Warhammer 40,000
Brave New World
Brave New World
"Captain! Power failures reported across all decks! Gellar fields are flickering!"
"Report: Engines power dropping. Current status: 66% efficiency."
"Sir! Armsmen report daemonic incursions; they're spawning all over the ship!"
"Cap! Cap! Navigator's dead, we're flying blind in the Warp! We need to drop out!"
"Are ye crazy? An unplanned exit could be sendin' us all inna sun o' a black 'ole!"
"We can't stay in the Warp, we'll be eaten alive by Hell itself Captain! Damned beyond eternity!"
"Fires reported across 12- no, 23- no, 55-... Fire's everywhere important!"
"Explosions are the cause! Multiple hull breaches on the starboard side, the ship is going to break up!"
"Captain! What do we do!?"
Every alarm, siren, warning and klaxon cried out across the bridge as Captain Helram clutched his hands in front of his mouth. He prayed that the God-Emperor would save them. That the thousands of souls aboard his ship would be saved and the vessel itself would miraculously repair itself. But instead every new report only brought more warnings and desperation. The bridge crew was shouting over each other and the alarms, their professionalism barely containing the rapidly growing panic of being lost in the Warp. Captain Helram stood up and silenced the bridge with a slam of the hilt of his sword.
"Take us out of the Warp." He commanded before making a ship wide announcement:
"Attention all crew, this is the Captain speaking. Brace for reentry. Emperor preserve us."
Welcome to Brave New World, an RP taking place in the 40k universe of a transport ship crash landing on a lost planet not on any recent star charts. Based on @Jamesyco's Lost World with his permission, BNW will focus on the shipwrecked survivor's attempts to settle this world and figuring out what caused their ship to crash. I will not be playing as singular character but instead act as the World and NPCs collectively like a traditional TTRPG GM. Normal RP rules apply: no godmodding, don't be a dick, etc. RP will start with the crash landing on this forgotten world and go from there.
All PCs will be in a group together, ragtag and mismatched as it may be for narrative reasons (and to keep things manageable). Together you will achieve great things! And hopefully not die horrific deaths on a forgotten planet millions of lightyears away from home.
Discord Link!
Name: (Duh)
Age: (Duh)
Gender: (Duh)
Role: (What role do they have in the PC party? It doesn't have to be military either, it can be something civilian but it should fit with their background.)
(Basic summary of your character for quick reference)
(Description or pic, try to avoid using real pics.)
(Records/history. Try to keep it broad with big events but end it with them getting on the Fortune's Dominion some how. Remember, there was a wide variety of people on the ship before it crashed, not just military.)
(Self explanatory. Are they especially pious? Are they meek or headstrong?)
(List of major skills that they either know or have learned.)
(List of things they start out with/had on them right before the crash.)
(Anything else you might want to add.)
Some Thoughts:
- Most civilians do not have military training and while the lasgun is easy to use, their accuracy is likely limited at best.
- Feel free to make up your own IG regiments if you want to play as a guardsmen, just put the information about them in the Misc section. All of the regiments aboard the ship have mostly been decimated by war and originally planned to be rolled into a singular army for service.
- Skills and Equipment can change as things progress.
- Most normal humans cannot 1v1 a Tyranid Swarmlord or know how to a plasma generator works. Keep your character's history and abilities realistic.
- Make characters not classes! It's okay if we end up having a party with a lot of one type and none of the other. All Guardsmen Party is an all time favorite 40k story and its only got a party of... guardsmen.