Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Patroxclus
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Chapter 0 : The Passing Butterfly.

The adventure begins with a step in the darkest direction. After the demise of Gabaras, the kingdoms of the Somnius banner quickly took arms and investigated the large city. Scouts and mages ended in silence and eventually, parties of adventurers and soldiers were lost to the city. In a last-ditch effort, Amber Grove’s mages prepared a barrier over Gabaras. And eventually, Kogani in tandem with the Grove began their grandest plan to reclaim Gabaras from its evil.

Four encampments surround all sides of Gabaras. Housing thousands of soldiers, through the passing weeks the kingdoms called out to lands beyond their own to aid them in the battle for Gabaras. Both leaders of the Grove and Kogan's feared that dark power mustering within Gabaras was ancient. Knowing this full caution was advised and the worldwide mission of "Reclaiming Gabaras" began.

You and many other soldiers are requested at the Fourth Encampment which is a handful of miles out of the city and just on the edge of Kogan Soil that borders the plains into Gabaras's land. Either by arriving and enlisting through an adventuring guild on Somnius or accepting the grand-quest from one outside, your origin doesn't matter but the goal does. Soon you begin traveling the pathways through Kogani or around Gabaras, following groups of soldiers and adventurers alike the trek requires multiple days of rest and you take shelter within inns or group with strangers inside a tent.

On your way to the Fourth Encampment do you see something strange-- wings like shiny-silk and a glowing body. You see a strange-looking butterfly and you make direct eye contact with its form. Ennamured you go out to reach its corporeal-like body but as you go out to grab the strange butterfly it disappears within your palm. Something strange came over you-- why did you grab the butterfly and how did it disappear? With this thought in mind, you continue onward, and soon do you near the encampment.

Of tall pine trees, the crowd before you increases, and the path is noticeably worn. As you follow the dirt road you can see from afar an encampment with watchtowers evenly spaced through the length of the wall. You can see that the encampment goes on for miles and as you pass the main gates you see mage's eyeing you down with arcane sight. But you pay no mind and continue, entering the encampment and before you down a sloped hill can you see rows of tents a larger one far in the back and can see a moderately sized wooden plaza. Your eyes look to the horizon, beyond the walls of the camp, and notice a great blue-barrier from afar hazed by a fog.

You can only assume that it's Gabaras and the simple thought of the city strangely pulled at your chest, like a sense of urgency. Shaking off the feeling you walk down the hill and then suddenly a voice blazes through the crowd's noise...

"New Enlistments! Please head to the plaza for identification!

Suddenly the crowd begins to move faster and the people you've followed began making their way on the dirt paths. You follow the crowd and eventually the crowd would form a line. You look past the person in front of you and notice the wooden plaza and groups of soldiers writing down something on paper. Time passes and you are now at the front of the line and are directed by a soldier to be identified by another group of plainly dressed soldiers.

They eye you up and down and you can see the faint aura of magic surrounding their eyes as if the arcane sight has permanently made their stay within their corneas. The soldier speaks and begins to ask you a small list of questions...

"Are you affiliated with a guild or military group? If so please say yes and where they are located. "
"Finally, do you swear your loyalty to the mission and understand that if you abandoned it you will be jailed. "

If the guards are satisfied with the answers they would smile and nod handing you the paper card...
"Thank you, soldier, take your rest for now. We will all meet in the morning to go through the plans of the mission. "

And as you meet contact with the card itself you feel a sharp sting through your finger. And then looking down at the card of where the soldier marked down their answers you see a letter along with a number writing itself in red-colored ink and what followed after was a drawing of a thumbprint.


You are moved to the side and a guard quickly explains that each of the rows has letters assigned to them and the tents have the following numbers. In any matter you eventually find your row and westward of the plaza do you find your tent at the correct row. Your tent neared the west wall of the encampment and faced the backend of the D row of tents.

If you were to continue walking west you'd eventually meet a watchtower and a wall, and north would be the direction of the main camp where you could only assume the generals and other important military figures were. Northwest was a wide-plain and in this plain were soldiers having sparring matches with wooden sticks and weapons. Magic and swords clashed together and people brawled until they broke skin. From the east was the path you had walked to get to row C's end, and the South is the entrance and exit of the encampment.

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

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Banard Kegborne
Dwarven Brewmaster

"Alright me lads." The voice is clear and loud. "Let's give these poor sods something to lift their spirits." It's a Dwarf, a golden haired son of stone. But his clothing and mannerisms say he's not a local. A ruddy tan rather then the slight pale skin says this dwarf spends a fair amount of time outside. Along with him is a full company of dwarves. Squat strong folk from afar it seems.

And as those around watch the four wagons the dwarves came in are opened cloth covers pulled back and behold! Barrels and barrels upon barrels and barrels of good prime hooch, beer, ale and whiskey. Stamped with the sigil of the Kegborne Brewery. South Hold Dwarves from south across the sea come from a far with gifts.

As the unloading begins a delegation of Kogani Dwarves approaches. The leader the one with the shaved pate and golden beard greets them heartily, "Cousins! I bring a gift of fine spirits to liven the mood before battle." As the Kogani start in the leader watched and is suddenly entranced quite suddenly. Few pay him need as he walks past one of the wagons. Just there a strange butterfly, beautiful yet somehow terrible as well. Whispering "Fair life what are you..." He reached out grasping almost taking hold. But nothing. Nothing to grab. Bit then from the camp "Master Banard Kegborne! A word?"

Bernard turns his attention returning. It's a stout Kogani Dwarf there in half plate. He growls, "Fine gifts young master. But what of the fight? Will any of your company stand?" It's quiet for a time Banard stands and strokes his beard. Look in past the Dwarf before him. Looking at the recruitment posters and announcements about. Bernard then nods "Of my company here Lord? None, they came to help with the drink. And will return to the south holds within the week. But my wife and sons and daughters rain at the holds. And thus I can be spared."

He nods grabbing a pack and an axe from one of the wagons then males a beeline to the recruiters. There the questions are asked, Name - Banard Kegborne. Age - 34. Affliated with military, no. Guild? Sure, damn sure. The International Brewers Guild of the South Dwarven Holds, proud paying member damn it. Seemingly satitsfied the card was handed too him. And the sharp dwarven shout of annoyance exits the golden bearded dwarves mouth. <<That Feckin' well hurt you arse grabbers...what the feckin' hell you tryin' ta pull!>> A brief tirade. But soon he's moving off to choose his tent. Eventually choosing tent C 4. And there he plants himself with a few barrels of Kegborne mead. And several of his company gathered about to toast his courage.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ramiel Wyndham

Travel Tunes

The trek from lands of the Amber Grove to the Fourth Encampment had been a long and boring journey- in all honesty, Ramiel wouldn't have been entirely surprised if they had just left without him. But the campaign to reclaim Gabaras seemed to be a big movement, gathering a truly huge number of men and women to retake the city. It really seemed like everyone had been called to retake Gabaras, Ramiel himself had passed by many a group of travelers headed in the same direction, some quicker than others. Ramiel himself had elected to travel alone. It was faster, though a bit riskier to be able to move without worrying about others. Still, Ramiel found himself with no company but a older, dimwitted, and slightly swaybacked mule named Rowan to carry both himself and his burdens. A horse was unfortunately not much of a conversational partner and Ramiel spent much of his journey with little but his own thoughts to entertain him.

Rowan snorted curiously and slowed to a pause, stirring Ramiel from his thoughts. Refocusing on the road ahead of them, Ramiel was surprised to find that their path had been blocked by a peculiar butterfly a few feet from his nose. At least he thought it was a butterfly, it glowed with some sort of light and seemed to be just as aware of him as he was of it. Curious, and perhaps without even realizing it himself, Ramiel reached out for the intriguing creature, offering it his finger to perch upon. The glowing creature floated closer to Ramiel and seemed to land on his finger, but disappeared as soon as Ramiel blinked. Sitting up straighter, Ramiel turned in his saddle and looked around him- had he imagined it? But there was little else around him but the road, a few trees, and what appeared to be a small group of travelers off in the distance.

A few days further and Ramiel had finally arrived at the Fourth Encampment, a huge base set within the pine forests outside Gabaras. It was hard to miss, the closer Ramiel got to the encampment, the more travelers like him he began to see, men and women of all walks of life, come to save the land. From there it was easy to find the way, into the camp, and towards its central plaza for processing. The massive line of newcomers soon brook into many smaller lines as the camp processed mercs, adventurers, and military men as quickly as possible. Some looked more battle hardened than others, some looked downright shifty and suspicious, others seemed to just be here for the sense of adventure, boasting about their prior accomplishments to anyone bothering to give them an ear.

Ramiel himself was greeted by a pair of human soldiers in armor with Kogani colors. One checked him over with arcane sight, the other didn't even bother looking up from a stack of papers he'd been writing on. The soldier spoke like a man bored out of his mind, and his questions sounded less like questions and more like statements or commands than anything.


"Wyndham, Ramiel"



"Military or organizational affiliation.
"Amber Grove Rangers-"
"Good, you'll be staying-"
"-formerly, freelance currently.

The soldier paused, looked up at Ramiel, rolled his eyes and gave a frustrated sigh, before crumpling up the current paper he had been working on and throwing it aside onto what appeared to be a growing pile behind him. Pulling out another sheet and hastily refilling in the prior information Ramiel had provided to him along with the proper unit affiliation and continued the lines of questions until they got to the end.

"-do you swear your loyalty to the mission and understand that desertion carries the punishment of imprisonment and-or execution?"

Ramiel chuckled at this, "What, are you serious?"

The soldier, looked up again at Ramiel for the second time the entire conversation, and again rolled his eyes and sighed with frustration. "Yes, we're serious. Either say yes or return from wherever the bumfuck you came from- I hardly have the time to breathe, nevermind the time to entertain you and every other recruit's questions."

"Fine, sure, sure." Ramiel answered, waving his hand dismissively. Without another word, the soldier finished writing on the slip and handed it to Ramiel, not even waiting for him to grab it before shouting 'NEXT' into the line behind him.

Ramiel winced as he grabbed the card, looking down at it as what he could only imagine to be his thumbprint appearing on the card, along with the marker 'C7'. He found the C block of tents easily enough and made his way to it. The encampment seemed to be continually building new blocks of tents for their growing numbers. This particular block seemed to have been relatively new, as it seemed to be empty, save for a particularly large dwarf, his entourage, and a barrel of drink. Ramiel resolved himself to keep that in mind, he hadn't had anything other than water or light ale to drink for the past few weeks.

He hitched his mule up to a post nearby his tent, and moved his belongings from the mule's packs to his tent, but didn't bother unpacking. Chances were more likely than not they'd be back on the mule and on the move before he could really settle down. He grabbed a stool from within his tent and carried it over to his dwarven neighbor- pausing to allow the dwarf and his company to have their drink together before he introduced himself.

The dwarf leading the entourage was a stocky fellow, with a shaved head and gold hair even more brilliant than Ramiel's own. He paused and waited until they acknowledged him before he plopped the stool down next to them and sat.

"Hail, Goldenbearde." Ramiel called warmly in greeting. "After a few weeks on the road, I can tell you confidently I'd be willing to pay near anything for a tankard of good drink. I don't suppose you'd be willing to spare a fellow blocksmate a tankard would you?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

The world had gone to shit the last time Mavis bothered to check up on it. To the common adventurer and cynical mind, this was of no surprise. The world was full of darkness and cruelties, monsters who walked in the guise of man and took with them the souls of the living. It was a desolate experience to be born, but such was the sin of existence. In that short time of her own life, Mavis had come to learn news of the great fall. Gabaras, it seemed, had completely fallen to darkness or whatever forces ran amok inside it.

And so the call to arms was issued, people from all across the land of Somnius staking their claim and their lives to retake the kingdom. It was starking to Mavis in watching so many people band together for some common goal. Either the nature of humans had changed for the better and she never noticed or everyone was fueled by the same desire as most: a reward to be spoiled with and a tale to tell of adventure. Neither of that truly mattered to Mavis if it meant the chance to hunt greater sport.

Her journey to the Fourth Encampment was relatively uninteresting aside from a strange encounter with a glowing butterfly. However, that had been late at night, when wolves and monsters festered in shadows. It was probably just a dream, all things considered. These thoughts lingered in her head even as she enrolled herself to the little station soldiers had set up for verification purposes. Name, age, any affiliation, a swear to the cause; it was all very much routine to her, being no stranger to work of this manner as a mercenary and hunter.

In the end the process went smoother than some others, and she was sent on her way to choose a tent to stay for the night. With spear lazed against her shoulder, she took some time to observe what might be the best spot…tent C5 maybe? It looked unclaimed for now and, as far as she could tell, the only neighbors she’d have to deal with was a dwarf and what looked like an elf. Well, it could have been worse. So much worse, she supposed.

Thankfully she had little on hand for supplies in anticipation they’d be soon moving as a unit out and about. Locating tent C5, she fully unpacked her things in silence. Being so close to the other tents, she couldn’t help but hear in on the conversation between her neighbors. It seemed the elf of sorts was making introductions. Well, they both seemed friendly enough and she wondered if she should say something too. After all, were these not to be her new companions? Of course, that assumed any of them made it out of Gabaras alive. All this and more pondered in her head, though she was clearly visible to the other two.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WanderingDragon

WanderingDragon Professional Murderhobo

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Thalion, The Fugitive

Your Wave Caresses Me, by We Are Trees

Even if fate had been cruel, the forest had been kind to this child of nature... Well, perhaps half child. But, that was a moot point. The bushes bore plenty of berries, the rivers plenty of fish. When nights rolled by, the trees supported him as he rested. Thalion thanked to spirits the weather didn't force him to make lodging.

As dusk began to settle on the last day, the encampment loomed over the horizon. Thalion took a step. Then, he stopped. If he read correctly, soldiers from all over the continent would be here. That meant soldiers from the grove. That meant someone who'd recognize him.

But, he was disguised. Oh, sure; changing one's hair color and letting it droop over their face would be enough to throw off the authorities! But, he'd managed to get this far without being caught. Only because he'd stuck to the outskirts, where he'd only found the occasional farm. Did that shepherd realize his axe was missing yet? When would Thalion find time to return it? Should he return it? He needed it. But, so does that shepherd. It served him well. But it wasn't his.

How does he know Master Elashor is even in Gabaras? How did Thalion know this entire endeavor wasn't just an unnecessary risk? Exposing himself over a gut feeling; oh, how clever of yourself, Thalion!

He shook his head of these troubles. Doubt would get him know where. If all else failed, he would just leave and figure something out. When he walked into the encampment proper, it was easy to disappear into the crowds. Even if his heart thudded against his chest, Thalion's eyes always found something to gawk at; A bunch of Dwarves unloading kegs of drink, some soldiers sparring in the distance, so- A table to nearly trip over.

Thalion finally looked ahead of himself and met eyes with the bored soldier at the desk. "Sorry." He muttered.

"Hope you pay better attention tomorrow." The soldier grunted. Mechanically, he began his questions.


"Tha-" Damnit! He just got here and almost gave himself away! "Er, Nael’kerym" He answered. Wait, isn't Thalion posing as a human? Why use an Elvish name?!

The soldier didn't seem to react.


There was no way around thi-

"We don't have all day!"


"Are you affiliated with a guild or military group? If so please say yes and where they are located. "

"No, I'm a freelancer."

The soldier rolled his eyes.

"Finally, do you swear your loyalty to the mission and understand that if you abandoned it you will be jailed. "

"Jailed?" Thalion's stomach churned.

"Yes, jailed!" The soldier sighed. "As in; if you try to desert, you will be arrested and put in jail!"

Which was the last thing Thalion needed. "Yes."

"Thank you, soldier, take your rest for now. We will all meet in the morning to go through the plans of the mission. "

When Thalion accepted the paper card, he reeled as it seemed to prick him. Was that a papercut? Looking at the card, he noticed a thumb print fading into the card. He blinked. This was one of those registries. Of course they'd have such a thing! Why the hell wouldn't they?! Now they can track him! Thalion you damned fool!

Could he dispose of the card? Should he dispose of the card? Perhaps things won't be that bad. All Thalion needed to do was survive long enough to find Elashor and deal with hi-

A flicker stole his attention. Wings of silk and a glowing body. He blinked, instinct guiding a hand to capture it. But, when he opened his hand, he found nothing. He blinked again. Was that for real? Or did he just imagine that. Somewhere at the edge of Thalion's memory, he had read of such phenomenon. Perhaps a refresher was in order. Nothing cleared Thalion's mind like a bit of study.

But, where would one find a book in such a place? His quarters could wait for a bit. The sound of a fireball being cast directed Thalion east to where the soldiers practiced. Just ask for an archive and begone. Best not to linger...
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

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Banard Kegborne

The company of Dwarves from the South Holds are obviously a close knit group. Friends and family. Proud sons, worthy daughters, mighty fathers, and cunning mothers. Watchful uncles and worthy aunts. And amidst them their friend of the brew, practically a member of each of their families, is Banard. He hefts his silver and steel tankard, golden mead from one of many barrels among the group sloshing but never spilling. They share words of friendship and kind insult and companionship. It's as Banard is taking a hearty drink from his tankard that one of the company members nudges him. He gruffs into his drink then spots the man. He lowers the tankard and smiles, "Ah! Hail friend." He grins and elbows one of the silver haired dwarf maids beside him. The mother of one of the younger dwarf maids in the company, "Goldenbeard. Do you hear that Elisa, that's a good one I like that one!" He chortles then nods, "Aye a long road deserves a good drink. Come. Pull up a stool. Loddy! Yes there lad, dig out one of those other tankards there from the stores, and then dip this lad a full one of the Red we brought. You know the one."

The young beardling, just growing into his beard nods, digging out an oaken tankard from a chest of them, and gets up to dip the tankard in a beautiful red drink. A dwarven whiskey. Full and heady. Banard smiles, "Come then neighbour, sit. Join the Kegborne Company for a time yes? I'm Banard, Banard Kegborne of the Kegborne Brewery Company, stamped with the approval of Lord Steellode himself even." Loddy walks over to the half-elf and offers the still dripping tankard to him. Banard smiles, "And who do we have the pleasure of meeting today sir?" He motions to the half-elf with his silver and steel tankard curiously.

It's then that Banard spots another person nearby. And being the so-shall drinker he is. Yes indeed. If you have a drink then social he! He grins and raises his tankard again to the woman, "Hail there lady! And a fine night to you. Care to join us as well? Banard Kegborne as I said. And here our half-elf guest. The more the merrier. No better way to wait out the night before a battle then with good company and good drink. Mead? Beer? Whiskey? I have a Brown Beer here so thick that it's almost a syrup. And if you don't have any it'll put hair on your chest, be you male or female. Come come and join us!"

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ramiel Wyndham

Ramiel grinned broadly as the dwarves welcomed him into their little gathering. Already with his stool in hand, Ramiel plopped himself firmly within their little circle. Already making himself at home, he graciously accepted the tankard offered to him by the dwarf named Loddy. The drink ruby red and filled his stomach with warmth as he took a short sip. The golden bearded dwarf introduced himself as Banard and the rest of his fellows as members of the Kegborne Brewery Company- a name that Ramiel had not yet heard of. They definitely weren't any company from the Amber Groves, at least that Ramiel could tell from their accents.

"I can't say I've heard of the Kegborne," Ramiel admitted, "But your hospitality is much appreciated." He gestured towards Banard and the rest of his fellows with his borrowed tankard before taking another sip.

"Wyndham is my name, though my friends call me Ramiel" Ramiel said as a way of introduction, "I'm an Amber Groves Ranger- formerly anyway. Not to worry, 'left on good terms, just looking to go my own way was all."

Ramiel turned as well when Banard had noticed another along the outskirts, this one a human woman with striking lilac hair and a maroon coat. He gave her a casual wave in greeting as Banard invited her into the circle as well. All things considered a merrier way to spend an evening than Ramiel had anticipated when entering this place. He had half a thought that he'd have ended up spending the evening sulking off on his own like so many others seemed to be doing. Most of the men and women unaffiliated with either of the major kingdoms' militaries seemed to have been shuffled off to miscellaneous tent blocks like this one, and were probably shuttered inside their tents alone.

The dwarves were smart, There was nothing quite like sharing alcohol to build camaraderie, and where they were going, camaraderie was probably going to be the one thing that kept you alive. No one really cares when someone they don't know gets themselves into a pickle, but share a drink or two with them, and now you at least felt obligated to check on them. Having worked with others and alone for a fair share of time, Ramiel knew there was something comforting about having someone to watch your back. Ramiel supposed the more people he had to watch his back and vice versa, the better chances they had of getting through whatever was going on in Gabaras alive.

"Nothing like a drink to forge a bond between fellows," Ramiel said, holding his tankard out to the woman "If we're all about to march into the unknown, I'd like to know at least a bit about the man or woman walking alongside me.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mavis perked an eye up when she heard mention of herself; not specifically her name, but a quick look around confirmed there were no other human women the dwarf could have meant. Namedropping himself as Banard, his warmth and demeanor was, admittedly, more than a bit infectious. Finishing up in unpacking her items and essentials, Mavis rose herself up and wordlessly shuffled closer to the rather well-sized crowd gathered at the dwarf tent.

“Banard. Ramiel. It’s very nice to meet you both,” said Mavis, giving a nod to both dwarf and half-elf, returning Ramiel’s gesture. “If we’re on the topic of introductions, then allow me one as well. I am Mavis Meadowbane of whoever may pay me the most,” she said with just the shadow of a smirk. Despite the joking, the words rang true, especially in her business of monster slaying. She caught notice of Ramiel mentioning his origins from Amber Grove but kept quiet about them for now. Interesting, interesting all the same.

What she couldn’t ignore was the offering of drinks. “I mean no disrespect but….” Mavis said before her words trailed off. She almost considered saying how the alcohol was probably not the wisest idea if they were to move out the next day but thought better of it. The goal of these first interactions were to build relations, no? What better use of their time was there but to establish connections? In any case, it did no harm in having some drink.

Without further word, Mavis took the offered treat from Ramiel though took it in sips rather than bellows as some of the other occupants had. Instantly she decided this was the right decision with no regret, for the drink was actually quite filling. “What then, brings you all to retake a cursed city?” she asked, lazily resting on her spear embedded to the ground as she sipped along her tankard.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

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Banard Kegborne

Banard smiles, offering Mavis a tankard of her own and smiling at them both. He looks at the drinks as Mavis looks them over, "Let me tell you something lass. Where I come from, a raised tankard before a battle, is the best way to know someone has your back. A person who won't drink with a comrade, isn't worth their salt." He raises his tankard to both Mavis and Ramiel, "Because this this liquid courage, shows you are ready, willing even to suffer to the end with your company in the future. My companyn may return to the South Holds before the week is out, but they leave us with stout cheer and well wishes and the alcohol to steel your nerve before the foe!" The dwarven company cheer. From Beardling to Longbeard, from dwarf maid to dwarf ranger. All to a one cheering on the people who will march tomorrow to the aid of a city.

He nods to Mavis and Ramiel, "Drink, a cup or a tankard, a jar or a cask. Drink and know this is my oath to you both that come the morrow. I will don my armor, take up my axe, march to the gates of hell beside you, watch your back and carry you out of the fires of damnation when the time comes. That is my oath." He downs the contents of his tankard, "And a Kegborne keeps his oath. To the last moment, be it in a bloody last stand or a mythic battle to the end." He smiles, "Come you two, a toast! A toast to our coming battle! Dwarves! Humans! Elves and all! Raise your cups high!" He thrusts his tankard into a barrel scooping up more liquor then raises it to the sky toasting his new comrades. The Dwarves letting out a rowdy cheer. And a chant of, "Warriors, thanes, lords, warriors, to the end!" Begins among them.

Banard grinning ear to ear as he nods to Mavis and Ramiel.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WanderingDragon

WanderingDragon Professional Murderhobo

Member Seen 9 mos ago


He would be quick, Thalion decided, and walked towards what seemed like a fence. It went up to his shoulder, and beyond it he could see a mage lobbing spells at soldiers in a formation. For a moment, the aspiring Duskblade forgot himself, observing the session. The spells were low intensity, more spectacle than substance. Each time the mage lobbed a fireball, the soldiers would form up, their tower shields forming a wall. Each time, the fireball would shatter into sparks against the shields. Afterward, another mage would busily snuff out the embers before they became full on fires.

"Can I help you?"

Thalion blinked back to himself, looking a soldier in the eyes. "Oh, er. I was wondering where the archive was? I figured I'd do a bit of reading before bed?"

The soldier was a tall elf, helmet off as he bore purple eyes and short blonde hair. "The archive?" The soldier spoke with a strange accent most likely that of an Amber Grove tribe. "No archive here. But there are scholars and informants to the north, surrounding the main gates of the general's camp. Are you looking for anything specific?"

Thalion's response caught in his throat. Exactly what he did not need right now! Still, would not answering him be suspicious? Maybe it would b- "Oh, just thought I'd read up a little on what we're up against!" Came out of him without a second thought. "Know your enemy, right?" He added, then immediately kicked himself. He shouldn't be talking so much, lingering so long!

"Ah... " The elven soldier nodded, a thumb coming to his chin as he thought for a moment. "A debriefing is due for tomorrow morning. Your best bet is to only wait-- but I stress, not even the magi or spies from each of the encampment knows what is going on. But if you follow that path... " The elven man points to a crossing path, aimed northward. "You'll find knowledgeable magi with theories. " He smiles, nodding his head to you as he puts his iron helmet back on continuing his patrol around the training area.

At this, Thalion nodded and thanked the elf. He turned and began up the path directed. Okay, so that didn't go badly. Soldier didn't ask any questions, no signs of- A thought occured; should he have asked after Master Elashor? No, that might raise too many questions. The authorities already knew Thalion tried to implicate him when arrested. He remembered how they laughed in his face, called him a liar. How they shamed and berated him for trying to frame an innocent man, as if the one they'd bloody and beaten later one wasn't the innocent party! It didn't matter. If Master Elashor, or any of the others were here, Thalion would encounter them in time. At least, he hoped.

He followed the dirt road as instructed, passing the many rows of tents as he sees a collection of elves, dwarves, humans, and even orcs preparing for the coming battle. As he progressed down the road, he could feel an intense amount of magical pressure, a telltale sign of a collection of magic already being used. More than halfway down the dirt path he could see a camp atop a hill surrounded by wooden walls but if Thalion looked closer, he could see tiny wisps of mana surrounding the wall like a shield of some sort. Guards and robed figures trailing the wall, most likely on patrol.

His gaze shifts back to down the hill and the path divides again from the left, he clearly see an opening surrounded by tents. But the tents here looked fancier, draped in blue-cloth, and were even larger than those near the entrance of the encampment. Robed figures and adventurers bearing staffs walked about in this area and he could easily tell that this was the place the elven guard had mentioned. Although most likely of no interest to Thalion, the pathway to the right was simply another dirt road trailed by tents and even more guards.

For a while, Thalion marveled at the place. He'd read about the use of barriers in military operations, even in some mage towers. But, to see it in person was... No, can't linger. The sun was getting low. He went down the hill, trying to keep gravity's pull from making him rush down the mountain. Steady steps, blend in, be a body in the crowd. He looked around for a bit, then turned to one mage. "Er, excuse me, is there anywhere I might get to look up something?" He inquired.

The mage turned to him, wearing colors of a black coat, lined with red stitching signifying their allegiance to the Kogani. They opened their eyes revealing amber orbs. "The informant's tent is unavailable to lower-ranked adventurers and soldiers. " The mage spoke in a deep voice their Kogani accent showing. "What were you looking for... hafling?" The mage said, a suspicious tinge rolling off their tongue.

Damnit! Was he that obvious? He should run. He wanted to. He should never have come to this place. He should have fled elsewhere! He should... He should answer the question, at least. "Just looking to do a bit of reading before bed is all?" That insecure tinge at the end sounded like a did give away. He wished he could see his own face. Were his ears that obvious, despite this ridiculous hairdo? "Had an urge to look up magical phenomenon. You see, I haven't had much time to pack before I left home, so I'd nothing to read during the journey"

"Hmm... " The mage hummed ignoring your odd mannerisms and looked at Thalion with an observational gaze. His eyes met yours for a moment before they crossed around your body as if they were looking through him. "Describe this... phenomenon to me hafling. " The mage said again, this time with a higher tone, interest tying in with their words

He hesitated. How... Was this person reading his mind? Strange, he was sure he didn't sense the ebb and flow of mana to cast it. Or, was Thalion simply not paying attention? "Er, what do you mean?" Slipped out of him. He hoped he'd done a better job of composing himself this time

The mage chuckled, eyes cold and calculated- squinting as they stared. "The phenomenon. Tell me. " They said clearly, their gaze shifting into a critical one as the mage stared. As they waited for Thalion's reply, his fears were confirmed, lines of mana moved around their eyes but unlike most mages, the mana that pervaded their orbs was almost one to one. Only experts could cast magic with no inclination of magical aura-- perhaps this guard was the same.

Well, this was bad. If this mage could see that he had an encounter of the magical kind, then it would only be a matter of time before they discovered why he was here in the first place! They'd see that he'd escaped, and that he was brought to that factory under false pretenses, and that... That Thalion could be innocent. But, another question remained, would they look that far? Would they care if they did?

Best to try to cut this short. "I'm not sure if I recall. I... I was approached by something glowing. A sprite, or perhaps a will'o wisp, perhaps?"

The mage burst out in a deep laugh. Going into a daze as his head was whipped back, "Ah... Forgive me. " The mage said, their kogani accent more pronounced this time. They returned their gaze, standing straight as their eyes shifted into a calm stare. "I only jest, soldier. I can tell you are a criminal of sorts, but worry not-- there are many working through their debt in the encampment. " The mage's statement was broad, you could tell that they didn't know the specifics of your history.

"Ah... but let's see a sprite? Will'o wisp? Frankly impossible. Due to the intense magic energy gathering at Gabaras each encampment is installed with an anti-magic barrier of sorts. Even I don't know the specifics but that barrier is strong enough to ward out... even the strongest of spirits-- adding onto that we are in Kogani soil, spirits are more likely to become more apparent in the Amber Forests. " A chuckle followed again, the mage coming to pat his shoulder as they wiped a loose tear from their eye.

He nodded slowly. "Right, well, where might I find something to read?" Thalion grunted, gently brush the hand from his shoulder. That was enough socializing for tonight. He just needed to be on his way, and away from this invasive lout!

"No books I'm afraid, hafling. Anything related to the event is on lockdown unless authorized so- you'll have to resort to meek fairy tales or oral lore... but the night is young. You should rest, the day will be long tomorrow. " The mage nodded, winking, looking satisfied with their answer. "Now if that is all... return to your row. "

Thalion nodded, lest another word reveal something else, or at least prolong this awkwardness. He left, hands empty, and his head full with new worries. Somebody here knows something, and that's good enough reason to flee. But, that would be more unwanted attention. When he arrived at his tent, not even noticing which number he occupied, he collapse. Exhaustion? It didn't matter. Tomorrow, he'd only need to worry about surviving.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Patroxclus
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Chapter 0.5 : A Glowing Crystal

The sun crawled over the horizon, its beams of light looming over the sky as it rose to fruition. Soldiers and adventurers awoke from their slumber. Some in a drunken daze while others head to the communal areas to clean themselves or eat. Either way, the atmosphere was quite serious and dense, everyone was leaning towards one singular goal and that was to take over Gabaras from its… mysterious plague.

Eventually, those enlisted to the quest as adventurers would be gathered northwest to the wide-field. Multiple announcers lining the westward wall and in the middle were multiple esteemed generals, commanders, and the like. A crowd of a few hundred were in the field standing in the morning mist.

A man walks forward-facing the crowd, garnished in silver pauldrons, gauntlets, greaves, and sabatons. The lengths of black robes lined with white tucked into the bits of armor that he wore. A katana was hoisted to his side, a hand resting on its hilt. His voice was loud and prominent the announcers from a few hundred feet away began preparing a spell most likely to amplify his voice to different sections of the west-wall gathering.

The commander revealed from the insides of his robes a blue crystal shaped like a pointed diamond. It hovered over his palm, gleaming with a soft light that became even brighter under the sun. Its surface was rigid, roughly cut from an unknown cluster. Hideyoshi raised the crystal to the sky and it let out a soft spread of magic, a calming air releasing from its form as it held steady for a few moments until the commander beckoned the crystal to return to his hands.

A moment of silence passes, followed by crowd chatter as the commander then speaks again.

"Godspeed to you all-- this is no easy task... we ride at noon and ride straight towards Gabaras-- there you will be split into your groups and be debriefed of the specific nature of your route. "

The commander nods and makes his way back into the line with the other generals and respective commanders. They move down the hill and back towards their main camps, this time the voice of multiple announcers overlap.


After the crowd disbanded, groups of the enlisted went straight for their camps to prepare for the venture towards Gabaras. Hundreds began the move towards the northern gates following the straight dirt path around the main camp. From behind the main camp revealed another set of even larger gates compared to the entrance that allowed cart and horse travel to enter.

Beyond the gates were groups of carts and already the enlisted were being carted out to the direction of Gabaras. Soldiers directed groups of enlisted towards the remaining carts until eventually, the hundreds of enlisted were on their way to the city. It took a handful of hours before Gabaras showed itself in its full scale.

Tall stone walls edged the skyline, the city itself was so wide from your position you couldn't discern the curve that formed the iconic circular city of Gabaras. The stone walls sported ballistas hanging off their tall edge, and below were empty slits of which you could only assume were unoccupied.

The carts dropped off the many adventurers, generals, commanders, soldiers, and shortly was a medium-sized campsite constructed. A rest was in place for an hour and the enlisted rest upon the hilly plains outside of Gabaras. An hour passed and names began being called along with their respective row numbers. Those called were lead into the tents and convened with their group leaders.

Your name was called and would be lead into a tent along with a few others. Five nameless generals would come to greet you, all men sporting black and red Kogani colors. The tent would be filled with about fifty other enlisted and once everyone was collected one of the many generals began to speak.

"The task is simple. We follow this map... " A general would reveal a map, lifting it into the air so the fifty enlisted could see its entirety. The map had the beginning layout of the city, a line indicating the start of a trail would begin at the gate of Gabaras and then branch out into five groups. These five would be signified by different colors of lines red, green, purple, and blue.

"Our task is to cover the first sector of Gabaras. Meaning the area around the gate, this mission should be simple and quick. After the encampments have finished covering the outer layer of Gabaras in crystals we move into the 2nd layer, and then 3rd, and so forth. "

The nameless general nodded, "Now then. Groupings! Ten of you will be assigned a color. " Yet again another bout of name-calling would be announced. Luckily for you, your mates of Row C and a few others were gathered to a group of ten led by a shorter general with curly black hair and pointed ears. There would also be a female mage beside him, taller and sporting blonde hair dressed in priest robes. If you observed closely you could sense a companionship between the two...

The general would introduce himself as, A'shtolen and the female mage as, Maria. After the short introductions, he would speak. "Our mission is the same as explained. Protect Maria as she prepares the five crystals and we follow the purple route. We will be covering a residential district-- Maria holds five crystals and each of the five will be placed along the blocks of the district after that we return and wait for a new route. "

A'shtolen nodded affirmingly eyeing his group as he gestures for everyone to follow. He leads the group out of the tent and down an incline towards the gate of Gabaras. Past the stone arch can you see a group of blue crystals clustered together being tended to by a group of mages. Beyond the gate was a stone city- of brick and tile.

The city was massive, much larger than Kogani or the Amber Groves. It was sophisticated, you could tell that the citizens of this district lived in formality and comfortability. The path divided into three, one long cobblestone road aiming straight for the castle while the other two followed the walls. In the base of these dividing streets was a cluster of blue crystals protecting the gate from distortions.

A'shtolen nods to the passing groups and the collection of guards that protected the gate. The group entered slowly. The general turns and looks to his group while he walks back and gives a deep sigh. "Are we ready?" he asks with an unsure tone.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

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Banard Kegborne

The dwarf company had woken blearily, but they seem to be quite used to these kinds of morning. And some of the company are already going about packing up the company's assets. When the call to gather is made, Banard and a few of his company mates go to watch and listen. As the head honcho speaks Banard stands there, powerful arms crossed across his chest. He casually leans over to whisper to one of his company mates, "Man has got some pipes on him gotta say." The dwarf beside him grinning behind his beard in agreement. And then the crystals and part of the plan is revealed. Banard hums, "How's this gonna work out..."

As the speech came to an end and the order was given to make ready Banard returned to his company. A huddle occured as the close knit group of dwarves, being all family and friends who worked close with the Kegborne family. So seeing their current master going away and too battle, it's a time of worry. So the huddle and whispered well wishes.

"Go with the Ancestor's strength in yer arms lad." One long beard says.

"Strength, Honor, Clan, and Luck big brother." A young dwarf lass says.

"Luck in battle dear boy." A handsome Dwarf Maid says just before she busses him heavily on the lips.

And soon Banard speaks, "My heart and body stay here, but my love and honor go back with you. Remember me to my wife and kids. And the lot of you, pack everything up and get the hell back to the South Holds." He trades handshakes and warm wishes around then parts ways.

Soon he's in his tent, donning the chest plate. the leather gloves and pauldrons. A small cask of something that looked golden and thick to one hip, his steel greaves and boots and the skull cap upon his head. On the other hip his steel and silver tankard. And finally at the small of his back his dwarven axe, the edge shining from care. It's a full armed, and armored but not quite filthy dwarf warrior, golden beard braided into several heavy plaits that arrives to the carts.

And as he stands his arms crossed across his chest again he waits for the go ahead from their leader.

Sensing the unease, Banard hums and harkens back to his time in the Deep Miners. He draws his axe, turning it so the head is down towards the ground and he begins to beat a tattoo, slow and solemn on the ground. His voice is deep and lusty. A chant? A song? His intent obviously to try and lend some courage and morale to the moment.

When the hammer falls
Forging weapons for all
When the hammer falls
Songs of battle fill the halls
When the hammer flies
Lines of armored dwarves arise
With the hammer's roar
We go marching off to war
When the hammer falls
When the hammer falls

When the hammer falls
Then our victory calls
When the hammer falls
Songs of glory fill the halls
When the hammer flies
Mighty heroes now arise
With the hammer's sound
Live the dwarves down underground
When the hammer falls
When the hammer falls

The foe came to our lands
And we fought them hand to hand
Sweat and blood
Turned the groud to mud
Dwarf and foe in strife
Sought to vanquish every life
When the hammer falls

When the hammer falls
Back our enemy crawls
When the hammer quakes
Foe cowards bones will break
When the hammer cracks
And it beats their armies back
When the hammer's boom
Sends the foes to their doom
When the hammer falls
When the hammer falls

He chuckles at the end of it and lifts his axe to the sky, roaring a cheer, "Don't feel worry now lads! Stick to yer words! Onwards aye! We can do this!" The little golden haired dwarf sure as well has alot of courage in his little frame.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mavis wasn’t surprised a dwarf would have such comradery with complete strangers, but she supposed it could be worse. There were others who might have taken the loner’s path in this encampment, or even worse, be outright hostile to their potential allies. Arrogance and pride were factors among the young, especially when adventure and glory were near. All the same, it was a nice change of pace to have some people pledge loyalty. Indeed, she wasn’t much surprised.

Instead, she merely nodded along to Banard’s words before doing as he instructed. While she wouldn’t participate hard into the merry going of their assembled crew, a drink or two wouldn’t hurt. With her mug, she raised it in rite of Banard’s toast as he further announced his oath for all to hear. She was almost sure the entire camp could hear them with the amount of loud ruckus they were putting off and wondered if the dwarf’s promise applied to all within earshot.

Morning came and went as it did, accompanied by the announcements that were promised to the enlisted. Mavis listened with some interest as each speech was made, specifically about what they were facing. Fighting the citizens? That almost seemed counterproductive but if Gabaras truly was being distorted in reality then matters were a bit more…complicated than most people expected. Still, it did draw eye to what exactly was going on in the darkened city. With their basic objectives set, the crowd dispersed to their own individual companies to move out.

A few more briefings later and Mavis found herself in near-familiar company. Indeed, all those from Row C were gathered into one group as they prepared for one last time before entering the city itself. So then, the goal was like the others, to protect the assigned mage? That seemed simple enough and Mavis had to smirk to herself at the prospect of what horrible creatures and monstrosities awaited them in the city….ah, but she was getting ahead of herself again.

Mavis almost expected the tone and atmosphere to remain in their group; that being one of solemn coming. However, she knew that wouldn’t last for long as she heard what sounded like chanting before it evolved into a full-on hymn. Immediately she knew, it had to be Banard, and couldn’t help but chuckle as his attempts to lighten the moods and spirits. Well, it was certainly appreciated no doubt. She only hoped the noise wouldn’t attract the creatures in darkness too early…

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ramiel Wyndham

The night was well spent, with merriment and alcoholism in equal measure. While Ramiel enjoyed his new company, he was careful not to get too inebriated- the morning after would be hell, and it was a bad look on his part to his rather new company of fellows. He toasted along with Banard and Mavis, and enjoyed the company of the dwarf's entourage for the evening. Drinking late into the evening, Ramiel listened to stories about the dwarves and told some of his own as well.

In the morning, Ramiel awoke in his tent- still bare as Ramiel had not bothered to do more than move his bags from mule to tent, and hadn't unpacked before visiting the dwarves. As a result, he woke up on the dirt, using his pack for a pillow. He wasn't sure how he got back, but his back definitely felt tense from sleeping on the ground. Still, there was no time to waste, and Ramiel quickly prepared himself for battle. He quickly pulled on his armor, a set of toughened leather and chainmail, with steel bracers and knee guards. He pulled his jacket and scarf around himself and readied his weapons. His shortsword was sheathed at the small of his back, his folded bow hooked to the sheath as well. His arcane pistol sat in a fine leather holster on his belt, and his quiver was slung over his shoulders.

The announcements and briefings followed soon after, as the camp seemed to pack up in unison and prepared to leave. They were given their assignments and broken up into smaller units, with 50 of them, including his neighbors being pulled off to protect their respective assignments, Their group of 50 were then broken up into even smaller squads of 10, each presumably assigned to protect a officer and mage, in their case a pair of Kogani named A'shtolen and Maria, their officer and mage respectively.

On the one hand, Ramiel was relieved it wasn't a free-for-all blitz into the City, but on the other hand, he didn't particularly enjoy the idea of being cannon fodder for a pack of officer's he'd never met, and apparently didn't even care to know the names of those following them into the thick of things. He had a few questions himself too, like how long have the Kogani known about these crystals, and how did they know the effects it would have on Gabaras? Furthermore, how did they know the returning civilians would attack them- not to mention the idea of fighting civilians kind of soured the thought. It wasn't the same as fighting monsters or bandits- weren't these people the ones they were trying to rescue?

Ramiel shrugged and brushed the thoughts from his mind as they stood before the city. His biggest concern would probably be staying alive in the urban jungle of Gabaras. He looked down at his gear and gave himself a rueful scowl, while the green and brown helped him remain less conspicuous in the woods he was used to tracking in, they would probably do little more than cause him to stick out in the urban environment of Gabaras.

The dwarf hummed them a battle song, and the officer seemed nervous. Ramiel narrowed his eyes, unconfident leadership often spelled death for the men and women under their command, but he didn't comment. Rather he rolled his shoulders and released a few magical sparks from his fingertips.

"Ready as I'll ever be. Let's get started."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by WanderingDragon

WanderingDragon Professional Murderhobo

Member Seen 9 mos ago


The following evening had been a solitary, if restless one. Not helped by those noisy Dwarves drinking and cheering. Were they not aware they'd be heading to battle tomorrow? Or, may be they were, and the drinks was to ease their nerves. Some merriment before the trials that were to come.

And so, a restless mind drifted home. Back to the summer festival where drink and merriment were in great supply. Those nights saw young men scouring the streets for a young lady to dance with. Though, many hoped to do more than just dance in the streets. There was a lass he clasped hands with, there; a lithe, but shapely maiden with brunette locks that fell to the small of her back, and eyes that shimmered like the night's sky. It was a good memory, even if he'd never seen her since; the lass was from out of town, the festival and occasion to see relatives.

Thalion wondered what she was doing now. He wondered why he'd wonder such a thing. There were more pressing matters to concern himself with. And yet, the memory of a carefree night, with a belly of wine and the company and a friendly girl, put him at ease. Then finally, did he sleep.

The following morning, the young Half-Elf was slow to awaken. He merely had time to strap on that shepherd's axe before he was summoned to hear the announcements. He recognized the Half-Elf speaking; Oda Hideyoshi, the should be leader of Kogani. Why would someone as capable and believed as him turn down the crown? But, as much as he should pay attention, the lack of proper rest made much of the announcement go by in the blur.

"... But with the help of our mages, we can safely enter Gabaras... with these."

The glow of that crystal snapped Thalion back to the present. That looked familiar... Where had he read about crystals of that caliber? And there were several more of then? Well, he shouldn't put it passed a government entity to be able to acquire rare and expensive resourc-

"... But there is a catch... when an area of Gabaras is 'cured' from the reality distortions its citizens will appear out of thin air and begin attacking."

Thalion felt his jaw clench.

Don't you understand, Thalion? Those days art done! The heroes you study and idolize are gone; buried and forgotten! 'Tis an age of avaris, of hubris now! And that is why you must pity them not! Sympathize with them not! All who stand against this sacred mission, all who do not join our sacred mission are enemies!

When Master Elashor said this, it was as if he were a different person. Was that what was happening here? It didn't matter if these people were civilians. If they attacked, they were the enemy. And the enemy was to be killed.

It became more apparent joining this mission was a fools errand! He can't be apart of this! He had to- No, the card would track him if he tried to leave. Thalion shook his head and tried to focus. Surely these people don't mean to actually harm the civilians; this was a rescue mission, after all!

When it was time to get moving, Thalion followed his group to their cart. he sat in a corner, his face away from the others, trying to blend in. Then a song broke out from one of the Dwarves, and he caught his foot tapping, despite his predicament. It'd be nice to share a song. But, a fugitive doesn't sing.

Still, when they were unloaded and lead into their tent, they were met by one of the commanders and a holy woman, of all people. Still, much else seemed lost on Thalion, his troubled mind spinning again.

"We're not going to hurt those people are we?" He realized too late he had said too loud.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Patroxclus
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Chapter o.7: A Floral Field

A soft hum emitted from a cluster of glowing blue crystals placed near the entryway of the gate. Itsb energies pouring out from its form creating a transparent barrier overlapping the first area of the city. The mentioned distortions were clear and apparent, beyond the border was the sky already bending unnaturally like broken water or waves created by a passing boat. From the ripples within the sky time was diluted, the light was dominant but within Gabaras some areas beyond the protection of the crystal were covered in greedy darkness.

You're general, or A'shtolen was a weak-willed man. Paired with a clear lover, he was intent on keeping her safe but as he arrived within the limits of Gabaras his fear overtook him. The man could remember the last party of scouts and soldiers that had passed into Gabaras... they were all gone. He shook, hitched breaths lapping out of his mouth as he stared straight forward his eyes following a long path that stretched to the castle.

His thoughts were interrupted by a human-looking mage. "We're not going to hurt those people are we?

A moment of silence passed, grunting at the thought before his companion, Maria nudged his shoulder urging him for a response. "Yes! Of course. " the general was clearly unsure of what he was doing. His answer unsatisfactory to his companion and looked away to observe the distortions outside. "Sorry... let's get moving. " The general muttered, his sentence loud and clear hopefully reaching the ears of his teammates.

You're led by the general, A'shtolen through the leftwards path that lines the walls of Gabaras. The pathway was shaded and the sun was nowhere in sight. You pass by stone and brick buildings, poles every few hundred feet holding thick black strings unknown to you. As you continued on your path the destruction became clearer signs of continuous battles. Slashes against brick dried blood prevalent on the pathway but there were no bodies.

Groups began to separate into their respective paths, walking towards aimless streets and alleyways that derived from the leftward path. Eventually, you too would be led down a certain street, the signs of hostility and battle became less active as you followed this path. Though it was clear that the barrier was at its capacity by the heavy movement from the distortions above.

"We're here. "

Your general says, his voice piercing through the silence or possible silence from the group. He trekked ahead, his sword drawn pointed outward as if to expect something. And expect something he did, his sword lightly tapped against the edge of the entryway's barrier. It was lighter in color compared to the dark blues from the entryway. It was extremely clear but its form made the outside world blurry. From what you could make out, past the barrier was a regular street but dawned with large houses and fenced areas.

"Remember the plan. Stick close, protect Maria, and don't fuck up. "

The general's voice was clear and deeper than usual, he puffed out a breath of air his sword wiggling against the barrier before making his move through. A'shtolen was the first to pass and as he walked through the blurry nothingness in front of him he disappeared and his body couldn't be seen past the barrier. Maria smiled looking back towards you, she gave a reassuring smile and beckoned to follow and so too did her body disappear past the barrier.

You hesitate before following Maria and A'shtolen. Passing the barrier was easy, but now you were in distortion zones. The image from the barrier you just left betrayed you, in front of you were indeed large houses and fenced areas but outside they were destroyed, overgrown with flora and fauna. But from this destruction, parts of buildings and houses were still existing and untouched by the destruction surrounding them.

The most prevalent appearance of distortions were the fields of wildflowers that actively covered the ground beneath you. And above was the passing daylight and night sky, originally you saw what looked like rippling waves of water but now the sky was bending and ripping like paper, and from those rips was the greed of darkness enveloping areas of Gabaras. Luckily A'shtolen and Maria moved fast and just as they had left the barrier they were already on their way to the first crystal point.

You would be lead down the fragmented street, within those fragments were flowers or untouched brick as if fresh out of a sculptor's hands. You'd most likely expect a distortion to come crashing down on you but you notice Maria with her hands already placed on a crystal, passively forming a protective barrier as she followed A'shtolen. Within her minuscule barrier, the distortions of destruction and flowers would return to regular street and unbroken bricks but as soon as they passed the distortions would return.

Finally, you would reach a plaza of sorts a cardinal pathway that met at the middle. Maria prepared herself, grabbing a crystal's rugged form as she knelt at the center and focused her thoughts and magical energies on it. A wave of magical energy would escape the crystal and begin enveloping the area in a heavy barrier of magicks, strings attached to the insides of the barrier that based themselves at the crystals form. Like electricity, it would rapidly touch the surface of the inside barrier and zap at the nearby distortions, removing them from existence as the area around you would begin to reform.

Wildflowers disappeared, ruins of houses returned into untouched buildings, and so on. The reconstruction of the area brought a strange beauty back into Gabaras but also a heavy feeling of another force...

"Get ready-- I expect trouble to come."

The general says, his eyes darting between the surrounding buildings. His eyes looked past windows and walls as he attempts to seek out a possible enemy. His hand laid calmly over the hilt of his sword but the sweat protruding from his leather gloves said otherwise. Maria worked at the crystal, tendrils that acted like electricity slowly phased away distortions until there were no more and retracted back to the crystal. All that was left was to increase the size and strength of the barrier and as minutes passed the teal hue of the barrier shifted into a deep blue. And what followed after was a thick silence that blanketed the air.

"I think I'm done!"

Maria giggled, a sigh lapsing from her mouth as she jumps in a cheer. She goes to wipe the sweat off her brow and forehead and for a moment you could see A'shtolen lighten his features and move his glance towards the blonde mage. But her cheer was cut short as a woman tackled the mage to the ground, she sported a torn bright red and dark brown dress and enthralled herself at the mage. Before the general could yell a halting command his foot had already connected with the assailant's head. The strange woman flew to the side, her body lifelessly flailing across the pavement as she moans, "Urghh...Ahh..."


Before the commander could finish his sentence the woman screamed, blood splattering out from her throat as she launched herself onto the man. But before she could land, A'shtolen sliced the hostile stranger in two. The woman's body falling abruptly to the ground as blood and innards leaked from the slice. The general gasped in a hitched breath before a dozen of citizens began appearing out of thin air, dressed in noble wear.

They all looked normal, lacking any sign of possession or even any sort of infection that would lead to this sort of reaction. Noblemen and women launched themselves at the group in a crazed sweep. Arms lifelessly swinging at the team. The crazed citizens would grab and bite at any unguarded part of the group. They moved like feral dogs, but some on the other hand took a more 'human' approach.

Specifically, a group of ten nobles stood from afar, a few feet from the group as they watched with a cold and meaningful gaze. They would only move after the feral citizens were eliminated. After the first wave of feral citizens was dealt with the nobles began their attack, walking towards the group in a prepared stance, unlike the feral that had just attacked.

Four dashed from the group, bearing swords and shields. One threw their sword with strange strength, a sound whipping into the air as it spun towards Maria but just as it was about to strike the general deflected the projectile.

"They're targeting Maria!"

A'shtolen calls out, he stands close to his companion as he clashes with one of the weapon-bearing noblemen. The rest began their advance to overwhelm the general, it was obvious that their goal was to eliminate the mage that cultivated the barrier.

Clashes of magic and steel erupted from within the barrier, the weaponless crazed would follow behind, striking with unarmed attacks and punching whenever a member of the group was distracted by a strike from another. The battle would continue for the next few minutes before the final member of the crazed would be slashed by the general. At the fight's end, the street would be covered in blood, limbs scattered about the cobblestone path as the general shook in disgust and awe. It wasn't his first time in a battle like this but it was different. These were unknowing citizens.

The general fell to his knees, dropping into a puddle of blood as his head arches forward. A dreaded feeling sprouts through his veins, shaky breathing escaping from his mouth as he sits in disbelief. Where these real innocents? Was this a cruel joke? A'shtolen thought. His memory playing over the countless crazed he had killed, his arcane eye passively working at the innards of the crazed civilians. There was no infection, there were no traces of possession, could distortions even do this? He asked himself before a calming hand came over his shoulders.

It was Maria and her gentle hands kneaded at his shoulders as she whispered for him to stand. She takes the general's gloves and wipes the blood off their leathery surface before putting them back on the man.

"There is a reason for everything, Myora... We have to keep going. "

A string of battles would continue, the process would repeat. Maria would set down a crystal, focusing her energies into its rugged form while a wave of feral citizens followed by weapon-bearing citizens. There was a strange repeat of scenarios as if it was on purpose. Feral and then the knowledgeable, feral, and then the knowledgeable. There was definitely something afoot but A'shtolen couldn't put his mind to it neither could Maria as they were both focused on the task at hand.

Soon enough the final crystal was placed at the end of the street that leads back to the wall of Gabaras. This time the final crystal was placed with no following battle. And Maria let out a gasp, followed by laughter. She smiled happily, With the passing minutes the final barrier would be completed and the surrounding distortions throughout the residential district would completely disappear.

"We-... we did it! "

The blonde mage claps as she went in to hug the elven general, he responded with a light pat on her back as he looked towards the team. His gaze calmer compared to the start of the mission. He looked to his wrist, equipped with some sort of device that ticked quietly but went unnoticeable until now.

"Aye. It is time to head back, we'll follow the wall and return to the gate. About three hours have passed. We'll probably take on one more district until we can re- "

The general would suddenly stop speaking and Maria would look at him with a worried glance and before she could touch him she stopped in her tracks. Her body fell to the ground as she suddenly started screaming in pain. Her eyes brimming with tears as a foamy substance began to release from her mouth, her body violently shook against the ground as she wreathed in pain. Her veins bulging out from her skin as blood began to leak from her nose and eyes.

Her hand went out to A'shtolen, the man still unmoving and silent. She attempted to call for help but was muffled by a substance that escaped her mouth. She continued her spasms until she went silent but unlike the general she was dead, her body strangely cold as the foamy substance continued to escape her body.

Tears released from the general's unmoving body. He fell back, his body still in the same position, and as he fell you would notice that an arrow had pierced the form of the final crystal. Already cracks would begin to form along the barrier, its shape moving unnaturally. It seized and then expanded rapidly until it made it a great pop! sound like a balloon.

Instantly would the distortions fill the area. A booming sound filled the chaos, a rip had appeared and stolen the light from the area. Blades of sunlight danced through the darkness and you could see the buildings growing and actively changing but at the same time foliage grew at brick and stone. Buildings around you would collapse and then suddenly become anew while the ground you stood at was filled with wildflowers that seemed to grow around your feet. If you released your foot from the ground you could see the ground under for a split second as dirt but then was filled with flowers.

This cycle continued before a rippling wave of bending reality came over each member of the group, swallowed by distortions until eventually, A'shtolen was the only one left.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Mavis wasn’t sure if she heard that right. Maybe she was still tired in the head and didn’t get enough sleep, but the more she played back the mission briefing in her head, the more she realized they were supposed to be fighting the civilians. Wouldn’t that be detrimental, if not contradicting their entire mission? Unless there was a catch and the civilians of Gabaras had long since been turned into monsters of madness. It seemed she wasn’t the only one with these thoughts either, hearing someone in their crew actually question the plan aloud.

Ultimately, the answer to his response didn’t matter. Regardless of morals or reasoning, that was their orders. Mavis made a mental note of that, though she did so with a frown. She signed up for monster slaying, not civilian slaughter, but she’d let time wait its course to see just what they were dealing with. Deeper and deeper their group traversed, passing by barriers as they entered an area surrounded by many noble-looking houses. Suddenly they stopped and with their halt came the first of many blood battles that overtook the group’s footing and wear.

Mavis’ suspicions were all but confirmed with the first attack, the woman leaking blood as she attempted to attack Maria. Indeed, it seemed that, by now, the citizens of Gabaras had all but lost their minds. “Best to consider them as monsters if not for our own sanity,” she gravely said to anyone who listened. A string of more blood combat would follow one after the other. By the time the three hours were spent, Mavis’ spear was dripping in the blood of innocents.

“As innocent as they could be,” she sighed, finding a wall to rest against while her short sword rested by her side. All seemed well enough for the most part until a scream filled the area. Instantly Maria was brought back to alert, watching as Maria fell over dead by some strange substance while an arrow was suddenly embedded into the crystal they all sought to maintain. “Shi-” And then the world blackened as distortions and reality blended into one another.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by BigPapaBelial
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BigPapaBelial I have seen you...I have watched you...

Member Online

Banard Kegborne

It was a slog. A heavy and hard one. There had been fighting and it had harkened back to times of memory. Of standing shoulder to shoulder with other dwarves. Axe in hand, in the front line as hordes of deep-things and rival goblin and orcish miners had charged their mines. Their heavy star iron armor, half mining kit, half tank like armor again the dangers of the deep mines. It was almost like that as they fought their way to their positions.

As they stood there he had placed himself to watch a direction from which more enemies, those shades or the other things that looked real but felt all wrong. He waited, axe held in one hand, the steel and silver tankard he'd used as equal parts bludgeon and shield through the fights in the other. But now he stands. Waiting watching, "Come on then you buggers. Dok here. Watch me. I swore a Baraz to these people. And as my ancestors as my witness, will I carry it through!"

A shade came running from a pile of rubble near by. He caught the things swinging clawed hand on the flat of his tankard. Hearing a cry of pain from the thing and briefly Banard saw the visage of a young man, barely out of his teens, standing there hissing in pain. The shade resolving into it's old self briefly. But then the vision faded, and the beast tried to bite his face off. He brought the tankard down and slammed it across the beasts face, then followed that up with a rising smash of the blade head of his axe, "Az and Duraz and Duum." He stepped back and looked around.

The Southholds weren't as pretty as this place. But he could see Dwarvish hands, fine Dawi craftsmenship. He lowered his guard for a moment looking about, "The people of this place...the shining Durak soul of it all...that's what we're fighting." He sighs, "Pray to the ancestors...all of you we've felled and hewn today. I'll carry a Hunk after today." He gulps, "It's too easy, too simple. This feels wrong." It felt wrong, to fight these shades. Like he was taking something away, not like the mines. It was straight foward there. No this is something else.

And suddenly he turned, seeing first one then the other of their leaders fall. His eyes going wide, "No...what...how!" He looks around, "Archer! Arc..." He feels it, "Something's wrong..." He looked around and got to see Mavis, the girl with the staff. He blinks, something...a wave of something. A rumble and she's gone. He turns and spins, "What the hell was i doing leaving my Valdahaz?" He turned for the fifth time when he caught sight of it. Some kind of shining blaze. He jumped back the first one missing him. "No..." He dodged it a second time bouncing off a bit of masonry. "No!" He dodged a third time. And bang he felt a wall behind him, "This..."

He knelt beside a pillar with a long bearded deep miner. The old dwarf grinng, "You remember lad...there are many dillema's in life. But many of them can be solved with a pinch of black powder." A thum! And the wall on the other side of the pillar crumbled as a charge went off.

"Stand brothers! Stand! The Urk fools come! Stand! Stand!" He lifted his two handed axe-pick high and brought it down, a perfect helm-splitter strike, that laid the ork who charged their lines low. Other leapt and fell upon others in the line, a dwarf fell under the hammer of a tall green ork. His spot taken by a broad shoulder female dwarf who then disemboweled the ork who killed the first. "Stand now!"

He stood at the mount of the mine shaft. Looking out at the bright torch light halls of Karak Karoz. His mining team walking past. He nodded to them each one stopping to slap his shoulder or shake his hand. Today the last day that Banard Kegborne spends in the team. His mentor walks up and slaps his one handed back up axe against his chest, "This, is yours to take with you young dwarf. You were a good hand. And fought proud. We're sad to see you go. But you have a brewery to get back too. I hope you'll bring some some day. I hope to taste Kegborne brew one day." The old dwarf cackled. And Banard burst out laughing. And walked out of the mine finally.

White memories, ancient old memories. He watched as another reality ring thing raged towards him, "No...no not ye..." Then it hit him and the hearty dwarf vanished.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Ramiel Wyndham

The march through the city was an eerie, somber experience. The distortions of the city and the 'other realm' so to speak showed what were likely different sides of the same coin as they marched through the abandoned streets of one of the most technologically advanced and largest cities on the continent. The experience would've likely been a lot more amazing and interesting a journey if the knowledge that they might have to fight the cities occupants didn't sour the experience.

As misfortune would have it, they did find civilians as their mission continued, an eclectic mix of what appeared to be commoners and nobles, appeared and began attacking them. An unorganized horde of men and noblemen seemingly spilled out of the woodwork to attack at them, along with a seemingly more organized group of armed 'people', still an eclectic mix of noble and common men, but with weapons marching in a semblance of a cohesive unit.

Ramiel pulled himself to the back of their squad, where his range would provide him with the most advantage, razor thin bolts of lightning streaking from his bow to pick off targets of opportunity wherever they made themselves apparent. He weaved his shots through the squad as they fought, his bolts connecting with the bodies of enemies that attempted to get around to the backs of his squadmates.

They fought for hours, though it felt longer to Ramiel. He had not necessarily gotten comfortable with the idea of fighting the former civilians of Gabaras, but he'd accepted it as a part of what they'd have to do to survive. Several of the others seemed to share his sentiments, as they collected their breath after the last crystal was put up. Though the calm wouldn't last for too long.

Something happened and their mage Maria fell over screaming, turning to react, Ramiel saw the distortions erupt and slowly but surely his squadmates began disappearing. Feeling a sense of helplessness set in, Ramiel looked for someway to escape his current predicament, but the thought barely had time to form before he too disappeared.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Patroxclus
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

A Fallen City

Chapter I

Your descent into madness began. As you were consumed by the distortions darkness covered your eyes but your body could feel a strange sensation of... everything? You were alive, dead, stabbed, being nurtured, healed by magic, loved, homesick, and everything you've felt throughout your life now in a singular and constant moment. This feeling continued until it suddenly stopped and now your body was in a constant free-fall, twisting and spinning around in a wide area-- air pushing at you as you fell.

This would go on for what felt like hours before your body suddenly stopped and the darkness that veiled your eyes was lifted. You were in a wide, white void and you stepped on what felt like nothing but it was clear you were standing. Your surroundings were expansive and if you tried to speak your voice echoed back consistently longer than it should have.

Memories were foggy, what had happened just now? If you attempted to recall who you were, your name would not be mentioned but it was certain that you could talk, walk, stand, and even bear a weapon. But the aspect of who you were was nowhere to be found-- if you dug into your memories there would blanks still images of a passing life with faces you couldn't focus on nor feelings could you familiarize with.

Were you dead? Wait who asked me that?

Suddenly a blue light escaped from your palms, one distinct memory unfolded from your mind and you clearly remember a butterfly. It was white in your memories but now it was blue, this blue light flickered and wavered against the white void even though there was no air and continued to move as if it was fighting against something. The more it stayed on your palms, the more your memories began seeping back into your mind like a painful headache.

You remember the mission, what you were supposed to do, and your life before now. A warm feeling came over you like the blue light was protecting you from something. Was it the void?

Can you hear me?

A voice called it out.

Hello? Please answer.

You answered. And then your hands would instinctively be brought out and from your palm formed a smaller being of only a few inches. It was a glowing humanoid, its skin covered in a basking blue light with wings similar to that of a dragonfly. Its features were covered in the light, it stood from your palms and hovered over them.

"Hello, Ramiel. Banard. Mavis. Wender. "

The names were said all at the same time, muddled together by the same voice of a soft tone. But you understood your name in the fray.

"Please wait a moment. The light is strong."

From the winged-figures body, its blue light began to flood the interior of the white void. It blanketed the whole entirety of your surroundings until black cracks began to form but there was no rumbling nor shaking. Eventually from this blue light, the cracks would increasingly breakaway at the void revealing darkness similar to the one that had covered your eyes. Finally when it seemed like the cracks had covered what the blue light spanned the void would break and suddenly everything disappeared and now you could feel the cold surface of stone underneath you and when you opened your eyes...

When you opened your eyes you were pelted by rain, covered in mud and tiny pieces of stone and rock. If you attempted to move and stand your body would respond weakly almost as if the strength had been sapped out of you. As you look around to take in your surroundings you were blanketed by intense darkness and a raging storm. The only source of light being a dimly lit lantern with a flame flickering within its insides. Once you regained your ability to stand you noticed that you stood up from the rubble, you were currently in the remains of some stone building and faintly in the distance from broken walls, you could also see the same manner of buildings.

The area itself was unlike anything from Gabaras, Kogani, or The Amber Groves. A majority of the material here was simply chiseled stone with exception of wood and cobblestone that laid about. There was also broken furniture, chairs, and tables giving you the impression that the ruined building you stood in was a house.

A storm above continued its roar and there were few spaces to take shelter. Small nooks and crannies from larger pieces of rubble gave some sort of protection but it wasn't enough for your unconscious party that laid about. The pink-haired girl, the dwarf, and elven man were all familiar except for a green-skinned being that also had elven features. If you were hailed from the Amber Groves mayhap the green-skinned man quelled familiarity within you but if not the person was clearly unrelated to Row C.

If you continued your glance you would notice a fairy in the collection of unconscious bodies, it was a fairy laying on top of your dwarven teammate. It wore a small dress, its wings that of a dragonfly, and also had shoulder-length blonde hair. It too was unconscious but had a striking resemblance to the winged-being from your...dream?

You were unsure of your first move, there were too many questions to be had and maybe the green-skinned stranger or the fairy that had laid atop your dwarven teammate knew. But time was ticking and the storm was raging, you need to find shelter quick.

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