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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 31 min ago

Eros lifted his head slightly, his ears pricking up as he tilted his head. "You're..." He started, "Not angry?" Eros looked over towards Niccia, his eyes widening as she gave a gentle nod. Eros relaxed into Michaels' touch, a human had never touched him before.
"I would love to meet your pokemon!" Eros said excitedly, his tail wagging happily. "I've never met a Trainer before, nor have I met a trainers Pokemon!"
Niccia smiled at Eros' emotional change, she watched Michael as he spoke to the small Pokemon. Instinctively she looked over to see if Arceus noticed him. She didn't hear his footsteps or his voice, so he must have not seen him just yet.

Bia could only giggle at Diel's words, "I'm just glad you're resting now." She said as she glanced to Lytse with a small smile, "I bet he tried his best. I've never been into a Hospital. Actually, since I became a Guardian; I haven't entered any human settlements." She sighed and stretched slightly. "Anyway, I shall leave you to rest my friend. I have more Guardians to introduce Lytse to." She looked to Lytse and gave a bigger, motherly smile, "Shall we go?"

Carrish almost dodged the seismic tossed, but Bear managed to get a hold of her and she was slammed into the ground. She pulled herself off the ground, rocks and rubble slowly dropping from her shoulders as she stared towards Bear.
"Down, I went. Now you, GO UP!" She charged at him and swung at him to slam him into the air, she readied Bullet Punch for when she came into contact with Bear.

Volcano nodded to Sea's request. "Absolutely." He said as he stepped towards the hole, moving his arms as he closed his eyes. The rock on the outside of the hole started to harden, and the bottom smoothed out to a flatter surface. "Here we go." He started as he dropped his hands and opened his eyes. "Shall I round up the Pokemon while you fill it?" He asked his brother, looking around at everyone around him.

Unadrio nodded at Mindy's words, "Aye." He started, his voice barely a whisper, but it rung in Mindy's ears as if it was spoken from right beside her. "We have watched you humans change and grow. We've seen Species of Pokemon die and evolve. It has been a long life for all of us."
Manderva smiled to what her brother said. "But I am sure you have questions for us." She said softly, "I'm sorry if Unadrio is loud to you, he has trouble with the volume of his voice."
Xapher gave a big grin as Mindy spoke to the 'Sages' as he called them, he glanced down as his Guardian moved to shuffle beside him, offering a small glass of lemonade to both him and Mindy.

Gavin gave a gentle smile to Nethan as he finished speaking about what Mindy said, he was about to respond before he went on about not dating younger humans.
"I don't know if I want to date a human." Gavin said, shaking his head. "I understand how Niccia fell in love with Michael. You say he's young, but despite her proper age, Niccia is Young as well. She's mature, but she's still a baby. Sure, she's older than myself, but it's good shes with Michael." He glanced over to the two quietly, "He's good for her. I can feel it."

Lecrero breathed out slowly, "So, you're saying that the effort I put into this setting, needs more colour?" He asked in a monotone voice, Illias slunk towards Ilios as their father spoke. Was he mad? Did they anger him???

Dera smiled softly, "I've heard a Humans first Pokemon is very special to them." She said softly, "I'm assuming that is true?"
Frosiien gave a grin to Dera's words. "Our first guardians are always special to. Sometimes we end up losing them, or they can't take the stressed."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"No," Michael assured him with a smile. "We're not angry."
He laughed a little when Eros got excited and got up. "Well then, let's introduce you. The first one is there." As he stepped in the direction of his Cyndaquil, he held his hand out to Niccia so she could walk with him.
"Lytse?" he called to his Pokémon.

Lytse was about to say to Bia that he was ready when he heard Michael and he looked up. Michael hadn't forgotten about him. "Maybe later," he said to Bia. "My trainer calls me."
And he walked away, towards Michael, Niccia and the new Pokémon he had seen with them. What Pokémon was it? Maybe Michael could tell him.

When the Bullet Punch hit, Bear was thrown up, flailing his arms all the way up.
Benny chuckled when he saw that. "Are you trying to fly? Flap your arms more!
It wasn't long before Bear started to go down again and he crashed into the ground. "Heh," he said as he got up and dusted himself off. "Nice punch."

"Good idea," Sea said as he started to fill the hole with water. A pool at the party. A pool party. Not a bad idea. He chuckled to himself as he thought about it. Maybe the next time they could have more water. It was something to suggest to Arceus perhaps.
He noticed the Lapras looking at him and the look of gratitude in their eyes. That was nice to see, and he was certain other water Pokémon would enjoy it too, as his brother had said.

Mindy flinched when the voice rang in her ear, but smiled at the apology. She took the lemonade and thanked the guardian for it. "Questions? Tons, I suppose, so many I wouldn't even know where to begin." She sipped from the drink. "I can't even imagine what it's like to live for so long."
It was hard to imagine, to watch the world for eons, see things come into existance and die again. See creatures around you die when you live on. Maybe it was different for them because they were created this way, but Mindy was certain she couldn't live like that.

Nethan nodded slowly. "Yes, that does seem to be the case," he agreed. "She looks happy. That's good."
He let a silence fall between them - he didn't mind a silence and he was comfortable enough with Gavin to stand with him without speaking.

Ilios shrugged. "You have put a lot of thought and effort into the party, that's true, and it's probably true not everyone here will share our opinion - some will love a more formal setting - but some of us do like to see a bit more colour, to make it feel more like a party and less like a formal gathering. You can't please everyone of course there's nothing wrong with how it is now, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement either." He nodded his head to Sea and Volcano. "They are creating a pool."

"That's true," Andy said. "I love all my pokémon, but Benny will always be a little more special than the others. I've known him longer and he was the first to share in my victories and defeats. That creates a bond you can't easily replace."
He glanced at the platform again, where Benny kept guard. Was that Bear going into the air?

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 31 min ago

Niccia gently took Michaels hand as she looked towards where Lytse was, before she looked back to Eros with a small smile. She looked around to see if she could find any of her Pokemon; Sparky was still with Yalgai, Harry was by Saruya and Soul was quietly sitting with a few other guardians. She pursed her lips together as she gave a small shrug and a smile.
Eros followed Michael carefully, keeping himself hidden behind Niccia and Michaels legs as he knew Lecrero would see him if he stepped away from them.

Bia smiled to Lytse as he turned to speak to her, "I will be here when you wish to meet anyone else." She said calmly as she moved to lean against her tail, looking around as Soul slowly walked over to her and sat down.
"That's sweet of you to take him in." Soul said with a smile, Bia rolled her eyes.
"I'm just giving them the stuff I never got." Bia said softly, "He's just a little one. He's afraid. I just want to help him." Soul nodded and stood up, stepping over towards Niccia, Eros and Michael slowly.

Carrish looked up to Bear as she shot him up, bouncing between her two feet as she watched the Primeape slam into the ground. She only grinned at his remark before she sprinted towards him again, readying up a poison Jab, intending fully to miss. She wanted to spook him, for him to realize the poison she had flooding through her body was dangerous, that this battle could turn ugly as soon as she wished it to.

Volcano walked over to Mindy's lapras, moving to gently lift her up before slowly carrying her over to the water. "I would rather not have you hurting your underside." He said to her as he placed her into the water, looking around to try and find the other Water Pokemon. He glanced to his brother and gave a bit of a grin.
"You've done great with the pool brother." Volcano said as he looked away to spot Storm watching quietly. "And by the looks of things, Storm does as well." He said with a smile.

Xapher took the lemonade and motioned for his guardian towards where the pool was.
"Go swim my darling. You need it." He said with a smile, straightening himself up as he listened to Mindy speak to the sages.
Manderva smiled to Mindy's words, "I can imagine the amount of questions flooding through your head." She said softly, before she offered her hand to the small stool beside them. "But don't think of us as old legendary Pokemon if that makes you think easier, just talk to us as if we were humans."
The two brothers nodded in unison, but both stayed quiet as they glanced over to Sea as he made a pool, both of them grinned, knowing the Sea Princes would take to the water immediately.

Gavin let out a shaky sigh as the silence settled over the two of them, he sipped the last of his drink before he glanced to Nethan.
"Hey." He started quietly, after a long moment of silence. "How are you with your... siblings?"
As much as he knew Nethan preferred the silence, it made him awkward. And part of him wanted to know about his brothers, as Gavin only had Niccia- Well, apart from these two new 'replacements'.

Lecrero looked over to Sea and Volcano before looking back towards the Eon siblings. He gave a bit of a sigh and closed his eyes, "I will take it into consideration." He said calmly, "But next you'll be asking me to allow all of you to bring your descendants and we all know that will end up danger-" He stopped mid-sentence as he stared towards Michael and Niccia, was that a bit of white he just saw?

Dera smiled happily to Andy's words. She nodded slightly, "that is what I've heard." She said with a tilt of her head. "It is probably a different feeling when it comes to Legendaries and their Guardians. Whichever is the first one." She stated before she smiled to Frosiien, "Did you tell him about when you were first given Mitch?" She asked, Frosiien gave an embarrassed smile.
"No, I haven't told him I almost threw him off a cliff." She said with a bit of a chuckle, moving to rub the back of her neck.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"I would like you to meet someone," Michael said as he gestured to the Pokémon behind him. "This is Eros. He tries to stay out of sight a bit, but he wanted to meet you."
Lytse looked at the strange Pokémon behind Michael and then scuttled around Michael's legs so he was behind them too. "Hello," he greeted the Pokémon. "Who did you come to this party with?". It had to be one of the guardians, right?

Bear watched the poison jab hit the ground next to him. "Nice," he said, "but have I shown you this? He used Focus Energy while taking on a bodybuilder pose. His body got outlined with a blueish light as he did.
While he focussed his energy, he thought about what move he would do next.

The lapras expressed her gratitude to Volcano and happily swam around when she was lowered into the water.
Sea listened to his brother's praise and smiled slightly. "Couldn't have done it without you," he said. "We did it together."
He noticed how happy the Lapras looked and was pleased about it, but his attention was drawn to movement to the side. It wasn't a big surprise to see Manaphy approach them now the pool was here.

Mindy sat down at the stool and smiled politely. "Thank you," she said, but before she continued she looked at her Lapras and smiled. That was kind of the legendaries to do that for her.
"So, you are originals, never replaced. Does that mean the others have been?"

"We're fine," Nethan assured Gavin. "We don't always agree, but we are brothers." He looked around to see where they were and once he spotted them he gestured to get their attention. "How are you and Niccia getting along?" he asked in return.

Ilios waited for Acreus to finish his sentence and followed his gaze to see what had distracted him. The human? Or that Pokémon behind him? He frowned. While it looked familiar, it also didn't look like a Pokémon he had seen before. Was it from another region? The Pokémon he knew best were the ones that lived in the same region as his, so he didn't dare to guess where that Pokémon was from. Regardless, it seemed to have caught their father's attention, and he wasn't sure that was a good thing.

Andy turned to Frosiien. "Now that is a story I want to hear." There were different reasons why that could have happened: maybe Mitch had startled her, or maybe she didn't want a guardian, or maybe Mitch had shown some bad manners - after being on the receiving end of many glares he didn't think that was unlikely. Or could it be something else? He'd love to hear about it. "And then I can tell you how I had to run from Bear when I first met him," he added with a laugh.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 31 min ago

Eros' eyes widened at the Cyndaquil, small flecks of gold flickering through his white fur, he did an excited play bow to Lytse as his little tail wagged happily. "Hi! I'm Eros!" He jumped back up to his normal stance before he tilted his head at the question. "A guardian? I mean, yes I did. But I came here with Father!"
Niccia gave a small smile at Eros' change of expression, he was enjoying himself at least. She took a glance towards some of the other Legendaries, smiling at the two brothers of the Weather Trio seeming to get along for once. She gave a happy sigh as she returned her attention to Michael and leaned her head against his shoulder.

Carrish grinned at Bears words and watched him carefully, her cheek bubbles moving as she breathed. She bounced between her feet as she lowered herself a little bit. She knew, as a Guardian, she should stick only two the four moves to protect her Legendary. But this wasn't protecting anyone, she could use whatever she knew.
Carrish wanted to try out a move she hadn't used, as Ghost types were... Sort of looked down upon due to Darkrai. She twisted her arms in a bit of a flared flurry, she slammed her hands together and dark lightning slowly crackled from it hands.
She felt the energy slowly flood over her body as shadows suddenly pushed her hands apart as she readied a Shadow Ball.

Volcano looked to Sea with a gentle smile, "I'm more than happy to help." He said as he glanced over to where Sea looked as he spoke. "Of course." he said with a laugh, "Now where is his son hiding?" He watched as the two Gastrodon Guardians move towards the water, followed quietly by Dialga and Palkia's Guardians as well.
"Where is Lee?" Volcano looked to his brother, "I'm sure she'll be happy to save a place to swim. As long as she keeps her blades away from everyone else." He laughed as he crossed his arms.

Dera's Guardian, a Tall Empoleon, leapt into the water and dove down quickly, spinning around happily. He was quickly followed by Mesprit's Guardian, a small Piplup, who tripped and slammed directly into the water and slowly sunk down.
Koriga followed suit and slowly made her way to the water, settling in quietly before darting to help the little Piplup up off the bottom of the pool. Hoopa's guardian also joined in, well, she sat on the side of the pool and watched carefully as she floated a couple of apples around her.
Tapu Fini's guardian, a strong looking Primarina dove into the water as well, moving to spin and started to sing up some bubbles as he laid on his back. He floated along quietly before he was jabbed by a Barrascewda, who laughed and dived back into the water to be followed by the Primarina.

Manderva smiled to Mindy as she thanked her, before she listened quietly to her questions. "Never replaced." Manderva repeated with a small nod, her brothers nodded quickly in unison. "The others do occasionally get replaced." She continued slowly, her voice smooth and calm. "There aren't many like us, ones who have never been replaced. Many have been replaced due to old age, or battles between legendaries." She grimaced slightly and closed her eyes, her brothers flinching away from her as if they knew what would be coming. "Some have been... Killed by him."
Xapher gave a shudder as well, shaking his head. "Some of the mythicals," Manderva started once more, "Are rather young, Xapher being one of them. Niccia being another."
"Niccia isn't that young." Xapher said, "I think I'm the youngest here aren't I? Of course other than the Mew duo's... replacements."

Gavin chuckled softly at his replies, he wasn't surprised about the quick reply. He gave a nod at his words, before he hesitated.
"Niccia and I get along, I... Wouldn't be too surprised if she thinks I'm too overwhelming or over protective." He looked to the ground before he gave a bit of a grin. "I've been a bit harsh on Michael I think, he's a good kid. Looking for his dad mainly, and has more than enough respect for Niccia."

Lecrero clapped his hands once, and a large Bouffant move to stand beside the Ion Due quietly.
"You called sir?" Hariphro asked, before looking towards Niccia and Michael. "Ah, the child has escaped?" He said with a furrowed brow. "I will retrieve him and ensure he goes back into his cage." The large bull pokemon slowly moved off towards the two humans.
Lecrero looked back to the Twins and clasped his hands together. "I will contemplate your offer." He said, he was calm but with a hint of either anger or annoyance. "I not saying that it will happen. But I will contemplate it."
Ilias grinned at Lecrero's words. "Thank you!" She said as she jumped into the air happily, floating for a second before landing.

Frosiien gave a weak grin to Dera and Andy as the latter asked about the story.
"It's nothing too interesting." She said with a laugh, "I was just a baby, much smaller than I am now. I could barely conjure a snowstorm. I was originally given the Old Articuno's Guardian, but we didn't get along well and Arceus decided to find me something more 'of my kind' if you will."
She could feel her cheeks start to fade to a lighter shade of blue, and becoming almost purple from the blush. "I had a dream of Arceus the night before Mitch appeared. He was telling me about the new guardian yada yada. I... Pulled the dream along back to me playing in the snow." She gave a genuine laugh at the idea, "He arrived late in the afternoon the next day, I was hanging upside down in a tree. I was a dumb kid, I tried a lot to get bigger and stronger too quickly. But he suddenly appeared out of the snow below me, I got spooked, fell and tried to flap my wings to get into the air." She moved to rub the back of her neck, "And I slammed my wing into him, and caused him to tumble off and roll down the cliff."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Lytse examined Eros for a moment. Offspring of a legendary? Well, he wasn't the only one here of course. "It's nice to meet you," he squeaked. "Have you just arrived? I hadn't seen you around yet."

As his Pokémon was talking to Eros, Michael put his arm around Niccia when she rested her head against his shoulder. This was a pleasant place to be; it was filled with happiness as Pokémon who hadn't seen each other in a long time were able to get together. He noticed a large Bouffant came straight towards them; there was something about the gait that gave it a determined look. Michael turned a bit so he could face the large Bouffant directly.

Bear crossed his arms and dug his heels into the ground as Carrish readied the Shadow Ball, fully intending to block the attack. It would still do damage, of course, but he knew he was tough enough to handle it. And then he would show that Carrish an awesome move.
When it hit he got pushed back a little, but he managed to stop and grinned. Then he pulled back a fist that glowed purple, and he jumped forward to hit her with Punishment.

The KAbutops that watched over Sea approached the water and glanced at her Legendary first, but when she received a nod she entered the pool and was happy just to sit in it and watch the others swim around.

Him. Mindy was certain that was Darkrai, after having heard about how evil that legendary Pokémon was from Michael it had to be the one they were talking about, but she didn't want to say the name. At least she wouldn't have to face Darkrai, not here. But... if she'd stay with Michael and Niccia she might...
"I would love to see where you live one day," she stated.

Nathan nodded as he looked at the human accompanying Niccia; he had his arm around her and from what he had observed from a distance he seemed to be decent. He narrowed his eyes somewhat when he noticed Lecrero sent his guardian to Michael and Niccia. For what reason?

Andy grinned at the story. "I may need to get your guardians version of this story too," he said, but then he paused as he scanned the gathered human-shaped legendary Pokémon. "I'm not sure which one is Ho-oh, but Merlin reminded me that's one Pokémon I need to talk with before this party is over."

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 31 min ago

Eros almost bounced on the spot as Lytse spoke to him, he went to answer his question before he noticed the Bouffant coming towards them. "Oh no." He whispered and lowered himself to the ground, almost digging his hooves into the dirt as he felt vines coil over his hooves.

Haripho stopped in front of Niccia and Michael as they stood in front of Eros.
"Move so I can get the child back to My Lord." Haripho almost ordered, Niccia glanced back towards the smaller Pokemon and narrowed her eyes.
"Why? Is he not allowed to enjoy being around other Pokemon?" She asked, instinctively putting her hand in front of Michael as Haripho flicked his ears and narrowed his eyes in response.
"You're wanting to defy your Fathers Orders?"
"And you're just going to take him away?" Niccia almost snapped back.

Carrish grinned as Bear wasn't too harmed by her Shadow Ball, and bounced slightly when he rushed at her with Punishment. She lifted her arms up in an X shape as he hit her with the attack, feeling the ground at her feet crumble slightly as she was pushed into the earth. Once his attack finished she pushed her arms out to throw him back into the air with a yell.

Manderva gave a small smile as Mindy seemed to think before she spoke.
"If you ever travel to Sinnoh-" She started before she glanced towards Michael and Niccia as Arceus' guardian seemed to be speaking to them. "-Or if you travel with Niccia while she completes her Trials, then I'm sure you'll see where my brothers and I stay." She said softly, "I would love for you to see it, all three lakes are gorgeous." The two brothers nodded silently, both of them watching Michael and Niccia carefully.

Gavin was looking away for a moment as Nethan nodding, he took another sip of his drink. He glanced to his friend and then followed his eyeline and noticed the Bouffant. He straightened up and stepped towards the group quickly, putting his drink down safely before he made his way to Michael and Niccia, knowing that there was going to be a fight soon.
He let out a whistle for Soul, and the Absol was quickly by his side following. "Hey hey!" He called out as he tried to come to a stop, tripping on a stick and slamming face first into the grass beside Michael and Niccia.

Lecrero watched his Guardian carefully, sitting on his tall chair- Darkrai always called it his 'throne' but he never saw it as such. He almost verbally cursed at himself for thinking about his bastard of a child, he moved his attention back to his guardian and straightened up as he watched Niccia seem to be defending the brat of a hybrid.

Frosiien looked to Andy as he spoke of Ho-oh, "I can take you to-" She paused as she heard Gavin, looking over to the Bouffant and frowned at the expression on his face. She noticed the Pokemon Niccia stood in front of and glanced towards Lecrero as he watched carefully from his chair.
"Shit." She said out loud, "This isn't going to go well." She said as she grabbed Andy's arm gently to pull him along. "It was nice talking to you Dera!" She called as she darted towards the group as well.

Luna looked up from her drink towards the portal for a moment, a strong wave of worry flooded through her body. Instinctively she held Lily close to her as she looked around for Ra and their son. "Stay quiet Lily dear." She said as she slowly stood from her chair, where was that Steel Lion bastard? Whatever commotion the Humans were causing wasn't her priority, and if Arceus wanted to get into it, he was more than welcome.
"Ra!" She called out as she fanned her wings, which had hidden as her dress, out to gain a bit of air to get a better look for her husband and child.
Tarian slept in Ra's arms quietly, he squirmed as he heard his mother call for his father, but he stayed asleep.

The now closed portal seemed to spark again, starting to warp as if it was about to open. Everyone was here, why was it opening again?
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"He already replaced her," Michael said. He noticed Niccia's hand but he didn't like it she stood in front of him. Movement caught his eyes; Gavin rushed to the scene, and so did Frosiien and Andy. Other legendary Pokémon either shot curious glances in their direction, or hadn't noticed at all.
He looked back to Eros and Lytse, the latter actually standing in front of Eros.

Andy followed as Frosiien darted away, pulling him along. He didn't need long to assess the situation and he brought his fingers to his mouth. After a short whistle he gently pulled his arm free, because he didn't need Frosiien to hurry to his nephew at this point. If both Gavin and Frosiien foresaw trouble, he'd believe it.

When Andy whistled, both Bear and Benny looked up.
"Good fight, gotta go," Bear said and he jumped down the platform when Merlin passed it. The Noctowl grabbed his fur and assured a soft landing for the Primeape.
Kim also joined them and the four of them went to Andy to see what the problem was.

While Mindy saw Andy hurrying to Michael, she wasn't sure what was going on, nor did she feel she could make a difference there.
"When I ran into Michael and Niccia in Goldenrod," she said as she watched them, "I was actually on my way to the ferries in Vermillion city... I'm on my way home. I'd love to travel with them further, but I'll have to call my parents first." She smiled as she faced Manderva. "But I'll definitely visit your lakes when I can, I'd love to see them."

Lily did as her mother said and stayed quiet. With wide open eyes she looked around.
When Ra heard his wife he rose with Tarian in his arms and looked around to locate her. When he did, he walked towards her, making sure their son could resume his slumber.
As soon as he reached Luna and Lily his eyes went over both to see if everything was okay. "Problems?" he asked.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
Avatar of SporkoBug

SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 31 min ago

Haripho stomped his foot angrily towards Niccia and Michael as they seemed to stand in the way of Eros, he readied himself to step forward for a Headbash before Soul skidded in front of Niccia and Michael and summoned a barrier in front of them and pushed the Bouffant back.
"Back off Hari." he said with a rumble, swaying his tail. "Let the boy enjoy the party."
Haripho rumbled and tried to push against Souls' barrier, but was only pushed back by the Absols' power. "You dare go against your creators orders?" He rumbled loudly, the ground around him cracking slightly.

"Haripho Calm down!" Niccia said, stepping past Soul and his barrier. "Lecrero! Step off your throne and come down and talk to us, Legendary to Legendary!" She turned, challenging the God of Pokemon himself. Her ears were flattened back, focusing away from Hariphos' angered stance.
Eros quivered at everything around them, slowly stepping away from Lytse as he tried to look for a way out of this place. He bounced on his hooves slightly before he ran to hide behind Michael's legs with a shiver.

Frosiien froze as she heard Niccia speak to Arceus in such a way, Memories flooded back of the time where Arceus and Darkrai had their fight that caused him to be pushed out of the Legendary Committee. "Oh Niccia, please don't make this any worse my dear..."
Gavin grabbed Niccia's arm as he got up to her side, "Niccia what are you doing?" He hissed to her, flinching when she pulled her hand away.
"Gavin, I'm not a child anymore. Let me handle this on my own. I'm sick of Arceus' treatment towards descendants." Niccia said before she was suddenly lifted up into the air by some form of psychic attack.

Niccia was suddenly pulled towards Lecrero, who now stood up from his seat, standing taller than what he originally looked like. Shimmering shards floated around him as he pulled Niccia to his eyeline and sneered at her.
"You dare challenge me?" He hissed, tightening his grip on her, causing her to yelp slightly.
Yalgai looked up from cuddling Sparky before handing her off to her partner before she darted towards her brothers. "Boys, Dads angry." She said as she looked up towards Lecrero and Niccia. "Something's going wrong."

Carrish bounced on her feet as Bear left, moving towards the edge of the floating rock. She sighed as she watched him leave before she rolled onto her back and crossed her arms over her chest with a goofy grin on her face.
Manderva seemed to ignore what was happening between Lecrero and Niccia, listening carefully to Mindy. "That sounds like a plan." She said softly, "Looking after family is very important, even myself and my brothers look out for our children."

Luna nodded towards the portal, "Portal." She whispered to Ra, glancing back towards the drama inside with a shudder. "I fear that they are coming." Luna looked over towards Tarian carefully and sighed as she noticed he was still asleep.
The Portal warped again, sparks starting to scatter around before a large black arm suddenly shattered through the portals area. Luna bounced back and gripped onto Lily protectively as she backed into a table.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
Avatar of Loksfjoer

Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Michael crouched down when he noticed the Pokémon hid behind his legs and put his arms around the shivering Pokémon. Lytse also joined them and put a paw on him. Usually he was the one needing comfort when he was scared, and he never thought he would be the one trying to comfort someone else.
"Why are you afraid?" Michael asked him.
When he noticed Niccia was pulled towards Arceus he almost got up, but a gesture from his uncle made him stop before even starting.

Andy watched it with his arms crossed; while he was worried about Niccia, this wasn't something Michael should come between. Glancing around he noticed almost every legendary Pokémon had their eyes on the scene. A few hadn't noticed, or deliberately didn't give it any attention. But two had an unusual fascination with the portal. Did they want to leave now that Arceus was angry?
"Merlin, we can spare you from this scene," he said while nodding towards the Pokémon backing away from the portal.
The Noctowl didn't need more information and spread his wings to check out what was going on there.

Gathaar and Handeer turned to Yalgai when she joined them and Gathaar nodded. "So it seems," he said and he narrowed his eyes. "What is going on between him and Niccia?"
While he noticed the Noctowl flying away, he didn't pay attention to it and kept his eyes on the situation between Arceus and Mew.

When Ra noticed the arm, he grabbed Luna's arm with his free hand and pulled her to the side, growling softly as he did. "Can you take Tarian too?" he asked Luna. "I'm going to change back into my Pokémon form."

Merlin, who didn't even need his keen eye to see it, noticed the black arm going through the portal, and by the way they legendary Pokémon were reacting he decided it was a bad thing.
Using his Echoed Voice in the air - he didn't want to hit anyone or anything with it - he alerted Andy and the others, who all turned to look at him.

"Go on," Andy said, and Benny and Bear both left to see what Merlin wanted to warn them about. Kim stayed by Andy's side, and after watching the two others leave, she turned her attention to what was going on between Niccia and Lecrero.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 31 min ago

Eros went to speak his answer to Michael before Niccia was suddenly pulled back towards Arceus.
"That!" He squeaked, "Dad's... A bit temperamental. Especially when others argue against his rules." He felt the fear bubble through his body before he looked to Haphiro, watching the Bouffant seem to question his own morals being Arceus' guardian.
"Sir!" Haph called out, "Let her go! This isn't you!" He heard the Echoed Voice from Merlin and looked towards the Noctowl before he rallied to get some of the guardians to help by the portal.

Niccia struggled against Lecrero's grip, trying to kick her legs towards him as she moved her hands to tug at the energy that was holding her in place.
"Arceus this isn't you!" She called angrily, Lecrero narrowed his eyes and his plates spun quicker and suddenly darkened. Niccia's eyes widened as she noticed something before she reached behind her towards Soul and motioned for something.
Soul watched her and paused, he looked towards Michael and moved to nudge at his bag. "Feather. Now." He said quickly, glancing towards Lecrero every couple of seconds.

Yalgai shrugged at her brothers questions, quickly summoning her battle clothes rather her comfy formal suit. Her clothes were tighter than the suit, they looked like a dark black skinsuit; covered with small horizontal stripes of grey and red. "No idea, but this isn't good." She said as she stepped towards Arceus. "FATHER." She called out to him, catching his attention as he turned his head to look at her with narrowed eyes.
"What." Lecrero rumbled, his voice louder than before, the ground below him cracking slightly. Yalgai stepped back, genuine fear in her eyes as she readied herself.
"Oh fuck." Yalgai mumbled before she stepped back towards her brothers. "Guys, Dads darkening. Darkrai isn't anywhere around so he must have struck him when he was creating those new Legendaries."

Luna took Tarian as Ra spoke about going into his pokemon form, "You know that's dangerous! Be careful!" She called out to him before she called out for their guardians. A Gligar slowly flew over to Luna and looked to the small children, she turned and whistled towards a large Typhlosion.

The hand was slowly accompanied by another, and the portal slowly crackled open as a large, prism-black beast slowly climbed his way through.
"Brothers... Sisters... Did you not expect me to join you?" Necrozoma rumbled as he slowly stood properly, looking around before his eyes slowly settled on his siblings and their children. "Ahh, the little ones too. A perfect reunion."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Michael had his hand on Eros's head when Soul came over and asked for the feather. He quickly went to his back and pulled it from it, handing it to Soul. While he really wanted to help Niccia, there wasn't much more he could do. He hated not being able to fight for Niccia, but at least he could mean something for Eros at this point.

Gathaar and Handeer shared a glance of concern; this gathering was not going as either had expected. Even without Darkrai attending, things were going bad. If their father would turn dark...
More fellow Legendaries drew nearer as the wanted to know what was going on with their father. Some tense, as if they were ready to flee if things would get worse.

Mindy noticed something was wrong; the way some of the legendary Pokémon were reacting to Arceus, and othes to the gate. She almost jumped up, but her Decidueye was quick to stand next to her and put a wing on her shoulder.
He knew this wasn't something his trainer better not get herself involved in. Not now, at least.

The Typlosion that guarded Ra quickly joined them when he heard the whistle.
Ra had shifted into his Pokémon form and stood proudly in front of his children. He was used to fight like this, and with Necrozoma in his Pokémon form too, they were more equal this way.
"What bring you here," he growled.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 31 min ago

Eros looked up to Michael as he touched him, pressing himself into his grip before he looked over towards Soul as he came forward and asked for a 'feather'.
"I will bring this back." Soul said to Michael before he looked towards Arceus and Niccia with a bit of a huff, "You're trying your best." He looked into Michaels' eyes before he headed off towards Gathaar, Handeer and Yalgai.
"Sirs, ma'am." Soul started as he lifted up the feather, "Please return this to Michael afterwards."

Yalgai readied herself before she looked down to Soul, "Oh." She started as she lowered to take it from him quietly. "Thank you Soul, you... Didn't need to." She lifted the feather in her hands as she looked to her brothers. She gave a sigh and moved to summon her own summon item and motioned for her brothers to do the same.

Manderva stayed where she sat with her brothers, all of them couldn't do any help unless the Creation Trio needed their help; and almost instinctively Manderva grabbed Mindy and pulled her close to her. "I will protect you." She said quietly, "I promise."

Luna nodded to the guardians as she turned to join Ra, shifting her form as well to her Pokemon form with a roar. "How dare you break this peaceful reunion!" She snarled as she swayed her tail. Necrozoma would have given a smile if he had a smile, he straightened himself out as he waved his hands out almost as a greeting.
"Ah, brother, sister." He said slowly, his voice almost crackly like it was put through TV static, "Am I not invited to the legendary dinner? Am I not counted as a legendary?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

It was somewhat reassuring to hear he was trying his best, but it sucked his best wasn't good enough to do something. He glanced at his uncle, who stood with his arms crossed and kept an eye on his Pokémon. He seemed okay with not doing much more than observing.
He returned to his Cyndaquil and Eros, and sat down with him. His other Pokémon, who had realised things had gone wrong, joined him. Anthony, still young and inexperienced, decided the best thing to do was to stay close to him.
Saruya, on the other hand, turned to him and asked: "Is there anything you'd like me to do?"
"Something is going on at the gate, two Legendary Pokémon turned into their Pokémon form and uncle send his Pokémon there as well."[/i]
The Arcanine nodded and rushed to offer her assistance there.

Gathaar and Handeer followed suit and summoned their items. It looked like they'd have to fight and neither was looking forward to it.
Gathaar narrowed his eyes when he noticed Ra and Luna had transformed to their original form again; the wouldn't do that without good reason.
But if Arceus was dark and another threat came through that gate, there would have to fight.
"Necrozoma..." Handeer said as he looked in that direction. He had expected Darkrai, but Necrozoma was equally unwelcome.

"Arceus is allowed to invite who we wants," Ra growled. "Don't tell me you don't know why you weren't invited."
He noticed other Pokémon joined him, Pokémon he had seen on the party and of who he knew belonged to the Humans. He wouldn't tell them to go away. "Be careful," he instructed them.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 31 min ago

Harry followed Saruya without a second thought, he had heard everything that Michael had said and he watched Necrozoma carefully with ice coming from his mouth as he breathed out. He was ready to use his most powerful moves, whatever was about to happen, this wasn't going to be an easy fight is a fight were to happen.
Missy on the other hand had popped out of her fathers neckfur before she headed over to her trainer. "I'm here!" She proudly barked before she looked up to Arceus and Niccia and immediately darted behind Michael with a puffed tail. "What's happening? Why is that man angry?" She yelped before she poked her head out from under Michaels' arm to weakly stare towards the fight before she looked towards the Portal and her ears drooped. "Oh no, this isn't a good party..."

Yalgai hesitated as she looked to her item and looked towards her bothers, moving to summon a tendril to take them from the boys before she offered her own to the tendril. The tendril took all three items without any arguement, the black colouration of the 'container' of the objects pulsed slowly, shifting in hues of grey before it stopped. "Please have worked." Yalgai uttered under her breathe before she looked up at the sound of growling.
"Sparky!" She called out as she noticed her child standing in front of Lecrero and Niccia.
Sparky's ears were flattened and her mouth shimmered with the glitter she had gathered to attack; she heard her mother, but didn't waver, she watched Lecrero with careful eyes as she gained energy.
Yalgai narrowed her eyes before she moved to grab the new orb that had appeared from the tendril, an orb that was opalescent in colour but had a star of black and gold in the middle. "Soul?" She asked as she placed the feather against the orb and offered it to Niccia's guardian.

Soul grabbed the orb carefully and nodded, looking to the creation trio before he shuddered and headed towards the two feuding legendaries.
"This will work." Yalgai said, loud enough for her brothers to hear, she sounded unsure herself.

Necrozoma didn't pay attention to the normal Pokemon appearing around him, his gaze locked on Ra and Luna with a small glimmer in his eyes.
"Oh please," He started, stepping towards Ra almost menacingly, watching as Luna moved to stand in front of her husband. "Enlighten me brother, I'd love to hear what you have to say."
Harry lowered himself down as he readied a blizzard, he felt ice form over his fur. He knew from Dera that as he accepted the gift of his legendary, that he would gain more abilities. However, Blizzard was something he didn't know how he knew it, it wasn't somethign Dera gave him knowledge of.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Michael gave Missy a pat on the head. Now he had 4 small Pokémon with him, all in various stages of nervousness of what was happening.
"No, so stay close to me," he told the Poochyena, but it was a message for all four.
Lytse didn't need that encouragement and glanced around as he stood sat down close to Michael. Anthony settled on Michael's shoulder and his head shifted repeatedly as he tried to keep an eye on both Arceus and the gate.

"It will," Gathaar said, but he didn't sound as confident as he had wanted. Hantaar didn't even say he believed it had worked - he wanted to believe it, but he didn't want to say something he wasn't confident with.
They both watched Soul walk to Niccia and Lecrero.

Nethan had observed what was going on with Arceus and Mew, but it looked like Yalgai and her brothers already assisted there, so he decided to go to the gate. He had seen the unwelcome guest and he walked over, carefully, ready to act when needed.

"I have nothing to say to you," Ra growled back. "Why did you come?"
His muscles were tense, ready to jump into action at the first sign of his brother's attack. Why had he come to ruin this party? It had been going so well. Well, minus whatever was going on with Lecrero and Niccia.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 31 min ago

Eros put his hooves over his face as he laid on the ground near Michael, he didn't want to see what was happening between the two legendaries. He knew the wrath his father was able to dish out, and he was worried for the Mew he now held onto. Missy nodded at Michaels' words, snuggling closer into his arm before her eyes looked over to the Legendaries, her eyes slowly drifting to Soul as he seemed to make his way over to the fight with something on his head. "Soul?" She asked before she noticed the yellow Speck that was near the fight as well, Missy's fur prickled with electricity as she realized who it was. "Sparky!"

Yalgai wanted to rush after Soul to grab Sparky from the fray, but something about Soul told her he knew what he was doing. She glanced to her brothers before she breathed in slowly, she didn't know who to ask for help. She, herself, a legendary, would pray to Arceus to help in times like this... But as Arceus was something she was praying against, she didn't want to even try it.
Soul continued his movement forward, he shot a glance towards Michael before glancing to the Gate; things seemed dire, he knew he had to get this right.
He skidded to a halt beside Sparky and moved to lift her up with telekenesis before he offered her the item. "Absorb this." He ordered the small beast, who looked at him with widened eyes as her paws pressed against the orb. "Now."

Gavin noticed Nethan had headed to the gate, he didn't want to leave Niccia's side, but in this form he couldn't do anything helpful. He felt his own anger bubble before he watched as the Mewtwo replacement followed after Nethan quietly, still holding that damn egg as if it was her own. He looked back to Niccia and to Michael, moving to dart off towards the Gate before he grabbed the egg from his replacement.
"Go." He said to her, who looked at him with widened eyes before she nodded and shifted her form quickly, cracking a gem from around her neck and clasping her hand around it, quickly mega evolving into Mega Mewtwo Y. Gavin watched her as she changed and head towards the gate once more, how come... he didn't get that?

Necrozoma only grinned at Ra, he knew Ra would be ready to leap if he dared move, and then he knew that Luna would easily follow suit; Ra would be a fun target, but Luna would be safer for him...
"Oh brother," He started slowly, "I came because it's a reunion, remember?" He spoke before moving towards Ra, which caused Luna to dart towards him before Necrozoma moved and grabbed the bat legendaries neck and slammed her into the ground. "Ahh, I can't believe that was that easy." He grinned as he felt power flood down his arm slowly, white light coursing down like veins towards Luna's body, who kicked and tried to knock off her attacker.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Michael put a hand on Missy's back. "Don't go there," he told her. "They know what they are doing."
With his other hand he stroke Eros's fur; the poor thing seemed frightened by what was going on. He turned his attention on the struggle again - he wasn't paying much attention to Soul and Sparky, he wanted to see how Niccia was doing. At least she was alive, he hoped Arceus wouldn't harm her more than he already had.

The moment Necrozoma grabbed Luna and smalled her to the ground, Bear jumped up to Low Kick the arm with which he held Luna's body. He had been itching to do something and that had been a moment for action, not thinking.

Ra roared in anger and was about to attack Necrozoma when the Primape moved in with his attack. That moment of having to hold back for a split second made him reconsider his first plan and instead gathered all his light energy and releases it at once. He could hurt Luna and the Primeape with his Flash Canon, but it would weaken Necrozoma, who would get the worst of the hit if he aimed it right.

Nethan reached the scene when Ra unleashed his Flash Canon and he covered his eyes from the bright light as the attack left him. He noticed more Legendaries had turned to the gate now and approached. Surely they could handle Necrozoma together; he was just alone and they were with many.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 31 min ago

Missy relaxed at Michaels touch, she still wanted to run and save her friend, but her trainer knew better than her. Her sparking fur slowly settled down before she watched on what was happening between the two Legendaries and the two Pokemon below them.
Eros leaned into Michaels' touch, keeping his eyes on his father with worried eyes. He had seen him get angry several times, but this was something new, something more terrifying to what he had seen before. What had gotten into his father? Why was he acting so strangely?

Sparky looked at the Orb as Soul told her to absorb it, she felt a shiver flood over her body before she nodded. She moved before she threw the orb into the air and headbutted it into her gem before she landed on all fours. Soul stepped back from Sparky as he felt the energy swell through her. "Save Niccia." Soul yelled out to Sparky.
Sparky's eyes were clenched closed, energy sparked off the ground around her as her fur darkened from yellow to a burnt orange to a deep red, similar to the red on Giratina. Sparky let out a grumble of pain, moving to crouch on the ground as she held her eyes closed; she focused on staying upright as she looked to Lecrero as he held Niccia in place. His grip had tightened on Niccia and she was no longer able to fight back properly, struggling with kicking her feet but couldn't do much more.

Sparky felt her feet pull her back, her paw pads pressing and flexing in the dirt as her now deep Palkia Pink eyes stared up towards the God of Pokemon. "UNHAND HER." Sparky barked before she leapt from her spot, a spark and explosion of energy rippling down her tail in the colour of the lunar feather, before she slammed her tail into Lecrero and sent him flying back.
Niccia was released from this Psychic grip and fell to the ground, Soul quickly moving to grab her with his own psychic before she could come into contact with the ground. "I got you." He said to his legendary, who by now, was passed out.
Soul carried her over to Michael and placed her on the ground slowly, turning his head back to Sparky as she landed and collapsed; Soul moved quickly to be by her side as the energy suddenly exploded outwards and the two orbs, the shard and the feather exited her body.

Necrozoma almost laughed as the Primeape tried to strike him, he moved to pull his free hand away from Luna before she managed to kick him in the chest to push him upwards, almost as if she knew what Ra was planning. Necrozoma was about to strike back down on Luna as the Flash Cannon slammed into his body, the Ultra Beast Leader let out a pained roar and stepped away from Luna and covered his body with his hands as he absorbed most of the light once he recovered from the attack.

Luna shakily stood up, she felt where Necrozoma had injected her with the fluid he uses to combine with either Ra or herself. The arm that was pinned down was weakened and tingled, she glanced back to their children for a moment before she turned to Ra, giving a small nod before she shook off the woozy feeling that quickly flooded her body before she flapped her wings, taking to the air and closed her eyes.
Luna focused on the energy in front of her, a spark appeared in the middle of her before she shot a sudden blue beam of energy at Necrozoma as she blasted the bastard with Moongeist Beam.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

There wasn't anything Michael could do, except watch his girlfriend being in pain. He hated this helplessness, but he knew he was no match for the mighty Arceus. At least Soul knew what to do, and it seemed to work.

When Niccia was placed with him, Michael quickly moved to her side and touched her cheek. "Niccia? he asked her gently, when he suddenly noticed someone joined them. Raising his head, he noticed his uncle had joined them, who checked her heartbeat and any bodysigns that could give an indication about her health.
"Don't worry too much," he told his nephew. "She'll wake up. I just hope that blast knocked some sense into Arceus."

Harcu approached Arceus, dressed in a tight blue and black suit, his hair white as antlers. He was followed by an Alolan Ninetails. He walked past Soul and Sparty to see how Lecrero was doing.

Meanwhile, Nethan joined the others at the gate. "What are you trying to accomplish?" he said to Necrozoma. "Do you really think that everyone here can't stop you?"
More legendaries came to the gate; Netherlu and Tanter appeared alongside Nethan, Chifferi and Penalopy flew overhead, the Forces of Nature approached and so did three of the four Swords of Justice.
Their guardians were also closeby and seemed ready to strike.

The moment Luna attacked, Benny also used his Bug Buzz, unleashing purple soundwaves from his vibrating antennae. Bear got up from the ground, glaring at Necrozoma as he dusted off his fur.

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