Appearance: A being originally created from wood, stone and iron, Drifter has changed to a predominantly metal form over the years. Held together by magical energy. Since his ascension, he replaced his old materials with new star metals, but kept the same general design from his mortal days. A design akin to the armours of old. A throwback to a distant era. A relic from a forgotten war, much like himself.
Aspect: The STARS. Just as light shines in the darkness, so the Star is often considered a symbol of truth, spirit and hope. The star symbol embodies the notion of spiritual revelation in each of us. Their “nightly creation” represents the conflict upon the energies of dark and the unexplained. Stars are often used to symbolize heavenly bodies, purity and good luck. In dreams, a shooting star is a sign of self-fulfillment and advancement in life. Stars may also symbolize a big change or turning point in a person's life, but they are also seen as a sign of sorrow.
World: Drifter is from a world known as Eareothaer. A place where magic and technology worked in tandem. Both worked side by side. Fueling each other. The World of Eareothaer was large and vast. A marvel of magical and technological engineering. It wasn’t long before the species of Eareothaer learned the secrets of space travel. Some used magic to take to the great void. Other technology. Most, a mixture of both. Over time, the races came together around a central celestial formation. A trinary star system. Three stars orbiting each other. It became the metaphorical centre of the universe. A Dyson Sphere constructed around each of the three stars. Joined together to form what was the largest space station ever seen in the multiverse. Though things can’t go well for ever. That many races living in such close proximity. Wars started. Millennia of wars and bloodshed. The creation of new weapons. New spells. New powers. It ended up crippling the station. With whole fragments falling into the stars. Drifter rose up to Godhood, and left. Leaving the station wrecked and abandoned. Eareothaer, a once thriving universe, now all but desolate, dead or destroyed. Drifter has built a shrine in the middle of the three stars that he often visits as a reminder. He believes he let the universe down, and was too late to save it. The shrine is a reminder to do better.
Race: What species is your character? Describe them and their general traits here. Humans can just write "human," unless there is something particularly unusual about them on your world. The only limitation I'm setting forth here is that your character must be sapient and have a living soul in order to be one of the New Gods. If you want to play some kind of Angel or Devil, PM me.
Legacy: This is the backstory section, but I imagine our characters have a lot in common so I'll outline the minimum information I want: give me an overview of their rise to power (whatever that means for them), their motivation for attaining divinity (or what their original goal was if it was acquired accidentally), how they attained their Key (usually by somehow divining one of the Secret Names of God), and what they have been doing either on their home world or in Heaven (the ruin-dimension at the center of the multiverse filled with the titanic corpses of the Old Gods, where many New Gods have been squatting) since their ascension. If you want your character to start the RP ascending and do the fish-out-of-water thing in the RP, that's also okay by me.
Might: What was your character's claim to fame originally? Were they a wizard, a warrior, a citizen-soldier, a poet, a scholar? Describe their skills, talents, and abilities here, and how their newfound divinity has exaggerated and influenced this power. Really try to be creative here, since your character is meant to be one of the mightiest champions in the multiverse. You can also describe any armies or other resources under your God's command, as those interested in that sort of thing can amass wealth and levies easily.
Path: Here I want you to describe your character's goals, ambitions, or overall intentions for their own future. Where are they going, if anywhere? What are they doing with their divine power, if anything?
Defunct CS, use in reference to other posts for your benefit in making your own character, if you please
Work in progress.
He is known by two primary names, Pykhat Gaal and Yedai. The difference is that he uses the former with lower beings (anything not a god), and the later with more equal beings (other gods). For a lower being to call him by the later is to invoke his wrath.
"I am decay. I am fate."
The Dread-King, The Black Lord, Lord of the Abyss, The Disfigurer (of Yedai), Avatar of Entropy, The Crow God
He has two forms, one which is his "true" form and one which is his "friendly" form. The "true" form takes the appearance of a levitating pitch black sphere. Usually, there are several black-feathered (crow-like) wings surrounding this sphere at various angles, also levitating (one for every additional universe consumed, very biblical angel looking). The reason for his appearance he does not understand himself, and will insist it's merely other consciousnesses trying to make sense of him. "Friendly" form coming soon.
Pykhat carries the aspect of the ABYSS, which is associated with fear, the unknown, darkness, death, madness, and decay. This aspect gives him extensive insight into forbidden or unknown knowledge (and by extension the ultimate result of some actions), the fears of other beings, and an affinity for the dark.
Pykhat's origins are very murky, owing to his Aspect. What is known is that he originates in Yedai, an ancient and obscure universe previously of innumerable civilizations and sapient species, further knowledge of which is irrevocably lost. Yedai underwent countless eons of history, and in this time many powerful beings came within an inch of learning the Secret Name of God, only to fail and fade into obscurity. After the last of these heroes' failure, Yedai began a slow and permanent decline into it's heat-death. Pykhat Gaal is the result of this event, and in a sense is the embodiment of the dead universe, and broadly of entropy and decay. Thus, the current state is one of complete disorder— there are no physical laws, there is no energy, and there is no matter; there is only Pykhat.
Unfathomable anti-entity. All that can be reliably said of his nature is that he is effectively a god.
Pykhat Gaal rose to power through no particular effort of his own. He is the result of the ultimate fate of his specific universe, which was heat-death (this character is really built on the assumption that this would be the fate of all universes if there were no infinitely powerful beings with domain over them, which in Yedai was the case). He unlocked the Key of Creation and learned of the Secret Name of God by becoming the universe upon its death. He is the embodiment of entropy and decay, which in its "aversion" to any sort of order or consciousness formed a unique sort of anti-consciousness. In some ways, you could consider Pykhat not to be sentient, but for all intents and purposes he is (hope that checks out). (Just to be interesting) As far as Heaven is concerned, however, he's only recently ascended to godhood.
(Extreme work in progress, this is hard to do for what I want him to be). Pykhat is the embodiment of entropy (disorder, madness, etc.) and decay. Because of this, he's not affected by attacks against his mind (being a sort of anti-mind). To lower beings, his very existence is an unfathomable reality, and a particularly brutal method of dealing with them is to implant their soul into his "consciousness"(/Yedai, himself). Because of its nature, this is effective at immediately rendering most things but gods an invalid by driving them utterly insane. In this state, he can choose to absorb their shattered mind into himself or to re-manifest them wherever. Even by laying eyes upon his "true" form, such lower beings will quickly be driven to panic and hysteria, and higher beings (gods) will feel very unsettled. Because of this, he has his more "friendly" form. Aside from these abilities, he's also effectively indestructible, but can be heavily reduced and takes a very long time to regain enough "influence" to re-manifest wherever he's been defeated.
His "goal" (more like impulse) is to conquer all universes and reduce them to utter disorder, absorbing all forms of consciousness into himself. However, upon realizing that he's relatively late to the game, he begrudgingly deals with other beings from time to time.
As a side note, I'm not utterly attached to this one, I had the idea and then executing it proved to be more challenging than expected— he's unorthodox enough that it's challenging to imagine how he'd fit into this IP. I'll probably attempt something more normal and put it here as well. Also, trying to decipher U.M. is a big task, especially being so new to K6BD. I think I got the writing mostly right, though, only his more "common" name. Will probably replace with a picture of him once I find/make one. Also wasn't sure what colors were preferred for the aspect. I went with a very dark blue, but it's very close to black. May change it to be more distinctive.
Name: Pretty obvious stuff, put whatever name your character goes by.
Sobriquets: New Gods often have various lofty titles and impressive nicknames, put them here.
Appearance: Images and descriptions both fine, having both is preferable, I would rather not get into photos/faceclaims here.
Aspect: This is the first complicated part. Every Key of Creation (the metaphysical object/knowledge that gives characters their divine power) has a particular aspect associated with it, which your character gained by learning one of the Secret Names of God. These names are typically something like FLAME, BLADE, GLORY, TOWER, BEAST, MIND, or DIAMOND. Something iconic yet provocative of a particular idea. This is the divine aspect your character inherited upon their ascension, and has symbolic implications toward their power. For example, the aspect of TOWER is associated with ruin, disaster, failure, and endings, so a New God with that aspect becomes most powerful after having just been defeated. Try not to make your character's powers and aspect coincide (so don't give a character with fire powers the FLAME aspect), but use it to give your character a new dimension. Also give the aspect a COLOR, which will determine the color of your character's aura/ki/chakra/mana/etc. PM me with questions if this isn't clicking, I know it's confusing.
World: What world/universe is your character from? The two terms are basically synonyms in this setting. Just talk about whatever you think is relevant, such as possibly its most defining features, its history, and what state your character may have left it in. Your character's aspect should have some influence on the world they are from.
Race: What species is your character? Describe them and their general traits here. Humans can just write "human," unless there is something particularly unusual about them on your world. The only limitation I'm setting forth here is that your character must be sapient and have a living soul in order to be one of the New Gods. If you want to play some kind of Angel or Devil, PM me.
Legacy: This is the backstory section, but I imagine our characters have a lot in common so I'll outline the minimum information I want: give me an overview of their rise to power (whatever that means for them), their motivation for attaining divinity (or what their original goal was if it was acquired accidentally), how they attained their Key (usually by somehow divining one of the Secret Names of God), and what they have been doing either on their home world or in Heaven (the ruin-dimension at the center of the multiverse filled with the titanic corpses of the Old Gods, where many New Gods have been squatting) since their ascension. If you want your character to start the RP ascending and do the fish-out-of-water thing in the RP, that's also okay by me.
Might: What was your character's claim to fame originally? Were they a wizard, a warrior, a citizen-soldier, a poet, a scholar? Describe their skills, talents, and abilities here, and how their newfound divinity has exaggerated and influenced this power. Really try to be creative here, since your character is meant to be one of the mightiest champions in the multiverse. You can also describe any armies or other resources under your God's command, as those interested in that sort of thing can amass wealth and levies easily.
Path: Here I want you to describe your character's goals, ambitions, or overall intentions for their own future. Where are they going, if anywhere? What are they doing with their divine power, if anything?
@Dark Cloud Not bad so far, just remember that your aspect is PROGRESS exactly that way. Also I find a totally inorganic being with a mind and soul a bit sketchy as far as how souls work, so would you be alright with a Ghost in the Shell kind of setup where he's 99% inorganic but still has some hindbrain or something?
@ZAVAZggg I like it so far. He would definitely be among the New Gods that got the most fucked over by their ascension, from what I'm seeing.
@Sanity43217 Not bad but very, very, very similar to Dark Cloud's character. We can brainstorm ways to make your guy more distinct.
@rezay I don't think the concept is bad, just not right for this RP. I'd prefer to see a character rather than like, an antagonistic force.
Sobriquets: The Muse. The Fairest. Collector of Songs.
Appearance: A fair young man of slight build and flawless features. Able carries a spear whose shining head hums like a struck glass. The haft is quite long, and made of stunningly pale and straight driftwood.
Aspect: SONG A form of art, true, but Song has also been used throughout human history(in most worlds) to pass along knowledge and wisdom. It may express oral history, and contains an aspect of magical knowledge as well. Song can be used to evoke emotions, and move the hearts and minds of those who hear it. It makes for a bearer who inspires joy, and whom others follow happily.
World: Heimark. A world defined by bitter, cold salt water and a multitude of rocky islands. Resources are fairly scarce, and one of the most precious is wood, which is absolutely necessary for the building of ships to cross the oceans. Many people double as raiders in addition to whatever trade they take on their home islands.
The people of Heimark are resilient and independent by nature. They are excellent shipwrights, and hold a vessel in high esteem, considered to be a credit to its home island.
Ship building is assisted by shamans who work with wood spirits, called wudwyrds. Traditionally, only one tree is cut down for a ship, though salvaged wood can be used(with great deference). Such driftwood, however, is considered quite valuable, because of how rarely the sea returns what it takes. This tradition ensures that no tree that plays host to a wudwyrd is cut needlessly, and also preserves the spirit as a singular entity in the completed vessel. A ship with a wudwyrd can always find the way back to any island it has visited, and can steer itself if needs must(though they typically prefer not to).
Race: Human
Legacy: Able was born to a small village on his home island of Briige. His parents were quite poor, and when a shaman who was traveling through took notice of him, they were happy to believe he would live a better life as an apprentice. What they did not understand was that the old man(name of Hroki) desired Able for his beauty and youth. He learned from his new master, but was loved by him as well, and as Able grew older, the wise man could not bear to see it. Besotted by the youth, the shaman turned to deep magic that even he did not properly understand, and entreated Time and Change themselves to refrain from touching Able. He was made to prove his worth and love, through trials that Able knew nothing of, but by the time he succeeded, and Able was finally spared the ravages of Time, and the fickle gifts of Change, he was a young man, and the shaman grieved the loss of his childhood.
Able outlived Hroki, and all those around him. He sought employ, with his new gifts, as a soldier and raider aboard a ship out of his homeland. He worked well enough for a time, but found that he could not train his body to become any stronger through natural means, and was weaker than hid fellows.
In a far flung land, he found knowledge from a monastery of monks who knew the secrets of transcending their physical limitations. Through meditation and force of will, Able learned to overcome the baser parts of his mind and body that, in a normal man, prevented one from harming themselves. Unable to suffer harm himself, Able could use these techniques to achieve superhuman strength and speed. Still, his body had its limits, and he sought power through his spirit.
Able lived on. He continued his study of magic, but lived primarily as a strange, hermitic nomad, and generally lost interest in the conflicts between islands. He returned frequently to the monastery where he first learned his greatest physical gifts, to further meditate and consider the mysteries of the world. It may have been inevitable that he discovered a key to divinity on his own, but fate had another plan.
Heimark was broken into from the outside by a strange army, claiming to follow a god. The people of Heimark, being tough and contrary, fought back, and Able joined the conflict for the first time in decades. He joined with Elga, the Jarl of Briige, and fought under her as she first united the people of their world, and then fought to push back the invaders. Their resistance finally attracted the attention of the god himself, who stepped down from his throne in heaven to take to the field personally. He heard of a particular fighter who none of his disciples were able to slay, and sought him out on a rocky battlefield. The god’s blades sang as he fought, and in moments he had slain many of Able’s shield siblings, until finally he found the soldier whose body refused to be split by his swords. One of the Old Gods, or even a New God bearing a different Word may have been capable of stripping Able of his gifts, but this god and his power was only able to see them, reading his power like notes on a staff. He got too close, and Able plunged his indestructible fingers into the god’s forehead, plucking the star from his very brow. Holding a key to creation in his hand, Able looked back at the rest of the field as the god withered at his feet. The invaders and natives alike stared at him, expecting a new decree. Able turned the key, and stepped away from his world, into heaven.
The previous bearer of Song was a human man named Seig. He was called The Blind Maestro, or(behind his back) The Mad Maestro. He ran perhaps the most ordered of the New Gods' empires, and was prone to micro manage. He claimed he could hear the order of his sphere of control as Rhythm and Rhyme, and plucked out his own eyes, claiming they distracted him from it. It is argued by many theologians whether this action was a symptom, or the cause of his madness, but all agree that he became much worse after this.
He now believed he heard the Rhythm and Rhyme at all times, and found any disruption to it unbearable. And so he was known to personally flit about the multiverse, putting perceived errors to right.
Might: Able does not age, and(under normal circumstances) no change can be made to his body. He has mastered a technique to bypass the body’s resistance to using its full potential, and has a fair understanding of magic(enhanced by the Aspect of his Key). With his Aspect, he can read and understand magic that is affecting any object or person, much like reading music. Given effort and time, he can edit such magic as well by, to keep the metaphor, moving notes around.
Able can uncover, and even restore lost things by finding them preserved in Song.
The invaders of Heimark were stranded when their god lost his Key, but most of them would be willing to obey its current bearer, should he return to collect them. Able entered heaven alone, however, and at present has no followers to his name.
The empire of the God-King Seig is controlled by an efficient army of bureaucrat-soldiers who kept the Rhythm and Rhyme of the worlds moving. They were collectively called The Orchestra. Though far from well liked, they are generally considered benevolent, if meddlesome.
Seig's predilection for overseeing the details personally has left the Orchestra with a simplistic hierarchy, and nothing much in the way of a chain of command. Seig is known to have disappeared, but as the key that controlled his army's interplanar travel is now in another's hands, the news of his actual death has not left Heimark. The Orchestra is still able to travel between established worlds, but cannot create such permanent openings.
Path: Able seeks lasting companionship with anyone who might be an equal. He has long since withdrawn from society, having tired of the sorrow of outliving those close to him. He is new to Heaven and the multiverse at large, and wishes to see it, and what others have made of it.
@Dark Cloud Not bad so far, just remember that your aspect is PROGRESS exactly that way. Also I find a totally inorganic being with a mind and soul a bit sketchy as far as how souls work, so would you be alright with a Ghost in the Shell kind of setup where he's 99% inorganic but still has some hindbrain or something?
@ZAVAZggg I like it so far. He would definitely be among the New Gods that got the most fucked over by their ascension, from what I'm seeing.
@Sanity43217 Not bad but very, very, very similar to Dark Cloud's character. We can brainstorm ways to make your guy more distinct.
@rezay I don't think the concept is bad, just not right for this RP. I'd prefer to see a character rather than like, an antagonistic force.
That's what I thought after writing it up as well. Sorta hard to make a character of it, though maybe I could pull off something similar. I do like the edgy aesthetic
If I can make a suggestion, I'd say give a couple more examples of Aspects, I got pretty hung up there. Your description helped a lot, but only included examples from K6BD (as far as I can tell). If we're to make our own, more points of reference would be helpful.
@Dead Cruiser I've looked into the magic from K6BD, and I was wondering, which of the three would you say fits a character who's essentially going to be a pure berserker in combat?
@ZAVAZggg Agree with @Stylobilly, that's more the pursuit of some sort of martial art, which in effect can be very similar to magic.
Magic is the art of lying to the face of God and getting away with it. The New Gods, being what they are, can be particularly adept at this, but it's not applicable in every scenario.
That said, Able looks good and will be accepted when the OOC goes up.