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Zeroth Post
IC Posting has started but Divinus is always accepted new characters; please post in the OOC if you're interested and join us in the Discord for more!
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Commodore
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Commodore Condor

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Divinus: The Deity Roleplay Mk.V

Special thanks to all those who ran previous iterations of the roleplay over many years: @ActRaiserTheReturned, @Kho, @Rtron, @Cyclone, @BBeast, @Muttonhawk, @Antarctic Termite, @Lord Zee, @Not Fishing, @Double Capybara, @Enzayne.


Divinus will be a story about a pantheon of deities, their creations, and the world of Galbar as it is shaped by our collective actions.

It is unclear to all how the world came to end, but it is ending. The blooming flower of the cosmos, constructed through the toil and labour of the Old Divinity, fell into chaotic disrepair, and now, there is no saving it. Most of the Old Divinity have vanished (all, according to some), and guardianship of the breaking mortal world falls to the New Gods, brought into reality by the tumultuous forces of cosmic disarray. How did they manifest? Did something or someone create them to continue the legacy of the Old Divinity? Can the world ever return to the way it was? Nothing is known; nothing is certain. The only truth that remains now is that the world is collapsing, and the New Gods must save it.

Though (most of) the gods may share the mission of protecting the world, like the mortals they rule, no mind is like the next: Right and wrong, good and evil, civil or uncivil - these are but a few of the concepts which definitions may differ across the pantheon. Alliances may form and break; intrigue between the divines may undo centuries of good or bad blood; and holy wars may break out at any time and plunge the world into chaos once more.

The New Gods have been granted the gift of divine ichor - the very substance which flows in their veins allows for the manipulation of the fabric of space itself. It remains unclear why they were chosen and who made that choice, but it is certain that this power will in the future shape Galbar into something unrecognisable.


General Rules and Regulations

  • The Golden Rule--Do not godmod/metagame/powerplay. It’s ironic because this is an RP with actual gods as characters; however, there are definitely limits as to the power level of our gods. We’re trying to make a collaborative story rather than host a game meant to be ‘won,’ so please keep that in mind as you write.
  • The Rule of Fair Warning--Before significantly influencing someone else’s creations, especially if it is going to be in a destructive way, give them some fair warning OOC so that potential objections can be made ahead of time and plans can be shifted. Ideally conflicts between two gods that lead to destruction or harm of one god or its possessions will be written with the consent of both players, but if you think that somebody is being unreasonable, us GMs can intervene.
  • The Good Summaritan Rule--Somewhere in every post, please attach a hider box containing a short summary of the post’s actions and then add an entry onto the Wiki here . As Divinus RPs have traditionally had some massive posts, this helps greatly when trying to keep track of all that’s been going on and when trying to make sure you didn’t miss any important plot point within some massive post. That being said, please do still try to read all IC posts and not just the summaries.
    Example: Your summary should convey the bare minimum of which characters were involved, what major plot points were covered, and which (if any) other peoples' characters you're initiating some sort of action with, and whether, if relevant, a Major Action was spent.
  • The Bookkeeping Rule--We will be using a wiki to store character and creation sheets, as past experience has demonstrated that RPGuild character tab on this thread won’t be enough space and will get too cluttered. For all creations of significance, please make at least a 1-2 sentence page for them on our wiki. The 0th post on the characters section will contain a link to our wiki; if you need any help figuring out how to use the wiki, by all means feel free to ask.
    Clarification: Though the wiki is considered canon, you should still describe your creations IC. Don't simply reference that you've made a creation IC and then make us all go to the wiki article to find out basic details on what the creation does; it's unhealthy to make reading the wiki articles obligatory for one's understanding of what's happening IC.
  • Leave of Absence--Please give us forewarning on the OOC if circumstances dictate that you will become inactive in the RP for a time. I’m sure we’ve all seen the phenomena of people simply vanishing; it’s frustrating and leaves work where the others have to pick up the narrative pieces. Failure to do so will result in the termination of your god as a result of the chaotic forces of the cosmos.
  • Sexual Content--Please keep it PG-13. Fade to black, and always remember, the Guild Rules come first and foremost.

The above commandments are most important. Almost every other conduct is to fall under the domain of common sense and the RPGuild rules, with the understanding that our goal is to collaboratively create cool narratives. Be considerate to one another and facilitate storytelling. If there are any concerns or clarifications required, the GMs are always happy to help.

Character Creation

We would like to reiterate that we will be using a wikia (link can be found on the 0th post of the character section) to store and organize all character sheets, rather than the character tab on this RPGuild thread. This is obligatory; however, if you need help figuring out how to work with the wiki, just let us know. If you like, you may still use the character tab to compile links to the various wiki articles for your creations.

With that out of the way, feel free to format your sheet however you like, so long as it clearly contains answers to at least the questions posed by this example sheet below.

As you consider ideas for your character and grapple with what you want to do, We would encourage you to first focus upon what sort of Domain you want to have, and then use that as a foundation to construct a god that makes sense given that dimension.

Beyond the concept for your character, you should also have an idea of what you want your god to do, how your god might change or progress, how they will contribute to the story and how they will interact with other players.

Discord link: discord.gg/V4XWzjXtY2
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chris488
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Chris488 Doesn't write anymore

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Name: Morwyn
Morwyn, Goddess of Witchcraft, is a woman of many faces. Benign, wicked or somewhere inbetween, she teaches Mankind, and by extension, mortals, how to manipulate the universal forces of magic through witchcraft, a form of magic she created. She is benevolent and virtuous at the moment, however, she is also vain beyond belief, and manipulative. The sheer power she wields may over take her heart, one day.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Aaand I'm done my sheet. Funny thing is I just came up with the myth as I made the sheet.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Dog
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Well, I haven't exactly had the best record when it comes to participation in Divinus, though I am tempted to give this version a shot. One because it's far lighter on mechanics than previous incarnations, two because it's in casual and while there could be long posts I also expect there to be plenty of non-novel length scenes as per the section's standards, which honestly helps my motivation to write, and three because if I can manage it I might play a god who will never run out of things to do. That being a trickster god who just exists to fuck with other people's shit, unless you can trick him that is.

But who ever heard of something out tricking the trickster? Preposterous!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@ZAVAZggg Vestec 2.0
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

@ZAVAZggg Vestec 2.0

Conversely, perhaps a god of contracts might also work, given how everything has a soul. Perhaps one could be allowed to manipulate the sea or elements to a degree and in the circumstances stated within a divine contract. The breakage of which would have severe consequences.

As an example of the contractual domain, which doesn't account for gods or a wide variety of other things such as magic, since I am keeping it limited to power over the natural world for the time being.

Contracts: The domain of Memteus is that of contracts, that is a formal agreement made between two parties and sealed via a binding reagent overseen by an impartial third-party, usually Memteus himself. This is typically blood in the case of most mortals, although depending on what the mortal is making a contract with, further action may be required. Examples include allowing one's flesh to be burned as part of an agreement to have limited control over the element of fire, spilling a drop of blood in a basin of water in order to call upon the power of the sea, and so on. These deals, like all contractual agreements between two beings, come with their own sets of consequences should the supplicating party renege, break, or commit some act that doesn't fall within the purview of the contract itself. At the most basic of levels, the supplicant themselves may be afflicted with some manner of curse or outright killed, though in certain circumstances those close to the supplicant may be harmed or killed and the deal rendered void. Especially if the contract was made to defend or otherwise save a life/lives aside from the supplicant's own. These consequences are stated outright to the supplicant in question before the deal is officially made so that they may be able to properly weigh the benefits and risks such a course of action will provide.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

I could work more on the myth section, but until the motivation to write a whole ass story strikes, this is what you get.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zurajai
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Zurajai Unintentional Never-Poster

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Squad 404
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Squad 404

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hmmgh, hopefully we can both be war gods. Otherwise I think I should add a lot more to my sheet.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by ActRaiserTheReturned
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Hmmgh, hopefully we can both be war gods. Otherwise I think I should add a lot more to my sheet.

Ares And Athena anyone? Even Hinduism has more than one Creator god.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@ActRaiserTheReturned That is actually a really good comparison.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Alright, added an actual myth of sorts to Xem, but don't expect much in the way of backstory. He literally just appeared, some mortals think it's because of the Apocalypse but it isn't, and he's at odds with most of the gods save those with domains that are at least somewhat related to his. Those being death and war.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 1 hr ago

@ZAVAZggg Yay Death and War!
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by DELETED jdl3932
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DELETED jdl3932 Sok Il-Seong / (Second Initiation)

Banned Seen 5 mos ago

Anyway, aside from some minor edits to prose that bothered me, Xem's and Memteus sheets are pretty much done. Looking back on it I might just play Xem since it's the least amount of mental work, but Memteus is there just in case.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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