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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"It's all very wrong." He could hear himself speaking but he could not quite process the words that were escaping him, they sounded like silent curses. "He ah- he never hurt anyone. I couldn't imagine wanting to hurt someone who had done nothing." He was no longer afraid of what he was staring at because the longer he looked at it, the more he could detach the idea of it being connected to a person. It wasn't Stanton any longer.

Keandre did not much buy the idea of a person in relation to a spirit but if he had, he might have been inclined to believe that as long as a spirit did not inhabit a body, the body no longer belonged to the spirit. This was not Stanton. The revelation was one he made sense to him, at least in the moment. It gave way to him feeling at ease with the broken body, the disjointed art piece that had been made of the doctor. He had never much liked art either.

He looked away.

"Je ne comprends pas l'art." He murmured before he heard Linda address him, her voice was insistent and quiet. It rather reminded him of his mother, which inspired a fleeting resentment in him. He forced the desire to snap at her down but settled on responding just a touch too sharply. "You don't need to take care of me." These patterns of quick anger had probably become familiar to Stanton but he had not had as much time to grow on Linda with his whiplash emotions. He didn't need to make a bad situation worse by fighting with someone who sought to help him.

He choked down the irrational anger, keeping his expression politely impassive. "This is not the worst situation I've ever been in." This was a lie, it was, in fact, amongst some of the worst situations he'd ever been in. It was dark, it was chaotic, it was too much to thoroughly comprehend in such a short amount of time. He had entirely shut down from whatever flight response he was supposed to have when facing the corpse of a--

Would I have called Stanton a mentor or a friend? Not as if it matters now.

The cops had taken to-- whatever it was cops did in this situation. He had some manner of respect for the quick response from the both of them. He had always sort of liked Russell, but it was a passing respect. He would never have spoken to the man outside of this office. He thought they were probably similar in some manner and that was likely why he hadn't found his presence absolutely disdainful. Serena seemed sharp but he didn't know that they had much in common, at the very least, she was probably competent at her job with how eager she was to jump on this case.

Little observations like that did wonders in keeping him calm. What didn't do wonders in him keeping his cool was the sight of Emily going to dust the strange dark powder along her---

Oh, ew.

This held his attention a moment before Linda offhandedly addressed it. Too late, the girl's gone and ate it. Eugh. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She seemed a bit overburdened, after all.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Valerian Nico Alvarez-Knight

Valerian stood by the entryway, dazed and trying to gather their bearings. Some people were in the room with them, some were outside. Scarce but serious conversation was being exchanged, though they missed much of what was said. When a familiar tone of voice was directed at them, however, they were transported back to the here-and-now with a blink. They turned around in Emily’s direction, determinately ignoring the body posed next to her. “Oh,” they uttered. “Right, the cops,” they trailed of, not at all sounding convinced. However, they knew Emily was correct; the last thing any of them needed was to become a suspect.

They were not looking forward to the questioning they’d surely all have to undergo. Val really didn’t need something like that, and they were sure some of the others felt the same. At Emily’s following offer of cookies, they winced, and raised their head to momentarily stare at their chin. “Uh, I,” they stammered a bit as they reminded themselves to be polite even if hysterical laughter was on the brink of escaping them, “I really can’t eat right now,” they eventually managed a polite phrase, though it was still heavily tinged by disbelief.

Valerian turned away, and was about to leave Emily to her own devices, when she caught them off guard by complimenting them. They blinked at her questioningly, eyes affixed on her torso, as if her blue hoodie held the mysteries of the world. Or rather, the mysteries of Emily in this case. “Thanks,” they expressed their gratitude faintly. It had been a while since they’d last been praised so genuinely, and it was a completely unexpected occurrence in the present scenario.

They did not answer what they saw, as it felt like a rhetorical question. Even if it wasn’t, they weren’t comfortable relaying their musings in this environment. Perhaps if they’d been on their own, but perhaps not. Instead, they pondered on her latter question; should Emily see the same things they did? Some do claim that there are universal experiences, common knowledge – or is it common sense, and there are ways of uniform interpreting that lead to similar conclusions after all…but… When they thought they could clearly express their belief, they did so. “No, you don’t have to. You aren’t I, after all, and…subjectivity is important,” they stated. Valerian briefly wondered if they should expand on their answer, but ultimately left it at that.

They nodded at her following description of a treeline, though couldn’t be certain she saw. They were distracted by Linda’s voice, however, and wandered to the hall. There, they saw that Serena was short of breath, and explaining something about a chase to Linda. When did she? Val realized they must have missed more than they realized, but wasn’t overly bothered by that. Rather, they were concerned for Serena, who’d followed the perpetrator, but she seemed to be well…for now. Two latecomers had arrived, Mia and Cole. The sound of sirens was approaching; someone must have called the cops. Is it the paramedics, too? Someone needs to---take care of it. They didn’t ask out loud however; if an ambulance was coming it was, and if it wasn’t, someone could still make the call later on.

Then, a metallic scent, and not of blood. Valerian whirled around, their gaze inescapably getting caught in the mirror. They had been careless, and it would surely cost them. They gulped as they observed the scene unfolding, a deep black void seeking to devour all. As if in a trance, they approached the damn mirror, though still stayed far enough that they couldn’t touch it. A muted banging was heard, and their breath quickened. Fuck, no, shit, it’s getting out, itsgettingout! Then, a window appeared within the void, far away, and a humanoid silhouette. What is it? Did it already get me? Am I watching myself right now?

With a force of effort, Valerian tore their gaze away, closing their eyes. They regulated their breath, years of practice aiding their attempt. They finally removed their gloves, stuffing them into the same pocket that their phone resided in (the phone they’d completely forgotten about until just then), and began to fiercely scratch at the back of their palms. Ok, ok, okokok, I’m here, right here, not there. It’s someone else---Stanton? No, surely a devious one, can’t be the doctor. In the middle of their monologue, a quiet ‘Don’t go’ resounded from the creature within, and Val reluctantly glared at it.

The artificial calm it spread helped them emotionally speaking, certainly, but that did not allay their suspicions. They believed this was a trap to lull them into a false sense of safety. “Who are you?” they demanded harshly. “And what do you want?” They were simple questions, though the answers – if any would be forthcoming at all – likely wouldn’t be. They glanced aside to keep track of Emily; they didn’t want her, or anyone else, to touch the mirror and be drawn in and trapped inside. Which was exactly what Valerian was sure would happen to anyone who willingly touched the no-longer-reflective surface. Thus, they would also try to stop anyone who went too close to the dimensional gateway masquerading as a mirror.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Russell wanted to give chase with Serena. However this was one of those times where dressing like a 1940's detective was to his detriment. Mobility wasn't exactly a strong point and who or whatever was in the room was gone like a shot. Serena would have a better chase of catching up to it than he would. Not to mention he wasn't sure how Serena worked a chase and she didn't know about how Russell worked a chase. One wrong move by either of them could result in a bad situation. Besides she was right in having Russell stay behind to make sure that the crime scene, because that was what this was now, was as uncontaminated as possible. Unfortunately though with them in the room contamination was already going to be an issue. He wasn't sure how much it good it would do, so Russell decided to carry on and said, "Try not to touch anything around Stanton or his desk or anything else that looks like it could be connected to him in his current state, and you might as well stay here. If you leave they will find out who you are and do the questions at your home or place of work. Better to get it over with here and now. It won't take that long."

At first Russell wasn't exactly sure what else he could in this situation. Then he heard the voice of his old Lieutenant in his head Roy Briscoe, "You're a detective so detect." Then another idea hit Russell if he wasn't sure how he could control the group then maybe he could use them. He said, "Everyone, get out your phones if you got them and start taking pictures of what you're looking at. Anything that you feel is out of place here or anything like that. When CSU gets here they'll ask for your phones to transfer the pictures. This might help them out because we would notice things that they wouldn't." Russell figured that would keep everyone busy and their minds off of what they were seeing for the moment. It's when their adrenaline wears off and they are by themselves that things would start to get ugly within their psyches. Russell was hoping that human nature would compel them to reach out to other members of the group. They now we're sharing a bond that not many others would be able to understand or explain and it would be years before they could move on from this one.

Linda would be questioned extensively by the police Russell knew that was a given, and Linda seemed for the most part taking what happened as well as could be expected. The group though they might be another story. Some of them under pressure may reveal things that they wouldn't normally do or feel comfortable revealing which might not help the case. Russell felt a sense of needing to put them somewhat at ease as he paced around the room looking for anything that stood out. He said, "Keep somethings in mind everyone. One, they cannot look at Stanton's files on us without our permission or a court order. Doctor-client privilege is a powerful advocate for our privacy. You do not have to tell them why you're seeing Dr. Stanton. Again Doctor-Client privilege. If they ask a direct question you give them a direct answer. I know the Lead Detective who will be arriving here trust me when I tell you if you're lying he will find out."

Upon Serena's return Russell replied, "Everyone seems to for the most part be holding up fairly well. Although one more bad shock could send people over the edge." He said low enough just for Serena to hear, "I figure having them take pictures might help CSU and deal with not only our mudding up the scene, but also keep everyone's mind busy for a few moments until..." Just then Russell could hear the ding of the elevator and he could tell by the number of footsteps that the police were on scene. He paused to let the sound of footsteps sink in for everyone for dramatic effect? Maybe, but also to let the others know that things were about to take a turn in a whole new direction. Russell said to Serena, "Well what can we say about their timing. It's pretty good." A middle aged detective in a leather jacket and red dress shirt and black dress pants walked into the room with three other officers in tow. He looked around and then he looked right at Russell and said, "Boy you sure do get into some interesting stuff Nash." Russell replied, "What are friends for." The two men crossed over to each other and shook hands. Russell asked, "How you doing Bill?" Bill replied, "Not bad. Was better about twenty minutes ago watching the Lakers and the Heat." Russell took a look at the officers Bill brought with him and said, "Before we get too far into this tell your guys to be careful with their tone and how they word their questions. Some in this group might not be able to handle some of these guys who try to go all 'Law and Order' on them." Bill nodded and said, "Got it Nash. For the time being." Russell gave a nod as Bill texted his officers to go easy on anyone that they talk. Russell said, "Thanks Bill." Bill nodded and said, "Sure thing my man."

Russell motioned for Bill to follow and said, "Bill this is Officer Serena Gomez she gave pursuit to a potential person of interest who fled the scene." Russell said to Serena, "Serena this is my former partner and a friend of mine Detective Bill Henderson of the 12th Precinct." Henderson gave a head nod to Serena and said, "Officer Gomez good to meet you. what can you tell me?"

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 4 mos ago

DR Stanton's Building - 8:17PM

"Thanks Russell. That's a good idea keeping everyone occupied. I'll talk to the police when they arrive before they can harass anyone from group, though I'm sure they'll definitely want to talk to Linda." she said as she turned to Russell.

She was genuinely glad that she had someone else to rely on in this situation. Russell's voice was rather reassuring to Serena, finally having caught her breath. She nodded and smiled at his words. She studied the room for a while before focusing on on the good Doctor's corpse. She knelt down, her boot and knee becoming lightly soiled by powdery substance, but it was necessary for her to examine the note. The paper was uncommon but without a proper analysis an identification couldn't be verified. Communion Ends, disperse... The message seemed to imply that whoever was responsible for this would have an intimate knowledge of Dr. Stanton, and furthermore, the group. Serena felt a growing concern in her belly for the safety of the others. Could they be targeted in this as well, or possibly even the targets themselves? Her thoughts begin to spiral into descent in the most vexing of ways. Then there was Linda, the assistant. Her sole presence in a seemingly empty building with a murder scene as it's centerpiece? This too was odd, she thought. Some suspicions arose but she knew not to assume anything, and besides, she had chased the perp herself...
She had not been extremely close with Dr. Stanton but she was having a hard time detaching herself from him in this moment. She rose to her feet, dusting her kneecap off, trying to expel as much of the sooty material from her jeans as possible. She shook of the grim feeling she was having. Not now, Serena, gotta be strong for the rest of them for now, she thought to herself. She was trying to muster the necessary courage and backbone required to go through the motions of giving a statement. Something she was usually on the other side of. It was a bit later before the police would arrive, along with Russell's old partner Bill. Russell was quick to introduce them as to keep collateral damage imposed on the group to a minimum. Serena did her best to divulge whatever information she could to Russell's old partner, given her expertise in certain aspects she picked up from the scene, but it was still a short conversation.

"Detective Henderson." she said "Lt. Gomez from the NYPD, technically I'm on leave..."

Serena spent a brief bit of time with the detective discussing a bit about her background, and the technicalities of her being on medical leave, and the incident that led to it and also mentions the delicate nature of the group and that she would appreciate it if they would do whatever they could to be as gentle as possible. She also made him aware that everyone might not give a statement and that was okay. She then described the scene as it had unfolded to them, as a group. She then began give her statement on the pursuit...

"Yes, that's correct. I pursued the perp down the stairwell and lost visual about a block to the southeast on 89th street." she said "Nope, couldn't be sure exactly what he was wearing, just that it was all dark. Some kind of hoody I think, but I couldn't be sure."

She answered him as honestly as she could. Details were always the hardest things to remember. She now had a newfound respect for those people she had taken statements from or questioned in the past. She could now see why they had such a hard time remembering what seemed like it should be an easy task. It was not... She decided not to mention any suspicion of Linda to Bill, she would keep that to herself for now. She did mention to the detective that the entire building seemed vacant, and that there was no receptionist and that they hadn't seen another soul, save for the perp... and Linda. It wasn't her concern anyway. They would want to talk to Linda extensively anyway, being the only clinically sane one there. Anything on the odd would come out there, she supposed.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Kino End
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Kino End .̶̤͠.̷̞̀.̷͉̅.̴̠͆.̷̦̇.̷̗̃.̷̹͂

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Evening transpired to night. The presence of law enforcement had attracted the odd bystanders outside the building. Whereas the interior was once akin to a grave, it was now brisk with life and movement. More police had arrived at the scene along with medical assistance. The officers and detectives upstairs were busy taking statements from everyone at the scene. Some conversations were more successful than others. Linda was a helpful presence in facilitating the exchange with some of the patients that had issues with interaction of any kind. Of course, she herself was extensively investigated concerning everything that led up to this point in time. The truth of the matter was that the spectacle was a complete unknown to her. There had been no suspicion of any kind. The Doctor did not have any so called enemies, legal troubles, or disgruntled patients. The incident came about like thunder from a cloudless sky.

Linda had recommended the detective to take Keandre with them to the station. His attitude had been less than favorable in this challenging situation — at least, that is what Linda felt either consciously or subconsciously. The word was that the man was a liability to himself and others, emotionally unstable, and a slave to impulse. Linda claimed that she was not experienced enough to facilitate any discussions with Keandre at this time. The detective, Russell’s old partner, attempted to explain the arrangement to the man in question. Linda stood by Bill’s side and had a rather sinister stare fixated on Keandre. She did not utter a single syllable as the plan was being spoken by the detective. They could not force Keandre to go with them, but Bill was determined to listen to Linda’s educational recommendation as a practicing professional. Linda herself turned her attention elsewhere before the issue was properly resolved. “So, what do you say? The station will be a safer and much more comfortable place to talk,” the detective said.

Linda took note of a tiny intruder in the corner of her eye. Alex had made her way into the office where Richard and Linda kept files, computers, and all manner of documentation. That little brat was not supposed to be in there. Linda’s temper was plunging by the second. The blonde had not ventured far into the room before the shadow of the psychiatrist loomed behind her. “What are you doing? There is nothing in here for you.” The tone of Linda’s voice had taken a dark turn from the usual comfort. “Go back out there and speak with one of the officers.” Linda had no intention to wait for the girl to exit the room. There was nothing secret or dangerous in there, as far as anyone could tell. The police needed access to all the rooms, anyway. Linda proceeded to open everything up that she could before returning to the spectacle in reception. There, she felt the scent. The scent from the mirror became particularly pungent when Linda had returned to the spectacle again. She also caught Valerian speaking to himself or something. However, Linda did not interfere with it — she chose to observe, instead. The sound of muffled thuds and strange distortions in the space around the mirror also caught her attention. Lind was oddly at ease with it. There was no distinguishable reaction other than keeping an eye on Valerian, who in turn seemed to manage Emily.

Stanton’s family needed to be told about the incident. Linda informed everyone that needed to know that she was on her way out. She insisted that medical personnel should not contact Stanton’s wife. Instead, Linda was to deliver the news in person. As these instructions came about to those standing in the hallway, it would probably come off as odd to anyone who had dealt with Linda for just a brief time. The officers did not notice anything and seemed to agree to it. Medical procedures were going to inform relatives, anyway. There was nothing they could do about that, but Linda would make it before them if she left now. She was slightly hasty about her movement towards the elevator, but something stopped her dead. A split second passed and she proceeded to completely turn around towards the stairwell, instead. She made an awkward gesture, as if she had remembered something, and put effort into ignoring everyone that she passed. The detective, Bill, was distracted by the Keandre situation, so he might not have noticed this turn of events.

Just as Linda had vanished, the elevator doors slid open. A man stood inside. He looked to be a vagrant, a homeless man, clad in layers and a deep hoodie. A junior officer stood by the elevator and was taken a bit by surprise. “Can I help you, sir? This is an active crime scene”, he said and held the visitor at an arm’s length, which prevented any exit from the elevator. The vagrant stood silent for a moment while staring at those by the reception entrance. “I need to speak with someone here, a patient.” The man had pleasing voice, perfectly smooth. “I’m sorry, sir, but you cannot speak with the witnesses at this time,” the junior officer said. The vagrant made a simple gesture at Serena, and then at Russell. “Either of those two, or both”. The scene was about to be closed off for forensics. The patients were instructed to follow along to the station or return home and await further instructions. An officer would approach each patient or be directed by the detective himself. However, the vagrant lingered and insisted that he speak to one of the two — or all of the patients.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Emily Dawson

Emily appreciated Valerian's response to her question. But Emily really did want to see what had happened for herself. When she had eaten the cookie and Linda got onto her about it, Emily narrowed her eyes. "Well, now I know more about it than you." She popped the rest of the cookie- unseasoned- into her mouth and stood, preparing to follow Linda to the police officers.

But something caught her attention. She sneezed into her elbow as a strange metallic scent met her sense. Valerian definitely noticed it, too. Emily followed behind them as they went to investigate. She leaned far over to her right side, peering over their shoulder. The mirror wasn't a mirror, it was a doorway. Or, a window. It was deep. Was this real? Valerian was noticing it, too. "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the prettiest of them all? What story is that from? I can't remember. Snow White?" Emily mused beneath her breathe as she drew nearer to the source of the disturbance.

It came much more clearly into view. A smile creeped over Emily's lips. "I knew there was more to this world than entropy." She said to Valerian. Then she narrowed her eyes. "There's someone in there. Trapped in the mirror." Her heart rate quickened as the mysterious figure, so far away, made their plea.

"We won't. We won't leave you." Emily said, concern flashing across her features. Valerian, however, seemed to respond differently.

"Isn't it obvious? They want our help. Only we can see them, Valerian. What if they've been trapped in there? What if they're a witness and have been cursed inside the mirror world? Or maybe we have nothing to gain and should help them just because that's the right thing to do." Emily pleaded with earnest. With that she turned and took a step towards the mirror, beginning to reach her hand out as if to touch it's surface.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Prosaic
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Prosaic Local Ghost

Member Seen 2 mos ago

He did not take kindly to scrutiny.
Not from Linda, not from anyone else. When he had initially realized what was being proposed to him, he had blanched and found himself gazing blankly into the face of the detective. He was no idiot and they could paint their interest in him in as many layers of sugar-coating as they wanted but it didn't change the fact that they were singling him out. What else was new? He quite nearly snapped at the man too, nearly told him to get fucked but astonishingly he kept his mouth shut.

He knew about dealing with cops to a small degree and he knew that getting temperamental with them was a sure-fire way of looking guiltier. No, if Linda wanted to play the blame-game with him, he'd have to be a little more careful. "I don't want to talk." He said this as carefully as possible, but he was aware that his tone was likely not friendly. "I don't know what she implied about me but I don't- I didn't even want to come tonight."

And he was starting to wish he hadn't.
It would have been easier if he'd just stayed home like he'd intended to. He could have crushed a bottle of cheap whiskey and wheeled into at least two more mailboxes in the time that he'd wasted lingering here and staring at the corpse of his therapist. Therapy, really, what was the point? He couldn't help but wonder what he'd been trying to prove to himself by attending to begin with. These people-- Stanton-- it was all so utterly meaningless ultimately, wasn't it? It wasn't liked he owed them anything.

He could see Linda gazing back at him and her stare was near-murderous. He wanted to say something scathing, he didn't.

Staring into the face of Bill now, he couldn't quite squash the anger he was feeling. It was so stupid and it was so contrived. They had all walked into this tragedy together and just because he handled it differently meant he held some kind of responsibility? He did what he could to choke down any more damning comments though and relented, "I'll go if they go." And that was his stipulation. He had no intention of visiting a police station unless some of these people were going down with him. He would not be made to play the villain in any narrative.

As Linda departed from the conversation, his gaze followed her retreat and he realized for the second time today that his nails were burrowed deep into the skin of his palms. He wondered if he had yet drawn blood and he forced his fingers to unfurl. He heard the click of the elevator doors sliding open and this distracted him, turning away from the officer, his gaze found-- was that a homeless man?

He made to move past the officer, driven by a lack of impulse and a pang of curiosity. "If we're done here for now-- who's that?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Mia watched Linda exit the office of the doctor and she felt a slight sense of relief. Seeing a familiar face, one who knew and understood her, made her less afraid. She frowned when she saw the look on Linda's face and everyone else surrounding her. Linda addressed her and Mia listened feeling apprehensive. Something was very wrong and the assistant's words confirmed it. This couldn't be good, if doctor Stanton wasn't able to greet them personally, something terrible must have happened. Everyone looked utterly shocked, it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She feared for the doctor. The police was getting involved too. Mia started to doubt the doctor was still alive. She didn't want to think those thoughts, but she had this horrible feeling she could not shake. A pit in her stomach.

"Mia... it's Stanton, he is dead, and I am pretty sure you do not want to see the body."

She gasped and her hand shot up to muffle any more sounds she might have made, her purse fell on the floor with a soft thud. The fig cookies she'd made for the doctor were probably all jumbled and broken. Mia looked at Cole in disbelief. She turned to Linda for support, only to find a nod of confirmation.
Mia didn't know what to say or think. She felt overwhelmed by feelings of sadness and confusion. The poor doctor....
She fixated on a flickering light bulb, unable to say or do much of anything. She breathed slowly, trying to control her feelings. How did it happen? What if he was alone when he died? How horrible, to leave this world without anyone by your side. Mia blinked a few times, these thoughts were making her feel even worse. She drew in a sharp breath and turned to the rest of the group, to see how they were doing. Mia was careful not to look into the direction of the doctor's office, scared of any glimpse she would catch through the doors. Whatever had happened to him, she preferred to keep a mental image of the doctor Stanton as he was. Sitting in his chair with an understanding smile and kind eyes.

Things happened very quickly after that and Mia witnessed it all as a silent bystander. Serena and Russell took quick action, teaming up as two trained professionals. In a matter of minutes police officers were spreading out throughout the hallway, along with several medical professionals. For some strange reason Mia held onto the unrealistic hope they could still help doctor Stanton, which she of course knew not to be true. Mia watched as everyone was questioned by the police. Meanwhile she tried to think of what she would say. When one of the officers approached her she switched on her impeccable manners, which considering the circumstances she was in, looked strange. She answered politely, with a friendly and forced smile. It was more akin to someone asking her for directions, instead of answering related to a crime.

Eventually they left her to her own devices without too much hassle. Keandre wasn't so lucky. They wanted to take him with them to the station. Mia didn't understand why they singled him out, Linda stood next to the officers, but did not try to intervene. She frowned, listening in as the conversation continued between the officer and Keandre. He didn't want to go, which she could empathise with. This wasn't easy.

She watched Linda leave down the stairs. Mia respected her, taking the responsibility of telling the doctor's wife and family. It may be easier coming from someone they knew. It left her however at a loss. Mia couldn't go home yet. Her parents didn't know where she really was. If she went home they were going to question her. Mia wasn't confident she could lie to them convincingly with the way she was feeling now. The misery of losing doctor Stanton would be all over her face. She needed to take a breather. Mia weighed out her options. She could go with Keandre to the station. They wouldn't allow her to linger around here, it was a crime scene after all. Sure she could go to a cafe somewhere, sip on a warm cup of calming tea for another hour or two. Would that really do her any good though, being alone with her thoughts? It was the easier more comfortable choice, to just pretend like it was a regular night, drink her favorite tea.

Mia approached the officer who spoke to Keandre, she touched his arm lightly to draw his attention.
"Excuse me Sir, I'd also like to visit the station with my...." She contemplated what to call Keandre, a fellow patient just didn't sit right with her. They were all here for obvious reasons, but there was no need to point that out harshly.
"Keandre, I heard you wanted him to go with you to the station, I'll join him if that's okay with you"

The sound of the elevator made her look in that direction. It was a man. He looked unkempt, like he'd spent a night out onto the streets. Mia was glad to be surrounded by police officers, especially when the man insisted he'd speak to either Serene and Russell, or anyone else of their group. Keandre was starting to walk into his direction. Mia felt the need to stop him, but only ended up getting her purse from the floor and walking closer to the officer she'd talked to earlier.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Russell began to wander away from Bill and Serena as he was beginning to take a look around the room on his own. He pulled out his phone and began to take pictures on his own. Especially the area around Stanton's body and as much of Stanton as he could without being in the way. He was familiar with the procedures so Nash knew when to be out of the way before he was told by someone in a uniform. There was a dynamic going between Keandre and Linda, but at this point everyone was a bit on edge so Nash made a mental note to revisit the situation later on. It seemed that going to the station was the prevailing opinion and Nash could understand and respect that. Maybe it was the group was hoping that they might be able to actually help someone who was always willing to help them. Then again, maybe it was just the human need to be with others in a time of grief. Either case worked for Nash.

He saw the vagrant and this was something Russell couldn't ignore. This vagrant was asking to speak to either him or Serena. Now he might've saw Serena but he didn't know anything about Russell. Yes, he looked like a detective in his clothes but then again Nash could've looked like a reporter as well. Nash couldn't let this go. He was certain that he got all the pictures that he could, and decided that it was time to get some work done on his own. He walked back over to Bill and Serena and asked, "We can either go to the station or home right?" Bill nodded and replied, "Yeah that's the situation as of right now." Nash asked, "Well what if I started to go home, and then decided to come back to the station?" Bill smirked and replied, "It'll be an amazing coincidence that you leave here, and talk to that gentleman over there and then show up at the station." Nash smiled back and said, "Wow you really are an outstandingly mediocre detective Bill." Henderson gave chuckle and said, "See you in about an hour. I'm gonna talk to the Captain see about bringing you in as a consultant for this one. You specialize in solving the strange stuff." Bill said to Serena, "His nickname was 'Spooky' because of ability to deal with stuff the rest of us freaked out over." He turned back to Nash and said, "We gotta make this look good. Nothing personal brother man. You know you're family to me." Nash nodded and replied, "Likewise my brother." Nash said to Serena, "If you're interested I'm going to try and meet the gentleman in the alley near the east side exit."

Just then Henderson began yelling, "Listen here burn-out! I don't give a damn what your theories are don't tell me how to do my damn job!" Russell shouted back, "Do your damn job? HA! All these years I did your damn job! Before me you couldn't find a crook if you nuked the city!" Henderson roared, "Get the Hell out of here quitter!" Russell took a step forward and a nearby officer restrained him as Russell said, "I don't need this crap." Russell shrugged the restraining officer off of him. Henderson kept yelling comments as Nash left. All the focus was on Henderson including the officer holding back the vagrant. Nash quickly made eye contact with the vagrant and motioned with a slight head jerk. Nash left through the stairs which would lead to an exit near an alley. Nash was hoping that the vagrant would understand.

As Nash entered the alley his phone buzzed. Nash saw it was a text from Henderson which stated, "I'm sorry. Quitter went over the line. I've got nothing but love for you my brother." Nash nodded and replied, "No problem my brother. See you in an hour first cup of coffee is on me." Nash put his phone away and kept an eye out for the vagrant, with one hand on his gun in his trench coat pocket.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Valerian Nico Alvarez-Knight

There was no verbal answer from the mirror, but Valerian sensed a sudden change which inspired their curiosity; perhaps the gateway was manipulating them to make them cross over. However, it was difficult to resist the unexpected fascination with the thing, as if they were already being drawn in. The metallic scent wasn’t a coincidence; Val got the impression that it was related with the murder. Was it a creation of negative, sacrificial energy? Is that how dimensional pathways opened? Despite the gateway being opened, however, the shadowy being was still trapped; if one were to enter right then, would they be transported into the same prison straight away, or would they end up elsewhere?

Of course, their wonder was not enough to actually test it out, not right here and now. But perhaps…if they could create a small sample on their own, experiment in more controlled conditions? If their suspicion of a killing being required was correct, however, they didn’t want to have to do anything with it. Perhaps it wasn’t the murder per se, but the ritual manner in which the act was committed, or the supernatural nature of the perpetrator? They weren’t sure, but the mirror or the shadow within had managed to implant the impulse of investigate and create within their head. Those thoughts did not feel entirely their own, yet Valerian was driven to act on them. They clenched their palms into fists, and refrained from going nearer the void leading who-knows-where.

The metallic scent which they’d nearly adapted to abruptly strengthened, and Val whipped their head around wildly to try and see what caused it, since the mirror-door in front of them did not seem to be changed in any significant way right then. People were milling all over, and there was no sign of the killer – whom Valerian was sure could be the only one to cause such a change in the scent. Had it returned and possessed someone, or was lurking close-by? They did catch sight of Linda who was returning from the direction of the offices, but if there was anything odd about her, Valerian couldn’t quite put their finger on it. As they were turning back to the mirror, she seemed to stop not far away, observing both Emily and them. Val still felt her gaze burning into their back when they refocused on the mysterious prisoner on the other end of the interdimensional path, and it was this distraction which had caused them to nearly miss Emily’s words and actions.

“Wait,” they exclaimed, though it was still not quite a shout, flailing as they thrust their arm into the empty space between Emily and the mirror to stop her approach. “Please, just,” they pleaded frantically, hoping to stop her in time, though they were caught off guard despite their earlier determination to prevent exactly such a thing. “L-look, how’d weknow they’re good?” they tried to appeal to her good sense. “What if they’re---the killer or–or someone likeit? Shouldn’t we makesure what’s goingon withthis? If-if we should save’em, you can’t help ifyou get trapped too,” they rushed to explain, stumbling over their words in places and forcing two or more to emerge from their mouth in a single breath in others, making a sacrifice in clarity in their haste.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Cole Taalen

While the police and others were busy, Cole was leaning up against a wall. Out of the way of the cops and with his hands to his sides. Just watching the cops do their things and some of the other patients that were in the hallway. Not sure of what to do with himself with a tired expression on his face. To think that he almost late for this session. The cops probably would have beat him to the scene, and he would be very confused about who would even think to kill Doctor Stanton. Let alone leave him there in that position. God, why did they have to do that and take his frickin eyes out, Cole thought with distress. Like something out of a horror movie, and it did not sit right with him. Why position him like that and that message. What does all of the mean? But, what can he do? He is not a cop or a private investigator like Russell or Serena. He is just a bartender and finding out who did this and why is better suited to them and the cops.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he heard Mia talking and moved his eyes towards her. And he can see that her face reeks of sadness. That had not changed from when he told her of the news and that face of her when he told her. What was he supposed to say? How could he softly say that Stanton was dead and the display that was made with his body. Or better yet, just let her see the body firsthand, and Cole can just imagine how that would go. Still, Cole thought of saying something to her but thought against it. What could he say anyway that would make things better. They were all still at the crime scene, and maybe once they were away, then he could do something to cheer her up. But, then again, without Stanton, that means their therapy sessions are over, and they will get reassigned to someone else. So Cole might not see her again which he will miss her. Well, Cole will miss the familiarity of being with the group and having to restart with a new group.... he is not looking forward to that.

That was when Cole heard Mia talk about heading back to the station with Keandre. That is something he ought to do. Though Cole is not sure of how helpful talking to the cops, there will be. He got here after the others had already discovered the body. That and he had yet to actually go into the room where Stanton's body was. Just watching it from afar when he first walked in. However, Cole guesses that it might be better than doing nothing and going home to think about things. So as he was going to say, he was going with Mia and Keandre to the police station. Did Cole noticed the new arrival at the elevator, who looked homeless. Overhearing the man's request to speak to one of the patients. That is odd. What does a homeless man want with one of them? Cole wondered as he scanned the man. Does he know something but, if so, then why not tell the cops? Cole was hesitant to approach the homeless man, who seems insisted on talking to one of them. So he chose to see if anyone else would talk to the man before he would attempt to see what the homeless wanted to say to them.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@MST3K 4ever

Serena stood conversing with Bill and was just about to end her conversation as Russell came over. He had been taking pictures around the apartment with his cellphone but had stopped to come over and join them. She heard Russell mention something about some vagrant that she had not noticed until Russell made mention of it. She leaned slightly to look over Russell's shoulder at the moan, trying to be less than obvious that she was doing so. He was odd looking to say the least, and his presence and timing made Serena uneasy... and curious.

"I'm not so sure you should go by yourself Russell." she said, elevating herself a bit on her tiptoes to take another gander at the man. "At least let me go with you. I'd feel better about it."

The last thing Serena wanted to do was meet this weirdo in an alley but she certainly wasn't going to let Russell go by himself either. It wasn't the best of ideas to say the least, but she'd be lying if she said that she wasn't curious as to why he was there either. She definitely had a lot of questions, none of which she had answers to. The group seemed to be handling the situation much better than she had initially anticipated, and for that she was thankful. She knew how delicate the situation was, and that it could spiral out of control at a moments notice.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you Bill." she said with a smile. "I don't care what Russell says about you..."
She shook Bill's hand and nodded and then proceeded to go with Russell to meet this mysterious vagrant to see what she could learn.

"I don't know about you but I sure could use a drink." she said to Russell. She was unsure if he consumed alcohol or not but she could stand another coffee as well, seeing as how hers was now on the hallway floor. Almost eight bucks for that cup too and she had hardly touched it. What a shame...

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Russell was relieved that Serena had joined him. He wasn't sure what to make of the vagrant who wanted to speak with them. However the fact that he was focused in on Russell and Serena did pique his interest somewhat. Russell had been out of the "cop game" for some time so it wasn't like he was well known as a cop, and Serena being an Lt. wasn't exactly putting her in the headlines. Unless of course it was for the wrong reasons, but that was another issue and Russell didn't feel any of those vibes coming from her. Something about all this told Russell that this vagrant would be of help to the case. Not to mention they were just going to talk. Nothing wrong with that...right?

He said, "I could use a good stiff drink right about now." Russell looked over to Serena and said, "At the moment though we're on the clock as it were." He shrugged his shoulders and said, "In a manner of speaking. However, I'm picking up a coffee for Bill and myself I think you could use one as well considering you didn't get yours earlier this evening. My treat you can get the next one." Russell gave Serena a small smile and leaned against a wall across from the door. He looked around for other possible entry points and knew that the door they came out of was the only way to enter the alley from the building. Other than the opened ends leading to the street and loading docks. Russell kept his eyes moving though because after what he had seen this evening for him anything was possible. He said, "We need to be careful, I did notice that this guy is carrying a pistol in his trousers." Shaking his head Russell said, "I don't think he's necessarily a threat. Mainly because if he wanted to make trouble with it getting off the elevator and opening fire would've done it. Also when Bill had everyone distracted, which by the way he did a brilliant job, and I walked past him..." Shaking his head Russell said, "He could've went for me or at least tried. The officer was distracted and the guy didn't even try." Russell looked back over to Serena and said, "It was a calculated risk but I was betting on the odds he wasn't stupid enough to try something."

Letting out an exhale Russell decided maybe it was time they got to know one another a little more. They did the share thing in group, but the group didn't really know each other on any other level. He said, "So we're probably going to be pseudo-partners on this." Russell shrugged his shoulders and said, "I got a feeling in my gut you and I are going to be doing a good chunk of investigating on this one. Bill is good. No doubt about it. When my family was killed he nailed the guy who did it in less than 48 hours. It would've taken other detectives three times as long if they were lucky. This though isn't exactly familiar territory for him so they might be looking to us for advisement." He looked at Serena and said, "How do you want to approach this guy? I'm willing to follow your lead on this."

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Emily Dawson

Emily waited at Valerian's behest. Though the rare sight of her being annoyed flashed over her features. It passed, though, and she took a step back to consider what her friend was saying. The blonde didn't seem convinced, though.

"They're trapped in the mirror! Behind a window. There's nothing to do but go in." Emily implored. But after a moment she sighed, her face turning a little red and sad.

"Maybe I'm just overeager. I've been waiting for something like this to happen ever since I was a girl. Even if I do get trapped, at least I know that I wasn't totally crazy all along." Her lower lip trembled. "But okay. If you really don't think I should try to help right away, I'll trust your judgement Valerian. I don't have the best memory, but I take excellent notes!" Her mood switched totally back to her normal cheerful self.

Reaching into her purse she produced a blue notebook with a bright pink pencil tucked into the spine. She began flipping through the pages. She asked herself under her breath about number 3 pencils. Valerian could catch glimpses of pencil sketches of all sorts. From beautiful landscapes, occult symbols, to utterly insane, undecipherable handwriting. One of the more striking things was detailed portraits of the other members of the group, Valerian included. She wasn't trying to hide anything, the journal was in full view.

Emily began to quickly illustrate the mirror infront of them. She drew rapidly, but with precision. Soon a illustration of what was before them began to take shape. The frame of the mirror, the person inside, a little dialogue bubble that says "Don't go!" As she did, she whispered the basic plot outline of Sleeping Beauty.

Once this was done Emily began flipping through the pages. "Doors are everywhere. Make symbols. Doors are everywhere...make circles? Symbols are everywhere, make doors." Emily began to mumble such phrases as she tried to make sense of the door infront of her. Maybe she had read something about this? She examined the mirror for any symbols that would stand out. She put her face quite close to the glass, the tip of her nose coming within inches of the doorway.

Either way, she found documenting the strange things in this world in any way possible helped bring them into focus. Now that the drawing of the mirror was on paper, it felt more real, and grounded. Now it definitely existed in a place outside of Valerian and Emily's mind.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TrippyNightmare
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TrippyNightmare 𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Alex didn't get a chance to do her diabological and sometimes irrational things as she stepped into the office only to be stopped by the psycho lady, well she was psycho now. She left the room without too much of a word as she headed back to the crowds of people, the crowds of cops - it wasn't a good feeling, the doctor had just been smoked by something not too natural maybe, but he was dead and everyone was still reeling it in. She was surprised she wasn't in a ball curled up and all sad-Alex mode, she ended up edging to the outer perimeter of the group not wanting to engage in talk or anything of that nature - talking with these guys sucked.

She ended up finding herself beside Cole, leaning up against the wall just like him as she hid from the whole crowd - hid from society, reality just becoming another messed up invisible blur for the world to pass over. She let out a sigh for once, letting out the frustrations of the night in her first audible sound of the evening. Returning to a rather passive state of non-compliant silence her eyes drifted off to the red and blue lights that danced off the glass of the nearby skyscrapers.

Bad memories.


Washington, some time ago.

The sound of the radio blared out with an oomf as the bass picked up Zach's custom-slow-fi low-chills playlist, playing something that the two listened to on the daily. Behind the wheel was a rather young blonde, in his twenties the slicked up greaser, fuck boy whatever term you may have for such a young man - was gunning it behind the wheel of his 2011 Black Camero. The two cut through the countryside in the darkness of the night, the only thing illuminating their way were aging, old derelict lamps of decades before their time and the headlights on the monster that was purring down the road.

He's smoking a Belmont cigarette, one of his favourites as the smoke fills the car, Alex is rather indifferent to the smell compared to her self now she's more lively, excited. That's what happens when love comes in your life, it uplifts you - a cigarette of an unknown brand hangs on the lips of Alex, perhaps it's a joint. Both are smoking, the sounds of laughter and some fanfare echo the Camero as the two were talking but the memory is vague, blank. The conversation couldn't be recalled for the time, Zach looks towards her with a smile, and a playful smirk crossed his face.


Zach's eyes snap back towards the front of the road as a figure is present in front of the car that's going about... 70MPH, a loud BUMP followed by a crack and and a crunch as the body flies over the top of the car and onto the roof before hitting the ground behind them. Zach slams on the brakes as the Camero comes to a violent halt, the two's expressions are changed forever. The memories skips lags - Alex is checking the man's pulse.

He is covered in blood.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Kino End
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Kino End .̶̤͠.̷̞̀.̷͉̅.̴̠͆.̷̦̇.̷̗̃.̷̹͂

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@SilverPaw@Zoey Boey
How it happened would remain a mystery. Their dabbling with the mirror would likely be a key component in figuring it all out. However, when things out of reach of conventional perception and reason are at play, otherwise clear memories begin to fade into obscurity. They were simply somewhere else in an instant. All the people back in the Doctor’s office would remember the two as having gone home or maybe taken the trip down to the station — it would all be a blur, a hazy memory, but any other alternative was entirely an alien conception. The old and perhaps crazy axiom of Doors Everywhere appeared to be true. How could it possibly be explained otherwise? Emily knew these things, and more so than most unaware idiots of this docile society. The idea would not be an aggressively consuming enigma for Valerian, either — creating doors and windows to other worlds was an artist’s profession. However, this place that they now found themselves in was, perhaps, not the ideal fantasy to be in. Both of them were still in the Doctor’s office, but all the world around them had become dark and decrepit. All the lights were out and all the other people were gone. The mirror before them was cracked, broken, and many pieces of glass were missing or scattered on the floor. It reflected only the world that they could see around them, but their own bodies did not show. The walls, the ceiling, and the floor were decayed and damp. It was as if the building had been abandoned for a century or more. All the windows were broken or removed. The outside world was dead silent. Wherever the eye would see, all things would be rotten or half buried by mud and rock. Only the faint words of Don’t Go echoed throughout the rooms and hallways of the building. It sounded as if it came from the direction of the stairwell. Whatever this place was, it certainly was not what Emily and Valerian had known just a second ago.

▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅

@MST3K 4ever@Arkitekt
It was already set in motion. The vagrant had been too late despite his best efforts. He became increasingly distraught. The realization that it would never come to an end assaulted him without remorse. The man pushed the junior officer aside. It was not violent, but firm. The man’s touch was seemingly convincing or genuine enough to warrant relief. The junior officer made little or no resistance. The vagrant followed the indications he had received from Russell. Outside, he approached slowly, step by step. The cold air in the alley was as hostile as it had ever been. “You have no idea what you’ve done. All of this was never supposed to happen.” The previously pleasant tone in his voice began to descend into anger and despair. “Now he is dead and it’s all your fault. Did you even notice it? In the Doctor’s office. You believe you have a memory of them leaving, yet it’s strange that they’re gone all of a sudden.” The facial features of this older man became evidently clear. He had an uncanny likeness to the man in front of him. It was as if the two men were reflections of each other, only the vagrant was much older than Russell. “The Nightland has them now.” The vagrant said and shot a glance at Serena. He closed his eyes in utter defeat and turned his back on the two. A heavy sigh escaped him. “Doors Everywhere, Doors Everywhere, Doors Everywhere.” The vagrant made little sense in his ramblings. He seemed to disappear into his own mind after the words had taken shape. His body remained in its place, yet the rest of him was in a trance.

▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅ ▅▅▅▅▅

Bill had seen the two officers of the therapy group off. Emily and Valerian had most likely gone home, but he could not be entirely sure. The remaining members were to be escorted to the police station. There were several, unique complications with this crime scene and its witnesses. Not only was it a question of supervision, but there were also a medical procedures to handle. These kinds of group therapy sessions served a specific purpose and it could be severely detrimental to patients’ health if these meetings were suddenly cancelled. Bill instructed some of the officers to drive the patients. They indicated for Keandre, Mia, Cole, Alex, and Bernard to follow along in the elevator. Emily and Valerian were not there, of course. Perhaps it seemed odd, but it was also quite obvious that they had gone home. Outside on the streets, the blizzard had not ceased its grip of the city. There were some bystanders trying to catch a glimpse of what had happened, but there was not much to be seen other than officers and people exiting the building. The interior of the cop cars did not offer much in terms of warmth. Keandre, Mia, Cole, and Alex were able to squeeze into an NYPD SUV vehicle. Bernard rode with another officer in one of the regular cars.

The group is now split up into four parts. Bernard being the fourth part. You will not be able to communicated with Emily and Valerian by cellphone. Text messages wont be delivered and calling the number will result in a 'the number you have dialed is out of service' error. Also, the images in the banner aren't always related to what is happening in the scenes — it's just for mood, more or less.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Arkitekt
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Arkitekt Weaver of Webs, Collector of Souls

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Awe, thanks Russell." she said, "It looks like we're going to be at it for a while tonight so I'll definitely not turn it down."

It was a nice gesture for Russell to offer to buy her a coffee. She was also in need of a good stiff drink but he was right. That would have to wait for another time. She kept beside Russell as they made their way to the alley to meet this guy. Russell mentioned that he noticed that the man was also armed and this compounded her anxieties about meeting with him in such a private location. That being said, if he was armed and something did happen it'd be safer for the public than if it were out in the street or somewhere else. Russell might be up in age but he was still as sharp as they come. he was definitely up on the game...

"You're probably right. If he were going to make a move he would've done it then." she nodded attentively as they conversed. "Sometimes you gotta take a few risks to get any progress done. I definitely know a lot about that. On the gang unit we see kids all the time... bucking the system constantly all because nothing ever changed for em. Totally changed some of their lives by simply taking a risk on them, giving them an opportunity where no one else would. Most of em never had anyone ever give them a chance so it was always just more of the same. I mean, if we are in the business of making progress, sometimes you cant be too picky on how you get it."

Serena really wasn't one for opening up to anyone in group. The pair's commonalities in their professions gave her a bit of common ground with him, and that made it much easier for her. That and she was nervous. It had been four months since she was put on leave, and she hadn't done anything remotely relatable to police work since, unless you count stakeouts for one night stands...
She was still excited about the prospect of doing a bit of detective work with Russell. She had been growing extremely bored while left to her own devices. She really didn't want to take lead on this though. Gun play still wasn't completely in her wheelhouse, and after seeing Russell get all Dirty Harry in the apartment she hardly thought she could keep up to standards, but she would approach the man regardless.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss policing... I'll talk to him first but keep your sidearm ready. I'm still not very comfortable with all that. I mean I have my CC but I don't want to pull. I'll see what he has to say and you do that grimace thing you're so good at." she said in jest, trying to rally up some good partner rhetoric.

The pair rounded the corner and there he was, waiting for them to arrive. He seemed antsy and agitated. Very distressed. Serena straightened her back and broadened her shoulder s as she got closer to the man, hoping that Russell maintained a safe distance behind her. She tried to still her nerves as she did.

"Alright fella, you wanna explain to us what you're doing here and why you just showed up out of the blue at a murder scene?" she said, her voice firm and assertive. She had managed to do a fine job of masking her nervousness.

“You have no idea what you’ve done. All of this was never supposed to happen.” The previously pleasant tone in his voice began to descend into anger and despair. “Now he is dead and it’s all your fault. Did you even notice it? In the Doctor’s office. You believe you have a memory of them leaving, yet it’s strange that they’re gone all of a sudden.”

"Whoa... slow down big guy." she said, clearly confused. "What wasn't supposed to happen? What are you referring to? What do you mean, what we did?"

“The Nightland has them now.” the man said under his breath. “Doors Everywhere, Doors Everywhere, Doors Everywhere.”

"The Nightland? Yo, what the fuck is he going on about?" she said turning to Russell, slightly freaked out.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Valerian Nico Alvarez-Knight

Valerian couldn’t tell Emily was annoyed from her expression, but her manner of speech was definitely a bit different than usual – at least for a moment. When they initially felt rather awkward for interfering when they usually wouldn’t and causing a briefly somber mood in Emily, her nearly immediate change to being all plucky left them feeling confused. Should they be apologetic and guilty or relieved she’d listened to their advice? They weren’t sure, and ended up with a jumbled mess of emotions, which ultimately swinged towards Val being tentatively glad for the development.

They caught a glimpse of her journal, and cocked their head at the sketches. They were fairly good, and seeing it brought a slight feeling of nostalgia. Once upon a time, Valerian had carried a sketchbook everywhere they went, too. Nowadays, they usually drew from memory or photo and video references (which they sometimes made themselves). They still did go out to sketch here and there, but it was a more organized, purposeful activity nowadays. They smiled at Emily’s work, but did not comment upon it, still preoccupied by her previous words.

“Uh, I- Thanks for listening, Emily,” the words of gratitude were hesitant but genuine, spoken as if Valerian was enacting some rarely used advice they’d received. Which was pretty much the case, though channeling one of the things they’ve learned from the Doctor (that expressing themselves was often better than keeping it all in their head and staying quiet, and that people were especially receptive to words so practicing that was good) was painful now that Stanton was dead.

Their heart clenched at the reminder, and they brushed a hand through their dyed hair, feeling the loss keenly. They’d never get to see Stanton anymore, or talk to him, or learn from him…no more getting helped by him. Would the group even remain together? Or would they get different therapists, have to meet with new people? Valerian bit their lip as they considered all this, forgetting their initial intention to relay to Emily that they may have an idea or two about the ‘make doors’ thing they heard her mutter about.

Then…despite all of Valerian’s precautions, the pair closest to the mirror was sucked in and transported. Even Val, who was one of the victims, didn’t know how it happened. One moment, they were in Stanton’s office, and the next…well, they were still in Stanton’s office, but obviously different. It was as if the building had been destroyed at one point, then left abandoned for years. “Oh,” was all Val managed to utter before they slumped down, half-leaning on the wall next to the mirror rather than fully collapsing.

“They got us now,” they whispered, desolate. The irritating mantra of Don’t go was on a loop, and the frustration of being subjected to that was what eventually got Valerian going.

They pushed off of the wall, sighing, glancing at the mirror. Surprisingly, not seeing their reflection was weirder and more off-putting than seeing it. Fuck, we have to get back somehow. So, now I’ll be forced to make a portal myself… Honestly, they were scared more so than determined, but nonetheless they decided to do the first thing that popped into their head.

Valerian began searching for and picking up mirror pieces, trying to collect all of them and slot them back into their proper place. Maybe, fixing the mirror would fix the gateway that’d brought them there. If not, they’d have to find something else, and Val didn’t think that’d be so simple. Not that anything about this situation was simple, really.

“I might be able to restore this,” they commented quietly for Emily’s sake, glancing at her. “Wanna help or…?” they trailed off, looking from her to the presumed source of the stranger's voice. Their priority was finding a way back, but based on all that Emily had said before they were transported, Valerian was uncomfortably certain she’d now want to approach what she thought was a helpless victim.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Emily Dawson

Emily had nodded at Valerian's gratitude.

Emily incorrectly describing her memory as poor was about to become more accurate. Whatever she experienced in those moments between the world they left behind and the one they entered would be lost to her. Her back straightened as she realised the difference. "AAAH!" She screamed, startled.

Emily gasped. "I, uh, I don't- I can't, we shouldn't- why are we-..." Her ramblings became utter nonsense.

Emily's blue eyes widened as she turned around, taking in the sudden change of environment. Her mouth had fallen open. It was like Doctor Stanton's office, but different. Older and in ruin. They were alone, and they had been sucked through the portal into another place!

Emily's hands began to shake, causing her to drop her sketchbook. "Oh! Oh, no!" Thankfully it didn't land on a damp spot. She gathered it and, hands still shaking, managed to cram the sketchbook back into her purse. She was breathing heavily and on her knees. She struggled back to her feet and whirled around.

"...the other world, this other place? A pinhole camera can take pictures without a lense, as long as the original image has inverted colors. Doors Everywhere." She began speaking how she usually did.

This was awful. This was strange. This was...phenomenal. Despite the adrenaline and the fear running through her veins, an uneasy smile spread across her lips. "Inverted. It's real. It's real it's real it's real it's real. It's real!" She looked off towards the stairwell. Don't Go.

Emily turned around, her smile fading when she saw how sad Valerian was. "Oh, Valerian. I'm sorry this happened to you." She said apologetically. Emily placed a trembling hand on her chest, feeling her own beating heart. She took a couple deep breathes, trying to calm down. The shaking stopped, most likely thanks to her medicine.

Emily looked between Valerian in the mirror. "Even if you restore it, the mirror c-can't see us anymore." She waved her hand in the mirror, demonstrating her lack of reflection.

"I think we're trapped until we find another doorway out. And b-besides, someone might need our help." Emily said, proving Valerian's assumption true. "And besides besides...I don't want to leave just yet. I'm not just going to leave and pretend this never happened. Maybe Dr. Stanton would be disappointed in me but I want to see more." She admitted with a nervous giggle.

Emily reached into her back pocket and check her flip phone. "No connection." She snapped it shut.

"But I definitely don't think we should split up. Two people can see each other, but one person can't see themself. If nobody sees you, then you might as well not even exist. But I also think trying to put this broken mirror back together is a no-go. It's broken glass, too, you might cut yourself, Valerian." Emily advised.

The blonde girl reached into her purse and produced a little pink flashlight. "I explore subway tunnels, abandoned buildings, and the city at night all the time." She said, flicking it on. The light, should it work, would be enough to guide their way. Certainly not the brightest bulb in the world, but a light was a light.

"Dark places have lots of secrets to hide. And this looks like the darkest place." Emily said, afraid and excited.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MST3K 4ever
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MST3K 4ever I still love MST3K after all these years.

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The fact that Serena was used to dealing with gangs impressed Russell to no-end. It took a special kind of cop to deal with gangs. You either had the gifts for it or you didn't. It wasn't something that you acquired but it was something you were born with. For Serena to be a Lieutenant no less meant that she was damn good. In any other department on the force she would be a Captain easily. This made Russell view Serena in a whole new light.

Russell maintained a safe distance from Serena. He was completely comfortable letting her take point on this one, but he stood slightly off to the side to where if he had to draw Russell would miss her without question. Russell though was close enough that he could listen to what Serena was saying to the vagrant. Russell felt like she was used to dealing with difficult situations with gangs, whereas Russell's number one goal most of the time was to get a confession out of someone. Bill was good at laying the ground work and Russell would build on it along the way. Bill called Russell "The Sandman" when they knew it was time to get a confession out of someone. "The Sandman" because it meant that it was time to put a case to bed. In this case though they weren't even close to bedtime. In Russell's mind they hadn't even gotten out of bed to start the day.

Overhearing everything Russell knew that this wasn't going to the way he thought. He thought that the vagrant might give them a morsel of information that they could build on. In this case the vagrant was nothing more than a fortune cookie. Saying something but it wasn't making any sense. Russell knew that Bill wasn't going to like any of this from an investigation stand point, but from a "Scooby-Doo" kind of mystery point of view Bill was going to be doing cartwheels. He learned to enjoy the out of the ordinary because of Russell. In this cast this was "The Twilight Zone." Russell bent over towards the vagrant who was now in a babbling trance. He stood next to Serena and said, "I don't smell any booze, and he isn't showing any signs that he's on drugs." Russell said, "I don't know about you but I'm ready to call in the Ghostbusters." Russell bent back over to the vagrant to see if there was anything unusual.

When he was done he stood back next to Serena. The word "Nightland" troubled Russell on many levels. He asked, "Nightland? Why doesn't that make me feel like it's going to be something fun and pleasant like a Disneyland ride?" Russell shook his head twice and said, "First thing is first we got to get this guy into a cell downtown so we can keep an eye on him for a few hours. We run him in on a concealed weapons charge, because I'll bet he doesn't have a permit for his gun." He looked to Serena and said with a shrug, "It's a charge that enables us to keep him out of a psych ward for a bit. Besides, we run this through the proper channels he is at the hospital where they may pump him so full of drugs we may never get anything close to a possible fix on what he's talking about." Russell looked at Serena and said, "I know that he's not exactly the most coherent guy we've ever met in our line of work, but he sought you and me out. There's some kind of rational thought system within him somewhere." Russell thought for a moment and asked, "I wonder what the other members of the Scoobies have found out?" He looked over to Serena and said, "I think when we get downtown we need to compare notes with them after our coffee run."

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