C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"Don't you know? I'm dashing!"
Johnny has been fighting the system for all of his life. First when his parents died in a car crash when he was thirteen and then the several foster homes, orphanages, and temporary placements. He knew he didn’t belong anywhere. Those families that were his foster fams, they weren't bad but he just knew he wasn’t a good fit. Any other kids and it would’ve been heaven.
But Johnny Dash was different. Or at least he felt like he was different. Whichever it was, he stuck to his guns and more or less lived on the streets well into his late teens. With only his need for speed carrying him across Coast City, Johnny’s main mode of transportation was a skateboard he took off a kid at a skatepark when he was fifteen. They didn’t need it, especially after Johnny drove a fist into the kid’s face.The skateboard became an identity of sorts. It’s how he was given the name Johnny Dash. But he’d soon be given another name.
On a night that Johnny has always defined as “the biggest bummer” of his life (at least in the immediate time after it), Johnny’s always nosey, always impulsive eyes caught what looked like a meteor crash into the same empty pool where he first “won” his board a few years back. The reason he was attracted to this meteor was because before it crashed, it had a distinctive blue shade to it. Odd for a meteor that usually shows themselves to be more reddish or orangeish.
When he investigated it and got too close than he should have, Johnny got close and saw something tha tlooked like a beetle at the center of it. Only, it moved and as he went to turn away, it latched itself onto his back. And boy did it hurt like a bitch.
It dug itself deep into his spine, ripping past his favorite Nirvana T and that’s when his nightmare began.
Johnny had no idea what the fuck this thing was, but something about it latching onto his spine made one thing clear: it was a mistake to seek it out. And this became evident in the days spent on the scarab’s end as it tried to convert Johnny into falling in line. But that failed because of how stubborn Johnny Dash was. His life of fighting the system paid off in a big way because he and the scarab came to an agreement. Johnny wouldn’t try to remove the piece of shit from his back and the Scarab would allow him full control over most of its systems (albeit with an intense reluctance).
So as Coast City’s Blue Beetle, Johnny Dash continued exactly what he had been doing: fighting the system and being badass in a totally rad set of armor.
It took only one night for him to admit how much he liked being the Blue Beetle.
Separate from the Beetle Scarab, Johnny has street-level smarts. He's fast on his feet, thus the nickname Johnny Dash (among other reasons). He can hold his own in a fight, though since getting the Scarab, the need for that isn't as frequent. Johnny is a literal hit-or-miss fighter with most of his shots connecting, but he isn't trained by any master as he is self-taught, so either some of his hits land sloppily or they don't land at all. He has something of a close-to-peak body type, too, which may extend his ability to take hits. Armor or no armor, it's worth mentioning.
When the Blue Beetle armor is active, not only does it vastly improve Johnny’s fighting capabilities by locking him inside a dense, yet light, armor that protects him from most physical attacks, but due to its shapeshifting capabilities and the Scarab’s sentient nature, it’s like having a two-for-one special, though the two don’t always act as a one due to, well, their colliding personalities and what is the best use of its abilities.
Artificial Intelligence — Johnny doesn’t exactly know its origins nor does he even care to know (he’s lying but it’s Johnny), but one thing he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt is the Scarab has its own thoughts, often polluting Johnny’s head with it. It speaks to him and can act on its own, though with limitations. It doesn’t voluntarily take control over Johnny, but when the two clash, it will be petty as fuck and make a statement. This usually happens when Johnny pisses it off or hurts it pride.
It’s no wonder the two found each other. Both are stubborn and both can be little babies.
Because it bonded with Johnny’s thoughts and emotions, the Scarab speaks to him in the voice of Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z. Kinda makes the pride thing have more hilarity to it.
Tracking Systems — The Scarab allows for Johnny to be able to track anything that produces energy of any sort (though magical seems to be the one it has difficulty nailing down). It can also track anyone Johnny met within a ten mile radius. When outside it, it can still track traces of their signal, though it becomes extremely difficult after the fact.
Scarab Sight — Scarab Sight allows Johnny to scan those in front of him for any signs of bodily harm, injury, or abnormal conditions such as sickness.
Armor Reconfiguration — While, in theory, Johnny can have access to unlimited tools and useful weapons that may help him fight, his constant bickering and disagreements with the Scarab has limited his access to the energy cannon, wings, and a sword. Another, though it is often followed by annoyed sighs, is Johnny’s preferred mode of transportation. Under his feet, the armor exoskeleton extends and creates a flat surface that is very remininscent of a hoverboard. Even though he has the ability to fly, Johnny’s skater nature takes over and will opt for hoverboarding instead. Ripping the airwaves is the way to go, man!
Scarab-Host Bickering — Because of their conflicting personalities and their own pride, the potential for maximum potential of the Blue Beetle is hindered until they can fully become a two-in-one package deal.
Anything Magic Related — Magical energy, creatures, and anything to do with it lies beyond the Scarab’s skillset (much to its frustration). It cannot completely read the nature of magic nor those that wield it. Additionally, the Blue Beetle armor seems to be vulnerable to magic energy.
Magnetic Anything — Simply put, whether its pulses or fields, whenever it is in range of the Scarab’s, all of its tracking abilities are completely blocked out until the magnetic source is dealt with or Johnny moves out of range.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:
Johnny Dash fights for the little guy. He fights for those who might be oppressed or just might be something of an oddball. But more importantly, he really likes to punch criminals in the face.
Johnny has witnessed a lot of crap on the street and maybe that has led him on a self-righteous path. Maybe it fuels him to do everything he can to make at least one person feel safe. Before the scarab, he did that by trashing an officer’s car because they were abusing their power and protesting against all of his blue friend’s in the process. But now he is in the position of doing some real damage. He can make those who deserve to suffer feel the wrath of The Blue Beetle.
But no amount of small victories will make him feel fulfilled. Plus, he’s bored of crushing petty criminals. Give him some real villains. Like a superpowered beast or a Karen with an axe to grind.
Okay, maybe not a karen. They’re nearly impossible to defeat unless you’re a manager or something.
Goals wise, Johnny doesn't have any. He doesn't have a direction that will take him out of the eternal loop of beating up Violent Criminal #1-10. His whole life he never had any direction but whatever his board took him in. The same can be said for the scarab. Even though he has it, there isn't any specific endgame for him, so that's something he either needs to be bluntly given or be guided by someone who might be able to show him a path for him.
As the writer, I'd love to explore just how far he could go and how much he could be pushed to better himself. Lord knows Johnny Dash could use a little reality checking here and there.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
While Johnny doesn't have any direct connection with an established hero, what he does have is a skateboard. Not related, but it's worth mentioning that he loved his board. He never leaves home without it.
Well, by home, that's really just whatever bridge or park he might be sleeping under. Or abandoned building he camps out at. Technically, he is homeless but he isn't one for a stickler of the truth.
Johnny is known for his impulses and thick skull. He is also known for his selective validation when it comes to authority. Team leaders should expect difficulties.
R E L A T I O N S H I P S:
Short summary of your characters thoughts, feelings and regards for the rest of the cast. Optional and can be added to whenever.