Vector The Crocodile
[ - Age - ]
[ - Gender - ]
[ - Species - ]
Mobian Crocodile
[ - Appearance - ]

[ - History - ]
Vector's always been one to look after himself, originally using his brute power for mercenary work and adventuring under the Chaotix group that has seen many faces joining and leaving over the years, not limited to Knuckles the Echidna, Mighty the Armadillo, and Ray the Squirrel as people that have left Vector's group of misfits. Through everything, three individuals have persisted: Vector himself, and his two closest companions, Charmy Bee and Espio The Charmeleon. This group went forward after Vector grew tired of the adventuring shtick to form the Chaotix Detective Agency, where they hunted down belongings, people, or took on simple merc jobs to rake in the cash and live good.
Stationed within the Mobian U.Z.A, the Chaotix have been hired for countless jobs by inside and outside forces due to their surprising effectiveness, and are known to travel quite often for their work. However, while money speaks above most other things, their loyalty to Sally and their home turf is fairly obvious, as they've taken part in many jobs to ensure the safety of not just their homeland but the entirety of the world. When you need a job done, you call them. But you better have your wallet open, as they don't work for free... Most of the time.
Over the last year, Vector has been working with his companions to try and track down Doctor Eggman, with a large lack of positive results. He's taken it as a good sign that the Doc ain't anywhere around, but knew better than to assume he was gone for good, or something. The clues had to be somewhere, he just had to find them. However, Vector might not yet realize that he is too late on the matter and that there are plans going into motion without his knowing. The Chaotix' talents may be invaluable in the conflict that is to come.
[ - Personality - ]
Vector is a loud and bombastic kind of guy, always acting cool and likes to show off as the big imposing muscle man of his group. That being said, he also doesn't mind flexing his brain either, being a brilliant detective who'll solve a case once he finds pieces to pin together, displaying a very aggressive interrogation style that allows him to dig deep into individuals intimidated by him, and he has a lack of regret in playing bad cop when it's necessary, though often can keep his composure and figure things out in a surprisingly peaceful manner during an investigation. Acting as the muscle of the group also means he'll crack heads, Vector being notably the most violent of the three when things get rough.
He loves money, and has no issue pricing someone a fair amount for the work they're getting. He's a service, not a charity, and he doesn't risk his boys over a petty pay grade. That being said, Vector has a bad habit of offering freebies to women much to Charmy and Espio's dismay, and he might let the price slide if the situation is world-ending, as he can't get paid if the world is a crater anyhow. He'll make excuses, but he is actually quite heroic in the moment, and self-sacrificial for others, especially his team or younger individuals, and lashes out with extreme aggression against people who go against his own moral code.
Despite his generally good morals, Vector isn't afraid to just act in his own interest rather than helping others. He's also surprisingly rude at times, though he can be rough on close friends for their own benefit more often than not. But he's also a bit of a bully and can end up teasing close friends a little too much, potentially angering them. Vector's stubborn and admittedly reckless nature can make him a hazard at times, but that would never change the fact he's one of the best at his job.
[ - Equipment - ]
- [Headphones]
Vector uses music to calm his temper, or generally distract himself. He wouldn't be caught dead without these.
Vector's got a tendency to chew gum, but this is mostly for falling emergencies where he can float by blowing a giant gum bubble.
[Sling Rings]
A mixture of magic and technology, Sling Rings are tethers that when active, connect to one another by a trail of yellow sparkles and can be used in multiple ways to help the Chaotix group progress together as a unit or aid others. They can be pulled quite far apart and build up tension depending on the user's intent, to send the holder flying or to expand to make a longer rope.
[ - Powers, Abilities, and Skills - ]
[Immense Strength]
Vector is the muscle of the Chaotix, and isn't afraid to show it by smashing some heads. His hand-to-hand combat skills are notably honed, and he isn't afraid to smash through opposition with fists that have shattered many of Eggman's bots in the past. His bite is especially brutal, getting caught in Vector's mouth essentially being a Game Over for anyone trying to fight him in close range.
[Terrain Traversal]
Vector is a very capable swimmer and rock-climber, the former being obvious due to his species but the latter being aided by his strength and endurance. This makes him great for exploration, gaining access that would give less capable individuals a hassle.
[Investigation Talents]
Vector's an outstanding detective: He's got a keen eye for details, and surprisingly good at solving mysteries and riddles. He has the persistence of a predator hunting down it's prey through the wilderness. He's good at picking up oddities in social interactions and interrogating individuals until they spill the beans, and can put together things others might miss. His instincts are also good for predicting enemy movement, or finding lost itmes. If you want something solved, one of the best options is to seek out the Chaotix for help, as Vector refuses to give up on a job until it reaches a resolution.
[Bubble Floatation]
Vector can glide in the air with the help of bubblegum. He blows a giant bubble that allows him to slow his descent, and aid those that are also plummeting if they grab onto him. This bubble could easily pop from outside sources, but Vector himself is very capable of not letting the bubble pop due to his own error.
Team attack involving Espio and/or Charmy, where he carries them in his maw and spits them as high-speed projectiles, sending them barreling into or through their opposition fast enough that they can catch aflame.
[Breath Techniques]
Vector is capable of knocking out all but the nastiest of foes with his putrid breath, and with his destructive singing voice, he can attack with sound waves. While not commonly used, Vector is also capable of spitting fire out in the form of small fireballs to toast enemies.
[Jam Session]
Combination attack with Charmy and Espio. The trio break out into a concert and the energy of the sound generated is enough to cause physical damage to groups of enemies around them, even causing full-on robots to explode.
[ - Character Notes - ]
- Vector and the Chaotix are mostly unchanged, simply being a business to hire by the many individuals or higher authorities of the world, though their loyalties lay with Sally and the Mobians, and will not take offers to spy or betray them in any manner. Unless tricked into doing so, somehow...
- The Chaotix have been searching the globe for Doctor Eggman over the last year, in search of both a reward for bringing him in (He may or may not owe Vector money after being rescued from Neo Metal Sonic's imprisonment), and to ensure for the sake of Sally that he isn't scheming to control or destroy the planet.
- The Chaotix all share a household, which may or may not be connected directly to their office. Or it might be their office. Don't judge.
Espio The Charmeleon
[ - Age - ]
[ - Gender - ]
[ - Species - ]
Mobian Charmeleon
[ - Appearance - ]

[ - History - ]
Espio was one of the founding members of the Chaotix Detective Agency, along with Vector the Crocodile and Charmy Bee. Having worked close with them during their adventuring days, it was no wonder that he stayed when Vector gave up the big treasure hunting life to take on a detective agency instead. Vector saw a lot of potential in Espio's abilities, and while they may disagree at times, Espio respects Vector's opinion enough to be honored in working with him to make a living.
Having been taking part in the search for Eggman over the last year, Espio has been using his contacts and computer knowledge to try and scope out the land another way to find Eggman but has had no luck in the matter. His digging into the multiple powers of the world trying to see if someone had gave the Doctor sanctum has yielded no results, but he is insistent on finding the man to keep him from being able to unleash another scheme. The money would be nice too, though.
None of Espio's information networks could prepare him for what was coming, however. A ninja, like him, taken by such surprise... It's both ironic and terrifying, though they'll have time to truly worry once the Doctor's plan comes to fruition.
[ - Personality - ]
Espio is a serious individual, often more stoic and quiet than Vector or Charmy. Some would call him anti-social, which wouldn't entirely be incorrect, as he's less comfortable talking to people he doesn't know. His lighter side and snark come out when Vector is involved, and he tends to be easy on Charmy while also scolding him to try and keep the Bee in check. He is the most professional of the Chaotix and isn't afraid to act as the leader, either. When he disagrees with a plan, he speaks up, and will present what he thinks is better.
He has a firm confidence in the more mystical side of the world, showing an appreciation for the magical aspects and having faith that they can be of great use to him and those around him. He has respect for traditions and leans towards not disrespecting others, as he wishes to not be disrespected himself with his way of the ninja. Unless it's Charmy, he shows extreme irritation in being mocked, and is willing to humble those who he thinks need to be put in their place.
Despite his serious nature, Espio has some quirkiness to him. He tends to get roped into Vector and Charmy's schemes, and has a bad tendency to miss social cues, making him slightly awkward. He's generally calm but also stressed, his mind always wandering from one task to the next and never settling down for long. It'd probably be good for him if someone could teach him to relax a little, though it'd probably throw Espio off his guard and leave him a tad startled and confused.
[ - Equipment - ]
[Shuriken & Kunai]
Espio is trained in throwing both shuriken and kunai with extreme accuracy. He's also trained himself to fight with a kunai in his hand, making close combat with him much more dangerous.
[Smoke Bombs]
Smoke bombs intended to be used as an escape by the Chaotix. Espio also uses them to cause panic among a group before swooping in to take them down. A truly handy utility tool.
[Sling Rings]
A mixture of magic and technology, Sling Rings are tethers that when active, connect to one another by a trail of yellow sparkles and can be used in multiple ways to help the Chaotix group progress together as a unit or aid others. They can be pulled quite far apart and build up tension depending on the user's intent, to send the holder flying or to expand to make a longer rope.
[ - Powers, Abilities, and Skills - ]
[Ninja's Way]
Espio has speed comparable to that of Sonic and Shadow, being a fast enough foe to leave multiple after-images with his movement, and acrobatic opponent that excels in close to mid-range combat, often swooping in with his kunai or throwing them at aerial foes, or to just keep his distance from a threat. His hand-to-hand skills excel over Vector's but he's not as physically strong, but can still cause damage with powerful chops and kicks, though he tends to aim for weak spots when he can.
Espio can stick to walls, to hide himself in an unsuspecting spot or to simply climb to high places.
Espio is good at gathering information from people who don't want to disclose it. Break ins and theft of information, or spying on targets is Espio's specialty. He also has connections with people in most places, eyes and ears keeping tabs on the events of the world to keep the Chaotix informed. While Vector is good at piecing things together and pressing towards a target, Espio is good at putting the pieces on the table or providing a plan to execute.
Espio can blend into the environment to become invisible, allowing him to spy on or ambush others while they aren't expecting it. His disappearances are quick, and unless you have an extreme talent for detection, finding him is a nightmare.
[Computer Use]
Espio, surprisingly enough, has some minor hacking abilities. He isn't about to be breaking into the information centers of the U.Z.A, but he can usually break into personal computers or smaller terminals without a lot of hassle.
[Tornado Jump]
Espio runs fast enough in a circular pattern to cause a cyclone of wind that can send enemies into the air.
[Jam Session]
Combination attack with Charmy and Vector. The trio break out into a concert and the energy of the sound generated is enough to cause physical damage to groups of enemies around them, even causing full-on robots to explode.
[ - Character Notes - ]
- Espio has eyes in a lot of places, and generally always has a contact he can speak with in a major city to gather local information from. These contacts are open to anyone in Espio's presence, as long as he trusts them.
- Espio has been doing a lot of globetrotting over the last year trying to find the potential location of Eggman. He highly suspects someone is hiding him as a power play, but has zero proof of this...
Charmy The Bee
[ - Age - ]
[ - Gender - ]
[ - Species - ]
Mobian Bee
[ - Appearance - ]

[ - History - ]
Charmy is by far the youngest member of the Chaotix and is essentially Espio and Vector's baby brother. He is mainly the reason both decided to start up the Detective Agency to begin with, wanting a less dangerous environment for him to grow up in. Charmy himself is undyingly loyal to both of them and followed them into the job just to keep their unit together, seeing the two as family and not wanting to be split apart. He is somewhat saddened by the fact that the rest of the crew is no longer with them, but still likes to think they're all on good terms.
Charmy has aided Espio and Vector in attempting to locate Eggman over the last year, but has found himself angry with how he can't manage to succeed. He likes to think the Doctor is gone for good, but he isn't. The small Bee could feel it in his gut, and he'd lend as much help as he could to the effort until they come to a resolution. However, Charmy isn't prepared for the cruel realization of what is about to be brought down upon the world, his childish optimism just raring to be shattered by the plots nobody is aware of behind the scenes...
[ - Personality - ]
Charmy is an energetic little boy, and has a high-level of optimism that often allows him to keep Espio and Vector from getting into a fight, at least when he isn't messing with them himself. He's a large motivator and tries to keep confident through most situations, showing just as much bravery as his companions when it comes to protecting others or getting a job done. His joy extends to everyone around him, treating everyone as a friend, which Vector personally considers to be good for business.
While Charmy is generally a good guy, he's also got a bit of attitude, and snark to him: He doesn't take being treated as a kid well, and tends to be in over his head when it comes to proving himself. He'll sass people who give his group a hard time, or people he just considers to be wackjobs, and when agitated he isn't afraid to lash out with his stinger to put someone in their place. Charmy's coy nature can represent Espio, while his irritation bubbling is hugely influenced by Vector.
He's often very worried about the Chaotix in general, not wanting them to ever split apart again. He considers them family, and would throw himself in front of any danger to protect them, even at the cost of himself. Nobody messes with Vector and Espio when he's around, or they'll be getting more hell than a whole hornet nest could stir up!
[ - Equipment - ]
[Sling Rings]
A mixture of magic and technology, Sling Rings are tethers that when active, connect to one another by a trail of yellow sparkles and can be used in multiple ways to help the Chaotix group progress together as a unit or aid others. They can be pulled quite far apart and build up tension depending on the user's intent, to send the holder flying or to expand to make a longer rope.
[ - Powers, Abilities, and Skills - ]
[Stinger Bee]
Charmy is surprisingly strong and fairly fast, able to hold Espio and Vector as he flies through the air, and deliver a pretty solid wallop with his fists, too. This unsuspecting strength is an advantage Charmy uses to get the upper hand on his opposition at times, as he has no complaints about playing dirty to win. This includes using his stinger for nastier, dangerous attacks. Getting hit by his stinger does not feel good, and it's suggested to avoid it if possible.
[Perpetual Flight]
Charmy is almost always flying, and seems to not really get tired out by just flying around by himself. However, he does tucker out after a bit when he has to carry Vector and Espio. But with the use of his flight and strength he can be a great utility to the group.
Charmy's main talent in the Chaotix is tracking other people, having a tendency to point out things Espio and Vector both miss in an investigation due to his young and imaginative mind. He always follows a hunch, and with his flight he won't let a fleeing individual get away.
[Thunder Shoot]
Combination attack with Vector and/or Espio, where Charmy can shoot them while airborne as projectiles to knock out enemies, before pulling them back with the power of the Sling Ring.
[Jam Session]
Combination attack with Vector and Espio. The trio break out into a concert and the energy of the sound generated is enough to cause physical damage to groups of enemies around them, even causing full-on robots to explode.
[ - Character Notes - ]
- Charmy wishes he could get the old crew back together, and has a tendency to bring it up whenever he runs into any old Chaotix members. He's also probably the only guy who would try to actively hire another individual, but it's not up to him and Vector has a huge tendency of saying no.
- Charmy is eager to find Eggman, but has less faith in the mission than Vector and Espio. He has suggested for them to just wait it out and crush him once his dumb face pops back up, but the others are insistent on finding him before he has time to finalize a plan...