I was looking to create a game based around a japanese high school street gang. The gang itself would start off as a lower mid-tier gang in Japan that would work it's way to the top of Tokyo's underground. The game itself would include things like:
Street fights
School life
General slice of life.
I'd aim for a sort of anime vibe, some light comedy mixed in with the gangs antics.
The gang itself would have an idealistic leader type played by the GM, he'd have a lieutenant and maybe various different roles in the gang would be filled out by the cast.
I'd like to plan out a couple arcs, move the game along at a good pace to keep things exciting. A rumble between a rival gang, maybe a tournament (who doesn't love a good tournament arc) and I'm really open to suggestions. Is this something people would be interested in? If so, I'd draft up a more full plot background and get cracking.