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Dr. Amanda Waller
Task Force X Director
"Whatever exists without my knowledge, exists without my consent."

Sarge Steel
Deputy Director & Intelligence Liaison
"The more identities a man has, the more they express the person they conceal."

Noah Kuttler aka "The Calculator"
Technical Support
"If you have any trouble sounding condescending, find an Apple user to show you how it's done."


Col. Rick Flag
Field Leader
"You gotta hit 'em to hurt 'em."

Count Vertigo
"You bureaucrats are too idiotic to understand diplomatic immunity, but smart enough to know who can get the job done."

"I play with knives. I work with a gun."

@Morden Man
Foley Artist

Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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Cole Cash Ex-Soldier and Freedom Fighter 31 Chicago
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Time I got all "chosen one-y" on somebody's ass."

Cole is a disgraced Army Ranger who was faced with a dishonorable discharge after he ended up fighting his superiors in the field, refusing orders and putting his squad in harms way to do what he thought was right. Including punching his commanding officer in the face. After the military spit him out he went back to his criminal ways, trading in pickpocketing for the art of grifting, becoming a fierce conman before his life took an even more unfortunate turn. Aliens.
The Daemonites gave him their psychic powers, making Cole a low-level telepath and telekinetic. But, more importantly it allowed him to sense them despite their shapeshifting abilities and it allowed him to mount a one man war against a unseen threat. Seven years ago, Cole Cash aka The Grifter was Interpol's most wanted for his world-wide killing spree. Including an attempteded hits on Green Arrow, Black Canary and Martian Manhunter. Cole surrendered after he killed the leader of the Daemonite invasion force, the one that had replaced his own brother, Max. He's spent five years in prison for 22 murders, no one believes that he did it to protect the planet.

A B I L I T I E S:

"The Most Dangerous Man Alive": Cole is a world-class gunslinger, demolitions expert and general military badass. There's very few things he can't figure out how to kill someone with if he so decides. The moniker 'world's most dangerous' was something he earned after the authorities that tried to stop his Alien murdering-spree ended up unsuccessful and he killed the alien that posed as a special agent with the FBI.

Conman: You can't bullshit a bullshitter, and there's few that can bullshit Cole Cash.

Psychic powers: Granted the psychic abilities of a race of evil dominators of societies seems like a bit of a burden to bear for anyone. It's not become much easier with time, especially not after Cole ended up being their most wanted and he managed to fight back the deamonite invasion with the help of some friends. Now he's stuck with being able to hear people's stray thoughts and lift small objects with his mind. He's no manhunter, but being able to sense someone's inclinations makes a standoff a lot less likely to turn to shit. The same shit that's gonna blow his psychic brains out also allows Waller to neutralize his powers whenever she or whoever's in charge at any given time to do so. A mind reader's no fun if your brain is classified.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I like Cole's story because he's a raving lunatic, or at least that's the way he ends up being percieved. He's fighting a bloody crusade against a threat only he can seem to perceive. He's classically not a villain, and frankly he's barely an anti-hero but that's because his story's rarely taken out of it's very narrow context. Cole's crusade leads to him killing senators, police chiefs and millionaires, it doesn't matter that he's right if he can't really prove it, and he'd end up in jail for that eventually. Putting him on the Suicide Squad gives him a chance to get back to his own personal roots of being a soldier and doing what he's told, and hopefully making the world a better place. Once he works off his multiple life sentences with the squad, he wishes to retire to a quiet hunting cabin in the mountains and just live as far away from anyone else and their thoughts as possible.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Weapon Caches: Cole went on a 14 month rampage across the U.S. And during which he setup multiple weapon caches inside of the country. He also used to be part of the black ops team 7, and therefor knows of their caches in areas where he did missions back in his army days. Guy'll be armed pretty much all of the time with anything from a .45 to a bazooka.

Cole has very little issue with Waller or Flag turning off his powers. He appreciates the peace and quiet. He doesn't appreciate the bomb that comes with the off-switch, though.

Cole's very excited to kill neo-nazis.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Morden Man
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C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:


Everywhere Onomatopoeia goes he leaves a trail of dead superheroes in his wake. Most recently, Onomatopoeia took his talents to Star City where he placed the city's protector Green Arrow firmly in his sights. Were it not for the intervention of Oliver Queen's extended family, Connor Hawke and Mia Dearden, Onomatopoeia's attempt on Green Arrow's life would have been successful. Instead, the superhero serial killer found himself behind bars — extradited without explanation to Belle Reve, Louisiana, where he has been presented with the opportunity to put his talents to use on behalf of the US government.

A B I L I T I E S:

Onomatopoeia is a skilled hand-to-hand fighter, an expert marksman, and appears to possess near superhuman levels of durability.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

The character has always intrigued me. Taken together, the unique way that he communicates, the aesthetic, and his near complete-anonymity contributes to making him an interesting choice for a Suicide Squad game.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

As in the comic books, Onomatopoeia will communicate exclusively through monosyllabic sound effects. So yeah, expect that I suppose. You might need to be slightly patient with me whilst I figure out exactly how to navigate having the character contribute to discussions and the like whilst staying true to that.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by webboysurf
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W E R N E R V E R T I G O M A L E 3 3 V L A T A V A
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"You beurocrats are too idiotic to understand diplomatic immunity, but smart enough to know who can get the job done."

How does one describe the rightful ruler of a nation that has been, so to speak, spiritually eradicated by an unhinged genocidal ghost? Well, according to the United States and the International Criminal Court... you would call him a war criminal who has violated the civil rights and liberties of countless individuals in a power grab to claim the former Republic of Vlatava. Werner Vertigo was once a young and eccentric tinkerer looking to reclaim his rightful property with the aid of his vertigo effect. One run in with the Green Arrow and Black Canary, and the rich playboy developed a taste for the dramatic.

Warner Vertigo became a master thief and criminal, before finding himself in a strange position doing subcontracting work for US military intelligence. There came a time when political strife in Vlatava caught the interest of the United States and "Count Vertigo" himself. Vertigo had people to save, and he saved many through the diligent extermination of any who opposed his perfectly reasonable direct lineage to the Vlatavan monarchy. The suits in US intelligence were pleased to bankroll and sponsor yet another violent coup if it weakened a hostile state. When all was said and done, Vlatava was left in ruins and Werner Vertigo took a victory lap trip to the Carribean. The Spectre was appaled by the events in Vlatava, and destroyed the entire country. It didn't take long, then, for the International Community to uncover the horrors of the Vlatavan Civil War and pin those atrocities in a single man. Werner was pissed to find the very government that helped support his efforts were now locking him up in Belle Reeve to try and keep his political affiliations under wraps. He has been given some minor plastic surgery and a new inmate name: "Cecil Zytle." They aren't fooling anyone, though... as there is only one Count Vertigo.

A B I L I T I E S:

Vertigo Effect: Due to significant modification of cochlear implants in his ears, Vertigo developed a way to use subsonic sound waves to disrupt technology and people in Vertigo's vicinity at will. He can choose what targets to effect and can determine the severity of the vertigo symptoms. As it relates to technology, attempts to target or detect Vertigo directly can be mildly disrupted to prevent a clear read on the Count.

A Duelist, through and through: Vertigo was trained from a young age in martial arts and in fencing as noble pursuits of athleticism. When he grew into a master thief and CIA asset, these skills were refined even further. Werner has a strong distate for guns or any other "uncivilized" weaponry, instead choosing to rely on his body or his fists.

Technologically Gifted: Werner, if he received the proper education and had the desire to do so, would have been a marvelous engineer. Instead, Werner has chosen to dedicate himself to the arts of creating impressive technological wonders. Being a thief and criminal, Werner learned to get his way around security and communication systems as well. Even nobility needs to learn how to roll up their sleeves and design equip.ent to do their job for them.

Magnetic / Levitating Boots: Werner's most useful invention besides his modified implants are his boots, which possess the key features of being Magnetic enough to allow him to walk along metal walls and ceilings... as well as emit a powerful subsonic frequency that can allow him to float and levitate. The batteries for this thing do require him to wear a cape to remain looking stylish while using the boots.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Count Vertigo's primary desire is to be set free at some point so he can eventually try to rebuild his family home in Vlatava. He is incredibly prideful, and sees his parent's flight from Vlatava to avoid political extermination to be a grave sin that he had to absolve. While he's not one to show it, he does feel severe guilt for what he had a hand in. He was a pawn of the rebel forces who got saddled with the responsibility for the aftermath, and Werner now has a desire to make up for what happened. At the end of the day, he wants to either die doing something heroic to clear his name in his own mind, or to eventually be able to retire into obscurity at his family estate.

Vertigo is a great fit to fill a support and utility role on the team when it comes to what he's capable of doing. As for his story, I definitely want to focus on a character arc and growth for Werner as he learns to process what he's been through and learning to let go of his pride in true service of others.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

This iteration of Werner Vertigo leans into and draws from different timeliness and iterations of Werner to create a clearer version of him that incorporates some aspects of his various incarnations. This version of Vertigo is incredibly narcissistic and is only just learning to serve a larger purpose. I've drawn from his time in Checkmate and the canon destruction of Vlatava to reconcile Werner better in the world at large in this RP, and decided to focus more on Werner being in some way technologically gifted in a way the comics gloss over..

The majority of Werner's possessions, including his various personal vehicles, have been repossessed and sold off to fund charities supporting displaced Vlatavans. This version of Count Vertigo has a strong antagonistic relationship with the "Arrow Family" at large due to his criminal activities in Star City. There is a strong possibility Werner could have a preexisting working relationship with figures like Waller as a former government asset.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:

Grifter: It's concerning to say that we have something in common. Both killers on crusades to do what is right, and hoping to retire from this life one day. Has very little honor in his work, though. I suppose that difference is comforting.

Onomatopoeia: He seems to be a lunatic in the fun yet concerning way: A trained and skilled killer, and his sound effects are somewhat amusing. If I could hold a conversation with the bastard, I imagine we could have crafted a scheme to kill the emerald archer. Would have saved me a lot of trouble. I wonder if he thinks only in sounds.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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H A R L E E N Q U I N Z E L F E M A L E 2 5 B R O O K L Y N
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"We're bad guys. It's what we do!"

Harley Quinn is still in love with the Joker and cooks up villainous schemes mostly to gain his approval. When left to her own devices her schemes are more anti-hero rather than evil, but she's very easily swayed by bad influences. On the flip side, positive influences can bring out the best in her. Harley is also more practical than most people assume, not letting her scruples get in the way of achieving a goal.

In her opinion there are few things funnier than poetic justice or irony. Though she hasn't realised it, Harley Quinn definitely has a better sense of humor than the Joker. She understands that punching up is a lot funnier than punching down.

A B I L I T I E S:

All In: Harley has an uncanny ability to pull off impossible, hare brained schemes. The gambles and risks she takes pay off more often than not. Maybe luck is just preparation meeting opportunity. Harley is good at being unpredictable and utterly confident in her abilities and plans, which leads to better results.

Olympian: Harley is very flexible, agile, and acrobatic. She can always keep her balance and do very useful, evasive, or offensive feats of athleticism. Also, really good at roller skating.

Big Whack: Harley's strikes, be it with her fists and feet or with a giant hammer or baseball bat, have a considerable amount of power behind them. A limited form of super strength that only applies to quick bursts of power.

Bouncy: Harley bounces! Much in the same way she has limited super strength, she has limited super durability, too. Something about her just makes her hard to keep down.

Resistant to Poison and Toxin: A mixture of being dunked in acid as a hazing ritual and also a benefit of her 'friendship' with Poison Ivy has made her immune system and skin resistant to acid and poison.

PhD in Psychology: Harley went to medical school and is a Psychologist. Not only is she crazy, but she's basically fully cognizant of how and why. And with enough time and conversation she can get a good read on other people's "major malfunctions" too.

Pretty Decent Shot: Better than most people, anyway!

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

I want to play Harley because there's a lot of freedom with her. She's comic relief, but also, has a lot of heart. She's a supervillain who is always driven by normally positive emotions like love, romance, companionship. And she isn't afraid to show it, she's very affectionate and very extroverted. She likes making friends, even if she isn't very good at it. It makes her good to be the glue of any team. The type of person who isn't judgemental and can pull all sorts of disparate, crazy folks together. I'd like her to get a taste for hero work and become more of a good guy now that she has some distance from the Joker. Especially since he's probably not coming to rescue her. Harley likes adventure, having a good time, and causing some chaos.

She's also from Brooklyn and has Jewish heritage which I've actually done a little bit of research into. Harley lived a very normal life until very recently, she has a good grasp of social convention. That way she can violate it properly. This way she can simultaneously be kooky, but also a straight man if the story calls for it. I also think she will get a lot of joy out of killing nazis.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

For signature gear, Quinn has her heavy wooden mallet and her roller skates. And her jester suit is resistant to damage. Other than that she won't pass up very useful things like guns and grenades. Prop and gag weapons are a must, as well, if that can be alloted for in the budget.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by GubGar
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Preston Payne Male 30 Gotham City
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"The Fever returns yet again, and without sweet Helena to calm me, I fear what I may do."

Born both hideously distorted, and astoundingly smart, Preston grew up equal parts miserable and successful. He was able to burn through school and college, and land a job at the Gotham City branch of S.T.A.R. Labs. But despite all that success, all he truly cared about was fixing his disfigurement. Believing he may hold the secrets of a cure, Preston managed to secure a visit with the second Clayface, Matt Hagen, and came away with a sample of his clay body. Preston attempted to alter the chemical makeup of the sample in order to synthesize a cure for himself, and it seemed to work, up until his body began to melt while on a date. And when he attempted to reach out for help, he ended up turning his date into a pool of protoplasm. Though it seemed to temporarily 'transfer' what Preston called the Fever to her, giving him enough time to construct himself an exoskeleton that would keep him stable even while his body liquefied. He was forced to liquefy others in order to prevent horrible flashes of pain, which lead to his sanity gradually slipping away, and eventually to him taking on the mantle of Clayface.

After an arrest and a subsequent escape, he was eventually found by the Caped Crusader while hiding in a mall after hours, believing one of the mannequins to be the only woman immune to his touch. He was apprehended, but allowed to keep the mannequin in order to pacify him. However instead of Arkham where he belonged, the Government sent him straight to Belle Reve, separating him from his 'wife', the mannequin he called Helena. Believing that it could be used as leverage to very easily coerce and manipulate the unstable Preston. After all, a man with an acid touch would be highly useful if properly controlled.

A B I L I T I E S:

Genius and Madness: Preston Payne is, admittedly, a genius scientist. His mind has been warped by madness, but he has not lost any of that intellect. It is merely buried under layers of trauma and instability. He is especially gifted in the field of biochemistry, but is capable enough in other fields to have built an exoskeleton that both keeps him alive, and enhances his strength.

The Fever: After his 'cure' went horribly wrong, Preston's body became a protoplasmic mess of melty flesh. Preston is capable of transferring this 'fever' to anything organic through touch, melting it all down into puddles. Though some with the right powers or equipment may be able to resist or survive this touch, it is typically a rule that anything organic will be melted away. It is also important to note that Preston is afflicted with horrible flashes of pain that can only be alleviated by transferring the 'fever' to others. Though these flashes of pain halted when he was isolated with his mannequin 'wife,' meaning it is quite possible that they are due to his mental state, and not a result of the flesh melting virus he has become.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Preston Payne has never stopped searching for a cure, although the cure he searches has gone from one to fix his disfigurement, to a way to reconstitute himself from a liquid mess. The only thing equal in motive is the safety and return of his 'wife' Helena. Though, his marriage with her has been unsteady as of late, and if he somehow met another woman immune to his touch, his loyalties would shift quite quickly to them.

Being easily manipulated, easily led, and having what can only be considered a great equalizer in terms of powers, Preston is the perfect fit for a shady Government-run team of expendables. And his demented and tragic spin on an alias as re-used as Clayface has always made him a personal favorite, but very underused Batman rogue in my eyes. Seeing him attempt to come to terms with his lot in life and try to mend his fractured mind would, I think, make for great storytelling.

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

This Preston Payne is lifted straight after being apprehended for the second time by the Caped Crusader, pre-Mudpack. I don't have anything against the Preston used in Mudpack, but always thought he was a lot more interesting as a tragic but dangerous villain, and not as the goon of a group of Clayfaces. Also, to address the nature of his melty touch, I absolutely do not mind any exceptions to the general rule of 'if it's organic, it'll melt.' I'm not playing him to try and cheese the roleplay and melt through whatever threat comes our way.

In terms of equipment, Preston Payne has nothing other than his specially designed Exoskeleton, which is needed for him to survive, providing life support and structure to his mostly liquid body. It has also been designed to retract from around his hands in order to free them for his melting touch. In addition, the exoskeleton is more physically powerful than any non-powered human, though not by any great margin. It is also very durable, enough to ignore lower caliber rounds outright.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by iGeorge
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L E O N A R D ''L E N N Y'' F I A S C O M A L E 29 G O T H A M C I T Y
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"A good eraser removes clues as they're being made!"

Lenny Fiasco was, once upon a time, one of the most bright and promising students at Gotham Academy, right alongside his classmate, billionaire emo orphan Bruce Wayne. Lenny wanted to make sure, above all else, that he wasn't shown up by Bruce's cerebral prowess as both young men studied criminology and Chemistry religiously through their initial school years. For Lenny, it was imperative that any and all mistakes he made were erased before they were seen. It was an obsession to him. After Bruce's expulsion from the Academy, Lenny became cocky, overconfident and a huge asshole, leading to his longtime girlfriend, Celia Smith, to dump him. After that, Lenny became depressed and laxed in his studies, seeing to the point in continuing to try. His grades began a steady decline until he was sustaining a steady C- Average. Eventually, bored of school life and believing that he had learned all that he needed to, Fiasco dropped out mid-way his third year.

Spurned and disowned by his parents, Lenny drifted aimlessly for some time, drifting in and out of criminal gangs with seemingly no identity. That was, until the coming of The Batman and Robin duo. It was at its time that Gotham's criminal element experienced a boom, with every idiot with a theme in mind trying to become the next Joker or Penguin or Scarecrow. Among the Eggheads, Condiment Kings, Polka-Dot Men, and Zebra Men, Lenny decided to take on the visage of ''The Eraser'' Using his knowledge of chemicals, he create a helmet in the shape of the ferrule of a pencil, complete with a giant, pink, Vinyl eraser, treated with a special chemical liquid that could destroy all non living matter. Dressed in a yellow, pinstriped suit and sharp, pointed shoes filled with knockout gas, Lenny used his new gimmick to commit crimes, then erase the forensic evidence in order to cover his tracks. Outsmarting the cops and even The Bat, Fiasco's future felt secure, until, blaming Bruce Wayne for the loss of Celia, convinced that she had cheated on him with the Billionaire, The Eraser brought Wayne to his hideout, a reconstruction of their old Academy's annual Ice Festival. This proved to be his undoing, as Wayne would change into his then grey and blue batsuit in secret and Bring the villain to Justice. Fiasco was deemed to be not as high a risk as the Bat's other criminals and so was placed in Blackkgate Prison. There, Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson visited him and gifted him with an Eraser, encouraging him to reform. For a while, Fiasco considered it, but, feeling insulted by the gift, refused. Two failed crime sprees later, Lenny Fiasco has become more and more embarrassed by his old non de plume. Nevertheless, Taskforce-X has need of it...

A B I L I T I E S:

The Eraser has no powers to speak of. Save for his hand-to-hand fighting skills as well as skills in criminology, grating him a keen eye for spying out evidence for him to dispose of. He also has good running legs because in Gotham, those as a necessity if you want to at least try to avoid the bat. Recently, he's taken up gymnastics and gunmanship as well. Works best with Automatics, especially Uzis.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Every iteration of Taskforce-X has some guy that's just too soft or comical to be there. The Silver Age joke villain that you know is either gonna die by the end of it, die before the mission starts, or is going to become darker and grittier if they actually manage to make it to the end. In James Gunn's new movie, that distinction belongs to Abner Krill, the Polka-Dot Man. Here it goes to The Eraser, Lenny Fisco. Another One Time villain that's made a few camos here and there, especially in the LEGO Batman Movie, but nothing major in comics.

My version of Lenny Fiasco is one that's significantly more self-aware than the rest of the Silver Age Dropouts like Egghead, Crazy Quilt, Penny Plunderer, etc. He recognizes how stupid his gimmick truly is and was at this point, looking back, and would gladly use his matter-destroying chemical in a new light. But at this point, his connection to his old gimmick is sort of symbiotic. Like he feels as if he can't survive without the yellow suit and helmet. His biggest hope is that he can somehow make himself more of a threat, retooling his ferrule helmet's compound to destroy the bodies of living beings. Hey, if Calendar Man can do it... And of that doesn't work? Maybe a stint at the vigilante life, maybe?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Aside from his garish tastes in dull yellow striped suits and thin, lanky body, The Eraser's only other distinguishing traits are his matter-destroying Eraser helmet and his pointed, weaponized shoes with the knockout gas inside the sharpened tips. Recently, Lenny has tried to update his wardrobe more by investing in a yellow leisure suit and black t-shirt combo and more inconspicuous looking shoes.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:

TBA, but it'll probably be mixed.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by IceHeart
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C Y R U S G O L D M A L E 1 5 0 ? U N K N O W N
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Born on a Monday. Born on a MONDAY!"

Solomon Grundy is a character that keeps getting reset, since every time he 'dies', he just comes back up from Slaughter Swamp in Gotham. What I want for Grundy is for him to actually try to live for once and attempt to discover his niche in the world. Grundy will start off as a pretty typical low-IQ hard hitter but the longer he 'lives' in this cycle, the more he'll start to remember things from his original life and therefore grow as a 'new' Grundy.

A B I L I T I E S:

Grundy is a zombie, a super-strength meat shield that is almost impossible to kill. Since Grundy is technically already dead he is essentially immortal so that even if he does get obliterated, he'll just revive back in Slaughter Swamp after a set amount of time, sort of like a respawn point. As they don't want Grundy to respawn the suicide bomb switch is more of a method to incapacitate Grundy until they can retrieve him, but can be used to destroy if they don't want him to fall into enemy hands.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

Solomon Grundy is usually just used these days as a big baddie to stand in a hero's way but his intelligent incarnations and rather tragic backstory are quite fascinating. A monster that has based his identity around a children's nursery rhyme because he has forgotten who he was, but what if Grundy had the chance and the intelligence to really understand himself instead of getting reset into a new Grundy with each defeat? I hope to explore who Solomon Grundy can become if he is given the chance to rediscover himself and learn how to function in society.

The obvious role for Grundy on the suicide squad is to be the vanguard and just push his way to whatever objective needs to be demolished. Also the most likely pick to tackle any super strong villain threats since he can both take a hit and dish out more. This incarnation of Grundy has decided, rather unconsciously, to stick around with the Suicide Squad to see if something different would happen. Rather than rampaging on his own, will being directed by someone else's hands for 'good' lead to Grundy taking a different path in his un-life?

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

Solomon Grundy has also been noted to have some connection to The Green, a sort of collective consciousness with plant life. He has also had the ability to manipulate wood though he will have almost no connection to it at the start, but might grow into his 'green' powers as the story progresses.

He won't be quite as 'hulking' as some of his other versions. He will still be a large, well-built zombie standing at 6'5" but not extraordinarily huge like a lot of his more recent appearances.

R E L A T I O N S H I P S:

Grundy no like weird men, but no kill cause told not to.

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