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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kay Hale, a 31 year old red head who found herself back in the States after trying to live back home in the UK. Things were just fine and dandy for a while for her until things started getting hectic and confusing. She wasn't safe anymore and thus found herself running and making her way to the States in the hope that she would be safer than back on UK soil. That wasn't the case in the slightest however as she just found herself in even more danger as it turned out a lot more of the downworld knew of her bloodline than even she did. "I'm not sure we're safe here Kay" the voice she nicknamed Fee in her spoke. It was a soaking wet night and she was curled up under a canopy in an alleyway. It was freezing cold making her pull her oversized biker jacket tightly around her as best she possibly could. To say this night sucked would be an utter understatement. "Fee I know but we got no choice, it's pissing it down with rain, there's no shelter with free space.. Again so it's this shit hole dry patch on the ground or nowhere." she replied in thought back, wishing she didn't have to have this conversation as it was always the same and it gave her the biggest migraines. She just wanted to be dry and warm, both of which she was far from but she too couldn't deny that maybe.. Just maybe her other self had a valid point. She wasn't safe where she was, in fact Fee was one hundred percent correct this time round. Something had tracked her aura scent and was hot on her tail, the biggest question would be whether or not she could easily escape or receive help when it came to it. She pulled her jacket tighter round her small frame if it was even possible, the rain soaking her feet and having already soaked her red to yellow hair before they found cover. She was starting to shiver and really regretting stopping here. The shivering causing her back to activate her wings and wrap right round her. Little did she know that her phoenix ability would set off an alert for a master of the dark arts.

--John's House--

Chas reading a newspaper when he noticed out the corner of his eye on the table he was sat on a blood spot appear on the map that his best friend used for scrying. Which he knew could only mean one thing...danger was lurking and would need his friend's help, or something with a large magic tag was alerting the map. "hey John! Something has come up on the map! About twenty minutes from here!" he called out, wondering what his friend was even up to. He looked at the blood spot and it looked different to the normal marks, there was a glowing ring around it which he was certain had never happened before." John! You really need to see this! "he called out again.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

John was sitting on the ladder by the bookshelf, flipping thru an old tomb and muttering. “I hate when it’s magic I don’t know...shadow control and creatures...it’s new or very old...” then he heard Chas and he jumped down, walking down the stairs to the table holding the book. “What is it Chas? Something pop...” he saw the map and frowned, turning it as he put the tomb down and looking at the map fully.

“Now that’s new...never seen a ring before...another new thing this week. First reports of shadows moving on their own and this...” he stood and said “let’s get going then. Shall we bring the umbrellas? It’s pouring outside. Let’s find this poor soul and see what’s causing the trouble in the dark.”

Back in the street Kay would hear steps and someone stop at the entrance to the alleys. They wore a hood and their figures were hidden. A voice muttered “here? Odd place for a power spike...but if you brought me here there’s a reason...” a small shadow shot over to where Kay was, moving up and looking at her.

The figure looked around and called out “anyone here? I’m here to help...I hope”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

The fact that even John found what was happening to the map new was of some relief to Chas as it meant he wasn't just being stupid or ignorant to something. As John mentioned about the rain outside, it was then he suddenly let his ears tune into the hammering of the rain on the roof of the building, nodding at the question. "I think an umbrella might be worth it. We'll take the cab too" he replied back to him, grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair and putting it on. "you got any idea what it could be that's causing the scryibg map to act up differently?" he asked him, checking his jacket pocket for the car keys. He figured that like most cases of John's they'd need the cab as some sort of getaway, or at least a shelter from the rain. He waited for John to be ready and to grab the umbrellas before heading to the door and opening it. "why can it never be a decent day or evening when you get these cases?" he asked his mate, half complaining half joking as he made a runner for the cab, unlocking the doors and getting inside. He really hoped it wouldn't be too much of a problem whatever it was they were getting themselves into this time. There were far too many new things cropping up lately, something he wasn't entirely certain he wanted to be the case. It was true, there was never a dull moment with John, yet sometimes he wished there would be a dull moment so he could live his life with his wife and kid.

Back in the alleyway Kay was getting more and more cold which was making her want to just pass out and sleep. She was sure that one day if not tonight she would end up with hypothermia, if she couldn't find some safe house. Yet then came the sound of footsteps which made her go on high alert. When the shadow rapidly came flying at her and seemingly looking at her, she got her guard up even more. "whose there? Just leave me alone" she conplained, really not in the mood, but also prepared to fight if it came to it. She wasn't trusting easily, a trait that had kept her alive this long so she wasn't going to change her ways any time soon. One of her wings curled more round her body to shield her whilst the other arched back and up, ready to yank her body away if it was needed. "this is my patch, as shit as it is, so find your own place to shelter from the rain yeah?" she commented, keeping her eyes on the shadow in front of her intently. She hoped it was just another homeless person wanting her patch as she could have dealt with that, but if it was something paranormal then she was ready to run or fly the hell outta there.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

John ran over to the cab and yelled over the rain “who knows chas, We will have to see what we get. A ring on the map is brand new so maybe something bran d new or something so old it’s lost to the world”

He jumped into the car and sighed, rubbing his face. “Two new things I’ve never heard of before in one day...where are we going again?” He looked at Chas, knowing the man was the closest thing to a friend he would ever have.

The shadow moved above her, Making the dry patch bigger and shielding her from the rain. The figure walked over and stood a few feet away, Kay seeing glowing silver eyes under she hood. “Help is coming...I am a friend. I watch from the shadows and aid those lost in the dark...I can’t let him see me but...he is coming to help. So let him help you, fired one...” they moved back to lean against the wall, letting the rain hit them. “I’ll stay with you so you don’t get more wet...”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

Chas put his keys in the ignition and began to head off to where they needed to. Go. Luckily being a cabbie he knew the roads like the back of his hand. "not far, its like twenty minutes tops, unless I can get us through the back streets, then it's ten. If my memory serves me right, which is usually does, it's taking us to behind an old closed down club. Remember the one called 'The Hive'? It's that one" he explained to his friend, wasting no time in driving. "I really hope you got a plan for just about anything as we don't know what we're getting into" he then added. As much as 'doing stupid in spades' was John's thing, it wasn't Chas' but that wouldn't ever stop him from being with his childhood friend. "there is one thing though John...if this is powerful enough to make the scrying map do something different, what else could be picking up on that same thing? If it's not the actual danger itself" he expressed. He was really hoping this wouldn't backfire in their faces when they got there, there was only so much after all that his small trunk could actually hold.

Kay looked up at the silver eyes staring at her as it spoke and did indeed seem to a friend rather than a foe. She listened to everything being said by the figure, finding it curious to say the least, making her raise an eyebrow. "he? Whose he? Why can't you let him see you? I have no idea what the hell is going on" she told the figure, slowly letting her guard drop just the tiniest amount so her other wing could wrap round her again. She hated having these wings on show, but she would be lying if she said it wasn't comforting her and giving her some kind of inkling of warmth right now. She felt so utterly lost if she was truly honest with herself, she knew she wasn't human, that much was evident but she didn't fully know exactly what she was so if this mysterious bloke that as supposedly coming could help, she would accept it. For years she felt like she was going crazy with the voice in her head she dubbed 'fee', not to mention the times when she was younger where she got put into a hospital because no one believed her she had this voice in her head and wings would appear from her tattoo on her back, or she'd have dreams of her birth mother in a place called Paradise with a capitol P. She only got out because she faked not hearing Fee in her head, but that didn't stop the out patient therapy sessions from being mandatory for most of her school life. It didn't stop the word getting out about it and the bullying being relentless for it making her become quite the recluse apart from having her adoptive sister by her side. She had to force herself not spill her thoughts out to this stranger incase it was all a ruse to attack her later. As they were talking, Kay heard a noise just ahead of them at the entrance of the alleyway making her head snap to where it was coming from quickly, only to find it was a rat scurrying out of a bin, making her sigh with relief. Every little sound always putting her on edge incase it was the mysterious beings that were hunting her down.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

John looked out the window as he tapped his hand on his lap and he said “I have a number of ideas, but I won’t know which plan to use until we get eyes on it. And anything else could have sensed it too, but the map is normally the first to pick up on things so we have a head start unless someone else was in the neighborhood”

The figure glanced at her and said “I don’t know his name, I’ve just seen his shadow...his a good guy, I think. And I can’t let him see me...well, because I’m not supposed to exist. Fate is just having its fun it seems...but don’t worry, things will turn for the better...can I ask an odd question?” They looked at her again and when she nodded they asked “your wings? Are they warm? The coloring makes them look very warm, so I was just wondering. My shadows seem cold, but they can be warm too. They can be fluid or hard if I need them to be...”

Then they heard a engine nearby and they asked “do you want me to stay? I can if it would make you feel better...I have a way of hiding in plain sight....”

John was starting to sense the aura as they got closer but then he frowned and said “I sense two different auras, chas...”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

Chas listened to John's explanation carefully like he always did. It made sense that they'd need to be a lot closer for him to truly feel anything. He just hoped for once that if it was truly a big deal that John would just miraculously feel it further away, which never happened but it would thurt to wish for a thing every now and then. "fair enough point. We're not far now so hopefully this will be one job that's easy and not one that'll get either myself killed or me cab destroyed for a bloody change" he replied with a slight smirk at his last remark. Sure, thanks to John's spell casting it meant his cab and he could come back from death but he didn't like wasting what chances he had left with that. As they drew closer something just felt off about the whole area and he couldn't tell if it was because there was a bloody strong aura that was making them come to investigate or if it was something else also tailing this aura. He hoped for the former but with John Constantine involved, he wouldn't ever dismiss the possibility of the latter as it was almost always the latter.

Kay listened to the figure answer her questions, glad that this figure was proving to be friendly. It was times like this she was glad she was an observant person and thus could make a opinion on someone relatively quickly with being very rarely wrong. She just hoped the figure was correct in hoping that whoever this mysterious man was that was on his way, was indeed a good guy. She found it highly curious that this figure wasn't technically meant to exist, making her feel like her life was turning even more upside down as each day went by. She was learning that things were existing she thought were only from story books or TV shows, yet here they were proving to be very much real. At the question about her wings, she did indeed nod, allowing the figure to ask about her wings before nodding her answer, "yeah, they can be. Like your shadows they can be either feathered like now or engulfed in flames. I don't understand how or why I even have them but right now I'm thankful I do" she explain Ed honestly. Like the figure, she too heard the engine of a car coming into close proximity rather quickly. "please, you're the closest thing to someone friendly I've met in a long time" she requested. As she spoke she saw the reflection on the walls of headlights before the sight of a yellow cab came into view, making her shield her eyes.

"two? Bloody great, right, I'm parking here, you go ahead" Chas said as he pulled up, turned the corner making his headlights blind Kay at the end of the alleyway. "there's definitely someone there... Shhit.. Are those.. Wings on that girl?!" he gasped almost not believing what he was seeing with his own two eyes.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The figure nodded and moved a little closer. If Kay got nervous the figure held up a hand. “It’s okay. I have to touch your shadow to hide. The lightening here is crap so I have to be a little closer. Now, I’ll hear everything. If your in danger and want my help, just say the word Shadow. I’ll come right out alright?” Then they touched her shadow that was on the wall and suddenly vanished just as they heard foot steps heading towards them.

John smiled as he got out. “Yes they are Chas my man...this is new” he shut the door and ran over to the girl, now seeming alone. “Hey there, you seem to be in a bad spot. My name is John...do you want to get out of this rain? You can come sit in the cab my friend is waiting in...” he knelt down; still sensing the other aura but now couldn’t see it. “Say...is there someone else here?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kay was hesitant when the figure got closer but nodded at the explanation, letting the figure go to her own shadow and disappear. She made a mental note of what she had to say if she truly did get I to trouble and needed this figure's help, before letting the figure disappear and she looked on at the cab and the man in a trench coat stepping out of it. Although she couldn't quite hear what was being said, it was obvious to her that this man was talking to someone who as still in the cab, she presumed the driver as she could see someone was still behind the wheel. She watched on as the bloke ran over in the rain and squatted down in front of her. She was hesitant on what to do but she wondered if this was the person the figure told her about, the person who could help her. Glancing over at the cab and back at John, she had to admit to herself that the cab did seem a much better place to take shelter than where she was currently. She was desperate for some warmth and proper shelter, "yeah" she replied before shaking her head at his next question, "no.. No one else is here, just me" she lied, keeping her tone casual so the lie was convincing, not wanting to let on the figure was there after she was told this person couldn't know they were there.in her eyes it was the least she could do after the figure gave her some company and tried to keep the rain off of her a bit more. She willed her wings to disappear which they did with a low glow before making he rlook like a normal human being. "and..I'm Kay"she then introduced herself, feeling the need to stand up, just wanting out of the rain but when she did she heard a deep voice call out through the rain at the other end of the alleyway, making them both be in the middle of the cab and whoever else just showed up. "should have guessed you'd find this one John Constantine!" it said, as the figure walked closer, revealing the self to be the very man that was hunting her down. "not this guy again..." she complained. "yes, me again. Did you really think someone such as yourself would escape us that easily? Come now birdie, we don't lose the trial that easily!" he smirked.

To John it would be clear that this guy was very much a demon from Hell, and one that was adamant on getting to Kay." so Johnny boy, why don't you hand over the rare bird and I leave you alone this night? " he suggested, never once letting the wicked smirk leave his lips. "Like Hell I'm going with you! And stop calling me a bird!" Kay sneered, "interesting choice of words there! It's Hell that wants you... Birdie" the demon replied with a chuckle, deliberately putting emphasis on the word 'birdie' just to piss Kay off even more.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

John moved between her and and demon and he held his hand up. “Sorry, she’s my guest at the moment. You want her you’ll have to go thru me...” he knew they weren’t alone and it was bugging him. He glanced at Kay and said “when you have a chance, make a break for the cab...I’ll hold him off unless you want to take a shot at him or have your friend handle him?”

The shadows were moving around the demon, hiding in the darkness. Suddenly the shadows shot up and wrapped around the demon tightly. A voice said echoing all around them “get going now!”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kay didn't complain about John stepping between her and the demon. She was more than happy to just make a run for it just like she always did. It was all she knew to do. Running mesnt surviving and surviving meant seeing another day roll round and live another shit life. Though if what this demon was saying was true, then living a shit life was a damn sight better than being dragged to Hell and being used or tortured or whatever else this demon had in store for her. She listened as John insisted she was to stay with him, nodding at his words about making a run for the cab the moment she could. The demon smirked at John's words, "fine by me! A battle for the phoenix sounds like fun!" he boasted, ready to go in for the attack when many shadows suddenly surrounded him, making him growl in annoyance as he struggled from the constricting feeling around him. "don't need to tell me twice" Kay commented, making a run for the cab and before she could even second guess her decision making, got into the back of it. Yet she watched on by leaning forward as the shadows that stayed with her fought to hold the demon at bay. "please be okay, I owe you big time" she thought to herself, hoping that John would be coming to the safety of the cab as well. There was just so much going on that she couldn't even properly compute that the demon called her a phoenix. If she had she probably would have fainted from the realisation she was a living breathing mythical creature and not a normal person. "he'll be just fine, he does this for a living" Chas finally spoke up to her after taking in the fact that Kay had the most vibrant hair he's ever seen and something told him it wasn't a dye job. Yet he was also shocked that she didn't have the wings he saw when they first pulled up into the alleyway. Unlike Kay and John, he didn't hear what the demon called her so he was utterly oblivious to what he had in his cab. "he does?" she asked, Chas nodding, "he does. And I'm guessing the stupid git didn't even tell you my name, just to get in my cab?" he replied, Kay had to smirk ever so slightly at the comment, "got it in one. I'm Kay by the way" she replied to him, getting a much friendlier and laid back vibe from Chas than she did from John. "Chas" he introduced himself. He then wound down the window and leaned out of it, "John get your bloody arse in this cab or I'm leaving without you!" he shouted at him, wo sering what the hell was going on with the shadows.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

John was watching the shadows holding the demon down and he said “looks like you have your own troubles, mate...” he then heard Chas and turned and ran for the cab, jumping into it.

The demon heard the voice again saying “leave the girl alone...or you will deal with me...a spirit of shadows...” then the shadows slammed him into the ground hard. Then when the cab drove away the shadows slipped off and after the cab.

John looked back at Kay and said “don’t worry, he won’t get you any time soon. We will get you somewhere safe and then figure out why they are after you. I’m John by the way...” the shadows moved around her hand out of sight, letting her know that they were back with her. John looked at Chas and said “our dear gurl here is a Phoenix...I’ve never met one. But it doesn’t explain the shadows coming to our aid...”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

The moment John jumped into the cab, Chas made no delay in getting out of the alleyway and heading straight back to John's place. He didn't wait to watch on as the shadows attacked the demon and made a break for it, following his cab. To him it was far more important to escape the scene than deal with more demons and judging by Kay's reaction to everything she thought the same thing. He took note of her state, how wet and dirty she had become, seeing for himself that she must have been on the streets for a long time. Not only that, the girl was thin making him wonder when the last time she actually had a proper meal inside her was. He truly felt sorry for her but he wasn't going to say that out loud now John was in the cab. He let John talk with the woman as well as introducing himself again to her, to which she re introduced herself back, "Kay.. Kay Hale and thank you" she said before John was turning to him and explaining what it was he had in the back of his cab. "a phoenix?! You mean...the mythical bird of fire and rebirth? The oldest known creature to man??" he asked, glancing St Kay in the back, seeing how she was staring out the window. As the men spoke Kay remained quiet, listening to them talk as the heating in the cab warmed her and the shadows returned to her, swirling round her hand. Glancing down, she acknowledged discreetly the shadows return before looking back out the window again, her eyes getting heavy as the warmth caressed her, lulling her into a tired state despite being incredibly hungry. She couldn't even retort to anything John and Chas were saying about her, just glad that the shadows and herself were safe finally.

Chas drove back to John's place and pulled up outside, turning the engine off. "I'll come in with both of you. Something tells me Kay here is going to need some good in her" he said, acting like if it wasn't for him then John probably wouldn't even have food in his kitchen, let alone actually eat properly. It was at that point of hearing the word 'food' out loud that Kay's stomach growled.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

John was getting out of the car when he said food and said “it’s a good idea. Let’s get some warm food into her and let her sleep some safe. Then we will work on how and who is coming after her” he opened the door for Kay and helped her out, holding her steady and pulling his jacket around her. Then he sensed the shadows moving and he looked at them. “Hold on a sec, let me hit the lights...”

He went ahead and turned the lights on, but also muttered a spell under his breath and a seal appears on the floor before he headed back outside. “Alright it’s already for us” he lead her pair in, waiting for Kay to cross the seal. When she did the seal lit up and her shadow shook. Then a flash and the figure was blasted out of her shadow. Slamming against the wall, then slid down and landed on the floor.

John muttered “there they are...I kept sensing something...you know them Kay? Friend or foe.” The figure landed on their side and their hood fell. It was a young woman with black hair. She was knocked out cold.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

When John and Chas spoke about feeding her like she wasn't there in earshot, Kay rolled her eyes. Sure she was starving, cold and wet but she wasn't some stray animal. She was still very much a person and she silently took some kind of resentment that they were talking like she wasn't there instead of including her on the conversation. She grabbed her beaten up brown leather satchel that had scuffs and holes in it from years of use and got out the cab with John's help as she slung her bag over her shoulder. All her possessions was in that bag, everything she had left of her life before being on the streets so she wasn't going to just leave it unattended. She nodded her thanks as he added his coat over hers, walking to the house that she took note of. Of all the kinds of places she could picture a man like John Constantine owning. She didn't put him as the type to own a building that looked like a woodland cottage or farm house. As he said about waiting for him to unlock and light up the place before entering, she stood with Chas to wait until John came back and guided her into the home, her unexpectantly standing over a seal until it activated and ripped her other ally from her shadow.

Seeing the girl on the floor after being slammed into the wall and knocked out, she looked slightly wide eyed. This was the first time she had the figure as an actual person and seeing for the first time the young woman who kept her company until John and Chas' arrival. At John's question she shrugged, "I'm guessing friend.. But.. She's not a friend friend. This is the first time I've seen her like... This" she explained, waving her hand above the girl's body to mean her solid form. "she found me only minutes before you did, tried to help in keeping me dry... I don't know how she found me or why she felt the need to help me" she continued to explain. "she told me not to say anything to you which is why I lied initially. Said she couldn't let you see her but I don't know why" she added to him, wondering why she was being so truthful to him when she wouldn't normally. She usually had much better survival and defensive behaviour than this, but here she was just being openly truthful which made no sense to her. Chas listened to everything that she was saying, getting the feeling that she was telling his friend the truth, "I believe her John" he said.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

John listened carefully, pulling out a cigarette and putting it in his mouth. “Well it explains a few things...and who attacked that demon for us. She’s a shadow Walker. She wouldn’t want me seeing her because she’s not supposed to exist. Her kind were wiped out a long time ago by demons and such. But we can figure that out later. Let’s get her inside and get you some food shall we? Chas? Mind bringing her inside while I double check we don’t have any other guests” John lead Kay into the house more, the poor girl out cold on the floor.

John waved his hand and the fire place burst into flame, John setting her in front of it. “Now, while we wait and treat your guardian, why don’t you tell me your story?”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kay watched and listened as John pulled out a cigarette to smoke, unable to not think how ironic it was that her of all people supposedly tied to fire got saved by a smoker. She found it interesting that this girl who initially helped them both and helped her shouldn't exist, she was found it questionable, but then she found herself questionable. She simply nodded at his words and went I side with him as Chas picked up the other girl and carried her inside. Even before John magically put the fire on she felt it was warmer than it was outside. She gladly sat in front of the fireplace, handing him back his coat as she kept hers on and held her bag close to her. "not sure where to start to be honest. It's a long story. My mum died when I was nine and my dad walked out because of it, leaving me in the house alone. I would have been in care if it wasn't for my best mate's folks adopting me. I spent a few years in Seattle growing up, but that wasn't easy. Got put into hospital because no one believed I could hear this voice in my head that gives me intense migraines. I only got out because I lied about not hearing it anymore." she began saying, "early twenties I went back to the UK with my now sister to study art, but two years ago I had to flee because our dorm room mate Ethan out of nowhere tried to attack me when he saw me in my room, wings out. Tried remaining incognito but it didn't work and now it seems those.. People... Demons.. Whatever you call them have tracked me back here in the States. I got no home, my only belongings in this bag and I have no idea if my family are even still alive. I have no idea what I truly am, you say I'm a phoenix? But they're of myth and legends.." she finished saying.

Chas let John talk with Kay as he carried the girl inside and placed her down on the couch before heading to the kitchen to get some food on the go. As per usual there was barely anything in the cupboards making him roll his eyes whilst his back to turned to everyone else. He managed to find some stuff to make a quick batch of noodles in a broth whilst eavesdropping on the conversation.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

John chuckled and said “your eyes would pop out if you knew of all the stuff I have seen that shouldn’t be walking around. But it seems your being hunted because of your eternal flame. A lot can be done with it...good and bad. Which is why demons are after you. But tell me more about this voice you keep hearing? What does it tell you? Warnings? Normal chit chat? Weather?”

He took a puff from his cigarette and sighed. “You are safe here. Nothing can get thru those doors unless I wish it. And we will take care of your new friend too, since she did save out necks. I wasn’t ready to take on a demon just now...”

On the couch the girl stirred, turning her head slowly. John glanced over and said “Chas? Seems our other guest is starting to wake. She’s going to need to get that head checked....” he looked back at Kay and smiled softly “we will figure this out...I promise...”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kay was surprised that such things really did exist in the world and even more so that John wasn't phased by it in the slightest. She nodded in understanding that she was wanted because of her bloodline and eternal flame would be highly sought after. At the request of wanting to know about the voice in her head, or Fee as she called it, she had to smirk ever so slightly at his curiosity to what it always said. "I call her Fee. And a little bit of everything. Warnings, chit chat if she feels like it to keep me company and more often than not moaning at me and my choices of sleeping places" she replied. She hoped he was right about being safe in this place, but something in her heart told her she could indeed trust his word on this one thing. "thank you" she said simply before looking at the girl on the couch stirring awake.

When John spoke up to him, Chas turned round and walked over after grabbing the first aid kit just incase he decides it was needed. "I'm on it, and I've got food on as well, shouldn't be long." he replied, reaching the girl who saved Kay and John. "hi, I'm Chas, mind if I check your head?" he asked her.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

John leaned back and nodded saying “so your not crazy...it’s another mind in your head that seems to be linked to your powers...that I’ve seen before. Lucky for you it’s not a evil one. Now, can she hear me? Right now can she hear me?” He leaned forward, putting out his cigarette and watching Kay closely.

She groaned and sat up slowly, flinching. She opened her eyes and saw Chas next to her. She looked around and then said “guess I shouldn’t be surprised...master of the dark arts would have a way to cast me out of my shadows...” she looked at Chas and nodded. “Thanks...I’m Serena...” her head had a cut in the back where she hit the wall. She was looking around and looked on edge.

John without looking towards them said “I wouldn’t try that shadow truck again. That door is the only way out and it will cast you out of the shadow again” Serena blushed a little and looked at her hands.
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