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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Silentfeather
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Silentfeather Deciding to leave for a while.

Member Seen 10 mos ago

(Hello. Am I allowed to join? I apologize for cutting in the roleplay.)
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: @Shadow Dragon

Being able to see the sacred place her medicine cat was leading her made Fernstar's stomach turn with nervousness, but remembering why she was here gave her the strength of a badger as she ascended up the giant rocks, getting closer and closer to StarClan; to her ancestors. Before she knew how long they had been climbing, she was already clearing the last ledge that separated them from the Moonpool. Feeling a little unsure of herself, she flicked her tail towards the jagged crack in the mountain, signaling for Blackpelt to enter first. When they had been completely swallowed by the mountain, Fernstar noticed that almost every shred of moonlight had disappeared. Her paws faltered on the uneven ground and she stumbled, barley catching herself before her muzzle hit the cold stone. Straining her hearing in compensation for her other senses, she began to hear the faintest trickling of water a few tree lengths ahead of them. The cave began to brighten, almost in a curtain like fashion and moonlight spilled onto the stone leading up to the Moonpool. She slowly approached the edge of the pool and when she lifted her head, she was greeted with an awe inspiring swath of stars.

Often nights after her Clanmates had nestled into their dens for the evening, in the silence of the forest Fernstar would sit atop the Highstump in the center of camp and gaze up at the stars, trying so hard to connect with the ancestors her mother had spoken so highly of when she was a kit. These cats with the stars in their pelts had shaped what Clan life had become for the five Clans by the lake all those moons ago; and she wanted nothing more than to understand and have their blessing to be a leader. Drawing in a long breath and forcing the fur on her pelt to lie flat, she gazed across the pool at Blackpelt and sunk down into a crouching position, as close to the water as she could get. "Blackpelt? What happens now?. . ."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Blackpelt: Mountain (beyond the borders)



He hops up the last few rocks, and pads quietly through the darkness, walking forward as if he's been here a thousand times. He blinks when the light suddenly hits his eyes. He looks at the Pool, a perfect mirror of the sky above them, and takes in a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He then crouches down, and whispers, "Drink a few drops. You'll fall asleep soon after, and when you wake, you'll be with Starclan. It will likely be overwhelming, but remember to keep breathing. They're here to guide you, not scare you. Join me as soon as you feel ready." He then kneels down, and laps up a few drops, curling up on the cold stone and falls asleep almost immediately.

Blackpelt: Starclan

Among the stars


He blinks awake, and stands up, looking around, surprisingly calm and collected, and lets out a deep breath. He smiles, and his eyes gleam. "Hello, members of Starclan. I am Blackpelt, Willowclans medicine cat, and blessed with the ability to see into the world of the past cats. This is Fernstar, or, she will be, if you accept her as our leader. We are honored to meet you at last." He dips his head to them. "Please grant my leader nine lives so she may serve her clan, and by those means, serve Starclan."
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As Maplestream raced urgently back to camp, she began to wonder if leaving camp without warning her Clanmates the way she did was a good idea. She knew the camp was vulnerable right now with their medicine cat and leader gone, but she needed to make sure the journey to the Moonpool was going to be safe for Fernstar. Stonefall could watch over camp with Duskwing and Spidernose right? She knew Moosepaw was only an apprentice but he was big and would make a formidable opponent in the event of a battle. Honeypaw was, well. . . small. She was sure she hadn't been gone that long, and maybe no cat had missed her yet. As she exited part of the denser forest on the edge of WillowClan territory, she started being able to hear the cold, roaring rapids in the distance. She winced and her skin jumped to life as her pads touched the bone chilling cold of the slabs of stone bordering the water. Anxiety prickled her pelt as she realized how slick the surface of the rocks were. It was the dead of night and every inch of the forest was shrouded in snow and ice. If she slipped and fell into the rapids, she would almost surely die.

She stopped in her tracks as she caught the scent of Sunfur and Stormheart laced along the rocks. Did they come looking for me? She could tell the scent was recent, and she wondered if they were still wandering the forest searching for her. She lifted her head and called out through the silence of the forest. "Sunfur? Stormheart? Can you hear me?" When she got no response, she picked up her pace and continued towards camp. When she finally reached the territory nearest to willowClan's camp, her heart began to race when she realized the strange scents she had smelled earlier had grown more than twice as strong. Was the camp in danger? Had the Clan been invaded? There was no more time to waste. She was certain her Clanmates were in danger, and she suddenly hated herself for leaving camp without Stonefall's permission and without warning. If there's been a battle if will be my fault. With the force of a cat twice her size, she burst through the dense undergrowth at the camp's entrance and scanned the edges of camp, her thoughts racing with panic. But she realized, the camp was quiet. Scanning the edges of the camp, she noticed Stonefall heading towards the nursery, three cats she had never seen before in tow. Were these the strange cats she had scented on the way here? What did they tell Stonefall? She tried to relax her haunches and urgently padded up to Stonefall. With a more than obvious cautious look at the three strangers, she blurted out, "Stonefall! I'm sorry I snuck away from camp, but there's something important I need to discuss with you, right away."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mentions: @The Elvenqueen-briefly @savannahssu

Duskwing nodded her head in response to Spidernose's pointed look. She settled in and wrapped her tail around her paws, ready to keep watch for the entire night if she had to. She wasn't about to let some odd strangers hurt the only real family she'd ever known. Stonefall had taken the three to the nursery, a good enough spot since they didn't have any kits in camp and it was far enough from the entrance that if these raccoons did somehow follow the scent to camp they'd have enough time to get out a prepare for a fight. Maybe when Fernstar got back and it wasn't the middle of the night they could talk to them and figure out what exactly they were doing here. Sure many of them came to Willowclan as strangers, but never in a group.

Her ears pricked slightly as she began to hear the sound of rushing pawsteps heading towards the camp. It only sounded like one so not either of the patrols that were sent out and she didn't hear any telltale noises of a raccoon, fox, or some other dangerous creature. She stood and went to sent the air as a form barreled through the entrance in front of her and she yowled in surprise; leaping backwards with fur bristling and claws unsheathed before she realized who it was. Maplestream had made a beeline for Stonefall, but she couldn't help but pad towards them. She could tell the other she cat was nervous and it made her pelt begin to stand on end. "What happened? Sunfur and Stormheart have been out for ages now trying to find you."

Mentions: @savannahssu

Stormheart just twitched his whiskers at Sunfur's questioning. He was mostly just talking out loud, its not like he had any idea at all what was going on with any of this. They had no idea who these strange cats were or if they somehow could have been watching from a distance or had figured out there was a clan in the woods. Maybe he was just being a bit paranoid but these outlandish ideas had saved his life more than once before he'd stumbled across Willowclan. He genuinly hoped nothing he'd been thinking was true and that Sunfur was right.

He kept an eye out through the trees as Sunfur looked around on the ground. He was starting to get chilled and tired, they'd been up for what felt like moons so he was grateful when Sunfur suggested they go back to camp. "I agree. Even if they are just lost I'd rather not risk anything. Especially since Blackpelt and Fernstar are both gone. If someone gets hurt we'd be in a bad spot." He followed quickly after the orange tom trying to keep the nerves he felt at bay. Nothing should have happened to anyone at camp. The warriors that were there were still strong and if there weren't that many of these strangers then they shouldn't have trouble with a fight if it came down to it. That didn't stop him from quickening his pace a bit and hurrying back.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hazelrah
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Hazelrah unhindered grandma

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Stonefall: WillowClan Camp

Interacting with: @savannahssu & @PrankFox

Stonefall padded towards the Nursery, ears flicking behind him to be sure that he heard the three strangers following, grateful to see Spidernose approaching the Warrior’s den to stay with Moosepaw and Honeypaw. Duskwing was watching the camp entrance and all felt, for a moment, like it would be calm until Fernstar and Blackpelt returned.

But then he heard Duskwing yelp behind him and he whirled, claws out, hackles instantly raised only to see Maplestream pelting towards him, her eyes frantic. He glanced at the three strangers, his mind trying to catch up with even more information being thrown at him. For a brief moment, he wanted to sink into the feelings of anxiety that were coursing through him. But he didn’t have time for that. This was his Clan, his home, and he was charged with their safety.

So he would protect them.

“Duskwing,” he meowed, straightening up a little, not letting Maplestream answer Duskwing’s questions. “Please escort our guests to the Nursery and guard them there. Maplestream and I are going to talk.” He knew that Duskwing was, once again, trying to help but it felt like she was trying to step into the role of Deputy in place of him. He knew that she’d been a Warrior longer, knew that she’d been a member of WillowClan longer than him, and was starting to worry she had doubts about Stonefall’s abilities.

Which didn’t help his own doubts at all.

So he gazed at Duskwing until she nodded and then turned to Maplestream, padding across to the other side of camp, away from the prying ears of the strangers.

“First of all, Maplestream -- it was wrong of you to sneak out like that without telling me, and there will have to be some kind of discipline,” he meowed. His tail flicked a little in agitation as he sat his big body down, positioning himself so he could keep an eye on the camp while listening to her, his gaze lingering for a moment on the Warrior’s Den, where Spidernose and the two apprentices were tucked away. “But we have more important things to deal with right now, so tell me -- what’s going on?”

Honeypaw: WillowClan Camp

Interacting with: @The Elvenqueen & @solokolos

Honeypaw had woken, feeling a little groggy, to Moosepaw’s nudging. But before she could really understand why he was waking her, Spidernose was entering the Warrior’s den, talking softly to reassure the two apprentices. Honeypaw’s nerves instantly sparked, her small tail shooting straight up as she practically sprinted to crouch in between Spidernose and Moosepaw, looking up at her mentor with wide, unblinking eyes, feeling comforted by the two bigger cats’ bodies. “Why are you watching us? What’s going on?” She glanced up at Moosepaw, wondering if her fellow apprentice was as worried as she was. Probably not, though. He was big and practically a Warrior already, while she was...small. And definitely not even close to a Warrior, much to her frustration. She wanted to lean into his warmth but wasn’t sure if it would be welcome, so kept herself tucked closer to Spidernose, just glancing up at him a little anxiously as she waited for her mentor to answer.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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Interacting with: @Hazelrah & @The Elvenqueen

The bulky apprentice glanced back at Honeypaw as she was slowly woke up. Through the narrow opening of the warriors den entrance, Moosepaw could hear Spidernose approach. She spoke reassuringly to the two of them, sounding calm and collected. He was always impressed by how well warriors handled unique situations, and their ability to improvise. Moosepaw learned quickly during his apprenticeship that they weren’t perfect, but he still had a massive amount of respect for them. Honeypaw moved closer to Spidernose, probably for warmth. The bulky tom could see Maplestream rushing into the camp, and found that interesting. The new apprentice asked what was happening and Moosepaw decided she deserved to know. Without thinking, he spoke up.

"There seems to be outsiders in the camp. Rogues, of some sort." Moosepaw’s voice was a bit strained He glanced at Spidernose with an inquisitive look. "That's all I could gather. Was there more?" Moosepaw felt like something was off about this. It might be paranoia, it might be rational, but it felt unrealistic to devise which of the two it actually was.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 3 days ago


WillowClan Warrior's Den

interacting with: @Hazelrah’s Honeypaw, @solokolos‘ Moosepaw

“Shhh, it’s alright. It’s gonna be okay.” the cream and brown she-cat murmured soothingly to Honeypaw as she felt the smaller apprentice huddle up against her, her fur spiked on end with fear. The warrior didn’t say anything right away, not wanting to worry them further, and ducked her head to rasp her tongue gently across the top of her apprentice’s head, smoothing back some of the fur.

Her ears swivelled as she picked up the familiar voice of their missing Clanmate, and she couldn’t help but sigh in relief, a small bit of the tension in her shoulders relaxing. “Maplestream’s back.” she announced to the two apprentices, trying to keep them optimistic. Moosepaw didn’t buy it so much, it would seem, and as the tom answered the question instead, Spidernose was forced to do the same. “Y-Yes. Some rogues came bursting into the camp a little while ago. Claimed they’d been attacked, but something seems a bit...off, about their story.” she explained, nudging the top of Honeypaw’s head again in reassurance. “Stonefall wants you and Moosepaw to stay with me, just in case something dangerous happens. Don’t be afraid, we’ll be safe.”

Spidernose didn’t want to give them any more details in case either apprentice got some sort of foolish idea and StarClan forbid tried to confront the rogues, or something like that. She flicked her tail to beckon Moosepaw a little closer to them, hoping the signal would be enough to stop the older apprentice from shoving his way past them and out of the den to investigate for himself. Honeypaw was frightened, and she could use the comfort of the older cats around her, right now. “Come sit closer to us, Moosepaw. We’re going to stay in here until Stonefall tells us otherwise, okay? I need you to be brave and sensible for me, for Honeypaw.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Blackpelt: Starclan

Among the stars


Blackpelt watches as Fernstar becomes a true leader, receiving her nine lives. He frowns when he sees Tigerstar. I thought you were killed in the Dark Forest..... He licks his paw nervously, and waits quietly for the ceremony to finish. He then waits for Fernstar to wake up, then settles down, watching Starclan for a moment. He dips his head to them, then wakes up.

Blackpelt: Mountain (beyond the borders)



He wakes up, and sighs. He then slowly stands up, and dips his head to Fernstar. "How does it feel to have nine lives?" He smiles, then yawns. "We can hunt on the way back if you'd like." His smile fades slightly, and he walks with her, down the cliff face and onto the barely visible pathway. "I'm glad they accepted you as our leader." He pads along the path, and looks back at her every now and then. "Once we get some more cats to join, I'll need an apprentice. Hopefully they won't share my curse....."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: @PrankFox@Hazelrah

Maplestream forced her hackles to lie flat and parted her jaws, about to answer Duskwing's concerned questions, but was cut short as Stonefall ordered her to guard the strangers in the nursery and summoned her to the far side of the camp to speak. Padding the short distance behind Stonefall, she knew this wasn't going to be good. She knew she had been wrong to abandon camp like she did, but she hoped the Deputy would understand. Her hopes of receiving compassion from the Deputy were dashed as his tail lashed in agitation and his voice dropped like a stone in a lake. She flinched under his words even though she had been expecting them and lowered her head as a gesture of respect. When Stonefall prodded her for information, she raised her head, realizing the importance of the situation.

"On the edge of our territory I came across scents I didn't recognize and there were multiple, all under the same tree. I know kittypets never venture this far into the forest, and we've never come across any rouges or loners either, so I knew I had to come back to camp immediately to tell you and Fernstar." She lowered her meow and her eyes darted towards the nursery. "But I suppose those cats in our nursery right now are the same who's scents I picked up? Did you find out anything about them? What are they doing here?" She couldn't help but wonder where Fernstar was and how long she had been gone. These strangers need to be dealt with Fernstar. . . I don't like this.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Interacting with: @Hazelrah & @The Elvenqueen

The soft light painted the clearing in long shadows, with the reflection of cat eyes the brightest thing he could see. In a hushed voice, Moosepaw heard Spidernose reassure Honeypaw, though that also seemed to fade into the background. The tom watched the newly arrived Maplestream interact with Stonefall, trying to read the body language of the pair. Spidernose’s reassurance about their safety seemed well meaning but empty. Moosepaw wondered why he felt that way, considering his own emotions. Was it meant more for Honeypaw than him? Spidernose was genuinely trying to help Honeypaw feel more safe. That wasn’t the only reason, though he didn’t know the she-cat well enough to ascertain much more than that.

Moosepaw looked at the warrior and watched her flick her tail to beckon him closer. She spoke about being brave and sensible, and he caught on. Had I been thinking of leaving the den and investigating the rogues myself? It's hard to say, but I am tense. Moosepaw let out a sigh to relax himself, and moved closer so that Honeypaw was between him and Spidernose."We'll be fine. We're more than strong enough to handle a couple of scrawny rogues." Moosepaw attempted, but he realized he didn’t actually believe it. It would be much easier once Fernstar, and Blackpelt returned. The bulky tom settled down, tucking his paws beneath himself, and attempted to groom his ever overfluffed chest fur into some semblance of order.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: @Shadow Dragon

At Blackpelt's question, Fernstar drew in a long, deep breath and replied, "It feels amazing." As she carefully followed her medicine cat through the darkness towards the small opening that lead down the side of the mountain, she couldn't get the images of StarClan out of her head. When she was a kit, her Mother had told her stories about the Clans by the Lake and their ancestors among the stars, but she was never truly convinced they were real. A part of her always felt they were just made up by medicine cats and Clan leaders to justify their decisions and give Warriors something bigger than themselves to believe in. But now she knew that StarClan was as real as the fur on her pelt, and they were magnificent.

When Blackpelt mentioned hunting, she realized how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten anything since she left camp, and she had no idea how long she had been gone for. "That would be great, yes." As they reached the bottom of the mountain and began heading back the way they came, Fernstar opened her jaws to scent the freezing night air. Through the cold, she thought she smelled a mouse a few tail lengths away. Under a canopy of crowded trees, just behind a large root, a mouse was scuttling through the dirt, completely unaware of her presence. Waiting for the tiny creature to turn it's back to her, she crouched still as stone, then leapt across the roots and handed squarely on the mouse and killing it with a quick bite. She dropped the mouse at her paws and glanced back towards Blackpelt on the dark path. "Around the roots of trees is always where you'll find mice, and sometimes small birds. I bet there's more if you scent carefully." She settled down where she had caught the mouse, and tried to relax. After Blackpelt had eaten, they would hurry back to camp. And maybe I should talk to him about this "curse" he keeps bringing up. How long has this been going on?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mentions: @savannahssu

The cold night air was beginning to creep through even Stormheart's thick pelt as he followed after Sunfur closer and closer to camp. His paws were starting to hurt from the time spent in the snow and on the rocks around the canyon, but the scents of these strange cats got stronger as they quickly closed the distance. He pricked his ears, but he couldn't hear any sounds of fighting; he took that as a good sign. Or maybe it's that we're too late getting back and these strangers have already won. We don't know anything about them and there were so few of us left in camp to defend it. He quickly shook the thoughts out of his head as he slowed down to a trot to push through the entrance to camp. He wrinkled his nose a bit, whoever these cats were they'd been inside the camp.

Looking quickly around he didn't see Spidernose or Honeypaw guarding the entrance as they had been when they left, but he caught sight of Duskwing in front of the entrance to the nursery with her paws tucked under her chest. Odd. He had hoped to see Fernstar and Blackpelt returned, but they must've beaten them home. Stonefall would still be in charge then; he could see the gray tom across camp and his eyes widened at the sight of the cat speaking to him. "Well so much for our search party," he grumbled towards Sunfur, "Seems like she found her way back to camp just fine without us." Of course he was delighted to see Maplestream back safe and sound, but he couldn't help the mild flash of irritation and twitch of his tail at the fact that he and Sunfur had wandered the territory, in the dark, for who knows how long searching for her. He was sure he'd regret the feeling come morning, but at this moment he was tired, cold, and still slightly damp; there was nothing more that he wanted than to drop into a warm nest and sleep until sun-high. Though, it would be rude to interrupt whatever conversation the two seemed to be having, it looked intense from what he could see, just so he could go to bed. He glanced towards Sunfur, "Should we wait until they finish to ask what's going on?" The orange tom had been around much longer than he had, so maybe it'd be less weird for him to say something.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Blackpelt: Woods (beyond the borders)


He opens his jaws, tasting the air for anything edible, and stalks a shrew, pouncing on it, and eating it in quick bites. "I can see dead cats, like I told you before. I can sometimes see when someone will get hurt, like a thorn or a bite, if a she-cat is going to become a queen, stuff like that. Sometimes I see cats arriving in our camp. They're probably there now. I've had it all my life." He looks around. "That reminds me. In the old clans, medicine cats weren't trained for battle, except maybe in Shadowclan. I'd like to change that. I don't want to have to hide away while the others fight for their lives. I need to have a way to keep myself alive so I can heal and tend to the wounded after battles." He sighs. "Is that unreasonable? Or am I just acting on fear?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Hazelrah
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Hazelrah unhindered grandma

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Stonefall: WillowClan Camp

Interacting with: @savannahssu

The grey tom felt his body tightening with Maplestream’s words, felt his stomach starting to gnaw, like an open gaping wound of anxiety clawing at him from the inside. He knew he’d been harsh, perhaps too harsh with what Maplestream had clearly been through but he’d been so worried. He didn’t know how to address that beyond taking a deep breath as he listened to her, body unmoving except for his tail tip, which he rested gently on her flank, trying to show her that all was well between them, that he’d simply needed her to know that as Deputy, her absence hadn’t gone unnoticed.


He didn’t say anything for a moment, cast his bright light green gaze over to where the strange cats had gone before meowing in a low rumble, ”they said they encountered raccoons, but if you scented them out in our territory, tell me...did you catch traces of any raccoons? Because I was out shortly before, as was Spidernose, and neither of us caught a whiff of them, but since you’d made it out farther maybe...maybe you noticed them?”

Honeypaw: WillowClan Camp

Interacting with: @The Elvenqueen & @solokolos

Honeypaw looked up between Spidernose and Moosepaw a little apprehensively, her slim body pressed tight against Moosepaw’s large frame. He claimed they were more than strong enough to handle a couple of rogues, but she’d only just been named an apprentice and while she wanted to prove herself, wanted to prove herself more than anything, even she knew that fighting a fully grown rogue would only end in tragedy for her.

And she couldn’t let Spidernose down.

Not so soon.

She wanted to become the best Warrior she could be.

Moosepaw started grooming his overfluffed chest fur and without really thinking Honeypaw started grooming his side, tucking her slim paws under her and reflexively letting out a soothing purr, to comfort herself as much as the other two cats near her.

After a few quiet moments, Honeypaw paused and shifted her efforts to grooming Spidernose’s slim flank, anxiety causing her to knead the ground a little bit despite her best efforts.

”Spidernose?” the young tortoiseshell mewed softly. ”I don’t know what to do if it comes to a fight, but I want to try,” she finished resolutely, giving her head a decisive little nod. ”What should I do? I want to fight for the Clan too. If I’m going to be your apprentice, I want to make you proud.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 3 days ago


WillowClan Warrior's Den

interacting with: @Hazelrah’s Honeypaw, @solokolos' Moosepaw

Spidernose seemed quite content to sit still and allow Honeypaw to groom through her fur, even if it wasn’t particularly dirty, the repetitive motion would be soothing, she thought, for the younger cat. So she made no protest to it and simply tilted her chin down to blink at her apprentice soothingly. Her ears flicked as Moosepaw spoke, and the warrior made a small noise of agreement in the back of her throat.

Of course, she worried about Honeypaw, and whether they could say the same. She hadn’t had time to give her any battle training, this was her first day out of the nursery, the poor thing. Still, she was sure they’d find a way. Clan cats looked out for one another, and that was what Spidernose planned to do for Honeypaw.

“We can hope it doesn’t come to that,” the she-cat repeated, feeling like she’d said those exact words a few too many times. She ducked her head to give her apprentice’s forehead a quick lick between her ears, as if to offer her her own form of comfort, before her bright blue eyes moved across to Moosepaw next. “But I wouldn’t get over-confident, either. They might be scrawny-looking but sometimes appearances can be deceiving. When we were with my mother, before we found WillowClan, we lost many hunts to “scrawny” cats that we thought we could beat.” she sighed for a moment, considering how best to give her apprentice advice.

The last thing she wanted to do was get Honeypaw hurt. Fernstar would never forgive her if that were to happen. Scratch that, Spidernose was pretty sure she’d never forgive herself if something happened to Honeypaw because of an instruction she’d given the younger she-cat. And as inexperienced as she was, she knew she had to give her some advice just in case she’d need it.
“Okay. I know the thought of being in a battle is scary, but remember things like this. This is our camp, our home. We know it in a way these strangers don’t, which means, if we need to, we can use it to our advantage, duck in and out of hiding spots that they don’t know exist to get around them, or surprise them. Now, you’re small...and we haven’t done much fighting practise, and even if these rogues don’t fight much, they had to have fought off...something, to come in as scratched up as they did.”

Which meant, the best course of action for Honeypaw was to not get too close in with them, if she did, these rogues could crush her in moments. And Spidernose didn’t want that. “If a fight does break out, I want you to keep your claws out, and use them as much as you have to. Don’t let them get too close, don’t try and use your teeth, you’re not experienced enough yet. I just want you to focus on doing whatever you have to, to not get hit, okay? Stay close to me, or Moosepaw, and bring them our way, let us deal with the more complicated brawling.”

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by savannahssu
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interacting with: @PrankFox@The Elvenqueen

Sunfur's ears pricked forward and the tip of his tail twitched as he saw Maplestream speaking fervently with their deputy across camp. Although he didn't feel it, he could understand the much younger warrior's frustration at being sent on a search party to find a cat who wasn't missing. Shifting his paws in the snow, he sat back on his haunches and tried to relax. They were back in camp, and everything, as far as he knew, was okay. At his relaxation however, he opened his jaws and caught a scent that was very unfamiliar. If he could pick up the scent, then shouldn't that mean everyone else could too? He wondered why no one was speaking of it, or attempting to investigate in any way. Tilting his head in confusion, he glanced around the camp to only see Duskwing, crouched outside the nursery and no sign of Spidernose, Honeypaw or Moosepaw. Why is Duskwing posted outside the nursery? We don't have any kits. . . What's going on? Returning his attention to Stormfur's question, he thought it better to not interrupt the deputy's conversation with Maplestream. They would be able to talk with Stonefall shortly. Shaking out his pelt, he replied, "Let's not interrupt their conversation. I'm sure Stonefall will notice we're back, if he hasn't already and will address us when he can. I think the best thing for us to do right now is rest and wait for Fernstar and Blackpelt to return." Glancing towards the place the fresh kill pile usually was, he realized with worry there wasn't a single piece of prey to be found. His fur spiking with worry, he glanced at Stormfur again and asked, "I know we just got back to camp and our paws ache, but there's not so much as a mouse on the fresh kill pile. Clearly Stonefall is busy with Maplestream and Duskwing is guarding the nursery for some reason, so we should go out and see if we can bring back some prey. I'm going to slip into the Warrior's den and see if Spidernose is around. Her and I can go on our own if you really feel too tired to come, but three warriors hunting is always better than two. I'll be right back."

He turned his back on Stormfur and trotted towards the Warrior's den, nodding a greeting to Duskwing as he passed by. To his relief, as he grew closer to the Warrior's den, he could hear Spidernose talking about battle techniques, he assumed to Honeypaw. Amidst the confusion, he felt a small flicker of hope in his broad chest at the thought of WillowClan training a new apprentice. He pushed through the entrance to the den, trying not to scare anyone inside. "Hey Spidernose? Stormfur and I just got back to camp and we noticed there isn't a scrap of fresh kill on the pile. We were hoping you could come on a hunting patrol with us? Stonefall seems to be busy with Mapestream right now and I'm sure he would appreciate some cat taking the lead to bring back prey. Would you come with us?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by The Elvenqueen
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The Elvenqueen An Elven Jedi

Member Seen 3 days ago


WillowClan Warrior's Den

interacting with: @Hazelrah’s Honeypaw, @solokolos’ Moosepaw, @savannahssu’s Sunfur

Spidernose’s ears flicked backwards as she heard approaching pawsteps, a quick sniff revealing that the cat about to enter the den was none other than Sunfur. Oh good; they’re both back, I assume. Sunfur certainly didn’t look too ruffled, only a little bit concerned, and the reason for that was quickly made apparent as he asked Spidernose to accompany them hunting.

The she-cat couldn’t say she was surprised by the request, after all, they had only caught a few measly prey pieces last time they’d been hunting, before Sunfur had gotten bitten by that snake. So it wasn’t much of a surprise that their fresh-kill had all been eaten already. She was, however, a little nervous about leaving the apprentices by themselves, undefended. “But Stonefall asked me to watch them...” she began to protest in a slightly softer voice, though she knew Sunfur was right; the Clan needed food, too. With a sigh, she glanced down at her apprentice and murmured to the little tortoiseshell. “Stay with Moosepaw. Listen to him. He knows how to defend yourselves, too.” she shot the older apprentice a look next, imploring him to watch over Honeypaw in her stead. “Stonefall, Maplestream and Duskwing are out in the main camp. If anything gets too much, yowl and get them to help you.”

The brown-and-cream warrior gave Honeypaw one last, quick nuzzle, then shifted away from the apprentices to get to her paws and stretch before she padded across to join Sunfur at the den entrance. “Yeah, sure, I’ll come with you! There’s uhh, there are rogues, in the camp, by the way. Just so you know.” she mewed gently, not wanting to leave the tom in the dark since he’d only just got back. “That’s why we’re in here, and why Duskwing’s outside the nursery, making sure they don’t try to sneak off..or into somewhere they shouldn’t be.”
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PrankFox
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PrankFox Disaster Master

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mentions: @savannahssu

Stormheart nodded in agreement with Sunfur; he trusted the older warrior's assessment of the situation. He had hoped that Blackpelt and Fernstar would've been back by now, but he understood that they likely wouldn't be back until morning. He wanted nothing more than to flop into his nest and go to sleep, but Sunfur was right and he wasn't about to let his clanmates go hungry. "No that sounds like a good idea. We'll regret it in the morning if we don't and with three of us it'll go quickly. I don't know why Duskwing is in front of the nursery but it makes me nervous." He would go to talk to the she-cat but he was sure Sunfur would be back quickly and he didn't want to get roped into a conversation.

His paws did ache but these unfamiliar scents, and the fact that their leader and medicine cat had yet to return, made him nervous. He sheathed and unsheathed his claws into the dirt and snow underneath his feet. At least Maplestream was back, unharmed from what he could tell, but Stonefall did seem prickly which was uncharacteristic for him. He didn't like this at all. He also didn't like the idea of three of the remaining warriors leaving camp if there were strangers in the camp.

He'd bring it up with Sunfur when the other tom came out of the warrior's den and maybe Stonefall as well. They'd need to tell the deputy where they were going, and for all he knew the other tom wouldn't want them to leave either. His tail twitched nervously as he finally sat down to wait for the others. He would bring it up with Stonefall at that moment, but he'd respect the conversation that was currently ongoing. He just hoped they didn't make a mistake.
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