Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Everyone was voicing their concerns, and rightfully so. In truth, Ovaan was not without concerns of his own regarding this mission objective. For all they knew, this universe had been rendered completely uninhabitable and they could die mere moments after arrival due to any number of unforeseen hazards. Granted, that was a worst-case scenario. But still valid, nonetheless. Ovaan decided to keep those concerns to himself, being too busy gathering the capsule cases he had brought to verbally voice any of them for the time being. Well, there was one thing he decided to provide a verbal response to.

"Payback is all well and good, but I for one would appreciate us not allowing such things to cloud our judgement. Thank you." he had seen his fair share of would-be "heroes", both in and outside his time in the Freeza Force. And in his experience, it never ended well. Heroes had a bad habit of acting on emotional impulse, resulting in poor decisions being made that only served to get people killed. His own crew had tended to make a point of avoiding such mistakes at all costs. Which of course required them to make decisions that often seemed rather callous to those observing from afar. But if the choice was between doing something one might feel guilty about later and getting everyone including one's own self killed outright? Ovaan would choose the former every time.

He remained quiet after that. Instead he focused on steeling himself for whatever waited for them on the other side of that portal. No matter what, it probably wasn't going to be pleasant. And so, with a hardened resolved, the former Captain stepped through the portal.

And what awaited on the other side was... exactly as he had mentally predicted, and then some. Crimson spheres filling out the skies. Bodies dumped in truly immeasurable numbers, only to be scooped up and hauled away by 8-legged machines. It was enough to make Ovaan want to puke on the spot. He took another breath, reaffirming his resolve and maintaining his composure for the most part. But he still looked visibly uncomfortable at what he was seeing. He couldn't recall a single instance of the Freeza Force doing anything even remotely on this level. They at least maintained some kind of governmental order. This? This just looked like pure horror. And yet, a certain question nagged its way into his mind. One that every single person likely wondered as well. And it looked like Ovaan would have to be the one to ask what they were all probably thinking.

"Harvesting? What could they possibly be harvesting these... remains... for?" he asked in a hushed, low voice. The truth was they probably didn't want to know. And yet, he had the distinct feeling they would need to find out, anyway.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 4 days ago

"The question is do we stop this, or do we simply try to observe sometimes information can be more valuable then action. Harvesting, or not we should try to be careful until we have an idea of what exactly we're messing with here if entire universes are gone then we may be a bit over our head in terms of power levels." comments Darbin in response to the Frost Demon's confused reply. Darbin knew it was likely a futile endeavor to try and stop some of the saiyans from doing something dumb but the others may be willing to listen. Years of hard work in the fields of combat, and war made it quite clear to him that war was not something you took lightly in any regard. You had to have the right knowledge or else you would lose. Things quite simply put they couldn't afford to be reckless and cause more damage unintentionally.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Maize couldn't believe her eyes when she stepped out of the portal behind Tabaga. This was something she had never seen before. She had seen murder, she had seen destruction, but this was insane. It took everything in her to contain her anger and her breakfast. Where did those rifts lead? Different universes? Maybe this universe wasn't the only remaining one left. She hoped her squad was okay. She whipped them into shape, they were survivors. She had to hold onto that thought to stay sane.

She decided not to hide and stayed out in the open. The ones that could potentially sense them weren't even paying attention and the harvesting spiders were focused on their specific job. "I've never known a Saiyan to hide. They're not even looking our way."

Ovaan asked the question she and the others were likely thinking. Darbin even seemed to confirm that fact. She knew a direct conflict wasn't the right way to go about this. Not now at least. They had to get some answers and she believed she knew exactly how to do it. "There's only one way to find out what they're harvesting them for." She paused for a moment to focus on her ki and drastically lowered her power level output as low as she could. If they had those who could sense ki on their side it'd be in their best interest to make it difficult for them to find them. "We get harvested ourselves. If you can lower your ki level I suggest you do it."

For now it was the only plan they had and if she could say so herself it was a pretty damn good one. A bit reckless maybe, but it was better than busting down doors or trying to sneak in themselves. Being carried inside just made things easier for them. Maize jumped across the field taking several leaps instead of flying over until she got to a suitable pile where she could hide among the dead.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PPQ Purple
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PPQ Purple Purple Space Box

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well that's dismaying...
She didn't really think those words in particular, but she might as well have. For that was the overall feeling she had toward the realization of just what they were getting into. Like... seriously. Forget it...

And forget she did, except she didn't. For even as the shimmering portal drew her attention to it like you would expect from a shiny doubt began creeping into the back of her head.

Just what would they find there?

Mia had newer been to a war zone. Indeed her species had all but abandoned war for a thousand years. And between that and their isolation her only reference for what she could expect to find there were, aside from yesterday of course, ancient paintings and dried up history books that she failed to pay attention to in class.

So right now the only thing she knew for sure was that these "Sayans" were more powerful than her and that there was something out there, just beyond that door that was more powerful than a whole galaxy spanning empire of them.

And she wouldn't even get to fight one of them. At least not if these spoilsports had anything to say about it. Well at least not if things went well. Which for all intents and purposes meant that even if she won she would loose. Not that she had too much confidence in the plan, mind you. Between her and the others here they weren't exactly a stealthy bunch. Not unless you count stealth as beating up everything that can possibly spot you.

And this was all assuming that the universe wasn't left not destroyed explicitly as a trap for them to walk into. A possibility that absolutely could not be discounted. In fact if she was a universe destroying badgirl that is exactly the kind of trap she would lay.

By the time all this went around her head and she completed making that mental note, just in case she ever chose to turn evil, most of the others had gone through. So she did what she had to, took a big breath and stepped through the portal. Not in the least ready for what ever she was about to find there.


Seconds later...

"Well fuck."
Those were her exact thoughts this time. And those were the only ones she thought as her will was entirely spent desperately trying to keep her brain from shutting down. This wasn't a trap. It wasn't the ruins of a dead universe. It wasn't even a war. It was a slaughterhouse.

All color drained from her face, the bravado she exhibited just a moment ago gone along with a non insignificant chunk of her sanity. And any thoughts of payback or fighting or even just anything vanished from her mind as she just stood there, silent and completely frozen in place.

And the narrator couldn't even come up with a witty remark for the end.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@PPQ Purple@King Kindred@vancexentan@Double@Chev

It was a very depressing sight that reached his machine mutant eyes on the other side of the portal. It was also quite the familiar one though with key differences. His brother and sister machine mutants had devastated quite a few worlds during his time on the run but the overall destruction had been much more 'clean' than whatever had happened on this planet. Unless Dr. Myu had a use for a particular corpse such as genetic samples, bodies were quickly disposed of to make way for the improved machine mutants to inhabit the planet. These foes seemed intent on using every scrap of organic material for some unknown purpose, considering the considerable amount of smoke filling the sky from the factories he doubted the planet had any other purpose than for processing materials.

His first movement was to take cover behind the same rock that Tabaga took cover behind as recon was the priority. Soon most of the others had come through as well, Ovaan asked the obvious question that needed answering and Darbin added his own bit of caution, to which Titanius had to agree to inside his head. The other saiyan, Maize however, took a decidedly different approach by standing completely in the open.

"There's only one way to find out what they're harvesting them for. We get harvested ourselves. If you can lower your ki level I suggest you do it." While there was some logic to her plan it was certainly a reckless one, besides there was a better way to get the information they needed.

"While that could work, I think the more optimal option would be to capture one of the drones so that I can access its data banks..." But before he could explain further she was already bounding away to join one of the piles of corpses. "...of course if we fail to capture one quietly we could give ourselves away but I feel it is the safer option than going into the belly of the beast, as some species like to say."

He couldn't resist finishing his thoughts, or the others still present, though it appeared that the girl with the reactive glowing horn operating system had crashed as she stood, pale faced in the presence of the carnage. That was a very dangerous state of being to be in, especially when facing unknown variables, at least someone who was facing things head on could react to a situation, but someone who froze would be unable to do anything.

She needed a reboot so he went out from the boulder to her side, then a certain phrase entered his mind. It was a certain phrase some species said when they wished to make sure they were awake and alert.

"Pinch me."

And so he did, figuring the most efficient spot for the pain to take effect would be her cheek, as the location was on the face it would be incredibly hard to not notice through both feeling and sight.

"Forgive me." Hopefully this strange ritual would be enough to bring her back to reality and he could get back to hiding.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Double@IceHeart@PPQ Purple@Chev

Velona's senses could only reach so far and so she was mercifully spared the full picture of what was before them -- but she could certainly hear it. Harvesting?!

"I don't want to know, honestly." She whispered back to Ovaan. "And even if I did, this might not be the best time to find out. We should-" She was promptly cut off by Maize's actions and Titanius's failed attempt to stop her. ". . . I guess we might be finding out anyway." She let out a sigh.

Dropping that line of thought momentarily, she turned her attention to Mia. As Titanius pinched her, Velona reached out to gently but firmly grip the girl's shoulder, hoping to keep her calm and stop her from snapping back to reality too violently from the pinch. She didn't know how good their enemy's hearing was, and she didn't want to test it.

"So... do we join her or do we try to get Maize back before she's harvested?" Velona asked the group as she bit her lip. She didn't want to leave Maize alone, but she was pretty certain that somewhere along the line during this "harvesting" process, it would prove quite fatal. She also had a bad feeling that a stealthy escape afterward might prove difficult.

Velona then realized something. Tabaga had fought these things before, "Um, Tabaga. H-how strong are these things? If we were to sneak in, could we fight our way back out if it came down to it?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Yaksha was greeted with a certain... unique view. A massive harvest of bodies with strange machines, making the scene as if it was some kind of surreal nightmare. Rifts and tears in reality complemented the whole outlook. But Yaksha only raised one of his eyebrows, as response of the ghastly view. It was bad... but he'd seen a lot of things in his unnatural life.

He quickly made himself scarce and hid behind some cover that Tabaga had found. His comrades in arm were in various shades of disbelief. He proceed to answer a question with some banther. "Freeza-kin, an army like this requires a lot of resources. Bodies... are a resource. They probably plunder everything on their path." He said, with a cold detachment to it. This wasn't working.

"Drone's risky. But not as risky as that monkey." He spat in a hiss, looking in Maize's direction. "I can scout on my own, I'll try to rein her back in. Get ready to grab a drone and dash for an exit if things get rough." Yaksha sighed, as he snapped his fingers and lowered his ki to the level of an insect.

Because he was now in the shape of a carrion fly. He flew confidently and buzzed around Maize's ear.

"Yeah, like a multiversal army with warp capabilities can't distinguish a dead body for someone playing dead." Yaksha said to the Saiyan's ear. "Get back with the others as soon as possible, or you'll be found, you meat-for-brains!"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PPQ Purple
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PPQ Purple Purple Space Box

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mia said nothing. Nor did she look any of them in the eye. She just melted away next to the others all hiding behind a putrid corpse pile. Her mind was meandering through thoughts. Something had to be done. They absolutely had to. This... this could not be allowed to exist. The mere thought of allowing it to, of doing nothing was worse even than seeing it be. If she could she'd just explode the whole planet just to be rid of it.

Her mind kept coming back to this and would do so for a while yet. Fortunately for everyone involved she was not strong enough to pull it off. For she likely would have taken the world to pieces right than and there and them all with it.

As thing stood, well sat, she had little choice or composure to contribute much beyond thinking, her mind locked in combat with it self like a running hamster struggling in vain to reach some outcome to its race. And until it did all she could do was follow the others and try not to get in their way.

Maybe one of them would come up with something. Or maybe they'd all just be discovered, killed and added to one of those piles. At this point she was in no state to care.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@KillamriX88 @AtomicNut @King Kindred

"Um, Tabaga. H-how strong are these things? If we were to sneak in, could we fight our way back out if it came down to it?"

Tabaga kept her voice low as she tried to find the words. "I...I never fought the robotic spiders. I don't know how strong they are. But those black armored troopers would most likely be very difficult to defeat with their present numbers. When they attacked Planet Vegeta they were slightly stronger than our warriors but we were still able to fight back to an extent. I say we listen to the Kai's orders and we avoid fighting. If they see us they'll probably just swarm us and overwhelm us with sheer numbers."

A moment later, she turned to look at Yaksha and motioned for him to try and grab Maize and get back to the group. Hopefully whoever was running this show wouldn't be expecting a small group of infiltrators.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Maize sighed in annoyance. Admittedly she hadn't completely thought her plan all the way through, but it was certainly a plan. She still believes it would've worked, but that wasn't the important thing right now. Yaksha's magic piqued her curiosity more and more. The man-child was even able to turn himself into an insect. Then a lightbulb went off above her head, figuratively of course. If he could stay in that insect form he should be able to sneak inside the harvesting factory and find a way for them to get inside unnoticed.

"Every brain is meat." She said matter of factly. "But maybe you could use that form to sneak on inside and open a door for us." She removed herself from the pile and started to head back towards the others. She didn't wait for his response since he'd have to give it anyway once they reached the others since they likely hadn't heard the brilliance she had come up with.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


As our heroes continued exploring their options, a sudden flash of movement from high above caught Tabaga's attention. "Guys. I think we've been mad-"

A moment later a massive explosion tore through one of the larger black and red spheres and small explosions began to emerge across the surface of the sphere. "Alert: Prisoner one has escaped. Alert. Prisoner one has escaped. All forces engage and reacquire at all costs."

Nearly all of the remaining black armored troopers in the area turned around and immediately began flying towards the damaged sphere as more and more of them began appearing. A number of them were seemingly scanning the area.

"We need to go. Now." Tabaga said flatly as she motioned to Yaksha and Maize.

A much larger explosion rocked the area a moment later as multiple holes began appearing in the damaged sphere as multiple figures seemingly blasted their way out. A few of them began attacking the black armored troopers while others seemingly were looking for a way out.

Alert: Holding Facility One has been breached. Recapture prisoners with level three power levels and above. Use of lethal force authorized on all others."

Tabaga was trying to make sense of what was going on when two hooded figures seemingly appeared directly next to them. One was taller then the other and both were covered in heavy cloaks. The shorter one stared at the group. "You and your allies are not from here. That portal, where does it lead to?" He asked in a tone that stated that time was a factor in this situation.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 1 day ago


Velona whipped around at the sudden appearance of the two newcomers. She hadn't detected their approach at all. Her hands shook. They were the enemy of the armored soldiers, right? That would put them on the same side, right?

She couldn't guarantee that, though.

If they turned out to be hostile and they led them right back to the Kai of Time and their last refuge... could they stop them? But then, what other options did they really have here?

"While it seems we share a common enemy, I'm not sure we can answer that when we don't know yet who you are..." she answered cautiously. Technically she'd just refused to answer their question. Their response would tell them at least a little, whether or not they cared to actually introduce themselves.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


"While it seems we share a common enemy, I'm not sure we can answer that when we don't know yet who you are..."

The shorter of the two figures looked at the taller one who motioned at him to remove his hood. The shorter hooded figure threw back his hood to reveal a green skinned face with white hair and pointed ears. "Apologies, I haven't really interacted with anyone for a number of centuries until very recently. I am the Supreme Kai of the Multiverse. And unless we want to end up in a very bad situation that involves our bodies being ripped apart and being put back together, we need to get out of here immediately.

Tabaga couldn't help but notice that the taller of the two figures kept stealing glances at her. She figured it was something that would need to be addressed later, once they were away from these harvesters or whatever it is they were.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 4 days ago

"A supreme kai who claims to watch the multiverse hm? Alright I'll buy it if you can prove it somehow, or another. For all we know you're just another one of the destroyers of this universe." Darbin comments calmly as he prepares himself mentally for a fight just in case but he figures this would be short one way or another if it does come down to that. He doesn't buy for a moment that a person this high up on the scale that would casually appear before them would have much trouble dispatching all their targets. "I have little reason to trust your word other than the fact that you haven't tried to attack us yet, and that's hardly anything."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Chev
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Chev The Pecking Order

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


"I have little reason to trust your word other than the fact that you haven't tried to attack us yet, and that's hardly anything."

The Supreme Kai of the Multiverse stared at Darbin for a moment and then pointed up at the ongoing fight up above them. "Those are captives from various other universes. Right now, they're fighting to try and give us a chance to get away and fight another day. I can't give you proof right now. If I use my abilities they'll lock onto me in a heartbeat and we'll all be dead."

"Allow me." The taller of the two individuals stepped forward and threw back her hood to reveal somewhat spiky hair and Tabaga let out a short gasp. "As Tabaga can probably tell you, my name is Okora. This man saved both mine and Tabaga's lives when those solders came for our universe. He dropped Tabaga in an attack ball and put it in hibernation mode and then he patched me back up after I was nearly killed. We've been running from them ever since. Like you said, you have no reason to trust us, but please, we need to leave now or they'll rip us apart and remake us. Make us like them. I've seen it happen."

Okora turned to look at Tabaga and thought for a moment. "Remember the night before the attack? I talked about our future in the unlikely event we got out of it alive. We were drinking and you said something to the bartender that pissed him off and got us thrown out."

Tabaga looked over at Darbin and nodded as the memory of that night came rushing back. "Only she would know that. I'm 99% sure it's her." She turned to look back at Okora. "By the way, the bartender had it coming. He was a real jerk."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Chev@vancexentan@KillamriX88@King Kindred@PPQ Purple

Unfortunately Mia was still unresponsive but before Titanius could try another method two newcomers appeared. Of course he was prepared to fight if necessary but considering their location a fight would not be in their best interests. Darbin was obviously in a similar situation as he stated the plain facts of the situation, they had no real reason to trust them. While the shorter one identified himself as the Supreme Kai of the Multiverse, other than his appearance and vitals being a fit for one of that species they had no other data to go off of.

Once the taller individual revealed themselves to be Okora, and explained who they were, it appeared that Tabaga was 99 percent convinced of their identity. There was of course the possibility that they were from a different universe than hers, but the fact their stories matched raised the probability high enough for Titanius to take action.

"Needless to say our location will soon be located with all the activity around us. It is in our best interests to retreat for now and take the two leads we have at the moment." Those two leads of course being the Kai and Okora. "If worst comes to worse two opponents should be much more manageable than the legions milling around."

Deciding there was no more time for hesitation, Titanius quickly turned and lifted the dazed Mia up rather unceremoniously over his shoulder. "Please tell me if there is a better method of transport in the future." He stated before hurrying through the portal, back to the Conton City side and promptly deposited Mia onto the ground without much tact.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by PPQ Purple
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PPQ Purple Purple Space Box

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Well that was embarrassing. That, more so than anything else is what snapped Mia out of it all. Defeat was one thing but this... this was running away.. only worse. At least if she was running away like a complete coward it should be on her own two feet.

Seriously, how could she ever allow her self to fall this low? What was wrong with her? Enough, she reasoned was enough. She wasn't just representing her self here but her entire world, no her entire universe. Hell judging by the fact none of these aliens knew of them quite possibly literally her entire species in all universes. By her horns she would do better than this.

And if she couldn't win this time than fine. She would just have to do what she always did. The only thing she knew to do.

She would get stronger. And than she would win.

Mia stood up silently. Casting one glance on the portal she said under her breath. "I will be back." Than she turned to the others.
"I am alright now.", she lied.
"I don't know what we saw back there. And I don't need to know."
"What I know is that there is no point in us knowing until we can do something about it."
"We need to get stronger. Much stronger. What ever it takes."
"And I do not know how."

She figured she was saying what everyone thought. And she hoped that somebody had an answer.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 4 days ago

"Fine I'll trust you if only because we have no recompense if we don't. We're in the dark, and going into a situation dark just means needless deaths on our part." Darbin comments as he takes a second to try and suppress his own power level just in case. It would be annoying if he was the reason they got sighted, and even if the others didn't know, or try to do that well...he couldn't help that, or explain it quickly enough. "Strength isn't finite but its hard to come by Mia. War is brutal, and those who overcome horrors grow from it. Be patient your abilities will become more than they were the more time you focus on improving yourself. Or perhaps you will be a natural and grow from it. Either way we should get moving as quick as possible." Comments Darbin as he moves to exit through the portal they used to get here.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

There was honestly too much information to take in. From the state of the planet, wondering what the harvesting was meant for, and now the strangers that requested they take their leave. In all fairness, the Supreme Kai of Time only asked them to gather some information. Well, they did that, and so one could technically call this a successful mission. Not that any of them actually felt like they had won anything. Not after that nightmarish hellscape they just witnessed.

As it were, Ovaan had no objections to making a retreat. Those fighting up above were giving their lives so that these two strangers could escape. That meant they knew something that could help. They were likely very important prisoners, which meant they would be of great use to their efforts as well. And besides, as much as Ovaan did not care heroics, letting the sacrifices of others be in vain seemed like rather poor form. And so, silent as he was throughout the exchange, Ovaan offered no objections and proceeded back through the portal with the others.

Perhaps if he'd had some sort of plan or strategy, they could have done more. But as it was, he didn't know this team very well. He needed more time to assess them. To get to know their strengths and weaknesses so that he could come up with battle strategies accordingly. That was how he and his own men had survived for so long, and he saw no reason why it couldn't be done with this group.

"What I know is that there is no point in us knowing until we can do something about it."
"We need to get stronger. Much stronger. What ever it takes."
"And I do not know how."

Mia's words made him clutch at something on his personage. It sounded like now was as good a time as any to share his most interesting find from last night's scavenging. He cleared his throat a bit, then offered a simple hand on the horned girl's shoulder, "I believe that I may have the answer to that question." he took out the capsule, and without missing a beat threw it to the ground nearby. After a brief puff of a smoke, the spherical ship appeared before them, "Truth be told... I believe this ship was used for more than mere travel. It's equipped with a computer that can increase the g-forces within the ship's confines. At first I thought it was for traveling purposes, but the levels the gravity can be set to is far beyond any planet or sector that I've ever heard of. But what if the high levels of gravity was intended to be trained in, instead? I suspect the ship's previous owners might have used it to enhance their battle powers, and by quite a lot I imagine."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 1 day ago


That was... unexpected. It certainly helped put her at ease, though. At least a little. For now the majority of them seemed to have agreed to trust these two, and she saw no reason to go against the grain. And, above all else, she was happy to leave the hellscape they'd stepped into.

On the other side, Mia expressed a wish to become stronger and, surprisingly, Ovaan immediately supplied them with a potential answer. A gravity chamber.

"Right... I was told that the saiyan homeworld had a much higher gravity than mine... and..." And immediately she wished she hadn't said that. "Umm... w-well it could certainly help, yes... b-but I think we have more important things to worry about right now." That being, of course, the two people they'd brought back with them. "We need to tell the Kai of Time what, err, who we found."

She'd opened the portal in the first place, so she should have been right there...
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