Missiles are projectiles that split into four missiles in mid-air, and have a potent payload for their size. While ineffective against most larger MAS, Micro Missiles have varying degrees of effect on soft targets such as light vehicles, light MAS, and infantry.
M15 Combat Knife (Secondary) - A small combat knife used by the Sparrow in close quarters.
Countermeasure System (Utility) - The Sparrow relies on a combination of speed, maneuverability, and countermeasures to avoid missiles.
Solid-Fuel Afterburners (Utility) - Powerful afterburners give the Sparrow large boosts of speed, allowing it to get in and out of trouble quickly.

Designation: PTX-051 Sentry MkII M (Mass Produced)
Role: General Purpose Combat
Chassis: Medium
The successor to the original Sentry MAS, the Sentry MkII has replaced the MkI as a general workhorse unit for the UEE. Similar in build quality to the Coalition Fenrir, the Sentry MkII is a versatile fighting unit, with no real weaknesses or strengths. Despite this, the Sentry MkII is generally considered inferior to the Coalition Fenrir, though this is generally attributed to the difference in experience in pilots. Lacking the ability to fly, the MkII serves as the standard ground and space unit for UEE MAS teams. While the Sentry can fit a variety of loadouts, but defaults to a typical 'rifleman' loadout.
M90 30mm Assault Autocannon (Primary) - A general purpose machine gun in use by the UEE, the M90 fires 30mm armor piercing incendiary shells from a 100 round box magazine. The M90 has a semi-automatic and a 5-round burst mode, and has a fire rate of 600 RPM. Up to 4 additional magazines are stored on the Sentry's legs.
Claymore Missile Launcher (Primary)- A missile launcher system mounted on the Sentry's shoulder. Launching up to 4 Claymore missiles, these small missiles pack a large punch, capable of downing most Light and Medium class MAS's with 1 or 2 missiles.
EB-1 Combat Warhawk (Primary) - A combat axe used by the Sentry in close quarters. Its handle can be extended to allow it to function as a one or two handed weapon. A heat edge projector provides it with additional cutting power.
S10 Combat Shield (Secondary) - The standard S10 combat shield is a basic lightweight combat shield utilized by UEE forces. It provides limited directional defense from ballistic weapons, and an anti-beam coating allows the shield to absorb a single hit from plasma weapons. It is commonly mounted on the shoulder or arm, and specialized clamps allow it to swap positions as necessary.
X95 Underslung Micro Missile Launcher (Secondary) - Mounted underneath the Sentry's M90 Autocannon is a small micro missile launchers with 4 missiles. Micro Missiles are projectiles that split into four missiles in mid-air, and have a potent payload for their size. While ineffective against most larger MAS, Micro Missiles have varying degrees of effect on soft targets such as light vehicles, light MAS, and infantry.
M15 Combat Knife (Secondary) - A small combat knife used by the Sentry in close quarters.
Class 2 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility)- The Sentry comes armed with a basic Class 2 reflex shield on top of its standard armor for defense.

Designation: PTX-088 Centurion MkI M (Mass Produced)
Role: Fire Support
Chassis: Heavy
Originating as a variant of the Sentry, the need for a heavy weapons platform soon saw the Centurion as its own unique model, redesigned with a heavier chassis to allow it to focus more on firepower, at the cost of some mobility. A heavy and somewhat sluggish machine, the Centurion compensates by providing potent firepower over a wide operational range.
Warhammer Artillery System (Superheavy) - Built into the back of the Centurion is a long range artillery system designed to provide accurate direct and indirect fire over a long range. Firing explosive armor piercing shells from twin linked cannons, the Warhammer artillery system loads 150mm shell magazines of 20x2 shells, for a maximum load of 40. An extending barrels can be re-angled to acquire targets in space as well as in atmosphere.
M250 50mm Heavy Autocannon (Primary) - The M290 Heavy Autocannon is a battle rifle styled autocannon that fires 50mm shells from a 120 round magazine. The M290 has semi-automatic, and 3 round burst, and the system has a fire rate of 90 rounds per minute. This weapon is designed to lay down accurate fire at mid to long ranges, and while lacking in rate of fire, makes up for it with a powerful punch. 2 Additional box magazines are stored on either of the Centurion's legs
Claymore Missile Launchers (Primary) - A medium missile launcher system mounted in each shoulder of the Centurion. Each missile pod holds 3 Claymore missiles. These small missiles pack a large punch, capable of downing most Light and Medium class MAS's with 1 or 2 missiles.
S30 'Pavise' Tower Shield (Secondary) - The S30 is a hefty tower shield utilized by the Centurion. It provides directional defense from ballistic weapons, and an anti-beam coating allows the shield to absorb a few hits from plasma weapons. The shield is mounted on the Centurion's forearm. A swiveling mount allows the shield to be rotated 360 degrees, and features an additional grip for a hand if necessary. The shield can also be planted on a surface, a cutout on the shield providing a resting place for a MAS rifle to be braced.
M16 Heat Machete (Secondary) - A hefty blade used by the Centuriou in close quarters. Large mass and a heating edge, combined with the mass of the Centurion allows it to cleave through even the toughest armor.
Advanced Targeting Suite (Utility) - The Centurion comes standard with an advanced internal targeting suite and computer, allowing the pilot to effectively and accurately lay down fire from long ranges.
Class 2 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility) - The Centurion mounts a basic Class 2 reflex shield on top of its already considerable armor plating, giving it additional staying power.

Designation: PTX-071 Sentinel MkI L (Limited Production)
Role: Assault
Chassis: Medium
Designed as an upgrade to the standard Sentry, the Sentinel is built for assault and extended combat situations. With its thicker armor, and more refined control system, the Sentinel maintains the versatility of the Sentry, with an added focus on staying power. Slowly phasing out the standard Sentry, more and more frontline units are beginning to use a mixture of Sentinels and Sentries, typically in use by special forces and squadron leaders. Like the Sentry, it is incapable of full flight, but can use its boosters to both jump large heights, hover over the ground, and boost forward.
M90C 30mm Autocannon Carbine (Primary) - A cut down version of the standard M90 autocannon. the M90C fires 30mm armor piercing incendiary shells from a 100 round box magazine. The M90C has semi-automatic, 5-round burst, and fully automatic firing modes, and has a fire rate of 900 RPM. Up to 4 additional box magazines are stored in within compartments in the Sentinel's thighs.
S22 Independent Combat Shield (Primary) - The S22 Independent Combat Shield is an advanced, automatic protection system utilized by the UEE Sentinel. It provides directional defense from ballistic weapons, and an anti-beam coating allows the shield to absorb a single hit from plasma weapons. Mounted on an independent arm attached to the shoulder of the Sentinel, its targeting AI automatically re-orients the shield to protect the Sentinel from incoming threats. The shield also houses 4 Claymore Missiles.
EB-21 Beam Saber (Primary) - A plasma beam saber used by the Sentinel in close combat. The blade length can be adjusted, and its high energy output allows it to be a deadly close ranged weapon.
Head Mounted .50 Caliber Machine Gun (Secondary) - A .50 caliber machine gun mounted on the Sentinel's head, this light weapon provides the Sentinel with anti personnel and small missile defense. It has a 500 round magazine.
T10 Tactical Munitions Launcher (Secondary) - Mounted on the hips of the Sentinel are two racks of munitions launchers. Capable of launching a variety of tactical munitions, including sensor interfering 'flashbangs', smoke and signal interfering chaff, system scrambling EMPs, and the like.
X95 Underslung Micro Missile Launcher (Secondary) - Mounted underneath the Sparrow's M90C Autocannon is a small micro missile launchers with 4 missiles. Micro Missiles are projectiles that split into four missiles in mid-air, and have a potent payload for their size. While ineffective against most larger MAS, Micro Missiles have varying degrees of effect on soft targets such as light vehicles, light MAS, and infantry.
Class 3 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility) - With a more powerful shield generator to compliment its tougher armor, the Sentinel vastly outmatches the Sentry in defensive power.
Smart-Targeting AI (Utility) - Originally meant to allow the Sentinel's shield to protect the MAS automatically, its Smart Targeting AI also provides the Sentinel with an edge in close ranged combat.

'Astra inclinant, sed non obligant'
Name of Ship: The INS Roanoke
Type: Carrier
Class: Ares-Class Light Carrier
Developed by Boeing Aerospace Industries, the Ares-Class light carrier is a small but fast and maneuverable carrier. The Ares-Class is a lightweight next-generation warship designed from the ground up to facilitate MAS combat. Unlike older vessels, which are designed to deliver high intensity firepower from relatively stationary positions, the Ares-class is designed to skirt through smaller engagements and project power where needed, and is often suited to smaller task forces rather than line combat duty. The Ares possesses both an oversized reactor and thrusters for its size, and its comparatively stripped down armor makes it a capable quick reaction vessel.
Its lighter armor does not however mean it is a fragile ship. Featuring dozens of redundancies and functionally independent systems, the Ares is a difficult ship to kill, capable of sustaining major damage and limping back to base with as little as a single engine pod and 25% structural integrity. As a result, this ship is favored by special operations units and small task forces for its small profile and robust nature.

Cramped and uncomfortable, the Ares-class is often simultaneously loved and hated by its crew. Its hallways are narrow and filled with systems and terminals, and aside from a small canteen it does not by design offer any shared living spaces. As a result, crews onboard Ares-class carriers often end up converting parts of the ship into their own personal spaces. The ship itself provides small amenities for its officers, affording most officers small-but private quarters, and a small lounge for recreation.
The heart of the Ares-Class is its Phobos Fusion Reactor. With deuterium tankage for eight months, tied to an efficient mag-grav sweep system, the Phobos can sustain The Ares-class for up to fifteen months of minimal activity before fuel reserves will run low. Aft of the reactor section and the tankage is the ships battery of Impellor drives, rated for 3.5G of continuous acceleration. The drive section can also deploy solar panels to provide additional power when in range of a star.
Nestled between the Impellor drive and the Reactor is the ship's Kearnsky-Fuchida Warp drive. By bridging two points in space the drive can rapidly move the Ares-class up to 100 light years, cutting the travel time to a few hours. While this typically requires significant charging, the Ares-class features a jump delay of 36 hours- much faster than the fleet norm, which is currently 42 for most cruisers and battleships. The Ares also features a 'Rapid-Jump' ability, allowing it to make up to 3 shorter 30 LY jumps repeatedly, with as little as an hour between jumps. Using this ability is typically reserved for tactical or emergency situations, as it risks damaging both the drive and reactor.
The largest space on the Ares-class carrier is easily its central hangar. Built primarily for MAS, but capable of supporting VTOL style aerospace craft, the Ares flight decks open up via wide ventral hangar doors along the spine of the ship, allowing multiple craft to take off at once. Specialized energy shields prevent atmosphere from venting out of the ship whenever the hangar doors open.
Sitting ahead of the engine and reactor, and off-centered is the bridge and CIC, a tall structure, reinforced with armor and support struts. The CIC itself is multilevel, and has metal blast shields lowered over the glass during combat.
In order to fulfill its requisition order, the Ares-Class, while designed to work as a QRF unit to support fleet actions, the Ares-class is only moderately armed. The most important aspect of the Ares-class is its ability to quickly project power in the form of strike craft.
Mounted along the dorsal line the ship and powered by its own reactor and capacitor system, the Ares-class mounts a 'Ship-Buster' 350mm Rail Cannon System. This rail cannon fires 3 high velocity projectiles in quick succession. The first two projectiles fired are solid depleted uranium slugs, and is typically followed by a nuclear warhead cased in a tungsten shell. The initial slugs are capable of punching clean through the shield (and often times the hull) of most cruiser sized ships in known space, allowing for the nuclear warhead to impact on the softened, unshielded hull of the opposing ship. Its relative limited ammunition, and the requirement of draining almost all non-combat essential systems means that the 'Ship-Buster' must be used judiciously, or risk the destruction of the ship at an inopportune time.
Instead, the primary armament for the Ares-class is a pair of twin-barreled Plasma Pulse Cannons mounted near the aft above and below the ship engines. These plasma cannons make short work of most smaller vessels, overload shields, and ward off close range attackers, but can also be a threat to larger capital ships. Unlike traditional Mass-driver cannons, the Ares' plasma cannons are considerably more accurate and powerful, but draw more heavily on the ship's power capacitors.
Supplementing the main guns, the Ares also mounts 16 120mm Mass Driver turrets mirrored above and below the ship for close in defense against smaller ships as well as point defense against enemy MAS and munitions, though the sheer number of shells can also pose a threat to larger cruiser type ships as well. Working as a point defense system as well as an anti-ship system, these turrets can switch out ammunition types even mid combat, from armor melting superheated iridium flak, to even ship piercing hybrid-plasma-kinetic shells.
Two front mounted Rapier Missile Tubes carry 20 anti capital missiles each, with a secondary magazine located in the hold holding another 60. These missiles are remote piloted by operators in the CiC, but can revert to on-board guiding if they are jammed. Configurable for a variety of targets, these missiles are also the primary means of attacking a surface target the Ares-class has. The Ares also features 16 smaller missile systems, installed on each of the aforementioned Mass driver turrets- these missile launchers are 12-racked launcher systems that can deploy a variety of smaller missiles, such as the popular Claymore or Longsword missiles, for anti-fighter/MAS purposes.
Along with the aforementioned rail cannons, the ship mounts about a quarter meter of Durralex Nano-plasteel armour plate, reinforced with Cobblestone Reaction ceramic ablative plate. ECW defence includes several dedicated ECM defence nodes, located on top of the bridge and observation deck. Finally, a powerful reflex shield generators allows the ship to deflect conventional and plasma attacks.
Like all ships of her size and construction, the greatest threats come from bigger, meaner capital ships, concentrated attack by destroyers or close range 'skin dancing' attacks by Strike craft. An Ares separated from its MAS support is a commander's worst nightmare, and the best defense for the carrier is its speed and its own strike craft complement.
Flight Deck:

Small and cramped compared to most carrier type ships, every square inch onboard the Ares-class is valuable. The Ares-class carrier sports the storage bays for a single squadron of 12 MAS, along with additional space for a single transport shuttle, a pair of augmented Naginata scout fighters, and 3 SRR (Search-Rescue-Repair) craft. Even with this capacity, space is often limited, and it isn't uncommon to for craft and MAS to mount themselves to one of the 4 'ready' decks on the underside of the Ares when security is relaxed to afford its crew more space.
Crew Compliment:
With many of the ship's systems automated, the ships company runs to a small 250 across all ranks and specializations, including a dedicated security detachment. Attached to each Ares-class carrier a MAS squadron. The combined airwing has a compliment of about 80 crew, including pilots, support pilots, and maintenance crews, and the attached marine platoon numbers 40.
Other Capabilities:
The ships computer systems are managed by Eva, a gestalt LV 3 Virtual intelligence. Not true AI, she instead is an exceptionable personable interface program designed to ease crew interactions with the ships systems, function as a organizer and statistician, and provide ready advice and information for the command crew. Capable of independent management of many of the ships defensive systems and day-to-day management of the ships immediate Battlespace, she is designed to both take, interpret and redistribute orders.
Length: 250m
Mass: 30,000 metric tons
Crew Complement: 2
Jump Range: 100 light years
Jump delay: 36 hours
Endurance: 8 months
General Production MAS
Designation: AAT-014 Garmr M (Mass Produced)
Role: Patrol
Chassis: Light
A less common Coalition Mobile Armor Suit, the AAT-014 Garmr is a light MAS designed for patrol and fast attack purposes. Designed to fill a need for faster, more mobile MAS than the commonly fielded Fenrir II, while remaining just as cheap and cost efficient. Highly mobile but lightly armored, the Garmr cannot match the UEE Sparrow in terms of speed, but outclasses it in maneuverability- its large shoulder mounted boosters allowing it to rapidly change directions on a dime, while also making it very recognizable. Its sees fairly limited production, largely superseded by the production of AAT-101 Fafnirs, and its numbers are dwarfed by the numbers of Fenrir IIs, but can still be found across the Coalition fleets as interceptors and training craft.
Type-43 Tri-Eye Lasercannon (Primary) - Mounted on- and taking up most of- the head of the Garmr is a lightweight and accurate weapons platform. Rapidly pulsing high intensity energy beams at its target, the Type-43 is most effective against lightly armored and fast moving targets, but is less effective against even moderately armored targets- often times merely scorching the armor. However, enough concentrated fire can gouge through even the toughest of armor, and the beams can easily damage more delicate parts of a MAS, such as its joints, hand units, or weapons. The capacitors of the Type-43 allow it to fire a 2 second bursts at a rate of 15 bursts per minute.
Combat Broadsword (Primary) - A wide bladed combat blade equipped a plasma cutting edge. Originally just a heavy metal slab turned forged into the shape of a sword, recent technological advancements have seen the combat blade equipped with a plasma capacitor for increased cutting power. With its size and weight, its still capable of being used as a combat weapon without the plasma edge.
Type-32 28mm Autocannon (Secondary) - A simple semiautomatic 'mech pistol' utilized by Coalition forces, the Type-32 fires 28mm shells out of a 50 round magazine. Relatively accurate, and powerful for its size, the Type-32 is light, versatile, and can be fired in one hand. An additional 2 magazines are stored on the legs. It isn't uncommon for Garmrs to carry two of these small autocannons.
Countermeasure System (Utility) - The Garmr relies on a combination of speed, maneuverability, and countermeasures to avoid missiles.
Omni-directional Boosters (Utility) - The Garmr was designed to be as fast and cheap as possible. With Tesla drives at a premium, being installed on most main line MAS, designers of the Garmer decided to place round, bulbous boosters on the shoulders of the Garmr instead, boosters pointed in each direction providing it with the same effect as a tesla drive would.
Designation: AAT-004C Fenrir MkII M (Mass Produced)
Role: General Purpose Combat
Chassis: Medium
The standard Coalition Mobile Armor Suit, the Fenrir is one of the first Mobile Armor Suits ever designed, and is the first unit ever developed for space combat. Originally only lightly armored and armed, developed for an infantry support role, the Mark I was quickly superseded by the more prevalent Mark II. Heavily armored and easily recognized by its 'hunched' design, the Fenrir Mk II has been in service ever since the start of the 27th Century war. While its aged design raises questions about its capabilities, it has still proved a serviceable unit for decades. However, with the advent of the UEE MAS units, the Fenrir has begun being phased out by various newer models to combat the new threats. Despite this, the Fenrir, with its incredibly thick armor and remarkable operating time, remains the most common MAS unit in the Galaxy.
Sledgehammer Missile Launcher (Heavy) - A missile launcher system set on top of one or both of the Fenrir's shoulders. Resembling old-world RPG launchers, the Sledgehammer Missile System fires large, powerful missiles, effective against most MAS types, as well as lightly armored naval vessels. While slower and easier to dodge than smaller missile systems, the projectiles fired from these launchers are also more difficult to destroy with point defense weapons. Each launcher only carries one missile, but the launcher can be easily ejected and replaced even in the middle of combat operations.
Type-3/5 35mm Assault Autocannon (Primary) - A heavy assault weapon utilized by the iconic Fenrir, the Type-3 fires a powerful 35mm shell from a 120 round cylindrical magazine, with a spare in each forearm of the Fenrir. The Type-5 fires the same ammunition from a 2000 round belt fed 'backpack' magazine. The Type-3/5 fires at a rate of 450 rounds per minute, and has a semi-automatic, three round burst, and fully automatic fire modes.
Combat Broadsword (Primary) - A wide bladed combat blade equipped a plasma cutting edge. Originally just a heavy metal slab turned forged into the shape of a sword, recent technological advancements have seen the combat blade equipped with a plasma capacitor for increased cutting power. With its size and weight, its still capable of being used as a combat weapon without the plasma edge.
Spike Missile Launcher (Secondary) - On each of the Fenrir's arms are a trio of Spike Missiles. Spike missiles are highly maneuverable, but are relatively ineffective on hard targets, making them more suitable for lightly armored targets and infantry.
Type-3/5 Bayonet (Secondary) - A light alloy dagger mounted to the front of the Type-3/5 Autocannon. It can also be detached and used in hand. Newer versions of the bayonet also feature a plasma edge for additional cutting power.
Uparmored Alloy Plating (Utility) - With reflex shields being a more recent technology, energy shielding was unavailable when the Mk II was being designed. While the Fenrir Mk III boasts an energy shield, the more common Fenrir Mk II utilizes a large coat of heavy plating, with excess armor over all important areas of the MAS. The heavy armor plating results in the bulky, large size the Fenrir is known for.
Tesla Drive (Utility) - Originally an upgrade for Aces and commanders, Tesla Drives quickly became standard for Fenrir Mk II MAS's. Slightly improving maximum speed and greatly improving its handling, the Fenrir is able to easily outclass the already disadvantaged aerospace fighters- and allows them to even keep up with the UEE Sentries. The Tesla Drives are also used in atmosphere as the sturdy Fenrir can easily survive a drop into a planet's atmosphere from orbit. the Tesla Drives allow them to essentially para drop onto a planet from space. While in atmosphere, the Tesla Drives also grant the Fenrir the power of flight, though the weight and bulk from its armor plating slows it down considerably.
Designation: AAT-064C Fenrir MkIII M (Mass Produced)
Role: Assault
Chassis: Medium
A more modern iteration of the widespread Fenrir Mk II, the Mk III has numerous improvements over its older counterpart, namely: the presence of energy shields. Considerably more advanced than its older variant, the Fenrir MK III trades its thick heavy plating and robust stature, for more a more maneuverable and well shielded unit. Due to their cost, and the already massive numbers of Mk IIs, the Mk III has been slow to phase into Coalition military, and is commonly only seen in the hands of veterans and squadron leaders.
Type-21 Plasma Spray Caster(Heavy) A short barreled plasma weapon mounted underneath the Fenrir III's shield, the Type-21 is more reminiscent of a flamethrower than a traditional plasma cannon. Inaccurate at ranges beyond 100 meters, the Type-21 fires bursts of 'sticky plasma', that can melt through most MAS armor with little difficulty.
Type-6 35mm Autocannon (Primary) - A carbine variant of the Type-3 assault autocannon used by the Fenrir, the Type-6 is a cut down, lightweight assault weapon that combines light weight and the heavy firepower of a 35mm shell fired from a 180 round internal magazine. The Type-6 fires at a rate of 600 rounds per minute when in fully automatic fire mode, and fires at a rate of 900 Rounds per minute when in 5 round burst. A scattergun attachment to the bottom of the weapon provides it with improved close quarters capabilities, firing 80mm canisters of superheated iridium pellets.
Combat Broadsword (Primary) - A wide bladed combat blade equipped a plasma cutting edge. Originally just a heavy metal slab turned forged into the shape of a sword, recent technological advancements have seen the combat blade equipped with a plasma capacitor for increased cutting power. With its size and weight, its still capable of being used as a combat weapon without the plasma edge.
Alloy Shield (Secondary) - A solid slab of thick alloy provides the Fenrir Mk III with directional protection. The shield curves to cover the Fenrir III's fist, along with hardened alloy spikes allows it to use the shield as a punching weapon. The shield also features 2 Type-11 Point Defense Lasers
Type-11 Point Defense Laser (Secondary) - A small point defense laser mounted on the Fenrir III's head, providing it with anti-missile and anti-personnel capabilities.
Class 3 Shields (Utility) - A powerful Shield generator, this shield provides protection to limited amoumts of sustained fire, and can take a direct hit from a plasma weapon before collapsing.
Tesla Drive (Utility) - Originally an upgrade for Aces and commanders, Tesla Drives quickly became standard for Fenrir Mk II MAS's- an idea that carried on to the Mk III variant. The Tesla Drive increases its maneuvering and top speeds in space, its improved handling allowing it to easily outclass the already disadvantaged aerospace fighters and MAS's. The Tesla Drives are also used in atmosphere as the sturdy Fenrir can easily survive a drop into a planet's atmosphere from orbit. the Tesla Drives allow them to essentially para drop onto a planet from space. While in atmosphere, the Tesla Drives also grant the Fenrir the power of flight, which the Mk III uses to its advantage due to the removal of much of its bulk and weight.
Designation: AAT-007 Hardballer MkI M (Mass Produced)
Role: Anti-Ship
Chassis: Heavy
The AAT-007 Hardballer is a ship commander's nightmare. With heavy armor and shields capable of shrugging through AA defenses and MAS weapons, and a heavy plasma cannon, the Hardballer is used by the Coalition to provide heavy firepower and devastation to an assault force. Hardballers are generally disliked by Coalition forces due to their relatively unweildy, as well as the fact that UEE forces tend to concentrate fire on these units. Nevertheless, Hardballers are commonly deployed in small squadrons tasked with destroying enemy capital ships.
Type-27 Plasma Beam Cannon (Superheavy)- A long barreled heavy plasma beam cannon utilized by the Hardballer, the Type-27 is little more than a ship based plasma cannon, torn off its housing, and placed into the hands of a MAS. Primarily designed to take on and destroy naval vessels, the Type-27 can be extremely devastating when used against a MAS. The Type-27 has a mild windup time before firing a devastating lance of plasma that deals incredible damage over a rather large area. While incredibly deadly against MAS, the windup time makes it more difficult for an operator to get a lock on an opposing MAS who is actively attempting to dodge.
Type-9 35mm Rotary Autocannon (Primary) - A 6 barreled rotary autocannon mounted on the Hardballer's back, the Type-9 allows the Hardballer to deliver a withering hail of 35mm autocannon shells at a rate of 2,000 rounds per minute. A large 3,000 round drum is attached to the Hardballer's other shoulder, allowing it to provide a large amount of supporting fire, though its accuracy over range is considerably worse than a typical autocannon.
Mauler Missile System (Primary) - A missile launcher system set either on both legs of the Hardballer, the Mauler Missile System is a compact anti-MAS missile system. Mauler Missiles while possessing limited tracking ability, are extremely fast and potent, penetrating through thick layers of armor before detonating its warhead. Mauler missiles were designed primarily for targeting ships and large MAS. Each launcher carries 3 missiles.
Alloy Shield (Secondary) - A solid slab of thick alloy mounted on the shoulder provides the Hardballer with additional directional protection.
Energy Fist (Secondary) - The Hardballer's offhand mounts a plasma heat plate on its knuckles, allowing it to deliver powerful punches in a pinch. Provides the Hardballer with emergency melee ranged defenses when interceptors get too close.
Uparmored Alloy Plates (Utility) - While the Hardballer has its own energy Shields, it also utilizes incredibly thick armor to defend it from all manner of MAS weapons. The cost of this heavy armor is an even slower and more sluggish MAS.
Class 2 Reflex Shields (Utility) - A more standard reflex shield generator, this shield provides protection to limited amounts of sustained fire, and can take a glancing hit from a plasma weapon before collapsing.

Designation: AAT-014 Garmr M (Mass Produced)
Role: Patrol
Chassis: Light
A less common Coalition Mobile Armor Suit, the AAT-014 Garmr is a light MAS designed for patrol and fast attack purposes. Designed to fill a need for faster, more mobile MAS than the commonly fielded Fenrir II, while remaining just as cheap and cost efficient. Highly mobile but lightly armored, the Garmr cannot match the UEE Sparrow in terms of speed, but outclasses it in maneuverability- its large shoulder mounted boosters allowing it to rapidly change directions on a dime, while also making it very recognizable. Its sees fairly limited production, largely superseded by the production of AAT-101 Fafnirs, and its numbers are dwarfed by the numbers of Fenrir IIs, but can still be found across the Coalition fleets as interceptors and training craft.
Type-43 Tri-Eye Lasercannon (Primary) - Mounted on- and taking up most of- the head of the Garmr is a lightweight and accurate weapons platform. Rapidly pulsing high intensity energy beams at its target, the Type-43 is most effective against lightly armored and fast moving targets, but is less effective against even moderately armored targets- often times merely scorching the armor. However, enough concentrated fire can gouge through even the toughest of armor, and the beams can easily damage more delicate parts of a MAS, such as its joints, hand units, or weapons. The capacitors of the Type-43 allow it to fire a 2 second bursts at a rate of 15 bursts per minute.
Combat Broadsword (Primary) - A wide bladed combat blade equipped a plasma cutting edge. Originally just a heavy metal slab turned forged into the shape of a sword, recent technological advancements have seen the combat blade equipped with a plasma capacitor for increased cutting power. With its size and weight, its still capable of being used as a combat weapon without the plasma edge.
Type-32 28mm Autocannon (Secondary) - A simple semiautomatic 'mech pistol' utilized by Coalition forces, the Type-32 fires 28mm shells out of a 50 round magazine. Relatively accurate, and powerful for its size, the Type-32 is light, versatile, and can be fired in one hand. An additional 2 magazines are stored on the legs. It isn't uncommon for Garmrs to carry two of these small autocannons.
Countermeasure System (Utility) - The Garmr relies on a combination of speed, maneuverability, and countermeasures to avoid missiles.
Omni-directional Boosters (Utility) - The Garmr was designed to be as fast and cheap as possible. With Tesla drives at a premium, being installed on most main line MAS, designers of the Garmer decided to place round, bulbous boosters on the shoulders of the Garmr instead, boosters pointed in each direction providing it with the same effect as a tesla drive would.

Designation: AAT-004C Fenrir MkII M (Mass Produced)
Role: General Purpose Combat
Chassis: Medium
The standard Coalition Mobile Armor Suit, the Fenrir is one of the first Mobile Armor Suits ever designed, and is the first unit ever developed for space combat. Originally only lightly armored and armed, developed for an infantry support role, the Mark I was quickly superseded by the more prevalent Mark II. Heavily armored and easily recognized by its 'hunched' design, the Fenrir Mk II has been in service ever since the start of the 27th Century war. While its aged design raises questions about its capabilities, it has still proved a serviceable unit for decades. However, with the advent of the UEE MAS units, the Fenrir has begun being phased out by various newer models to combat the new threats. Despite this, the Fenrir, with its incredibly thick armor and remarkable operating time, remains the most common MAS unit in the Galaxy.
Sledgehammer Missile Launcher (Heavy) - A missile launcher system set on top of one or both of the Fenrir's shoulders. Resembling old-world RPG launchers, the Sledgehammer Missile System fires large, powerful missiles, effective against most MAS types, as well as lightly armored naval vessels. While slower and easier to dodge than smaller missile systems, the projectiles fired from these launchers are also more difficult to destroy with point defense weapons. Each launcher only carries one missile, but the launcher can be easily ejected and replaced even in the middle of combat operations.
Type-3/5 35mm Assault Autocannon (Primary) - A heavy assault weapon utilized by the iconic Fenrir, the Type-3 fires a powerful 35mm shell from a 120 round cylindrical magazine, with a spare in each forearm of the Fenrir. The Type-5 fires the same ammunition from a 2000 round belt fed 'backpack' magazine. The Type-3/5 fires at a rate of 450 rounds per minute, and has a semi-automatic, three round burst, and fully automatic fire modes.
Combat Broadsword (Primary) - A wide bladed combat blade equipped a plasma cutting edge. Originally just a heavy metal slab turned forged into the shape of a sword, recent technological advancements have seen the combat blade equipped with a plasma capacitor for increased cutting power. With its size and weight, its still capable of being used as a combat weapon without the plasma edge.
Spike Missile Launcher (Secondary) - On each of the Fenrir's arms are a trio of Spike Missiles. Spike missiles are highly maneuverable, but are relatively ineffective on hard targets, making them more suitable for lightly armored targets and infantry.
Type-3/5 Bayonet (Secondary) - A light alloy dagger mounted to the front of the Type-3/5 Autocannon. It can also be detached and used in hand. Newer versions of the bayonet also feature a plasma edge for additional cutting power.
Uparmored Alloy Plating (Utility) - With reflex shields being a more recent technology, energy shielding was unavailable when the Mk II was being designed. While the Fenrir Mk III boasts an energy shield, the more common Fenrir Mk II utilizes a large coat of heavy plating, with excess armor over all important areas of the MAS. The heavy armor plating results in the bulky, large size the Fenrir is known for.
Tesla Drive (Utility) - Originally an upgrade for Aces and commanders, Tesla Drives quickly became standard for Fenrir Mk II MAS's. Slightly improving maximum speed and greatly improving its handling, the Fenrir is able to easily outclass the already disadvantaged aerospace fighters- and allows them to even keep up with the UEE Sentries. The Tesla Drives are also used in atmosphere as the sturdy Fenrir can easily survive a drop into a planet's atmosphere from orbit. the Tesla Drives allow them to essentially para drop onto a planet from space. While in atmosphere, the Tesla Drives also grant the Fenrir the power of flight, though the weight and bulk from its armor plating slows it down considerably.

Designation: AAT-064C Fenrir MkIII M (Mass Produced)
Role: Assault
Chassis: Medium
A more modern iteration of the widespread Fenrir Mk II, the Mk III has numerous improvements over its older counterpart, namely: the presence of energy shields. Considerably more advanced than its older variant, the Fenrir MK III trades its thick heavy plating and robust stature, for more a more maneuverable and well shielded unit. Due to their cost, and the already massive numbers of Mk IIs, the Mk III has been slow to phase into Coalition military, and is commonly only seen in the hands of veterans and squadron leaders.
Type-21 Plasma Spray Caster(Heavy) A short barreled plasma weapon mounted underneath the Fenrir III's shield, the Type-21 is more reminiscent of a flamethrower than a traditional plasma cannon. Inaccurate at ranges beyond 100 meters, the Type-21 fires bursts of 'sticky plasma', that can melt through most MAS armor with little difficulty.
Type-6 35mm Autocannon (Primary) - A carbine variant of the Type-3 assault autocannon used by the Fenrir, the Type-6 is a cut down, lightweight assault weapon that combines light weight and the heavy firepower of a 35mm shell fired from a 180 round internal magazine. The Type-6 fires at a rate of 600 rounds per minute when in fully automatic fire mode, and fires at a rate of 900 Rounds per minute when in 5 round burst. A scattergun attachment to the bottom of the weapon provides it with improved close quarters capabilities, firing 80mm canisters of superheated iridium pellets.
Combat Broadsword (Primary) - A wide bladed combat blade equipped a plasma cutting edge. Originally just a heavy metal slab turned forged into the shape of a sword, recent technological advancements have seen the combat blade equipped with a plasma capacitor for increased cutting power. With its size and weight, its still capable of being used as a combat weapon without the plasma edge.
Alloy Shield (Secondary) - A solid slab of thick alloy provides the Fenrir Mk III with directional protection. The shield curves to cover the Fenrir III's fist, along with hardened alloy spikes allows it to use the shield as a punching weapon. The shield also features 2 Type-11 Point Defense Lasers
Type-11 Point Defense Laser (Secondary) - A small point defense laser mounted on the Fenrir III's head, providing it with anti-missile and anti-personnel capabilities.
Class 3 Shields (Utility) - A powerful Shield generator, this shield provides protection to limited amoumts of sustained fire, and can take a direct hit from a plasma weapon before collapsing.
Tesla Drive (Utility) - Originally an upgrade for Aces and commanders, Tesla Drives quickly became standard for Fenrir Mk II MAS's- an idea that carried on to the Mk III variant. The Tesla Drive increases its maneuvering and top speeds in space, its improved handling allowing it to easily outclass the already disadvantaged aerospace fighters and MAS's. The Tesla Drives are also used in atmosphere as the sturdy Fenrir can easily survive a drop into a planet's atmosphere from orbit. the Tesla Drives allow them to essentially para drop onto a planet from space. While in atmosphere, the Tesla Drives also grant the Fenrir the power of flight, which the Mk III uses to its advantage due to the removal of much of its bulk and weight.

Designation: AAT-007 Hardballer MkI M (Mass Produced)
Role: Anti-Ship
Chassis: Heavy
The AAT-007 Hardballer is a ship commander's nightmare. With heavy armor and shields capable of shrugging through AA defenses and MAS weapons, and a heavy plasma cannon, the Hardballer is used by the Coalition to provide heavy firepower and devastation to an assault force. Hardballers are generally disliked by Coalition forces due to their relatively unweildy, as well as the fact that UEE forces tend to concentrate fire on these units. Nevertheless, Hardballers are commonly deployed in small squadrons tasked with destroying enemy capital ships.
Type-27 Plasma Beam Cannon (Superheavy)- A long barreled heavy plasma beam cannon utilized by the Hardballer, the Type-27 is little more than a ship based plasma cannon, torn off its housing, and placed into the hands of a MAS. Primarily designed to take on and destroy naval vessels, the Type-27 can be extremely devastating when used against a MAS. The Type-27 has a mild windup time before firing a devastating lance of plasma that deals incredible damage over a rather large area. While incredibly deadly against MAS, the windup time makes it more difficult for an operator to get a lock on an opposing MAS who is actively attempting to dodge.
Type-9 35mm Rotary Autocannon (Primary) - A 6 barreled rotary autocannon mounted on the Hardballer's back, the Type-9 allows the Hardballer to deliver a withering hail of 35mm autocannon shells at a rate of 2,000 rounds per minute. A large 3,000 round drum is attached to the Hardballer's other shoulder, allowing it to provide a large amount of supporting fire, though its accuracy over range is considerably worse than a typical autocannon.
Mauler Missile System (Primary) - A missile launcher system set either on both legs of the Hardballer, the Mauler Missile System is a compact anti-MAS missile system. Mauler Missiles while possessing limited tracking ability, are extremely fast and potent, penetrating through thick layers of armor before detonating its warhead. Mauler missiles were designed primarily for targeting ships and large MAS. Each launcher carries 3 missiles.
Alloy Shield (Secondary) - A solid slab of thick alloy mounted on the shoulder provides the Hardballer with additional directional protection.
Energy Fist (Secondary) - The Hardballer's offhand mounts a plasma heat plate on its knuckles, allowing it to deliver powerful punches in a pinch. Provides the Hardballer with emergency melee ranged defenses when interceptors get too close.
Uparmored Alloy Plates (Utility) - While the Hardballer has its own energy Shields, it also utilizes incredibly thick armor to defend it from all manner of MAS weapons. The cost of this heavy armor is an even slower and more sluggish MAS.
Class 2 Reflex Shields (Utility) - A more standard reflex shield generator, this shield provides protection to limited amounts of sustained fire, and can take a glancing hit from a plasma weapon before collapsing.
Current Generation MAS

Designation: CMS-110 Gowser M (Mass Produced)
Role: Industrial Work Unit
Chassis: Medium
A civilian grade MAS designed by the Coalition based company H&K, the Gowser is a rugged and reliable civilian unit, highly customization and able to be outfitted for a variety of roles, from construction and heavy lifting, to deep space mining and large scale construction. The Gowser is available in relatively large numbers in the Free Enterprise Zone, and is often used and converted by PMC's, and militias, as well as civilian sector workers.
Class 1 Reflex Shield (Utility) - Civilian grade shields generally used by space mining and construction craft to protect against debris, these shields do little against weapons fire and fail easily.
Uparmor Alloy Plating - Because of its nature as a general purpose construction unit, armor plating is often necessary to provide protection against the elements.
Designation: CCS-099 Stratos M (Mass Produced)
Role: Commercial Service/Recreation
Chassis: Light
A civilian grade MAS designed by the Coalition based company Ferrari, the Stratos is a high performance suit designed for the rich and wealthy who've taken a fancy to the thought of being a MAS pilot- without having to risk their lives in combat. Agile and maneuverable, the Stratos is one of the best selling civilian grade suits on the market. Often stolen and repurposed as war machines on the black market, the Stratos, while relatively expensive, is well received by PMC aces and can be easily outfitted with a variety of weapons.
Stratosphere Afterburners(Utility) - While already quite agile and capable of flight, the Stratos' commercial boosters allow it to reach even greater maximum speeds, at the cost of some maneuverability at when activated.
Designation: PMT-075 Enforcer M (Mass Produced)
Role: Police/SWAT Enforcement
Chassis: Heavy
A 'Civilian' grade MAS designed by Coalition based company H&K, the Enforcer was designed for Police and SWAT units as a heavy support platform to aid their smaller Ultra-Light police MAS units. A heavy and sturdy machine, it is plain to see why this dedicated civilian grade combat unit would be so valuable on the black market. Found in relatively few numbers on the black market, the Enforcer is a stalwart Heavy MAS capable of holding its own against other military grade machines.
CSG-40 40mm AGL(Primary) - The Enforcer sports a lightweight 40mm automatic grenade launcher. Generally used to rapidly deploy crowd control munitions, it is not difficult to re-orient the CSG-40 to a more combative role.
Class 1 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility) - Generally used by space mining and construction craft to protect against debris, civilian grade reflex shields are considerably weaker than Class 2 shields. These shields, while weak compared to military shields, are often enough to deal with criminal incursions.

Designation: CMS-110 Gowser M (Mass Produced)
Role: Industrial Work Unit
Chassis: Medium
A civilian grade MAS designed by the Coalition based company H&K, the Gowser is a rugged and reliable civilian unit, highly customization and able to be outfitted for a variety of roles, from construction and heavy lifting, to deep space mining and large scale construction. The Gowser is available in relatively large numbers in the Free Enterprise Zone, and is often used and converted by PMC's, and militias, as well as civilian sector workers.
Class 1 Reflex Shield (Utility) - Civilian grade shields generally used by space mining and construction craft to protect against debris, these shields do little against weapons fire and fail easily.
Uparmor Alloy Plating - Because of its nature as a general purpose construction unit, armor plating is often necessary to provide protection against the elements.

Designation: CCS-099 Stratos M (Mass Produced)
Role: Commercial Service/Recreation
Chassis: Light
A civilian grade MAS designed by the Coalition based company Ferrari, the Stratos is a high performance suit designed for the rich and wealthy who've taken a fancy to the thought of being a MAS pilot- without having to risk their lives in combat. Agile and maneuverable, the Stratos is one of the best selling civilian grade suits on the market. Often stolen and repurposed as war machines on the black market, the Stratos, while relatively expensive, is well received by PMC aces and can be easily outfitted with a variety of weapons.
Stratosphere Afterburners(Utility) - While already quite agile and capable of flight, the Stratos' commercial boosters allow it to reach even greater maximum speeds, at the cost of some maneuverability at when activated.

Designation: PMT-075 Enforcer M (Mass Produced)
Role: Police/SWAT Enforcement
Chassis: Heavy
A 'Civilian' grade MAS designed by Coalition based company H&K, the Enforcer was designed for Police and SWAT units as a heavy support platform to aid their smaller Ultra-Light police MAS units. A heavy and sturdy machine, it is plain to see why this dedicated civilian grade combat unit would be so valuable on the black market. Found in relatively few numbers on the black market, the Enforcer is a stalwart Heavy MAS capable of holding its own against other military grade machines.
CSG-40 40mm AGL(Primary) - The Enforcer sports a lightweight 40mm automatic grenade launcher. Generally used to rapidly deploy crowd control munitions, it is not difficult to re-orient the CSG-40 to a more combative role.
Class 1 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility) - Generally used by space mining and construction craft to protect against debris, civilian grade reflex shields are considerably weaker than Class 2 shields. These shields, while weak compared to military shields, are often enough to deal with criminal incursions.
Character Sheets:
The following are the Character Skeletons for the the 7th MAS Squadron. The CS's are a 2 part set. The first part is your character, the pilot. The second part is your MAS, which you can make using the builder above or use one of the UEE MAS's from the Tech Room.
A note on Callsigns: A callsign is a name given to you by the rest of the squadron (whether you want it or not). There are very few people that will be willing to unironically call you "Archangel" or "Kingslayer". Nicknames and Callsigns should be short, sweet, easy to call out. Examples of common callsigns are in reference to habits people observe you doing or quick shortening of your names: IE "Brit" because you have a strong English accent, "Twitch" because you tend to look around a lot/rapidly, "Kanga" because your last name is Roo, etc. If you're a brand new pilot and haven't been around long enough- or haven't been notable enough- to have an established callsign, you won't have one- or in the case of the newbie: "Noob", "Rook", "Rookie", "FNG", etc.
Appearance: Image, text description, or a combination of the two. For images, avoid IRL pictures if possible. Preferably digital art style pictures.
Name: Last name, First name
Age: The minimum age of a pilot fresh out of training is generally 20-22
Callsign: Nickname your Pilot goes by in combat. Should be short and sweet.
Kills: Your pilot's kill record. Obviously a fresh pilot should have pretty much no kills, whereas a veteran should have more. 'Ace' status is earned at 25 kills, Double Ace at 50. - Note that kills indicate the number of confirmed enemy MAS's downed. The Coalition no longer pilots Aerospace fighters.
Psychological Analysis: Fancy talk for 'Personality'. Give me a good paragraph or so describing your character's personality. Rule of thumb: the more detail, the better.
Personal Record: Your Character's background. Again, give me a few good paragraphs describing your character's history. Again, the more detail, the better.
Equipment: Any equipment your character carries on his or her person. Extra flight equipment, sidearms, etc.
Name: Last name, First name
Age: The minimum age of a pilot fresh out of training is generally 20-22
Callsign: Nickname your Pilot goes by in combat. Should be short and sweet.
Kills: Your pilot's kill record. Obviously a fresh pilot should have pretty much no kills, whereas a veteran should have more. 'Ace' status is earned at 25 kills, Double Ace at 50. - Note that kills indicate the number of confirmed enemy MAS's downed. The Coalition no longer pilots Aerospace fighters.
Psychological Analysis: Fancy talk for 'Personality'. Give me a good paragraph or so describing your character's personality. Rule of thumb: the more detail, the better.
Personal Record: Your Character's background. Again, give me a few good paragraphs describing your character's history. Again, the more detail, the better.
Equipment: Any equipment your character carries on his or her person. Extra flight equipment, sidearms, etc.
Appearance: Your MAS's appearance. In this case, an image would be more appealing than text, and a combination of image and text can be used.
Designation: The name of the MAS model as well as its production type (M - Mass Produced, P - Prototype, C - Custom, SOC - Special Operations Custom, etc. Players can create their own custom and mass-produced models- Note that prototype units will be more critically reviewed)
Role: It's combat role, CQC, scouting, demolitions, etc
Chassis: its size class, Light - Heavy
Description: Technobabble about your MAS, regarding its strengths, weaknesses, purpose, role, etc.
Systems: Weapons, armor, shields, and extra systems will be listed here
Designation: The name of the MAS model as well as its production type (M - Mass Produced, P - Prototype, C - Custom, SOC - Special Operations Custom, etc. Players can create their own custom and mass-produced models- Note that prototype units will be more critically reviewed)
Role: It's combat role, CQC, scouting, demolitions, etc
Chassis: its size class, Light - Heavy
Description: Technobabble about your MAS, regarding its strengths, weaknesses, purpose, role, etc.
Systems: Weapons, armor, shields, and extra systems will be listed here
[Hider=Pilot Profile]
[b]Appearance:[/b] [COLOR=#99ccff]Image, text description, or a combination of the two. For images, avoid IRL pictures. Preferably digital art style pictures.[/color]
[B]Name: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Last name, First name[/COLOR]
[B]Age: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]The minimum age of a pilot fresh out of training is 20[/COLOR]
[B]Callsign: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Nickname your Pilot goes by in combat. Should be short and sweet. [/COLOR]
[B]Kills: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Your pilot's kill record. Obviously a fresh pilot should have pretty much no kills, whereas a veteran should have more. 'Ace' status is earned at 25 kills, Double Ace at 50. - Note that kills indicate the number of [i]confirmed [/i]enemy MAS's downed. The Coalition no longer pilots Aerospace fighters.[/COLOR]
[B]Psychological Analysis: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Fancy talk for 'Personality'. Give me a good paragraph or so describing your character's personality. Rule of thumb: the more detail, the better.[/COLOR]
[B]Personal Record: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Your Character's background. Again, give me a few good paragraphs describing your character's history. Again, the more detail, the better.[/COLOR]
[B]Equipment: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Any equipment your character carries on his or her person. Extra flight equipment, sidearms, etc.[/COLOR]
[hider=MAS Profile]
[B]Appearance: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Your MAS's appearance. In this case, an image would be more appealing than text, and a combination of image and text can be used.[/COLOR]
[B]Designation: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]The name of the MAS model as well as its production type (M - Mass Produced, P - Prototype, C - Custom, SOC - Special Operations Custom, etc. Players can create their own custom and mass-produced models- Note that prototype units will be more critically reviewed)[/COLOR]
[B]Role: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]It's combat role, CQC, scouting, demolitions, etc[/COLOR]
[B]Chassis: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]its size class, Light - Heavy[/COLOR]
[B]Description: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Technobabble about your MAS, regarding its strengths, weaknesses, purpose, role, etc.[/COLOR]
[B]Systems: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Weapons, armor, shields, and extra systems will be listed here[/COLOR][/hider]
[b]Appearance:[/b] [COLOR=#99ccff]Image, text description, or a combination of the two. For images, avoid IRL pictures. Preferably digital art style pictures.[/color]
[B]Name: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Last name, First name[/COLOR]
[B]Age: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]The minimum age of a pilot fresh out of training is 20[/COLOR]
[B]Callsign: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Nickname your Pilot goes by in combat. Should be short and sweet. [/COLOR]
[B]Kills: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Your pilot's kill record. Obviously a fresh pilot should have pretty much no kills, whereas a veteran should have more. 'Ace' status is earned at 25 kills, Double Ace at 50. - Note that kills indicate the number of [i]confirmed [/i]enemy MAS's downed. The Coalition no longer pilots Aerospace fighters.[/COLOR]
[B]Psychological Analysis: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Fancy talk for 'Personality'. Give me a good paragraph or so describing your character's personality. Rule of thumb: the more detail, the better.[/COLOR]
[B]Personal Record: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Your Character's background. Again, give me a few good paragraphs describing your character's history. Again, the more detail, the better.[/COLOR]
[B]Equipment: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Any equipment your character carries on his or her person. Extra flight equipment, sidearms, etc.[/COLOR]
[hider=MAS Profile]
[B]Appearance: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Your MAS's appearance. In this case, an image would be more appealing than text, and a combination of image and text can be used.[/COLOR]
[B]Designation: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]The name of the MAS model as well as its production type (M - Mass Produced, P - Prototype, C - Custom, SOC - Special Operations Custom, etc. Players can create their own custom and mass-produced models- Note that prototype units will be more critically reviewed)[/COLOR]
[B]Role: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]It's combat role, CQC, scouting, demolitions, etc[/COLOR]
[B]Chassis: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]its size class, Light - Heavy[/COLOR]
[B]Description: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Technobabble about your MAS, regarding its strengths, weaknesses, purpose, role, etc.[/COLOR]
[B]Systems: [/B][COLOR=#99ccff]Weapons, armor, shields, and extra systems will be listed here[/COLOR][/hider]
Player Roles
I am a personal fan of smaller scale RPs, as such, I will only be accepting 4-5 other players to join me in this adventure. While not necessary, there are several roles I would like to see filled:
- The FNG (The Fucking New Guy) - This player should be among the youngest members of the team, as well as the least experienced. S/He has many roles, such as serving as a pseudo focus of the RP as the 'impressionable youngster', as well as likely having a brighter, likely more positive outlook than the rest of the members that make up the rest of the team. S/He also serves as a convenient reason for characters/npcs to explain and describe the lore that, while known to the characters in the world, is otherwise new or unknown to the players themselves.
- The Scarred Veteran - in contrast to the New Guy, the veteran will be among the oldest- if not the oldest member of the squadron. S/He will likely be the most jaded and cynical member of the team, and will likely be the reliable backbone of the team. In this iteration of Falling Skies, the war has been going on for about 20 years, so it is possible that the Veteran may have have grown up during peace time. The veteran may also be given some special responsibilities later down the line, and will also be privy to some information before the rest of the group.
Other potential ideas include: "The Hotshot/Ace", the techy guy, the one whose just sort of there, etc.
Who's game?
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