@Stormflyx So I've not read the sheet, and have no official capacity but from Scotland so I say accepted. Love a good trip up to Fife.
*what you hear when eilidh talks to you telepathically*

@Stormflyx So I've not read the sheet, and have no official capacity but from Scotland so I say accepted. Love a good trip up to Fife.
<Snipped quote by Sep>
*what you hear when eilidh talks to you telepathically*
Y'know we just need a Welsh and an English character then the celts can all gang up on the English.
It's all I've ever wanted from an RP
<Snipped quote by Sep>
and they can all walk intae a bar right?
Unintelligible Scottish Thoughts
The Pending Cast Thus Far:
► - Charity 'Cece' Charleston - 19 - Californian Cyborg Cutie
► - Dandelion - ?? - Non-Binary Alien Shapeshifter
► - Conor O'Brien - 17 - Irish Sorcerer (Not A Druid)
► - Julian Luthor - 18 - Bastard Love Child of a Supes x Lex Slash Story
► - Maria Ludwig - 18 - Has a worse bedside manner than the Doctor from ST:VOY
► - Erwin Perriere - 20 - Agent P's Biggest Fan
► - Oliver Abraham - 16 - A literal Marshmallow
► - Jonathan Donovan - 19 - Mighty Morphin' Beetleborg
► - Red Morrow - 18 - Literal Specimen
► - Vincent Jacobs - 20 - Reality Warper
► - Kevin Vanhagen - 21 - Hot Fisted Boxer
► - William McCreary - 21 - Jack-In-A-Box
► - Selene Windle - 17 - Wendy the Good Witch
► - Johnny Renault - 20 - Knight Rider meets Monster Trucks eh?
► - Roy Bivolo - 16 - Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows
► - Zora Moreno - 16 - Soub-uwu Biker
► - Elidh Vass - 21 - Unintelligible Scottish Thoughts
Updated 2021-04-23 (11:38am EST)
<Snipped quote by Lord Wraith>
Everyone from Conor to Erwin links to Dandelion's sheet
Everyone from Conor to Erwin links to Dandelion's sheet
seeing you go for 21 I've legit bumped Conors age up to 18, so that he can be all pissed off that you can drink alcohol but he can't.
Everyone from Conor to Erwin links to Dandelion's sheet
<Snipped quote by Sep>
>Maria laughs in German. Drinking since 16
Hmmmm I wonder if Eilidh is a drinker though. She’d just become an extra happy, lovey-dovey cinnamon roll when drunk I reckon.