art credit
"Welcome, citizen. To Central City. I hope you enjoyed the trip in, wheter you came by car or train, or airplane. This is the year 2217, and we sure do have a vibrant economy, a triving social life and some of the highest tech on the planet of Mars. Take a walk through Centennial Park, seeing all the cool and creative sculptures on display and enjoy the many fountains. Or walk down the beach at Navy Pier. The city is only as exciting as you make it. So come, visit the famed Central City."
You either live here or you traveled here... When your life spun on its head. In the span of 24 hours a bomb went off, the city was put under quarantine and thousands of people died...
The one's responsible for this so called Evo Bomb, the Vectors have assumed control over the city. They use the might of the subjects, twisted amalgamations with insane abilities, who are cruel, vicious and absolutely insane. But not as nearly crazy as the Vectors themselves. All but the one who calls herself the Nomad.
"But worry not, mortal. For as long as there is hope, there is a way. The Evo Bomb set forth a change in all things... Advancing them beyond what one would possibly believe. You who have survived, have gained an amazing gift. The choice is now yours: Survive, or Thrive."
This is a story about change. About a city under development. Taking place in a future era, it has elements of a post-apocalypse world. The bomb only took out a few buildings, but sent out a virus that changed the very DNA of those in the city, giving them powers. There are some, however who have no powers, called Shells.
The story takes place roughly six months after the Evo Bomb was used during New Years, and the city has all but gotten back to a new "normal"
Now... Onto the powers...
The virus changes those with a strong will. And always, gives powers based on your personality. To demonstrate I have The Nine Kings who represent this:
Lawful Moral: Orion. He is kind, but aloof, often found wandering about his area giving a helping hand to those who need it. He has Celestial Embodiment, which allows him to call down Angels and use Holy energy with the Touch of Heaven.
Lawful Neutral: Utopia. She is described as distant, calm and very tactful. She has Regeneration, which allows her to regain lost body parts and her minor power of Harbringer of Destiny gives her the ability to astral project.
Lawful Unmoral: Haven. She is cold, overbearing and vain. She cares not for those whom are under her. She is more than enough to handle a threat with her Stasis and Void's Gift.
Lawful Neutral: Utopia. She is described as distant, calm and very tactful. She has Regeneration, which allows her to regain lost body parts and her minor power of Harbringer of Destiny gives her the ability to astral project.
Lawful Unmoral: Haven. She is cold, overbearing and vain. She cares not for those whom are under her. She is more than enough to handle a threat with her Stasis and Void's Gift.
Chaotic Moral: Sol. A boisterous man with a vibrant smile who hosts the most parties. Even with the Threat of the Subjects he's got Solar Embodiment and the Curse of the Enflamed to keep him and his own from harm, most of which he causes himself.
Chaotic Neutral: The Mad Titan Mack. He is a true nihilist who gives zero fucks for most people. But for the ones he calls his own, he is a fearsome opponent with his Nihilistic Touch and Eyes of the Mad God. Besides this, he is hailed as a strong leader, and a brilliant strategist.
Chaotic Unmoral: Ah, Luna... What can be said of this Queen is that she is ever changing... Except for her desire to destroy. Twin sister of Sol, she has Lunar Embodiment and Enchantress... Beware of her web of sabatouers and spies.
Chaotic Neutral: The Mad Titan Mack. He is a true nihilist who gives zero fucks for most people. But for the ones he calls his own, he is a fearsome opponent with his Nihilistic Touch and Eyes of the Mad God. Besides this, he is hailed as a strong leader, and a brilliant strategist.
Chaotic Unmoral: Ah, Luna... What can be said of this Queen is that she is ever changing... Except for her desire to destroy. Twin sister of Sol, she has Lunar Embodiment and Enchantress... Beware of her web of sabatouers and spies.
Neutral Moral: Nomad. She is patient, kind and efficient. Easily in the top three Kings, she has Telekinesis and Telepathy. She never wanted what the Vectors did and renounced them, causing them to declare her an enemy. She loves life and refuses to take lives.
True Neutral: Only one can claim the crown of the High King. And he is Dragon. The The man who sits on his throne and judges all the others. Balance is what he represents and it is expressed in his Emperor Dragon Embodiment. This fearsome man is one of a kind, and like all dragons, he's demanding, calculative and does what he wants... And never holds back.
Nuetral Unmoral: Nexus, the swiftest man in the city. He's got the looks, the money, and the power to break people who don't do as he says. His Flashpoint and Slipstream mark him as a powerful enemy, or a useful ally.
True Neutral: Only one can claim the crown of the High King. And he is Dragon. The The man who sits on his throne and judges all the others. Balance is what he represents and it is expressed in his Emperor Dragon Embodiment. This fearsome man is one of a kind, and like all dragons, he's demanding, calculative and does what he wants... And never holds back.
Nuetral Unmoral: Nexus, the swiftest man in the city. He's got the looks, the money, and the power to break people who don't do as he says. His Flashpoint and Slipstream mark him as a powerful enemy, or a useful ally.
No godmodding. There is always something stronger than you. I'll say it right here: No Meta is stronger than the Two Kings of Creation and Nomad, the last Vector.
Keep it real. You're surviving, not living in a mansion. There will be some swearing, some mention of gore... But keep your pants on, people. Fade to black or take it to PMs.
Spatial Manipulation(only useful for self)
Blood Manipulation(Only useful for self.)
Physiology Changes: No Dragons, already got one, but go wild.
Spatial Manipulation(only useful for self)
Blood Manipulation(Only useful for self.)
Physiology Changes: No Dragons, already got one, but go wild.
Now... For the CS:
[color=][CENTER][h1][b]N A M E[/b][/h1][/CENTER]
[center][img]No anime[/img]
[sub]Your character's full name.
Their birthday [color=White][b]|[/b][/color] Their age [color=White][b]|[/b][/color] Race/Ethnicity
Martial Status [color=White][b]|[/b][/color] ♂/♀ [color=White][b]|[/b][/color] Sexuality
Their education [color=White][b]|[/b][/color] Occupation (Student, occupant, teacher, staff, etc)
Physical Profile[/sub]
[COLOR=]• [b]Height[/b] |[/color] [color=white][i]feet'inches"[/i][/color]
[COLOR=]• [b]Weight[/b] |[/color] [color=White][i]lbs, please[/i][/color]
[COLOR=]• [b]Build[/b] |[/color] [color=White][i]Their body type[/i][/color]
[COLOR=]• [b]Hair Colour[/b] |[/color] [color=White][i]What color is your character's hair[/i][/color]
[COLOR=]• [b]Eye Colour[/b] | [color=White][i]Eye color[/i][/color][/COLOR][/sub]
[/hider][CENTER][SUB]Miscellaneous Items[/sub]
[sub][b]//Every Day Carry:[/b]
[COLOR=White]• [b]Item[/b] | [i]Description[/i][/COLOR][/sub][/hider]
[/cell][cell][sub][b][u] A p p e a r a n c e D e t a i l s [/u][/b][/sub]
[color=white][indent]Give a short description of your character's appearance that isn't covered by the picture (Or describe your character in detail should you not have a faceclaim or picture).
[/cell][/row][/table][/color][color=][sub][b][u] P e r s o n a l i t y [/u][/b][/sub][/color]
[INDENT][color=white]Supply a short description of your character's personality. One or two paragraphs should do, but be as in depth as you like.[/color][/indent]
[color=][sub][b][u] C h a r a c t e r S y n o p s i s [/u][/b][/sub]
A short history of your character's life in the City.
[sub][b][u] A b i l i t i e s & S k i l l s [/u][/b][/sub]
[INDENT][COLOR=White][b][i]Superhuman Ability[/i][/b] | [i]Ability Moniker[/i]
Give a detailed description of your character's abilities.
[COLOR=White][b][i]Limitation(s)[/i][/b] | Give a detailed description of the ability's limitations.
[COLOR=White][b][i]Weakness(es)[/i][/b] | Give a detailed description of the ability's weaknesses.[/COLOR][/INDENT]
[INDENT][COLOR=White][b][i]Skill name[/i][/b] | Any notable skills your character possesses.[/COLOR]
[sub][b][u] O T H E R [/u][/b][/sub]
[color=White][indent]Any other information pertaining to the character that is not covered in the sections above.[/INDENT][/COLOR][/color]
The Districts
After the Sickness, chaos reigned throughout the Nine Districts. The City quickly divided into the Districts, laid out as a grid. Like settled with like, and the Center became the home of the Dragon and the Shells he watched over.
Aligned under King Orion, who slew Subject Gamma, Medtech is the home of Central Hospital, and Genesis. Orion regularly patrols the area, and it's deemed as the second safest District in the City.
Faction Leaders(Yes you can be one if you ask):
P e r s o n a l i t y
C h a r a c t e r S y n o p s i s
A b i l i t i e s & S k i l l s
Victus- Queen of Light
Jaxon- Jack of Light
Faction Leaders(Yes you can be one if you ask):
![]() _______________________________________________ Orion Knightley _______________________________________________ August 2nd | 59 | Caucasian _______________________________________________ Married | ♂ | Homosexual _______________________________________________ Two Masters Degrees-Philosophy/Political Science | Statesman _______________________________________________ Physical Profile ___________________________________ //Basics: • Height | 6'8" • Weight | 256 • Build | Rugged and fit • Hair Colour | Blonde with White streaks • Eye Colour | Bright glowing yellow, almost white, his sclera is an off white Miscellaneous Items ___________________________________ //Every Day Carry: • Sigil of Odin | A hammer pendant with the Helm of Awe. | A p p e a r a n c e D e t a i l s Orion is a tall broad man who's very presence brightens the room he is in. He constantly has some form of dirt on his shoes and hands from work, though his partner makes sure that he as as presentable as possible. He carries himself tall, proud of his achievements and work. He wears a set of fashioned armor that help contain his Light, else he harm those around him as his power is immense. His recent set was crafted by Nomad herself, and designed by his son. |
Orion is a bright man, a kind smile and laugh is often had around him. He is patient, steady and firm in his ideals and actions. He wields his might like a true King of Old, many jokingly calling him King Arthur. He is the reason the citizens started calling their leaders Kings and Queens, despite several of them not taking well to it.
Orion avidly fights for his people, and for others. He believes that those who have power must use it responsibly, ethically and most importantly, safely. He despises those who use their Gifts for selfish gain, those who act rashly and in anger and those who commit violence against innocents. He spares them no mercy, though will not kill unless it is a necessary measure. His people view him as just and fair, if a bit aloof. He can run cold on those who anger him, his bright glare piercing and nigh malevolent.
Orion avidly fights for his people, and for others. He believes that those who have power must use it responsibly, ethically and most importantly, safely. He despises those who use their Gifts for selfish gain, those who act rashly and in anger and those who commit violence against innocents. He spares them no mercy, though will not kill unless it is a necessary measure. His people view him as just and fair, if a bit aloof. He can run cold on those who anger him, his bright glare piercing and nigh malevolent.
C h a r a c t e r S y n o p s i s
Born and raised in the City, Orion grew up in a lower class family. His father, Peter, worked in the Docks, hauling and packing stock for the Corps. His mother, Artemesia, worked as a clerk for NovaCorp. Orion was an only child as his parents had trouble conceiving, though they adopted two more children by the time Orion turned seven.
Orion was a troublemaker, though quickly learned how to talk his way out of almost any situation. he'd regularly fight the bullies at his school, and grew to be one of the bigger kids, making the sight of him cause them to flee before a fight started. He came out to his family and friends early, at the time when his future husband, Vic, started his transition.
Vic and Orion were inseperable since childhood. Twin souls, Orion did his best to protect him from bullies and his family who refused to accept him. Orion proposed when they turned 18, and they married a year later. They conceived two children, Apollo and Andromeda, a year after their marriage.
Orion earned his degrees, doing his best to support his husband and children. He was loved by his community, moving with his family to District One where Vic was offered a position with Central Hospital to study as a doctor. Orion finished his degrees and was elected as a city official, overseeing the Humanitarian aid.
In the year 2185, Orion was elected as the city's youngest Mayor. He led the city for the maximum length of four terms, 20 years. The people loved him, and he sat at the Head of Mars Senate and on the Interplanetary Council until the EvoBomb detonated, where he was forced to quarantine along with the entire City.
Orion was a troublemaker, though quickly learned how to talk his way out of almost any situation. he'd regularly fight the bullies at his school, and grew to be one of the bigger kids, making the sight of him cause them to flee before a fight started. He came out to his family and friends early, at the time when his future husband, Vic, started his transition.
Vic and Orion were inseperable since childhood. Twin souls, Orion did his best to protect him from bullies and his family who refused to accept him. Orion proposed when they turned 18, and they married a year later. They conceived two children, Apollo and Andromeda, a year after their marriage.
Orion earned his degrees, doing his best to support his husband and children. He was loved by his community, moving with his family to District One where Vic was offered a position with Central Hospital to study as a doctor. Orion finished his degrees and was elected as a city official, overseeing the Humanitarian aid.
In the year 2185, Orion was elected as the city's youngest Mayor. He led the city for the maximum length of four terms, 20 years. The people loved him, and he sat at the Head of Mars Senate and on the Interplanetary Council until the EvoBomb detonated, where he was forced to quarantine along with the entire City.
A b i l i t i e s & S k i l l s
Light Manipulation, Celestial Body Manipulation | Lux Infinitum
Orion has the ability to freely shape and direct light, as both wave and particles. He also can create structures of starlight, called Angels and use them as he wills. His body produces and stores Light that he can call forth to use as any form of construct or even as energy blasts. He is known for the light he uses creating halos and wings behind him as he channels his power.
Limitation(s) | His range is limited to his perception, though he can affect as far as he can see. The light coming from him is constant, dimming and brightening with his mood.
Weakness(es) | The light must be contained at all times, and uncovered skin is harmful to the touch. He has to wear dampening cuffs and limiters to keep himself from harming his loved ones, which must be replaced every week.
Orion has the ability to freely shape and direct light, as both wave and particles. He also can create structures of starlight, called Angels and use them as he wills. His body produces and stores Light that he can call forth to use as any form of construct or even as energy blasts. He is known for the light he uses creating halos and wings behind him as he channels his power.
Limitation(s) | His range is limited to his perception, though he can affect as far as he can see. The light coming from him is constant, dimming and brightening with his mood.
Weakness(es) | The light must be contained at all times, and uncovered skin is harmful to the touch. He has to wear dampening cuffs and limiters to keep himself from harming his loved ones, which must be replaced every week.
Statescraft | As a politician who was well known in the City, Orion knows how to convince people with his words and actions. Many look to him for his leadership and compassion, knowing he will do all he can to bring order to the chaotic mess of the city.
Orion is the only King to have no outspoken enemies, and has the largest population.
Victus- Queen of Light
Jaxon- Jack of Light
Home to Nomad and the Tech Corps, The Labs are a cluster of buildings in the north that are dedicated to research and development of cybernetics and enhancements. Notable places are New Vanguard, The Academy of Higher Learning, Ventry Logistics and ARGE.
Faction Leader:
P e r s o n a l i t y
C h a r a c t e r S y n o p s i s
A b i l i t i e s & S k i l l s
Faction Leader:
![]() _______________________________________________ Alanya Sung _______________________________________________ March 12 | 41 | Japanese American _______________________________________________ Widowed | ♀ | Asexual _______________________________________________ Multiple Doctorates | Researcher at AGRE _______________________________________________ Physical Profile ___________________________________ //Basics: • Height | 5'4" • Weight | 128 • Build | Average • Hair Colour | Black • Eye Colour | Purple Miscellaneous Items ___________________________________ //Every Day Carry: • Nomad's Tablet | Her most used possession, as it holds her notes and research. It acts as a key to every building in The Labs. | A p p e a r a n c e D e t a i l s Nomad, while short in stature, has a very large presence. One of the Vectors, her powers actively affect her environment. This is evident in the way that the objects she's using float around her in a loose orbit. Her purple eyes are piercing and calm, no matter the situation. She generally wears her researcher's garb. |
A pacifist at heart who wishes only for the advancement of humankind as they race into the stars, Nomad is kind, patient and thoughtful. She refuses to do harm unless it is necessary and is arguably the smartest person in the entire City. She rebuked the Vectors for their use of the Evolutionary Virus she had dedicated her life to creating, as she believed that those who take it should know the risks and be able to choose for themselves. She harbors great sorrow for the twisted Subjects, and despises Vector One above all else, calling him a Tyrant and a monster.
C h a r a c t e r S y n o p s i s
Alanya Sung was born in District 8, to her parents, Jimsook and Marylin. She was a precocious child, learning everything she could get her hands on, leading to a budding polymath. Her interests turned to genetics when she learned of her father's Alzheimer's, vowing to cure the disease in her lifetime. She would succeed, earning her first Nobel Peace Prize, at the age of 23. She earned two more for her work in Molecular Biology and Genetics by age 38.
She married fellow researcher, Tau Hollis(changed to Sung since she had won a bet), and they wanted to wait for children. Alanya joined AGRE(Advanced Genetics Research and Experimentation), one of the few MegaCorps who had a foothold in Central City at age 29. Tau joined her shortly after, and together they worked on the Evolutionary Enhancement Compound(EEC[pronounced Eek]). Their work culminated on that fateful day when Vector One, Osmund Fremorrow, unleashed it upon the City. In the ensuing chaos, Alanya could not find her husband, who is presumed dead.
She married fellow researcher, Tau Hollis(changed to Sung since she had won a bet), and they wanted to wait for children. Alanya joined AGRE(Advanced Genetics Research and Experimentation), one of the few MegaCorps who had a foothold in Central City at age 29. Tau joined her shortly after, and together they worked on the Evolutionary Enhancement Compound(EEC[pronounced Eek]). Their work culminated on that fateful day when Vector One, Osmund Fremorrow, unleashed it upon the City. In the ensuing chaos, Alanya could not find her husband, who is presumed dead.
A b i l i t i e s & S k i l l s
Telekinesis/Telepathy | Fair Winds and Clear Skies
Nomad is known for her ability as a telepath and telekinesis. She can lift several thousand pounds with ease, flicking away objects with a simple gesture of her hand. To her, all minds around her are open for reading, but she mostly uses this to keep her assistants and herself updated. Few know of her true limits as she abhors fighting, but they have witnessed her repel several Subjects at once. With his Telepathy, she can twist what her opponent sees and persuade, though with her ethical code it is only in duress that she uses this.
Limitation(s) | Her telepathic influence can be countered by other telepaths and those with strong wills. Other methods of telepathic defense can be utilized to disable her, but the biggest limitation is her adamant refusal to engage in combat.
Weakness(es) | Data Unavailable
Nomad is known for her ability as a telepath and telekinesis. She can lift several thousand pounds with ease, flicking away objects with a simple gesture of her hand. To her, all minds around her are open for reading, but she mostly uses this to keep her assistants and herself updated. Few know of her true limits as she abhors fighting, but they have witnessed her repel several Subjects at once. With his Telepathy, she can twist what her opponent sees and persuade, though with her ethical code it is only in duress that she uses this.
Limitation(s) | Her telepathic influence can be countered by other telepaths and those with strong wills. Other methods of telepathic defense can be utilized to disable her, but the biggest limitation is her adamant refusal to engage in combat.
Weakness(es) | Data Unavailable
Researcher | Having developed the virus, Nomad is exceptionally skilled at profiling and analyzing others, especially their abilities and their limits.
Nomad has a noted sweet tooth and will often seek them out in times of stress.
Home to both The Foundry and Sol, Ravetown was the entertainment district, theatres, nightclubs, bars and the like were clustered here, and the area is lit up at night with vibrant neon holoscreens.
Faction Leadership:
Sol: Christopher Quinlain
Jaeger: Maximillian Quinlain
Cox: Wendy McCollough
Faction Leadership:
Sol: Christopher Quinlain
Jaeger: Maximillian Quinlain
Cox: Wendy McCollough