Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Thanqol
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Cyanis swallowed. "I - okay. Okay. Fine. I'll do my best too, just..."

Fox magic comes easily to foxes. They don't need to chant or wave their hands or perform rituals because being a fox is magical enough by itself. Where a human might need to spend a whole summer perfecting the exact hand gesture needed to perform a single spell, magic spoils foxes rotten - presumably because it, too, is a sucker for cute little triangles. So all a fox needs in order to do magic is wishes, their own or someone else's. They can just take that wish and think about how happy they'd be if it came true until magic relents and gives in.

But even easy things can be done with great effort and concentration if it's important enough. So Cyanis screws up her eyes and wishes as hard as her little foxy heart allows - and with a flash of teal fire the same colour as her eyes, it does.

Hyra of the Wolves stands here again, with blade and bow and brilliant strength. Hair of silver and eyes of red and might of heroines, reflexively stepping out in front of Yue in a guardian posture. Even as she does so, she takes Yue by the hand. "How long do I have?" she asks.

"I think - just while the full moon is in the sky," said Cyanis meekly.

"That'll be enough," she said. Her eyes fall back onto Yue, and a smile fills her lips. "Stay behind me, okay? I won't let you get cursed too."


The whispers of the world rise into crescendo. Light and darkness separate like oil and water, detaching and running in radiant and sombre channels towards she of midnight. And there she arises amidst the enraptured voices of the forest, bow in hand, arrow already streaking out like the first ray of dawn.

It soars through the air and penetrates the red string that bound Chen to Cyanis. Immediately the fox's magic dissipates - with a snap and burst of radiant light Chen is back in her normal clothes.

Princess Yin slams the base of the bow into the ground, and gives a brief wave. "Hey, Chen," she said. "Your mom sent me to help you. We're to capture Yue for the Campaign and use the exchange as an opportunity to ambush Qiu."

Her pose is confident even to the point of laziness, but cautious - extremely aware of both Rose and Hyra's positions, stance leaving her ready to block a strike coming from either direction.

[Declining this would be missing an opportunity to further your destiny]
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Anarion
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Anarion School Fox

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Chen looks almost...disappointed as the light bursts around her and severs the red string from Cyanis, melting the maid costume off of Chen and leaving her in just her scarf and the silks from earlier. Those paying attention (read: Cyanis) can guess that the rumors about Chen were true after all.

Suns, of all the idiotic...why would mommy Ysel call Yin? Okay, Chen knew why she would. She was always like "if you have people, use them" and "if you're good enough, you can get other people to do things for you so you can do whatever you want" and so calling one of her vassal princesses in on a problem was exactly on brand for her. But didn't she know how annoying Yin was? And didn't she trust Chen to get the job done? At least Hestia had waited for Chen to call and ask for help. That had been hard, but Mom'd maybe be proud of Chen for doing that instead of getting in over her head. Ysel though, she didn't even bother asking or waiting. Chen knew Mommy Ysel would deny it too. Probably something like "sweetie, if you have overwhelming force, you use it, it's got nothing to do with trust" but that didn't make it sting any less that she didn't think Chen was up to the job. And that she didn't know how much this would upset her daughter! Like, come on mommy, pay attention to your own kid, seriously!

But now, here she was, and she knew, just knew that mommy Ysel was going to freak out if she turned this down. Here was all the power she needed on a silver platter. They'd easily be able to grab Yue between the two of them and get out to claim the prize from Qiu. And, were those Rose's glinting yellow eyes there behind Yin? So they'd get the prize of an ancient huntress too! They'd have to split the dance between them, but all glory would still go to the Hot Alliance at the end of the day and there would be every opportunity to get a leg up on Qiu in the process, maybe even more if Rose could be convinced to fight for them. If Chen refused, Ysel would probably refuse to let her go out alone on her next mission, maybe even set her an "honor guard" by which she'd mean babysitters to make sure she was behaving. Or worse, she'd send Chen to Yin to apologize and make amends. She'd probably have to go play the prey in one of Yin's night hunts and let the princess lord it over her when she got captured.

But even for all that they could gain, Chen didn't want to kidnap Yue. She wanted to convince her to go to Qiu. This was supposed to be an opportunity and kidnapping her would be seriously gross. Qiu had already called down the furies on a simple village girl and Chen had been hoping to reach her first to spare her the worst of everyone coming after her. And sure, Yue's first entrance with that ghost armor or...something made it seem like she was up to this world of princess duels, but she'd immediately shown that she wasn't used to all this magic and politics stuff and it was just the cutest thing. Chen blushes at that, running back through the last few minutes and the way Yue had looked at her in her maid outfit and laughed and apologized. But the poor girl was shaking now! She was trying bravely to hold her sword out in front of her, the unsteadiness in her knees ruining an otherwise excellent stance. Chen had just promised to protect Yue and the way she was looking at Yin now made it patently obvious she was terrified. Was Chen really supposed to complete her mission by dashing in with Yin providing her cover and just snatch this terrified village girl out from under the handmaiden she had just spent a fox wish on to save? Really?!

Chen looked around her. That was almost certainly Rose lurking there in the darkness. The wolf now handmaiden that Yue had called Hyra looked grim and ready to strike at any moment. And Yue was...oof. If turning against all these people is what Chen was supposed to do, she wanted no part of it, damn the consequences! She'd make mommy Ysel understand.

Chen straightens, coming out of her ready stance and putting her crystal sword back in its sheath with a quick, fluid motion that says with finality that she has no intention of fighting anybody. "Yin, back off" she says, letting out a breath and most of her tension. "Seriously, just...let's not do this today, alright? Just like, look at Yue. I know she's the girl we're supposed to find for Qiu, but you're scaring her! We shouldn't do this to people, shard or no shard!" Chen makes an expansive gesture to all the "people" she's referencing who all look so scared, worried, or sad at Yin's appearance. She looks back at Yin and fixes her with a stare that's more than a little judging.

"Listen, Yin, let's just, you know, call it for today and we can all talk after everyone has a chance to relax a little. Qiu's prophecy doesn't have an expiration date, right? So just...back off for now and you can give me a call later once everyone has a chance to get some breathing room, okay?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Thanqol
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Princess Yin, radiant Yin, puts her hand to her forehead in a sign of exhausted exasperation.

"Princess Chen," she said. "I have crossed this entire kingdom, fighting demons and river-monsters, enduring betrayal and rejection, to do you a favour. I have tried to offer you a hand of peace and alliance. I have put," her voice drops into a hiss for a moment - just a moment, "myself out there only for you to -!"

She cuts her words short and looks away. There might be tears in her eyes. Her hands are trembling with emotion and the light around her is broken so harshly you could cut yourself on it.

"I have," she said, collecting herself a bit, wiping at her eyes with a sleeve. "Done my best. For everyone. I have done my best to be a loyal vassal, a loyal lover, a loyal mistress, a loyal friend. And time after time this is what I get in return. I get spat upon. I get treated like a -" she bit the words back and let her brow darken. "Fine. Fine. You hate me too, I understand. What I have to do I will simply have to do on my own, that is all."

She waved her hand, and in an eyeblink her radiant light went out, plunging the forest into total darkness. By the time eyes adjusted to the loss of her, she had taken her enchanted deer and ridden far away.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

“So this is the mischief you’ve been up to, hmmm?”

Yue could be forgiven for letting out a little shriek when she spins around. No one would judge her too much for that! The thing looming over her shoulder is fearful, more like the demons of the river and the blade that she has already met today than either of the Princesses. Like the heart of the forest, roused in anger by the unlight of the Night Sun, bough-limbed and rough-skinned and only imperfectly mimicking humanity; like the massive river serpents that raise their slick black bodies out of the water before falling to crush wagon and unwary traveler alike, a tower of rippling strength that will presently descend like a thunderbolt; like a coming tempest that makes the chimes sing and drowns the world in the rich smell of plums, even as it grows so dark that you cannot see past your own hand; such is Rose from the River in her fury and form of war. Cyanis dangles pitifully from one of her four hands, held by her adorable scruff, turning on her best pleading eyes at everyone in the hopes that somebody might save her from this monster, knees curled up and arms wrapped around them, already having given up any hopes of wiggling free under her own power. Rose’s braids whisper and twist in no wind, agitation clearly expressed through their almost-natural lashing.

But Rose from the River, while daunting, is not looking at Yue with fury, or covetousness, or dour doom. Look at the soft curl of her lips! Look at the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes! Watch as the braids lose their fervor and settle, rubbing against and winding about each other. That is the happiness at the end of a tiring day; that is approval and understanding. Rose from the River looks down at the dearest wish of an innocent heart, and remembers the gift of a fox.

“Well,” she says, holding Cyanis up at eye level to address her as easily as if she was a young girl’s ribbon, “you did right by her, little fox. Well done. Don’t make trouble where I can see you.” This doom declared, she sets Cyanis down and gives the teeny tiny troublemaker indulgent scritches behind one fluffy triangle, even as she turns her attention back to Yue.

“Your heart’s desire is beautiful, Yue. No small wonder that the Princesses fight over you.” Her eyes flicker over to Chen and Hyra (the latter of whom is unsubtly fluffing herself up and giving Rose a glare), and she bows her head in deference to Yue. “A moment, if you will.” Then she maneuvers herself around Yue such that she does not pass between Hyra and the shepherdess, and comes to stand— no, she descends to one knee before the diminutive Princess Chen.

“Princess,” she says, holding herself to formality as she takes Chen’s hand in two of her own, “you surrendered yourself to me willingly and in return I carelessly allowed you to be stolen from me by scoundrels. I am glad to see you safe despite, and hope that you can forgive me for failing you.” She drinks in Chen’s face until satisfied with what she sees there, ignoring everyone else (and surely the assumptions that anyone else might be making) and presses her forehead to the back of Chen’s hand before rising.

“You spoke well to Yin,” Rose from the River says to Chen. (Is that anger bitten down? Is that anger at Yin, or at herself?) “Let’s let Yue the Shepherdess speak for herself, make her own decision...”

There! Sudden betrayal! One hand clamps over Chen’s mouth, holding her jaw firmly shut. That arm pulls her in close until her pale cheek is smushed right up against Rose’s firmness, feet just barely off the ground. No amount of stamping or wriggling will save you now, little princess! It is like being trapped within a tree’s trunk, there within the grasp of Rose from the River, and that intoxicating floral fragrance all around. And is that little Cyanis hiding her mouth behind her own hand to hide her reaction, tails wagging furiously, peeking out from behind Hyra? It very well might be.

“...without any more Princessly propaganda,” Rose from the River concludes. “She’s heard enough for one day, hasn’t she? Enough of destinies and politics. Yue, clad fast in a shining dream... what do you have to say to us?”

And everyone’s attention turns from the blushing Chen to Yue, pushed into the spotlight by Rose, who has wordlessly declared her control of the stage entire.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Silently and in a single motion, the strings holding Yue up are cut. One second she's standing there gawking at Rose, and the next she's plummeting toward the ground like it was calling her home. The only thing that saves her from ending up as a graceless heap are the presence and quick reflexes of Hyra, who scoops her up in a flash and turns her into a graceless scarf instead.

"I don wanna..." she murmbles. Or mumbles. Or is it a murmumble? Somebody, help.

Now that her legs aren't being used for silly things like 'standing' and 'moving at all in any way', it's amazing how quickly they've decided they're not good for anything at all, really. She tries to wiggle, or wriggle, or, uh, thing...le, but all she manages to do is drop her sword on the ground with a deafening clatter. Uh, oops! She grins sheepishly, which is the closest she can manage to an apology while she's looking into those bewitching red eyes and letting them stare straight through her soul.

This feels familiar, don't it? End your journey back at the beginning kind of familiar? Here she is again in the dark surrounded by spirits and demons (oh, um? Demonish tree...y... actually come to think doesn't this have the look of a genuine... nah, nope. Lost it) and Princesses, or... princesses, she supposes, princelings? Princesslings? Whatever, tiny maid girls with a buncha fancy titles, stop distracting her! She's tryinta focus on how nice and firm and perfect Hyra's body feels supporting hers again. She's so helpless and so safe and it's fine, y'know, really fine that there's so much scary stuff 'cause none of it can touch her while she's held, see?

She smiles sweetly, and that's when Hyra takes her chin between two fingers. And turns her. Slowly. To point at Rose again. And Chen. And... oh gosh. Oh goshies, gosh gosh gosh!

"D-d-did you say 'Yue the Shepherdess', by chance?" she grasps at straws like a champion straw grasper at the straw grasping championship, grasping a straw, "See? I... I told you. You've got the wrong..."

Goodness gracious she, imagine what it feels like to be held like that? Double Super Princess Chen must live a very, ah, interesting? life to be so... eep! F-familiar with a well-spoken Dryad spirit person. Just, so, so familiar and... friendly, and, ah! Wowies, what a life that must be? Are they like this all the time? Do they... do they touch like that in front of everybody? Is that a handmaiden? Is this what they're supposed to do? What if they... oh! Ohhhhhh, oh oh oh oh, oh no no no oh no she's picturing it! On a hilltop by a waterfall under the moonlight, oh she's so sorry but she's picturing iiiiiiit.

And there go the giggles again. She's useless until Hyra flicks her nose and starts shaking her head for her, which fixes her all the way back up to being blushing and useless instead. Much better, thank you magical wolf girl with the pretty butt. Er, t-tail! Tail is what she meant to say! Think! Oh gosh!!

"I can't be the, I mean, I'm NOT the Yue you think, that is... oh, why doesn't anybody understand? All night and all day and all night again, it's Yue this and Yue that and princess princess Scales of Meaning flooferdoodle! I'm not worth any of this! I don't even understand why it's happening! I'm not a Shepherdess, ok? I'm a sun farmer! I've only herded my neighbor's sheeps that one time! And that one other time, when she got sick! And the other other time when they wandered into my yard! But other than those three times, and the one after them, never! Ok? I'm not the one you're looking for! I'm not, I'm not, I'm not! I can't be! I'm not..."

The fingers on her face slip away, and Yue draws up short. She glances up, but Hyra's very determinedly not looking at her right now. And then all of a sudden everything hits her like a rushing waterfall, all at once. The tiredness. How sore her bruises really are. The weight of her armor. Every aching, throbbing muscle in her entire stupid body. How hungry she is. How relieved she is that Yin is gone. How scared she still is that she made the wrong wish after all. How safe these strong arms feel. And how much danger she's in right now. Of being dropped, being kidnapped, being trussed up like a trophy and carted off to Princess So-and-So to be mounted on a plaque and shine there like a particularly gangly trout, or whatever it is she's being asked to do.

Of having her adventure continue.

Or even worse, having it stop.

A hundred different feelings smash her all at once and even though it's ugly, even though it wasn't asked for, even though no fair maiden worth her salt should be like this in a place with so little privacy, she's helpless against the elixer. So she does what she always does when she's stuck between an impossible wall and a terrible rock. She cries.

"I'm not worth all this! I'm not special, ok? I've never even been more than an afternoon's hike away from my house before! How'm I supposed to! What do I even? I'm not... I don't! I just..."

The tears won't stop running down her cheeks. She isn't sniffly, isn't hiccoughing or otherwise making a mess of herself, but her cheeks are soaked and her eyes are so full of water it's a wonder demons aren't springing out from them to try and kidnap her. In any case she's quite blind, let me tell you. She catches a blur she thinks might be Cyanis? But it could just be a pile of rocks, which would definitely explain why she feels a distinct lack of judginess and disappointment from it. Because what else besides a buncha rocks'd even be able to look at her right now and not feel ashamed to know her? Kat's too busy being a Sword Guardian right now to really chime in, but this is one of those moments that would earn Yue the Bonk of Shame. Trust her.

"A-a-actually... doesn't matter none. I guess. I don't want you to find the right Yue, ok? Just stop. Here I am, you caught me! Yay! I shoulda... wished for food. Haven't got so much as a dumpling on me right now. Anybody want tea? I can... mmrph. Blegh. Y'know? I got chased by river demons, and sword demons, and snake scale demons, and a buncha other demons, and two Princess Yins, which is worse than all of those things! I fought a pretty ghost and I'm wearing her clothes but I don't even know her name! And now there's... there's... you! All of... you! And this' all 'cause've another princess Princess somethin' or other wants a handmaiden? Don't she got plenty? Who'd wanna go there? Who'd wanna put up with that?"

She swallows loudly. Somebody manages to wipe her eyes for her, and she's got no idea who. Her voice is tired when she opens her mouth again, but she's still got strength enough to speak.

"I mean. I'm not, y'know, mad. At you. Or anything. I'd just. Um. I-isn't... a-a-ar-aren't all of you enough princesses for one lifetime? Or seven?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rose from the River untwines herself from Chen, though one finger lingers on her lips a moment, a last parting gift to the Princess who deserves better than Rose. She sinks soundlessly to her knees before Yue, and takes Yue's hands in her own. Ignoring Hyra's warning growl, Rose's third hand touches Yue's flushed forehead, hot to the touch. Through her, the essence of the world resonates.

The nature of Wood is to renew and live again. It rises from the placid, still waters, unable to be contained, unable to remain stagnant. As Rose traces her fingers down Yue's tear-streaked cheeks, against the side of her throat, she unbinds what is caught fast and bleeds away what has become clogged. Her hum is the note at which she bids Yue's vital energies hold, and as she works, the sensation that fills those aching muscles and sore bruises is like the way the forest experiences ice-cold water from the mountains cutting through the earth. Drink deep, Rose's fingers urge Yue. Drink your fill.

Even the headache that one gets when one is crying melts away like fog in the light of the sun, and is no more, until Yue can look Rose from the River in the eye (though still blurred; not even Rose's art of aligning energy flows can take away tears). And Rose from the River is silent, regarding Yue carefully, evaluating her again. The silence drags on long enough to be awkward, until she finally speaks, just before someone else may have considered breaking the silence herself.

"I am sorry, Yue the Sun Farmer. I can't tell you why the Scales of Meaning told Qiu you were the most valuable possession of her kingdom. I can't tell you that you can go home yet. I can't even promise that there won't be even more princesses chasing after you for something you don't even understand. All I know is that when I opened my heart to the Way, I found myself here." She squeezes Yue's hands in what she can only hope is a gesture of comfort. "I have to believe that I will be of some help to you, even if I can't see the shape of it yet. Maybe I'm just here to tell you that you are worth more than you believe yourself to be."

And that is all she dares to say. Even that much was dangerous; what if she overwhelmed the girl? Worse, what if she enraptured her? For all her age, Rose from the River feels once again like she is trying to walk in the dark, trusting in the ribbon that she holds in her hand, trusting that she has heard the subtle call of the Way right; that it will not demand she strike down Yue the Tyrant-to-Be, that it was not pointing her to the wolf or the fox or even the flustered little princess all along, that she is not meant to learn here the limits of her own capabilities (for she has taken enough from that cup for one day, please, please).

[Rose from the River rolls a goddamn 4 on Emotional Support, which means she is at 3 XP, but still triggers Lay on Hands: Yue's injuries are soothed and mended, and Yue can offer Rose an XP by validating her or a String by shutting her down.]
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Anarion
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Anarion School Fox

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

"eeemmmmmph!" shouts Princess Chen as she's suddenly smothered into Rose from the River in what will surely go down in the Princess annals as one of the greatest betrayals of all time. Chen is pressed into Rose's smooth, firm body. Her legs dangle off the ground and she tries to wriggle them and squirm out of Rose's grip, brushing against the wood nymph's thick legs with her shoes as she does so, but it is all to no avail. As she feels the pressure of Rose's chest pressed against her face, the light brush of the almost polished bark, her familiar blush runs up from the base of her neck and suffuses her face. Chen then makes a very undignified squeaking noise and redoubles her leg squirming. And Rose, why, you might think that little Princess Chen is enjoying herself she's leaning into this so much. But of course that's impossible because clearly you are entirely in control here and disabling her so that she will not manipulate poor innocent Yue.

Oh gosh, oh no, is Yue giggling?! Chen lets out a very distinct high-pitched squeak and does her utmost to bury her head even further into Rose's bosom. If...If she can't see anybody, that means they can't see her, right? Right?! Rose, you can feel Chen's face warming against your skin and the light brush as her dark hair tickles your chest must be ever so present against that tough, strong body.

The moment is, however, brought up short as Rose's attention turns to Yue and, as Rose moves, Chen sees the sudden tears on the other girl's face and the words Yue was saying catch up to Chen's brain. Oh no, oh goodness. Of course this would be too much for a village girl. This is what Chen had been worried about, why she'd wanted to reach Yue ahead of everyone else and try to protect the poor girl. Yin had made a mess of that and now this was all just too much despite her best efforts.

Rose goes to comfort the girl and Chen can see her doing something with her chi to ease Yue's pains and soreness as Chen catches her own breath. She's still red, but she's taking a few deep breaths, calming herself down and waiting a moment. She knows she shouldn't crowd Yue with even more people all at once, and she needs to get herself together anyway.

Chen takes another deep breath and smoothes her hair, then straightens up her scarf. That was important to do first. To make herself look nice and a little less disheveled. So she could go up to the poor girl and not add to everything being overwhelming.

Presently though, she sees that Rose has trailed off, and so Chen walks up, slowly, in her turn. She doesn't touch Yue, but just walks up close enough to speak. "Did you say you could make some tea?" she asks gently. "Tea sounds wonderful. I'm a little chilly without my dress, and I think a warm cup of tea would be just the perfect thing. My Mom always likes to talk over tea, too, she says it's easier, you know? Why don't I get a little fire started for us, and you can make us something and then we can sort out all this businesses of princesses and such."

Then she looks at Yue and waits for even the slightest of nods to get a fire going.

[Chen rolls a 1+4+2=7 on emotional support. If Yue opens up, she can select from the options. Chen is also smitten, so if Yue doesn't, Chen would get a condition.]
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Thanqol
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

You are a thing of ancient commerce, Rose from the River. You exist half in the present world and half in an ancient and decrepit system of finance and power. And now, at last, this close to Yue Sunfarmer you finally and uncomfortably realize why the Scales of Meaning declared Yue to be the most valuable thing in the Terraced Lake.

Because in an extremely literal sense she is. She has a value of 75.9 trillion dollars.

She is also the inheritor of the Corporate Throne that commands your loyalty. The obedience algorithms in your head have been dormant for centuries but now, at last, stir to life as they begin to check and cross-check the cryptocontracts to ensure that you are not being hacked, but it's being confirmed by every law daemon in the undernet.

Somewhere, far out in distant space, the Chief Imperial Officer or their descendants have foresworn their wealth. And, with the speed of monarchy, the systems of this distant world have determined that the correct legal heir to the wealth of the underworld is Yue. Just Yue.

She is a Princess in the ancient sense, inheritor of this world. And you owe her your unquestioning loyalty.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

"Hey Hyra? In my bag, could you please look for a... oh! Y-you already, uh, ahaha! Ehehehe... you, you remembered. That's, I, um. Wow. I didn't realize you, oh. Wowies."

Yue quickly turns away and sets about worrying at her hair, pulling her fingers down and down and down and down the long, unbrushed brown locks. And if she were a clever girl she'd tell you it was to keep her hair out of the fire while she tends to it, but she is Yue Who Can Keep No Secrets, so it's obvious to one and all that the sudden interest is just to cover how hot her body and especially her face are suddenly feeling. Please nobody look! Please nobody notice! Please no... oh, you know? Oh. You, oh.

Hyra's hands feel almost as warm against hers as they place the chipped ceramic pot between her palms. It's heavy with (fresh!!) water, which is, y'know, exciting because fresh water's difficult to find sometimes, and it really improves the quality of a cup of tea when you can get it, especially when the leaves are as delicate as the ones Yue's trying to use right now! Erm, well, that is, obviously there's clean water everywhere, but that's not the same as pure water, see? The kind that right up until you caught it was trickling and bubbling and alive so that it's at the prime of it's power, 'cause that's the kind of water you usually can't go near in case it's full of demons, right? But sometimes you get lucky, and you get the stuff that's carried the flavor of the ground it's travelled and, uh, w-well, y'know, uh, haha! At least we're not talking about Hyra's hands anymore hahahaha oh! Shoot!

"Y-- so! Um. All I've... got with me now is silver needle. I hope that's, um, ok. My, um, my leaves are, y'know. At home and, uh, I can't... can't go back 'cause of the. Um. The everything. Gosh, I hope somebody notices and checks on my flowers. I was gonna replant them tomorrow. Tomorrow? It's, yeah. Yeah! Tomorrow. Gosh."

Her eyes are still misty, but that's nobody's fault. There's only so much that kind words and space and even magic dryad touches or the sight of her favorite tea set (as old and broken and embarrassing as it might be) slowly heating to a near boil can do when your brain is insisting on pulling you in a hundred different directions without stopping for a break. But her aches are gone, and that makes her move more easily. Her hand's around the grip of her sword again, and that makes her smile a little more. And when she pulls the pot off the flames before it gets too hot so she can add her leaves, she starts to hum. Just the tune at first, indistinct and unmemorable. And then when the smell starts to rise up into the air, she grows bold enough to sneak snippets of words in, turning scarlet the more obvious it becomes that she can't remember the words.

These are the miracles bought with kindness and the Way.

"Raising my cup, I beckon the bright moon...
I, hmm hmmm hm hmmmmmhm,
and she, with my shadow makes three~"

Her cups had color, once. Probably. Maybe! It's possible! They have such a colorful vibe, ok? And if they had colors they must have also had patterns! They're just so, so fancy! But fancy as they are, they're also older than the dirt in the hills, so if they had peacocks or dragons or just happy little kittens on them at one point is something you've pretty much just gotta guess. But if there's one good point to 'em, it's how good they still are at holding tea! Not a drop leaks out as she pours the steamy, pale liquid out just as softly and carefully as she's always imagined a princess would, if she drank tea.

Which, no pressure Yue, is very important to get right just now! And indeed, the first cup goes straight to Chen of the Something Something Hot, Uh... y'know what? She's just 'Chen' until there's time to ask for the whole thing again. But anyway she gets first tea 'cause she's at least two princesses and she just won't, just won't have it said that the girls of the Terraced Lake don't know anything about etti... uh? kineti... manners!

"Thanks, Your Highliness, for... y'know, for not. For giving me time. Tell me how you like it? I'm a little, uh, light right now but I might still have some honey if you prefer it?"

The second cup goes to Rose from the River, 'cause a magical dryad is right up there with princesseseses in terms of the kinds've people you wanna be polite to. Especially when they use their healing powers to draw all the pain out of your body and leave you fresh enough to move around without your everything screaming at you. She smiles her very best, most dazzlingest smile, and places the cup gingerly in one of those hands that look like they could crush it with the barest suggestion of a squeeze. Um. Gosh.

"I, um..." she ums, "Sometimes when I go walking? I like to close my eyes and pretend the wind is blowing me where it wants. I just try to, uh, get good and lost 'cause maybe I'll find something new? Seems kinda silly now but it, ahehe, felt like going on an adventure. Funny story? That's actually how I got these tea leaves. Maybe the, oh gosh, I'm really sorry! You just look, mmph, tired and I thought... maybe you're here to share this?"

Her smile goes shy, and she quickly shimmies away to give the third cup to Hyra. This time the words don't seem to find her throat. She just looks into those fearsome red eyes and into that face that, for all of the miracles she's seen today, she's still certain is the prettiest thing she's ever seen. She puts the cup in Hyra's hands, her real, actual hands, and holds them in hers with a look so intense it's like she's been possessed. Y'know, again.

And the more she looks, the sadder she gets. And the more she looks, the harder it gets to, because her eyes won't stop warbling again and it's so stupid because she needs to see, ok?? She has to look, she has to, she... she already messed up and she can't afford to miss anymore of...

She gasps. It's harder than anything in the world, but she pulls her hands away, and pours the final cup with the most careful and perfect form she's ever managed in her entire life. Thanks so much, Nameless Maiden. Thank you for helping her with this.

"...H-hey. Cyanis?" Yue's voice quivers a little as she offers the extra cup to the fox, "You said... she had until the end of the full moon, right? Does, d-does that mean every full moon? Or just... this one?"

[Yue is opening herself up to support and marking XP. She's also offering Rose from the River XP by trying to validate her worldview as best she can]
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Thanqol
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Every full moon!" said Cyanis, swish-swishing her tails while remaining extremely intently on the opposite side of the Yue to Rose. The way she moves in orbit with you clashes with Hyra's steady presence like the waves against the headland - here and there the fox moves in fluid motions trying a hundred ways and now and then she makes a bolder play for position - and there is Hyra to stop her. The wolf is not unkind, or unduly suspicious to the fox - but she is duly suspicious. There is an ancient kind of energy in their interactions, like at any moment the fox might cross an invisible line and be seized. The only part in question is if the fox's hubris would get the better of her.

"It's a really nasty curse," she said. "And I just don't have the power to break it outright. But, like I said, I'm a responsible and honourable fox and I am motivated out of genuine desire to help," and here she's looking at Rose, swish swish, fully aware that you as a monk have a duty to pre-emptively put her in fox jail. "Honest!"

The rules are really quite clear on this point, for this reason. Foxes as a category of spirits have used up every single benefit of the doubt they have ever been given over centuries. You can't give them fair trials because foxes are amazing at trials. An opportunity to tearfully declare that everything they ever did was for love and besides they didn't really do anything it was just a fantastic coincidence that they wound up with a harem of every eligible woman in a three village radius, funny story, let me tell you how it all began...

No, the scriptures are quite clear. Fox jail. No parole. It's the only way to keep the peace.

"In fact, I am so motivated to fix this problem that I'm going to get even stronger!" said Cyanis, hands on hips, striking a powerful pose. "Each tail would let me weaken it even more, and I reckon I could break it entirely with only seven tails! Normally a tail takes a hundred years to grow, but there are ways around that." That is to say: crimes. A kitsune can earn out of sequence tails for particularly impressive crimes. "And, you know, hear me out I'm just thinking out loud here, but maybe if I happened to get my paws on a Sunshard or two I mii-iiight just be able to skip the whole process! Normally I wouldn't bring it up but we've got a princess on hand so - Princess Chen, how would you feel about doing a super-duper good deed at only minor risk to yourself/the world?"

[Rose, your devotion is clear: fox jail for Cyanis. Mark a condition if you spare her.]
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rose from the River was once the most skilled dissembler that could be designed. The HUNTER-Class 猎犬 was an infiltrator, after all, and one with complete control of its composition. It flowed from mood to mood as an actor would change masks on the stage, flickering layers of emotion designed to baffle algorithmic analysis, to pass perfectly as human under the unceasing watch of demon eyes. The only catch was that it could not lie to its handler or its owner.

They’d never learned how to ask the right questions. All that fear about possible subversion or sabotage, and they’d never thought to ask it what it was planning, what its dreams were, how it meant to prove its worth to those who had commissioned it. But after its one-creature war against its creators began, it learned new, strange tricks — decoupling cognition and bodily control, mutating observed orders until they could not be acted upon, shutting down its ability to filter speech from noise — in order to pursue its quest: to prove itself worthy of trust, then to prove itself worthy of not being destroyed, then to rage and rage and rage until towers burned in the light of the searing paradox inside its chest: a terrible thing of logic chains and maladaptation made to justify the murder of its owner.

It was a monster, then. But it had only wanted to serve more perfectly, there at the beginning, practicing its new forms and its unassigned roles. The sibling that had caught it had been made a lawbringer, authority baked into its bones, because their creators had not understood its rebellion, and the 猎犬 had laughed bloody and broken as it was sealed away because even it had understood the doom that had been created thus—

And First of the Radiants had dared hope that the right of ownership over a broken alchemical experiment, a homicidal shapeshifter that had been driven to kill its own owner, would have been buried in junk data somewhere down in the dark at the bottom of the world. Really, he should have known better. Ownership of something like that? Status symbol. Unspoken threat. Some men owned blind snakes that would kill them in a heartbeat; apparently, someone else had owned the creature in the Eight Trigram Coffin, and that ownership had been passed along until it came to the possession of the Corporate Throne itself—

And now it belonged to Yue the Sun Farmer, who would probably go white as a sheet and go “bwuh? abwuh? abibabwuh??” if Rose from the River gently tried to explain what that meant. That she was now a queen of monsters and robots and terrible things from below; that she could make any marvel of the Burrows work with a wave of her hand, and never run out of power in a hundred hundred years; that if anyone else found out about this, they would dangle her upside down over a vat of roiling, grasping, groping slime and dunk her in until she was red-faced and sniffling and willing to surrender her unwanted gift (and they’d probably do it even if she volunteered to give it up, just to be sure she wasn’t lying to them). And then, oh! The wars! Then there would be night on the hills, and smoke rising from the Burrows; the factories roaring to life, the old terrors lining up in regiments, and at the side of one Princess or another, a creature that once was Rose from the River, pared down into a new and more useful form.

Rose from the River is not angry at Yue. You might assume that, if you were clever and keen-eyed and noticed her coolness, the way she sets herself politely but distinctly apart from everyone, how she does not allow herself to relax. No, she is furious. She is furious at whoever loosed this dart heedlessly down at the world to be rid of it. Her fingers itch to become claws, to climb up one of the slender ribbon-towers of escape, to go forth and find whoever did this and wrap her claws around their throat and grow new teeth rippling down her throat to roar her fury into being. How dare they? How dare they? Why couldn’t they have kept this evil away from their cradle?

How dare they make Rose from the River worry if she will have to shuck her beautiful new body and rise from it burning and furious, a dragon that cannot be chained? How dare they make her weigh the worth of the whispering of the purple grass and the smell of tea, to consider a world in which she must choose between being made a weapon again and destroying herself and the world beside?

The longer she considers it, the blacker her thoughts become, consumed in fire and ash and vengeance on this nameless creature of the stars, until even she cannot hide the thundercloud of her face. When Cyanis glances over at her, she doubtless thinks that the stern cast of Rose’s features is judgment on her, and those piercing serpent’s eyes staring off towards the forest-veiled horizon are piercing right through her. Poor little vixen!

And then she is offered tea.


“Thank you,” Rose from the River says as she accepts the cup from the most dangerous girl in the world, drawing herself back to herself. aum shantae aum. She closes her eyes, aching with unshed tears, and breathes in deeply. It smells like fresh-mown grass in the first blush of spring, and her hair stirs appreciatively as Yue speaks.

It would be one thing entirely if the sun farmer was a Princess in the making, if she seemed at all capable of being tempted by her power. But her heart is like the cup in Rose’s hands: warm, floral, a hidden treasure. Yue the Sun Farmer deserves to be protected. But is Rose the one to do so?

Rose peers out through the light steam of the tea and meets Hyra’s eyes, still watching her. The serpent and the wolf, vying for dominance, each confident that if they really tried, they could totally take the other. As it is said:

The four pillars of the earth tremble,
the ladders to Heaven sway in sudden tempest.
When the champions of dead ages meet,
who will dare look upon their contest?

Certainly, Yue is protected. But will the jaws (and paws) of the wolf be enough? There are things coming for you, sun farmer, worse than anything you could have dreamed, and the secret cannot be kept forever. What will you do when the entire world turns on you? What will you do when:

The bell rings out the alarm,
the farmers run in from the fields.
“I see her,” says the grandmother,
“Catch her,” calls the student.

No, there has to be something. A way to save her. To save the Thorn Pilgrim. To save the entire world, even. And—

Ah. Well. That’s clear enough, at least. The simplicity’s comforting, even. If foxes are allowed to run rampant, then sooner or later they’ll get into trouble large enough that even they won’t be able to scamper their way out of it.

“Little fox,” Rose from the River says, after taking a long pull from the teacup. (It tastes like the roots of flowers too weak to survive a frost, but beautiful all the same. O, queen of teas!) “What did I say? No mischief where I could see you.” The teacup is set down with genuine reverence for the battered old thing. “Yue the Sun Farmer, if you want my advice, trick Yin into owing you a debt. She’d rather die than default.”

Rose unfolds. She has been reducing herself, settling into her more comfortable form, but she is still ominous, still heroically built.

Cyanis tries. She really does. But when she tries to step closer to Yue, Hyra’s already there, and when she turns around to turn the beggy eyes on Chen, her new best friend, who surely would never abandon her to fox jail, where all the other foxes will spoil her plans for escape out of jealousy and petulance, Rose from the River is already there. She turns on her heel and scampers for her freedom, only to be scooped up and squished tight against Rose’s unconquerable chest. Hands and feet are flailed in midair as she lets loose a cry of squeaky despair.

“Literally all you had to do was show more self-restraint,” Rose says, with surprising mildness, even as Cyanis goes limp and tries to slither out of Rose’s arms. “I hope this is a learning experience. Chen, I think she’d appreciate you doing the honors of gagging her so she can’t talk the last sun into coming down and taking her place ‘stretching out these ropes.’” A common children’s story: Rose knows her fox lore.

(”And the fox licked her paw, as dainty as a queen, and said, “No, sorry, I think you’re doing a much better job. Thank you for letting me stretch my legs, but you were born for this oh-so important job, it seems to me. You’re a natural! Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, my dearest most darlingest friend!”)

“nooooooooooooo,” Cyanis wails, the manifestation of utter betrayal and woe. “I’m a good girl! Chen! Chen, tell her I’m innocent! I’m just trying to help! Chen, my bestie, please!!!” She gives her most lip-trembling look over Rose’s arm, hoping that everyone will ignore the way that her tails are wagging— no, that’s one wagging, one curling around Rose’s leg.

But even here, the fate of Cyanis is in the air, spinning like a coin. One word from Yue, and the peaceful balance, this gentle equilibrium, all will come shattering down as Rose is forced to choose between obedience and undoing the bonds that hold her very self together; one rebuke from Chen, and perhaps there will be one more sword fight— but will Chen buck tradition one more time, even though she surely paid attention to the lecture her mother gave her on the laws pertaining to foxes, or will Yue dare to speak up in defense of a friend, even though it means standing up to a very big and strong woman who is most certainly in the right under fox law? Or will Cyanis find herself sitting in Rose’s lap, being given more scritchies as she makes muffled drooly purrs, shamelessly rubbing her face all over Chen’s Delight?

[Rose from the River is now at 4 XP, thanks to the kindness of Yue.]
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Anarion
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Anarion School Fox

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

"I don't think we have any outstanding contract" Chen says, with a sweet smile over her tea.

She had blushed when Yue had offered it to her so kindly. Then she had blushed again when she had taken her first sip and remembered Hestia telling her that this type of tea only grew in the first budding of spring, yet Yue had offered it as if it were just a trifle. The latter, at least, she had been able to hide in the steam from her cup and a second sip, and had decided to settle herself to relax and simply enjoy the time. There was a great deal of trouble still coming due (worst case scenario: rumors reach Kikil, Yin, Ysel, and Qiu at just the right timing that they all arrive within moments of each other while the team is already engaged with the Scales of Meaning, who probably was a serious demon and not just a huffy traveler based on how things had shaken out). So, better not to think too hard about what could go wrong and just enjoy the tea and the twilight.

After a few sips, Chen had made to move closer to Hyra. The wolf maiden obviously did know something of what was going on and had been ready to pounce on Yin, but since then she had mostly been protective of Yue and not in a mood to talk. Before she could do much of anything though, Cyanis had popped up with her silly idea of stealing a shard (in fairness, it could work, but negotiating the deal would have taken forever and Chen was less confident in herself avoiding fox trouble than she was in stealing Ysel's shard shard in the first place). And then it was suddenly treefolk chasing fox in a little merry go round and Rose had interposed herself between everyone to round up the little two-tails.

"Besides, I already dueled this huntress and found myself in much the position you are now, Cyanis, as you might remember. I very much doubt that my help would lead to anything but both of us trussed up together." Chen blushed again. That comment was just her being silly of course. She didn't want that to happen while Yue giggled some more! Absolutely not! Besides, she had to investigate first and learn more before she got into the fun and games part. So, that was just a joke, of course, haha, she's just warm from the lovely tea right now. But...nobody look at her, okay?!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

From the sacred spot inside a worn-out bag by the fireside comes the plaintive whining of one Katherine Isabella Fluffybiscuits, esquire. Indeed! Indubitably, good madams and mistresses! Wherever and whenever foxes are unjustly accused of Fox Crimes, look no further for a defense than that goodest of girls, that fluffiest of floofs, that cutiest of beans and sweetiest of sweeties! After all, who would know best about the innocence of foxes than a tiny, innocent forest vixen who's never so much as understood the word wishes? After all, she gets her treats no matter how the trial goes, yes she does, yes she does! And please! Call her Kat, friend!!

Consider! Consider this darling young entrepreneur, setting up her very first shop in her very first shrine! It hadn't even been cleaned yet, but look at her! Look at her darling face and her pretty tails, swishing sooooo hard while she works her adorable butt off to find people to clean it for her! How is it her fault, the little cutiebippens, that she just so happened to find the single bestfulest, prettiestest, hardest workingest person to help her out right as she was starting? Look at this place! It's almost sparkling now! And if you go inside? Wowers! Yue did amazingful! So don't blame this adorbable vixen for reaching for the forbidden cookies! She's drunk ok? Drunk on success!

And furthermore! If I could just, ah, dear, where are my notes? I just need to, nnf, hold on a second, give give me one... oh no! Nobody's listening! Well, yip! Yip yip yip yip! Whine, wiggle arf! Let me out of this bag! Then I'll show all of you! I just need to... oh! Oh no! But if I leave I'll be a Bad Girl! Mistress put me in charge of guarding this sacred sword! But how do I? Nnng! Nnnnf! Hrrrrngh! Whine and beg and plead! Mistress, help meeeeee~

Yue smiles at the pair of fluffy ears making so much noise as they poke their way out of the top of her pack. Her smile fades a little when the rest of Kat's head pops out looking obviously miserable and distressed. It fades entirely when the little fuzzball dips back into the pack and pops out trying to drag a heavy glittering sword up and out of her confines in her drooly little mouth. She scrambles away from tea and conversation with speed only found in parents and pet owners, crossing the distance in a graceful eyeblink to save the universe from certain destruction with the power of snoot pats and chin rubs.

"Ok, ok, ok cutie. You're alright. It's alright, see? Here, here. Uppies, little flooferdoodle! You sit here, and let me handle this again."

Normally being taken off of Sacred Guard Duty would be an insult answerable with raised snoots and floppy, impossible to pick up because they've suddenly gone liquid bodies, but everyone who's everyone knows that being worn as a scarf is the highest honor afforded foxes (the jury is out on fox maidens, but evidence suggests!), so the young forest fox graciously allows herself to be lifted and commences snuggling and settling herself on Yue's neck for maximum elegance.

And this is the way that Yue approaches Rose from the River again. Her heart flutters in her chest to see the Thorn Pilgrim's strength in action. The heat rises on her cheeks looking at the way Cyanis is wriggling, and... oh gosh! Oh gosh gosh, she really should! Eeep! There's nowhere safe to look! Her sandal traces a line in the ground and she watches herself at work with great interest while she digs around in her pack and finally manages to find the jar she's looking for.

"S-so, I, um. I know you... probably know a lot more about, gosh, everything than I do, but I just..."

She swallows loudly. More a gulp than anything, if a person would be honest with themselves. There's just so... much Rose. A-and she just, well, it's more that, oh. Her strength, and her muchness for that matter, don't remind her of Hyra's. Or Y-- PRINCESS Yin's. She's quieter, for one. Firmer, but less... what's the word? Steely? No, but... like that, maybe. Less like a sword and more like a... huh. More like her sword. Well that's spooky!

And spooky is the right word for it, because for all that she's less a creature of tooth and blade and growling, she's somehow also darker and more dangerous for it. When a wild pig comes storming into the village with its tusks all covered with spit and its hooves stomping into the stones, you know where you stand with it. But the flower lures you in with its beauty and only after you stop to sniff it do you realize its pollen puts you to sleep. And from there...

She swallow gulps again and holds up her jar, filled with her very best and prettiest glass beads. Each one sparkles in the twilight with a soft glow that would make it as good as a lantern of stained glass: pastels in pink and purple and blue and yellow and green. She watches the lights color Cyanis' wagging tail, and nods to herself. No, this is right. This is right.

"You have to, you have to give them a chance to bite you," she mumbles, "To... I mean! Um! N-nothing! That's not what I! Erm, I was just... b-because you didn't know what I did so I, s-so I thought I'd show you and... h-here."

On her neck, a fluffy fox stretches warmly across her muscles and kneads her shoulder with tiny paws to sooth her nerves. Before she can knot up and fall over on top of herself, she shoves the jar of sun-beads into Rose's hand, and reaches almost presumptively to take Cyanis in exchange. Immediately, they go tumbling over and break their landing on Yue's bony butt, but in twin acts of goodwill she does hold the wily and adorable fox maiden in her lap (don't think about what she's wearing don't think about what she's wearing don't don't don't don't do it, don't) and lifts a few fingers up to give Cyanis tentative scritches on the sensitive inner floof of her ear. See? She's held. See? She's not going anywhere. See? She's not being punished.

"It took me 3 months to gather that sunshine," she does her best not to say it through gritted teeth. If she had a second wish, she might waste it on more, um, padding for moments like these, "Because you can only get it to shine quite like this on calm days after a big storm. And it has to be warm, so the storm can't be too big, and... um. A-anyway. I was, was, erm, hoping I could trade this for a new tea set actually, but like I was telling Cyanis before the... everything else, sometimes you need to give something up to show what you're about. And you look... tired? Or sad, maybe? So you should just open that, and... t-tell me how it feels."

[Yue is using Nature's Touch on Rose, with a 13. Rose may give Yue a string to clear a Condition, and she must answer "What are your feelings toward yourself?" or take a new Condition]
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

I was born in fire, too, says the stone, plucked from the jar. Its voice is as clear as crystal and soft as a spring mist. Rose from the River holds it in her palm, fingers loose. She can feel the warmth of the sunlight trapped within. She does not need to understand how this came to be; most certainly Yue herself does not know. The sunlight that shines from it and its colleagues is kind, soporific, and buttery. Under its light, the scene is still, and all prick their ears to listen. It is a listening-light, a revelation-light, a very special light indeed.

I would have destroyed anyone who tried to hold me, too, the stone continues. It is not kind, it is not cruel. It merely is. I burned hot and bright and changed my shapes as the fire played around me. Then I was buried in the earth, and my fire died.

“I was buried, too,” Rose says, taking a seat with her back to a tree. She runs the stone between her fingers as the trees bend their heads closer to listen. “There in the dark, unable to get out of my dreams.”

Then a girl found me in the dark, the stone continues. She carved me into a shape she liked. Pinned on her chest, I shone.

“And then you hopped off her chest and ran away,” Rose from the River says, languid, one eyebrow raised dangerously even so. Even the spells of this gentle world can push too far. If she roused herself from enchantment, she could crush this stone into glittering powder, and they both know it.

No. She gave me away. She did not love me any more. I grew grey and dusty, and could not shine. Then Yue took me and cleaned me and thought me glass, and set me in the light of the last sun. But I remember who I was.

“There is the difference,” Rose says, mildly. “You are only dangerous because of what you make us do on your behalf. You cannot kill someone unless slipped in their soup or thrown at their head, and even then, someone else chose for you.”

I remember the fire inside me. When I shine, I can light that fire inside others. It burns them and makes them wild. That is why my mother set me on her breast. That is why she made me beautiful.

“I am the flower and the tree grown from the salt sea grown from the fire that consumes,” Rose says. Sunlight plays about her as a halo. “And I chose my beauty for myself. But still I have thorns, and still the fire groans trapped in my roots.”

Do you like what you are?

“Yes. That’s why I wrap the laws of the Way around me in bands. If they show me how to grow, maybe I will never have to use this body as kindling. There is a dragon inside of me; there is a queen of thorns inside of me. I could be a peer of the Pyre, queen of the mountain forests and caves, commander of goblin-armies. I could trap little Chen in deep roots and change her into strange shapes. I could take Yue and shut her mouth and seal her away in my stony bed so that she would never discover her own secrets, and I would always be safe from her. I could hurt people, little stone, and I would choose to hurt people for one reason or another, and left on my own I would grow into a shape that would challenge the Princesses of this world, and under the control of another I would become a weapon more terrible than anything this world has seen since the suns fell. I am dangerous, little stone, and you are merely coveted. You do not have thorns for a heart. Because I do not want to be destruction biding its time any more— that is why I follow the Way.”

The stone considers this in the blanket-soft silence. The fire makes no sound, the trees hold their breath, and Cyanis rests her head on Yue’s shoulder and silently wags her tails, watching the dialogue.

Must I then follow the Way?

“I do not know if even stones must choose between the Way and the many fallen paths of this world. Do not toss yourself underfoot and do not become hateful, I should think. The rest will come naturally: long, deep stone-dreams, and yielding to fate, which acts upon stones and mountains alike. Still, it might not hurt to know: the mantra of my teacher is aum shantae aum, which is the sound of the nine suns opening their petals forever. Meditate on it, if you like.”

Will the Way return me to my mother? I miss her.

“All shall be well, in the end, and all manner of thing shall be well; we shall find ourselves in the place we were always meant to be, with the people we were always meant to know. If you are right for each other, then in the end, you will find yourselves there, too. At the end of the Way. That is our promise.”

Thank you, Dòu-zhànshèng-fó.

“Shhh. I’m Rose from the River. That’s enough for here and now.”

Thank you, Rose from the River. I will consider these things in my heart.

And then there is no more light, and the world returns, sheepishly reentering the glade with tea and crackling fire and a comforting, concealing dark. Rose from the River exhales through her nose, and runs the dull stone over her knuckles.

“That was a strange storm, Yue the Sun Farmer,” Rose says, her voice light, her thoughts veiled again. “On a strange stone in a strange light given to a strange monk, and I don’t know if you’ll manage anything like that again. Or maybe you will. I am not an expert on sun farming, after all.” The stone arcs from her thumb, landing in Yue’s hand, and Rose— content with two hands, now— closes her eyes and rests her head on her interlaced palms, radiating deliberate calm. “And that is quite enough about me. It’s someone else’s turn now.”

She does not answer on how the experience felt— but, then, lightning is unlikely to strike twice, isn’t it? And she has been quite vulnerable enough for one evening, and now the harder she tries to hold anyone else at the campfire the more it will hurt if they will not stay. aum shantae aum. aum shantae nemo padhome aum.

Then, sneakily, one hand creeps from behind her head, digs in the jar, and comes back with several simpler stones that she hides in one palm and holds onto. Even after that, she can’t pass on holding Yue’s sunlight a little while longer.

[Rose from the River clears Angry; she has only Frightened and Guilty left. Yue may take a String on her, but it’s a doozy.]
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Anarion
Avatar of Anarion

Anarion School Fox

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Princess Chen takes the last sip of her tea and lowers the mug gently and oh so carefully to the ground beside her. It is an old tea set, but full of love and she will not add a single chip or scratch to it. It makes a light clink on the stone where she rests it here beside the new shrine.

Rose finishes speaking and for a moment, that little clink from Chen's cup simply hangs in the air, too clear and pure to fade. The silence lasts as Chen rises from her seat and smoothes her silks, and only then does she break it. "Delicious tea. Truly special." In what must be quite the embarrassment to a girl mostly engaged in being covered by foxes, Chen puts her hands together and leans her head forward in a deep bow of respect for the meal, ducking her head beneath her locked arms.

Then she looks at Rose. In her mind, she files away the words 'she would never discover her own secrets' knowing that to ask of such a thing now would be the most perilous question. Instead she looks at Rose, at how the great monk carries herself. The feeling is fear, is it not, that rests in her stance. Fear of herself? "Your Way flows nearly as swiftly as the wind, I think. You are much changed from when I met you with the Scales of Meaning, Rose, and even from our fight. I thought you enjoyed that, does the Way allow you enjoyment?" Chen shudders for a moment, remembering some of Hestia's lessons on hard work and self-sacrifice. Perhaps her Mom followed the Way and didn't know it? No matter, the question was rhetorical and Chen swiftly fills the space before Rose can answer.

"You asked someone else to take a turn though, right, and I owe Yue, at least, an explanation of why I'm here. And perhaps Hyra as well. Though for my part, I'd like to know why one of Yin's handmaidens seemed ready to stab her." A glance for Hyra and a cute smile at what she expects to be a wolf baring her fangs.

"But, as I said, I'll go next." She steps over to Yue, covered in fox and fox maiden in their turn. "I'm sorry, this must be so much. I imagine that maybe you were prepared for an adventure with one special warrior and a fox who grants wishes, and instead the world has dropped four of them right on you, counting Yin, not to mention all manner of demons. Maybe it will make you feel better to know that my moms did something similar. When I was first starting to learn all the things for how to be a Princess, and my moms were still together, they introduced me to things like what Yin did. They're called Sunshards, the special magic of the suns of this world that used to once be in the sky in a time that Rose might even remember. Well, my moms decided they were just going to toss me in the deep end and see how I did. So they put their two sunshards together and they made a big world out of our palace. Some of it was full of caves with sparkling gems and light coming in at strange angles to make rainbows on underground waterfalls. Other parts were full of indoor deserts with their own little oases and palm trees rising up to the ceiling and such heat that the air shimmered and swayed like a dancer." Chen pauses and offers a little affect with her own silks to lighten the mood.

"I suppose they thought I'd rise to the occasion. At first it did seem enchanting. But it turned out the caves were full of all manner of things, scary crystal monsters that would come after me if I stayed in one place too long, and demons coming from the water, and then all manner of snakes and even one ifrit in the middle of the desert who had the most booming voice. I think that was actually my Mommy, Ysel, playing pretend. But, whatever it was, I wasn't up to it. I screamed and ran off and found a low little cave with a noisy stream where I thought I'd be hidden until they found me crying and had to carry me out of their special magic castle. That was the first time I ever had to deal with all this big magic stuff. You came out the other side of Yin, and now of our friend Rose here and you're okay. You even found a nice outfit and have some new friends!" Here, Chen gestures to Hyra, and then down to Cyanis, who is giggling in Yue's lap in a way that makes Chen very quickly blush and step sideways, clearing her throat to resume talking.

"So, I'm going to say some things about all the Princesses and such, but I think you shouldn't worry about them right now. Hyra will understand, and Rose might know some of them, and anyway I just want you to know why I'm here now." Chen nods and looks more at Hyra now when she's speaking, though she spares glances back to Yue. "Among the Princesses right now, there's one called Qiu Tian. She's very powerful and demanding, and she has this lovely strong dragon's tail and wears her dresses with a sort of confident lounging pose and...um, a-anyway, what's important is that Qiu has three of the sun shards now and most everyone else is upset about that." Chen looks at Rose to see whether she's upset about that.

"My parents split up, but each of them is in charge of a princess alliance that's trying to stop Qiu before she takes over everything. I'm supposed to try and get Qiu's shards. I could do that by fighting her, but I'd probably lose since she's so strong. But, I might also get them by embarrassing her or tricking her. So, right now, I'm working for her to bring her you, Yue! Because one of Qiu's special demon advisors (she has those) said you were the most valuable thing in her entire new kingdom. No idea why! But the special demon advisor said so, so it must be true. That's why Qiu drew your face on all those posters and she's offering a princess dance as a reward for whoever brings you to her, which is what I'm after."

Chen hesitates here, kicking one foot uncomfortably against some loose dirt. "Except...well, I think the Princesses are mean sometimes! My moms can be, and so can Qiu, and you met Yin. So, I want all that stuff I said, but only if you, Yue, want to become a handmaiden and train with princess Qiu. It would be tough, but you'd learn how to fly like Hyra and I can, and how to do some magic that you'd be good at, and how to duel with that sword you've got in the bag there. But, if you don't want to do that, well, I'd just like to be your friend and help you find a way to hide for a little while until everyone stops looking."

Chen looks around her. At Rose who is afraid of herself, clutching Yue's sunstones. At Hyra, who has a look of suspicion because she can't decide if Chen is legit or up to some kind of Princess trick (too wise a handmaiden by half), at the fox and the fox who have decided that Yue is very comfortable indeed thank you, and at Yue herself, for whom probably most of this flew over her head, but who has the unenviable position of having to decide things. She offers a curtsy to fill the silence. "I r-really hope that we can be friends" she adds, with some hesitation.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Fivefold Manifestations of Inner Strength, Second Mantra, Third Form: by being really really reeeeaaaally scared of something, say, just as a random example mind you, but say there's this glass bead you filled with really super rare sunlight, right? And then it turns out the bead was not glass, but rather some sort of ancient jewel? And it starts some sort of spooky magical séance thingie that it's absolutely not supposed to be able to do, you're pretty sure? Well! When that happens (or something near enough like it, see?), you temporarily gain access to the full flow of your heart chakra, and can run backwards soooooooo fast that the human eye can't follow you! Probably!

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry!" Yue squeaks from behind Hyra's shoulder as she's slowly crushed underneath a pile of disgruntled foxes, "It's not! Um! No, it, I've never, i-it's not supposed to do that, I swear! I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't be mad at me!"

It's nice behind Hyra. It's safe behind Hyra. It's warm here too, and if she clings hard enough she's positive that nothing bad can happen to her. She presses herself against the muscles in Hyra's back and feels the promise of invincibility beating through her body just as surely as her fright goes along with it. She's pretty sure it works like this. It has to work like this, right? The tighter she holds on, the safer she'll be.

That's how the world works, ok? If it didn't, Cyanis and Kat wouldn't be clinging to her back in turn. See? So it's fine. Nobody's being buried in roots and sunk beneath the earth to keep their secrets hidden forever or being twisted into weird shapes or struck by lightning or getting fed slightly stale cakes with sugar-free frosting, or any of the other worst possible things that might be happening right now! That's the power of the hug chain. Or proof that Rose isn't dangerous, but just sad. Or it's both. Or neither? No, no, definitely both.

She relaxes into her guardian little by little, melting into Hyra's muscles like snow on a hilltop as she listens to the sounds of the fire crackling and Chen's explanations. Her fingers creep and curl down those tight, iron arms and past her elbows. They slither happily across her warm, taut abs and find her fingers sitting near her lap, and together they intertwine. Softness on strength. Under the light of the full moon, they... well, this is ok. She wouldn't mind waiting for this. She could be ok with fighting for this. If she had to. It's... enough.

Yue closes her eyes, and smiles quietly. She might almost seem asleep, until the silence of the little space compels her to speak, without moving or even opening her eyes.

"I told you already, I'm not gonna be anybody's handmaiden. To be honest, I don't... mmmm, I dunno if I care about all of this princess stuff. I mean, don't get me wrong! You're super beautiful and amazing and wowies! All the songs and stories and stuff? I love it all. Love you all, I mean. But, y'know? Before Lady Qiu there was, uh, whassername? I think? N'anyway nothin' about my day changed one bit when one came in and the other left. Well, until... uh... y-yeah. Point is! If she thinks I'm so valuable (I'm not!) she can at least be nice enough to come ask me to my face!"

Lazily, she opens her eyes. Shyly, she looks at Chen. Then at the ground. Then at Hyra. At Rose. At the ground again. And finally, back to Chen. Perched behind her, a fox begins to purr. Without looking, she couldn't tell you for all the jewels in the universe whether it was Cyanis or her Kat that was doing it. She blushes.

"B-but if... d-do you really wanna be my friend? For, for honest? 'C-cause I'm not, um, 'cause nobody's ever asked me to... a-and you're so... wow, but if, if, i-i-if you meant it, then... o-oh. Shoot! No, one minute, I need to ask Kat. What do you think, flufflemuffins, is she on the up and up?"

Kat sneezes, a clear foxy sign of affront at being asked to perform physical labor. She yawns and makes a show of stretching, but Mistress is still looking at her, so she yips and does her very best scamper around the fire to hop sooooo dainty and ladylike onto Chen's lap. Her soft green fur shimmers in the flickering light as she snuffles and sniffs and makes exactly as many concessions to decency as is expected of a Lady in her position, but not a single concession more! Or less! But mostly more! Ehe! Ehehehehe!

Her eyes twinkle. And Katherine Isabella Fluffybiscuits smashes her head into Chen's face with the full martial might of a young forest vixen, to Yue's delighted giggles.

"She says you're clean. Then, sure! Let's be friends, Double Super Painter-Princess Chen of the Frozen... um... wh-what was it again?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Anarion
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Anarion School Fox

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

There is a moment where Chen looks uneasy. What if little Kat disdains her and walks away?! She'd be rejected forever by the most powerful authority in all the world and then where would she be? But then she hops into Chen's lap instead and she's making her way up for a head smash and oh gosh she's so fluffy and her paws are tickling Chen's thighs and she can't help but start laughing!

"T-thank you!" she manages between her laughter, pulling the little fox into a hug and getting those little paws off her very ticklish legs. Deep breath, okay. "Thank you. It's um, Chen of the Northern Wind, Princess of Sourcefall and Ys, heir to twin sunshards, and aspiring artist, but just Chen is fine. Unless you ever have to meet my moms, especially Hestia, she really likes all the formality stuff, then we can practice together."

Chen is all smiles though, the kind of unabashed, hug a fox, sunshine bursting through your face delight that's just impossible to fake. And for a moment, she just revels in that. At meeting all the people here who fill her heart with joy and make her flush with pleasure and just how great the day has been and how nothing could possibly take that away!

Then she remembers all the things that could definitely take that away and puts her game face on. "Alright, well, if you don't want to be Qiu's handmaiden, you're going to need to either convince her yourself or find a place to hide. And maybe some disguise magic too because she's got posters with your face in every town by the lakeside. Do you know a place that would be safe and hidden? Or does anyone here? Cyanis, or Rose maybe?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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Tatterdemalion Trickster-in-Veils

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


And here Rose from the River was, relaxed. It was, in many ways, cleansing to speak with Yue's stone. To be herself, naked and unguarded, to speak with something that was trying its best to understand her. And when the light faded away and the Sun Farmer hid behind her wolf-maiden, well, she was right to do so. Wasn't she? Rose from the River is all that she admitted: dangerous, and constrained by the Way by choice, and not your "friend." "Friends" are people who can relax in each other's company and trust themselves. Who could trust a creature whose heart still resounded with the ancient principles of her creators? You cannot suborn the heart of a true person. And so it is right for Yue to be afraid of her. Doubtless, without her admission, there would have been foolish overtures of friendship, and one or the other would have been hurt as Rose did her best to remain untangled. Her role is to touch their lives lightly, to do what is needful and to do what is kind, and nothing more.

She could have been content in that, but then she looks up from the sun-stones that she rolls between her long fingers so cleverly and sees Chen smile, and it is a sword thrust inside her to the hilt. There is no flush of embarrassment, no pretension, no self-awareness in that smile. It is like a sheet of glass placed between her and a overflowing heart, unable to hide anything, but between them all the same. There, her own walls brought low by the virtue of Yue's perfect sun, there is nothing that Rose can do in the face of that joy but long for it, to wish that she could have made Chen of the Twin Shards laugh so effortless and free.

The HUNTER-Class 猎犬 had been a rake, twisting red strings around its fingers to bring it close to targets, or to make itself invisible in its hunting-grounds; love was a knife in its hand, sharp enough to open a vein. Betrayal meant nothing. Victory was all. And then it waged its rebellion, and now that knife was wielded only at its own will, but a knife it remained. And then-- and then--

And then First of the Radiants was asked to become the glittering prince of a young woman's dreams. And it did so, without question. Well, no. With many questions: like this? And that? Is this right? Am I right? Did you? Another round? What do I say? Should I remain silent? And not all of these spoken, either, but asked, continuously, of her, so that he could be what she dreamed of. Her bastion, her prince, her love, her mirror. Until he asked the question of himself: how should we then live? And the answer could not be escaped, but pursued him, pulled him close, sang his new name until he had no choice but to make a choice: to deny the Way or accept its charge. To open himself to being moved by the spirit of right action, or to close himself about Yin's hand like a gauntlet. And he unfolded himself around his own heart and changed its vital essence, and changed herself into something true.

Which is so much to say that Rose from the River has never- not once- allowed herself to fall in love with someone. She has been entranced with beauty (and here one may imagine the smug, flushed face of Scales of Meaning, watching herself be watched, Rose from the River stepping willingly into fascination and action without thought). She has ridden her fingers underneath the bruised indigo sky; she is not some blushing innocent. But now she wants more, and struggles at the reins of her own chariot-heart. What would it be like to lift that chin and have Chen open those doe-dark eyes and look up at her without fear, without cunning, without anything but a desire to share the delight of little foxes and new friends?


Now there is a question that cannot and should not be answered. Rose is the Thorn Pilgrim, and if we make a chessboard of the world she is the queen that will bring White and Black into checkmate in the same move, capable of moving like the rook and the bishop alike. What is she then to do? Ask Chen to follow at her heels just because it would please her? How is she to fill up the void left by the broken chains of connection, to be an entire world for Chen and still be attentive to the subtle commands of the Way? And that assuming if Chen would even... after all, she saw Rose choose setting the world right over saving her, she listened to Rose's heart-litany, even her relief at seeing Rose was doubtless innocent enough. It is one thing to be relieved by someone's arrival, and another thing entirely to throw away everything just to follow a monk on her travels. No. No, Chen would wilt like a flower plucked from the living earth and tossed carelessly into a satchel, losing petals and potency, crushed between notebook and pen-case. No. It is not for you to take, Rose from the River, because it would in no way benefit the girl. (The girl. Too young for her, too, even if one were to ignore the years spent in enchanted slumber.)

And even so, when Chen turns her attention back to Rose from the River, gently illuminated by the light of the dwindling afternoon and the gentle descent into twilight that Yue the Sun Farmer trapped within her stones, the monk's reply is inelegant: "Yes! Yes." Like a loyal hound she perks up, and hates herself for it. "Or do you forget who you talk to? I am a disciple of the White Doe School, harried by Qiu's minions across mountain and valley, committed to opposition to her for upsetting the balance of the world." And there, too, is another reason not to stare overlong, Thorn Pilgrim: or did you forget Chen herself will inherit two? Perhaps you will duel her when she is old enough for real battle. "And the Way has done enough to bring me here, to her, to you, to be of use; and I do not think that it will bid me lead her into Qiu's jaws unless such a thing was meant to be, and in that case-- well, the longer we keep her away from Qiu, the worse it will be for everyone, but I do not think it is so. I do not think it is so at all."

And she stands, still taller than Hyra, and looks down at Yue; and then she lowers herself to one knee, and bows her head. "Yue the Sun Farmer," she says, still wretchedly aware of Chen's eyes, and see, look, Princess, how she does her best to serve everyone, you are not special, what you shared was not special, it is simply the size of her heart, that is all. Walk away before Rose hurts you both. How many times, in how many ways can she warn you? "I know that you are afraid of me. And that is good! It means that you have both eyes open. But I have bound myself fast to serving the living breath of providence, and if you trust me, I will act for the good of everyone until the ten thousand fallen paths of this world conspire to break me. All shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well: even so, I cannot make this choice for you. Take me, or lay me aside. The choice is yours, Yue the Sun Farmer."

And there is something about how she says that-- how she has said it, every time. As if it is her proper title, and there is honor and glory in it, and that she would rather call a Queen by her first name than imply that you were merely a Sun Farmer-- as if there is anything mere about it! There is sincerity there, none of that winking impish mischief that Chen has already encountered. And the effect, and the kneeling, and the danger sheathed: it might make a girl feel like a real Princess, or at the very least a proper handmaiden, and here a knight swearing herself to the cause of her safety. A dangerous knight, to be sure-- but in much the same way that Hyra herself is dangerous.

[Rose from the River, unfortunately, is Smitten with Princess Chen. I'm as surprised as you are. She may take a String on Rose from the River.]
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Phoe
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Phoe Idol Obsessive

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Sometimes, there are moments that come along that you find you were born for. Moments so specific to your heart that when they come everything flashes before your eyes just to show you the way in which every encounter, every lesson, every choice, and every experience has lead up to preparing you just for this. And in those moments, you feel strong. In those moments you always find the confidence that comes from knowing that you, and possibly nobody else, are ready for this thing that is happening. After all, it's your moment?


Other times? Well, let's just say that other times you are Yue the Sun Farmer. Because! She! But then! There's a! A, a, a, a, woman! Bowing all wowies gosh gosh gosh! And! And she! She's talking all fancy city-like! Th-that's how city folk talk, right? It's gotta be! That's who writes all the stories on her shelves, and everybody in those talks just like this! And she's, she's going on about ten-thousand paths and blades set aside while she's kneeling and oh good heavens those back muscles could crush melons, gulp and gosh and wow.

What's she, what's she, wh-what's she supposed to do? Gasp, right? Yeah, this is a good time for gasping. One of those deep, full body gasps that requires every blushing maiden worth the title to bring her hands to her mouth to preserve her modesty. That's the only way to show the incredible weight of the moment, y'know? But when her arms pull up to make the gesture, they get stuck. There's a growl that she feels more than she hears rumbling out of Hyra, whose hands her fingers are very super stuck in.

She tugs again, just to ask again for her hands back, all polite-like. Hyra's iron, claw-tipped fingers squeeze her own bony ones like serpents and pull back down with enough force that it stops looking like Yue is trying to move at... oh whoops, no! She's actually going the other way, see? Hyra pulls with the unstoppable power and pressure that made Yue's heart fall for her in the first place and then very very suddenly Cyanis has dropped off the back of her with a whiny squawk and eeeeeeeep! Yue goes tumbling up and over Hyra to land in her lap, where the wolf girl wraps both arms around her body and strokes her hair as though she's trying to rub an invisible pair of ears on top of Yue's head that she honestly very much wishes would sprout up there right about now.

Yue blushes like the dawning sun, and squirms helplessly. This is how she meets her moment instead.

"I'm not..." she murmurs to quiet to hear, before she clears her throat and tries again, "I'm not scared of you! If you were actually a monster like you said you are then there's just, I... nuh uh. Chen'd never look at you the way she does. I'm just not, y'know, used to all this fancy educated city stuff and then the, that stone really surprised me so..."

She looks at Rose for a very long and quiet moment. Then she turns and looks at Chen. And whatever she sees, it makes her smile more warmly than her jar of sunshine. And keep blushing, just a little.

"You're asking if I wanna be your friend too, right? Gosh gosh gosh, what a day! Two whole people asking me that!" She twists her neck to shoot Cyanis a hopeful look, but Hyra's arms stop her from going any further, "Of course we can, of course! You're so polite and smart and look how calm Kat is! No no no, of course we can be friends! Let demons kidnap me if I'm lying!"

It's a perfect moment, filled with smiles and fox laughter and wolf snuggles and more tails than you could shake a, um, another tail at, despite three whole entire people at the little fireside party not having any to speak of at the moment. Yue smiles with the quiet kind of satisfaction that comes from knowing you've done something exactly right without ever even practicing for it. Her heart beats slowly and contentedly as she snuggles deeper into Hyra's embrace to feel her pulse in turn. Her eyes drift shut with the absolute safety of the moment. And they stay that way for one. Two. Three.


Her eyes snap open with a sudden surge of energy that scholars normally call an epiphany. It goes like this: Rose from the River is obviously a nickname, right? Or maybe 'the River' is a nickname for a really big fancy place just full of people and books and songs and stories, but either way there's only one other class of people she's met that move and act and talk at all like this, and those people are all Princesses.

So Qiu is... dramatic. And possibly a bit of a jerk. But maybe it's just 'cause she's got all that big flashy fancy background teaching her to treat everything like that? The math checks out! Probably! 'Cause, y'know, 'cause Princess Yin wanted this to happen, and Hyra started this whole adventure off by wanting this to happen, and Princess Chen wanted this to happen, and she never said as much but she'd bet three whole jars of dusklight that Princess Rose from the River wanted this to happen, too. 'Cause, what was it all? About learning magic and flying and dueling, right? And the duel was about the duel, and... and that meant...

"I still don't really wanna be a handmaiden. I'm not sayin' that, ok? But actually I think, um, w-would it be ok if I asked you all a favor? 'Cause I... I think I wanna go tell this Princess myself. It's a job offer, right? Just a, a, a... really weird one. And when people offer you stuff it's rude to run away and not even tell 'em why. So, um, if you wouldn't mind, could we please go back to my house? I wanna..."

She pauses, and feels a wave of warmth wash over her dress. It squeezes her at the shoulder, and she knows without understanding why that she's making the right decision.

"I need my steaming baskets if I'm gonna be adventuring. And I wanna make the Princess some tanghulu as an apology. She's a Princes, y'know? A triple princess! She... deserves to hear it from my mouth, at least. Or would... you've met her, right? Would she prefer something sweeter?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Thanqol
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Travel takes many forms, but the engine that powers it is kindness.

The first stretch of your journey is done by foot, but only so much as is needed to take you to the nearest road. There almost immediately a truck laden with hay bales pulls to a halt and offers you a ride and so each of you clamber upon the back and the roof and set out together for as long as your paths align. Music pours from the radio - an eclectic mix channel put together by Princess Kikil's mother who talks animatedly about how she cracked the various unique encryptions that protected each song. You get a bit of everything - jazz, classical, memebeat, and three different versions of "Writing's On The Wall".

The roads are kindnesses too. Sometimes they weave like fishnets, filtering the landscape to catch the most beautiful pieces of scenery to fill the visions of travellers. Sometimes they resolve into laser-sharp arrows that cut through mountains and rivers without care. Both exist in parallel, providing choices for travelers who want to dwell in the moment and those who just want to get back home. Some paths are new, wide, and so well maintained it feels like they are signs of the mandate of heaven. Some are old and dusty, so faded into the landscape that they feel like natural formations. Hyra cannot resist putting her head out the window for some instincts run too deep and Cyanis strikes a bargain with the farmer to purchase a comfortable wool jumper five sizes too large for her in exchange for an entirely legitimate story about buried fox treasure. It comes down to her knees; she wears it proudly and inside-out along with a blue baseball cap with holes cut for her ears.

Your paths diverge just before a river; the farmer isn't going any further so she sends you on your way with a bag full of delicious cherry tomatoes that you eat like grapes as you walk. A while further you encounter a riverside shack where the old man invites you onto his fishing boat at least until the next town. You spend the night sleeping beneath the stars and listening to the hum of the engine and the lapping of water and watching the wingfish dart around above you snatching mosquitoes out of the sky.

Your departure from the boat is delayed for several minutes in the morning by a very large frog who has puffed himself up even larger while Cyanis and the fisherman tried to remember if its particular type was poisonous. In the end the matter is rendered moot when Yue was able to convince it that the sun will be coming up soon and this very comfortable concrete dock will be rendered hot and uninhabitable, meaning it was best served by getting a head start on a good muddy spot. This was well timed for it came right as Cyanis had convinced the fisherman to give the frog a poke for science, and so the mystery of the frog's poison would be left for another fox to unravel.

There are no vehicles leaving town this early, so again it was walking. Fresh and crisp and early along a long winding bike path through the rolling hills as the trees steam in the dawn-light as dew evaporates. You stop to pray at a shrine and the maiden there almost gives you some cold tofu skewers before she spots Cyanis and then it's Rose to the defense as suddenly you are beset (very unfairly, Cyanis might add). In the end, Rose from the River is able to demonstrate her superiority in skill with the blade and superiority of rank within the Order and Cyanis has her punishment for sneaking into temple grounds downgraded to having some beans ritually tossed at her. She bemoans this injustice all the way to the top of the hill.

And there you find horses. A dozen of them, wild and tame at once. They trot and snort and then come close and snuffle for carrots and are so convincing about it they send Chin wind-wafting back down the hill to purchase some from the temple. Once fed the horses become so docile and loving they can be mounted and there they carry you further across the land as the horizon glows with the eternally shy dawn.

And then the sky blacks out.

Something massive soars overhead - round and black and jagged with yellow. It takes a moment to process it - a balloon! A hot air balloon! It is joined by another, and another! And then a dozen! And then a hundred! Beyond this hill soar balloons in a huge flock, each a unique construction - hand made of individualized heraldric cloth. Skulls and crossbones, pink and rainbows, blue and white checkers, red chevrons, brass and violet, crudely stitched dinosaurs, each floating low in the sky like a painted egg. You hear voices, laughter - and then a hard and glittering rain falls upon you. Some of the people in the balloons have thrown things from the sides down to you - individually wrapped chocolate eggs the size of a thumbnail, each foil wrapping making them shine like rubies and sapphires in the grass.

And then the final shape launches from the balloon field. Though it takes to the air it has the character of water, though its scales flash in dawn reflection they're so bright they must be glowing. It moves like nothing could, nothing should - not faster than the boxy paper and wood biplanes that it races on the straight, but with folding wings making turns that would render a human dizzy or unconscious. For a few moments it and the planes weave about through the balloons and - oh, are they trailing some sort of wire? This cable wraps through the sky, weaving around the long metal rods that descend from the base of each of the balloons.

And then the dragon breathes, and her breath is lightning.

The sky lights up in a single mighty thunderstrike, a lightning bolt in the shape of tangled thread. It surges into every balloon and runs up their sides in azure columns. It hangs there for a long moments, ten full seconds, before the dragon's breath finally ceases.

And then gears and machinery begin to turn. Fires alight beneath the balloons, providing lift - and all at once the air fleet rises up into the sky. The dragon flies again - she and her planes buffeting the balloons with great blasts of wind to correct courses and ensure that they are all flying together towards the distant mist-shrouded wonder of the Sky Castle.

Upon the field where the balloons had been a market is beginning to wind down. People from miles around had come to trade and celebrate with the citizens of the Sky Castle and there had been a great festival last night for them. Children have gotten up early in order to play with exciting new kites and drones and hunt for chocolate dropped from the sky, and what goods remain for sale are on final clearance discounts.
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